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Characteristics and controls of the largest

porphyry coppergold and epithermal gold deposits
in the circumPacific region
R. H. Sillitoe
27 West Hill Park, Highgate Village, London, N6 6ND, England
Published online: 09 May 2007.

To cite this article: R. H. Sillitoe (1997) Characteristics and controls of the largest porphyry coppergold and
epithermal gold deposits in the circumPacific region, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences: An International
Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 44:3, 373-388, DOI: 10.1080/08120099708728318

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Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (1997) 44, 373-388

Characteristics and controls of the largest porphyry

copper-gold and epithermal gold deposits in the
circum-Pacific region

27 West Hill Park, Highgate Village, London N6 6ND, England.

Eleven gold-rich porphyry copper and 14 epithermal gold deposits around the Pacific rim contain > 200 t
(-7 million oz) of gold. These large porphyry-type deposits conform to a single overall model, whereas the large
epithermal gold deposits are varied in both genetic type and mineralisation style. Most regional and local
characteristics of the largest porphyry and epithermal deposits fail to explain convincingly their extremely high
Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 09:31 24 October 2013

gold contents. Nevertheless, a number of hypothetical processes operative alone, or in combination, in the mantle,
in upper crustal magma chambers and at the sites of gold accumulation are believed to maximise the likelihood of
exceptional gold concentrations. Partial melting of the upper parts of stalled lithospheric slabs in the mantle,
immediately following collision or arc migration, promotes oxidation of mantle sulfides and the release of gold.
These tectonic scenarios may also result in rapid cooling and uplift-induced depressurisation of upper crustal
magma chambers, thereby accelerating the release of gold-bearing magmatic fluids. Upper crustal magma mixing
and passive degassing of the resultant SO2 are also considered to favour gold availability. Rheological and
permeability contrasts at sites of gold deposition are important controls on the size and tenor of gold deposits. The
summation of these mechanisms tends to result in short-lived, areally restricted gold-forming events, commonly as
an end-stage of arc development. These hypothetical processes translate into several practical criteria of potential
use to explorationists. Both large gold-rich porphyry and epithermal deposits seem to be more common in atypical
arc settings and in association with unusual, especially highly potassic, igneous rocks. During the search for gold-
rich porphyry deposits, high hydrothermal magnetite contents, very young arcs in the tropical environment and
impermeable host rocks, especially limestones, deserve emphasis. In contrast, large epithermal gold deposits are
commonly controlled by marked lithologic differences and associated with flow-dome and/or maar-diatreme

Key words: circum-Pacific region, epithermal deposits, exploration, giant deposits, gold, magmatic arcs,
porphyry copper deposits.

INTRODUCTION dominated by silver rather than gold. Several huge

porphyry copper deposits characterised by relatively modest
Exceptionally large gold deposits, often designated as gold grades also possess > 2001 of gold (e.g. Escondida,
giant, world-class or super-large, are the principal Chile; 4501 Au), but are excluded from consideration
exploration objectives in the circum-Pacific region and because they cannot be considered as gold deposits.
elsewhere. Gold contents of either > 1001 (Singer 1995) The review commences with 'thumb nail' geological
or> 2001 (applying the formula of Laznicka 1983) have sketches of the large gold-rich porphyry and epithermal
been used to define such superior gold deposits. The deposits. It continues with a brief assessment of a number
latter size limitation, equivalent to about 7 million oz of of regional (metallogenic) and local (deposit-scale)
gold, is employed here in order to restrict the number of factors that neither singly nor in combination explain
examples to 25 (Figure 1; Tables 1, 2). adequately the exceptional gold contents of the deposits
This short review deals with the largest porphyry and considered. Three mechanisms are then proposed for
epithermal gold deposits around the Pacific rim, but enhancing gold availability and accumulation in porphyry
excludes other genetic types of deposits containing and epithermal systems, followed by a set of geological
> 2001 gold, namely sediment-hosted and mesothermal criteria that seem to be useful indicators of large gold-
(including slate belt) types. All the porphyry deposits rich systems (Table 3).
included, except Far Southeast, and most of the
epithermal deposits, except McDonald, Round Mountain,
Ladolam and Hishikari, have undergone various degrees GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS
of erosional removal and hence originally were larger
than their reserves ( production) imply. Gold-rich porphyry deposits
Most of the largest gold-rich porphyry deposits contain
appreciable copper, as either a principal or co-product, Gold-rich porphyry copper deposits dominate this cate-
whereas several of the large epithermal deposits, most gory, although gold-rich, relatively copper-poor (Fish
notably Pachuca-Real del Monte, have metal budgets Lake, Cadia Hill) and essentially gold-only (Refugio)

Fish Lake
,x Bingham ff
Comstock Lode O o O Cripple Creek

Pachuca-Real del Moi

Spreading ridge
, Subduction zone
Gold-rich porphyry
Figure 1 Location of the largest o Epithermal gold
gold-rich porphyry and epithermal deposit
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gold deposits of the circum-Pacific


Table 1 Selected geological characteristics of large gold-rich porphyry deposits.

Deposit Au Tectonic Regional Porphyry Age Coeval Ore- Abundant Quartz Litho- Associated Recent
content setting structural stock (Ma)* volcan- related magnetite stock- cap mineral- reference
control ics alteration work isation

Fish Lake 471 Cont No QdiCA 80 No K Yes Yes No No Caira et al.

Canada 1995
Bingham 937 Cont Lin Qmon KCA 39 Yes K No Yes No Sk, CR, SH Babcock et al.
USA (BA) 1995
Bajo de La 489 Cont Lin Dae KCA 8 Yes K Yes Yes No LS Guilbert 1995
Alumbrera (BA)
Refugio 259 Cont No Qdi-Di CA 23 Yes IA-P-K Yes Yes Yes No Flores 1993
Cadia Hill 224 IA(?) Lin Qmon KCA -440 Yes P-K Yes Yes No Sk Newcrest Min-
Australia ing Staff 1996
Panguna 766 IA No Di-Qdi CA 3.4 Yes K Yes Yes No No Clark 1990
OkTedi 368 Cont No Mon KCA 1.2 No K No Yes No Sk Rush & Seegers
PNG 1990
Grasberg 1598* Cont No Mdi KCA 3.3-3.0 Yes K Yes Yes No Sk, CR MacDonald &
Indonesia Arnold 1994
Batu Hijau 353 IA Lin QdiCA 5.1^.9 Yes K-IA Yes Yes Yes LS Irianto &
Indonesia Clark 1995
Santo 230 IA Fault DiCA 1.0 No K Yes Yes No LS Serafica &
Tomas II Baluda 1977
Far Southeast 441 IA Fault QdiCA 1.5-1.2 Yes K-IA Yes Yes Yes HS, LS Garcia 1991

*Age data supplemented by: Arribas et al. 1995; McDowell et al. 1996; Perkins et al. 1995; Sillitoe et al. 1991; E. H. McKee
and R. H. Sillitoe unpubl. data; S. J. Turner pers. comtn. 1996.
Mineable reserve; geological reserve is -25001 Au
Tectonic setting: BA, back-arc; Cont, continental margin; IA, island arc. Regional structural control: Lin, lineament. Porphyry stock:
Dae, dacite; Di, diorite; Mdi, monzodiorite; Mon, monzonite; Qdi, quartz diorite; Qmon, quartz monzonite; CA, calc-alkaline; KCA,
high-K calc-alkaline. Ore-related alteration: IA, intermediate argillic; K, K-silicate; P, propylitic. Associated mineralisation: CR,
carbonate replacement; HS, high-sulfidation epithermal; LS, low-sulfidation epithermal; SH, sediment-hosted gold; Sk, skarn.

