SLUMP TEST Zairi Azizi Kamarudin

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1.1 Introduction

Level 2 laboratory activities refer to the condition where only the problem is guided
and given. Students are required to find the ways & means and provide the answers
to the given assignment using the group creativity and innovativeness. The activity
will enable the students to appreciate independent learning and prepare them for a
much harder task of open ended laboratory activities. In this partially open laboratory
activity your group is required to carry out tests to determine concrete mix design,
workability and compacting factor for fresh concrete.

1.2 Objective

To determine the workability of a sample from fresh concrete

1.3 Learning Outcomes

At the end of the laboratory activities, students would be able to: 1. Identify the right
tools to carry out the appropriate concrete mix design, workability and compacting
factor for fresh concrete. 2. Analyse test data and present the solution in proper
technical format. 3. Work in a group to undertake the task and produce the relevant
technical report.

2.0 Problem Statement

Determination of the concrete mix design, workability and compacting factor for fresh
concrete is one of the important things of a major use in construction of buildings.
You are required to carry out concrete mix design, workability and compacting factor
for fresh concrete using the appropriate apparatus available in the laboratory.
2.1 Theory

Unsopported concrete,when it is fresh will flow to the sides and sinking in height will
take place. This vertical settlement is known as slump.In this test fresh concrete will
be filled into a mould of specified shape and the settlement or slump is measured
when the supporting mould is removed.Slump increases as water cement ratio
increases and for different slump values are suitable.

Slump is measure indicating the consistency (i.e. the state of fluidity whether dry or
wet) of concrete and also slump gives an idea of W/C ratio needed for concrete to be
used for different works.

3.1 Apparatus

The mould shall be in the form of frustrum of cone having the following internal

Lower diameter 200+3-1.6mm

Upper diameter 100+3-1.6mm

Height diameter 300+5-1.6mm

The mould shall be provided with suitable foot pieces as well as handles to fascilitate
lifting , a non absorbent horizontal rigid plate with smooth surface, scoop, steel rule
and trowel, rag thermometer. The apparatus used for the slump test are shown in
figure below.

1. Take representative sample (about 15kg) from the fresh concrete

2. Make sure the mould is cleaned and dry inside.Demp the inside the mould and
base with a cleaned rag at the beginning of every test.

3. Stand the mould on the smooth hard plate,stand your feet on the foot rest.

4. Filled the mould in three equal layers,with each layer approximately one third
of the height of the mould with the concrete to be tested compact each layer in
turned 25 times with the rounded end of the steel rod.Each rodding should
passed through one layered into the layered beneath.

5. After the top layer as been tamped , smooth off the top fill by passing the rod
over the mould and level with a trowel.

6. Wipe the base of the mould clean from concrete and mortar which may have
dropped or leaked out and the metal plate it stands on.

7. Very carefully and slowly lift the mould in a vertical direction keeping it quite
straight .invert the mould and plate in down on the plate close to the mould of
concrete .As spon as the mould is lifted the concrete will slump to some

8. Rest the rod across the top of the invert empty mould , so that it touches over
the mould of concrete.

9. Measure with a rule from the highest point of the concrete to the underside of
the rod.

10. Record the measured slump to the nearest 5mm.

Date Mix Proportions or After mixing Water/cement ratio Slump

grade water to the

1. The compacting factor apparatus is kept on a level ground. The internal
surface of the hopper and cylinder was cleaned and free from moisture.
2. The empty cylinder was weighted and the mass was noted down.
3. The hooper trap doors was fasten with the cathes. The cylinder was fixed in
the base with fly nut and bolt. The cylinder was cover with two trowels.
4. The concrete was place loosely in the upper hopper until full using hand
5. The trap door at the base of upper hopper was opened, allowing the concrete
to fall into the lower hopper.
6. The trowels was remove immediately after the concrete has come to rest and
then the second trap door was opened so that the concrete now falls into the
7. The excess of concrete remaining above the level of the top of the cylinder
was remove by holding the trowel in each hand and moving them
simultaneously towards each other.
8. The cylinder was cleaned from all sides. The concrete in it was weight nearest
10gm. The mass of partially concrete and cylinder was noted.
9. The cylinder was refill from the same concrete in layer approximately 50mm
deep, using vibrator so as to obtain full compaction. The concrete was strike
off and finish level with the top of the cylinder. The cylinder was wipe clean.
10. The cylinder filled with fully compacted concrete was weighted, the mass of
fully compacted concrete was noted down.

Weight of empty cylinder = kg
Weight of partially compacted concrete = m1 = kg
Weight of fully compacted concrete = m2 = kg
Compacting Factor =

For the normal range of concrete the compaction factor lies between (0.8 0.92 ).
The value of compactness factor tells us that the workability of concrete is Low but
the slump value tells us that the workability is Medium. This variation was due to the
reason that when the first test was performed the then apparatus was not made wet
which made the reading slightly more. The sensitivity of the compaction factor is
reduced outside the normal range of workability and is generally unsatisfactory for
compacting factor greater than 0.92 .

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