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CORPUS OF INDO-GREEK COINS AN. LAHIRI, oa. DTT, BR, Lectura un Aeclert Estas Hustey @ Calter, Cakeruty of Ca? vit With a Foreword by PROLESSOR R. C, MAJUMDAR, o1a., Pit Dy ney TAS Forely VueCtoudts & Prfare ef Unity, Deva Ce any, anf Prvcipel, College of ded-Logy, Becarat Hots Ure enity POPDAR PUBLICATIONS 24 Raja Sant’, Rost CALCUTTA To the memory of JAMES PRINSEP PREFACE Though considorable research work has been done on tho coinago and history of tho Greek rulors of Bactria and India sinco Boyor published his Latin troatiso, Histarta Regni Graecorum Bactriani in 1738, no single yolumo contains all the necessary information suitably arranged for tho uso of tho students of carly Indian numismaticsand history. The presont work ombody- ing tho results of a thorough objective study of tho extensive numismatic records of the Indo-Greeks is expected to remove tho want, Tho book is divided into three main parts: Introduction, Catalogue of Coins, and Appendices. Tho Introduction covors claborate objective studies of almost all aspects of Indo-Greek coinage. Of considerable interest to the students of Greek iconography is the second scction (pp. 20-35) that deals with ‘Devices’, which occur on both the obverse and reverse of the coins, and consist of figuros of divine, human, and somi-human beings and of animals and objects of divine and secular association. The dopiction of royal portraits with or without a head-gear on the ono hand and tho iconographic foaturos of the Grook gods and goddesses on the othor have been elaborately discussed hero. Appondix I (pp. 195-213) giving ‘Coin-types’ in an alphbetical order will form a usoful supploment to this section. ‘The fourth section entitied “Languago, Script and Arrangement of Legends’ (pp. 38-52) will also be of considerable intcrost to tho students of linguistics and opigraphy, a3 it discusses in some detail tho forms of the Greck legends, tho modo of adoption of the various epithots by difforent rulers, and the quostion as to who amongst the Indo-Greck hings introduced tho bilingual currency by literally translating the Greek legend into Prakrit (p.39). The sub-section, “List of Rulers with their Coin-legends” (pp. 42-49) which for tho first timo gives all tho hitherto known forms of Grock and Prakrit legends found on Indo-Greck coins, shouldactually be treated as an appendix, while Appendix IV (pp. 266-262) enumerating ‘Titles and Epithets of Indo-Greck Rulers’ may bo considered as a supplement to this section. x Section V entitled ‘Monograms’ (pp 52 62)and ats two exhaustiyo supple ments in the forma of Appendix II (pp 214-233) and Appendix TIT (pp 214 258) supply almost all the necessary information for a systematic sub yechrve study of the vexed problem of Indo Greek monograms The problem of forged coms, which often mslead an unalert student of numismatics and Instory, has been dealt with m detail asa necessary and relovant topic mm tho last section (pp 62 68) Catalogue of Coms, which forms the second part 18. Corpus of almost all coms of the Greek rulers of Bactna and India, known to the suthor No pams have been spared to mabe tho Corpus uptodate and exhaustive ‘The names of rulers have not been arranged in the Corpus m chronological order, precisely because the chronology of the Indo Grochs 1s far from sottled The names are therefore, arranged alphabetically Coms of mdvi- dual hingshave been listed under their respective Attic and/or Indian weight standards, more or less, in Some chronological order, and accordmg to thei respective types and varieties and sub varieties, if any First occurs the ruler’s name together with hus or her epithet, if any, in brachots, followed by the weight standard Then 1s given a shorttype howd Ime preceded by the type number and abbreviations of the metal and shape After this, comes the description of the obverse and reverse designs m two paragraphs In the next line or paragraph occur the name of the denomination of the coms, the plate numbers of monograms seen on the Lnown specimens, their forms arranged serially, bemg allustrated mm the Monogram Plates A, B, and C at theend ofthebook The following paragraph gives the details of the known apecimens with reference to publications Necessary notes have been added whenever called for Part IT, which comes last, consists of Give appendices (1) Com types, (2) Monograms and Kings, (8) Kingsand Monograms, (4) Titles and Epithets ofIndo Greek Rulers, and (5)Problem of the Attinbutions of Coms bearmg cortam Royal names The first threo of these appendices were compiled according to the origmal schamo of tho book, while Appendix IV and Appen- dix V which embody some important matters relevant to Section IV of the Introduction and the Catalogue of Coms respectively were added later on 38 thew supplements The term ‘Indo Greek’ rulers of Bactnia (Norther wadivided India, has been used to apply to the independant Greels mm Afghamstan) and thenorth western partsof the begmmung with Diodotus I The Roman way of spelling xl has beon adopted for the Greek royal names, while tho namosof Greek deities and the royal epithots have been written in the Greek wiy Shortly after leaving the umversity about two decades ago, I started col lectmg materials for a book on the history of the Greok rulors of Bactnia andIndia Thoidea that the mass of material collected by me would makea Corpus of Indo Greek coms as well was first suggosted to me in. 1948 by Mr A Ghosh, now Director General of Archaeology in India Accordingly, a schemo for « work m two volumes was prepared, the firstto compriso o Corpus of the coins with an, objective study of thoir various aspects and tho second to embody the subjective reconstruction of the history on their basis But due to adverse circumstances, only the first volumo could bo made ready for the press about mght years ago when I had to leave Calcutta, for jouung the Government Epigraphist’s office atOatacamund Because of some typological difficulties pecuhar to tho work, as also due to my absence from Calcutta, the work of printmg was dolayed and the progress was rather slow In the meantime, on tho advico of Dr D C Sirear, thon Government Epigraplust for India, the book was thoroughly revised with considerable additions and was submitted by mo to the Calcutta University for the degree of Doctor of Literature m Ap) 1962 But, as by that timo tho mam body of the book had already boon printed off, thoro was hardly any scope to incorporate the additional matters mto the book and thus mako ituptodate I, therefore, crave the mdulgenco of my readors forall the short comings of the book, which I may rectify in a futuro odition Now, there remains for me the pleasant daty of thanlung various scholars and fnends who have sn some way or other helped me im the publication ofthebook It would not have seen the light of day but for the Lind and liberal patronage of MrH P Poddar, tho well known lover and collector of Indian coms and art troasures I am amcerely gratoful to him not only because he has mot the entiro cost of publication, but has all through encouraged and helped me m my research work At tho mitial stage of my resoarch Professor J N Banerjea, Mr H K Dob and Mr Ajit Ghosh offered mo somo valusble suggestions Later on whon the present volumo was complote, Dr Klaus Bruhn of Hamburg who was for sometimo working for hus researches 1n tho offico of tho Government Epigraphist for India at Ootacamund, entically went through the typesenpt and suggested somo improvements DeD C Sircar, now Carmichsel Profes- sor of Ancient Indisn History and Culture, Caleutta University, has put (w) Demeter oe {2) Dionysos - (or) The Dioskarol (zs) Hekate - (ous) Hekos . Gx) Herakles - (4) Hermes . (xt) Nuke, Winged -- (x1) Poseidon “ (en) Unidentified Deities {xtv) Zeus or {b) Animals, ete - Sprcrat Issves A COMMEMORATIVE OR PEDIGREE COINS B_ Victory comNns . © jowr coms . D ovexsrRvce cons . LANGUAGE ScRIPT AND ARRANGEMENT OF LEGENDS EPITHETS - ‘THE USE OF BRAHMI o ‘THE Ute OF KHAROSHITIE ALONE LIST OF RULERS WITH THEDR COIN LEGENDS ‘THE ARRANGEMENT OF LEGENDS IRREGULAR GREEK LETTERS ,, Ont rt > Moxocrans A THER mWPORTANCE wo B rARumest srUpy oF A MoNOORAI C LATER sruptes (a) Cunningham's Views (b) Gardaer's View {c) Rapson’s View... (a) Whitehead’s View (¢) Tarn’s Theory (@®) Oman’s View {g) Whitehead's Concluson (hb) Simonetta’s Study .. BD comscesrrees oF THR MONOORAMS E UBUTATIONS OF THE sTUDY OF THE MONDORAMI Forcery (uopzan} batations or Anctext Forcertra CATALOGUE OF COINS Acatnociera THeorRoros with Strato I Acathocies DmAos Asorntat Nrxaton, ANTIALCIDAS NixePuoRes Antasacis I Taxos DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN GREEK AND PRAKRIT LEOERNDS Page 29 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 35 35 35 37 38 38 39 4\ 42 42 49 51 §2 52 52 53 53 33 54 54 35 36 57 57 58 62 62 65 71 m 4 78 82 a7 Axntmuacuus IE NixepHoros eo Arotiovorus I Sorer oe Avorrovorus IT Megas Sorzr PrtOraToR, APOLLOPHANES SOTER “o Aprciresus Dixaios NIKEPROROS ++ ARTEMIDORUS ANIKETOS ” Deuetrivs F tAnxeros) eo Descevasus TL ” Drovorus (Sorer} - Drowenes Serer, “ Drovysiws Soren - Epanper NrkKEPHOROS - Evcrarmes I Mzcas - Eucrarmes II Sorzr - Evrnypenvs I (Sorer) a Eurirynenss IE a Hextocies Dixaios os Herwacus Soven - Heewarvs Sorer ano CAauiiorr + Hrrosrzatus Sorer ” Lystas ANIKETOs ” Lystas AND ANTIALCIDAS - Mexannep, I Soren ” Menanorr If Dixatos - Nretas Serer, - PANTALEON ” Peucotavs Dieatos Soren ” Prnorents ANtmeTOS “ Prato ErPHanes - Poryxenvs Cerinanzs Soren. Strato I Soter Drxasos Errruanvs Strato IT Soren Sreato II Sorer and Strato nr Pmtoparon Tewerncus EvERGETES Pe “Trmormcs Drones Automaton Zorus I Drxaros Zonus II Soren ” APPENDICES - 1, Typrs or Invo-Grezx Cons 2, Mosocraus axp Krvcs se, 3 Kincs asp Movocraa es 4, Trruzs anp Ersrirzrs or Inpe-Garex Rutzrs 5 Prostes or me Arrrmumov o7 Corms Bearmo Certart Rovar Naury Brswcrariny “ ADDITIONS AND CorRECTIONS “ INpex ee or - + Page 30 100 100 let 106 ws 110 15 16 18 is 129 131 133 1st ng 42 143 45 148 148 162 165 166 167 170 M71 172 182 18t We 183 189 193 195 214 234 256 263 269 276 279 PLATES Monograms and Symbols Plate A Monograms I 250 Plate B Monograms 151 300 Plate Monograms 301 441 and Symbols 17 Coins Plate Agathocles, Agathocles Plate IT Agathocles Plate II Amyntas Plato TV Amyntas Antialedas PhtoV Antisadas Plate VI Antunachus I, Antimachus IT Plate VIL Apollodotus I, Apollodotus IT Plate VIO Apollodotus I Plate IX Apollophanes, Archelyys Plate X Archebmus Plate KI Artemidorns, Demetnvs ¥ Plate XII Demetrius I Plato XT Demetrius TI, Diedotes (Land Ty Plate RLY Diomedes Dionysius, Epander Plate XV Epander, Eucrstades I Plate XVI Eucratides I Phlte XVM Bucratides I, Hucratides 1 Plate XVIII Buthydemus I Plate XIX Enthydemus II, Hehocles Plate XX Hehocles, Plate XXI Hermacus PlatoXXT Hermaena with Calhopo, Hippostratus Plate XXUI Hippostratus, Lysis, Lysiea with Antialodas Plate XXIV Menander I Plate RXV Menander ¥ Plate XXVI Menander J, Menander If Plato XXVII Nicus Pantaleor Peucolavs Plate XXVIII Philoxencs Plato XXIK Plato, Polyxenus, Strato E Viate XXX Serato Plate XXXI Strato 1 . Plate XXXII Strato I, Strato II Strato II Plate XXXIMG; Theophilus, Zola T, Zoius 1 ith Strate Tf, Tetephus Plato XXXIV Supplementary AEL Alu ANS. ANSMN AR. ARA Agi. Ant, AV. BM BMC BMC (Al) BMQ. c CASE CHI G1. CMB IM. IMC IMCS) GAS FASB 7. des Sav, INST JRAS K. xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Copper. The Age of Imperial Unitp—Edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalkar, Bombay, 1951. American Numismatic Society. American Numismatic Society’s Museum Notes, New York. « uA Silver. > Archaeological Reconnaissance in Afghanistan (Preliminary Report of the Indian Archacological Deligation 1956)—T. N, Ramachandran and Y, D, Sharma, 1956, : . Ariane Antiqua—H. H. Wilson, London, 1841, Gold. . British Museum. Catalogue of the Coins of the Greek and Seythic Kings of Bactria and India in the British Museem—P. Gardner, London, 1886. Catalogue of Indian Coins in the British Museum (Ancient Indio)—J. Allan, London, (936. British Museum Quarterly, London Monogram as illustrated by Cunningham in NG 1868, PI. VII or JAfC, Pl. VIE. Coins of Alexander's Successors in the East—A, Cunningham, appearing in NG 1868-70, 1872-73. Cambridge History of India, Vol. I—Cdited by E. J: Rapson, 1922. 1 City. Seaby's Coin and Midat Bulletin, London. Country. Cupro-Nickel. . Column, ’ Deity. doubtful. . . Drachm. t Epigraphia Indica. The Goinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus H1 to Antiochus II—E. T. Newell, New York, 1938. Figure. Monogram as Musirated in NC 1923, p. 313. The Greeks in Bactria and India.—W. W. Tarn, 1951. Greek Coins, Second Edition, 1955—C, Seleman. Greek. Guide to Taxila—J. Marshall, Delhi, 1936. The Indo-Greeks—A, K. Narain, London, 1957. The Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta. | Indian Museum. Catalogue of Coins in the Indian Museum, Vol. I—V, A. Smith, 1906. , Supplement to JA1C, Vol. I—by B. B. Bidyabinod, Calcutta, 1923. Journal of the Asiatic Socuty, Calcutta, ‘Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta. Gournal des Savants, Paris. Journal of the Numismatic Society of Indsa. Journal of the Royal Asiate Society, London. Monogram as illustrated in WE 1923, p 311, King. xvi hb Kharoshtht KM (MZ 1) Kabul Museum (coms from Mir Zakah as sted in TMA, pp 75-79) KM(MZ2) Kabul Muscum (coms from Mar Zakah as listed in TMA, p 96) Lorl Left (of reader) MorMon Monogram or kindred mark NC Numumnate: Chronucle and Journal of the Rayal Numtematuc Socudy, London N Gy Spinks’ Aumusmahe Cxcular, London NNM Numwmatse Notes and Monographs (of taeAmerican Nunusmatic Soacty),New York. NNMI(NSI) Numismatic Notes and Monographs, No I, Numismatic Socety of India, Bombay, 1955 NNN * Numsmane Notes and Novelties,” J4SB 1897-98--V A Smith NS Mumssmate Supplement to FASB Obv oroby Obverse P page PG Coin in the Collection of Mr H P Poddar, Calcutta PE Prinsep 4 Essays on Indian Antiquites—Echted by E Thomas, London, 1858 Pi Plate PI(C) Cunuingham Plates in NC 1868 70, 1872-73 PM Punjab Museum, Lahore PMC Catalogue of the Coms in the Puyah Museum, Lahore, Vol I-R B Whitehead, 1914 QH Qunduz Hoard, unearthed in 1948 (W Gir, 1954 May, Cols 1) Q Queen Rorr Rught (of reader) Rd Round Rect ‘Rectangular Rev orrey Reverse 5 Monogram illustrated by Alberto Simonetta in East and West, VIEL, pp 44 ff and Vol IX, pp 154i s Size (ww inches) Ss Same as sc Manuseript Catalogue of Coins in the Collection of Mr N Singha Calcutt: (ex MFC Marti) ° “ Sqr Square T Monogram as illustrated by E Thomas in PE, Vol IE Taxsla Taxile—John Marshall, 1951, 3 vols (references are to Vol IL. 2 Plates occur an Vol IID) Tdr Tetradrachm TAA nan Moneues D Afghanistan—Raoul Curiel and Dantel Schlumberger femoures De La Delegation Archeologque Francaise Ea Ai (Atenoues De a3 7 ase En Afghanstan “Tome Tp Type Ned Variety Wy Monogram as illustrated by Whitehead in PMC RSC White King Sale Catalogue, Part I, Amsterdam, 1904 Weaaght (in grains) INTRODUCTION IMPORTANCE OF THE GREEK COINS OF BACTRIA AND INDIA To the students of ancient Indian history coins and inscriptions are of great value, for, as materials for historical studies, their evidence is most trustworthy. They not only corroborate facts known from other sources, but also supply information otherwise unknown. For the history of the Greek kings who ruled in Bactria and India our information is extremely meagre, Classical writers casually referred, to a few of the earlier princes and a few events of their careers. We are told that a certain Diodotus, originally a Seleucid satrap, revolted against his overlord and made Bactria independent. We know from those authors that the son who succeeded this first independent king of Bactria was also called Diodotus and that there was a tough fight between Euthydemus, a usurper of the Bactrian throne, and the Seleucid emperor Antiochus ITT, at the close of which Euthydemus was recognized as the king of Bactria and hisson Demetrius was offered a Seleucid princess, This Demetrius, we are told, invadcd India, but was ultimately subdued by another military usurper, Eucratides, who in his turn invaded India and was killed on the way of his victorious return therefrom, This is practically all that the classical writers tell us. We have, of course, two inscriptions that refer to two Greek princes of India, viz. Menander I, mentioned in the Bajaur inscription and Antialcidas, king of Taxila, referred to in the Besnagar Pillar epigraph. References to the Greeks in Indian literature are not only casual and general, but in almost all cases vague, They add very little to our knowledge of the Indo-Greck period beyond the facts that the 2 Importance of Greek Coins Yavanas (Greeks) once exploited Madhyamika, Mathura, Saketa and Pafichala, and even came to Pataliputra and besieged it for some time, put were ultimately forced to leave the Madhyadega due to a terrible war started in their own country. We are also told that the horse of Pushyamitra’s Afvamedha-pajiia, while roaming on the banksof the Sindhu, was captured by the Yavanas, but was ultimately brought back by Vasumitra, who drove the Yavanas away. Beyond this there is practi- cally not much useful information about the Greeks in the literature of ancient India. Yet the Greeks conquered India and at least forty- two of their princes ruled over parts of north-western India for a considerable period of time. All this information we derive from the evidence of coins. Fortunately for us, hundreds of coins bearing the names of forty-two Greek sovereigns have come to light. These are our only evidence regarding their existence and rule. Apart from revealing the otherwise lost names of so many Greek princes, these innumerable coins, housed in various museums and private cabinets all the world aver, provide us with many an interesting information. These coins mirror events that would otherwise-remain unknown to us. We often get a glimpse of various aspects of the life lived by those virtually isolated Greek princes of the farthest East. Their monetary system is almost thoroughly known to us. We see their portraits on these coins and get a fair idea of their bearings and different stages of manhood as well as dress, We see the deities that they worshipped, and mark their iconographical peculiarities. We know from their legends which language those Greek princes used in their Indian courts. In fine, this interesting series of coins reveals also & good deal of information, both political and administrative. Certain common features, types and monograms help us in recon- structing the history of many of these Greek rulers and give us a ose to their chronology. Gardner, the author of the British Museum Cees he Eee cmiavers thought otherwise, “Any attemapt finally which they use is dest ea ‘oh ee by eee F'the types and legends tried in this connection t Oe van was his verdict of despair. He Kings is no proof of thei rlatio that identity of types between toro eit relation to one another, nor is divergence of Introduction 3 types any proof that they were not related” (BAC, p. xxxv). But with the progress of time, specially with the discovery of innumerable interesting coins and their prolonged scientific study, modern scholars have been able to reconstruct to some extent the history of these hings and to arrange them in some sort ofa dynastic order, Students of these Greek coins of Bactria and India do not now share the despair that beset Gardner seventy-four years ago. We can piously hope that, with the progress of research on these coins, we shall not only know more about the political and administra- tive conditions of this dark period of Indian history, but also have a fairer idea of its socio-religious conditions. The contribution of the Greeks towards the political, economic and artistic thoughts of ancient India was certainly not small. We should make an attempt to now its precise extent and nature. The Indo-Greck coins have already proved helpful in the ficld of palaecography. For, it must not be forgotten that the bilingual coins of the Indo-Greck princes have provided us with the Rosetta-stone for the decipherment of the Kharoshtht alphabet, which the great ASokahad catlier employed for recording two of his edicts. James Prinsep, the father of Indian palacography and numismatics, unravelled the mystery of the Kharoshthi alphabet only with the help of the bilingual Indo-Greek coins, Thus, so far as the reconstruction of the political, social and cultural history of the Greek kingdoms in Indiaisconcerned, the importance of these Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek coins cannot be over-estimated. HISTORY OF THE STUDY OF GREEK COINS The history of the study of the Greck coins of Bactria and India was first narrated in English by Professor H. H. Wilson in the Numismatic Journal (London) in 1838. Later on he elaborated it in his cpoch- making book, Ariana Antiqua, sponsored by the Last India Company and published in London in 18#1. A tetradrachm of Eucratidesof the types of “Helmeted bust of King and Mounted Dioskuroi” as well as a coin of Menander I (wrongly attributed to 2 “Theodotus”)} formed the corner-stone of Theophilus Bayer's Latin work Historia Regni Greecorum Bactrianit, which was 4 Study of Greek Comms published in St