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Sediment-hosted gold deposits: Distal products of magmatic-hydrothermal

Richard H. Sillitoe and Harold F. Bonham , Jr.

Geology 1990;18;157-161
doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1990)018<0157:SHGDDP>2.3.CO;2

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Geological Society of America

Sediment-hosted gold deposits: Distal products
of magmatic-hydrothermal systems
Richard H. Sillitoe
8 West Hill Park, Highgate Village, London N6 6ND, England
Harold F. Bonham, Jr.
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada
Reno, Nevada 89557-0088

ABSTRACT which were intruded in the middle to late Mio-

Sediment-hosted or Carlin-type gold deposits are currently thought to have been gener- cene by microgranodiorite to dacite porphyry
ated at shallow levels in geothermal systems, the gold having been scavenged from host stocks, sills, and dikes (Fig. 1; Wilford, 1955;
sedimentary sequences by meteoric hydrothermal fluids. In contrast, we propose that gold was Wolfenden, 1965; Pimm, 1967). The intrusions
contributed by magmatic hydrothermal fluids and was deposited on the peripheries of base- and gold deposits define a linear northeast- to
and precious-metal districts, up to several kilometres from progenitor intrusions. Support for north-northeast-striking belt or trend at least
our model is provided by relations at Bau in eastern Malaysia, Bingham in Utah, and else- 30 km long and ~ 8 km wide (Fig. 1).
where, combined with geologic, chronologic, and metallogenic observations from the three The trend encompasses northeast- to north-
principal alignments of gold-bearing deposits in Nevada. The proposed model has important northeast-striking high-angle normal faults and
exploration implications, and can be tested. part of a regional east-northeast-striking anti-
cline, as well as an orthogonal set of subsidiary
faults and fractures (Fig. 1). The trend is be-
INTRODUCTION in support of a shallow origin, and have suggest- lieved to reflect a zone of deep crustal weakness.
Sediment-hosted or Carlin-type disseminated ed that gold was deposited from nonboiling flu- Diverse styles of gold mineralization are pres-
gold deposits in Nevada and neighboring parts ids at depths of 1-3 km or deeper. Recent ent in the Bau trend (Fig. 1). Porphyry-type
of the western United States are major gold documentation of the same mineralization style quartz stockworks carrying low-grade Cu-Mo-
sources, and contain reserves of > 15001 of gold. over vertical intervals of 600-1000 m in several Au mineralization are associated with K-silicate
Recent studies (Bagby and Berger, 1985; Perci- sediment-hosted gold deposits (e.g., Goldstrike- and sericitic alteration in at least four of
val et al., 1988) have provided a reliable occur- Deep Post, Getchell, and Gold Quarry West, the porphyry stocks (Metal Mining Agency
rence model. Nevada, and Mercur, Utah) also precludes sim- of Japan, 1985; R. H. Sillitoe, unpub. data).
The deposits are hosted by a variety of perme- ple epithermal models. Stocks also contain arsenopyrite-, sphalerite-,
able sedimentary rocks, especially thinly bed- We think that this geothermal model for galena-, and stibnite-bearing hydrothermal brec-
ded, silty dolomites or limestones, cut by sediment-hosted gold deposits gains little sup- cias, veins, and pervasive disseminations, all of
high-angle faults. Nearly all the deposits contain port from available radiometric age data and which are auriferous and accompanied by in-
felsic intrusive rocks, commonly in the form of other geologic parameters which suggest that tense sericitic alteration (Fig. 1).