deposits are also included (Figure 2). Refugio is con- Grasberg, Bingham and Panguna, all containing > 7001
sidered as a porphyry gold deposit (Vila & Sillitoe 1991). of gold (Figure 3). However, Grasberg and Far Southeast
The pre-eminent gold-rich porphyry deposits are clearly possess the highest gold grades, with both containing

appreciable tonnages at > 2 g/t Au as well as high copper

Grasberg contents (Figure 2). Molybdenum contents are low in
1.2- many of the deposits, but average 0.025% at Bingham
(Babcock et al. 1995) and 0.01% at Ok Tedi (Rush &
Seegers 1990), which are the deposits hosted by the most
potassic stocks (Table 1). Several of the deposits (e.g.
Bajo de La Alumbrera, Batu Hijau) display molybdenum-
0.8- enriched haloes that overlap the outer parts of the
I Far Southeast
o Bingham Ok Ted! copper-gold orebodies. Silver contents in all the large
0.6- Batu Hljau gold-rich porphyry deposits are low, generally < 3 ppm.
Ba)o de la Alumbrera The large gold-rich porphyry deposits are located in
magmatic arcs along both sides of the Pacific Ocean,
Santo Tomas II
although they are somewhat more abundant on the west-
Fish Lake ern side (Figure 1). The deposits are distributed about
Cadia Hill equally in continental-margin and island-arc terranes
(Table 1). Bingham and Bajo de La Alumbrera, both
underlain by continental crust, occupy back-arc positions
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
that were mildly extensional at the time of mineralisation.
Au (g/t)
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In marked contrast, Ok Tedi and Grasberg, at the leading

Figure 2 Gold and copper contents of the largest gold-rich edge of the Australian craton, were emplaced through an
porphyry deposits of the circum-Pacfic region. All deposits active fold-thrust belt linked to continent-island-arc col-
contain > 200 t of gold. Note the pre-eminence of Grasberg and lision. The Late Ordovician age of the Cadia Hill deposit
Far Southeast grades. precludes proper assessment of its geotectonic setting,
although a late extensional stage of island-arc develop-
ment is proposed on the basis of selected modern ana-
logues (Walshe et al. 1995).
A multitude of faults is present in and around most ore
deposits and the large gold-rich porphyry deposits
analysed here are no exception. However, it is not clear
that major faults or lineaments were responsible for
localising most of the deposits, except for Far Southeast
by the Lepanto fault (Garcia 1991). No truly major faults
or lineaments have been recognised in the vicinities of
five of the deposits, although major pre-mineral faults or
lineaments are present in proximity to the rest (Table 1).
Arc-transverse structures, such as the Uinta axis at
Bingham (Babcock et al. 1985), the Hualfin and
Aconquija lineaments at Bajo de La Alumbrera (Guilbert
1995) and the Lachlan River lineament at Cadia Hill
(Walshe et al. 1995), are common.
The stocks that host the large gold-rich porphyry
8 deposits are all of I-type and belong to the magnetite
series, thereby indicating contributions from oxidised
subcrustal melts (Ishihara 1981). The mineralised porphyry
stocks are either calc-alkaline or high-K calc-alkaline in
petrochemical affiliation (Table 1), with those at Bajo de
La Alumbrera and Cadia Hill also qualifying as members
10 100 1000
of the shoshonite suite. Moreover, volumetrically minor
million tonnes mafic alkaline and shoshonitic igneous rocks in the
1 Fish Lake 10 Santo Tomas II 20 Waihi
Bingham district are modelled as parental to the porphyry
2 Bingham 11 Far Southeast 21 Ladolam copper-gold stock (Keith et al. 1995). The mineralised
3 Bajo de la Alumbrera 12 McDonald 22 Porgera
Refugio 13 Comstock 23 Kelian porphyries span a broad compositional range: diorite
14 Cripple Creek
Cadia Hill
15 Round Mountain
24 Baguio through quartz diorite and dacite to monzodiorite, monzo-
25 Hishikari
7 Ok Tedi
Pachuca-Real del Monte
Pueblo Viejo
nite and quartz monzonite (monzogranite).
8 Grasberg 18 Yanacocha * Bonanza part only
9 Batu Hijau 19 Ellndlo + Approximate The large gold-rich porphyry deposits range in age
from Ordovician to Pleistocene, although deposits along
the western side of the Pacific Ocean, all = 5 Ma except
Figure 3 Gold grade-tonnage plot for the largest gold-rich
porphyry and epithermal gold deposits of the circum-Pacific
for Cadia Hill, are generally younger than those in the
region. All deposits contain > 200 t of gold. Note that the bulk western Americas (Table 1). This relationship is attri-
low-grade epithermal deposits at McDonald, Round Mountain and buted to more rapid erosion and, consequently, quicker
Yanacocha plot with the gold-rich porphyry deposits. # , gold-rich unroofing of deposits in the western Pacific island arcs
porphyry deposit; O, epithermal gold deposit. than in much of the western Americas (Sillitoe 1993a).
All the large gold-rich porphyry deposits conform to a Intermediate argillic overprinted
on K-silicate alteration
single unified model (Sillitoe 1993b; Figure 4), which Remnant of advanced argillic
lithocap '
differs little from that for porphyry copper deposits in
general. The gold-copper mineralisation is centred on
composite porphyry stocks, which are circular to ovoid in
cross-section and essentially vertical over intervals of at p
least 2 km. The stocks generally include inter- and late- volcanic
. sequence
mineral phases, which contain lesser amounts of gold and
copper because they were emplaced during or late, Low-sulphidation
veins, Zn-Pb-Ag-Au
respectively, in the alteration-mineralisation event. These p
later porphyry pulses were commonly intruded up the
axial zones of the pre-existing stocks (Figure 4). Less
common are barren or low-grade, pre-mineral intrusions,
either equigranular like those at Bingham (Babcock et al. Propylitic-altered
1995) and Panguna (Clark 1990) or porphyritic as at Bajo
de La Alumbrera (Guilbert 1995) and Batu Hijau (Irianto k-silicate alteration
& Clark 1995). Diatreme vents post-dated porphyry with magnetite, Cu+Au
deposit formation at Batu Hijau, Santo Tomas II and Far
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Southeast (Table 1; Figure 4). Intermineral porphyry phase