Petersburg as early as 1738 Bayer not only illustrated the com of Eucratides, but tried to connect it, for the first time, with the Eucratides of Bactria, about whom some writers of classical antiquity had preserved a brief record “Something later in the course of the same century, a gold coin published by the celebrated numismaust Pellerin, confirmed the existence of another Bactrian monarch mentioned by Greek writers, Euthydemus” (dn Ant, p 3) In 1799 was discovered a con of Hehocics whom M Muonnet placed amongst the kings of Bactria These coins were described later m the numismatic publications of Mionnet in 1811 and of Viscontrin 1814 Other specimens of them, however, were sparingly multiphed in Europe through Russia and Persia In 1822 another king, Antimachus Theos, was added to the lst by Kohler, who again in the next year published the description of a tetradrachm of Demetrius procured from Bokhara by the Russian Ambassador Count Meyendorff, along with some barbarous tetra drachms and small coms of Eucratides With the publication by Col Tod in the first volume of the Transac- tions of the Royal Asvatie Soctety (1 824) of two bilingual coins of Menander and Apollodotus a great deal of interest was aroused amongst scholars of Europe These coins, for the first tme, confirmed the account of the author of the Penplus Of the Exythrean Sea, m whose time {circa Ist century aD ) coms of Menander and Apollodotus were circulating in the port ofBarygaza_Tod’sarticle enkindled keen interest in Augustus Wathelm von Schlegel, who wrote an interesting paper on T'od’s coms in the Journal Astalique, November, 1828 Dupheates (one each) of the coms of Eucratides and Helocles acquired by the British Museum through R P Knight were published in 18301n a descriptive catalogue o! The at f the museum’s collection Introduction 5 from Manikyala, Karna} and other places by General Ventura, Lieut. Burnes and Dr Swiney. Some of the coins of Gen. Ventura were dis- cusssed by M, Reinaud and M. Saint-Martin in the Journal Asiatique, March, 1832. In India, again, many of these coins were published by James Prinsep in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1833, and the publication soon started a spirited enquiry about them. Charles Masson, an Englishman resident in Kabul, collected mainly from Begram and nearby places a large number of such coins and pub- lished on them a detailed memoir in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, April, 1836 with 6 plates. James Prinsep’s enquiries received further impetus from these and other coins that he received for publication in the same journal. By following up a clue from Masson regarding the Indian transcripts of the Greek names of Menander, Apollodotus and Hermaeus as well as the Indian equivalents of the Greek titles BAZZTABQZ and SQTHPOS, Prinsep successfully recognized no less than J6 out of 33 Kharoshthi letters, including three initial and two medial vowels’. By the time Masson published his second memoir on the Graeco- Bactrian, Indo-Greek and later coins in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (1836), & sort of sensation had already been created in the academic circles of London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Gottingen and Bonn, The celebrated French academician, Raoul Rochette, was the first in Europe to make a special study of these coins. He made the best use of all numismatic materials that reached Lurope through Russia and, discussed them in the Joumal des Savants, 1834. Rochette’s second article in the same journal (1834) dealt with coins collected by Dr Martin Honigberger, a German from Vienna, who had widely travelled in places near Afghanistan. A rich crop of such coins collected on the spot by three Frenchmen in the service of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, viz. Gen. Ventura, Gen. Allard and M. Court, was subsequently published by Rochette in 1836, 1838 and 1839 in the Journal des Savants. Other notable journals of Europe did not lag behind the two celebrated journals of Calcutta and Paris. In the Gottingen Anzeigen 1 Christian Lassen also independently determined the value of some of the Khatoabthi letters almost simultancously with Prinsep. The credht of deciphering the rest of these letters, ‘bowever, goes mainly to A. Cunningham, E. Norris and J. Dowson. 6 Study of Greek Goins of 1835 and 1838 were published detailed accounts of these coms by K.O Muller. M Jacquet wrote a series of articles m the journal Asangue between 1836 and 1839 Mionnet’s 8th Supplement to lus book, Desenption de médarlles grecques ef romarnes, published in 1837 dealt with some Graeco-Bactrian coins, chiefly of the Trench Imperial Collection As already noted, Wilson published in the Numts- matic Journal (1838) of London a good many of these coins along with a detaried history of the study of Gracco-Bactrian and Inde Greek pumismatics But the most remarkable book on the subject was Chnistian Lassen’s Zur Geschichte der Gnechischen Komge tn Baktrien, Kabul und Indien durch Enterfferung der Altindischen Legenden auf thren Munzen (Bonn, 1838), which was within a short tame translated by Dr Roer and published in the Journal of the Anat Soctety of Bengal, 1840, In 1839 M Longpener published in the Revue Numesmatgue some coms fram M Court’s collection. The next year GC Grotefend’s book, Dee Munzen der Grechischen, Parthschen und Indo-Skythischen Kéntge von Baktnen und den landern am Indus appeared from Hanover. Wilson’s remarkable book, Arana Antiqua was published in 1841. H TY. Prnsep, a brother of James Prinscp, mide full use of the latter’s researches in his book, Historical Results deducible from recent discovertes tn Afghanistan (1844) James Prinsep’s Essays on Indian Antigut- fies was critically edited, supplemented and published by E Thomas in two volumes in 1858 Thomas also wrote some interesting articles 10 the Numismatic Chroncle, In the meantime, however, had appeared since 1840 a few artreles by Alexander Cunningham on counterfeit Bactrian coms as well as on fhe decipherment of some of the remaining Kharoshthi letters, winch Pnnsep did not survive to decipher. Cunningham’s ingemous studies on the monograms on Bactrian and Indian coins of the Greek rulers appeared in the Numismatic Chronicle, Vol VIII But his most comprehensive studies were the series of papers entitled Coms of Alexan- der’s Successors 1n the East, which appeared 1n the same journal in the years 1868-1870, 1872 and 1873 Lapse of time, subsequent discoveries of coms ond researches bascd on them have made much of Cunning- ee studies out of date, “but these essays,” as aptly pointed out by 5 remain the only full accounts of the Indo-Greck Introduction y series of coins, and are remarkable testimony to the knowledge and ingenuity of their author” (PAC, p. 4). A notable German contribution on Indo-Greek numismatics was a series of papers entitled Nachfolger Alexanders des Grossen in Baktrien und Indien, written by Alfred von Sallet and published in the Zeii- schrift fur Numismatik between 1879 and 1883. The first scientific catalogue of the British Muscum coins of the Graeco-Bactrfan and Indo-Greek rulers as well as their foreign succes- sors in India was published by Prof. P. Gardner in 1886, The British Museum possessing the most representative collection of such coins, Gardner’s catalogue has always been a source-book of undiminished value. The first part (1904) of the Sale Catalogue of coins acquired by Sir Lucas White King contained descriptions and illustrations ofa good number of highly interesting coins of the Greck Kings of Bactria and India. In 1906 was published V. A. Smith’s Catalogue of Coins of the Indian Museum, Calcutta,in which were included the coins ofour period, acquir- ed by the Indian Museum as well as the Asiatic Society of Bengal. H. G. Rawlinson’s Bactria, being the Hare University Prize Essay for 1908, came out in 1909. It narrated in a scholarly way the history of the Greck rule in Bactria and India, Prof. E. J. Rapson contributed some interesting papers in the mean- time. His series of articles entitled “Notes on Indian Coins and Seals" (FRAS, 1900-1905), dealt with some important Indo-Greek coins. He also published in the Numismatic Ghrontele (1904) some small coins, the most important of which are the unique obols of Pantalcon and Euthydemus IT. His paper in the Corolla Numismatica (1906) on the coins of Agathocleia and the two Stratos, proved conclusively the relation between India's first coin-issuing queen and Strato I. Since 1910, however, Dr R. B. Whitehead has been dominating the field of studies in Indo-Greek numismatics. His first paper, “Some Rare Indo-Greeck and Scythian Coins,” describing several new and interesting types, was modelled on Smith’s ‘Numismatic Notes and Novelties” (7ASB, 1897-98), and was published in the Numismatic Supplement XIV, FASB, 1910, Whitehead’s Punjab Museurs 8 Study of Greek Coins Catalogue of Indo Greek Coins, 1914, has revealed much newer material on the subject His booklet (1922) on India’s pre-Mohammedan coinage, published as No 13 of the Vumesmatie Notes and Monographs series of the American Numismatic Society, as also interesting, as it, amongst others, deals briefly but critically with the coms of this Period But the most remarkable 1s the series of his papers entitled, Notes on Indo Greek Numsmanes, describing umique and interesting types of coms acquired by the British Museum and other official and private cabinets These Papers appeared in the Mumesmatte Chronicle mn 1923, 1940, 1947 and 1950 Presented for the first time a somewhat plausible chronology of the Greek rulers of Bactna and India Several articles on the coms of Graeco Bactrian and Indo-Greek Tulets have also appeared in different numbers of the Journal of the Numsmane Socrety of India since 1939 The two interesting articles recently published in Wumaemahe Chromele areGen H L Haughton s “A Note on the Distnbution of Indo Greek Coins” (Wo 1943) and Dr A D Ef Bivar’s “Comms of Euthydemus and Demetuaus of the Bactra Mint” (WC 1951) Buvar’s researches have considerably added to our knowledge of the coinage and history of the Greek nilers of Bactria and India He has done a great service to the students of these coins by publishing two reports (in Spink’s Numismatic Circular, May 1953 and May 1954 and later onin INSEL, AVL, pp 37 52) about the discovery of a great hoard of at least 5 Attic double decadtachms (about 1300 8rams each) and 605 Attic tetradrachms from “a place halfway between Qunduz and Khanabad inN Afghanistan » These cox ns have since be, by the Kabul Museum on Sequired by The rmportance of the great Qunduz hoard? mated as it includes 17 new and histon, 7 Indo Greek kings, Bee author s article “Importance of the end , In gasye ite (tay toe Qunduz Hoard of Attic ‘Fetradrachms Introduction 9 in an improvised light-weight Indian standard. All Greek Kings of Bactria except Pantaleon are also represented in the hoard by at least 589 tetradrachms showing (besides some highly interesting novelties) a good many types and varieties of coins hitherto known from unique or rare specimens. The French ‘Archaeological Mission working in Afghanistan has brought to light a very large number of Graeco-Bactrian and Indo- Greek coins along with others, mostly found at Mir Zakah, a village forty miles south-east of Kabul. These coins have been dealt with in the second section (Le Trésor de Mir Zakah prés de Gardéz) of the book entitled Trésors Monétaires d’ Afghanistan by Raoul Curicl and Daniel Schlumberger (Afémoires de la Délégation Arckéologique Frangaise en Afghanistan, Tome XIV), Paris, 1953. The authors of the above French book have listed the coins of the main hoard between pp. 75 and 79 comprising the collections of the Kabul Museum, of §.A.R. Shah Mohmoud Khan, Prime Minister, and of M. Marc Le Berre, the architect of the French delegation. In an appendix, p. 96, they have also listed another hoard of coins, un- earthed at Mir Zahah between June 27 and July 5, 1948. In three foot-notes, pp. 71-72, they have given us the details of the coinsin the collections of M. J.-M. Casal, Dr J. Sénécal and M. K. A. Gai. The source of many of the coins in these private collections is believed to be Mir Zakah, though they were procured from the bazars of Kabul, Gardéz and Peshawar. An Indian Archaeological Delegation led by Mr T. N. Ramachan- don, the then Joint Director-General of Archocology reached Kabul in May, 1956 and visited almost all the important sites and museums of Afghanistan in two and a half months’ time. The Delegation’s pre- liminary report provides us with a good deal of information regarding the coins of our period, as housed in different Afghan muscums. Be- sides the Kabul Museum collection of coins secured mainly from the Qunduz and the Mir Zakah hoards, we get somewhat detailed lists of Indo-Greek coins belonging to the museums of Kandahar, Herat and Mazar-i-Sharif. The Delegation has also brought for study a large number of photographs of coins from the collections of various museums. The results, when published, will surely enrich our 10 Art and Technique ‘knowledge As recorded m thereport, however, the Hertt Museum has coins of Agathocles, Tp 7, Apollodotus I, Tp 3, Antmachus I, Tp 3(Tdr), Diodotus, 7p &, Eucratides 11, Tp 7, EuthydernusI, Tp 4, Euthydemus II, 7p 4, Hehocles, Tp 7 (Tdr and Dr), Hermacus, Tp 2(Tdr ), Menanderl, Tp 3 (Dr ),and Plato, Tp 2 TheKandahi Museum 1s reported to have coins of Agathocles, 7p 10 (Obolus), Apollodotus I, 7p 3, Archebius, Tp 7, Eucratides, “‘Common”, Helucles, Tp 7(Tdr ), Hermacus, Tp 2(Tdr }, Hippostratus, Tp 7a, Menander, ‘ Common”, and Pantaleon, “‘Gommon” Regarding the collection of the Mazar 1 Sharif Muscum it ts sard that the museum possesses gold (?) and silver coins of Anurlcidas, Apollodotus, Deme- imus, Encratidles, Euthydemus 1, Hehocles, Lysis and Menander ‘Two recent contributions to the subject arc, however, F Altherm’s Weligesclachie Astens im griechischen Zetlalter, Vol 1 (1947) and Vol It (1948) and A K Narain’s The Indo Greeks (1957) Narain’s book, whichis available to us, deals with the subyect lucidly but entically, and 1s based on the latest historical and numismatic studles This, in brief, 18 more than two hundred yerrs’ Iustory of the study of the Greck coins of Bactria and India Students should, however, be critical about the carher wntings, a good deal of which, though interesting for their treatment of the subject, has become out of date due to the progress of rescarch Informxtive portions of such wratings can, of course, he relied on in very many crises ART AND TECHNIQUE A Agrisric Mearrs ‘The coins of the Greek kings of Bactria were modelled on those of the Seleucid monarchs of Syna They are in all aspects hascally Greek money, strictly conforming to the numismatie standird established by Athens Irrespeciive of ther metals, they are in fineness and weight coins purely of the Attic standard, and are die struck and round in shape In a word, every feature of these coins is Hellenistic But in arustic ments they very often surpass their Seleucid Prototypes ‘The obverse of the gold and silver coins, as a rule, bears within a circular border the bust of the king And the bust beng executed with meticulous care, 1s always characterised by a refined realism that Introduction i is almost unique in the history of ancient numismatic art. The artist belonging to a race of sculptors did his work in unusually high relief, which in effect gave an additional grace and beauty to the royal portrait. On the coins, however, of Diodotus as well as on the earlier ones struck by Euthydemus I, the royal portraits, though sought to be realistic, are rather conventional, and generally do not present any remarkable feature. But with the consolidation of his powers, Euthy- demus I scems to have taken particular care to make his coins conform toa high artistic standard. A band of master die-sinkers were employ- ed at the royal mints and, as a result, perfect gems of portrait coins emerged out of the pressing dics that the artists prepared. Euthydemus’ successors in Bactria, including the members of a rival house, viz. Eucratides I, Eucratides II, Plato and Heliocles, were equally careful in selecting artists for their respective mints. The realistic depiction of the royal portraits, of course in a refined manner, was what the Bac- trian artists aimed at. The dynamic personality of the first Euthy- demus in mature manhood, the air of mockery on the smiling face of Antimachus who called himself “God”, and the dignified amiableness of the youthful Euthydemus IT were all depicted on coins with equal and comparative ease, that is characteristic of the numismatic art- pattern Bactria evolved. In the cases of Demetrius I (Tp. 2: WESC, PIL. X. 955) and Eucratides 1 (GC, Pl. LV. 5)—and that tooat the later stages of their manhood—we find sometimes a touch of idealism that is essentially un-Bactrian. . - 3 The reverse of all the gold and silver Bactrian coins bears the figure of a Greek deity as well as the name and title of the king in Greek, together, almost invariably, with a monogram. “The types,” as rightly observed by Sir John Marshall, “are taken from Greek mytho- logy, and are .. .designed with a grace and beauty reminiscent of the schoo} of Praxiteles and Lysippus”’ (GT, p. 29). , But when struck in distant India beyond the Hindu Kush, the coins of the same Bactrian kings as well as their successors underwent a new orientation, The realistic Greek mind, conscious, on the one hand, of its characteristic artistic values of life and endowed, on the other, with a soundcommercial instinct, at once felt the need of a new currency which would be readily acceptable to the Greek neighbours and allies 12 Art and Technique as well as to the newly conquered Indian subjects As a result, the coins that were evolved for the Indian territories, though they through- out remained Hellenisticin features, underwentan appreciable change im their fabric and appearance ag well as in their weights and sizes and sometimes in their shape Being far removed from Bactnia and other important centres of Greek culture, the mints in India were unable to Produce coins of the igh artistic standard that was characteristic of Bactria First-rate artists were not readily available, so inferior artists had to be employed at the new Indian mints The introduction of the legend on the obverse put a further restriction to ther freedom of work » they had to execute the royal bust on a much smaller scale As minute details were not expected of the full figures of the deities on the reverse, the reverse designs did not suffer much artistically Earlier coms, struck mostly by kings who could maintain some contact with Bactria and import good Bactrian artists, were naturally ofsomewhat superior workmanship But as time Passed on and as the Greek kings of India gradually spread towards the east and conse- quently lost contact with Bactria, degeneration set in im the artistic quality of their coins Whitehead, while discussing the artistic merits of the coins struck by the Greck kings of India has Grouped them “into three main classes, those of superior, intermediate, and inferior style and workmanship, each with its own group of monograms he classes are associated Tespectively with the Western, middle, and eastern Yayana domains, or Kabul, Gandhara, and the Punjab (Sialkot) (VC 1923, p 310) The upper Kabul valley, Alexander’s satrapy of the Paropamusadae, with Alexandria under-the Caucasus for ats capital, was the centre whence Bactrian culture radiated and where it Persisted in tts purest om Corns, specially of Hehocles, Strato I, Archebius, Amyntas and themes pallanto hs upetior Kabulclass Somecomsof Menander I, The antermedvate re dhn han re go to this clas ako land of the Yavana domains “the veneers belongs to themiddle- (Peucotaotis), of Rawal, onda d Pena of Wexals and Poshhalavad Panch, Kapisa (KaGinstiny and th ‘Salt Renee wath Hazira, , Salt Range,” :¢ the satrapy of Introduction 13 Philip, the son of Machatas, together with the satrapy of Abhisira, Of this Gandhara class of coins, special mention should be made of those of Menander I, Philoxenus, Antialcidas, Diomedes, Apollodotus J, Lysias and Antimachus IT, The castern or the Punjab class of coins, typified by those of Zoilus II, Dionysius, Apollodotus II, Apollophanes and Strato IZ (with Greek as well as Kharoshthi monograms) was struck in the region centred around Sialkot (Sakala or Euthydemia), an area corresponding to Alexander’s third Indian satrapy. Coins of some important kings like Menander I, Apolledotus II, Hippostratus and Strato I who had wide territories, were struck in more than onc of the above regions and naturally, therefore, fall into more than one distinct class, B. Metars Usep The Greek kings of Bactria struck coins in all the three universally used metals —gold, silver and copper. Gold, however, was used very sparingly by Diodotus, Euthydemus I, and Eucratides I in Bactria, whilein India Menander’s queen Agathocleia alone struck some coins in that precious metal. Silver was abundantly used for coining stan- dard money by all Greck kings of Bactria and India. Copper, likewise, was the popular metal for minor Greek coins. A fourth metal, nickel, the existence of which was known in Europe only in the seventeenth century, was employed for striking minor coins by three Greek kings-— Euthydemus II, Pantaleon and Agathocles. The nickel of their coins is, however, not in its purest state, These so-called nickel coins contain about four-fifths of copper and one-fifth of nickel, almost like our pre~ sent-day cupro-nickel coins.! These Indo-Greck cupra-nickel coins res placed the then smallest silver coins, the obols. It isinteresting to note that in 1918 India’s smallest silver coins—two-anna bits—were simi- larly replaced by cupro-nickel 2-anna pieces. Only one hing, Strato TI, used billon and lead for coining purposes. “G. Wescur Sranparp (a) Gold: Except in Aegina, the weight universally used for gold 1 For actual composition of such coins, see NC 1868, p. 306. 