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Mineralium Deposita (1999) 34: 323334 Springer-Verlag 1999


J. F. H. Thompson R. H. Sillitoe T. Baker

J. R. Lang J. K. Mortensen

Intrusion-related gold deposits associated

with tungsten-tin provinces

Received: 13 March 1998 / Accepted 14 January 1999

Abstract An under-recognized and economically im- scribed. Gold may also be concentrated more distally (1
portant class of intrusion-related gold deposits, which 3 km) with respect to the intrusions, where deposits may
occur within magmatic provinces best known for tung- be of skarn, disseminated replacement or vein types. K-
sten and/or tin mineralization, is described with refer- feldspar, albite and/or sericitic alteration assemblages,
ence to seven major deposits (Fort Knox, Mokrsko, commonly including carbonate, accompany the gold
Salave, Vasilkovskoe, Timbarra, Kidston and Kori mineralization. In sheeted vein deposits, alteration is
Kollo). These gold deposits contain a metal suite that normally restricted to narrow envelopes around veins,
includes some combination of bismuth, tungsten, arse- whereas more pervasive alteration occurs in greisen-like,
nic, tin, molybdenum, tellurium and antimony, and disseminated and shallow (<3 km) deposits. The gold
contrasts with that found in the more widely-developed mineralization is commonly present with low total sul-
gold-rich porphyry copper and related deposits. The phide contents (<3%), mainly pyrite and lesser ar-
gold deposits associated with tungsten and/or tin prov- senopyrite. In several deposits, bismuth minerals are
inces are located in cratonic margins, in a landward or closely associated with gold, and bismuth-gold and tel-
back-arc position relative to continental margin arcs lurium-gold correlations exist. Most deposits contain
(where recognized), or within continental collisional tungsten, tin, molybdenum and antimony, although
settings. The deposits are related genetically to felsic generally these do not correlate with gold; tungsten and
domes, stocks or plutons of intermediate oxidation state, molybdenum concentrations may increase with depth or
both magnetite- and ilmenite-series magmas are repre- may occur in separate zones. Base metals generally are
sented. The intrusion-hosted gold deposits are most present in minor amounts (e.g. <100 ppm Cu). The
commonly of sheeted vein/veinlet type, although grei- distinct spatial association with felsic intrusions, com-
sen-like, disseminated and breccia deposits are also de- bined with the consistent metal signature, suggests a
magmatic-hydrothermal origin. Fluid inclusions studies
indicate the presence of high-salinity uids in some de-
posits, and low-salinity and carbonic uids in most
Editorial handling: R. Goldfarb deposits, similar to the composition of uids in intru-
J.F.H. Thompson1 (&) sion-related tungsten deposits. Variations in mineral-
Mineral Deposit Research Unit, ization style largely reect depth of formation and lo-
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, cation relative to the intrusive centre. Several deposits in
University of British Columbia, this class contain >100 tonnes (3 million oz) of gold,
6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, thereby highlighting the gold potential of intrusion-re-
B.C. V6T 1Z4, Canada
lated deposits beyond the more traditionally explored
R.H. Sillitoe gold and copper provinces in arc terranes.
27 West Hill Park, Highgate Village, London N6 6ND, UK
T. Baker J.R. Lang J.K. Mortensen
Mineral Deposit Research Unit,
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences,
University of British Columbia,
6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, Intrusion-related gold deposits are an important ore
B.C. V6T 1Z4, Canada type, especially in Phanerozoic arc settings (e.g. Sillitoe
Present address: 1991). Most of these deposits, whether of porphyry or
Teck Corporation, 200 Burrard Street, Vancouver, non-porphyry type, are characterized by a chalcophile
B.C. V6C 3L9, Canada metal association. Major deposits of porphyry type

range from copper-gold (Grasberg, Indonesia) to gold-

Long et al. (1992)

Selected reference

Tullemans (1990)
Burshtein (1996)
only (Refugio, Chile), and typically are associated with

Moravek (1995)

Simmons et al.
As, Sb, Mo, W, Zn, Cu Harris (1980)
Bi, Te, Mo, As, Sb, W Bakke (1995)
highly oxidized, calc-alkaline to alkaline, intermediate