with less Cu+Au
The mineralisation may be confined to the stocks (e.g.
Grasberg) or extend appreciably into surrounding wall-
rocks (e.g. Fish Lake, Santo Tomas II). The wallrocks are Figure 4 Model for large gold-rich porphyry deposits in the
varied in both age with respect to the stock and circum-Pacific region. Copper and gold are present in K-silicate
composition. Eight of the large deposits were emplaced alteration and overprinted intermediate argillic alteration from the
into volcanic rocks that are broadly co-temporal with the present surface to a depth of at least 2 km.
stocks themselves, whereas the rest intruded older
'basement' units (Table 1).
Gold and copper in all the deposits are components of
K-silicate alteration, the product of magmatic brines
(Burnham 1979), although propylitic assemblages are skarns abut the porphyry deposits at Bingham, Cadia
noted within the copper-poor Refugio and Cadia Hill Hill, Ok Tedi and the deeper portions (> -1000 m) of
deposits. Each deposit displays a close, although gener- Grasberg, while carbonate-replacement zinc-lead deposits
ally non-linear, correlation between copper and gold and sediment-hosted gold deposits are also present more
contents, especially where bornite is present as a signifi- distally at Bingham (Babcock et al. 1995). The top of the
cant copper mineral. Biotite is typically the ubiquitous Far Southeast deposit is characterised by a high-
K-silicate alteration mineral, and may be accompanied by sulfidation epithermal copper (enargite)-gold deposit
K-feldspar and/or actinolite. Quartz-veinlet stockworks, (Garcia 1991) generated at the base of the lithocap,
including subparallel veinlet arrays, characterise all the whereas low-sulfidation epithermal veins are located
deposits (Table 1) and host much of the copper and gold. distally with respect to four of the deposits (Table 1;
Hydrothermal magnetite comprises 3= 5 vol.% of ore in Figure 4).
nine of the 11 deposits (Table 1), as pre- and/or syn-metal
veinlets and disseminated grains. Epithermal gold deposits
K-silicate alteration grades outwards to propylitic
alteration, with several deposits (e.g. Fish Lake, Bingham, The pre-eminent epithermal gold deposits, with 3= 6001
Bajo de La Alumbrera, Grasberg) containing a complete of gold, are Cripple Creek, Pueblo Viejo, Ladolam,
or partial annulus of intervening sericitic alteration Porgera, and Baguio (Table 2; Figure 3). Most of the
(Figure 4). Sericitic and/or innermost propylitic alteration large gold-rich epithermal systems in the circum-Pacific
commonly coincide with pyrite haloes. Intermediate region are economically gold-only deposits. The
argillic assemblages, typified by illite/sericite and chlo- exceptions are Pachuca-Real del Monte and Comstock
rite, partially overprinted the K-silicate alteration (Figure 4) Lode, which were primarily rich silver deposits, with
at Refugio, Batu Hijau and Far Southeast, but do not Ag/Au ratios of roughly 200 (Geyne et al. 1963) and
seem to have been accompanied by appreciable metal >20, respectively. Copper, as enargite, is an important
introduction. Remnants of an advanced argillic lithocap by-product of the early-stage veins at El Indio.
are preserved in proximity to the uppermost parts of only The large epithermal gold deposits are split almost
three of the deposits (Table 1; Figure 4), which implies equally between the eastern and western Pacific
that the rest were eroded relatively deeply. This observa- regions (Figure 1). Ten of the 14 deposits are located in
tion accords well with the observed downward increases continental-margin magmatic arcs (Table 2), with only
of gold contents in several deposits, although Ok Tedi, Cripple Creek unequivocally occupying an extensional
with a gold-rich cap (Rush & Seegers 1990), is an back-arc position. Four of the deposits are parts of island
exception. arcs, which in the case of Pueblo Viejo and Ladolam are
Eight of the large gold-rich porphyry deposits are the built directly on oceanic lithosphere.
foci of zoned mineral districts (Table 1). Copper-gold Faults are recognised in all the deposits, although their
Table 2 Selected geological characteristics of large epithermal gold deposits.

Deposit Au content Tectonic Related Age Volcanic Form of At Local Ore- Abun- Palaeo- Asso- Recent
(t) setting volcanic (Ma)* setting orebody litho- fault related dant surface ciated reference
rocks logic control alteration base- evidence mineral
contact metals -isation

McDonald 251 Cont Felsic ig 39-37 Caldera? Disseminated Yes Normal LS No Yes No Bartlett
USA CA + stockwork Qu + Ad etal. 1995
Comstock -260 Cont And 13.7 Flow dome Vein No Normal LS Yes No No Vikre 1989
Lode USA CA (45) Qu
Cripple -755 Cont Phon-Trach 32-31 Diatreme Vein + Yes Normal + LS No No No Thompson
Creek USA (BA) A disseminated ring fault Ad 1992
Round 413 Cont Rhyodac ig 26 Caldera Disseminated Yes Normal LS No Yes No Tingley &
Mountain USA CA + vein Ad Berger 1985
Pachuca-Real 235 Cont And-rhy 21-20 Uncertain Vein No Normal LS Yes No No Geyne
del Monte, CA Qu + Ad etal. 1963
Pueblo Viejo -700 IA Ker-Spil -130 Diatreme Stockwork Yes Ring fault HS Yes No No Russell &
Dominican IAT Qu Kesler 1991
Yanacocha 292f Cont And 10.9 Flow dome? Disseminated No Not known HS No Yes(?) No Harris
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Peru CA Qu etal. 1994

El Indio 295 Cont Rhy? _7 Flow dome Vein Yes Normal + HS Yes Yes LS Jannas
Chile KCA reverse Qu etal. 1990
Waihi 230 Cont And 7 Strato- Vein No Normal LS Yes Yes No Brathwaite &
New Zealand CA volcano? Qu + Ad Blattner 1995
Ladolam 595 IA Trachyb 0.35- Strato- Breccia No Normal? LS No Yes Ppy Moyle et al.
PNG + trachA 0.1 volcano Qu + Ad Cu 1990
Porgera -600 Cont Bas (int) 6.0-5.6 No volcanics Stockwork + Yes Normal LS Yes No No Richards &
PNG A vein breccia Qu Kerrich 1993
Kelian >200 Cont Rhy EMio? Diatreme Vein- No Normal LS Yes No No Van Leeuwen
Indonesia CA stockwork Ad etal. 1990
Baguio >700 IA Dae 0.6 Diatreme Vein + No Strike slip + LS No No Ppy Cooke
Philippines KCA breccia ring fault Qu + Ad Cu etal. 1996
Hishikari 250 IA Dae 1.25-0.6 Flow dome Vein Yes Normal LS No Yes No Izawa
Japan CA Qu + Ad et al. 1990

*Age data supplemented by: Aoki et al. 1993; Henry et al. 1995; Izawa et al. 1993a; McKee et al. 1992; R. Jannas pers. comm. 1995;
D. E. Noble pers. comm. 1995.
173 t Au production + reserves (July 1996).
Tectonic setting: BA, back-arc; Cont, continental margin; IA, island arc. Related volcanic rocks: And, andesite; Bas, basalt; Dae, dacite;
Ig, ignimbrite; Int, intrusions; Ker, keratophyre; Phon, phonolite; Rhy, rhyolite; Rhyodac, rhyodacite; Spil, spilite; Trach, trachyte;
Trachyb, trachybasalt; A, alkaline; CA, calc-alkaline; KCA, high-K calc-alkaline; IAT, island-arc tholeiite. Ore-related alteration: Ad,
adularia; HS, high sulfidation; LS, low sulfidation; Qu, quartz. Associated mineralisation: LS, low-sulfidation epithermal; Ppy Cu,
porphyry copper.

