1.1 Introductions: Spanish

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1 Introductions
In this introductory lesson, Mauricio and Amy break the ice. We've got the basics
covered, so don't be shy, learn how to greet someone and say hello.


Amy: Hola, Mauricio!

Mauricio: Hola, Amy! Cmo ests?
Amy: Bien, y t?
Mauricio: Muy bien.


Amy: Hello, Mauricio!

Mauricio: Hello, Amy! How are you?
Amy: Well, and you?
Mauricio: Very well.

1.2 Introductions Expanded

The conversation is off to a rolling start! Listen in as Mauricio and Amy discover a few
more details about one another.


Mauricio: Encantado.
Amy: EI gusto es mo.
Mauricio: Cmo te llamas?
Amy: Me llamo Amy.
Mauricio: De dnde eres?
Amy: Soy de Ios Estados Unidos.
Mauricio: Hablas espaol muy bien.
Amy: Slo un poco. Estoy aprendiendo.


Mauricio: Delighted.
Amy: The pleasure is mine.
Mauricio: What is your name?
Amy: My name is Amy.
Mauricio: Where are you from?
Amy: I'm from the United States.
Mauricio: You speak Spanish very well.
Amy: Only a little. I'm learning.

1.3 The Perfect Coffee

This refreshing lesson takes you to the counter to order a sumptuous Spanish coffee.
But not so fast... you'll have to learn a few things about asking for what you want or need
in Spanish first!

Perfection is key when it comes to a Spanish coffee. Learn how to order one in this
essential Rocket Spanish lesson.


Amy: Necesito ayuda.

Mauricio: Con qu?
Amy: Quiero algo para tomar.
Mauricio: Qu quieres?
Amy: Me gustara un caf.
Mauricio: Con azcar o leche?
Amy: Con ambos, por favor.
Mauricio: Listo. Yo quiero un t.


Amy: I need help.

Mauricio: With what?
Amy: I want something to drink.
Mauricio: What do you want?
Amy: I'd like a coffee.
Mauricio: With sugar or milk?
Amy: With both, please.
Mauricio: Set. I want a tea.

1.4 Taking a Photo

As the old adage goes 'a picture says a thousand words' and it'll feel like you've
learned just as many in this lesson (as long as you're not counting!)
Take a snapshot on your Spanish learning as we uncover how to ask for, and take, a
picturesque photo.


Mauricio: Disculpe, seorita. Puedo sacar su foto?

Amy: No, lo siento.
Mauricio: Por favor.
Amy: Bueno, no s.
Mauricio: Por favor.
Amy: Ya, est bien. (He takes the picture.)
Mauricio: Gracias, seorita. Es muy amable.
Amy: De nada.


Mauricio: Excuse me, miss. Can I take your photo?

Amy: No, I'm sorry.
Mauricio: Please.
Amy: Well, I don't know.
Mauricio: Please.
Amy: OK, fine. (He takes the picture.)
Mauricio: Thank you, miss. You're very kind.
Amy: You're welcome.

1.5 What do you do for a Living?

Take your Spanish conversing to the next level and learn how to ask the burning
question... What do you do for a living? and more in this installment of your Rocket


Mauricio: Ests de vacaciones?

Amy: No. Estoy aqu por negocios.
Mauricio: Ah. En qu trabajas?
Amy: Soy ingeniera.
Mauricio: Qu bien.
Amy: Y t? Qu haces?
Mauricio: Yo soy doctor.
Amy: Ah, lo siento. Doctor Mauricio.
Mauricio: No. Estoy estudiando todava.


Mauricio: Are you on vacation?

Amy: No. I'm here for business.
Mauricio: Ah. What do you do?
Amy: I'm an engineer.
Mauricio: Great.
Amy: And you? What do you do?
Mauricio: I'm a doctor.
Amy: Ah, I'm sorry. Doctor Mauricio.
Mauricio: No. I'm still studying.

1.6 Family Status

Tell your age (or not) in this edition of Rocket Spanish. We'll even show you how to give
out your number and status. Using discretion however; entirely up to you.


Amy: Ah. Cuntos aos tienes?

Mauricio: Suficiente. Y t?
Amy: Tengo veintinueve (29) aos.
Mauricio: Qu bueno. Tienes hermanos?
Amy: S.
Mauricio: Cuntos hermanos tienes?
Amy: Tengo dos hermanos.
Mauricio: Tienes hijos?
Amy: No, no tengo hijos.
Mauricio: Tienes esposo?
Amy: No, soy soltera.
Mauricio: Qu suerte. Soy soltero tambin. Puedo tener tu nmero telefnico?
Amy: Hmm.
Mauricio: Por favor.
Amy: Ya, est bien. Mi nmero telefnico es 555-500.


Amy: Ah. How old are you?

Mauricio: [Old] enough. And you?
Amy: I'm 29.
Mauricio: Great. Do you have brothers or sisters?
Amy: Yes.
Mauricio: How many siblings do you have?
Amy: I have two brothers.
Mauricio: Do you have children?
Amy: No, I don't have children.
Mauricio: Do you have a husband?
Amy: No, I'm single.
Mauricio: What luck. I'm single, too. Can I have your telephone number?
Amy: Hmm.
Mauricio: Please.
Amy: Yeah, OK. My telephone number is 555-500.

1.7 Traveling on Schedule

Let our Spanish enthusiasts walk you through your travel itinerary. We'll cover what time,
what day, and ensure our ride to the airport gets us there with time to spare. Get your
bags packed, we're due to depart!


Mauricio: A qu hora es el vuelo?

Amy: A las siete y media(7:30) de la maana.
Mauricio: Qu da?
Amy: Um... el 10 de agosto.
Mauricio: Cundo llegamos en Nueva York?
Amy: Llegamos a las 10 de la noche, el mismo da.
Mauricio: Tenemos que salir temprano.
Amy: S. Cundo sale el tren al aeropuerto?
Mauricio: El tren al aeropuerto sale a las cinco de la maana en punto.
Amy: Cundo llega?
Mauricio: Un cuarto para las siete.
Amy: Es muy tarde.
Mauricio: Por qu?
Amy: Porque tenemos que llegar al aeropuerto a las 6:00.
Mauricio: Qu haremos?
Amy: Vamos en taxi.


Mauricio: At what time is the flight?

Amy: At 7:30 in the morning.
Mauricio: What day?
Amy: Um... August 10.
When do we arrive in New York?
We arrive at 10 o'clock at night, the same day.
We have to leave early.
Yes. When does the train to the airport leave?
The train to the airport leaves at 5:00 in the morning on the dot.
When does it arrive?
At a quarter to seven.
It's very late.
Because we have to arrive at the airport at 6:00.
What will we do?
We'll go by taxi.

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