Baker and
(diorite-monzonite) I-type intrusions (Sillitoe 1993). The

oxidized character of the magmatic uid responsible for
gold copper introduction is emphasized by a com-
mon abundance of hydrothermal magnetite in ore-
bearing K-silicate alteration assemblages (Sillitoe 1993).
Intrusion-related gold deposits of non-porphyry type are

Zn, Cu, Mo, W, Pb,

Bi, Mo, Sb, As, Ag
As, Sb, W, Pb, Cu,

Ag, As, Sb, Sn, Bi,

related to broadly similar I-type intrusions, but may

Cu, Zn, Pb, W

As, Bi, Te, Sn
349 12a As, Bi, Te, Mo,
display associations with zinc, lead and silver rather than

W, Sb, Cu
copper (e.g. Porgera, Papua New Guinea; Richards and

Metal suite

Bi, Te
Kerrich 1993). Gold enrichment in these porphyry and
non-porphyry systems has been attributed to a number
of factors, including the presence of an oxidized and
metasomatized mantle source (McInnes and Cameron

age (Ma)
1994), saturation of the source magma with sulfate

rather than sulde (Candela 1989), and high-tempera-


Sheeted veins and 15.7


ture transport of gold as an aqueous chloride complex
(e.g. Seward 1991).
In contrast to these gold-rich porphyry and related

Sheeted veins
Sheeted veins
Sheeted veins


Deposit type
systems, intrusion-related molybdenum, tungsten and


tin deposits are associated typically with more felsic
(granodiorite-granite) intrusions which, in the case of
tungsten and tin, tend to be more reduced and partly of
S-type. These systems are not regarded normally as
potential hosts for gold mineralization (e. g. Blevin and
Porphyritic granite

Rhyolite porphyry
Chappell 1992). Nevertheless, a number of intrusion-

Dacite porphyry
related gold deposits worldwide (Table 1), including


Fort Knox in Alaska, Mokrsko in the Czech Republic,


Salave in Spain, Vasilkovskoe in Kazakstan, Timbarra

and Kidston in Australia, and Kori Kollo in Bolivia
occur in regions known for intrusion-related tungsten-
tin mineralization, and possess a metal association sim-
Siliciclastic metasedimentary

ilar to the tungsten-tin deposits (e.g. bismuth, tungsten,

Quartzite, siltstone, shale
arsenic, tin, molybdenum, tellurium and antimony). This
Quartzite, slate, gabbro

Metasedimentary rocks
Mac and felsic ows

study documents the geological settings and character-

Metamorphic rocks,
Mica-quartz schist

istics of these deposits preparatory to drawing up a se-

ries of general conclusions and exploration implications.
Country rocks

and tus


Intrusion-related gold deposits

Table 1 Selected charactersitics of deposits described

with bismuth, tungsten and arsenic

(million) (g/t Au)

Intrusion-related mineralization characterized by a metal assem-

Tonnes Grade





blage of gold, bismuth, tungsten and arsenic is recognized in several


Age from Perkins and Kennedy (1998)

areas of the world (Fig. 1). The mineralization is hosted by, or is

related spatially to, intrusions of granodioritic to granitic compo-
oxide: 10

sition that range from relatively large equigranular plutons to small

porphyritic stocks and domes. The intimate association of miner-





Age from Holub et al. (1997)

alization to these intrusions, a similar geochemical signature re-

gardless of wallrock rock type and metal zoning in some deposits
Fort Knox Alaska, USA

suggest a genetic, in addition to spatial, relationship to magmatic

processes. Other metals that occur at the deposit, camp, or regional
Kidston, Queensland,

Kori Kollo, Bolivia

scale include tin, molybdenum, antimony, silver, zinc and lead. The
degree of enrichment in dierent metals in and around the intru-
Timbarra, NSW,
Mokrsko, Czech

sions may reect magma chemistry, proximity of peripheral min-

Salave, Spain


eralized zones to intrusions and local conditions of ore formation.



