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What's new in artificial lift Part 2—Twenty downhole/surface system advances from 12 developers/suppliers for electrical submersible (ESP) and other artificial-lift technology James F. Lea and Herald W. Winkler, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas; and Robert E. Snyder, Editor Part 1, presented last month, covered 15 recent developments in four categories of artificial-lift technology: beam and pro- gressing cavity pumping (PCP); gas lift and plunger lift. This concluding article introduces 20 recently introduced innovations from 12 companies. Twelve of the presentations include new downhole and surface ESP systems. The eight “miscellaneous” items cover contributions for various lift cate- goties, such as gas separators, perfor mance monitors/controllers, and equip- ment upgrades/developments. ELECTRICAL SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING Described here are six downhole equipment developments/improvements, involving: dual completions, pump stages, motors and gas separation/han- dling. A wellhead for coalbed methane well ESPs is shown. Four monitoring, control systems are described, And for- mation of a specialized application engi- neering group is announced. Gas handler for extremely gassy wells. For extremely gassy applications, anew Advanced Gas Handler* has been released by Schlumberger, Fig. 1. The AGH D20-60 is now available for 2,000 to 6,000 bpd applications in 5)4-in. and larger casing. The patented gas handler signifi- cantly increases the allowable vapor- to-liquid ratio (VLR) and virtually eliminates “gas locking” by mixing the free gas with the produced fluid. REDA pumps equipped with the gas handler can produce reservoirs with high levels of free gas traditionally lifted by gas lift or jet pumps The new system can make a well ‘more economical by increasing its draw- Fig. 1. Advanced Gas Handler increases the allowable \apor-to-quid ratio (VLR) and virtually eliminates gas locking by ming free gas with produced fd down and increasing oil produced. This, increases recoverable reserves and extends the well’s economic life. Displays for variable speed drives. Variable speed drives from Schlumberger are now equipped with the RedaSmart* W99ST display. The new dis- plays deliver a user interface consistent with other REDA Production Systems switchboard controllers to simplify user setup and field diagnostics. The Wellview software and the Impac data cards incor- porated into the display provide easy and quick data downloads from the variable speed drives to a personal computer in the field. Data trending then can be monitored and analyzed through the Wellview soft- ware provided with the controller. Large, high efficiency gas sep- arator, The third in a series of high- performance vortex gas separators for high-GOR installations has been intro- duced by Schlumberger, REDA Produc- tion Systems, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Measuring 4 in. in diameter, the VGSA- D 20-60 delivers greater efficiency than other 400-series gas separators. It is designed for $in, and larger wells pro- ducing from 2,000 to 6,000 bpd. The VGSA D20-60 vortex separa- tor’s patented design (Fig. 2) utilizes a natural vortex action created by a spe- cially designed inlet configuration, axial flow inducer, multiple vortex generators and a discharge crossover to provide the most efficient gas separator available for 5%-in. casing. Fig. 3 shows system performance analysis. Higher efficiency pump stages. New, high efficiency D-series pump stages are available for 5/-in, and larger casing. The D4300N from Schlumberger REDA Production Systems offers high efficiency and the greatest head per stage available in these flowrates. ‘The D4300N is designed for optimum performance in the 3,500 to 5,400-bpd range at 60 Hz. The stage design is opti- mized to develop higher head per unit length, resulting in more production in a shorter, more cost effective pump. The L16000N provides the highest lift per stage of any pump available in the 11,000 to 20,000-bpd range. Designed for 9%-in. and larger casing, the lift of the L16000N pump is consistently higher through the production range than other pumps in this flow range. Three dual-ESP system com- pletions. Phoenix Petroleum Services Ltd., Aberdeen, Scotland, has designed— and applied three types of ESP comple- tions that can be used to run two ESPs in asingle well. Dual Parallel: More production. The basic rule of thumb in production engi- neering is: more