dikes or sills. Orebodies may be confined to fault mineralization was associated with intrusive ac- Calc-silicate skarn developed as partial au-
zones or may be irregularly shaped replacements tivity that preceded the Miocene initiation of reoles to several of the porphyry stocks, but it
in the adjoining rocks. Mineralization is char- Basin and Range extension. Neither does the contains only traces of Cu mineralization and no
acterized by an association of micron- to model explain the apparent lack of significant appreciable Au. Calc-silicate assemblages are
submicron-sized Au with As, Sb, Hg, Tl, Ba, F, sediment-hosted gold mineralization in explored also present in steep fault-controlled or bedding-
and in places W, Mo, and Sn, but is deficient in geothermal systems controlled by late Cenozoic parallel auriferous veins in marbleized limestone
base metals. Gold-bearing rocks underwent de- Basin and Range faults in the western United beyond the skarn front (Fig. 1). The veins carry
calcification, silicification, and argillic alteration, States. Here we explore an alternative genetic calcite, wollastonite, quartz, and subordinate
and are associated closely with structurally local- model involving the supply of gold from epizon- quantities of grossularite, epidote, and vesuvian-
ized replacement of carbonate rock by jasperoid. al intrusions and its formation as distal replace- ite intergrown with gold-, arsenic-, and anti-
ment deposits (Sillitoe, 1983; cf. Roberts et al., mony-bearing minerals. Marbleized limestone
GENETIC M O D E L S 1971; Alvarez and Noble, 1988). Support for also contains several small examples of massive
The genesis of sediment-hosted gold deposits this intrusion-related model is provided by sulfide replacement mineralization, which at
is contended. Many investigators (e.g., Radtke sediment-hosted gold deposits in the Bau district Gunung Tongga (Fig. 1) contains gold values
and Dickson, 1974; Hofstra et al., 1988; Perci- of Sarawak, east Malaysia, and several recently up to 20 g/t, in association with pyrrhotite,
val et al., 1988) have proposed that gold was discovered sediment-hosted gold deposits in the pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite, and less-
scavenged from sedimentary rocks and then re- western Americas. We selected the Bau district common chalcopyrite and sulfosalts.
deposited in late Cenozoic geothermal systems as a type example because gold mineralization is The principal gold deposits in the Bau district
resulting from high heat flow in a Basin and related to a single intrusion event, as opposed to tend to be located farther from the porphyry
Range extensional setting. On the basis of this the greater complexity of intrusion and mineral- stocks, but in close association with porphyry
model, there is a tendency to argue for shallow ization in the western United States. sills and dikes (Fig. 2). Those previously mined,
gold deposition and to assign the deposits to a including the 2 Mt Tai Parit orebody (Geikie,
sediment-hosted epithermal category. However, BAU DISTRICT, SARAWAK 1906), occur near steep faults at and imme-
geologic (Bakken and Einaudi, 1986) and fluid- The Bau district has a gold production of ~40 diately beneath stratigraphic contacts between
inclusion studies (Kuehn and Bodnar, 1984; Hof- t; it is underlain by massive limestones and cal- limestone and shale. Both lithologies underwent
stra et al., 1988) have questioned evidence cited careous shales of Late Jurassic to Cretaceous age conversion to jasperoid and quartz-cemented