Although several of these elements are associated with typical


porphyry copper-gold deposits, the location of the gold deposits

described here within lithophile element provinces and the common
association of gold with bismuth and tungsten contrasts with

typical porphyry copper-gold deposits and suggests a lithophile Fig. 1 Locations of the principal gold deposits described. Note their
element association for this group of intrusion-related gold de- worldwide distribution
posits. The critical features of seven representative deposits are
listed in Table 1 and summarized later. The rst ve deposits are
extensive crustal involvement in the intrusions (Anderson 1988;
hosted by intrusions and appear to have formed from similar uids
McCoy et al. 1997). The intrusive belt occurs on the cratonic
at similar palaeodepths. The last two deposits comprise dierent
margin of the Cretaceous orogen. McCoy et al. (1997) suggested
styles of mineralization, which probably formed at shallower pal-
that magmatism was subduction-related, implying a back-arc po-
aeodepths. If, as argued herein, these two deposits are accepted to
sition, but the locations of the subduction zone and related arc
be part of this class, then the shallow depths of formation and
volcanism are uncertain.
related styles of mineralization indicate a range of characteristics
The gold mineralization at Fort Knox occurs in early peg-
similar to that found in porphyry copper-gold systems of varying
matite veins, sheeted quartz K-feldspar veins and late quartz
shear veins that cut a small stock composed of three phases of
porphyritic granite plus aplite/pegmatite dykes (Fig. 2). The pre-
Fort Knox, Alaska dominant sheeted quartz veins are 215 cm thick, typically 10
50 cm apart and reect district-wide structural controls (Bakke
The Fort Knox gold deposit (>7 million oz) in the Fairbanks
district, Alaska, is the prime example of this deposit class. The
deposit is a signicant producer, has well-established characteristics
(Bakke 1995) and occurs in an extensive belt of Late Cretaceous
stocks and plutons, many of which host similar mineralization
(Newberry et al. 1995; Thompson et al. 1995; Mortensen et al.
1996; McCoy et al. 1997). The intrusive belt is divided into the
Tombstone plutonic suite of central Yukon and the Fairbanks
intrusions of central Alaska, separated by the dextral strike slip
Tintina fault (Mortensen et al. 1995; Newberry et al. 1995). In this
study intrusions throughout the belt are referred to collectively as
the Tombstone suite.
The Tombstone suite intrusions are subalkaline, metaluminous,
and range from granodiorite to granite in composition. Magnetite
is absent in intrusions within the Fairbanks district and rare in
those in the Yukon, whereas minor amounts of ilmenite are com-
mon throughout, suggesting that the intrusions are moderately
reduced and assignable to the ilmenite series (McCoy et al. 1997).
Intrusions throughout the belt were emplaced over a short time
interval (9589 Ma based on U-Pb zircon ages, Mortensen et al.
1995; 9386 Ma based on 40Ar-39Ar ages, McCoy et al. 1997) into Fig. 2 Representative geological section of the Fort Knox deposit,
miogeoclinal to basinal sedimentary sequences of Proterozoic and Alaska showing sheeted quartz veins hosted by three main granite
Palaeozoic age. Isotopic data (Pb, Nd, Sr) indicate moderate to phases (modied from Bakke 1995)

1995). The veins have low total sulphide contents (<0.5 vol%),
mainly pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, bismuthinite,
and molybdenite, and narrow alteration envelopes dominated by
K-feldspar, albite or muscovite. Quartz veins contain signicant
bismuth (up to 2000 ppm), tungsten (up to 600 ppm) and tellu-
rium (up to 20 ppm) (McCoy et al. 1997). Gold correlates well
with bismuth and tellurium, but not with tungsten, molybdenum,
arsenic or antimony (Bakke 1995; McCoy et al. 1997). Recon-
naissance uid inclusion studies by McCoy et al. (1997) showed
that pegmatite and quartz veins at Fort Knox contain CO2-rich,
low-salinity (28 wt.% NaCl equivalent) uid trapped at 1.251.5
kbars and 270330 C. Some of the other occurrences in the
Tombstone suite contain high-salinity uid inclusions (30
40 wt.% NaCl equivalent; McCoy et al. 1997; Baker et al. 1998),
but similar inclusions have not been recognized during recon-
naissance uid inclusion studies at Fort Knox. The interpreted
depth of formation varies among mineralized intrusions
throughout the Tombstone suite (0.53 kbars McCoy et al. 1997;
Baker et al. 1997 in review).
Separate zones of tungsten gold mineralization occur, usu-
ally as skarns, adjacent to several of the gold-bearing intrusions in
the Tombstone suite (e.g. Dublin Gulch; Lennan 1986). Mineral-
ization which is more distal to intrusions (13 km) and formed
beyond their contact aureoles, as at Brewery Creek in the Yukon Fig. 3 Geological map of the Mokrsko-West zone, the main gold
and True North in the Fairbanks district, is more strongly enriched zone in the Mokrsko deposit, Czech Republic, at the adit level
in arsenic and antimony and lacks the tungsten-bismuth associa- (modied from Moravek 1995). The zone of sheeted quartz veins,
tion. The disseminated style of mineralization in parts of these conned largely to the granodiorite, is shown
deposits is similar to sediment-hosted gold mineralization of Carlin
type (Poulsen 1996; Harris and Gorton 1998). In zoned systems
(e.g. Dublin Gulch; Hitchins and Orssich 1995), outer zones of granodiorite. Gold deposition took place from dilute, CO2-rich
mineralization (25 km from the intrusion) are dominated by uid at minimum temperatures of 330 20 C and pressures of 1
quartz-carbonate veins enriched in lead-zinc-silver, similar to the 1.5 kbars (Boiron et al. 1995).
outer zones around more typical porphyry copper and molybde-
num deposits.
Salave, Spain