drawdown, more pro- duction, However, with ESPs, more draw= down usually means more horsepower. In some completions, or locations, it is not possible to provide more HP due to surface (generator) or downhole (motor) power limitations, This was the case for WORLD OM /P212 2001 54 cone operator where a surface power lim- itation of 600 hp prevented it from pro- ducing more than 10,000 bpd from its wells, which have higher capacities. The solution was to design a com- pletion comprising two independent ESPs producing from the same zone, with fluid pumped up the two sides of an auto Y-tool, then commingled to sur- face, Fig. 4. The operator has a further 135 wells in the field that can be con- sidered for this type of completion. Dual Concentric: Layers that need to be produced separately. In many oil- producing reservoirs, multiple zones exist, but constraints can prevent the operator from producing more than one layer at a time. Often, this results in more wells having to be drilled. The dual con- centric completion can be applied to ii = oe rd Cu i WU TZ io Pt Fig. 2. Schematic view of a VGSA 020-60 vortex gas separator, shown with shipping caps in plac. multi-layered field developments to pro- | duce two zones using one wellbore, while ‘maintaining segregation of the produced fluids. The completion is normally run on 5'4-in, tubing; a second tubing string of 24 in, is run inside the 54 in. (hence the name dual concentric) and packed off inside the bypass, Fig. 4. Above the bypass, a flow crossover maintains iso- lation of the production from the two zones and routes production from one zone into the tubing, while the other zone is produced up the concentric annulus. Dualife Completion: Less work- overs. This completion design allows two ESPs to be run, the second as a backup which can be started when the first fails. Such completions are desirable in wells where access to the wellbore is difficult, e.g.: subsea, where rig availability is lim- ited, or where workover costs are high Justifying a system of this type is driven. by accessibility and intervention cost. The | | * major benefit of this type of system is half the number of workovers. These three completion types are made possible by innovative application of the simple bypass system; a tool orig- inally invented to allow logging access below an ESP. 2 New high-volume pump stages. Three new high-volume pump stages have been introduced by Centrilift, a division of Baker Hughes, Claremore, | Oklahoma, Fig. 5. Two new sizes com- plement the 862 series pump line—the WIJ 500 and the WLI 700, These pumps have BEPs of 17,000 bpd (500 gpm), and 24,000 bpd (700 gpm), respectively. There also is a new 10-in, diameter pump, the WJJ1200, which peaks at | 41,000 bpd (1,200 gpm). Al three designs feature high efficiencies (80% or greater) Free gas at intake, % ‘© 500. 1,000 ¥,500 2,000 2,500 8,000 8,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 Liquid flow rate at intake, bpd Fig. 3. Performance analysis for 40 series 20-60 VGSA vortex gas separator. analysis of electric submersible pumps (ESP). + Design and analysis of ESP installations Database of equipment with updates from leading manufacturers + Tools for tapered pumps, pump tests, pump and motor inventories Multiphase flow/PVT correlations, and ability to address viscous fluids Comprehensive checks and warnings ALIS Energy Group, we emphasize ease-of-use, robust interfaces, and enhanced graphical output. Additional Engineering Software is, available for: + Gas lift design + Worldwide PVT correlations To receive a free demo CD or trial for SubPUMP, gas lift design, or other related engineering tools, please contact us: 713-840-8282, ext. 229 713-599-9111 (fax) JHS ENERGY GROUP Circle 85 53 Dual paratie! Dual concentric | “completion “completion ———| Fig. 4 Applications of two types of dual ESP comple- tions using available components. and bolted-bowl designs with trimmable impellers. Standard material for these stages is nickel-aluminum-bronze. Optional features include corrosion-resis- tant fasteners and tungsten carbide bear- ings for abrasive applications. These high- volume stages are the best choice for water source wells, as well as applications in the mining and geothermal industries. In the existing 675 pump series, four sizes have been added, The HC7800, HC10000, HC12500 and HC16000. With BEP efficiencies of 73.5%, 74.8%, 77.3% and 77%, respectively, these stages are among the most efficient in the industry. They also offer significantly greater head per stage, resulting