14 Art and Technique throughout the ancient Greek world, had a unit of 130 grains, Athens seems to have standardised this gold unit at 132 grains, which became well-known as the Attic standard. Alexander adopted this gold stand- ard for his empire, and his successors, including the Seleucids of Syria, followed him. Diodotus I and II, who severed their connections with Syria and made Bactria independent, adhered to the same Attic standard for their gold coins. Euthydemtus land Eucratides I, the other two Bactrian monarchs to strike coins in gold, also followed the Attic system; and it is interest- ing to note that the legendless staters with the types of “Helmeted head of Athena and Owl,” struck in India by Agathocleia, the queen of Menander I, were also of the same standard. The standard denomination of gold coins was the stater, struck by Diodotus I and II, Euthydemus I and Eucratides I in Bactria and by Queen Agathocleia in India. A unique 20-stater piece (wt. 2593°5 grains) with his usual types is, however, known of Eucratides I. This coin seems to be a “‘victory medallion.” (6) Silver: According to the universally accepted Attic weight system, the standard unit of silver coins was of 66 grains —just halfin weight of the 132-grain gold stater, This 66-grain silver coin was known as drachm. And the ratio between gold and silver being ] to 10, twenty of these drachms would be equal to a gold stater. The Gretk kings of Bactria, again, inherited this Attic silver weight-standard from the Seleucids and maintained it in their coinage upto the end of their rule in Bactria. Of the three denominations known—tetradrachm (4-drachm), deachm and obol (4 drachm)—tetradrachms and drachms were widely struck by all Bactrian kings, Obols are known only of six Bactrian kings, viz, Demetrius 1, Buthydemus 11, Pantaleon, Agathocles, Antimachus I and Eucratides I. Unique Attic hemidrachms (half-drachms of 33 grains) are known of Antimachus I and Agathocles. Only one Indo- Greek king, Apollodotus I, however, struck a few Attic but bilingual Indian-type hemidrachms. rata ngs eat sae ang the rsh two unique specimen o have struck Attic coins—and that too from. pi s, one Yetradrachm and another drachm. But Introduction. is recently Attic tetradrachms of six more Indo-Greek kings, viz. Menan- der I, Lysias, Theophilus, Archebius, Philoxenus and Hermaeus, have come tolight froma great hoard of Attic tetradrachms discovered near Qunduz in N. Afghanistan; and it is very interesting that the same Qunduz hoard has yielded five Attic double-decadrachms (20-drachm Pieces, each about 1300 grains in weight) of another Indo-Greek hing, Amyntas, These gigantic Attic 20-drachm coins were struck like the 20-stater piece of Eucratides I as “victory medallions.” But Eucratides I introduced, for reasons discussed below, a lighter silver weight- standard'in India. A few of his bilingual drachms (Jp. 74) probably speak of this pioncer attempt at standardising the Greek silver currency in India. And it is interesting that all his Greek successors in India, as also the Indo-Scythians and Indo-Parthians, adhered to that lighter weight-standard which Eucratides I introduced. . According to Cunningham, the standard silver coins of the Indo- Greek system weighing 37 (or to be more correct 38) grains were actually Attic hemidrachms and those with four times their weight, didrachms (NC 1888, pp.216 ff.). But Gardner thought that they belonged to some Persian standard (BMC; p. Ixviii), while von Sallet saw in the Indo-Greek system—to quote Whitchead—‘“a reduced standard, by which he meant the 37 and 148 grain coins to be reduced drachms and tetradrachms’ (WC 1923, p. 297). . But, as observed by Whitehead, Cunningham's theory involves a complete break in continuity between Graeco-Bactrian and Indo Greek coinages, for his hypothetical Indo-Greek tetradrachm of 296 grains does not exist. Again, Gardner’s “Persian standard” theory is a mere conjecture. Cunningham even was unaware of such 2 standard with coin-denominations of 38 and 152 grains, It is, on the other hand, apparent that the Indo-Greek currency grew out of the Graeco- Bactrian currency, as there was overlapping—coins of both standards being almost simultaneously struck by kings who ruled both in Bactria and in India, viz. Demetrius I, Eucratides Iand Heliocles. Apollodotus I, whose rule was confined to Indian territories, also struck a few bilingual silver coins (hemidrachms) in Attic standard, while his more abundant silver coins were of light-weight Indian system. Moreover, as we have already noted, eight other Indo-Greek rulers 16 Art and Technique struck Attic tetradrachms along with their normal light weight Indian coins There were thus two distinct series of Greek silver coins struck in two different weight standards—Attic and Inditn Economie and commercial reasons favoured the innovation of the light weight Indran currency The Greeks with their keen and sound commercial instinct would, while choosing their monetary standard, certainly take into constderation motives of commercial convenience, and “issuc coins of such a weight as to piss easily among their neighbours and allies’ Now, Eucratides I, when he saw that his newly conquered Indian subjects were accustomed ta use small punch marked coms, found it profitable to introduce in India an arbitrary and hybrid standard of comage of which the drachms would be readily acceptable to his Indian subjects and allies and the tetradrachms to his Greek subjects and Western naghbours Even Demetrius (11?) who was the bitter foe of Eucratides I realised the advantage of this new standardisation and readily adopted 1t—as did all Greek, Scythian and Parthian rulers who came after him Only two denominations of coms, the drachms and the tetradrachms are known of the hybrid Indo Greek standard Except cleven rulers, viz. Agathoclesa, Antmachus II, Apollodotus I, Apollophanes, Lyias, Menander D:katos, Polyxenus, Strato II, Telephus, Theophilus and Zorlus II, other Indo Greek kings struck light weight tetradrachms Rulers of the Kabul valley struck abundant tetradrachms But while tetradrachms of the kings of the Gandhara region arc fairly common, those of the Punjab rulers are scarce A bikngual silver com of Philoxenus (Tp 2) 1s, however, sad to weagh 216 grams (hexa drachm?)—see WESC, p 13, Pl I 153, and WC 1923, p 303 Umque hemidrachms of the Indian standard are, again, known of Apolladotus 1 (Tp 3 BMC,p 34 No 12) and Hermaeus (VC, 1955, p xv) ‘The former weighs 183 grans and the latter, 17 9 grains (2) Copper OF the numusmatsts of the nineteenth and twenticth centuries who actually handled abundant Gracco Bactrian and Indo- Greek coms, Cunningham alone made a somewhat detarled study of the copper coms And it seems almost impossible now to make any further scientific study of the copper currency ofthe Greeks of Bactna and Tundra, unless one Gets access to coins in the different museums Introduction WwW of the world. According to Cunningham, however, the Greek copper unit was the chalkon which was equal in weight to a drachm. In value cight such chalkaus were equal to an obol, and forty-eight of them to a drachm., That time in India, the ratio betweensilver and copper was “1 to40, the karsha of 448 grains of silver, being worth 16 panas of copper of 140 grains each, or 16% 140=2,240 grains of copper were equivalent to 44-8 grains of silver, which gives exactly 50 rates. The small differ- ence of 2 ratis between 48 and 50 is caused by the difference of weight between the Indian pana of 140 grains, and the Greek dichalkon of 1344 grains” (NC 1873, p. 216). According to Cunningham, the copper coins of the Greek kings of Bactria adhered to the Greek or Attic standard, while those struck in India would seem to have been raised to the Indian standard. Thus, the chalkon of the Attic standard weighing 67-2 grains was raised to 70 grains in order to unify the Greek and Indian systems by making the Greek chalkon exactly equal to half an Indian pana. But due to a comparatively long use and a highly corrosive property in the metal itself, copper coins have very seldo mcome down to usin their original weights. Anyhow, 5, 4, 24, 2, 1 and 4 Bactrian chalkon pieces are known; while of the Indian series 5, 24, 1}, 1, 2 and 3 pana pieces have come to light. (d) Cupro-Nickel: Cunningham thought that nickel coins were substituted for obols (equal to 8 chalkaus). Nickel coins of the weight of Attic didrachms (134 4 grains) are called by Cunningham obolus, while those with half their weight (67-2 grains) were called hemi-obolus. Cunningham’s nomenclature scems to be appropriate, as the double~ unit coins were struck by all the three nichel-issuing kings, viz. Euthyde- mus II, Pantaleon and Agathocles, while the single-unit coins are known of Agathocles alone. It is also interesting to note that nickel was used only by those three Greek princes who struck obols very spar- ingly. In an event of scarcity of silver, it seems, the three rulers took recourse to the alloys of copper and nickel and substituted silver obols by nickel—or rather cupro-nickel—obolus, just as in the reign of George V in India (1918) smailsilver two-anna coins were replaced by cupro-nichel 2-anna pieces. ‘ 2 8 Art and Technique The few Greek cupro nickel coins that have so far come to light are very rarely in good, state of preservation So their original weight 1s uncertain We note here the recorded weights of some of these cotns Euthydemus 1 Obolus (110 grains) PMC,p 15,Pl.I 29 Pantaleon Obolus (110 2 grains) BMC, p 9,No 1 Agathocles Obolus (1175 grams) BMC, p 11,No 6 Fl IV 6 Hemt-obolus (63 5 grains) BA{C, p11, No7 Pl Wi. D FYNeness Ttis doubtful f any numismatist has ever determined the fineness of gold and silver couns of the kings of Bactria and India by chemucal ana- lysis DrA D H Bivar seems to be the only numusmatist to record specific gravity of coins he discussed (see WC 1951, pp 22 ff) A few gold coins that we have seen appear to have been struck in the purest possible form of the metal, and this seems also true of the silver coins of all the Graeco-Bactrian and most of the Indo Greek prin- ces Some of the silver coms of the later Indo-Greek rulers of the Lastern Punjab are more or less debased Strato IT took recourse even to coining in Jead and billon, E Snare As regards shape, with the exception of a few bilingual drachms of Apollodotus I and Pluloxenus, all Greck gold and silver coms are round Apollodotus’ hght-weight bilmgual drachms as well as some similar coms of Philoxenus are square, a shape popular with the Indians, whose primary silver issues (the punch-marked coins) were generally squarish Bactran copper coms of the Grecks are always round But the Indo-Greek copper coms are generally square, though some Greek princes of India struck round copper pieces along with thar square money Being Bactnan money, mckel (or cupra-nickel) comms are always round The shape-controlling collar or ring being unknown to the Grecks, their cons, whether round or square, were apt to Present some sort of auregulantyin shape Thus, perfectlyround or square coinsarc hardly met with. 20 Devwes unusually gh relief This sculptural effect 1s specially prominent on Bactnan coins The Greaco Bactrian artist was also eager to delineate faithfully the features of his royal master Onsome series of bigger coins the king appears even in different stages of manhood on the different piecesissued during his rule (see specially the coms of Demetrius I) * Itseems hkely that well sculptured busts of kings were duly supphed to pnncpal mints to enable mint artists to reproduce faithfully the features of their royal patrons on corns Agis The carly Seleucid coins had oppostteaxis,1 ¢ they were struck insuch a way that the obverse and reverse designs were placed 1n exactly opposite directions (+ 4) Ttkewise the axis of all the coins of Diodotus Jand II, asalso that ofearly Bactnan staters, shows opposite directions ‘Thisis true ofmast af the comsof Euthydemus I with “Herakles with club on rock” reverse But, from the time he struck his ““Herakles with- club on knee ’ variety of coins, the designs on both the sides ofall Graeco Bactrian coins generally point tothe same direction (4 +) Thus, so far as the axisas concerned, ‘on all the gold and silver Bactrran coins, the designs are carefully struck soas to point esther in opposite directions, as on the earhest types, orin thesame direction” (PMC, pp 10 11,n 3) And, as a general rule, Indo Greck coins follow in this respect their Bactrian counterparts of the later period DEVICES A Devices on Gorn and Sitver Coins The obverse and reverse devices of Greek gold andsilver coms of Bictria and India were throughout thesameinprmaple The obverse in Bactria bore the bust of the king and the reverse, his name and title as well as the figure of a Greek deity Only im Incha the reverse Greek legend was transferred to the obverse, while its literal Prakrit transla tion was written on the reverse mstead This was, however, not the case with the Seleucid satrap Diodotus I who ultimately severed his connection with his overlord and made Bac- tria sndependent He started his com issuing career by imitating the coins of Antiochus II, altering his reverse type from the ‘Seated Apollo” 4Cf tetradrachms—AC 1951 PIIV20 ibd PLIV 19 TATE 1, NC 1934,P1 ME 1, and WH Aute King thd PIV Ad WNM 13 SoleCat , Part I, PL IN 955 Introduction ar to the “Thundering Zeus,” but retaining hoth the head and name of Antiochus IT on his coins. The next series of his “Thundering Zeus” coins bore his own head, though the name of Antiochus IT was still on them, The third series of these coins, apparently issued by his son Diodotus II, shows the final stage of evolution of the independent currency of Bactria ; it not only replaces the portrait of the Seleucid overlord but removes his name as well. His successors in Bactria and India followed him by showing their own heads and names on their coins, specially of gold and silver. (a) The Head or the Bust The royal head or bust on gold and silver coins of Bactria and India are always to the right. DiodotusI and I] and Euthydemus I showed their heads on coins, as was the general custom in those days. Demetrius ] was the first king to start showing the bust on coins; and all succeeding Greek princes of Bactria and India followed him. The bust, however, does not show the shoulders, as on all the “‘Javelin-thruster” coins, but only asmall portion of them along with the draperies. On the “Javelin- thruster” types, the king’s bustis always to the left, as seen from the rear. In order to depict the vigorous action, greater parts of the shoulders are shown. The right shoulder is covered cither by the aegis or by a chainarmour, This is, however, not the case with Eucratides I, who alone struck the type in Bactria. Both his shoulders are depicted as bare. The kings are depicted on coins as having front-brushed curly hair without showing any sign of parting. They are always clean-shaven. The only exception to this rule is Strato I who on some of his Indian tetradrachms is seen as wearing a beard. The bust of the only known reigning queen, Agathocleia, as seen ona rare Indian drachm, reveals that Greek queens too wore their hair in Indian fashion, (8) Occasional Absence of the Royal Bust Three Indo-Greek kings, viz. Apollodotus I, Antimachus IT and Telephus, who struck bilingual drachms in silver, never showed their busts on coins. The usual royal bust does not also appear on some rare silver coins of Menander I ( 7p. 10) and Hermacus (7. 4). 23 Duvices On the abverse of these coins are depicted the ‘Helmeted bust of Athena” and a “Mounted Horseman” respectively. ~ (6) Conjugate Busts On three occasions, on the other hand, we see conjugate busts (on silver coins only). On the so-called “Pedigree” coins of Eucratides I we find conjugate busts of his parents—Heliocles and Laodice. On the regular series of coins, however, the joint issues of Agathocleia and Strato I and of Hermacus and Calliope depict conjugate busts. These conjugate busts are always to the night, (d) Royal Diadem All kings as portrayed on the coins of Bactria and India wear theroyal diadem. “This was,” says Whitehead, “originally the blue and white band tied round the tiara of the Persian monarchs and was the old Asiatic symbol of royalty. It later took the form ofa white silk ribbon sometimes embroidered with pearls” (WNM 13, p.17). Diadem-ends: The two ends of the diadem, worn without exception by Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek rulers, are depicted as falling or flying behind their heads. But they are differently treated on coins of different kings. The treatment of diadem-ends on the money of the Greek princes of Bactria and India is an interesting subject. , The coins of Diodotus, Euthydemus I and Demetrius I show almost similar arrangement of the diadem-ends with the upper one flying upwards (BMC, Pl, I. 6, 11 and Pl, II, 9), while both the ends of the daidem of Euthydemus I, Pantaleon and Agathocles fly in almost similar fashion (CHZ,P1.III, 4,6and7). Similarisalso the arrangement of some Bactrian coins of Heliocles (BMG, Pl. VIT. 1). But the diadem-ends of Antimachus I are differently arranged and show at least two variant treatments (sf BMC, PLV.1 and 2). Euera- tides I’s diadem-ends are rather thin and fall in almost parallel straight lines (AMG, PL V. 6,7 and 8). The diadem-ends of the Athena series of Demetrius II's coins are thick an Introduction 23 hitherto tiustrated Apollo coins of Eucratides II (NC 1947, PL I 1 and 2) and on some Attic coins of Heliocles (BALC, P1 VII 2) The treatment of diadem ends on the coms of the Indo Grech kings 1s rather stercotyped, generally showing two styles only On thecoins of some kings both the ends fall in parallel straight lines lke those of the coins of Bucratides I, while on the coins of other kings, only one of the two ends flies upwards, as on the coins of Antalcidas (BAIC, Pl VIT 9) The diadem ends on the “Javelin thruster” type of coins are carefully depicted quite m Leeping with the spint of the vigorous action On such coins, one end of the diadem falls on the kings bach, while the otherfliesin thewind This 1s, however, not the case with the “Javelin- thruster ’ coin of Eucratides I who introduced the type in Bactna, on hus coins (CHI, PI IV 6) the artist seems to have fuled to represent the detarls of the movement, and unlike later “Javelin thruster” coins both the ends fall behind the hing’s back (¢) The Head gear On the coins of Diodotus I and EI and Euthydemus I the royal head depicted on the obverse 1s dtademed only, and isnever shown wathany head gear Demetrius Iintroduced 1 sort of head dress in Bactria—the elephantscalp head prece of a pecubar design (see BALC, P] II 9) Three other kings, viz Eucratides I, Plato and Anumachus J wear some sort of head-dress Eucratides I and Plato wear smooth crested helmets, while Anumachus I wears ahausia Other Bactnan pnnces are never shown with any head dress Whale almost all the Indo Greek rulers wear some sort of head piece on their coins, exght of them, viz Apollodotus IT, Dionysius, Hippos- tratus, Peucolaus, Polyxenus, Theophilus, Zoilus I and Zoulus II are depicted as diademed only The bust in Phrygian cap on coms of Amyntas (7 9) and Hermaeus (7p 6) may not be that of the Ling (1) The Elephant’s Sealp The craze amongst Greek kings for the elephant, the verntable lung tank on ancient battle fields, ts well depicted on coins of Demetnus I Ona allhis “Herakles crowning himself’? coins the obverse bust of Demetnus 2s adorned with the scalp ofan elephant One Indo Greek 24 Devices king, Lysias (Tp. 1), possibly a scion of Demetrius’ house, also depicted himself on some of his coins as wearing this extra-ordinary head-dress, (ii) The Kausia As on the “Athena” type copper coins of Diodotus (II?) (Tp. 7), Anti- machus I always wears a hausia, On the unique bilingual tetradrachm with the name of “King Demetrius the Invincible” the royal bust is adorned witha kausia (see Demetrius 1, Tp. 6). Four other Indo-Greek Lings—Eucratides I (7p. 27), Antialcidas (Tp. 3), Lysias (Tp. 4) and Amyntas (7p. 4)—have hausia-wearing busts on some of their coins. (ti) Helmets The “Dioskuroi” type of gold, silver and copper (bilingual) coins of Eucratudes I with the title MEPAZ invariably depict him as wear- ing a crested helmet which bears the ear and horn of a bull. Besides Lucratides, Plato in Bactria and no less than fourteent Greek princes in India wear on their coins this popular head-piece, originally worn by Seleucus I. This is gencrally called the smooth (crested) helmet as against another variety of a crested helmet which bears the head and wings of Medusa. The latter may be called the Medusa or the Acgis helmet, introduced in India by Menander I and used by seven other Indo-Greek princes.? f) The Border The king's bust on the obverse of gold and silver coins of Bactriais always in acireular border formed cither of dots or of recls and beads. The former variety is called the pellet border and the latter, the astra- galusborder. Generally Bactrian portrait coins have the pellet borderon the obverse. The astragalus border is foundonall big coins of Eucratides T and his Bactrian Successors, viz. Lucratides II, Heliocles and Plato. A few “Herakles” and “Athena” tetradrachms with the names of Demetrius I and II respectively also bear on the obverse this astraga- lus border, It is, however, clear from the evidence of the Qunduz hoard of Attic tetradrachms that the recl-and-bead bordering was used mainly for 4 See Appendix | under “King, B i a ing, Bust of, in smooth helmet. See Appendix | under King, Bust of, in Medina helmet, ete.” Introduction 25 decorating big Attic coins, specially those struck in India. For, irrespec- tive of their affinities to either houses of Euthydemus and Eucratides, all the Indo-Greck princes use this particular type of border on their big Attic pieces. It is also interesting that all known gold and silver “victory medallions”, very big as they are, bear on the obverse the as- tragalus border. No smaller Attic silver coin other than the unique Attic drachm of Antialcidas is known to us as bearing the bead-and- reel bordering [VC 1869, P1(C). VIII. 6]. Some of the Bactrian copper coins bear pellet borders on either sides. The barbarous pieces struck in the name of Heliocles have astragalus bordering. Some of the square copper coins of the Indo-Greek kings also bear borders, but these borders surround the device only, not the outer legend (see Apollodotus II, Tp. 6). These borders are generally com- posed of dots or pellets and rarely of beads. Worthy of special men- tion is, however, the unique round coin of Apollodotus II (Tp. 1), which has two distinct types of circular borders on its two sides. While the obverse bears a border of a formal wreath, quite unknown on any ancient Indian coin, the reverse has a circular astragalus bordering that occurs perhaps on no other Indo-Greek copper coin. (g) Reverse Devices on Gold and Silver Coins As already observed, the reverse of the gold and silver coins of the Greek ings of Bactria and India generally bears the figure of a Greek deity. There are, of course, a few exceptions. These relate specially to those silver coins of Apollodotws 1( Ths. 1-3), Antimachus IL (T$. 