role as ore localisers appears to be minimal at Pueblo Viejo deposits, the epithermal gold deposits along the western
and Ladolam. Major fault zones controlled vein emplace- side of the Pacific Ocean are, on average, notably younger
ment at Comstock Lode and El Indio, whereas more local than those on the eastern side.
faults localised the gold ore in the other deposits. Most of A spectrum of volcanic settings hosts the large gold-
the faults that controlled the large gold-bearing vein rich epithermal deposits (Table 2). At least three, possibly
systems and acted as feeders for the bulk-tonnage gold four, deposits occur either in or around diatremes; three,
mineralisation are reported to have undergone normal possibly four, of the deposits are associated with flow-
displacements (Table 2), in some cases with a component dome complexes; one, possibly two, are parts of ash-flow
of oblique slip being recognised. Fault jogs within strike- calderas; and Ladolam is present in a small stratovolcano
slip fault zones have been proposed for Waihi (Sibson that underwent sector collapse during the mineralisation
1987) and Baguio (Ringenbach 1992). Diatreme-bounding event (Sillitoe 1994). The remainder of the deposits
ring faults imposed additional structural controls on some occupy uncertain volcanic settings, which at Porgera is
of the gold mineralisation at Cripple Creek (Thompson due to a complete absence of volcanic rocks.
1992), Pueblo Viejo (Russell & Kesler 1991) and Baguio Eight of the large epithermal gold deposits are judged, on
(Damasco & de Guzman 1977). the basis of available data, to be related genetically to calc-
The large epithermal gold deposits show a spread in alkaline volcanic rocks ranging in composition from
ages, from Early Cretaceous (Pueblo Viejo) to Pleistocene, rhyolite to andesite (Table 2). Two deposits may be related
although 13 of the deposits are younger than 40 Ma to high-K calc-alkaline volcanics (Table 2) and one, Pueblo
(Table 2). As in the case of the gold-rich porphyry Viejo, to the island-arc (low-K) tholeiite series (Lebron &
Perfit 1993). The volcanic rocks are bimodal at Pueblo Lacustrine Remnant Minor quartz-
Viejo and Hishikari, thereby suggesting extensional set- sinter adularia veins + Au
tings. Felsic ignimbrites are spatially and temporally related
Welded Smectite-chlorite
to the McDonald and Round Mountain deposits, whereas ignimbrite alteration
the host ignimbrite at El Indio is unrelated temporally to the
Non-welded I
gold mineralisation. Three deposits are associated with ignimbrite
alkaline magmatism, which is basic and sodic at Porgera Welded-*- A
(Richards 1990), but potassic and, in part, more felsic at ignimbrite A A
Cripple Creek and Ladolam (Table 2). I-type, magnetite- Illite-adularia
series volcanic rocks appear to be ubiquitous. alteration + Au
In contrast to the large gold-rich porphyry deposits, the Quartz-adularia veins + Au
large epithermal gold deposits are extremely varied in
form and mineralisation style. They may be subdivided
broadly into vein systems and large dispersed deposits of
either predominantly disseminated, stockwork or breccia- Acid-leached rock formed
hosted mineralisation (Figure 5). The vein systems con- in steam-heated zone
stitute both bonanza deposits (Comstock Lode, Cripple Quartz-carbonate veins + Au
Creek, El Indio, Zone VII at Porgera, Hishikari) as well (minor illite/sericite-adularia
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as more extensive, but lower grade deposits (Pachuca-
Real del Monte, Waihi, Baguio). Average gold grades Tuff sequence
were as low as 2.4 g/t at Pachuca-Real del Monte. Veins
are also present in several of the other deposits (Table 2),
either subsidiary to disseminated ore (Round Mountain),
dominant over disseminated ore (Cripple Creek) or Bonanza Au
of approximately equal importance to stockwork ore 0.5 beneath
(Porgera). The stockwork ore at Porgera is intrusion-
related and formed relatively deeply, but is juxtaposed
with the epithermal gold veins and breccias of Zone VII Basement
km rocks
(Richards & Kerrich 1993). _0.5
In common with epithermal deposits in most parts of
Figure 5 Selected end-member models for large epithermal gold
the circum-Pacific region, large low-sulfidation deposits deposits in the circum-Pacific region, (a) Large-tonnage, low-
are more abundant than those of high-sulfidation type. grade deposit hosted by an aquifer below an aquitard. (b) Major
Table 2 demonstrates that the large low-sulfidation deposits vein system containing bonanza shoots immediately beneath an
are nearly five times as abundant. The various styles of unconformity separating tight basement rocks from an overlying
mineralisation include examples of both epithermal types. porous sequence. Both models are for low-sulfidation deposits
Half of the low-sulfidation deposits contain appreciable poor in base metals and sulfides.
amounts of base metals, mainly zinc and lead, whereas
the other half are poor in sulfides (Sillitoe 1993c). The
sulfide-poor low-sulfidation vein deposits, with the excep- at McDonald (Bartlett et al. 1995); acid-leached rock
tion of Baguio, tend to possess greater concentrations of generated in the steam-heated environment above the
adularia as a vein and alteration component, although palaeo-water table at or near El Indio (Sillitoe 1991), Waihi
adularia is also abundant in several of the bulk-tonnage (Brathwaite & Blattner 1995), Ladolam (Moyle et al.
deposits (McDonald, Round Mountain, Ladolam). Two of 1990), Hishikari (Izawa et al. 1990) and, possibly,
the large low-sulfidation deposits (Round Mountain, Yanacocha; a hydrothermal eruption crater filled with
Kelian) contain relatively minor quantities of quartz. lacustrine mudstone and interbedded chert at Hishikari
Kelian and the intrusion-related stockwork gold ore at (Izawa et al. 1993b); and remnants of lacustrine sedi-
Porgera are rich in a variety of carbonate minerals, and are mentary rocks at El Indio (Sillitoe 1991) and Round
classified as carbonate-base-metal deposits by Leach and Mountain (Tingley & Berger 1985; Henry et al. 1995). The
Corbett (1994). remaining deposits were formed at substantially deeper
Two of the three large high-sulfidation deposits do not levels, as deep as 900 m at Kelian (Van Leeuwen et al.
adhere to the typical model for this type of epithermal 1990) and even -2 km at Porgera (Richards & Kerrich
gold deposit (Hedenquist et al. 1994) because residual 1993). Moreover, the vertical extents of at least seven of the
vuggy quartz does not host the gold. Ore is associated deposits exceed 600 m, and attain at least 1 km at
with quartz-alunite and quartz-pyrophyllite alteration at Comstock Lode and Cripple Creek.
Pueblo Viejo (Muntean et al. 1990), whereas at El Indio Most of the large epithermal gold deposits lack asso-
it is present in massive enargite-pyrite and bonanza-grade ciated mineralisation types (Table 2) although, as noted
quartz veins (Jannas et al. 1990). above, Porgera is a combination of intrusion-related and
Six, probably seven, of the large epithermal gold deposits epithermal mineralisation. The exceptions are the low-
were formed at shallow depths because features denoting sulfidation gold deposits at Ladolam and Baguio, which
the interval between the palaeo-surface and palaeo-water are related to low-grade porphyry copper-gold minerali-
table (Figure 5; Sillitoe 1993c) are partly preserved. sation, and El Indio, which is near a low-sulfidation
Features include hot-spring sinter of palaeo-surface origin epithermal gold deposit.