in shorter pump systems. This is a partic- ular advantage when using these sizes 4 wont om «rest.» Fig. 6. Higt-orsepower ESP motors for se in i. or larger casing nd usage in dewatering or geothermal app cations, as well as olield recovery trough 60,000 bo. Fig. 5 High-volume pump stages are among the most ficient inthe industry and offer significantly greater head perstage, resulting in shorter pump systems. for horizontal pumping systems. The higher head per stage translates to fewer stages and shorter pumps. This allows shorter skids and pads, and lowers overall installation cost. The 675 series is a conventionally housed sub- mersible pump constructed of Ni-resist stages as standard, All run-time-enhanc- ing abrasion resistant technology is available, so these pumps will perform in the most severe conditions Large motor developments. A pre- mium line of high-horsepower ESP motors for use in 88-in, or larger casing. has been developed by Centrilift. With single units rated through 1,000 hp and tandem ratings through 2,000 hp, these giants (Fig. 6) find usage in dewatering or high-temperature geothermal applica- tions, as well as oilfield recovery through 60,000 bpa. The vacuum pressure impregnated epoxy stator and protected end tums, cou- pled with a superior bearing and mechan- ical package, make these motors the right choice when high workover costs or reli- ability demand special attention. Fig. 7. Variable frequency control nciutos a digital data record, programmable ag funcbonaliy and high-speed internal communications bus for easy system expansion Variable frequency controller for ESPs. A new generation of variable fre- quency controllers is available, Fig. 7. The Electrospeed GCS from Centrilift features a graphic display for user-friendly data acquisition, system setup and real- time data retrieval. The system includes a digital data recorder, programmable logic functionality and a high-speed internal communications bus for easy system expansion. The SelectWave inverter algorithm allows the user to choose between a con- ventional six-step ora pulse-width mod- ulated output voltage waveform. The six-step waveform is the proven wave- form of choice for most ESP applica- tions. However, in applications where ‘motor temperature rise is critical, the pulse-width-modulated waveform, when used in conjunetion with a sine wave fil- ter, provides the motor with the best pos- sible waveform for cooler operation. Outdoor configurations of the Elec- trospeed GCS controller offer a patented cooling system that eliminates the need for ait conditioning of its electronic com- ponents, even in the hottest climates. j-—— Connection to ¥ point ‘Thermal probe in cllreservoir Motor bese adaptor Monitoring too! Fig. 8. Schematic of PumpMate downhole monitor ‘shows to! attached to bottom of motor with thermal probe extending into motor oll reservot. Internal ‘cable from too! connects to power cable at motor Y, ESP downhole monitoring sys- tems. Centrilift has unveiled two new downhole-monitoring solutions for use with their ESPs. The PumpMate (Fig. 8) is the premium downhole monitor- ing system for use with Centrilift ESPs. ‘The real-time measuring system dis- plays well pressure and temperature, motor temperature and electrical ground fault detection. This accurate and reliable tool has proven extremely popular in ESP wells where downhole data is crucial for continuous ESP sys- tem operation. The Centaur system is the economic solution for monitoring well pressure, vell temperature or motor temperature in an ESP well. This tool provides important downhole information required for ESP production optimiza- tion and system protection, Both the Centaur and the PumpMate systems communicate using the ESP power cable, eliminating the require- ‘ment for an external I-wire. They have ‘many surface communication options available, from serial communications to local display. A popular configu tion for these downhole-monitoring instruments is a closed loop system that 88 WoRLD OM. 401200) Fig. 9. Automation controller for electrical sub- mersible pump systoms, operates a Centrilift variable speed con- troller (VSC) via pump intake pressure in conjunction with a shutdown signal on ESP motor temperature. Applications Engineering Group. Centriift has announced formation of an engineering group dedicated to applica- tions engineering at their headquarters in Claremore, Oklahoma. “With all the new technology and changes in our industry, we believe a dedicated Application Group \will help our customers better