GEOLOGY, v. 18, p. 157-161, February 1990 157

hydrothermal breccia. Gold, averaging 6 to 9 quartz associated with pyrite, stibnite, realgar, stockwork; at least 80 t are in contiguous Cu
g / t (Wolfenden, 1965), As (as arsenopyrite, orpiment, native arsenic, arsenopyrite, and gold. skarns; and, farther away, a similar amount is in
realgar, orpiment, and native arsenic), and Sb Gold mineralization at Bau is present from Zn-Pb-Ag carbonate-replacement bodies (Wil-
(as stibnite) were introduced with silica. the intrusive centers outward to the district's pe- kins, 1984; R. P. Ashley, 1989, written com-
Recently, a large lenslike body of disseminat- riphery, but the principal gold deposits occupy mun.). Sediment-hosted gold deposits at Mel-Co
ed gold mineralization associated with arseno- distal sites and have the same geologic, min- and Barney's Canyon, 5 and 8 km, respectively,
pyrite and pyrite was discovered in decalcified, eralogic, and geochemical characteristics as from the stock outcrop, compose a partial out-
argillized, and weakly silicified shale cut by sediment-hosted gold deposits in the western ermost halo to the Bingham district. Gold is
minor porphyry dikes at Jugan (Fig. 1), about 2 United States. present with elevated levels of arsenic and an-
km from the nearest stock outcrop. timony in association with jasperoid at Mel-Co
Numerous small but commonly high-grade SEDIMENT-HOSTED GOLD and as disseminations in sanded dolomite at
vein gold deposits in the Bau trend are confined IN O T H E R I N T R U S I O N - Barney's Canyon (R. Babcock, 1987, personal
to faults, fractures, and bedding planes in mas- RELATED DISTRICTS commun.). Similar fault-localized Au-As miner-
sive limestone (Fig. 1). Veins carry coarse- At Bingham, Utah, about 780 t of Au occur alization occurred as late-stage overprints to the
grained calcite and manganocalcite, and later in a 38 Ma monzonite porphyry-hosted Cu-Mo other ore types in the district; that in the prox-