1), Telephus (Zp. /) and Menander I (Zp. 10), which do not depict royal busts on the obverse. On the reverse of these coins we find respec- tively a bull, 2 mounted horseman, the sceptred Helios beside a female figure, and an owl. Silver coins of Philoxenus (7. 1), Hermaeus and and Calliope, Menander II (7p. 3) and Hippostratus (Tp. 5) also have on the reverse a mounted horseman, instead of a Greek deity. Types 2 and 3 of Agathocleia and Types 3 and 4 of Nicias depict a male figure on the reverse. The staters of Agathocleia and obols of Eucratides I bear on the reverse an owl and palms-and-piloi respectively. 26 Devices B Devices on Copper anp Curro Nicret Coms (a) Deowes Common to Copper and Cupro Nickel Corns Unhike the obverse and reverse devices on gold and silver coms, no fixed rule 1s applicable to the occurrence of devices on copper and cupro nickel corns Royal portraits arerareon copper coms Onmany of ‘them the obverse bears either the full figure or the bust of a Greek deity, and the reverse, some attributive emblem of, or same animal or bird sacred to, the same divinity Itis not uncommon, however, that an animal or object quite unconnected with the deity on the obverse occurs on the reverse of the coins,’ while the same coin often bears one deity on the obverse and another deity on the reverse * On the obverse of many coms, again, appears an animal instead of a deity § while one and the same com bears on mny an occasion two different animals on 11s two sides * Aa object attributable to a certain deity also occurs on the reverse of a coin, the obverse of which bears an atumal that ig notin any way connected with the deityan question ® But, except on a few “Aegis and Palm and Wreath’ type of coms of Antimachus II no weapon, obyect or attnbute relating to a divinity occurs on the obverse, which 1s generally reserved for the figure of a deity or an animal, or rarely for the bust of the hing Nickel (or rather cupro nickel) coms of Euthydemus II and of Pan- taleon and Agathocles bear, hike those on their copper picces, the figure ofa deity on the obverse and an object or animal, associated with the same deity, on the reverse (4) Densees on Copper Corns only Whenever a king s bust occurs on a copper coin, 1t 1s found on the obverse Diodotus (II *) and Eucratides I were the only two kings in Bactria to show their busts on copper coins Copper coms bearing Hehocles’ bust seem to have beer barbarous umitations of his silver 1 Eg Lysas Tp 8 and Theophilus Tp 4 2 Ey Menander1 Tp 13 3 Eg Meander Y Tp 26 and Anumachus] 7p ¢ + Ee Apollodows { Tp I and Helocies Tp 17 VE Demetrusl Tp § and MenanderI, Tp 25 Introduction a4 Pieces.’ On the coins of Diodotus his bust wears a kausia, and on the coins of Eucratides I appears his diademed as well as helmeted bust. Of copper coins struck in India, those of Agathocleia, Antialcidas, Demetrius I, Eucratides I, Heliocles, Menander I and Polyxenus bear royal busts on the obverse. G. Devices Common ro Corns oF ALL Merazs * (a) Deities Deities that appear on Greek gold and silver coins of Bactria and India are Apollo, Artemis, Atherfa, Demeter, the Dioskuroi, Hekate, Helios, Herakles, Nike, Poseidon and Zeus. Besides those depicted on gold and silver coins, Greek copper coins bear the figures of Dionysos and some unidentified deities. Athena (also called Pallas), Demeter, Hekate and Nike are female deities. Though essentially Greek in nature, the above deities are some- times depicted with features characteristic of their oriental counter- parts, (i) Apollo On a serics of tetradrachms struck by Eucratides II the naked Apollo is shown as standing and holding the bow and arrow. Apollo plays a very important role on Greek copper coins of Bactria and India. The Apollo-type coins generally bear the tripod-lebes on the reverse. But the figure of Apollo never occurs on the reverse, nor does the tripod-lebes occur on the obverse of any copper coin. The fill Ggute of Apollo, standing te tight or te front and Holding the bow and arrow in various ways, is a common type which was used by Apollodotus I and IT, and Dionysius, Hippostratus, Strato I and Zoilus I. On a few coins of Zoilus II (Zp, 2), again, an elephant appears along with the standing Apollo. He is scen seated only on a rare coin of Apollodotus II (Tp. 9). The head of Apollo occurs on the copper coins of Strato I (Zp. 5) and Eucratides II (7. 2) and on the copper as well as the cupro- ~ nickel coins of Euthydemus II (Tgs. 3 @ 2). The tripod-lebes, the characteristic attribute of Apollo, generally occurs on the reverse of Apollo-type coins; but on a few “Tripod-re- 28 Deorees verse’ coms of Apollodotus{ (Tp 6), Menander I (7p 23) and Zoulus II (Tp 5) we see on the obverse a bull, a bull’s head and an clephant respectively, instead of the figure of Apollo (it) Artes . The standing figure of Artemis occurs with her attributes, the bow and arrow and the quiver on the silver coins of Artermdorus Thefull figure of Artemis, however, occurs on either sides of the Grech copper coms of Bactria and India The ‘‘Zeus head ’ coins of Diodotus (Tp 8) bear on the reverse the figure of Artemis runming with a torch, while on the reverse of the “Bust-of-Herakles” coins of Demetrius I (Tp 4) she appears as standing and holding a bow in her left hand and drawing an arrow from the quiver with the right Artemis appetrs in almost similar attitude on the obverse of some copper coins of Artemidorus (Tp 4) and Peucolaus (Tp 2) that bear a bull and a city-goddess respectively on the reverse (111) Athena (or Patlas) On a series of silver coins struck by Demetrius I, Athena stands facing, holding the lance and shield But, starting from Menander I, Athena on the coms of many an Indo-Greck king 1s depicted as hurling a thunderbolt An unusual concept of Athena was so long known from a few tetradrachms of Stratol (Tp 19), on which the helmeted shielded deity stands holding Victory (Nike) on her outstretched nght hand The recently discovered Qunduz hoard has revealed an Atte tetradrachm of Theophilus, where the concept is the same, but the goddess 1s seated The concept of Athena supporting Zeus with her counsel finds its place in a somewhat modified form on the silver coins of Amyntas (7p 1), where her shrelded figure 1s depicted as standing on the nght hand of the enthroned Zens Athena occurs on many an Indo Greek copper com As on silver, when her full figute occurs, 1t 1s found on the reverse | Her helmeted bust 1s depeted on the obverse of several coins of Agathoeleia and Menander I and apparently one (aegis reverse) coin of Palyxenus (Tp 2) A square copper coin of MenanderI (Tp 16 PMC,P\i VI 506) Introduction 29 1s the only piece to show Athena on both the sides her helmeted bust appears on the obverse and her standing figure (thundermg) on the reverse On the obverse of two other “Athena-thundernng” copper coins of Menander I, however, occurs the king’s own bust Athena’s sacred bird owl appears on the reverse of a few coins of Archebuus (7 9) and Menander I (7p 9) Her aegis 1s depicted on coins of Antmachus II (Tp 2) and Polyxenus (7p 2} (0) Demeter Demeter, enthroned, finds her place on three recently discovered silver double decadrachms of Amyntas (Tp 2) Some of the “Bull- reverse” copper coins of Philoxenus (7p 9) bear Demeter on the obverse A goddess, styled as “city goddess’’ in the catalogues, appears on the reverse of the silver cotns of Hippostratus (7 7) as standing and holding the cornucoprae, a well known attmbute of Demeter A unique “Bull-reverse” copper coin of Pluloxenus (7p 77) also bears on the obverse a deity holding the cornucopiac The “Bust of Herakles’? coins of Theophilus (7p 4) bear, on the reverse, the cornucopiae (possibly of Demeter) (x) Dionysos On some cupro-nichel and copper coins of Pantaleon and Agathoc- les the obverse bears the head of Dionysos, and the reverse, a panther The‘Yakshim Agvamukhi” or the so called “Dancing Girl”? type of copper coms of the same two princes show again a panther— apparently the panther of Dionysos (sce GB, p 158) The panther also occurs on some copper coins of Menander II Dikatos (Tp 4) and Artemdorus (7p 6), but we do not hnow uf the animal has any association with Dionysos there (ot) The Duoskuror Eucratides I introduced the Dioskuro: on the Bactrian coinage On his characteristic gold and silver coms they are depicted as mounted on horseback and charging with speirs Diomedes, possibly a scion of his house, depicted them similarly on his silver comnage Again, on the bilingual silver cons of Eucrandes I (Tp 74) and 30 Devices Diomedes (7p 4), 28 also onthecoinsof the Indo Scythic king Azilises, the Dioskurot stand facing side by side, each holding 1 long spear and beannga sword On the obols of Eucratides I and the Saha Satrap Liaka Kusuluka the palms and pilot of the Dioskuro: are depicted insteid of the twins themselves A umque (gold) stater of Lucratides I in the collection of MrM Azuzbeglu of Teheran 1s reported to show also the palms and pilor (Tp 4) Copper coms with the Dioskurot were only struck by Lucratides I and Diomedes The Dioskuro: mounted on horseback and charging occur on the reverse of most of the charactenstic coins of Lucr~tides I, while one of the Dioskuroi, similarly mounted and charging, idorns the reverse of a few pieces of the same hing (Tp 72) Ona “Bull- reverse’ coin of Diomedes (Tp 6), however, the Dioshuroi appear on the obverse as standing with long spears The palms and pilo: of the Dioskuroi occur on the reverse (never obverse) of the copper coins of Eucratides 1 (7p 79), Antiilcidas (Tp 10}, Lysias and Antalcidas, and Archcbius (Tp 8) (eu) Hekate Hekate never appears alone on comms Her three headed figure 1s depicted as standing upon the outstretched nght hand of the enthroned and the standing Zeus on the silver coins of Pantaleon and Agathocles respectively (011) Helos Helios was so long known to appear on a unique Atuc tetradrachm of Plato (Tp 2 BMC,PI VI 11) as well asona few very rare Indian drachms of Tclephus The recently discovered Quaduz hoard has revealed the existence of a few more Attic tetradrchms of Plato with newer concepts of Hehos On the hitherto unique Bntish Museum coin of Plato, the radiate Helios with flowmg draperies drives a quadniga to the nght Ona Qunduz tetradrachm (7 3) this concept of Helios 2s also noticed, but the quadnga a3 driven to front and its square structure 1s fully visible ‘The execution of the latter device, far inferior as itis, gives it altogether Introduction 3I an Iranian appearance, for which Dr A.D.H. Bivar, who published the coin, called the deity Mithra. On another Qunduz coin of Plato (Tp. 4) this radiate Helios-Mithra does not drive a quadriga, but stands to front with the right hand raised and the left hand holding a sceptre. Telephus’ Indian drachms depict Helios also as radiate and standing to front with a helmeted figure beside him, The standing figure of Helios occurs on the obverse of a ‘‘Nike- reverse” copper coin of Philoxenus (Tp. 10). (ix) Herakles Euthydemus I introduced Herakles on the Bactrian coinage. Though his chief weapons were the club and the bow andarrow, heisaften seen on Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek coins as standing with his club and lion’s skin. On the coins of Euthydemus I, the nude Herakles sits ona rock with his club either on the stone or on his knee. The concept ofa tired and resting Herakles did not find favour with Euthydemus’ conquering son Demetrius I, who adopted for his coinage the type of'a vigorous Herakles who was a “great adventurer and is said to have reached India,’’ On Demetrius’ characteristic silver coins, an erect Herakles crowns himself with his right hand and holds the club and the lion’s skin in the left. This ““Herakles-crowning-himself” type is also depicted on some silver coins of Lysias (Tp. 1) and Theophilus (7p. 2). Luthydemus II slightly modified the type for his silver coins, on which the already-crowned Herakles holds a wreath in his right hand and the club and the lion’s skin in the left. This type of Euthy- dems 11 is adopted by Zotks 1 for his norma! siiver comage, white on one of his rare drachms (Tp. 2) Herakles standing in a similar pose is being crowned by Nike, who stands on his left shoulder. On a unique drachm of Theophilus (7p. 3) in Mr N. Singhi’s collection the crowned Herahles stands with his right hand resting on the club and holding the lion’s skin in the left. The standing figure of Herakles, however, does not appear on any Bactrian or Indian Greek copper coin. Ason the gold and silver coins of Euthydemus I, the ‘‘Herakles-seated-on-roch” type occurs on the copper coins of Agathocleia and Strato I. The bust of Herakles, however, occurs on the Bactrian coins of 32 Devrees Euthydemus I (7p 4), Demetrius (Tp 4) and Euthydemus II (7p 4) as wellason the Indian cous of Lysras and-Antialerdas, Lysias (7p 8), Strato I (Ip 4), Theophilus (Tp 4) and Zoilus 1 (Tp 3) The club, one of Herakles* attnbutes, occurs on the reverse of a copper com of Menander I(T 25) and Theophilus (Tp 5), while the lion s shin of Herakles 1s depicted on the reverse of a copper portrait com ofMenander I (7 73) (x) Hermes Hermes never appears on any con of the Greek kings of Bactria or of India But on some big copper pieces of Demetrius I (7p 35) and Maues occurs his characteristic emblem, the caduccus (at) Neke, Winged Nike with her well known attributes, the wreath and palm branch, appears on the silver comns of Antrmachus IT, Artenndorus (Tp 3) and Menandr Tl (Tp 7) But although the reverse 18 the usual place for the deities on Greek gold and silver coins, Ant- machus II depicted her on the obverse of his silver drachms Nike often appears on the outstretched nght hand of Zeus, as on the coins of Antuladas and Heliacles(Tp 2) On two rare coms of Strato Y (Tp 19) and Theophilus (Jp 1) she stands on Athena’s outstretched nght hand Onararedrachm of Zoilus I (Tp 2) Nike stands on the shoulder of Herakles and crowns him Types 8 and 9 of Antalcidas, again, depict her as beg carried by an elephant walking beside Zeus As on silver, Nike always appears on copper coins in full figure, and except on those of Archebius and Epander she always, again, appears onthe reverse The figure of the standing Nike appears on the reverst of the copper coms of Antimachus I, Eucratides 1(%p 77), Hermacus (Tp 8), Menander I (7 12), Strato I (Tp 4) and Philoxenus (Tp 10) Nike’s palm and wreath occur on the reverse of the coms of Anti- machus II(Tp 2), while her palm alone 1s depicted on some coins of Menander1 (Tp 27) Onaco pper coin of Ant: stands on the prow of a skip hemachus T(7P 4), Nike Introduction 33 (xii) Poseidon . Poscidon stands facing with his characteristic attributes, the trident and the palm-branch, on the normat silver coins of Antimachus I. The head of Poseidon with his characteristic trident appears on the obverse of a copper coin of Nicias (7%. 8). The trident alone occurs on a big copper coin of Demetrius I (Tp. 3). (xiii). Unidentified Deities . The copper coins of Hippostratus (7.4) and Peucolaus (Tp. 2) bear~ ing on the obverse Triton and Artemis respectively bear female deities, generally called “‘city-goddesses”. These deities are unidentified, and we do not know if they were actually “city-goddesses”. The enthroned deity appearing on the “‘Horse-reverse”’ copper coin of Hippostratus (Zp, 6) also remains unidentified. ~ The most discussed Indo-Greek coin is a square copper piece of Eucratides I (Tp. 15), the obverse of which bears the hing’s helmeted bust and the reverse, an enthroned palm-bearing deity wearing a mural crown—labelled as Kavifiye nagara-devata (city-deity of Kapiéi), Alfred von Sallet found a similarity between this deity and the goddess on Hippostratus’ coins, but some scholars took the enthroned figurefor the male divinity Zeus and associated all other ‘‘Enthroned Zeus” types ofcoins with Kapisi. But Whitehead has recently found out a well pre- served coin of thesame type in the British Museum and tried to show that the figure in question is that of a female divinity’ like the city-deity of Pushkalavati occurring on a uniquegold piece (CHI, P1.VI. 10). According to Sir John Marshall, the “Zeus” type “seems to be associated less with Kapigi than with Arachosia, where it was subsequently carried on by Heliocles and became specially distinctive of the coinage of Spalahores, Spalagadames, Spalirises and Azes I” (Taxils, Vol. I, p- 29). (xiv) Zeus The figure of Zeus adorns the gold and silver coins of Diodotus T and II: it was their canting type. Goldand silver coins of Bactria and India present different concepts of Zeus. He is depicted either as standing or as seated on a throne. * Ste NG 1947, p. 20, Fig. 1. 3 ah Devices On the coins of Diodotus I and IT the naked Zeus shielded by aegis and brandishing a thunderbolt 1s depicted as standing to left, with an eagle at hus fect Another aspect of Zeus, bearded and clad in humation, 1s depicted as standing, facing, and holding a long sceptre in Ins left hand and the thunderbolt im his nght, as on some coins of Demetnus I (Tp 6) and Hehocles (Tp 7) On some coins of Archebms (Tp 1) Zeus thus depicted actually brandishes the thunderbolt, and, agai, on a few others (Tp 4a) the same thunder- ing Zeus holds mm his left hand the aegis instead of the sceptre On some bilmgual silver coins of Antialerdas (7p 9), the sceptred Zeus walks by the side of an elephant that carrtes Nike Some silver coins of Peucolaus (7p 7) again depict the figure of the sceptred standing Zeus as holding in his right hand “asmall two horned obyect ° On Agathocles’ regular silver coms Zeus 15 depicted as standing and casrying the three headed Hekate im his mpghe hand and his sceptre in the left When represented as an enthroned god, Zeus 1lso holds various Attnbutes and objects On older Greek coins, ike those of Alexander {as represented on Agathocles’ so called “pedigree” tetradrachm, BMC,P) TV 1), the enthroned Zeus holds the eagle 1n the nght hand and the sceptreim theleft Pantaleon’ssiiver coms depict the enthroned sceptred Zeus as holding the three headed Hekate in Ins mght hand The figure of Zeus enthroned and holding Nike sometimes occurs on coins of Hehocles (Tp 2) This types very common with Antiale:das, 6n whose coms the forepart of an elephant ~lways occurs by the sidé of the enthroned god Some of Anualadas’ coms (Tp 7), agun, depict the enthroned Zeus as holding the palm and wreath of Nike Most of Amyntas’ silver coins show the enthroned Zeus, but there Zeus holds the shield bearing Athena, not Nike When represent- ed as enthroned Zeus Mithra (as on the coms of Hermacus), he seems to hold an indefinitely shaped object with his right hand MrE T Newell took it fora pair of callipers (NNAM 82, p 92) ‘The obverse ofsome copper coms of Telephus (Tp 2 th enthroned Zeus-Mithra NS CGB 2) also bearsthe Zeus’ laurated head adorns the obverse of some Bactrian coms of Diodotus (Tp 8) and Euthydemus I (Tp 5) On the obverse of the Introduction 35 well as the square coins of Antialcidas appears the bare- headed bust of the thundering Zeus, while the diademed head of Zeus occurs on some coins of Archebius (7. 