understand ESP design considerations.” said Mick Underwood, the group’s manager. The idea is to provide technical assistance to customers and field locations so that potential design issues can be addressed before a pump is run into a well, The Group has access to all Centrilift engineering funetions, as well as current literature on all subjects related to ESP applications. Automation controller for ESP. Wood Group ESP (WGESP), Midland, Texas, and Wood Group Control Tele- com, L.P. (WGCT) provide the electrical submersible pump sector of the oil/gas industry with a new method of automa- tion and control, Fig. 9. This unique sy: tem provides for protection, control, monitoring and retrieval of information from ESP systems. WGCT’s hardware, firmware, software and engineering ser- vices offer an innovative means of addressing ESP-equipped wellsites and their associated problems. ‘The motor controller interfaces seam- lessly with master supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software systems. The controllers are compre- hensive and flexible devices using the latest advances in hardware, software and telecommunications. They offer control, motor protection, data acquisi- tion and data analysis capabilities pre- viously unavailable. Fig. 10. Wellhead for ESP applications in shallow, coalbed methane wells The construction and modular features (options) of the controller allow it to be configured as: a simple motor controller; ‘component of an existing SCADA sys- tem; ora full-function, stand-alone devive addressable via the supplier's software from any point in the world. Options can be added to any data from all parameters in real time and allow graphical trending using Windows-based software programs such as Excel, eliminating the need for ‘most personnel to learn new software pro- grams. The new products interface with extemal devices, such as downhole sen- sors that allow data logging of ESP and reservoir data, The developer has researched and interfaced with all major sensors on the ESP market. ESP wellhead for coalbed methane wells. R&M Energy Sys- tems, Houston, is meeting the needs of coalbed methane producers by supplying innovative products that meet applica- tion requirements and optimize system performance. The new Hercules CMK ‘Wellhead was developed based on the needs of producers who use ESPs in shallow, coalbed methane wells, Fig. 10. Its rugged construction makes it ideal for this type of service. The design of the new wellhead is highlighted by a variety of performance- enhancing features, including * Mandrel suspension for simple installation and positive pack-off * Top-entry cable ports for flat cable sizes up to No. 2 © Two, in, NPT auxiliary ports for well monitors, and © 7-in., 8rd API bottom thread The system is designed for 1,500-psi working pressure, 3,000-psi test and 65,000-Ib maximum body load. MISCELLANEOUS: Eight items under this category cover four systems for monitoring and control- ling pump!motor performance; fiberoptic / Coursing | _-Gas outa pot | {check valve se reservoir se epi Gas separation [> Solids spa _- Sls separation _- Separator body Fig. 11. High-flow-rate Spinner Gas Separator with Sand Trap Desander. Fig. 12. Gas-ft monitor shows temperature change at each downhole gas-ift valve, Temperature effect varies wit efficiency of each valve o if production tubing is leaking above the valve. downhole gas lift monitoring: a downhole ‘gas separator for beam pumps/PCPS/ESPs; a surface chemical soapstick launcher, and new elastomers for PCPs. Downhole gas separator. The Spin- ner Gas Separator is a new downhole prod- uct being developed for low- and high-flow- rate wells by the Cavins Corp. of Houston. A drawing is shown in Fig. 11, witha Sand- trap Desander for separating solids. It attaches to the intake of progressing cavity and beam pumps. With electrical sub- mersible pumps, itis installed with a | PO) Ot] Rey uy Pret ae Ce emer iy 4 Storage, i, PT Te PETRON: Holston, Texas» 713,693.8700 + rax 71314644507) Ee eu enn ry Circle 26 Major Oil Field And Environmental Company Seeking International Sales Representatives for AUTON aria - DURA-BASE. Composite Mat System ‘A New York Stock Exchange listed company is devel- oping a sales force for its DURA-BASE® Composite Mat System. The DURA-BASE Composite Mat System is an innovative, modular system of interlocking high density poly- ethylene mats. This mat system is superior to wooden mats because ofits unlimited shelf life, and the interlocking system performs more like one large mat rather