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Angel Martinez, Francisco Acedo, Antonio Justicia & Vicente Ochoa De Lamo

Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias

The present work is perfect accommodation on the subject on the

reliability and human error, on the railway, which will address the

With this work, we intend to confront two traditions of research on

prevention of accidents and two different ways to understand the human
involvement in the production of unwanted, so prevails that option that
does not understand the human as source of error but as a steward by
certain shared form of global security.

The current hegemony of thought mechanistic, anchored in the image of

the machine, proceeding consisting in decomposing complex things for its
explanation, analytical, and strong causality, is that has made it possible
to talk of the human being, almost exclusively, as a mere element or
causal factor of the risk situations in which dilute the shared
responsibility, perhaps in equal parts, of the different actors
(technicians, administrators, business managers, including those
responsible for politicians, etc.), by an insufficient global security
The study of the human reliability in the railway field, with methods
that focus their interest in the probability of human error (THERP,
HEART) has at its core, usually, mechanistic thought and the
compression of the human being with the analogy of machine.

According to this perspective, still dominant, human action, in the style

of machines, can be understood based on a number of basic elements that
can be adjusted within narrow margins of variation that have been
previously established. In this way, those behaviours that are not within
these narrow margins, which have been set by third-party technicians,
can be considered as devious or incorrect and converted into cause of the
unintended consequences.

Our proposal in this paper will be to understand the human, not as a

factor, reduced to a mathematical magnitude or likely, but as some
strands woven together with others, that it is impossible to separate it
without changing its identity.

This perspective we committed to the responsibility that people and

organizations can have in the production of non-press and unforeseen
situations and does not, on the other hand, with human error.

To achieve this goal, we have used a strategy that focuses its interest in
human behaviour and the internal and external factors affectingit. On this
occasion, our work aims to influence the behaviour of safety of workers
through the study of the perception of risk, according to the theory of
According to this approach has been organized a formation which aims
to modify the behaviour of security, not from the objectivity of the
technical training but through the handling of the emotions that cause the
testimonies from colleagues who have been involved in adverse events.

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