8). The thunderbolt, characteristic of Zeus, occurs on the reverse of the rare bilingual copper coins of Demetrius I and the monolingual ones struck by an otherwise unknown king named Antimachus (WC 1940, p. 104, No.4 P1VIIT.2), (8) Animals, ete. Animals appear on a good number of our coins. The silver coins of Apollodotus I bear the elephant and the bull on the obverse and the reverse respectively. Full figures of the bull, camel, elephant, horse and panther occur on many copper coins, while the heads of the boar, elephant and ox are seen only on a few of them, Of birds, as seen above, only the eagle (along with the thundering Zeus) and the owl occur on a fewcoins, The legendless Indo-Greek staters with the “Helmeted bust of Athena” shows an owl on the reverse but the bird there “appears to be a horned owl, possibly the Indian eagle owl,” while the owl that occurs on the reverse of some coins of Menander I (7s. 9, 10.& 27) and Archebius (7p. 9) is of the Athenian type. The dolphin, however, is the only aquatic creature to be depicted on some copper coins of Menander I (7%. 22) and Nicias (7. 8). SPECIAL ISSUES . Besides the regular series of gold and silver types there are the so-called Commemorative or Pedigree Coins, the Victory Coins, the Joint Coins and the Overstruck Coins. A. CoMMEMORATIVE OR PEDIGREE Corns OF unusual historical interest are the so-called Commemorative (or Pedigree) series of coins issued by Antimachus I, Agathocles and Eucratides I. Being struck in Bactria they are in the Attic standard and. generally tetradrachms in denomination. Of Eucratides I alone a unique drachm is also known. While the parallel series of coins of Antimachus I and Agathocles relate to their predecessors, Eucratides’ coins bear the names and portraits of his parents, 36 Special Issnes The obverses of the coins of Antimachus I and Agathocles bear the well-known heads as well as the names and respective epithets of their predecessors (like Euthydemus I and Diodotus I), while on the reverses occur the respective characteristic coin-types of these prede- cessors along with the name, royal title and epithet of the issuing ruler—BAZIAEYONTOZ GEOY ANTIMAXOY or BAZIAEYONTOS 4IKAIOY APAGOKAEOYS. Antimacuus I;— (1) Diodotus I’s diademed head—4IO4OTOY EQTHPOS. Rev. Zeus thundering. (2) Euthydemus I’s diademed head—EY@YAHMOY OEOY. Rev, Herakles seated on rock. AcarHocres Drratos:— (1) Alexander’s head in lion's shin—AAEEANAPOY TOY SIAUMTOY. Rev. Zeus thundering. (2) Antiochus T’s diademed head—ANTIOXOY NIKATOPO®. Reo. Zeus thundering, (3) Diodotus 1I’s diademed head—dloaoroy rorHpos. Re. Zeus thundering, (4) Euthydemus I’s diademed head—eY@Y4HMOY @EOY. Rev, Herakles seated on rock, (5) Demetrius I’s diademed bust in elephant’s scalp—ANMHTPIOY ANIKHTOY, Rev. Herakles crowning himself, reverse portions of the legend, we know the ins; they reveal the ‘pedigree’ of Eucratides I, for the complete legend then reads, BADIAEY MEDAL EY KPATIAHE Introduction 37 [VIO] HAIOKAEOYE Kdl AAOAIKHE, ‘King Eucratides the Great, {son] of Heliocles and Laodice.’ (See CASE, p. 163). Eucratides, thus, “was careful to differentiate his commemorative pieces from his other issues by putting his own name in the nominative instead of in the genitive, very much in the spirit in which Agathocles and Antimachus employed BAZIAEYONTOZ in place of the normal BAZIAEQE.” (CHI, p. 453). A coin with the diademed head of amature person on the obverse, and the figure of the thundering Zeus with the legend AIOAOTOY ZOQTHPOS and monogram No, 102 on the reverse is possibly of the commemorative nature. It could not have been a regular issue of Diodotus I. For, as Macdonald observes, “The coincidence of the reverscinscription with the obverse inscription used on the comme- morative tetradrachms of Agathocles and Antimachus is remarkable, the omission of BAZIAEQE being quite as noteworthy as the addi- tion of SQTHPOE. The style and fabric, too, are out of harmony with those of the regular coinage of Diodotus. In particular, the dies are adjusted 4 4, instead of + +, asis the invariable custom in Bactria before the reign of Euthydemus I. Lastly, the mint-mark (M 102) is not found on the money either of Diodotus or of his immediate successor” (CHI, p. 451). B. Vierory Corns Whether of gold or of silver, the so-called “Victory Coins” or medallions ofunusually big size are allstruck in the Attic standard. Of gold only a unique twenty-stater piece (2593°5 grains) of Eucra- tides I exists. It is of the usual type of his regular series of coins and bearsa monogram (M 76) that is found also on the coins of some other Indo-Greck rulers. The Indo-Greek Ling Amyntas struck at least two types of “victory” coins in silver. The Kabul Musenm has recently acquired from the Qunduz hoard five such pieces of the denomination of Attic double- decadrachms or 20-drachms (about 1300 grains). There is another legendless Attic decadrachm (10-drachm) piece which seems also to be a “victory” medallion (VC 1887, pp. 177 ff, Pl. VIE. 1). It bears on the obverse a retreating elephant carrying two 38 Language, Script, ele. fighters, whom a warrjor mounted on horseback vigorously pursues, and on the reverse the standing figure of Zeus holding thunderbolt. It is commonly called the “Porus” medal, though Gardner has shown some grounds to prove that it was struck either by Eucratides Tor by his son Heliocles to mark a victory over the Scythian barbarians. G. Jor Cons ‘There is another class of unusual silver pieces which may be called “Joint Coins”. Onone series of coins the names of Queen Agathocleia and Strato I occur separately on the obverse and the reverse, while on another series one side shows conjugate busts with the two names and the other side the names along with the thundering Athena. On a third series of coins, again, Strato [Lis associated with his grandson (?) Strato IIE. Conjugate busts with names of Hermacus and his queen Calliope are depicted on yet another series of tetradrachms and drachms. Names and types of Lysias and of Antialcidas are seen respectively on the - obverse and reverse of a rare copper coin, D. Overstruck Qoins There are some overstruck pieces which may be called ‘‘Necessity Money.’’ In times of scarcity of the coining metal, avaliable coins of earlieror contemporary rulers were picked up and hurriedly overstruck with the name and devices of another ruler. These are copper coins. LANGUAGE, SCRIPT AND ARRANGEMENT OF LEGENDS As already observed, coins of Bactria bear Greek legends on the re- verse only, while those of India show Greek legends on the obverse and Kharoshthi legends on the reverse, On the coins of earlier Bacirian rulers the legends are simple—~ consisting of the royal title and name of the king, such as, BAZIAEQE AIOAOTOY or BAZIARQE RY OYAHMOY. Early Bactrian monarchs, viz, Diodotus TI, Euthydemus I, Demetrius I, Euthydemus II, Demetrius II and Pantaleon, as also Agathocles on most of his regular coins and Eucratides I and Eucratides II on their initial coinages rest content with the simple royal tith—_BAXIAEYS.- Whether with or without other epithets, all kings of Bactria and India, however, bore this universal royal title BAZIAEYS before their names. Introduction 39 A. EPitHets ‘ Antimachus I adopted the lofty and unique epithet 902. Initial coins of both Eucratides I and Eucratides If do not bear any epithet; they are scen bearing the epithets AEA and SQTHP respectively on their later coins. Plato’s epithet was EMISANHZ, and Helio- cles’, AIKAIOS. The latter cpithet was also borne by Agathocles on a few of his normal and on all his “pedigree” coins, one of which reveals that Demetrius I bore the legendary epithet of Alexander the Great, viz. ANIKHTOS. Eucratides I was, however, the first Greek king to adopt the epithet METAZ. He was possibly also the world’s first ruler to issue a bilingual currency. To mark his Indian conquests and for the know- ledge of his new subjects, he struck coins with Greek and Prakrit legends. The Greek legend (normally adorning the reverse of the Bactrian coins) was transferred to the obverse, while on the reverse was introduced a literal Prakrit translation of the obiverse Greek legend, written in the Kharoshthi script from right to left. On his Indian drachms (Tp. 14) the obverse Greck legend BAZSIAEQE METAAOY EYKPATIAOY is translated as Rajasa mahatahasa Evukratidasa. But except on coins of Type 15 (where the Kharoshthi legend does. not correspond to the’ Greck legend), on his other Indian copper coins the Greek words BAZIAEQE and MEPAAOY arc translated by maharajasa, the words rajasa and mahatakasa being amal- gamated into one compound form. This was, however, not the case with Kings who came after Eucratides I, Their coins show that mahéréja became subsequently the universal rendering for the Greck word BAZIAEYS alone. Even though they did not bear the epithet TETAS, all kings other than Eucratices I were mahd-rajas. Itmay also be pointed out that the words BAZTAEQ2 and MEP AAOY occurring ‘on Hippostratus’ coins have separate Prakrit equivalents maharajasa and mahatasa. . It will not be out of place to discuss here Seltman’s obs¢rvation regarding Bucratides’ adoption of the epithet MEAL. “He (Eucra- tides),”’ says Seltman, ‘‘was the first Greek king to describe himself as ‘the Great’? upon a coin, but this was merely because Paothews peyadov was the translation of Afaharajasa, and was therefore 40 Language, Script, ete no mere piece of bombast" (GC, p 235) But as we have seen above, the Indian word mahdraya was not at all responsible for Eucratides’ adoption of the Greek epithet META His Greek tiles BAZIAEYD METAL previously adopted for his abundint Bactrian coinage were, on the contrary, responuble for his use of the word maha raja upon bis Indian copper coms, struck subsequent to the bilingual drachms (Tp 14) Eucratides’ adoption of the epithet MZT'AZ was probably due to Persian influence, as w 1s undoubtedly the case with his addition- al epithet rayadzraya found on a few of his brhingual copper coins (Tp 16) Kang Darius I called himself ‘Great? (Vazrka) and ‘King of kings’ (Khshayathyandm Akshayathyya) long before the advent of Eucratides (see Surcar, Select Inscriptions, pp 3-4). Eucratides I was, however, the first king yn India to call himself matarqja For,although mahd raja, “‘great king”, 1s frequently referred to in the Brahmanas, Upanishads and later literature, there 1s no epigraphic or numismatic record to show that it was used by any king of India prior to Eucratides I Even the great Agoka was satisfied with the simple ttle rayan Theophilus on his unique (monolingual) Attic tetradrachm (7p 7) used the strange epithet AYTOKPATOP, which occurs neither on his bilingual comage nor on any coin of the Greek rulers of Bactria and India The epithet AYTOKPATOQP, however, occurs on a umque silver coin ofa later king, Parthian Gondophares, apparently struck outside India (BMC, Pl XXXIL 10) Queen Agathoclera bore on her untial coins the royal utle BAZIAIZZA and the epithet ELOTPOMOL, for which no equivalent Prakrit terms are met with, because the reverse of those coms does not bear the translation of the obverse Greek legend, but the title, name and epithet of her son Strato I Different Greek rulers of Bactria and India, however, adopted one or more of the following epithets ANIKHTOL = Apadthate (aparaytta 1n tho case of Demetrius I only) Artemidorus, Demetrius I, Lysas and Plutoxenus AYTORPATOP: Theophilus AIR AIOZ == Dkramika (ox dhrama) Agathocles (Greek only), 42 Language, Script, ete and Types 69 of Strato I provide mstances of such irregularity Type U1 of Agathocles, Types 14 and 15 of Apollodotus IZ, Type + of Dionysius and Types 5-7 of Zoulus II do not bear any Greek legend at all G Tue Use of BRAM Another noteworthy feature of some copper cons of Pantaleon and Agathocles 1s the use on them of the other script of ancient India, viz Brahm, which had been prevalent in all parts of the country (except, of course, the north west) since the time of Agoka Pantarzon, Tp ¢ Obv Panther BAZIAEQY MANTAAEONTOL Rev Dancing Girl Rajaite Patalevasa (in Brahmi). AGATHOGLES, Tp 10 Ob Panther BATIAEQ? APA@OKAEOYE Rev Dancing Girl Rayaiie Agathukleyasa (in Brahmi). D ‘THE Use or Kuarosntut ALONE Some other coins of Agathocles, again, use exclusively the Kharo- shthi legend on both sides (sce Agathocles, 7p 1!) — Obv Stupa Akathukreyasa Re Treeinsidearating Hrraitasante E last or Ruvers wirh rueir Cor Lecenps Here 1s a hst of Greek rulers of Bactria and India, arranged alpha- etically Vartous legends as found on their coins are given along with the names of respective rulers Praknt cquivalents wntten an Kha- roshthu are shown against Greck legends, wherever they occur 1 Agathoslera Theoiropos with Strato I (a) Tp 2 (obv) BAZIAIZEHE ATAQOKAETAS, (rev ) Maharajasa tralarasa dhramikasa Stratasa (TMA, Pl VII 17) (6) Tp 3 (obv) BASIAIZZHE @EOTPOMOY ATAOOKAEIAS, (rev) Maharajasa tratarasa dhramikasa Stratasa (AG 1923, PL XVI 6) () Tp 5 BAZIAEQE EQTHPOER ETPATONOZ KAI AYA@OK- Introduction 3 AEIAE =Mahargjasa tratarasa Stratasa Agathukride (NC 1950, p. 215, Fig.). (2) Tp. 6: (obv.) BAZIAEQE ZATHPOE LTPATQNOE KAT ATAGOKAEIAL, (rev.) Maharajasa tratarasa dhramikasaStratasa (NC 1923, Pl, XVI. 5), 2. Agathocles Dikaios (2) Tp. 6: BASIAEQE APAGOKAEOYE (BMC, Pl, IV. 4)- (8) Tp. 9: BAZIAEQE AIKAIOY ATA@OKAEOYE (FNSI, XVI, Pl. II. 1). (© Tps. 1-5: BAZIAEYONTOE AIKAIOY ATAGOKAEOYE (BMG, PI. IV. 1, Pl. XXX. 5, PIV. 2, Pl. IV. 3 and AC 1934, Pi. INT 1). The obverses of these coins bear the names and epithets of the kings commemorated, viz. (1) AAESANAPOY TOY SIAUIMOY, (2) ANTIOXOY NIKATOPOZ, (3) 41040- Toy JOTHPOS, (4) EYOYAHMOY @EOY and (5) 4HMH- TPIOY ANIKHTOY respectively. (2) Tp, 10: BASIAEQS ATAGOKALOYS =Rajaiie Agathuklesasa in Brihmi (BMC, Pl. 1V. 9). (2) Tp. 11: (obv.) Agathukreyasa, (rev.) Hiraitasame (PMC, Pl. II. 52), 3. Amyntas Nikator (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE NIKATOPOS AMYNTOY ((FNSI, XVII, PI. VIH. 1-2). (8) Tp. 3: BADTALOS NIKATOPOS AMYNT OY =Maharajasa jaya- dharasa Amitasa (BMC, Pl, X¥V. 10). 4. Antialcidas Nikephoros . (a) Tp. 1: BAZZAEQE NIKH®OPOY ANTIAAKI4OY (BMC, Pl. VII. 9). (4) Tp. 8: BAZIAEQS NIKH@OPOY ANTIAAKI4 OY =Moharajasa Jayadharasa Aritialikitasa (NC 1923, Pl. XV. 5). 5. Antimachus Theos (c) Tp.3: BAZIAEQE @LOY ANTIMAXOY (BMC, Pl. V. 1). (4) Tps. 1-2: BAZIAEYONTOE @EOY ANTIMAXOY (IMC, Pl. II, 3 and JNSI, XVII, Pl WI. 1). The obverses of these coins bear the names and epithets of the kings commemorated, 44 Language, Script, ete. viz. (1) 4l0a0TOY ZQTHPOE and (2) EY@Y4HMOY @EOY respectively. 6. Antimachus II Nikephoros (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQZ NIKH®OPOY ANPIMAXOY =Moharojasa gapadharasa Armtimakhasa (BMC, Pl. XII, 3). 7. Apollodotus I Soter (@) Tp. 1: BASIAEQE AIOAAOAOTOY EQTHPOE=Maharajasa Apaladatasa tratarasa (BMC, Pl. IX. 8). Apollodotus I was the only hing to put the epithet afer his name, 8, Apollodotus H Megas Soter Philopator (2) Tp. 14: (obv.) No Greek legend. (Rev.) Maharajasa tralarasa Apaledatase [CASE, P\(Q) IX. 6]. (8) Tp. 1; BASIAEQE AMOAAOAOTOY = Maharajasa tratarasa Apaladatasa (1G, Pl. TV. 5). (d) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQE ZQTHPOL ANOAAQAOTOY=Makarajasa tratarasa Apaladatasa (BMC, Pl, X. 4). (d) Tp. 10: BAZIAERI LOTHPOT KAI OIAOMATOPOT ATIOA- AOAOTOY =Maharajasa traterasa Apaladatasa (BMC, Pl. X. 2)+ (2 Tp. 13: BAZIAEQE MEFAAOY ZOTHPOE KAI OIAOIATO- POE ATOAAOAOTOY =Moaharajasa traterasa Apaladatasa (BMC, BL X. 1). 9, Apollophanes Soter (a) Tp. 2: BABIAEQS SQTHPOE ATOAAOBANOY = Maharajasa tratarasa Apalavinasa (BMC, Pl, XIML. 1). 10. Archebius Dikaios Nikephoros (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE AIKAIOY NIKH®OPOY APXEBIOY (JNSI, XVI, Pl. VIII. 3). (6) Tp. 2: BAZIAERZ AIKAIOY NIKHOOPOY APXEBIOY = Maharajasa dhramikasa jayadharasa Arkhebiyasa (BMC, Pl. TX. 1)+ Il. Artemidorus Aniketos (a) Tp. 1: BAZIABQY ANIKHTOY APTEMIANPOY —Maharajasa apadikatasa Atrimitorasa (PMC, Pl. VII. 551). 12. Demetrius I Aniketos (2) Tp.2: BAXIAEQS 4HMUTPIOY (BMG, Pl. I. 9).+ (b) Tp.7: BASIAEQE ANIKHTOY AHMHTPIOY =—Maharajasa Introduction 45 aparajitasa Dime... (PMC, Pl. 1.26) or Dimetriyasa (Tp. 6: NC 1993, PI. XIV. 2). () The Demetrius pedigree coins of Agathocles bear on the obverse the well-known bust of Demetrius I and legend 4HMHTPIOY ANIKHTOY (NC 1934, Pl. IIE. 1), 13, Demetrius IT (2) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQZ AHMHTPIOY (NG 1951, PL IV. 1D. 14. Diodotus (a) Tp. 2: BASIAEQE ANTIOXOY (CHI, Pl, Il. 11). (4) Tp. 5: BAZIAEQE AIOAOTOY (BMC, P1.1, 5). (c) The Diodotus pedigree coins of Agathocles and Antimachus I bear on the obverse the head of Diodotus 1 and legend AIQAOTOY LQTHPOL (BMG, Pl. XXX. 5 and IMC, PL. 1. 6 respectively). 15, Diomedes Soter (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE ZQTHPOZ AIOMHAOY = Meharajasa tratarasa Diyamedasa (BMG, Pl. VIII. 12). 16. Dionysius Soter (aq) Tp. 1: BASIAEQE IQTHPOL AIONYSIOY=Maharajasa tratarasa Dianisiyasa (BMC, Pi. XU. 9). (6) Tp. 4: (obv.) No Greek legend. (Rev.) Afaharajasa tratarasa Dianisiyasa (BMC, Pl, XXXI. 14). 17, Epander Nikephoros (a) Tp. 1; BAZIAEQE NIKH®OPOY EMANAPOY =Maharajasa jajadharasa Epadrasa (PMG, Pl. VI. 516). 18. Eucratides I Megas (a) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQZ EYKPATIAOY (BMG, Pl. V. 6). (8) Tp. 8: BASIAEQE METAAOY EYKPATIAOY (GC, Pl. LV.5). () Tp. 1: (obv.) BAZIAEYE MEIAD EYKPATIAHE [YIOZ] (rev.) HAIORAEOYSE KAl AAOAIKHE (CHI, Pl. IV. 3}. (¢) Tp. 14: BAZIAEQZ MEPAAOY EYKPATIAOY =Rajasa maka- takasa Ecukratidasa (GC, Pl. LVI. 1). (.) Tp. 16: BAZIAEQE MEPAAOY EYKPATIAOY =Maharajasa rajadirajasa Evukratidasa (Ari, Ant, Pl. XXI. 6). This is the only Indo-Greek coin to bear the Persian title rajadtraja, besides 46 Language, Script, ete. the barbarous coins with Hermaeus’ name (Tp. 8: PMC, Pl. IX. 682), which have rajaraja as the epithet. (f) Tp. 18: MEPAAOY BASTAEQL EYKPATIAOY =Moaharajasa Evukratidasa (BMC, Pl. VI. 7)- {g) Tp. 19: BAZIAEQE MEPAAOY EYKPATIAOY = Maharajasa Evukratidasa (BMC, Pi. V1. 5). (2) Tp. 15: (obv.) BAZIAEQE METAAOY EYKPATIAOY, (rev.) Kavifiye nagaradewata (NG 1947, p. 30, Fig. 1). 19, Eueratides IT Soter (2) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE EYKPATIAOY (BMC, Pl. V. 4). (6) Tp. 3: BASIAEQE ZQTHPOE EYKPATIAOY (Ne 1947, PL. 1). 20. Euthydemus I (Theos) (@) Tp. 1: BAZTAEQY EY@YAHMOY (BMC, Pl. I. 10). (6) The Euthydemus pedigree coins of Agathocles and Antimachus T bear on the obverse the head of EuthydemusI and legend EY@YAHMOY @EOY (BMC, Pl, IV. 3 and JZNSI, XVII, Pl. ILL. 1 respectively). 21, Euthydemus IT (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQS EY@YAHMOY (BMC,P1, IIE. 3). 22. Heliocles Dikaios (2) Tp. 1: BAXIABQE AIKAIOY HAIOKAEOYE (BMC, PI. VII, 4). (#) Tp. $: BAZIAEQE AIKAIOY HAIOKAEOYS =Moaharajasa dhramikasa Heliyakreyasa (BMC, P). VII. 5) or Helipakresasa. 23. Hermaeus Soter (a) Tp. l: BAZIAEQE FQTHPOS EPMAIOY (FNSE, XVI, Part I, Pi. VIEL. 5). (0) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQE EZQTHPOS EPMAIOY =Maharajasa tra- tarasa Heramayasa (BMG, Pl. XV. 1). () Tp. 8: BAZIAEOE STHPOSZY EPMAIOY =Meharajasa raja- Tajasa mehatasa Heramayasa (PMC, Pl. TX. 682). 24. Hermacus Soter with Calliope (2) Tp. ls BAZIAEQE ZQTHPOE EPMAIOY KAI KAAAIONHE Introduction 47 =AMaharajasa tratarasa Heramayasa Kaliyapaya (NC 1923, Pl. XVII 8). 25, Hippostratus Megas Soter (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE SQTHPOS IMIMOLTPATOY =Moaharajasa tratarasa Hipustratasa (BMC, Pl. XIV. 1). (8) Tp. 5: BAZIAEQE ZQTHPOE UTMOSTPATOY =Maharajasa tratarasa jayarhtasa Hipustratasa (BMC, Pl. XIV. 5). (c) Tp. 7: BAZIAEQE MEVAAOY ZQTHPOE INTMOSTPATOY = Moharajasa tratarasa mahatesa jayaritasa Hipustratasa (BMC, Pl. XIV. 2). 26. Lysias Aniketos (a) Tp. la: BAZIAEQZ ANIKHTOY AYZIOY (jNSI, XVII, Pl. VI. 3). (6) Tps.5 & 3: BAZIAEQZ ANIKHTOY AYZIOY=Maharajasa apadthatasa Lisidsa or Listkasa (BMC, P). VIII. 7 and 5). 26a. Lysias with Antialcidas (a) Tp. 1: (obv.) BAZIAEQE ANIKHTOY AYSIOY, (sev.) Maka. rajasa jayadharasa Amtialikitasa (BMC, Pl. XXXI. 2). 27. Menander I Soter (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE ZQTHPOL MENANAPOY (IG, Pl. II. 7). (b) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQE ZQTHPOE MENANSPOY =Moharajasa tra- tarasa Menadrasa (BMC, Pl. XT. 10). 28. Menander II Dikaios (a) Tp. 1: BASIAEQE AIKAIQY MENAN4POY = Makarajasa dhramikasa Menadrasa (PMC, Pl. V1. 481). 29. Nicias Soter (a) Tp. 1. BAZIAEQE EQTHPOL NIKIOY—Meaharajasa tratarasa Nikidsa (NC 1940, Pl. VIII. 4). 30. Pantaleon (a) Tp. 1: BASIAEQE NANTAAEONTOE (CHI, Pl. IIT. 7). (4) Tp. 4: BAZIAEQZ TANTAAEONTOL=Rajaiie Patalecasa in Brahmi (BAG, Pl. III. 9). 48 Languoge, Script, ete. 31. Peucolaus Dikaios Soter (a) Tp. 1: BAZIABQE AIKAIOY KAI ZQTHPOL IIEYROAAOY = Makarajasa dhramikasa tratarasa Peukulaasa (NG 1923, Pl. XV. 4). 