Microgranodiorite +
dacite porphyry/volcanics

Dorninantly shales



' High-angle fault

if Porphyry: Cu-Mo-Au
A Intrusion-hosted breccia/vein/disseminated:

Figure 1. Selected geolog- 8AU O Vein w i t h calc-silicates: Au-As-Sb
ic features and gold de- AREA
Jasperoid at limestone-shale c o n t a c t :
posits in Bau district and Au-As-Sb
vicinity, Sarawak, eastern A Vein: Au-As-Sb
Malaysia. Compiled from
Shale-hosted disseminated: Au-As
Wilford (1955), Wolfenden
(1965), Pimm (1967), Met- Shale-hosted breccia: Hg-As
al Mining Agency of Japan
(1985), and R. H. Sillitoe
(unpub. results).

158 GEOLOGY, February 1990

imal Cu skarns predates final-stage M o introduc-
tion (Cameron and Garmoe, 1987).
The Pursima Concepcin sediment-hosted
Au deposit is located beyond carbonate-
9 Big Springs
replacement Cu, Zn-Pb, and Ag bodies zoned O .
0 Jerritt Canyon
outward from a partly K-silicate-altered grano- Chimney Creek
# Burns Basin
diorite stock of late Miocene age in the Yaurico- Getchell 8 Rabbit
Pinson Bootstrap
cha district, Peru (Alvarez and Noble, 1988). At
y Gold Strike (Post-Deep Postl
least six sediment-hosted gold deposits occur in Blue Star
the Bald Mountain district, eastern Nevada (Fig. B II M >
Bullion Monarch
2), within a 5 km radius of the Top gold deposit, Maggie Creek, Gold Quarry
a pyritic stockwork in argillized quartz porphyry >Rain
\ j L Bullion (Railroad)
of late Eocene-early Oligocene age (H. F. Bon- Fortitude
0 Sediment-hosted Au deposit
ham, Jr., unpub. data). McCoy-Cove
A Selected intrusion-centered
Gold Acres # . Horse
base- and/or precious-metal
0 Relief " Canyon
Canyon Cortez A deposit
BATTLE M O U N T A I N - E U R E K A , * Tonkin Bald A - A ' Carlin trend
A N D GETCHELL T R E N D S , N E V A D A Springs B-B' Getchell trend
0 Alligator C - C ' Eureka-Battle Mountain
More than two-thirds of the gold reserves of Gold Bar Ridge trend
sediment-hosted type in the western United
States are confined to three linear trends (Fig. 2;
Windfall 0 /pan
Roberts et al., 1971; Bagby and Berger, 1985; 9 Quito 1^ ^Mt. Hamilton Figure 2. Sediment-hosted
Percival et al., 1988) comparable to the Bau Ratto Canyon I C ' Green gold and other base- and
lO ^ Springs precious-metal deposits in
trend. The Nevada trends are defined by
Nighthawk Ridge Carlin (A-A'), Getchell (B-
sediment-hosted gold and other metal deposits,
# Northumberland B'), and Battle Mountain-
by intrusive rocks of at least two ages, and by Eureka ( C - C ) trends,
alignments of structural windows (cf. that cen- Nevada.
tered on the Bau district; Fig. 1).
Intrusion-centered gold, base-metal, a n d / o r
cally as either Late Cretaceous or late Eocene- IN THE CARLIN, BATTLE MOUNTAIN-EUREKA, AND GETCHELL TRENDS, NEVADA
early Oligocene help to define the three Nevada
District Porphyry-type Contact- Age, Spatially Reference
trends (Fig. 2; Table 1). However, the timing of alteration/ metasomatic Ma asociated
the sediment-hosted gold mineralization asso- mineralization mineralization sediment-
hosted Au
ciated spatially with contact-metasomatic min- mineralization
eralization, mainly skarns, at Bullion/Rain,
Goldstrike, Gold Acres, Getchell, Pinson, and CARLIN TREND
Chimney Creek (Table 1), is, like that of much Railroad K-silicate(?)/ Proximal Cu-Au 35-37 Alongside, Smith &
of the sediment-hosted gold in Nevada, con- (Bullion) Minor Cu-Mo skarn, distal 7 km distant Ketner, 1976
carbonate- (Rain)
tended. Nevertheless, given the widespread replacement
proximity of skarns and sediment-hosted gold in Pb-Zn-Ag
Nevada, there may be a temporal and therefore
Goldstrike Cu-(W) Jurassic- Overprinted Bettles, 1989
genetic relation in some districts, although such + Au(?) skarn Cretaceous and
a relation is commonly rejected at present (e.g., alongside
Goldstrike; Bettles, 1989). BATTLE MOUNTAIN-EUREKA TREND
A genetic relation is supported at Getchell by
Battle K-silicate/ Proximal Cu-Au 38.5 Theodore &
the coincident Late Cretaceous ages (88-92 Ma) Mountain minor skarn, distal Blake, 1975,
obtained for white mica in altered igneous rock Cu-Mo-Au Au-Ag-(Pb-Zn) Wotruba et al.,
associated with gold mineralization and for the
Osgood Mountains stock and associated tung- Gold Acres K-silicate Mo-Cu-Zn 93-99 Overprinted Wrucke &
sten skarns (Silberman et al., 1974). Late Creta- (biotite) skarn and above Armbrustmacher,
ceous ages ( 9 3 - 9 9 Ma) were also obtained for
magmatic biotite and alteration sericite from Mt. Hamilton K-silicate W-Mo-Cu-Au 101-106 Dennis et al.,
skarn 1989
within and beneath the Gold Acres sediment-
hosted gold deposit (Wrucke and Armbrustma- GETCHELL TREND
cher, 1975).
Getchell W-(Mo) skarn 8-92 Alongside Hotz &
Oxidized gold mineralization at the huge Willden, 1964
Gold Quarry deposit in the Carlin trend (Fig. 2)
Adelaide Cu-Au- Late Possibly H. F. Bonham,
is cut by veins of massive chalky alunite, which (Pb,Zn,W) Cretaceous alongside unpub. results
yielded a K-Ar age of 28.8 0.8 Ma (E. H. skarn
McKee, 1989, written commun.). On the basis Chimney Base-metal Late Overprinted H. F. Bonham,
of textural evidence, we believe the alunite is of Creek skarn Cretaceous and unpub. results
supergene origin. It is possible, therefore, that (?) alongside
the gold mineralization, like the altered stock