FACTORS NOT RELATED DIRECTLY TO approximately 20%, of the large gold deposits accom-
LARGE GOLD CONTENTS pany shoshonitic or alkaline suites (Mutschler et al. 1991;
Miiller & Groves 1993). Shoshonites are estimated to
Perusal of these brief overviews of the characteristics of constitute only about 2.5% by volume of igneous rocks in
large gold-rich porphyry and epitherraal gold deposits in circum-Pacific arc terranes (Baker 1982). Alkaline rocks
the circum-Pacific region and reference to Tables 1 and 2 are even less abundant in circum-Pacific arcs so, in total,
reveal a series of factors that, either singly or in com- these suites probably do not exceed 3% by volume of
bination, appear unable to explain the exceptional gold circum-Pacific igneous rocks.
contents of the 25 deposits under consideration. These
factors are explained further in this section.
Structural setting

Geotectonic setting The structural controls noted in Tables 1 and 2 and the
comments above suggest that no specific structural
Neither the large gold-rich porphyry deposits nor the setting is responsible for the formation of very large gold
large epithermal gold deposits seem to be influenced deposits in arc terranes. Major faults and lineaments
unduly by the nature of the underlying crust. Both appear to be associated with some, but not all, of the
deposit types were generated in the shallow parts of porphyry deposits and, therefore, cannot be considered
either cratonic or island-arc crust (Figure 1). The crustal as a prerequisite for the formation of large gold con-
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extremes are represented by Bingham and Cripple Creek centrations. Similarly, the district-scale structures that
atop thick crust and Pueblo Viejo and Ladolam underlain localised the large epithermal gold deposits, although
by essentially nothing but oceanic lithosphere. Nor does dominated by normal faults, do not seem to differ
the distance of the large deposits from the trenches or substantially from the profusion of other faults in arc
underlying subduction zones active during or just before terranes. Provision of dilatant sites for the passage of
their emplacement seem to have been influential. magma and fluids is the only basic requirement and this
No unique stress regime in the upper crust at the time may be accomplished in a variety of structural settings
of mineralisation appears to account for the localisation which may or may not involve regional faults or
of unusually large gold deposits. Cripple Creek and lineaments. For example, in the context of the regional
Hishikari were probably formed during incipient rifting, compressive setting for the Grasberg porphyry copper-
whereas other deposits, especially most of those of gold deposit, dilatancy for stock emplacement and metal
epithermal type in the Great Basin of the western USA introduction was facilitated by a restricted pull-apart
(Seedorff 1991), were emplaced under mildly extensional connecting district-scale strike-slip faults (Sapiie & Cloos
conditions. In contrast, regional compression charac- 1994).
terised the upper crust during emplacement of the
Grasberg and Ok Tedi porphyry copper-gold and Porgera
gold deposits in New Guinea. Age of deposits
The composition and redox state of the concealed arc
crust and subjacent mantle in the vicinities of these large The range of deposit ages clearly precludes formation of
gold deposits are unknown except at Ladolam, where a the large gold deposits at one or more specific times
study of xenoliths from nearby young volcanic rocks during the Phanerozoic. Nevertheless, all but three of the
reveals a highly oxidised mantle assemblage (B. I. A. 25 deposits were generated after 40 Ma (Figure 6) because
Mclnnes, R. A. Binns, P. M. Herzig & M. D. Hannington average depths of erosion are shallower and hence the
unpubl. data). Such oxidised mantle is believed to be the preservation potential for epithermal and subvolcanic
source of the I-type igneous rocks related genetically to deposits is greater.
these large gold deposits (e.g. Richards 1990). Even Surprising, however, are the extremely young ages
where shallow crustal rocks comprise organic carbon- (^5 Ma: Table 1; Figure 6) for the five large porphyry
bearing sedimentary sequences, as at Porgera and copper-gold deposits in the western Pacific island arcs.
Hishikari, the igneous rocks did not undergo appreciable In fact, only three of the region's seven large epi-
reduction. thermal gold deposits, two of which (Ladolam and
Baguio) are associated with porphyry copper-gold for-
mation, are as young (Table 2). This observation
Igneous rocks confirms that erosion and exhumation rates were excep-
tionally rapid in the vicinities of these large gold-rich
A broad spectrum of intrusive and/or volcanic rocks is porphyry systems.
observed to be related genetically to the large gold
deposits reviewed here. Island-arc tholeiite, calc-alkaline,
high-K calc-alkaline (including shoshonitic) and alkaline Volcanic setting
magma suites were all capable of generating large gold
concentrations. Moreover, the degree of fractionation and Most volcanic settings, including stratovolcanoes, ash-
composition of the associated igneous rocks span a broad flow calderas, flow-dome complexes and maar-diatreme
range, from hawaiite and mugearite (at Porgera: Richards systems, are represented by the 25 gold deposits under
1990) to rhyolite. consideration. In contrast to the epithermal gold deposits,
Notwithstanding the varied petrochemistry of the asso- the gold-rich porphyry deposits are generally eroded too
ciated igneous rocks, a surprisingly large percentage, deeply to ascertain the nature of volcanic landforms that
PACIFIC six of the deposits and give rise to annular or bell-shaped
West East geometries.
In contrast, the large epithermal gold deposits are
8 9 extremely varied in form, like epithermal deposits in
10- o general, with vein systems and grossly equidimensional
o to tabular bodies of disseminated, stockwork and/or
breccia-hosted mineralisation representing the two geo-
metrical extremes.
o Clearly, the particular style or form of a deposit does
o not seem to influence directly its gold content.

Alteration-mineralisation type

The gold-rich porphyry deposits all comply with a single
alteration-mineralisation model, in which centrally located
columns of K-silicate alteration containing quartz-veinlet
O) 60- stockworks host the bulk of the gold and copper (Figure 4).
Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 09:31 24 October 2013

All but two of the large deposits, in common with many
smaller gold-rich porphyry deposits (Sillitoe 1979), contain
abundant hydrothermal magnetite. The presence or absence
of overprinted sericitic or intermediate argillic alteration
does not seem to exert any control on gold contents. The
existence of advanced argillic lithocap remnants at the
130| shallowest preserved levels near three of the deposits
implies that the upper parts of K-silicate alteration zones
are capable of hosting major gold concentrations. However,
the fact that the lithocaps have been eroded from the other
eight deposits may be taken to suggest that the deeper
levels of K-silicate zones are more favourable than their
shallower parts for gold concentration (also see above).
Figure 6 Plot of ages of large gold-rich porphyry and epithermal
gold deposits along the western and eastern sides of the Pacific Large epithermal gold deposits span the full spectrum
Ocean. Note the appreciably younger ages of deposits in the of types currently recognised (White & Hedenquist 1990;
western Pacific island arcs as a result of more rapid erosion rates. Sillitoe 1993c). They include high-sulfidation deposits,
Data for 24 radiometrically dated deposits taken from Tables 1 albeit commonly of somewhat unusual styles, as well as a
and 2. , gold-rich porphyry deposit; O, epithermal gold deposit. variety of low-sulfidation types. These include deposits
that are either rich or poor in base metals and sulfides, in
originally overlay them; indeed, three of the porphyry adularia and in quartz. Representatives of both deposits
deposits, as well as one of the epithermal deposits, lack affiliated with alkaline rocks and hence rich in tellurides,
contemporaneous volcanic products, which has led roscoelite (vanadian mica) and/or fluorite (Bonham 1986;
locally to the suggestion that magmatism failed to attain Richards 1995; e.g. Cripple Creek) and base-metal-rich
the palaeo-surface (e.g. Porgera: Richards & Kerrich deposits dominated by carbonate gangue (Leach &
1993). At Bajo de La Alumbrera and Batu Hijau, Corbett 1994; e.g. Kelian) are included.
however, the porphyry deposits are clearly hosted by Major gold concentrations may be present in the
degraded stratovolcanoes, a landform that is also prob- shallow (so-called hot spring) parts of epithermal
ably implied by the andesitic volcanic rocks in the systems, but may also occur at depths of up to 1.5-2 km
vicinities of Refugio and Panguna. (e.g. Kelian, Porgera), which must be near the base of the
As many as seven of the deposits display an association epithermal environment. The gold occupies vertical
with diatremes and associated plugs and domes. The intervals of 600 to 1000 m in several deposits, thereby
diatremes immediately post-dated emplacement of the denying any restriction of gold ore to narrow vertical
porphyry deposits, but helped to localise the epithermal ranges.
deposits. Moreover, diatreme emplacement at Far South-
east appears to have intervened between formation of the
porphyry copper-gold and Lepanto high-sulfidation

Deposit style Several mechanisms operative from the initial site of

subcrustal magma generation through the magmatic-
The large gold-rich porphyry deposits, like their smaller hydrothermal environment to the eventual site of hydro-
counterparts, conform to a prescribed model, which thermal gold accumulation are isolated here because of
includes both stock-hosted and predominantly wallrock- their perceived potential to enhance the efficiency of gold
hosted examples. Low-grade cores characterise at least concentration.