than a collection of individual mats, DURA-BASE” is the most advanced solution for temporary roads, working, or staging areas. Contact SOLOCO's Marketing Department at (337) 981-5058 207 Tow Center Play * Lafayette, LA 70506 USA + 1-877-MAT-ROAD « International Territories Now Available Circle 87 ‘7 412 volts AG Pumping unit gearbox pedestal Magnetic strip H]Note:0.25-in. clearance 7 between sensor and 12 volts AC Power supply magnetic strip From 110 Control relay 12.VD¢ cot Fig. 13, Pump off controler protected by fiberoptic cable between power supply and main logic board. Fig. 14. Handheld computer with entry screen for Web-based oilfield data collection, shroud. Gas separated in the unitis returned tothe casing annulus atthe top of the unit Ifa solids separator is used with the device, solids are collected in a mud anchor attached to the lower end. Lab tests at low- and high-fluid-flow rates with air and water removed all of the air before it reached the pump. For example, ata simulated water flowrate of 1,600 bpd through a 2-in, tube sepata- tor with an air flow of 3,600 cfpd up a S¥ein. casing, 100% of the air was removed from the water. The spinning fluid motion down through the gas separation chamber, pro- duced by incoming fluid flow down through the stationary gas spiral, moves all bubbles onto the outlet tube at the center of the chamber. There, the bub- bles combine into large, torus-shaped bubbles that separate from the down- ward liquid flow and float up into the gas reservoir. When height of the gas column and the resulting pressure in the reservoir become high enough to open the check valve, the gas escapes back into the casing annulus. The inlet strainer also helps produce the efficient separation. Much of the 58 wonLD OM PRI 2001 Fig 15. WS-series surge protector for medium-volt- ‘age motor/pump applications. £288 goes up the casing annulus without entering the separator. Small holes in the strainer, which are large enough to Iet solids go through without plugging the strainer, reduce the amount of gas into the separator. From the separation chamber, the gas-free liquid flows down through the solids spiral. The vor- tex flow produced below the solids spi- ral, and gravity forces, move the solids down into the mud anchor. Clean fluid reverses direction in the vortex flow and moves up the outlet tube to the pump, Any dissolved gas that is released in the solids spiral and the outlet flow tube will reach the pump. Field tests are underway to evaluate the design in a wide range of well conditions. Gas-lift monitoring with fiberop- tic technology. SENSA, Houston, has developed a downhole technology using long-distance optic temperature moni- toring, This is the first of the permanent logging systems the industry has devel- oped. The distributed temperature system detects temperature at an accuracy of up to 0.5°F, along 10 km of optic fiber. The method records the temperature at |-m intervals along the fiber each time a light is launched from the surface laser, Operators use the system in the North Sea to monitor downhole gas-lift valve ‘operations, where the optic fiber is dis- posed inside a specialized, thick-walled continuous tube, attached to the pro- duction tubing OD (Woodrow, C.K. and Drummond, E., “Heat seeking laser sheds light on Tern,” paper SPE/IADC 67729, SPE/IADC Drilling Conference; Amsterdam, Feb. 27-March 1, 2001), The optic fiber and tube penetrate the wellhead and are connected to surface instrumentation that is generically described as Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR)—a surface optic- electronics package that contains a laser and highly sensitive optical detectors. The application used in monitoring ‘22s-lift operations makes use of the tem- perature change caused when gas expands through the gas-lift valve downhole, This point of gas expansion affeets the local temperature at that depth, resulting in a te temperature change in the well- bores. The operator sees, at surface in real time, which valve is operating, Fig. 12. ‘The system is accurate enough to track produced-fluid production slugs up the well, and show total temperature of the lift gas as it proceeds from the compres- sor, down the well or subsea pipeline, and its heating as it goes down the well. Gas- lift operators can use this new technol- ogy to monitor the entire gas-lift system. Optic technology applied to pump off control. D-Jax Corp, Mid- Jand, Texas, announced availability of an improved version of the company’s Penny Pincher pump off control. This innova- tion