Mokrsko, Czech Republic The Salave gold deposit is centred on a small late Hercynian biotite
granodiorite pluton emplaced into Cambro-Ordovician siliciclastic
The Mokrsko gold deposit is part of the Central Bohemian met- metasedimentary rocks and an older gabbro body. The magnetite-
allogenic zone, in which gold and tungsten-dominated mineraliza- series granodiorite is part of the youngest calc-alkaline Hercynian
tion straddles the contact between high- and low-grade plutonic suite, which was emplaced in northwestern Spain follow-
metamorphic terranes. Tin-tungsten deposits of similar age are ing the main Hercynian collisional event (Corretge et al. 1990).
concentrated farther north in the Bohemian massif. During the The gold mineralization occurs in the apex of the granodiorite
early post-collisional stages of the Hercynian orogeny, at pluton and its immediate wallrocks, which were pervasively altered
350 12 Ma (Holub et al. 1997), the Central Bohemian pluton to a texture-destructive muscovite-carbonate (calcite and dolo-
was emplaced. The pluton is an I-type, calc-alkaline gabbro-diorite- mite)-albite-sulphide assemblage (Harris 1980). The coarse mus-
tonalite-granodiorite-granite complex, with a composition that re- covite-rich nature of the alteration is reminiscent of greisen in
ects mantle-crust interaction during extension (Holub et al. 1995; lithophile-metal deposits. The alteration resulted in a marked re-
1997). The Mokrsko deposit is hosted by an early hornblende- duction of the quartz content of the granodiorite (Harris 1980).
biotite granodiorite apophysis to the pluton, at the contact with Veinlets containing the same mineral assemblage as the alteration
greenschist-facies volcano-sedimentary rocks of late Proterozoic are also present. The sulphides comprise pyrite, arsenopyrite,
age (Moravek et al. 1989). stibnite, molybdenite, and subordinate sphalerite and chalcopyrite,
The granodiorite and its immediate wallrocks at Mokrsko are which are accompanied by high-neness gold. Tungsten is also
cut by a 2 km long, east-striking, steeply dipping zone of granite enriched in the ore zone. Inclusions in quartz associated with the
porphyry, aplite and pegmatite dykes and sheeted quartz veins and gold mineralization contain a dilute, CO2-rich uid (Harris 1980).
veinlets, with which the gold mineralization is related (Moravek
et al. 1989; Moravek 1995; Fig. 3). Veinlets, typically <1 cm thick,
characterize the granodiorite in the pre-eminent Mokrsko-West Vasilkovskoe, Kazakstan
zone, whereas veins, 5100 cm thick, are present in the wallrocks at
Mokrsko-East. Sulphide contents, mainly arsenopyrite, are gener- The Vasilkovskoe gold deposit, northern Kazakstan, is part of the
ally <1 vol%. Pyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, scheelite and Altaid orogen that was constructed by Palaeozoic subduction and
chalcopyrite are less common and high-neness gold is accompa- accretion processes along the southern margin of the Siberian
nied by a suite of bismuth and bismuth-telluride minerals. Gold craton (Sengor et al. 1993). Vasilkovskoe is hosted by a
was introduced with arsenic, bismuth, molybdenum, tungsten and granodioritic intrusion, which belongs to a suite of calc-alkaline, I-
silver. Arsenic concentrations decrease from < 1000 ppm and type, magnetite-series tonalite-granodiorite plutons of Late Ordo-
tungsten concentrations increase to > 200 ppm downwards to at vician age. The magmas were emplaced within the Kokshetau
least 600 m as intensities of quartz veining and gold mineralization Precambrian massif during the late stages of collision and accretion
decline (Moravek 1995). The quartz veins contain minor amounts (Burshtein 1996; Spiridinov 1996).
of hydrothermal microcline, amphibole and biotite, minerals that Vasilkovskoe comprises sheeted quartz veins and veinlets with
are also present in subtle alteration haloes to the veins and veinlets sericitic alteration envelopes within broad areas of feldspar alter-
(Moravek 1995). Scheelite is also present in amphibole-pyroxene ation. The sulphide content of gold-bearling veins is low (35%)
hornfels and skarn developed in the contact aureole of the and includes arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, bismuthinite,

chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, molybdenite, stibnite and tennan- sten mineralization developed within the composite porphyry stock
tite. Scheelite and bismuth-telluride minerals are also present, with (Morrison et al. 1996).
gold and bismuth being closely correlated (Bespaer et al. 1996). A complex uid history has been documented at Kidston
Spiridinov (1996) noted that antimony contents decrease whereas (Baker and Andrew 1991). Early high-temperature brines are as-
bismuth, tungsten and tellurium contents, and Au/Ag and As/Sb sociated with molybdenum-tungsten mineralization in the rhyolite
ratios, increase on passing from shallow (<3 km) to deeper porphyry, as indicated by high-salinity (2050 wt.% NaCl equiv-
(>3 km) parts of the northern Kazakstan gold systems. The ore alent), high-homogenization-temperature (340600 C) uid inclu-
uid in these deposits was relatively cool (280370 C) and dilute sions. A low-salinity uid containing appreciable CO2 is associated
(<11 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and, in early paragenetic stages, was with quartz veins that formed prior to the main stage of gold in-
rich in CO2 (Spiridinov 1996). troduction. The main gold stage is related to a low-salinity (210
wt.% NaCl equivalent), low-temperature (170350 C) aqueous
uid, and is interpreted to have formed 3.5 km beneath the pal-
Timbarra, New South Wales, Australia aeosurface from condensation of vapour generated during phase
separation from a high-temperature magmatic brine (Baker and
The Timbarra gold deposit, located in the southern part of the New Andrew 1991). Although the style of mineralization at Kidston
England fold belt in New South Wales, is hosted by a phase of the diers from the examples of intrusion-hosted gold mineralization
Stanthorpe Adamellite, part of a suite of post-orogenic, I-type described above, it is included in this class because of its location in
high-K granites of Permo-Triassic age (Blevin and Chappell 1996). a region known for tin-tungsten deposits, the presence of molyb-
The granitoid intrusions cut a deformed siliciclastic sedimentary denum and tungsten in the Kidston system, similar uid compo-
sequence that accumulated as an accretionary prism during sub- sitions, and the association of gold with bismuth minerals. McCoy
duction. The granite suite hosts mineralized zones containing mo- et al. (1997) also noted specic similarities between the Kidston
lybdenum, tin, tungsten and bismuth (Gilligan and Barnes 1990). deposit and its setting and the intrusion-related gold mineralization
The Timbarra deposit is hosted by a magnetite-series, metalu- in the Fairbanks district of Alaska. Kidston diers from the other
minous to peraluminous granite body, which comprises two deposits described herein in its higher base metal content within
porphyritic to equigranular phases cut by pegmatite, ne-grained auriferous sheeted veins.
granite, and highly fractionated microgranite dykes (Simmons et al.
1996). The gold mineralization occurs in the miarolitic and gran-
ophyric roof facies of the more fractionated granite, where it is
present in primary miarolitic cavities, disseminated between min- Kori Kollo, Bolivia
erals of the granite, in dissolution cavities in K-feldspar, and in
minor sheeted veins. Gold was also mined previously from peg- The Kori Kollo gold deposit, in the La Joya district of south-
matitic sheets where it occurs on microfractures in quartz (Sim- western Bolivia, is located in a north-trending Miocene belt of
mons et al. 1996). Alteration is developed only weakly and polymetallic vein deposits, most of which are dominated by tin and
characterized by albite, sericite, chlorite and carbonates. The dis- silver, but lack gold (e.g. Potos ; Turneaure 1960). The deposits are
seminated gold mineralization is associated intimately with bis- centred on isolated dacite to rhyodacite porphyry stocks, domes
muthinite and molybdenite, and also associated, albeit less closely, and dykes, which are high-K calc-alkaline to weakly alkaline and of
with disseminated arsenopyrite and pyrite. Fluid inclusions in I-type. The intrusive rocks are commonly reduced and assignable
quartz deposited with gold consist of CO2-rich and low-salinity (5 to the ilmenite series, possibly as a result of emplacement through