159 GEOLOGY, February 1990

and ore deposits in the Bullion district (35-37 hydrothermal base- and precious-metal mineral- magmatic-hydrothermal brines from centrally
Ma; Smith and Ketner, 1976), is late Eocene- ization is present in the Carlin, Battle Mountain- located intrusions, and their progressive cooling
early Oligocene in age, although older ages are Eureka, and Getchell trends, and could be inter- and dilution by ground and connate waters as
possible. Early Oligocene ages (34-36 Ma), simi- preted as being related genetically to sediment- they migrated outward and upward in the host-
lar to that for ore deposits in the Battle Moun- hosted gold deposits (Rain, Goldstrike, Gold rock environment. Base metals, silver, and in
tain district (38.5 Ma) (Theodore and Blake, Acres, Getchell, Chimney Creek). some districts gold, are stripped from the
1975; Table 1) have been determined for altered Typically, these intrusion-centered mineral migrating fluids in the porphyry, skarn, and
intrusive rocks from the Cortez and Windfall districts are characterized by porphyry Cu-Mo- carbonate-replacement environments, metal
gold deposits (Fig. 2) in the Battle Mountain- Au mineralization in their centers (Fig. 3). This precipitation being due to destabilization of
Eureka trend (e.g., Wells et al., 1969). grades outward through Cu-Au a n d / o r W - M o chloride complexes by one or more mechanisms
In conclusion, we propose that intrusion, skarns to Au- a n d / o r Ag-bearing Zn-Pb skarns (Seward, 1984). On the peripheries of districts,
skarn, a n d / o r carbonate-replacement gold, or carbonate replacements and, in the most dis- however, salinities become too low to permit
base-metal, and tungsten mineraliz^|^i, and tal parts of districts, to sediment-hosted Au de- appreciable base-metal complexing, and only
sediment-hosted gold mineralization took place posits deficient in base metals but carrying Sb, As, and any remaining Au are capable of
along the three Nevada trends in the Cretaceous abundant As and Sb (Fig. 3). Transitions from further transport as, and eventual deposition
a n d / o r late Eocene-early Oligoceneprior to skarns to carbonate-replacement chimney and from, bisulfide complexes. Such evolved, low-
the onset of Basin and Range extension (cf. Rob- manto deposits have been observed (e.g., Mei- temperature (150-250 C), low-salinity fluids
erts et al., 1971). Furthermore, field evidence nert, 1987), but genetic relations between skarns dominated by meteoric water are characteristic
and available age data are compatible with the a n d / o r carbonate replacements and sediment- of sediment-hosted gold deposits (e.g., Rye,
suggestion that sediment-hosted gold deposits hosted gold are complicated by the presence of 1985).
and contact-metasomatic mineralization were intervening unmineralized gaps and/or, as at In the intrusion-centered districts mentioned
generated at the same time in at least some dis- Bingham, Gold Acres, and Goldstrike, by tele- above, auriferous fluids traveled horizontal dis-
tricts in these trends. scoping of the ore types. Individual districts tances of several kilometres and, at Bingham, up
commonly do not contain all these mineraliza- to 8 km from progenitor stocks (Fig. 3). More-
tion types and, where they do, not all of them over, Meinert (1987) documented in detail at
are likely to constitute ore; Bingham is an least 3 km of lateral fluid flow within a base-
The evidence from the Bau, Bingham, Yauri-
exception. metal skarn environment. In order to travel such
cocha, and Bald Mountain districts confirms that
sediment-hosted gold deposits similar to those in The distal concentration of Au-Sb-As con- distances, fluids require the presence of highly
the Nevada trends occur in carbonate host rocks forms with long-established hydrothermal zon- permeable conduitsgenerally high-angle faults
on the fringes of intrusion-centered base- and ing schemes and may be explained readily in the with or without associated anticlinal foldsand
precious-metal districts. Furthermore, magmatic context of the liberation of metal-bearing decreasing pressure gradients (Hemley et al.,


/ - - Fault

rocks Figure 3. Schematic mod-
el to illustrate typical posi-
tion of sediment-hosted
+ + Porphyry gold deposits on peripher-
stock ies of intrusion-centered
4 km base- and precious-metal
_1 districts.

160 GEOLOGY, February 1990

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mine, Nevada, U.S.A., in Macdonald, A.J., ed., and stable-isotope studies of the Carlin and Cor-
therefore probably during, ore deposition. Fault- Proceedings, Gold '86: Toronto, Ontario, Kon- tez deposits, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey
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FURTHER WORK area, west Sarawak. Consolidated report: Tokyo, cal Survey, Borneo Region, Bulletin 7, 147 p.
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trict, central Peru: Economic Geology, v. 83, Varna, Romania, p. 71-78.
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Geology and geochemistry of epithermal systems: p. 14-33.
Society of Economic Geologists, Reviews in
Economic Geology, v. 2, p. 169-202.

GEOLOGY, February 1990 Primed in U.S.A. 161

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