Mantle processes (a) Large gold deposit in

former fore-arc setting
Post-subduction partial melting of the uppermost
seawater-altered parts of stalled ('dead') slabs or the
associated metasomatised (subduction-modified) mantle
wedge may generate highly oxidised magmas as well as
destabilising mantle sulfides to release copper and gold
(Mclnnes & Cameron 1994). These metals would then be
available for transport to the upper crust during arc
magmatism. mantle wedge
Such mantle-melting events may be triggered by
cessation of subduction, which may be induced by island
arc/island arc, continent/island arc or island arc/oceanic Large gold deposit
plateau collision events (Figure 7a; cf. Thompson 1995). (b) in back-arc setting
Grasberg, Ok Tedi and Porgera were emplaced following
collision between the leading edge of the Australian
craton and an island arc to the north, whereas Ladolam
and Panguna followed collision between an island arc and
Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 09:31 24 October 2013

the Ontong Java oceanic plateau. Such collisions lead to

reversals of arc polarity, a tectonic scenario considered by
Solomon (1990) to be favourable for porphyry copper- Subduction-modified
gold generation. The flip in subduction polarity due to
Plio-Pleistocene arc/continent collision is recent in the
northern Philippines, where the pre-collision, west-facing Stalled slab
Central Cordillera arc, site of the large Far Southeast,
Santo Tomas II and Baguio gold copper deposits, remains Slab steepening
200 km
weakly active. In marked contrast, the arc polarity
reversal that seems to have been responsible for the
magmatism associated with Pueblo Viejo was Early Creta-
Figure 7 Tectonic scenarios for partial melting of stalled slabs
ceous (Lebron & Perfit 1993). Post-subduction partial and overlying subduction-modified mantle wedges to give highly
melting was also proposed for the Ordovician shoshonitic oxidised magmas, with oxidation of magmatic mantle sulfides to
magmatism of the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt (Wyborn release gold and copper, (a) Following island arc/continent
1992), with which Cadia Hill is related. collision, (b) During trenchward migration of subducted slab (slab
Alternatively, the mantle melting may be caused by steepening). See text for further details.
transitions from convergent to transform margins or by
steepening and trenchward retreats of subducted slabs
(Figure 7b). Large deposits in back-arc settings, such as formation of large gold deposits. Rapid cooling or
Bingham, Bajo de La Alumbrera and Cripple Creek, depressurisation of such magma chambers, not neces-
might be ascribed to back-arc extension linked to slab sarily accompanied by 'second boiling' due to crystalli-
retreat. Round Mountain may be tied to extension sation (Burnham 1979), promotes magmatic fluid satura-
preparatory to the demise of subduction beneath the tion and release (e.g. Lowenstern 1993).
Great Basin of the western USA, but probably with a Rapid cooling of magma chambers may be induced by
greater crustal contribution to the associated volcanic cessation of magma production and ascent as a conse-
rocks. In contrast, some large gold deposits, such as El quence of either slab steepening or flattening (arc
Indio and Batu Hijau, are products of final arc activity migration) or collision (Figure 8; Sillitoe 1992; Skewes
prior to landward migration of magmatism to create a & Stern 1994; Cloos 1996). Rapid magma chamber
new younger arc. depressurisation may be triggered by rapid reductions of
Irrespective of the precise controls of the mantle- confining pressure, caused by either rapid erosion and
melting events, the upper crustal intrusive and/or volcanic exhumation consequent upon tectonic uplift (Figure 8) or
products and associated gold mineralisation tended to be gravitational sector collapse of overlying volcanic
distinctive compositionally, relatively limited in areal edifices (Sillitoe 1994). High rates of erosion, accom-
extent and short-lived (cf. Thompson et al. 1995). Where plished largely by landsliding, typify rapidly uplifted
arc activity was longer lived, as in the vicinities of El terrains subjected to pluvial climatic conditions. Rapid
Indio, Batu Hijau, Baguio, Santo Tomas II and Far uplift is commonplace at convergent plate margins,
Southeast, the formation of the large gold deposits was particularly as a consequence of collision events.
the concluding event and seems to have lacked Grasberg, Ok Tedi and Porgera in mainland New
voluminous co-temporal magmatism. Guinea, Ladolam and Panguna in nearby islands and Far
Southeast, Santo Tomas II and Baguio in the northern
Philippines were all emplaced during rapid tectonic uplift
Magmatic-hydrothermal processes induced by collision processes (see above). Fission-track
dating by Crowhurst et al. (1996) confirms that rapid
Efficient release of voluminous gold-rich magmatic fluids uplift, denudation and cooling in the New Guinea Mobile
from upper crustal magma chambers should favour the Belt took place from 8-5 Ma in the north (Porgera,
6-5.6 Ma) through to the present day in the south Studies of active volcanoes suggest that highly oxidised
(Grasberg, 3.3-3 Ma; Ok Tedi, 1.2 Ma). In contrast, syn- magma may be generated by quenching a volatile-charged
subduction crustal thickening was responsible for the mafic melt during injection into a felsic chamber in the
Mio-Pliocene uplift at El Indio (Kay et al. 1991). At upper crust (Figure 8). The resulting SO2-rich gas phase
Ladolam, however, the unroofing is believed to have would oxidise the mixed magma, stabilise anhydrite as a
taken place essentially instantaneously by sector collapse phenocryst phase and cause copper to behave incom-
of an overlying stratovolcano (Sillitoe 1994). patibly (Hattori 1993; Matthews et al. 1995).
The very young ages noted above (Figure 6) for the The apparently enhanced possibility of generating
large gold and copper-gold deposits in Irian Jaya, Papua large gold deposits in association with shoshonitic and
New Guinea and the northern Philippines require rapid alkaline rocks (see above) may be attributed to the fact
uplift and erosion since deposit emplacement in order to that higher contents of sulfur and chlorine, both potenti-
remove 1 or 2 km of overlying lithocap and underlying ally effective ligands for hydrothermal gold transport,
rocks in as little as 1 million years. If such high erosion correlate with increased alkalinity (Miiller & Groves
rates characterised the areas of the deposits immediately 1993; Ducea et al. 1994). High chlorine contents favour
after emplacement, they almost certainly also prevailed increased C1/H2O ratios in exsolved fluids, which
during magma intrusion and hydrothermal activity. maximise the probability of base metal and gold transport
Passive, relatively slow degassing of magma chambers and mineralisation (Candela & Piccoli 1995).
during rapid cooling, uplift or sector collapse is thought
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likely to inhibit formation of immiscible sulfide liquids