7 wt.% NaCl equivalent), H2O-rich types (Simmons et al. 1996). an underlying sequence, up to 10 km thick, of Palaeozoic silicic-
lastic metasedimentary rocks rich in organic carbon (Lehmann
1994). Magmatism and mineralization occurred in the Bolivian
Kidston, Queensland, Australia polymetallic belt following the initiation of high-velocity orthogo-
nal subduction and a related Late Oligocene inland shift of magma
The Kidston gold deposit is located in the Proterozoic Georgetown generation into a continental back-arc position. At the same time,
Inlier of northeastern Queensland, and is related to igneous rocks the underlying crust underwent thrust-related shortening and was
that belong to a mid-Carboniferous-Permian magmatic province thickened to 75 km (Baby et al. 1997; Lamb et al. 1997). Petro-
characterized by intrusion of granitic plutons and eruption of co- chemical and isotopic data dene a predominantly crustal or crust-
magmatic continental silicic volcanic rocks. The intrusive rocks mantle signature (Miller and Harris 1989; Davidson and de Silva
range from small stocks and ring complexes to extensive batholiths, 1992), a likely result of magma generation during the crustal
are mostly siliceous I-types (Richards 1980) and are interpreted to thickening (Redwood and Rice 1997).
be largely of crustal derivation (Champion and Chappell 1992). A The producing Kori Kollo deposit is hosted by two phases of a
variety of tin (Herberton-Irvinebank-Mount Garnet), tungsten dissected dacite porphyry dome complex and comprises a steeply-
(Wolfram Camp), molybdenum, bismuth and gold and base-metal dipping, sheeted array of gold-bearing pyrite veinlets (1.5% of the
mineralization is present in the igneous province, with gold deposits rock) bordered by quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration (Redwood 1987;
being concentrated in the Georgetown Inlier (Murray 1986). The Columba and Cunningham 1993; Long et al. 1992). The veinlets,
relationship of the widespread, predominantly felsic igneous rocks 0.115 cm thick, consist of early pyrite with trace arsenopyrite and
to subduction processes is uncertain. chalcopyrite and late minor amounts (<1%) of jamesonite, galena,
Gold mineralization at Kidston is mined from an orthomag- stannite, bournonite, bismuthinite-stibnite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite
matic breccia pipe that is related genetically to a small multiphase and realgar (Petersen and Fitzmayer, 1998). Approximately 60% of
rhyolite porphyry stock and dyke complex (Baker and Tullemans the gold is associated with the late polymetallic sulphides in the
1990). Dykes pre- and post-dated brecciation, and a composite veins, with the remainder occurring with pyrite in veins and dis-
stock is cut by the breccia, but is present mainly alongside the pipe seminated in the wallrock porphyry. The gold/silver ratio is ap-
at depth. The pipe contains clasts of metamorphic and granodiorite proximately six and gold occurs with elevated arsenic, antimony,
wallrocks, as well as rhyolite, and extends to a depth of at least copper, zinc, lead, tin, tungsten and bismuth contents (Long et al.
1300 m. Gold mineralization is best developed in the uppermost 1992). Unlike other deposits described in this paper, copper occurs
250 m of the pipe, where it is present with quartz in concentric, with gold at Kori Kollo; however copper concentrations in the
inward-dipping, sheeted fractures and as cavity ll in nearby deposit average <100 ppm. The veinlet minerals were deposited
breccia (Baker and Tullemans 1990). The gold occurs with pyrite, from a saline uid (1023 wt.% NaCl equivalent) at temperatures
pyrrhotite, and lesser amounts of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, mo- of 300400 C (Long et al. 1992; Petersen and Fitzmayer, 1998).
lybdenite, galena, arsenopyrite and bismuthinite, and is accompa- Petersen and Fitzmayer (1998) described alunite-sericite alter-
nied by quartz-sericite-carbonate alteration (Baker and Tullemans ation of the dome and reported the presence of aluminum phos-
1990). This gold- and base metal-rich mineralization occupies the phate-sulphate (APS) minerals in the nal vein stage at Kori Kollo.
top of a zonal sequence above a deep zone of molybdenum-tung- Alunite and APS minerals are abundant in some advanced argillic