32. Philoxenus Aniketes (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE ANIKHTOY SIAOZENOY (ZNSI, XVII, PL VII. 4). (8) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQE ANIKHTOY ®I AOEENOY —Maharajasa apad:hatasa Philasinasa (BMC, Pl, X11. 5). 33. Plato Epiphanes (a) Tp.2: BAZIAEQL ENI®ANOYE MAATQNOZ (BMC, PL VI. 11). 34. Polyxenus Epiphanes Soter (a) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQS ENIDANOYE SQTHPOT MOAYEENOY= Maharajasa prachackhasa tratarasa Palisinasa (PMC, Pl, V. 372 or Paliksinasa (NC 1940, p. 107, No. 7). 35. Strate I Soter Epiphanes Dikaios (a) Tp. 2: BAZSIAEQZI LATHPOS LTPATQNOS—Maharajasa tratarasa Stratasa (BMC, Pl, X. 12). (8) Tp. 6: BAZIAEQE EQTHPOE ETPATQNOE=Meaharajasa tratarasa dhramikasa Sivatasa (NG 1923, Pl. XV1. 3). In this case the Prakrit epithet dhramikasa is extra, as there is no equivalent Greek term on the obverse. (Q Tp. 12: BAZIAEQE ZQTHPOT AIKAIOY ETPATQNOZ= Aakarajasa tratarasa dhramikasa Stratasa (NC 1993, Pl. XV. 11.) On some coins KAI is written between ZATHPOE and SIKAIOY (NC 1948, Pl. VIE. 5). (d) Tp. 21: BAZIAEQE ENMIDANOY ES LOTHPOS ZTPATQNOL= Maharajosa prachackhasa traterasa Stratasa (NC 1923, Pl. XVI. 2). For legends on joint coins see ‘Agathocleia with Strato I’ above. 36. Strato IT Soter , (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE ZQrnpos ETPATQNO' tarasa Stratasa (PMC, Pl. V. 361). 37, Strato II Soter with Strato HI Philapater (2) Tps. 1-2: (obv.) Corrupt Greek legend. + Introduction , 49 Maharajanahh traiarasa Siratasa potrasa chasa priyapita Stratasa (Carolla Numismatica, Pl. XI. 12, 13), 38, Telephus Euergetes (a) Tp. 1: BAZTAEQE EYEPTETOY THAE®OY =Moharajasa kalanakramasa Teliphasa (PMC, Pl. 1X. x). 39, Theophilus Autokrator Dikaios (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQZ AYTOKPATOPOL OEOGIAOY (FNS, XVII, Pl. VI. 5). (4) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQE AIKAIOY GEOSIAOY =Maharajasa dhra- mikasa Thedphilasa (PMC, Pl, IX. viii). 40, Zoilus I Dikaios (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQZ AIKAIOY ZQIAOY=Maharajasa dhrami- kasa Fhoilasa (NC 1947, Pl. I. 7). Al, Zoilus I Soter (2) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQZ LQTHPOL ZQIAOY=Maharajasa trata. rasa Fhoilasa (BMC, Pl. XT. 11). (8) Tp. 5: (obv.) No Greek legend. (Rev.) Afakarajasa tratarasa hoilasa (PMC, Pl, VI. 546), F, ARRANGEMENT OF LEGEND Bactrian (monolingual) coins bear legends only on the reverse. Earlier coins having simple and short legends would show them in two straight lines, written vertically or horizontally, according to the space permitted by the reverse devices, As the reverse of the gold and silver eninshore generally the standing figure ofa deity, twa straight vertical lines on either sides of the device were convenient (cf. coins of Diodo- tus, Euthydemus I, Demetrius I, Euthydemus I, Demetrius II, Pantaleon, and Eucratides IT), The arrangement is found on the cupro-nickel and copper coins of Euthydemus II, which bear the tripod-lebes on the reverse. Regular silver coins of Antimachus I, though they bear the additional epithet @£0Z, also have the legendin * two perpendicular straight lines. This is also the case with the unique Attic tetradrachm of MenanderI, whereon his royal title and epithet (BAZIAEQL SQTHPO2) are written to the right of the reverse figure of the thundering Athena, and his name to her left (just below the aegis), so that the lack of symmetry is little felt. 4 48 Language, Script, ete, 31, Peucolaus Dikaios Soter (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE AIKAIOY KALEQTHPOE ITEYROAAOY == Maharajasa dhramikasa tratarasa Peukulaasa (NG 1923, Pl. XV. 4). 32. Philoxenus Antketos {a) Tp. 1; BAEIAEQE ANIKHTOY ®IAQZENOY (FNSI, XVII, Pl. VIET. 4) (8) Tp. 2: BASIAEQE ANIKHTOY SIAOEENOY = Moharajasa apadthatasa Philasinasa (BMC, Pi. X11. 5)- 33. Plato Epiphanes (a) Tp.2: BAZIAEQZ EMIPANOYE WAATQNOZ (BMC, Pl VL 11). 34. Polyxenus Epiphanes Soter (2) Tp. 2: BASIAEQS EMIGANOYS SQTHPOS HOAYSENOY= Mahkarajasa prachachhasa tratarasa Palisinasa (PMG, Pl. V. 372 or Palsksinasa (NC 1940, p. 107, No. 7). 35. Strate I Soter Epiphanes Dikaios (a) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQS LQTHPOE FTPATQNOS =Makarajasa tratarasa Stratasa (BMC, PI, X. 12}. (6) Tp. 6: BAZIAEQE ZLQTHPOR ULTPATQNOZ—=Maharajasa tratarasa dhramikasa Stratasa (NC 1923, Pl. XVI. 3). In this case the Prakrit cpithet dhramikasa is extra, as there is no equivalent Greck term on the obverse. (ce) Tp. 12: BAZIAEQE LRTHPOE AIKAIOY ETPATQNOZ= Maharajasa tratarasa dhtamikase Stratasa (NC 1923, Pl XV. 11.) On some coins KAI is written between ZQTHPOZ and AIKAIOY (NC 1948, Pl. VIE. 5). (d) Tp. 21: BAZTAEQE ENIGANOYE SQTHPOS ETPATQNOL= Maharajasa prachachhasa trotarasa Stratasa (NC 1993, Pl] XVI. 2). For legends on joint coins see ‘Agathocleia with Strato I’ above. 36. Strato IT Soter (a) Tp, l: BAZIAEQE SQTHPOS STPATQNOE. =Makarajasa tra- tarasa Stratase (PMC, Pl. V. 361). 37. Strato IE Soter with Strato III Philopater (a) Tps. 1-2: (obv.) Corrupt Greek legend, (Rev.) Maharajasa or Introduction 49 Moakarajanam: tratarasa Stratasa potrasa chasa priyapita Stratasa (Corolla Numismatica, Pl, XII. 12, 13). 38, Telephus Euergetes (a) Tp. t: BAZIAEQE EYEPTETOY THAEGOY =Maharajasa falanakramasa Teliphasa (PMC, Pl. YX. x). 39. Theophilus Autokrator Dikaios (2) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQZ AYTOKPATOPOE @EOGIAOY (FNSI, XVI, Pl. VI. 5). (4) Tp. 2: BAZIAEQL AIKAIOY OEODIAOY =Makharajasa dhra- mikasa Theilphilasa (PMC, Pi. UX, vill). 40, Zoilus I Dikaios (a) Tp. 1: BAZIAEQE AIKAIOY ZQIAOY=Moaharajasa dhrami- kasa Fhotlasa (NC 1947, PLT. 7). 41, Zoilus IT Soter (a) Tp. 1: BASIAEQZ SQTHPOL ZQIAOY = Maharajasa trata- rasa Fhoilasa (BMC, Pl. XII. 11). (8) Tp. 5: (obv.) No Greek legend, (Rev.) Maharajasa tratarasa Thoilasa (PMG, Pl. VU. 546), F. ARRANGEMENT oF Lecenp Bactrian (monolingual) coins bear legends only on the reverse. Earlier coins having simple and short legends would show them in two straight lines, written vertically or horizontally, according to the space permitted by the reverse devices. As the reverse of the gold and silver cains hare generally the standing figure ofa deity, twa straight vertical lines on either sides of the device were convenient (cf. coins of Diodo- tus, Euthydemus I, Demetrius I, Euthydemus Il, Demetrius HH, Pantaleon, and Eucratides IT). The arrangement is found on the cupro-nickel and copper coins of Euthydemus II, which bear the tripod-lebes on the reverse. Regular silver coins of Antimachus I, though they bear the additional epithet 902, also have the legendin * two perpendicular straight lines. This is also the case with the unique Attic tetradrachm of MenanderI, whereon his royal title and epithet (BAZIAEQS LQTHPOS) are written to the right of the reverse figure of the thundering Athena, and his name to her left (just below the aegis), so that the lack of symmetry is little felt. 4 50 Language, Senpt, ete On the so called “pedigree” coms of Antumachus I and Agrthocles the principle of the above arrangement of legend rematned practically unchanged The obverse bearing the portruts of Alexander, etc , has the name and the respective significant epithet of the person com memorated written in two vertical strught lincs on cither sides of the bust, while the reverse bears in two similar straight lunes the respec- tive royal title and the nime of the issuer with iddiional epithet GEOL or AIRAION written m the lower exergue (see for Antumaichus I, BMC, P] XXX 6, and for Agathocles, BAIC, Pl TV 2 and 3) Tins pecuhar arrangement of legend is also found on the Attsc silver coms of Hehocles and x umue Attic tetradrichm of Aghthocles (JNSI,Vol XVI,p 184, Pl ID 1) But where the device was depicted as sidewise clongrted, such as the ‘ Mounted Dioshuroi”’ on Eueratides’ silver coins (BAIC, Pl V6) or the horse or panther on the minor coins of Luthydemus or Agathocles, the legends were written honzontatl) in two strught Ines—BAZIAEQE above, and the bing’s name below, the device With the adoption ofan additional epithet by Eucratides1 (METAL) and two members of his family—Lucratdes IE (£QTHP) and Phto (ENIGANHE)—dufficulty arosein vccommodating the long legends in tradiuonalstraightlines the legends had to be arranged jn different fashions Tucratides I accordingly split up the legend on his coins in two parts The upper part consisting of the royal title and epithet (BAZIAEQE METAAOY) was writtenin asemt arcle, while the king’s name was written in the lower exergue in a stright hne Some of the rare Atte tetradrachms of Plato, Antialadas, Philoxenus, Archebius, Theophilus, Amyntas and Hermacus berrlegendssimlarly atranged Again, Plato (Tp f)and Lucratides 11 (Tp 3)nBactria, and Lystas (Jp 1) and Antialeidas (7p 3) in India, struck some monol:mguat Athe coms, which bear the legend in yet another fashion,—1t being written continuously in about three quitters of . arcle above the reyers¢ device wear ates ngement ofthe resend pntroduced by Eucratides Yin Bactnia ries and suecersorean Inds ae angual coins of all hrs contempora ws, however, 4 slight modification Introduction HYDE st The king’s name was written in exergue in a curved line, not in a straight line, as on some of Eucratides’ “Pedigree” coins (7p. 7). On a few silver coins of Menander I and Strato I and on all silver coins of Antimachus II the Greek and (or) Kharoshthi legends were written continuously round the devices. For obvious reasons, on square coins of the Indo-Greck, Indo-Scy- thian and Indo-Parthian kings the legends were written in straight . lines on three or (rarely) four sides of the coins. On a few round coins of Apollodotus II, however, the legend is written in three straight lines { Tp. 5). G. Irrecurar Grerk Lerrers Our coins show only capital letters. They have the ordinary form on Bactrian coins, but on coins of India there are some cases of irregular letters. We find one variant each for alpha (4'), zeta (2*), theta (8°), pi (77 ), tau (T") and phi ($*) and two for sigma (Z' and Z*) and omi- cron (O' and O*) and three for omega (Q', Q? and 2%), Fig 1, Irregular forms of Greek letters, These irregular Greek letters are found on coins of as many as I¢ rulers. Agathocleia’s recently discovered drachm (Tp. 2}—TMA, pp. 77, 87, No. 9 Pl. VIIT. 17-—has A.? Antialcidas: PAIC, Pl. III, 172 (Tp. 68) shows Z' and 2, Ona second coin of Antialcidas, PALG, Pl. IV. 212 (7p. 13) we find again 27, * ABM coin of Apollodotus IE shows T': NC 1923, p. 313, note 23. Two coins of Archebius show dots for omicron (O*)—BMC, p. 33, Nos 7-8: No 7 Pl. IX. 7 (Tp. 70). © forms part of a countermark on an Attic drachm of Demetrius I: NC 1951, PL IV. 15 (7p. 2). Epander’s coin—NC 1947, p. 46, No.9 PL. 9 (7p. 2—has mW, A coin of Hermacus—-PMCG, No. 683 (Fp. 8)—shows both 2? and 0', 52 Monograms Two types of Hippostratus’ coins show O* PMC, Pi VII 606, 610 (Tp ft and Tp 7) ‘Acoin of Menander II shows 0°—BMC, p 50, No 74 (Tp 4) Besides showmg ordmary letter-forms, coms of Nicias bear irregular forms of sigma, omega and omicron Winle the coin, PMC, No 600 (Tp 6) has 3" and @', the com PMC, No 602 (Tp 7) simultaneously shows 3?, 2 and O' Acomnstrack with the names of Strato IL and Strato I]—PMC, Pl VILL 643 (Tp f)—bears 3" On a BMcomn of Theophilus we find @' PMC, P1 IX vm (Tp 2) Accom of Zoilus I has Z' NC 1947, PL I 7 (Tp 1) At least one coin of Zoilus 11—PMC,P] VI 545 (Tp 2)——bears 25 Thus A! Agathoclaa (Tp 2),27 Zolusl (7p 1), O' Theophilus (Tp 2), O* Hermaeus (7p 6), Hippostratus (Tp 7), Niaas (Tp 7), 0? Archebus (7p 10), Menander II (7p #4), M Epander (7p 2),2' Antaledas (Tp 66), Nicias (7p 6) Strato II with Strato IIT (Tp 1),3? Antialeidas (7 13), Hermacus (Tp 8), Nias (Tp 7), Tt Apollodotus 11, 9" Antalodas (7p 6b), Nacias (7p 6), 2° Nicias (Tp 7), and 2 Zonlus I (7p 2) MONOGRAMS A Tere IMPORTANCE Almost all the coins under discusston beat curious marks or symbols, commonly referred to as ‘monograms’ But one monogram miy be found on different consof more thanoneking On the other hand, one and thesame typeof coins often shows differentmonograms on different specimens Their precise meaning being unknown, scholars have offered various solutions to the problem of these monograms since 1738, when Bayer published the first Bactrian tetradrachm of Eucratides I showing a monogram (M59) “If these could be read and interpreted”, says Gardner, ‘there can be no doubt that they would afford us most valuable information But these present the greatest difficulties” (BMC, p lv) B Earuiest Stupy of A Monocram Alarge number of these monograms are apparently composed of two * Tor coins w thout any monogram see. App 2 Introduction 53 or more Greek letters. What these Greek letters meant in ancient days we do not know. Bayer read in them a date. The monogram (M 59) on Eucratides’ coins was supposed to represent Hand P, and denote a date—108 of the Bactrian era, But this monogram may as well be differently interpreted —H J P, JH P, etc. Moreover, “as it seems to be repeated on the coins of different princes, it cannot represent a date” (Ari. \Ant., p. 238). C. Later Srupres (a) Cunningham’s View Cunningham pointed out that “all the mint monograms which are common to a number of different princes, can only be the names of cities, and cannot possibly be the names either of magistrates or of mint-masters, or ofany other functionaries.” He seems to have based mutch ofhis theory on Muiller’s researches (CASE, p. 49). He accor- dingly tried to read in the monograms the names of the cities that they represented. Without any cluc, his attempts were apt to be somewhat arbitrary. He had, however, to ‘admit the difficulty of satisfactorily deciphering some of the monograms, in consequence of the variety of readings, of which they are susceptible” (CASE, p. 52). He further admitted that nat all, “or even half of the mono- grams that occur on the coins of the Bactrian or Arian Greeks are the names of mint-cities’ (CASE, pp. 51 f.). Moreover, since Cunningham’s days a large number of new monograms have been added to the list. Existence’ of too many mint-cities is not believable, Modern scholars have, therefore, practically discarded his theory. (8) Gardner's View Conscious of the importance of these monograms, but unable at the same time to guess their meaning, Gardner reproduced them in his British Museum Catalogue (1886) along with the descriptionsof coins he noticed, He acknowledged “‘the possibility that many of the Greek monograms may stand for the names of the mints.” But he would not procced further with Gunningham and try to decipher those names ‘until the find-spots of Bactrian and Indian coins are far more exactly recorded than they have hitherto been” (BAIC, p.1vi). 54 (6) Rapson’s View Rapson also in his “Notes on Indian Goins and Seals,” FRAS 1905, p- 788, criticised Cunningham’s theory. He cited the case of the over- struck Kavifiye nagara-devata coin, which bears M 47 for Apollodotus’ understrike and M 38 for Eucratides’ overstrike. Neither of the two monogramscan be resolved into the letters which would go to make any possible Greck equivalent to the name Kapigi. “But while Gen. Cun- ningham’s theory as to the nature of these monograms,” he remarks, “seems to break down in the solitary instance in which itcan be tested, it must not be hastily assumed that a study and comparison of these monograms can yield no good results from the point of view of topogra- phy or history. Whatever be the correct interpretation of these mono- grams, whether they be the marks of moneyers or they denote certain issues of the coinage, the occurrence of the same monogram on the coins of different kings certainly raises a presumption that they were closely connected in some manner, either locally or chronologically.” (d) Whitehead’s View Whitehead, one of the greatest authorities on Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek coins, has remarked on these monograms differently on different occasions. “The Greek monogram,” he said in VWVM 14, pp. 26-27, “may denote the name of the local magistrate under whose authority the coin was struck, or sometimes the mint.” “The coin monograms which persist through a number of reigns,” he pointed again in VC 1923, p. 311, “cannot be interpreted as magistrates’ names; they should rather be regarded as the names of ‘mints.” This view was accepted by Macdonald in CHI, p, 443. Whitehead also referred to some “outstanding monograms” which are probably those of mint-towns.”” He thus recognised 4 such monograms—K, (M 29), Ky (M 233), K, (M 236) and K, (M162) representing respectively Nicaea, Ophiane, Ortospanum and Kar-, tana, which along with K, (M 71) are found on coins of superior style discussed above. These monograms are characteristic of the kings rulingin the upper Kabul valley (Paropamisadae) or the western Yavana domains’. Seven other monograms—G, (M 76), G, (M 42), G, (M 44), G, (M 127), Gs (M 204), Gs (M 120) and G(M 231) are * NG 1923, p. 314. 2 Ind, pp, 311-12. - Monograms Introduction ts representative of coins of intermediate style, struck in the Gandhara region or the middle Yavana domains’. M189, M 25] and M4 as well as Kharoshthi monograms are characteristic of coins of inferior style, struck in the Punjab region or the eastem Yavana domains’, Referring to the above monograms, Whitehead again says (VC 1950, p. 206), “ if the scope is limited to the main mints, I would now place K, to K; (except K,) (i.e. M71, M 29, M 233 and M162] atBegram: K, and G, to G, [i.e. M 236, M 76, M42, M 44, M 127, M204 and M 120] at Charsadda: G, and the marks on p. 314 [i.e. M 231, M189, M251 and M4} east of the Indus, probably all at Taxila (with a possibi- lity of Bucephala) except M 251. The last mark now not necessarily denote Sakala except on semi-barbarous Strato, Apollophanes and Zoilus Soter. Cunningham, Coins of Ancient India, Pl. IV.3.” {e) Tarn’s Theory The theory that monograms which persist through a numberof reigns represent mints has been criticised by Tarn(GBJ, Appendix 1). “There is nothingin this,” hesays. He believes that he can explain the difficul- ty and maintains that the monograms are not the names of mints. If a monogram (e.g. M 162) lasted too Iong for the life-time ofa single moneyer (or ‘‘the superintendent of the mint’), then we have to suppose that one moneyer was succeeded by another of thesamename. Tarn thinks, asa mattter of fact, that M 162 was the signature ofa man with a favourite Grech name. Originally one man, initials of whose name consisted of the composite letters of M 162 (or P and &), was connected with the mint at Bactra, where he worked for about 33 years. Then another man of the same name worked for Apollodotus, Menan- der and Antimachus II in India, and a third man, “possibly a grandson of the first, signs coins of two later members of the house of Eucratides, Antialcidas and Archebius, with the same monogram.” For the above assertions Tarn takes the clue fromthe mint-system of the Seleucid empire, of which Bactria, like Parthia, was a succession state. Bactria must have followed the customs of the Seleucid empire so far as an important affair like minting of coins was concerned. In Seleucid coins ‘‘the monograms are those of continuing mint-masters 1 We 1925, pp. 312-13, 2 Ibid ,p 314. 