Hydrothermal processes
that sequester gold and copper from the melt (Figure 8;
Mclnnes & Evans 1996). In contrast, explosive degassing
Marked contrasts in the permeability of rocks and
and SO2 removal from the melt result in reduction of
structures at the sites of ore formation commonly exert
oxygen fugacity and consequent magmatic sulfide precip-
powerful influences on the size and grade of the resulting
itation, thereby decreasing gold availability at the hydro-
deposits because of focusing and ponding of fluids. The
thermal stage (Matthews et al. 1995; Mclnnes & Evans
most obvious representation of this is the confinement of
at least parts of 10 of the large epithermal gold deposits
by faults (Table 2). Moreover, the large size of the Waihi,
Pachuca-Real del Monte and Baguio deposits, where
Volcano remnant gold grades are not exceptional, is clearly due to the large
Molasse sediments number of dilatant faults that were available throughout
extended mineralisation events.
^T Part of collision- Lithologically induced permeability contrasts also seem
^ generated to be important, not only in epithermal settings where half
fold-thrust belt
of the large gold deposits are localised at lithologic
contacts (Table 2), but also in the porphyry environment.
Formation of large Degassing of magma chamber; Porphyry copper stocks that possess tight wallrocks may
gold-rich porphyry
oxidation of magma; gold and tend to retain rather than dissipate and dilute the exsolving
copper behave incompatibly
magmatic fluids, a sort of 'pressure-cooker effect', and so
develop higher gold and copper grades (Figure 9a). The
two highest grade porphyry copper-gold deposits comply
with this situation: the upper parts of the Grasberg stock
Felsic magma
chamber are encased in massive, poorly bedded limestone that was
rendered even more impermeable by marbleisation near
the contacts (MacDonald & Arnold 1994); and Far
Southeast is hosted by late Mesozoic volcanic rocks that
had undergone sub-seafloor metamorphism (Garcia 1991).
Furthermore, three of the 11 gold-rich porphyry deposits,
the two largest (Bingham and Grasberg) and Ok Tedi,
Cessation of magma supply possess limestone wallrocks, which seems to be more than
as subduction ends as a result
of collision; consequent cooling just coincidental given that carbonate terranes are
of magma system estimated to crop out in no more than 5% of Cenozoic
magmatic arcs around the Pacific rim.
The extraordinarily large size of two of the epithermal
Figure 8 Selected processes operative in and around upper deposits is attributed to the availability 'in the right place
crustal magma chambers that may be conducive to formation of at the right time' of highly permeable units overlain by
large gold-rich porphyry and epithermal deposits. Injection of aquitards (Figures 5a, 9b). At Round Mountain (Sander
mafic magma into the felsic chamber causes SO2 release,
1988) and McDonald (Bartlett et al. 1995), poorly
breakdown of magmatic sulfides and release of gold and base
metals. Rapid tectonic uplift aids degassing of the felsic chamber welded ignimbrite beneath more intensely welded parts
and formation of a major gold accumulation in cylindrical cupolas of the same cooling units constituted the aquifers into
on its roof. Degassing is also promoted by cessation of magma which gold-bearing fluids were fed. The reverse situation,
input to the chamber and its consequent rapid cooling. See text for impermeable basalt overlain by poorly lithified and
further details. probably water-saturated maar sediments (Figure 9b),

appears to have localised much of the gold ore at the Marble near Impermeable
large Pueblo Viejo deposit (Muntean et al. 1990). stock contact y*\ limestone wallrocks
V v
These two stratigraphic situations, impermeable unit
V v V
either above or below permeable unit, also seem to have
exerted a major influence on development of bonanza ore
shoots in two of the large epithermal vein gold deposits
(Figure 5b). At Hishikari, an unconformity between
permeable tuffs and volcaniclastics and subjacent flysch
basement localised the highest grade ore, probably as a \ ^ High-grade gold-rich
porphyry deposit
result of abrupt changes in physico-chemical conditions
as the mineralising fluids entered the permeable unit
(Ishihara et al. 1986). The ascending fluids would have Large epithermal Aquitard Large epithermal
gold deposit i Aquifer gold deposit
undergone essentially simultaneous depressurisation (vig-
orous boiling), dilution, oxidation and cooling, all pro-
pitious for gold precipitation from bisulfide complexes
(Seward 1991). In contrast, the localisation of bonanza
gold ore in welded ignimbrite beneath andesitic flows at Tight
El Indio is attributed to the rheological difference basement
Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 09:31 24 October 2013

between the two rock types, the latter being less brittle
and therefore acting as a partial seal above the ore-
bearing dilatant faults below. Large epithermal gold deposit
Some of the bonanza gold shoots at Cripple Creek in diatreme ring fault and
in diatreme fill
were also localised in part by lithologic contacts.
Bonanza shoots follow the ring fault of the nested
Cresson diatreme, which juxtaposes basalt-rich breccia (c)
against earlier, probably better-lithified diatreme breccias
(Thompson 1992; Figure 9c). Gold-bearing breccia pipes
in the Acupan sector at Baguio are also controlled by a
diatreme contact, where it is intersected by vein-hosting 1 km
faults (Damasco & de Guzman 1977).
The dynamic environment of gold deposition,
especially to form epithermal deposits, may also be
Large telescoped
isolated as a crucial factor in the development of some epithermal gold deposit Sector collapse amphitheatre
very large deposits. At Ladolam, sector collapse trans-
formed a porphyry copper-gold system into a low- Debris avalanche
sulfidation epithermal gold system and resulted in tele-
scoping of the two (Sillitoe 1994; Figure 9d). The
subhorizontal zone of gold-bearing phreatic breccias that
constitutes the Ladolam deposit was generated as a result Porphyry-type
of depressurisation caused by the sector collapse, with mineralization in stock
the gold being precipitated by the consequent fluid
boiling and mixing (Moyle et al. 1990; Carman 1995).
The bonanza epithermal stage in Zone VII at the Porgera
gold deposit was probably a result of violent phase Figure 9 Selected processes favouring formation of large gold
separation (Richards & Kerrich 1993) during the syn- deposits in the shallow hydrothermal environment, (a) Formation
mineral initiation of the ore-controlling Roamane fault of high-grade, gold-rich porphyry deposit resulting from fluid
(Munroe 1995). Porgera was generated during an interval ponding in stock caused by relatively impermeable host rocks
of rapid uplift and erosion (Crowhurst et al. 1996) that (e.g. Grasberg). (b) Formation of large epithermal gold deposits
resulted in Zone VII being telescoped over the early- beneath an aquitard (e.g. Round Mountain; cf. Figure 5a) and in
stage intrusion-related gold mineralisation. Telescoping an aquifer above a tight rock sequence (e.g. Pueblo Viejo).
was a requirement for Porgera to attain its large size. (c) Formation of large epithermal gold deposit on the contact of
and within a maar-diatreme system (e.g. Baguio). (d) Gravita-
tional sector collapse of a volcanic edifice to generate a large
epithermal gold deposit telescoped over porphyry copper-gold
CRITERIA FOR LARGE CIRCUM-PACIFIC mineralisation, the formation of which was terminated by the
collapse (e.g. Ladolam). See text for further details.

