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We are committed to helping improve the quality of

education in the country, particularly in the public sector.

Our projects in education focus on primary education (kindergarten through grade six), and
seek to bridge the gap between privileged and underserved students, especially in terms of
access to quality public education. By building partnerships and taking a multi-stakeholder
approach, we hope to provide a nurturing learning environment (Center of Excellence in
Public Elementary Education), high-quality multimedia educational materials (Text2Teach)
for public elementary school students, and an opportunity for continued professional
development for teachers and principals (Training Institute).


The Center of Excellence in Public Elementary Education (CENTEX)

provides holistic, high-quality primary education for bright children
from economically disadvantaged families. It is a partnership project of
AFI, the Department of Education, the City Government of Manila, the
Provincial Government of Batangas, parents, donors, and volunteers.
CENTEX operates two public schoolsone in Tondo, Manila, and another in Bauan,
Batangas, in the Philippines. Since its inception in 1998, CENTEX has graduated over 1,300
students whose achievements test scores have consistently surpassed the national average.

The Philippine version of the global Bridge IT program, Text2Teach
provides public elementary schools across the country with educational
videos and lesson guides on hard-to-teach concepts and least-learned
competencies in such subjects as English, Mathematics, Science, and
Values Education. These videos and lesson guides are aligned with the
curriculum set by the Department of Education (DepEd).

Text2Teach uses advanced mobile technology that is smoothly integrated with teacher-
training. It is implemented in partnership with Microsoft, the Department of Education,
Department of Interior and Local Government, Globe Telecom, Union of Local Authorities of
the Philippines, and Toshiba.

Training Institute
The Training Institute is a teacher training program that focuses on four
essential elements for lifelong learningclassroom pedagogy,
development of critical thinking skills, values clarification, and use of
technology in the classroom. The program is conducted as parallel
sessions for principals and master teachers.

Youth Leadership

We believe in the power of the youth to effect positive

change in the country.

With our Youth Leadership projects, we develop values-based servant leaders who will use
their leadership ability to contribute to community- and nation-building. We do these through
an intensive leadership camp (Ayala Young Leaders Congress) or through the development
of youth-led projects that address community needs (Leadership Communities).

Ayala Young Leaders Congress

The Ayala Young Leaders Congress (AYLC), the flagship leadership
program of the Ayala group of companies, is an annual student
leadership summit for 81 of the most promising student leaders
selected from the best colleges and universities in the country.
The congress is designed to build the delegates confidence and hone
their leadership skills, to nurture their commitment to integrity and
principled leadership, to foster nationalism and idealism, and to
encourage faithful stewardship of their communities and the countrys

The four-day congress features talks, outdoor activities, plenary sessions

and workshop group discussions. Well-known and highly respected leaders
from government, civil-society, business, the arts, media and entrainment
share their own leadership stories and experienced and challenge
participants perspective and paradigms.

AYLC graduates are part of the Ayala Young Leaders Alumni Association,
which fosters close relationships among the graduates of the program,
and helps create a vibrant community of Filipino youth servant leaders
who develop and implement relevant, sustainable, and impactful projects
that contribute to nation-building.

Leadership Communities
Leadership Communities (LeadCom) brings the AYLC experience to the
different regions and provinces in the country. It works with colleges,
universities, and communities outside the National Capital Region, but
also reaches out to teachers, school officials, and local government

LeadCom empowers the youth to get involved in addressing pressing needs and issues in
their local community through projects they themselves will propose, plan, and implement.
LeadCom identifies five to ten youth teams endorsed by colleges, universities, and other
youth-serving organizations, as well as guides them through the process of implementing
their project plans by holding workshops, making resources and mentors available, and
helping them establish links with possible partners.

The process of working on meaningful and relevant projects develops and improves the
participants leadership, communication, teamwork, and project management skills.
Moreover, the LeadCom experience nurtures in the youth a greater sense of responsibility in
developing their community.

Bangsamoro Young Leaders Program-Leadership

The Bangsamoro Young Leaders Program Leadership Communities
seeks to harness the strengths of Bangsamoro youth as agents of
positive change in their respective communities.
BYLP-LeadComwhich targets youth from five provinces in the Autonomous Region of
Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)is an offshoot of the successful Basilan Young Leaders
Program and Leadership Communities (LeadCom) Basilan, which were launched in 2015.
BYLP-LeadCom is implemented in partnership with Ayala Foundation, the Office of the
Regional Governor-ARMM, and the Eisenhower Fellows Association of the Philippines.

For the first phase of the program, 35 ARMM youth will be selected to participate in a
learning tour across the country. They will meet with change makers from the fields of
government, social entrepreneurship, business, public health, education, and others, so they
can appreciate better how people from various sectors contribute to the improvement in the
lives of people and communities.