is important, as it marks the first time patent has been granted for application of fiberoptic technology to pump off con- trols for reducing effects of high-voltage surges and lightning strikes. Historically, oilfield electric control devices have been susceptible to damage, often catastrophic, from direct lightning strikes and strong electric supply surges. Research and testing has shown that fiber optics are an excellent insulator which provide protection from powerful elec- tic spikes. D-Jax uses fiberoptic cable to isolate the Penny Pincher's main logic board from the power supply, thus redue- ing the susceptibility of catastrophic dam- age from electrical spikes, Fig. 13 Digital Web-based oilfield data collection. FieldDIRECT, anew Web- based oilfield data collection service from the IHS Energy Group, Englewood, Col- orado, allows field personnel to quickly collecv'transmit daily production and other data for use at the office or any autho- tized location worldwide. It minimizes errors by eliminat- ing need for data re-entry, and it allows the field operator to focus on other important dat The system also benefits engi previously available only to ‘major oil companies, now are being provided by Aurion Tech- nologies, Dallas, Texas, to even the smallest operator, via the Internet. Data is collected from remote terminal units (RTUs) in the field and sent to a data ware- house at the Dallas INFOMART where itis stored and then dis neers and operations executives, tributed through the worldwide who can use it to track current production, and generate data needed to diagnose/analyze trends to maximize production. web, Fig. 16. No special software or dedi- The service requires mini- ‘mal up-front investment, and it avoids the downtime and lost productivity that usually accompany adoption of a new data-collection system. Because the sys- ‘tem isa service, pricing is cost-efficiently calculated on a per-well, per-month basis. Field personnel input the daily data, like tank levels, gas chart readings, asso- ciated pressure readings and other infor- ‘mation into a handheld computer, Fig, 14 These instruments, based on Windows CE, are the size of a small book and weigh less than 2 Ib, All input is through a simple graphic interface on the screen that includes a map of well locations and associated gathering sites. All data is entered with a pen-like stylus using ‘graphic controls on the computer screen. Each day, data is transferred through a secure link using a built-in modem to the FieldDIRECT Internet database, The system tracks all data coming in from a number of different sources and per- forms needed allocation and adjustment to bring the data down to an individual well or producing zone. ‘A Windows application called Pro- duction Explorer can be installed on as ‘many computers as needed to view daily operational plots/reports. This allows users to view data from any location, as long san Internet connection is available. Data ccan be exported into other external appl cations such as Word, Excel, Access, and proprietary corporate databases. Other systems allow data entry using the key- pad on a normal touch-tone phone. ‘Surge protection for medium volt- age. The WS-Series surge protection device, designed especially for medium- voltage motor and pump applications, is available from MVC of Amarillo, Texas, Fig. 15. Through use ofits patented design, the device has been in the field for over five years, protecting equipment from dam- aging spikes and surges. Fig, 16. Plunger lift soreen from the Aurion web site shows operational param- eters that can be adjusted from the operator's desk through a personal computer. The WS-Series, as are all of MVC’s SPD units, is designed so that it is nor ground dependent. Itis difficult to find protection for motors and pumps that is not ground dependent. Many surge pro- tection devices shunt the over-voltage to ground, which is dangerous and a potential violation of the NEC. ‘The WS-Series protects equipment, with applications from 1,000 to 4,160 VAC. The MV-Series SPD (120 to 480 VAC) can be used to protect low-voltage artificial lift applications. The ICP-Series (40 DC to 120 VAC) is used in conjunction with the MV-Series and WS-Series to protect PLC and solid state controls. The ICP-Series uses an eight-pin base for its installation, and has an alarm pin to contact when fail- ure is indicated. It is available in series and_ parallel configurations. Oilfield automation now avail- able on web. SCADA-type systems, Fig 17. Soapstick launcher automaticaly