The formation of large gold deposits in the porphyry and

epithermal environments, as elsewhere, must be favoured
by the confluence of many magmatic and hydrothermal criteria that might suggest the presence of large deposits.
factors as well as by the production and focusing of large On the basis of the foregoing, the following criteria
volumes of gold-rich fluid. However, such statements are (Table 3) may be useful in directing the search for large
not useful for explorationists, who need observational gold deposits of porphyry and/or epithermal type.
Table 3 Criteria favourable for large circum-Paciflc gold deposits.

Gold-rich porphyry deposits Epithermal gold deposits

Unusual arc settings, especially following collision and in back-arcs following slab steepening
Unusual magma chemistry, especially shoshonitic, alkaline and bimodal suites
End stage of arc construction
Gravitational sector collapse of volcanic edifices, as shown by collapse amphitheatres and debris avalanche deposits
Highly oxidised systems, shown by abundant hydrothermal magnetite Marked permeability or rheological contrasts within host lithologies
Extremely young (= 5 Ma) magmatism (in the tropics) Flow-dome complexes and/or maar-diatreme systems
Steep incised terrain (in the tropics)
Impermeable host rocks, especially massive limestones

Applicable to porphyry and epithermal deposits that a porphyry system is gold-rich. Furthermore, the
magnetite contents are sufficient for detection using
Five of the 11 large gold-rich porphyry deposits and aeromagnetic surveying (Sillitoe 1979). Indeed, Bajo de
seven of the 14 large epithermal gold deposits occupy La Alumbrera, Grasberg and Batu Hijau were all shown
unusual arc settings and/or are parts of igneous suites recently to correspond to prominent 'bull's eye' magnetic
characterised by unusual chemistry. The unusual arc highs (e.g. Potter 1996).
Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 09:31 24 October 2013

settings include back-arcs, post-subduction arcs, rifted If rapid rates of magma chamber cooling, uplift and
arcs and arc junctions. The unusual magma chemistry is consequent denudation are accepted as favourable for the
reflected by alkaline, shoshonitic and bimodal suites. formation of large gold-rich porphyry and related epi-
Geotectonic settings favouring mantle processes capable thermal gold deposits, as proposed above, then arc ter-
of generating highly oxidised magmas and occurrence of ranes showing physiographic evidence for rapid erosion
higher chlorine and sulfur contents in alkali-rich magmas, and characterised by young porphyry stocks should be
as described above, may help to explain some of these assigned priority. Rapid uplift and erosion under tropical
relationships. However, irrespective of the precise controls, conditions will give rise to steep incised terrain and, in
the fact that about half the large gold deposits are located in island arcs, relict late Cenozoic shallow-marine sequen-
tectonic and magmatic settings that make up < 5% of the ces up to 1 km or more above sea-level. Table 1 suggests
Pacific rim, rather than in 'normal' subduction-related that arcs = 5 Ma are the most prospective given that all
andesitic-dacitic arcs, is important for exploration planning. the large gold-rich porphyry deposits in western Pacific
Available geological information for much of the arcs are of this age. In arid and semi-arid terrains of the
circum-Pacific region is adequate to be able to isolate western Americas, however, high uplift rates are not
unusual tectonic settings and magmatic provinces, matched by such rapid erosion, and hence prospective
especially for Cenozoic terranes. This must be considered stocks will not be so young (Table 1).
as a useful endeavour for anyone embarking on or Porphyry stocks emplaced into tight wallrocks are
engaged in gold exploration of the circum-Pacific region. hypothesised to result in higher grade gold-rich porphyry
deposits because of the reduced dissipation of magmatic
fluids. Relatively impermeable but potentially receptive
Applicable to porphyry deposits limestone wallrocks are believed to be particularly
effective for the localisation of large and possibly high-
Gold-rich porphyry deposits, including the large ones, are grade deposits. Indeed, based on Table 1 and the discus-
distinguished from other porphyry deposits by an abun- sion above, a case could be made for devoting entire
dance of hydrothermal magnetite in zones of gold- and porphyry gold copper exploration budgets to arcs
copper-bearing K-silicate alteration (Sillitoe 1979). Only constructed over shelf-carbonate terranes.
two of the 11 large gold-rich porphyry deposits (Bingham,
Ok Tedi) lack appreciable hydrothermal magnetite.
The elevated magnetite contents of gold-rich porphyry Applicable to epithermal deposits
deposits reflect the highly oxidised state of the magmas
from which the gold-transporting fluids were derived. Half of the large epithermal gold deposits are controlled,
The two large deposits lacking hydrothermal magnetite at least partly, by contacts between lithologies that are
are associated with the most felsic host stocks (Table 1), very different in intrinsic permeability or rheology. Such
which may imply that total iron contents were simply too contacts, including unconformities, may have acted to
low for magnetite to form as a major hydrothermal focus or pond hydrothermal fluids or to modify
mineral. As described above, mechanisms operating dramatically their physico-chemical constitution.
during magma generation in the mantle wedge and again Alternatively, such contacts may influence profoundly the
during magma mixing in subvolcanic magma chambers details of fault propagation and dilatancy at the time of
may account for highly oxidised magmas that promote gold mineralisation.
gold incompatibility and its efficient partition into a Given that many epithermal districts lack marked
magmatic fluid phase. lithologic contacts, those that do should be given par-
Although high hydrothermal magnetite contents cannot ticular emphasis during exploration programmes. Imagi-
be used to distinguish between large and small gold-rich nation and geological extrapolation will be required in
porphyry deposits, their existence does at least suggest many instances because the potentially favourable
contacts will be largely or entirely subsurface features at considered as favourable indicators for large gold
the sites of observed mineralisation. Indeed, the contacts accumulations may be identified. Unusual arc setting and
instrumental in ore localisation at Round Mountain, chemistry are proposed as favourable criteria for both
Pueblo Viejo, El Indio, Porgera and Hishikari were not porphyry and epithermal deposits. Abundance of hydro-
appreciated properly until after gold ore was discovered. thermal magnetite, high uplift rates reflected by very
Sector collapse of volcanic edifices above gold-gener- young host stocks, and impermeable or limestone
ating intrusions may be instrumental in the formation of wallrocks are applicable to porphyry deposits, whereas
large epithermal gold deposits as well as causing telescop- permeability and rheology contrasts across lithologic
ing of different styles of gold mineralisation (Sillitoe 1994). contacts and an association with maar-diatreme systems
However, volcanological evidence for sector collapse is and flow-dome complexes are applicable to epithermal
preserved as a collapse amphitheatre (Moyle et al. 1990) deposits. However, none of these criteria is applicable
and submarine debris flow derived from it (Herzig & exclusively to large gold deposits.
Hannington 1995) only at Ladolam.
An exceptional number, at least seven and possibly
eight, of the large epithermal gold deposits are associated
with maar-diatreme systems and/or flow-dome complexes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(Table 2). These volcanic landforms may be preferred
sites for large epithermal gold deposits because they are Plutonic Resources Ltd and the organising committee are
Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 09:31 24 October 2013

connected directly to subjacent magma chambers by thanked for the invitation and support to present this
through-going permeable zones. The permeability in paper at the World-Class Ore Deposits Symposium held
maar-diatreme systems is provided by ring faults, at the 13th Australian Geological Convention (Canberra,
intersections of ring and district faults and the poorly 22 February 1996). Donald Singer kindly let me have his
lithified diatreme breccias themselves, whereas in flow- grade-tonnage data for large gold deposits, and Paul
dome complexes it is provided by feeder dykes, com- Heithersay, Brent Mclnnes and Jeremy Richards provided
monly fault-controlled. useful reviews of the manuscript.
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