By October, the program will welcome 140 more young leaders from the ARMM, as it enters
the LeadCom phase. This nine-month period will expose the youth to a process by which
they can identify urgent challenges faced by their communities, conceptualize projects that
will address these challenges, and implement and monitor the impact of these projects.

Sustainable Livelihood

We believe in inclusive growth and shared prosperity.

Through Sustainable Livelihood projects, we hope that the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) and
other vulnerable groups can be engaged in, even mainstreamed into, the socioeconomic life
of its program communities, where they can be providers of human capital, goods, and

We aim to provide households in our program communities access to skills training

programs, employment opportunities, financial services, and connections to markets, so they
may have gainful employment or diversified income sources.

Our Sustainable Livelihood projects are implemented in the following communities: the Iraya-
Mangyans of Talipanan, Oriental Mindoro; El Nido, Palawan; and Calauan, Laguna.

Iraya-Mangyan Program
Our Iraya-Mangyan Program is committed to the education and skills
training of the indigenous Iraya-Mangyan community of Puerto Galera,
Talipanan, Oriental Mindoro.
With the assistance of the Sisters of Charity of St. Anne, Mangyan children and youth
receive early childhood care, as well as educational and feeding assistance.

For Sustainable Livelihood, Ayala Foundation helps the Iraya-Mangyan community in

Talipanan in reviving their tradition of weaving, particularly in the creation of beautiful but
functional nito baskets. With the help of our donors and partners, we also provide training in
dressmaking, electrical skills, masonry, and agriculture, among others.

El Nido, Palawan
As El Nido, Palawan, continues to become one of the prime tourist
destinations in the country, we are working closely with surrounding
communities in their efforts toward gaining employment or diversified
sources of income.

We work with the women weavers of barangay Sibaltan, El Nido, Palawan, and
leverage their weaving talents in producing beautiful buri bags and other buri
products. Our goal is scaling their production of buri products, improving
production processes, and connecting weavers to the market.

Aside from working with women weavers, we also made initial steps toward
supporting and scaling up community- based enterprises focusing on cashew
production and local way of life tourism, in partnership with the Sibaltan
Heritage Council.

Calauan, Laguna
Southville 7 in Calauan, Laguna, is a 107-hectare relocation site for
families displaced by Typhoon Ondoy and the Pasig River rehabilitation.
Owned by the National Housing Authority, the property is home to
roughly 4,500 families. Together with our partners (Municipal
Government of Calauan, Salesians of Don Bosco, Franciscan Sisters of
the Sacred Heart, e-Skills Network, Consuelo Foundation, Habitat for
Humanity, and ABS-CBN Foundation), we are implementing sustainable
livelihood projects for families in the area.

Aside from offering skills training for residents, we have piloted mushroom
and ube-growing enterprises in the area.

Arts and Culture

We are proud of our countrys rich artistic and cultural

For almost 50 years, Ayala Foundation has been committed to inspiring pride in and
awareness of Filipino history, art, and culture, as well as showing how these are an integral
part of the Filipino identity.

Through the Ayala Museum and the Filipinas Heritage Library, AFI makes the appreciation of
Philippine art and culture more accessible to the community we serve through imaginative
programs, solid scholarship, and the use modern information technology.

Ayala Museum
As one of the leading private museums in the country, the Ayala
Museum makes Philippine history, art, and culture accessible to the
public through engaging exhibitions and exciting cultural programs.

The Ayala Museum uses both traditional and nontraditional platforms to present our
countrys rich heritage in fresh, engaging, and innovative ways.

Filipinas Heritage Library

As a one-stop electronic research center on the Philippines, the
Filipinas Heritage Library (FHL) houses contemporary and rare volumes
on Philippine art, history, and culture; vintage recordings of Philippine
music; vintage photographs; and maps, periodicals, and multimedia

The library has also embarked on a massive digitization project to make a significant part of
its collection available online. In addition, FHL partners with government and private groups
to develop community libraries, through the OurLibrary program.

Special Project
Aside from projects that fall under its four program pillars, Ayala
Foundation has other initiatives that address specific needs in various
sectors in society.

Our work in post-Yolanda rehabilitation is part of Bulig Bisaya, the collective effort of the
Ayala group of companies. Ayala has invested over P425 million pesos into post-Yolanda
rehabilitation efforts, P200 million of which has gone to Iloilo through permanent housing,
farmland rehabilitation, livelihood training, and building construction and repair.

Disaster Relief/Laging Handa

The country is regularly visited by natural calamities, and we must
always be prepared to respond to the needs of those most severely
affected by these disasters.

Ayala Foundation sees the importance of disaster preparedness, which is why it keeps its
Laging Handa Donation Channel available all year round. Through its Disaster Relief
program, AFI is able to readily help those in urgent need of support during these times, in
partnership with local organizations.

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