drops liquid removal chemical “sticks” at predetermined intervals, cated host is required—just an Internet connection and a pass- word. This capability gives the operator access to his data from any Internet connection in any location, ie., there isno require- ment to be “in the office.” Alarm capability also is available through several different means. Alarms can be sent to a pager, to a phone num- ber or an E-mail address. Aurion pro- vides communication and RTU selec- tion, so the operator does not need to hire programers and technicians to design, install or maintain the system, The Aurion pump-off controller is a load-based system that can use either a Fig. 18. A new elastomer for high-temperature applications of progressing cavity pumps has proven dependable in tests with temperatures to 347° WORLD Ol /4°Rit 2001 58 polished rod load cell or a beam-mounted transducer to monitor rod load. Dynamometer cards and historical data such as run times, cycle time and rod Toads can be retrieved and displayed over the Internet. Operational parameters also can be adjusted without a trip to the field Ifa meter run is on the same location, electronic flow measurement can be added through the same RTU, allowing a single communication device to retrieve data from two field devices. This makes communications more cost effective The developer's plunger lift controller is a proportional-response, intelligent controller that can automatically adjust operational parameters to help optimize the well’s production and operation. Operational parameters can be adjusted from the operator's desk through a per- sonal computer. Historical data is also retrieved and displayed. The controller can operate in time or pressure modes. Again, if'a meter run is on the same loca- tion, electronic flow measurement can be added through the same RTU. In addition to pump-off control and plunger-lift control, the growing list of web-enabled products and services includes electronic flow measurement (custody transfer or allocation), com- pressor automation and tank level moni- toring. The communication systems are. designed and installed to best suit the cus- *S situation and allow data retrieval any situation or location. Communi- tions options include radio, cellular, CDPD, microburst or even satellite. Automatic soapstick launcher. Unloading fluid from aging gas wells using foaming agents (soap sticks) can be greatly enhanced with use of J&J Oil- field Service’s Automatic Soapstick Launcher, manufactured in Perry, Okla- homa, Fig. 17. By keeping soap sticks Joaded in the device and dropped at pre- determined intervals, the operator keeps the well from liquid loading after the previous stick is depleted. The number of sticks and timing of drops can be determined by observing the well’s response to the chemicals; and the tim- ing device can be set by the operator. This concept is not new. J&J has tested this model in all temperature extremes across six states, and the result has been virtually trouble-free design. The improved model works with all soap sticks—regardless of chemical makeup that can affect consistency, which makes some sticks softer than others, resulting in jamming problems. Combined with the right formula of soap stick forthe fluid’s composition, this launcher has substan- tially increased gas production in 90% of the wells in which it has been installed. New elastomer for progressing cavity pumps. A new elastomer for high-temperature application of LIFTEQ progressing cavity pumps has been developed by the Centrilift and Inteq divisions of Baker Hughes Inc., Fig. 18. The LT3001 elastomer has been dynam- ically tested in a closed-loop system at temperatures of up to 315°F, with no indication of degradation of the pump. In addition to the high temperature, the test environment included a heavy crude oil fluid with gas injected to sim- ulate live well conditions. The bonding system used to adhere the elastomer to the pump tube also has proven depend- able in separate testing with tempera- tures to 347°F, In the elastomer bond test, a sample was aged for six days in heavy crude at test temperature, prior to bonding analysis. The LT3001 will be added to the existing LIFTEQ LT2000 and LT3000 elastomers series. wo Dritting and Production Optimisation Early Field Production Present in more than 50 countries with worldclass quality and safety performance C.K: eoservices aT PEOPLE, KNOWLEDGE & TECHNOLOGY Tae aga es) OTC : stand #2957 Intervention Circle 89 6

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