lithocaps preserved in the shallow parts (<1000 m below palaeo- post-collisional settings (Hercynian, northern Queens-
surface) of several tin-silver systems elsewhere in southwestern land, New England), and local extension is evident
Bolivia (Sillitoe et al. 1998). Using uid inclusion evidence, Peter-
sen and Fitzmayer (1998) also concluded that gold mineralization in some cases (parts of the Tombstone suite; Poulsen
at Kori Kollo formed at shallow depths (400800 m). The dome 1996).
complex, alteration mineralogy and depth estimates all suggest that The intrusions that host or are related to these gold
mineralization at Kori Kollo formed in the root zone of a now- deposits are parts of magmatic suites that show varied
eroded lithocap.
Gold occurs in minor amounts in several other silver-tin
oxidation states. Some intrusions contain magnetite
deposits in the Miocene Bolivian polymetallic belt (e.g. Oruro, whereas others are ilmenite-bearing. As a whole, they
Pulacayo, Quisma Chata, Tasna and Ubina). At Tasna, gold are best described as reduced I-type magmas, that is I-
mineralization is associated spatially with advanced argillic alter- type magmas as dened by Chappell and White (1974)
ation, the probable root to a lithocap, while the deeper parts of the with intermediate oxidation states around the boundary
vein system are dominated by tungsten and bismuth (Sillitoe et al.
1998; Thompson et al. 1996). between the magnetite and ilmenite series of Ishihari
(1977). More reduced and locally peraluminous intru-
sions of similar age occur in some of the belts, although
Mineralizing environment their relationship to the gold-bearing suites is uncertain.
The relatively reduced character of the gold-bearing
Tectono-magmatic setting suites may reect passage through thick upper-crustal
sequences of reduced marine siliciclastic rocks, which
The precise tectonic setting of most of the mineralized constitute the host for ve of the seven gold deposits
districts discussed in this report is dicult to dene, (Table 1). Variation in oxidation state may be consistent
particularly with respect to subduction processes and with a change in metallogeny from tin-rich to tungsten-
timing. The magmatic belts that host the gold deposits gold-rich systems (Fig. 5).
described herein were all generated inboard of conti- The intrusions are predominantly felsic, typically
nental margins and were superimposed on older base- ranging from granodiorite to granite. In many cases, the
ment, in most cases part of an underlying craton. In gold mineralization is hosted by more fractionated
some cases, for example the Tombstone plutonic suite of members of intrusive suites. McCoy et al. (1997) docu-
Alaska-Yukon, the intrusions associated with gold mented evidence from intrusions in the Fairbanks dis-
mineralization occupy the innermost parts of areally trict, the location of the Fort Knox deposit, for gold
extensive magmatic provinces. Although occupying an enrichment during fractionation, particularly above a
inboard position, a back-arc environment is not proven fractionation index of 80, which they suggested reects
in most cases because a spatial relationship to coeval the incompatible behaviour of gold in ilmenite-series
arc magmatism is not dened. The exception is the granitic magmas.
Kori Kollo deposit where the back-arc position in which The available isotopic and geochemical data from
Miocene magmatism is associated directly with these suites indicate the presence of signicant crustal
crustal shortening and thickening is well documented components, although the source of these components
(Fig. 4; Baby et al. 1997; Lamb et al. 1997). The tim- has not been identied. More mac magmas of potential
ing of gold mineralization and magmatic activity relative mantle origin, some with alkaline arc or lamprophyric
to tectonic events also varies. Several of the aurif- character, occur in several belts (e.g. Tombstone suite,
erous magmatic belts were emplaced in collisional or Bolivian belt). The presence of more primitive mac