56 Monograms and changing city-magistrates ” ‘And it 1s admutted that the mono- grams on the coinage of Parthia, the principal Seleucid succession state, are usually thoseofmoneyers ’ Tarn, therefore, belicyes that the monograms on the coins of Bactria and India also represent the names of moneyers—muint masters or city-magistrates ‘ That the Bactrian and Indian monograms must also be,” says he, “anyhow as 1 general rule, those of moneyers—munt masters or city-magistrates—ecms to me almost too clear for argument, the Kharoshthi Ictters (instead of monograms) on some of the later Greek cotns of Indta (p 356) should alone be conclusive ” If the monograms represented mints, then some petty princes argues Tarn, also operated too many mutits,as monograms of ther coms would sigmfy This 1s hardly behevableto Tarn He maintains that, quite in keeping with the position in the Seleucid and Parthian realms, there were very few regular mints in the Greek territortes in Bactnia and India ‘Tarn, however,does not totally disregard the “Work shops or Offici- nae” theory of Wroth, as suggested with regard to the monograms of Parthian coms ‘While not asserting,” he says, “that all Bactran and Indian monogramsmust necessartly represent moneycrs—analternative might be that some represented offcnae, workshops, of whicha great citymight have more than one—I see no reason to suppose that they everdenote mint cities He 1s, 0f course,not sure ‘sfany monogram occurs which 1s sufficiently stereotyped to denote an officina? In this connection he refers to McDowell’s suggestion that the stereo- typed monograms on later Parthian coms "‘were at thestart moncyers* monograms which became stereotyped tomean certain mints ”’ Tarn terms this suggestion “attractive” Biar has accepted Tarn’s theory (NC1951,pp 22 23) Rachhofer (JAQS 1944, pp 235%) thas also made a skifud use of “Tarn’s view and shown that Apollodotus II lost parts of his territory to Maues since two of his moneyers passed into the service of Maues, and ended by working for his successor Azes, who again captured two of Hippo- stratus’ mint masters (f) Omar's View Sir Charles Oman, however, thinks otherwise and, to quote White- Introduction 57 head (WC 1950, p. 208), “prefers a mint place as the equivalent of a monogram, repeated on the money of a number of kings.” Sir Charles thinks that ‘“‘in cases where the monogram used by a Greek king appears on Saka money, the survival of the mint is more likely than that of the mint-master.” Whitehead agrees, under these circumstances, with the opinion of Sir Charles Oman. (g) Whitehead’s Conclusion In a note on the coins found in Taxila, Whitehead has for the last time discussed the meaning of the monograms (see Taxila, p. 830). “In the matter of monograms,” he says, ‘we have progressed from the attitude of Cunningham to that of Dr. Tarn, who sees no reason to suppose that Bactrian and Indian monogramsever denote mint cities. The truth probably lies between these two views.” (A) Simonetta’s Study Sr Alberto Simonetta has recently discussed these monograms in East and West, Year VIII, pp. 55-66. At the outset he accepts the view that the Greek monograms or the Kharoshthi aksheras which appear in the field or in the exergue of the Indo-Greek coins are the ‘signatures’ of magistrates or of moneyérs, and that cer- tain monograms could become hereditary in some families and be, therefore, used over long period of time (cf. GBI, p. 440). Simonetta then formulates four general principles: (1) Considering the possible ways by which the Greek. letters of a given name can combine to form a monogram, the chance of finding two or more persons using the same monogram without being somewhat conmected is rather daght and suchacase, if any, would bea rare eolnci- dence. (2) Amonogramuscd over a considerable length of time may, cventu- ally, have been used in more than one mint as the family using it may have moved from one on to another. (3) The larger the number of monograms shared by two kings the closer be the connection beween the two. (4) Tf one of the two monograms, as occur on some coins, is known to have been used at a particular mint, it may be assumed that the other too was used in the same mint. 58 Monograms On the basis of the above principles Simonetta has made ‘a new attempt to work out the regal ists of the Grecksuzerains [of Bactria and India] and to identify the place of issue of their cons’ His study has yielded interesting results D Comprexities oF THE MoNocRaMs The complexities of these monograms, only the Greek types of which number over 400, are bewildenng While the majority of the Greek type monograms are apparently composed of Greek letters, some at least look hke symbols (e g M171 and M197) These monograms generally occur on the reverse of a coin Coins which bearmonograms on the obverse alone or both on the obverse and reverse are rare They do not occur always at the same place While they are generally seen either at the right or left of the main device, there are many instances where they occur in the exergue or on the upper left or night field of the coin As has been pointed out by several scholars, some of the monograms persist through a number of reigns Their respective forms, however, are not always the same, they seem to undergo slight variations (cf M20 and M21, M102 and M 104, M109 and M 110) Though one coin generally bears one monogram, we sometimes find two monograms on the same specimen Quite a large number of coins, again, bears one or more detached Greek or hharoshth: letters We give below a rough «alysis of the various positions of the mono gram(s) and (or) detached Greek and (or) KHaroshtha letters - A Osvrrsz @) k Mon (1) Antimachus Il (7p )— BMC, p 55, Nos 3,5,8 (2) Philoxenus(Tp 9)—BMG, p 57,No 14 (u) Two Greek letters (1) Apollodotus I (Tp 3)— B Onvensz Reverse BMC, p 34,No 12 () 1 Mon 2 Kh letters (1) Apollodotus IT (Tp 3j— BMC,p 38,No 10P1 X 5 (2) Zolus It (Tp 3)— BMC, p 53,No Ll PIXII13 Introduction _ (a) 1 Mon. 1 Gk, letter (iii) 1 Mon. 1 Kh. letter (w) 1 Mon. 1 Mon, (») 1 Gk. letter 1 Kh. letter (vt) 1 Gk. letter 1 Mon. (vii) 1 Kh. letter 1 Kh, letter (viii) 2 Gh. letters 1 Mon. C. Reverse: ~ (i) I Mon. (ti) 1 Mon. and 1 Gk. letter (iii) 1 Mon, and 3 Gk, letters y e 59 (1) Philoxenus (7p. 9)—BMC, p. 57,No.11. (1) Philoxenus (Tp. 9)—BMC, p. 57, No. 13 PLXIIT.10. (1) Apollodotus I (7p. 3)— BMC, p. 34, No.3 PLIX.9. (2) Philoxenus (Tp. 9)—BMC, p. 57, No. 16. {1) Menander I(7$.25)—BMC p-50, No.71. (1) Menander1(7p 25)—-BMC, p. 50, No. 72. (1) ApollodotusI(7p.3)—BMC, p- 34, No. 9. (1) ApollodotusI ( 7p.4)—BMC, p. 36, No. 26. Almost all kings. (1) Antialeidas (7p.77)—BMC, p. 27, No.19 PI.VIII. 2. (2) Demetrius II (Tp. 1)— CHI, p. 464, Pl. TIT. 5. (3) Diomedes (Tp. 6)—BMC, p: 31, No. 6. (4) Eucratides I(7p.20)—BMC, p. 16, No. 36 PL. VI. 3. (5) Euthydemus I (7p. 2)— BAC, p.4,No. 4. (6) Lysias (7p 3)—BMC, p.29, No. 1 PLVIIL 5, (7) Menander I( Tp. 3)—BMC, p. 44, No. 5 PIXI. 8. (8) Philoxenus (7p. 3)—BMC, p- 56, No. 3 PLXIIL6. (1) Plato (Zp. 2.)—-BAC, p.20, No.1 Ph. VIL11, 60 (tv) 1 Mon and I Kh letter (x) 1 Mon and 2 Kh letters (v1) 2 Mons (vii) 2 Mons and 1 Ah letter {m1) 2or mare Gk letters . Monograms (1) Apollodotus II (Tp 2)— BMC, p 37,No 7 (2) Hermaeus (Tp 2a)—RBMC, p 63, No Qt (3) Hippostratus (7p 7)— BMG, p 59, No 1 PI XIV 1 (4) Menanderl (7p 23)—2BM¢, p 49, No 66 (8) Zolus Il (Tp 1)—BMC, p 52,No 3 PIXIF1 (1) Apollophanes (Tp 2)—BAIG, p 54,No LPI XIII 1 (2) Hippostratus( Tp 7)—BMC, p 59,No ¢Pl SIV 2 (1) Apollodotus IT (7p &)— BMC,p 38,No 11 (2) Archebius (7p 5)—BMC, p 32,No 5 PL IX 5 (3) DemetriusI (7 2a)-BMC, p 6,No? (4) Epander (Tp 3)—BAfC, | p 5l,No UPI XII 8 (5) Hermaeus (Ip 2a)— BMC, Pp 63, No 22 (6) MenanderI (7 2)—BMGC, p 45,No 21 (1) Hermaeus(Tp 24)—BMC, p 63,No 20 PI KV 4 (1) Apollodotus I (77 4— BMC, p 36, No 30 @ letters) (2) Eueratides II (7% N— BMC,p 13,No SPLV 5 (3) Lucriudes T (Tp 6)— BMC,p 15, No 30 Introduction (ix) 1 Gk. letter {x) 2ormore Kh, letters 61 (4) Heliocles (7p. 1)~BMC, p. 21, No. 8 PLVITE. 3. (5) Pantaleon (Tp. 2)—BMC, p. 9, No. 1. (1) Agathocles (Tp, 7)—BMC, p. 11, No. 7 Pl. IV. 7. (2) Apollodotus IT (Tp. 4)— BMC, p. 36, No. 37. (3) Demetrius! (Tp. 26)—BMC, p. 6, No, 8. (4) Diomedes (Tp. 6)—BMC, p. 31, No.7. (5) Eucratides I (Tp. 5\—BMC, p. 15, No. 24. (6) Heliocles (Tp. 5)—BMC, p. 23, No. 23 PI. VII. 6. (7) Menander I (7p. 719) — BMC, p. 48, No.58, (8) Pantaleon (Tp. 3)—BMC, p.9, No, 2 Pl. TIL 8. (1) Dionysius (Tp. 3)—BME, p. 51, No. 2. (2) Strato IT (Zp. 1)—BAC, p. 40, No. 6, and BMC, p. 40, No, 9 PI. X. 14. (8) Zoilus IE (Tp. 2}—BMC, p. 53, No.9 Pl. XIT, 12. ws . . Instances of one particular monogram occurring an more than one king’s coins are not few. Thus?:— * (#) M 162 occurs on coins of 14 kings. (iz) M 75 occurs on coins of 10 kings. (dit) M 234 occurs on coins of 9 kings. (iv) M 29 and M 233 occur each on coins of 8 kings. (v) M 73 and M 102 occur each on coins of 7 Kings. 1 Fora more exhaustive list with references see App. 2. 62 Torgery (m) M 42 and M 165 occur each on coins of 6 kings ° (ou) M71, M 127, M 236 and M 247 occur on coins of § kings (out) M 45, M72, M 76, M77, M 163, M 204 and M 234 occur each on coms of ¢ kings (tx) M18, M 21, M109, M 113, M 189, M 199, M 228 and M 230 occur each on coins of 3 kings (x) At least 30 monograms occur each on coms of 2 kings E Lyurations of THE Stupy or Monocrans The reading of the monograms 1s more difficult than the reading of alegend We can restore a legend of a particular type of com from a stmular specimen, but we do not get any clue for the restoration of the form of a monogram, as different specrmens of the same type of coms may bear different monograms The cxact rendering of a monogram 3s all the more difficult because we know netther 1ts meaning nor its context (ifany) Under the circumstances, description of 1 monogram 1s nghly unreliable, and we hardly get the mechanical reproductions of coms having different monograms In many cases the actual form ofa monogram becomes difficult te ascertain duc to careless engraving Andatis not also unhkely that one monogram, because of its legibility, 18 mistaken for another Seasoned numismatists may sometimes take one monogram for another with similar form The monogram on the 20 stater prece of Bucratides I, as will beseen later, has been differently described by Cunningham and Whitchead, and Scltman has even taken it for another, which does not exist FORGERY Teas necessary in this connection tosay afew words about forgenes, which are very common now-a days To prove or disprovea theory on numismatic evidence one must choose a genuine coin A few years bach I saw a tetradrachm ofEucratidest witha Rawal pind com dealer, now residing in Delhi It was of the “Diademed bust and Dioskurot_ type (Tp 2 of Eucratides 1) with the simple title BAZIAEYE In a hurry I could not examine the coin closely, but took a plaster of Panis cast It shows.a head exactly symilar to that of the coin illustrated an CHT, Pi IV 9 Twasat first imclined to see Introduction 63 an obvious link between Tp. 2 of Bucratides I and Zp. 7 of Lucratides TL. But on a closer examination of another exactly similar piece in the collection of a Caleutta gentleman, evidently secured from the above Rawalpindi dealer, I found that the specimen was an ingenious forgery—a “mule”? skilfully produced with the obverse and reverse types of two differentcoins! Itat once reminded me of another such forgery, published and illustrated by Rapson in the Corolla Numismatica, p. 251, Pl. XII. 8. . Since the carly thirtics of the nineteenth century when people first began to take keen interest in such coins, some of the unscrupulous dealers have been decciving collectors of coins by such forgeries, At first when the knowledge about different weight standards was poor, an un- suspecting collector was often duped with silver or gold casts of copper and silver originals. Raoul Rochette detected some such forgeries as carly as 1839 (Jour, des Sav., Teb., 1839). Cunningham wrote about such pieces (specially about Kushan forgerics) in his articles published in the ZASB 1810. Wilson accordingly warned collectors in Ari. Ant, (1841) p. 278, against forgeries of this hind. Dealers have now almost given up such tactics. But other types of forgeries have become widespread. Coly’s diary of “March 3rd, 1846” (as quoted by Whitchead in VC 1923, p. 310, note 18) spoke of “Jews in Cabul who are very clever in counterfeiting the ancient Greek and Bactrian coins.”’ Speaking of forgerics Wilson also said in 1841, “The coiners of Hindustan are beginning to take advantage of the anxiety of collectors to procure ‘rare’ coins, and are evidently at work to supply them,” By the beginning of the second Half of the nineteenth century rare Eucratides coins had begun to be forged. As stated in PE I, p. 184, Thomas saw casts of Heliocles-Laodice tetradrachms (Tp. 7 of Eucrati- des I) with two collectors. And by 1869 Cunningham had seen five casts of a coin of the same type before he secured the ‘original’ (NG 1869, p. 222 ; CHI, p. 465, Pl. IV. 3). For obvious reasons early dealers, specially of the nineteenth century, would take recourse to cast forgeries. They could actually handle original coins and prepare their casts. They would sell the original to the seasoned collectors at high prices, and keep the casts for their 6t Forgery less suspecting brethren. “Fortunately for the collectors,”’ said White- headin 1914 (PAC, p. 8), “the forger as a rule confines his energies tomaking casts of knownspecimens, especially of Bactrian tetradrachm and Indian didrachm.” But the originals ultuumately getting out of reach, some dealers soon took recourse to die-struck imitations, By 1914 Whitehead had seen dic-struck imitations, specially ofthe tetradrachm of Antimachus I and the “Diodotus” pedigree tetradrachm of Agathocles, But the position has worsened considerably since Whitehead wrote the PALC, Die-struck imitations in gold and silver of all the known big coins of Lucratides 1 are available in the market. I have seen two different dic-struck forgeries of the “Javelin-thruster’ tetradrachm of Eucratides I (Tp. 9). There was a Heliocles-Laodice die-struck forgery in the collection of Mr P. Roersch, ex-Consut General of Belgium in Caleutta. [twas purchased in Delhi, The Rawalpindi coin-dealer who shawed me the Eucratides “mule”, also, to my amusement, produced before me an exactly similar Heliocles-Laodice tctradrachm, I then knew the source of Mr Roersch’s coin. Thave since thenscen several die-struck forgeries of Tp. 100f Encrati- des I, some with unusual monograms. But the most interesting dic- struck imitations are perhaps the two Attic tetradrachms (7p. 2 of Eucratides I and Tp 7 of Eucratides II) published in JNSI, Vol. XIU, pp. 215-16, PL XI, 1, 2. T saw and examined those coins while displayed at the Gwalior Session of the Indian History Congress in 1952, IMITALIONS OR ANCIENT FORGFRITS Besides the modern forgeries discussed above, ancient forgeries or the so-called barbrrous imitations’ are well known Degraded copics of the then popular Bictrian coms of Puthy demus I and Hehocles, and Indian coms of Hermreus have often been commented upon while + few other stray antique pieces of dubious origin scem to have passed unnoticed With the discovery of the Qunduz and the Var Zakah hoards, itis now evident that the ancient forger s attention ws not confined to the issues of Futhy demus I, Heliocles or Hermeus alone, he picked up coms of other kings and forged them 1s well Counterfeit coins 1s 1 rule, are of infirtor eaccution Silver copies of the tetra deichms' of Futhydemus Tas well 1s copper rmitations of the silser coins of ¥ehocles are excellent illustrations of the way in which fine numismatic types cin be degraded by unskilled copysits In 2 few eases, however, forged coins are of good workmanstip Except in the cise of Hehocles whose teradrachms were crudcly copred tn copper, the counterfeiter debised silver currencics in two Ways (1) by first preprring die struck or cast copper replicas and then silver plating them and (2) by fabricating die struck copies in more or less debased ster OF copper prototypes, he would prepare—(1) copies without ritering the types or legends, and (2) hybrid imitations with some novelty in the types or legends or by inserting monograms unusual for the hing concerned It as now clear that the plated coins became the most successful form of counterfirting during the Indo-Greck period, for besides the hitherto Lnown plated coms of Demetrius 1, Antumichus I (?), Duthydemus I, Hehocles, Philoxenus and Hermreus, the Mir Zakah Treasure has yielded fresh plated coins of Apollodotus I, Antalcidas, Menander I, Antimachus II, Archebius, Hermacus, Apollodotus IT and Zoslus II (see TMA, pp 7579) Obviously meant for duping the unsuspecting public, these silver plated copper coins, 1s also the forged :mtations, did not originate in the royal mints They must have been produced an the dens of ingenious forgers who worked with simple tools 1nd rarely had claborite techmerl traming {sec G L Hart, Counterferting mn India, p 7) However, we would notice here instances of ancient forgeries of the Grech coins of Brctna and India, 5 66 Pogertes Tetradrachms of Luthydemus I were extensively forged While some of these forged comms ire of semi barbarous to barbirous execution, there are some comprritively well stuck pieces which when closely examined, betray signs of imitation , as for example the tetradrachm published in JAIC, Pl I 3 1s too conventional to have been 1 normal issue of Luthydemus own mint, similarly, another Kabul Museum tetridrachm (as scen from a photograph) is endowed with features anatomucally different from those of Luthy demus I Of Demetnus I, the silver plated BAC com No 4 of the size of Atte tetradrichm but of much hghbter weight (220 2 gruns) 1s of questionable authenticity, while the semi barbirous piece Wc 1951, p 34, Pl IV 22 (BMC, No 5) 1s but a forged copy of Demetrius’ normil tetradrachm Antimachus Is superb BM tetradrachm, Pl VI 3 when comprred with its Qunduz counterpart, JNS/, XVI, Pl II 3, shows that the latter 1s only » weak copy of the former The plited hem:drachm, FASB, YX, p 87°, must also have had tts ongin outside the roy7l mint Similarly, the silver plated Attic drachm of Cuthydemus IT, BMC, Pl I 4, though apprrently 1 fine specimen scems to be of doubtful authentuaty Many of the Bactriin silver pieces with the name and types of Ducri- tides I are but barbarous imitations ‘The crude drichms, PALC, Pl 11 69 and JWASC,P] X 958, cannot compare well with their excellent BM counterpart, BMC, P1 V 9 Genuineness of 1 third drachm, BAIC, p 14,No 18, with blundered royal title 1s nat beyond suspicion Sim- larly, many Kabul Museum tetradrachms (as scen from photographs) betray a sort of unskilled workmanship, qinte unbecomung of the master die simkers who produced coms hhe BA{C, PI V 611 Crude silver and copper smutations of the Attic tetradrichms of Hehocles’ Type 1 are well known Bivir has published a barbarous Qpnduz tetradrachm in JNSH, XVII, p 50, No 40 PI VI 1 The com, PMC, p 28, No 134, m1, 1s probably a similar crude copy Occurrence of dots for omicrons in the legend of a comparatively crude ‘Kabul Museum tetradrachm 1s indicttive of its being a later amitation The plated com BMC, p 21, No 7 of the weight of 205 1 grams 1s apparently a forged tetradrachm Attic drachms, with blundered Introduction 67 legends, BAC, p, 22, No. 10 and IMG, p. 13, No. 2, do not seem to he genuine pieces. Barbarous copper imitations of the same type of coins are too well-known (sce Pl. XX. 2). The unskilled copyists, who pro- duced them, fabricated another equally crude type, on which the stand- ing Zeus is replaced by a horse (see 7p. 4). A few known drachm-sized plated coins of Type 2 with blundered legend must also have been produced by unskilled forgers. So much for the coins of Bactria, In India, coins of Lucratides 1's Type 20 appear to have been widely copicd. Comparatively crude coins with monograms unusual for Eucratides I are obviously contemporary or later imitations. We have secn photographs of some degraded Kabul Museum coins, which were certainly not produced at Eucratides’ own mints, The piece described as ‘a very rude coin’ in IMG, p. 13, No. 28 seems also to be a forged issue. Coins with Kharoshthi monograms, PMC, Nos. 102; 103, 120 and 128, are apparently of later origin, as occurrence of Kharoshthi monograms is rather unusual on the coins of an early hing like Eucratides I. Coins with the epithet SQ7THP written in cursive characters, as recorded in Wachfolger Alexanders des Grossen, p. 101; Not 3 and PMC, p. 27, unrep. Tp. x, seem also to have been fabricated at a later time. Coins of Type 21 (WS, XXV, p. 72 N, PL3. 5) are undoubtedly crude imitations of the coins of Type 20. Of Apollodotus I, the two plated Mir Zakah drachms (Tf. 3), the BMC coin No. 33 with blundered legend (7. 4) as well as the ‘rude small coin’ (Tp. 5), JA{C, p. 21, No, 52 are apparently of suspicious origin, The freak silver piece, ZNSI, XIII, p. 217, Pl. XI. 5, is only a barbarous copy of the coins of Menander I. Drachm-sized copper coins of Types 11 and 29 appear to be replicas of Menander’s silver drachms (and might originally have been silver-plated). This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that two Mir Zahah coins, each of Types 3 and 6 are similarly of the size of drachms and plated in silver. Lysias’ copper coin of Type 8, which has the king’s Greek name wrongly written in the Kharoshthi way, does not seem to have been struck from dies prepared at the royal mint, The plated Mir Zakah coins, one each of Antimachus II (7p. 1), Antialcidas (7p. 6) and Zoilus I (Tp. 1), and four of Archebius (79.3) 68 Forgeries must have originated with forgers. Same is apparently the case with Philoxenus’ Plated coin of Type 7, BMC, p. 56, No. 8. Drachms of Apollodotus II (both of Tp.2 and Tp. 10) seem also to be widely copied, as many of them are too clumsy to be genuine issues (cf, Pl. VIL. 12 with Pl. VII. 13, and Pl. VIEL. 7 with Pl. VIII. 8); and the plated Mir Zakah coin of Type 2 clearly shows that the coins of Apollodotus TI were not outside the forger’s purview. Coins of Hermaeus were widely copied. The Mir Zakah Treasure alone has produced no less than 23 plated teradrachms and 33 plated drachms—all of Type 2. The excavation at Mir Zakah has also yielded a plated drachm of the same type (see TALA, p. 96), while a similar piece was long ago recorded in BMC, p. 63, No. 19. ‘There are in the Kabul Museum many crudely imitated specimens amongst the large number of Hermaeus’ drachms, comparable to his semi-barbarous tetradrachm, VC 1923, p. 399, Pl. XVII. 11. Then, with regard to Hermaeus’ copper money, it is but obvious that coins of Type 5 evolved, throngh stages of well-known imitations, into the first issues of Kujula Kadphises (cf. PAC, Pl. 1X. 666 with Pl, XVIII 1), CATALOGUE OF COINS AGATHOCLEIA (THEOTROFOS) ATTIC STAND \RD Wethout Name and Tile I AV. Rd. Bust of Athena in smooth helmet Horned oul to reght. Inastragalus border, bust of Athena (Agathocles?) tor , weuring amooth helmet Rev In astragilus border, ‘large horned ow] walking to xr. with head facing Tol A’ Artic Sraters P11 Monogram A (enrsive alpha with a slanting bar) (1) BYL_NC1940, pp 105 08, No & Pl VIII 1 (2) Another Cunningham com in BM ‘in inferior condition and artistic ment” (34) Gen Haughton—“oxlubited 2 coms ata meoting of the Royal Numismatic Society held xt London on the 18th of May, 1944 (5) The Prince of Wales Muscum, Bomb1;—“One spectmen procured as ertly as in 1917 from Mrs Howell’, published by Dr A S Alteharin JNSI, XI, pp 45 46, Pl 1 2 also published and discussed by the present author in JNSI,XVE, pp 190 105 PIT 31 (6) Banaras Hindu Umversity—1 com JNSI, XI, p 46 (7) Patna Museum (ex Ambuy Bancrj1)}—1 coin Vara Sumtay, but the obverse and reverse types are on a bigger seve ArricStatcr P| 12 Monogram A (cursive alpha with a slanting bar) Q) Mr H P Poddar—1 cam, published and discussed by the author in JNSI,XVI,p 195 PILI 30 ‘ The ty pe, Athena and her owl 13 one of Menander as found on both silver and copper coms The Athena of this con (YC 1940 Pl VEIT 1) does not appetr to resemble Menander It hos been noted that the owl of Athena is always a hornle-s, nover a horned or eared species, the bird on tho Lnown coms of Menander 1s of Athenian type ~The bird of this gold prece appeirsto be 9. homed owl, possibly the Indian eagle owl” —Wintchead, NO 1940, p 105 06 ” This very fact that the owl on this gold type 1s not of the Athentan species indicates that Monander was not ita issuer Moreover,way should thia ex traordinary gold com remain anonymous? Menander, 1fhe had struch it at all would rather be too e ger to put his own name on this remarkable com 1t scems, this gold com was not issued by Menander See the author's paper, 92 Corpus of Indo Greek Coins ‘Coins of Queen Agathocleia and the Attmbution of tho legendless Indo Greck Staters,’ JNST, XVI, pp 189 96 INDIAN STANDARD Without Epithet 2 AR Rd Bust of Queen Male Sigure (Warn .o1) to right Bust of queen to r, wearing § mbbon set with minute pearls on her forehead are two locks of hair, while on the nape of tho noch falls a braid of hair hnotted at the end and terminated by hittle pevrls (as on the two Taxi statuettes JRAS 1947, PL III) rows of pearls are around the nech and the shoulders are covered witha mantle at the aperture of v hich —on the breast— Appear folds of an mner garment Greek Jegend (above) BAZIAISZHE (below) AP AQOKAEIAS (alphas with slanting bar) Rev The figure of a warnor (Strato I?) walkmg tor diademed and clad 4m a ver} short sleeveless tum, not coy ermg the knees he bears slueld ind Tance on the | arm, While ther armis extended a daggeris on ther side Monogram on r field Tsharoshthi legend {abox e) Maharajasa tratarasa dhramikasa (below) Stratasa Inpuan Dracum PII 3 Monogram 72 Q) Kabul Museum (from Mir Zakoh) TALA, pp 77,87, No 9 Pl VIIL 17 (wt 245 grms Sz 17 mm) Curel and Schlumberger, who pubhshed the coin, hesitate to call the quean’s pearl set ribbon a diadem, because 1tsdiadem with the diadem, for the diadem which aecording to Whitehead (VN MI 13, P17) “was orginally the blue and white band tied round the tiara of the Persian monarch’ ultimately “took the form of & white alk mbbon some times embroidered with pearls ” The queen Possibly did not let the ends of her diadem fall backwards but twisted them hke Indian gurls of modern times along with the braid of her haw Hyde andinteresting coin does not bear the e uthet GEOTPOITOS as on all hitherto known drachins of Agathocleia ‘Tho coin therefore must have been struck it a time when the queen did not assume that epithet This fact reveals another intermediary position in the career of Agathoclow as queen ebent As we have already shown specially im the article referred to above, gathocleia when she was not sure of her position struck the staters with types Temuniscent of her husband Menander—'Helmeted bust of Athena’ and i cain owl (PMG Pl yr 480)—substituting the bust of Athena with her own ust and the Athenian owl with an Indian ow] Next sho struch this Tachm with her own diademed bust and the figure of the mummor Strato as Warrior, assuming only the royal title BASIAISEA Types 3 and 4 were tee phen sho adopted tho epithet GEOTPONOE The test is clowr from Agathoclea i Wth Epithet GEOTPOMOL 3 AR Rd. Bust of Queen late figure (Waziio) to right Diedemed bust of queen to r, as on No 2 (Above) BASTAIDSH @EOTPONOY (below) APAQOKAEIAS Ret Figure of a warrior tor, as on No 2 Kh legend (above) Baha rajasa tratarasa dhramlasa (bo'ow) Stratasa Invian Dracums PL 1.4 Monogram 71 {1) 1arC, p 21, No 1 PLIV 11—very poor (2) BM Corolla Numisma ca, p 148, Pl XII 4, PC, p 87, PITA vnand NC 1923, p 331, No 45 PIAVI 6 Var a On some recently discovered Indian drachma the quesn’s name 1: seen written wronely as A2’4 GOKAEAL instead of APAQOKAEIAL Inpian Dractas PLI5 Monogram 71 (1) Titzwalham Museum (Cambridge) NC 1947, pp 44 £5, No 6 PII 6 (2) American Numismatic Society ANS Mus Notes I11{1948) pp 40 43, No 5 PIVI 5 (with enlarged obv} (3) Mr H P Poddar—i tom (not from the Talbot Collection which ho acquired) (4) Mr P Taorburn—one com JNSI,IV, 1942, pp 146 47, Pl AEITA 4 and da (with enlarged oby ) 4 AE Sqr Bust of Queenan smooth helmet Heialles seated to left. “Bust of queen tor without diadem, but helmeted ” (L) BASTAISSHE (top) PBEOTPONOY (r} ATACOKAEIAL Rev Noahed Herakles seated to 1 on aroch with a club on his knee (as on the silver coins of Euthydemus I} Kh Legend (r) Meharayasa (top) trataraca dhrami (1) kasa Stratasa Murprust stzep Corrs PL IG Monogram 71 Priasep first published Dr Swinoy 8 then unique comin J 18B, Nov 1836, PLALVI 2, 3t was also published in dri dnt, p 272 PIVE 10 Cun. mingham acquired it and published rt again in A € 1870, p 207, No t P1(C) ALS, “only three other specamenshnown mE I Mus l28grs , Brit VWus, and Mr IC Bayley Thomas No 1” (PEH, p 197, PE AAAL 2) (1 2) BUC, p 43, No! Pl XE 6, and No 3 (ex I 0 C,1 e the above E I Mus specimen) (3) BM the above Cunningham coin also pubh hed and discussed in Corolla Numtsmatica, p 248, PI XIE 3 (4) PMC, p 52, PLV 370 (6) Titzwilham Muceum (ex W S Talbot) AC 1947, p 45, No 8 P11 § (6) MrH P Poddar—one coi {also from the Talbot Collec tron) (7) HASC, p 9, No 103—whereabouts unknown Wo have quoted here the obverse description as mveninthe PMC Dr Whitehead hassince changed his view about the identification of tho obverse bust, and described the obverse typens* Bust of helmeted P llaste night, har in ringlets” (AC 1947, p45, No 8) Wilson, Gardner and Rapson deseribed 74 Corpus of Indo Greek Coins itas the “Bust of Queen Agathoclea,” while Thomas and Cunningham simply sx), “Femalo head, helmeted ” ith Conjugate Busts of Agathoclea and Strato I 5 AR. Rd Conjugatebusts Athena thundering toleft. “Conjugate chademed busts of Strato I and of Agathocleia tor " (Above) BAXSIAEQE SOTHPOS STPATQNOZ (below) KAL APAOOKAETAL Rev Athena standmg to | , holding args on outstretched 1 arm and hurl- ing thunderbolt with r hand (exactly as on Menander s characteristic silver coins) Kh legend (above) Maharajasa tratarasa Stratasa (below) Agathulrine Ispran Tetaapracoa PILI 7 Monogram 236 (1) Mr P Thorburn NVC1950, p 215, Fig Thisis the only coin to bear the name of Agathocleia m the Prakrit version No silver or copper coin hitherto hnewn has on the reverse the name of the queen On this com her name occurs in both the obverse and the reverse legends, while the coms of Typo 6 bear her name—~only on the obvorse Greek side 6 AR. Ra. Conjugate busts . Athena thundering to left. Conjugate busts of Strato I wd of Agathocless, as on No 5 (Above) BAZIAEQE SQTHPOL LTPATQNOE (below) KAI ATAOOKAEIAL Re. Athena thundenng to 1, as on No 6, but Kh legend (above) Maharajasa tretarasa dhrannkasa (below) Stratesa InDuN TeTRapRacuus P] IS Monogram 71 (1) BM NC 13887, p 183 Pl I 7 (from the Tatta find), Corolla Nu mismatica, pp 249 50, PE NIE G CHE Ti VIL 19 {oby), PMG, Pl X v1 (2) IMCS) p13, No 1 (3) BM (ox Whitehead) C1923, p 331, No 41 Pl AVI 5 (from the 1917 Shuhhano Dher: Hoard, which had 4 moro coms of the type) (4) Gen Hanghton—1 coin (from the 1940 Shahhano Dhens Hoard, which had another similar coin) NC 1940, pp 123 ff, AGATHOCLES (DIKAIO$) ATTIC STANDARD A CoMMEWORSTIVE Comns 1 AR Rad. Head of Alecandcr in lion's ssatp Enthroned Zeus holding out eagle. In pellet border, headof Aleswnder in hon s scalp ter (R) AAESANAPOY TOY SIAUINOY Agathocles "5 Rev Zeus seated on throne to 1 holding out cagle and long sceptro (R) BALIAEYONTOS (in exergue) AIKAIOY (1) APASOKAEOYS Atric Terrapracums F119 Monogram 162 (1) BMG p10, No 1PIIV 1 (2) BM-—another com seo CBI p 447 (3) PMC pi6 PII 41 These coins ‘have the feid not of Alex tn lor but of Heracles (or Alexinder xs Heracles) wear ng the ons seup (Tun) 2 AR Rd Head of Antiochus Zeus thundering to left and eagle In pellet border diademed head of Antiochus to r (R) ANTIOAOY (1) NIKATOPOS—written vertically Ret Nal ed Zeus striding tol , hurling thunderbolt withr hand and holt ing acgis on the arm of his outstretched 1 hand anengloathis! footand a wreath between tho .egs and tho eaglo (R) BAZIAEYONTOL (in exergue) 4IKAIOY (1) ATAOOKAEOYS Arrio TrtrapRacna PII 10 Monogram 8&9 Cunningham published hisown com AC 1868 p 281 No 3PI(C) H 3 “Author 255 ers unique also BAC p 16f Nol PIAXN 5 (1) BM GHI p 465 PIV 1 ‘ 3 AR Rd Head of Diodotus (I) Zeus thundering to left and cagle Dindemed herd of Diodotus (I) to r (R) 4IOSOTOY (1) LQTHPOL —wniten vertically Rev Naled Zeus striding to 1 , hurling thunderbolt with his r band aud holding acgis on the arm of his outstretched 1 hand an ergle at his 1 foot and a wreath between tho regis and the eigle (R) BILIAEYOATOS (in exergue) AIKAIOY (1) APAGOKAEOYS Armco Ternapnacnss FIG Ti Uonsgeam of Thomas noticed this tyxpoin PE II p78 No 1 ‘Wide Barth lomaer Bohknes Zeitsc] rif? 1848 Plan fig 2 p 67 — also reftrred to Mr Gibbs coin wath M89 Cunningham publi hed Mr Gibls coin and r ferred to that of I do Burtholomact AC 1868 p 280, No 1 PLCC) IT 1 VMrGibbs coin was required by tho BM through tho cabinet of Mr F Wagan end publishe t by BV Heain AC 1873 p 324 No 144 Pl MIL 6 (1) BMC, p 10, No 2 PL IV 2 (2) Kabut Museum (QH)—lI enn 7A SI, MVIT p49 Ko 22 PI + 4 AR Rd Head of LuthydenusI Heral les scated to ift In pellet Lorder dindemed head of Luthydemus I (R) £Y OY JH ALO} (1) @EOY—written verticals 46 Corpus of Indo-Greck Coins Rev Naked Herakles, seated 1 on rock, holds a club w luch rests on his r. kneo (R) BAZLAEYONTOZ (in exergue) 47K AIOY (1) APAOQOKAEOYE Arrio TrrmapRacum PI IE E Monogram 102 Cunningham published the tj pein V€ 1868, pp 280 81, No 2 P1(C) re “Mr Wigen from Mr Gibbs, 259 prs ‘umque * When finally acquired by the BM xt was published again by B V Head in NC 1873, pp 324 25, No 145 PL AIT 7 (l) BUC, p10, No 3PLIV 3, also CHE, p 465, PLIV 2 5 AR Rd Bust of Demetrius I 1 elephant’s scalp Hera- Les crowning himself In pellet border, diademed bust of Demetrius I to r , wearing elephant’s scalp (R) 4HMHTPIOY (1) ANIKHTOY Rev Naked Herakles standing facing, holding club and lion’s shin sn 1 arm and crowning himself with last hand (R) BAZIAEYONTOS (m exergue) AIKAIOY (1) ATAGOKAEOYE Armic TetRapRacnm Pl TE 2, Monogram 162 (t) BM WC 1934, p 299, PLIIEL B Normat Comacr Waethout Epithet 6 AR Rd. Bustof King Zeus standing to front holding out Helate In pellet border, disdemed bust of king tor Rev Zeus standing facing, holding out in r hand a figuro of threo headed Hekate (which carries torches im both hands) and sceptre in] (R) BAZIAEGE (1) ATAGOKAEOYS—wnitten vertically, Aric Temrapracnts PIII 8 Monogram 102 Cunningham pabbshed his own comin NC 1868, p 281,No 4 Pl (0) If 4 “Author, 259 grs Journal des Savants, 1836, p 7, dui from Mr’ Gite, 400 eee» (oe mt Sy » P77, duplicates Mr Wigan (1) BMC, p10, No4 PLIV 4 (23) Kabul Museum (QH) —2 coins, one of which has been published m JNSI, XVIX p 49,No 21 PII 3 (4) Vente Publique, SIX, 1959, Basel, p 63, Pl 26 87 ‘ Atric Dracms P]IL4 Monogram 102 Cunningham published his com in NC 181 2 . 05.5 gr Journal des Savants, 1834 p 932” 88 P 281, No 4a * Author ? Meu p10, No5 PLIV 5 (2) Pie, pli, PLIl 42 (3) WASC, Agathocles 77 Arno Hewmpracum Pl XXXIV 1 Cunningham published his conn NC1868, p 281, No 4b 'Hemidrachm Author, 24 grs , unique, but in poor condition and very much worn ” Arric Oson? Thoobol of Agathocles 1s known to Whitehead, vide PHC, p 17, No 42 7. Cupro Nickel Rd Bust of Dionysos Panther to right In pellet border bust of Dionysos r, wearing ivy wreath, thvrsos over 1 shoulder Rev Panther r, touching a vine with his raised paw. (Top) BAZTAEQS (below) ATAQOKAEOYE Onotts P1IE§ Monograms 102, 162 (1) Barc, pil, No 6 PLIV 6 (23) PHC p17, Nos 4344 PIII 43 (46) Mr H P Poddar—% coins, (2 worn) (7) KM(MZ1) (8) M Mare Le Berre (9) Herat museum—at least 1 coin Hemrozotvs P] 16 Monogram 163 Q) BUC, pu, No7PLiv 7 (2) Mr H P Poddar (3) IFKSC, p 3, No 23 8 AL Rd Bustof Dionysos Panther to right In pollet border, bust of Dionysos r, werrmg ivy wreith thyrsos over 1 shoulder exactly as on No 7 Rev Panther, asonNo 7 (Top) BAZIAEQ® (below) ATAGOKAEOYS Mepivm sizep Corns PII 7 Monogram 113 (1) Bafc,p 11, No 8 PIIV 8 Wik Epuhet AIKAIOZ 9. AR. Rd, Bustof King Zeusstandingto front holding out Hekate In pellet border, diademed bust of hing to r Rev Zeus holding out throe headed Helhate, as on No 6, but Greek legend (t) BALIAEQE (m exergue) AIKAIOY (1) ATABOKAEOYE Arric Terrapracnm PI IT 8 Monogram 162 {!) BM (ex I'riedberg) JNSI XVI p 184, No 1 PIIEI Thisuniqua com bears tho oxtra emthet AIKAIOZ which 13 found only on Agathocles’ ‘ Pedigree’ coms It seems to havo come ‘ from a hoard recently found in Afghanistan ”"—A K Naram 76 Corpus of Indo-Greck Comms Rev Naked Herahles, seated 1 on roch, holds a club which rests on has r. knee (BR) BAZIAEYONTOE (in exergue) AIKAIOY (1) ATAOOKAEOYE Aetio Terrapracna P1IT I Monogram 102 Cunningham published the type in NE 1868, pp 280 81 No 2 PHC) He “Mr Wigan from Mr Gibbs, 259 gra umque * When finally acquired by the BM it was published agin by B V Head in NC 1873, pp 324 25, No 145 PL AIT 7 (1) BMC, p10, No 3PLIV 3 also CHI, p 405 PIV 2 5 AR Rad Bust of Demetrius I 1n elephant’s scalp Hera Les crowning himself In pellet border, diademed bust of Demetrius I tor , wearing elephant’s scalp (R) AHMHTPIOY (1) ANIKHTOY Rev Naked Herakles standing facing, holding club and lion’s skin in 1 arm and crowning himself with hisr hand (R) BAZIMEYONTOE (io exergue) JAIKAIOY (1) ATAGOKAEOYZ Armic TeTrapracum Pl IL 2 Monogram 162 (l) BM NE 1934, p 229, Pl TTL B Norwar. Coraor Wrthout Epithet 6 AR Rd. Bustof King Zeus standing to fiont holding out Helaie, In pellet border, diademed bust of hing to r Fev Zeus standing facing, holding out in r hand a figuro of three headed Hekate (which carries torches in both hands) and sceptre inI (R) BAZTAEQE (1) ATAGOKAEOYE —wnitten vertically Aric Terrapgsomms PIIC3 Monogram 102 . Segment thse’ ne own coin in WO 188, p 21, No 4 Pic) 4 ‘or, 259 grs Journal des Savants, fn Mi bbe, we tbo an 8, 1830, p 77, duplicates Mr Wigan C, p10, Nod PlIV 4 @ 3) Kabul Museum (QH) —2 coins, one of which has been published in JN'SI, XVII ol PLE 3 (4) Vente Publique, XIX, 1959, Basel, p 63,21 26 57° 49,No 21 PLOY 8 Ammo Dracems PlII4 Monogram 10% unmngham published his N 2 ‘ 65 5 grs Journal des Satants, 1834, p sae 888, P28L, No da “Anthor, > ato, p10, Nos PLIV 5 @) PHO, p17, PLIL 42 (8) WKSC, Agathocles 7 Artic Hummpracus Pl XXXIV 1 Cunningham published his coinin 4@1868 p 281,No 4b “Hemidrachm Author, 24 grs , unique, but in poor condition, and very much worn ? Artic Oxon? The obol of Agathocles 1s known to Whitehead, vide PUC, p 17, No 42 7. Cupro Nickel Rd Bust of Dionysos Panther to right In pellet border, bust of Dionysos r, wearmng 1v} wreath, thyrsos over 1 shoulder Rev Panther r, touching a vinewith hisrused paw (Top) BASTAEQE (below) ATAGOKAEOYS Osotys PITT 5 Monograms 102, 162 Gd) BMG, pu, No6 PLIV 6 (23) PHC pli, Nos 4344 PLIL 43 (46) Mr H P Poddar—3 coms (2 worn) (7) KM(MZ1) (8) M Mare Le Berre (9) Hervt museum—at Jerst 1 coin Hesrozorus PLIT 6 Monogram 163 @) BUG, pli, No7PLIV 7 () Bie H P Poddar (3) HAS, p 3, No 23 & AD Rd Bust of Dionysos Panther to right In pellot border, bust of Dionysos r, wearng avy wreath, thy rsos over 1 shoulder, exactly as on No 7 Ret Panther, asonNo 7 (Top) BAZIAEQS (below) ATAGOKAEOYS Meprom sizep Corss P] Tf 7. Monogram 113 () BUG,p 11, No 8 PLIV 8 Wh Epithet AIKAIOZ 9, AR. Rd. Bustof King Zeusstandingto front holding out Helate In pellet border, diademed bust of king tor Rev Zous holding out three headed Hekate, ason No 6 but Grech legend (rt) BAZIAEQE (in exergue) ATKAIOY (1) ATAOOKAEOYE Artic Terraprachéy Pl YI 8 Monogram 162 (1) BM (ex Friedberg) JNSI AVI p 184, Nol PLIE 1 Thisumque coin bears the extra epithet 4TKAIOL wluch 1s found only on Agathocles’ “Pedigree” coins It scemsto have come from a hoard recently found in Afghamstan’? —A K Narain 78 Corpus of Indo Greek Coins INDIAN STANDARD Mh thot I pathet 10. AR Sgr. Panther to right .: Danerag girl to left. “Mancless hon r, 1 incuse square "—Gardner, BUC, p 11 (Tin thinks that the ammalisa panther, the pmther of Dionysos, sco GBI, p 153) (Top) BAZIAEGE (below) APAGOKAEOYS Ree Teme figure left with long pendants from her cars elad im onental drapery with trousers , holds in her nght hand a flower "— Gardner, BAL, pll (J N Banerjes, 179, XVI, 1938 p 302, calls this fumalo figuro “Yakshint Assumukhi because of her long “non human herd,’ very eleir on semo coins) Brahmi legend (r) Rayaite (1) Agathuileyasa Bie Corss Pl I 9 (16) BUC pll, Nos 914 No l2 PLIV 9 (79) IMC p lO, Nas 13 No2 PLIL 2 (1015) PAC, p17, Nos 4550 PIII 45 (1617) Mr H P Poddar—2 coms (18) MeN Singh: (19) WESC, p 3, No 24 (20 23) AM (MZ 1)—4 coins (24 26) KM (MZ 2)—-3 coins (27) M Mare Le Rerre (25) Kandahar Museum—at Icast 1 coin These coms do not bew any monogram Without Greek Legent TAL, frregular. Stipa -: Tree within railing. “Buddhist stiips, surmounted by star” Kho legend (below) Akathe Lreyara Rev ‘Treo m square ruted onelosure” Kh legend (below) Ziraiiasame {Allan, BG, 1, p exxen) Mron stsizep Comss: Pl If 10, () BYC, p32, No 16 PLIV 10 (23) PMO, p18 Nos 5253 PLIT 52 (O)MeN funghi—3 cons (1) Mr HL P Poddir (® 13) Taula, p 708, PL 236 #3 45 (actually 6 coms) (14 16) WAS, p 9, Nos 2527 PLIV 26, Amyntas 79 m1 band and slueld bearmg Athena Nike on the outstretehed r hand {Above) BAZIAEQZ NIK ATOPOZ (below) AMYNTOY Artic Dovnre pecapracuus PJ] [IF 2 Monogram 233 (12) habul Museum (QH)—2 coms JASI XVI p 51 Nos 47 48 Pi VIE 12 Tho former piece isillustrited in AR t PI \VIL 2 and the latterim N Cir May 1993 cols 20102 Fig 1 in JNSI, XV p 213 PLIX LandinJé PIV 1 These as well as the three coms of Typo 2 are the Iirgest Greek silver coins from any wer so far recorded (see Bivar, JST, XVIE p 42) 2 AR. Rd Bust of King m snooth helnet Lnthroned De neler Inastrogius border he meted bust of ing as on No 1 Rev Demeter seated on Iigh backed throne holding cornueopiie in 1 hand r hand outstretched (Above) BAZIAEQZ NIKATOPOS (below) AMYNTOY Arric Dovpre pecapracnms Pl IIT 2 Monogram 233 (13) Kabul Museum (QH)—3 cons JASI XVII pp 5152 Nos 49 51 Pi VI 3 and Pl VO 12 The first com was publishedin V Cir May 1953 cols 20102 Fig 2 and Wustrited m AH4 PL AVIE 1 and JNSI, AV p 213 PIN 2 INDIAN STANDARD 38 AR Rd Bust of Aring Entlioned Zeus holding out Athena Diademed bust of kingto r (Above) BAZTAEQS NIKATOPOES (below) AMMNTOY Rev Zeus enthroned holding out Athena Nike, as on No 1 Kh legend (above) Afakarajasa yayadharasa (below) Amitaca Inpuan Trrrapracnm P} 13 Monogram 149 Q) Mr E T Newell com (now in American Numismatic Society 3 Cabmnet) VN 82 p 92 No 56 Pl V 56 Inpiav Dracnums P14 Vonogrims 207 261 262 265 968 (12) PMC p78 Nos 630 36 Pl VIIE 636 (3 4) BUC, p 6h Nos 23 No 3 PIXIV 10 (0) IUC p3l Nol PIVI 9 (6) 1UC(S) pis No 2 (7) MrN Singhr (8 Gen H L Hanchton—l com (from the 1940 Shaihhano Dhert Hoard) AC 1940 pp 123 iF 80 Corpus af Indo-Greek Coins 4. AR, Rd. Bust of King inkausia Enthroned Zeus holding out Athena. Diademed busi of king to r., wearing kausia, (Above) BAZIAEQZ NIKATOPOS (below) AMYNTOY. Rev. Zeus enthroned holding out Athena-Nike, as on No.1. Kh. legend: {above) Afaharajasa jayadharasa (below) Amitasa. Inpian Dracums. P).1V.1, Monograms: 233, 268. . (1) BM (ex Cunningham): NG 1872, p,161, No.1 PIC). XIII 2. (2) IMC(S), p 18, No.1 (broken). (3-5) KM (MZ 1)—-3 coins. (6) KM (MZ 2). {1) M. Mare Ls Berre. (PMC, p.79, unrep. Ep. 2i). 5. AR, Rd. Bust of King thrusting javelin :: Enthroned Zeus holding out Athena. Diademed bust of king to 1., thrusting javelin. (Above) BAZIAEQE NIKATOPOS (below) AMYNTOY. Rev. Zeus enthroned holding out Athona-Nike, as on No.1. Kh. legend: (above) Maharajasa jayadharasa (below) Amitasa. Inpray Dracum, Pl. XXXIV. 2, Monogram : 261. (1) BM (ex Cunningham): see BUC, p. 171 (PMC, p. 79, unrep. Fp. iii) from the Sonipat find: CASE, p.280, No.3. 6. AR. Rd. Bust of king in smooth helanet thrusting javelin ¢: Enthroned Zeus holding out Athena. . Diademed bust of king to 1,4 eating smooth helmet and thrusting javelin. (Above) BAXIAEQS NIKATOPOS (below) AMYNTOY, Rev, Zeus enthroned holding out Athena-Nike, as on No.1. Kh. legend : (above) Maharajasa jayadharasa (below) Amitasa, Inpuaw Terrapraca. PI.IV.2, Monogram: 32, Q) Mr H. de 8. Shortt; NO 1947, pp. 46-47, No.10 Pl. IL. 1. 7. AR. Rd. Bust of King in Medusa helnat thrusting javelin :: Enthroned Zeus holding out Athena. Diademed bust of king to 1., wearing Medusa helmet and thrusting javelin. (Above) BAZIAEQE NIKATOPOS (below) AMYNTOY. Rev. Zeus enthroned holding out Athena-Nike, as on No. 1. Kh. legend: (above) Maharajasa jayadharasa (below) Amitasa, ~ Inpiaw TerRapracus. PL IY, 3. Monogram: 29, (1) BM: NO 1993, p.332, No, 44 PLXVI. 7.

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