Fig. 4 Cross-sectional tectonic

reconstruction of the central
Andes to show the environment
of felsic magmatism and poly-
metallic mineralization, includ-
ing the Kori Kollo gold deposit,
of southwestern Bolivia (modi-
ed from Lamb et al. 1997).
Note the apparent linkage be-
tween thrusting and magma

more juvenille magmas to the metallogeny of these belts.

Redwood and Rice (1997) documented mac shoshoni-
tic magmas parental to the high-K calc-alkaline suite
that gave rise to the Bolivian polymetallic belt and the
Kori Kollo gold deposit. In addition, bulk-rock and
melt-inclusion geochemistry for one of the tin-mineral-
ized porphyry stocks indicate that mac magma was
added to a highly fractionated granitic melt at depth
(Dietrich et al. 1997).

Mineralization styles

The intrusion-hosted gold deposits discussed herein

possess a range of styles, which are interpreted to reect
depths of magma emplacement and/or erosion based on
geological criteria and uid inclusion data summarized
above (Fig. 6). The shallowest depths, probably <1 km,
reveal sheeted auriferous pyrite veinlets in a dacite
porphyry dome complex (Kori Kollo). At intermediate
Fig. 5 Schematic plot of degree of fractionation, shown by the Fe
content of magmas, versus oxidation state (f O2) for calc-alkaline to levels, 3.5 km or less, hydrothermal breccia-hosted
alkaline magmas associated with magmatic-hydrothermal copper, mineralization is associated with a rhyolite stock
copper-molybdenum, molybdenum, tungsten and tin mineralization. (Kidston). Intermediate to deep levels (about 36 km)
The generalized position of the deposits described, with their tungsten are characterized by sheeted quartz veins in equigranular
(partial lithophile) association, is shown and compared to the position
of more typical copper-gold (chalcophile) systems. The approximate
to porphyritic granitic rocks (Fort Knox, Mokrsko,
boundary between Ishihara's (1977) magnetite- and ilmenite-series Vasilkovskoe) or greisen (Salave) and disseminated
magmas is also shown

Fig. 6 Schematic model showing the dierent styles of gold deposits

magmas suggests involvement of asthenospheric or described in the text in relation to emplacement depth of their
lithospheric mantle magmatic processes, and raises the genetically related intrusions. Note that the mineralization may have
possibilities of magma mixing and a contribution from formed discontinuously over vertical intervals of approximately 6 km

(Timbarra) styles of mineralization. Even within indi- important at deeper levels. This conclusion would ex-
vidual belts, such as the Tombstone suite, variations in plain the data saline inclusions at shallow levels (Kori
depth of formation have been documented (McCoy et al. Kollo, early stages at Kidston), but carbonic inclusions
1997; Baker et al. 1998). Decreasing depth in the in more deeply emplaced deposits (Fort Knox, Mo-
Tombstone suite systems correlates with an increasing krsko, Vasilkovskoe, Salave, Timbarra).
importance of brittle fractures, increasing antimony and
decreasing molybdenum and tungsten. Similar correla-
tions are suggested by other deposits (Mokrsko, Va-
Metal association
silkovskoe, Kidston). The increasing importance of
pyrite at very shallow levels (Kori Kollo) may reect the
The gold deposits of this class are typically sulphide-
inuence of near-surface processes, such as enhanced
poor, although the shallowly emplaced deposit at Kori
magmatic degassing, suggested by lithocap formation.
Kollo is a notable exception. The principal sulphide in
The range of depths of formation suggested by these
all deposits is pyrite, which is followed in importance by
deposits is similar to the range indicated for intrusion-
arsenopyrite. Bismuth is the metal best correlated with
related gold deposits, which also show variations in the
gold at most deposits, along with tellurium in several
style of mineralization with formational depth (Sillitoe
deposits and molybdenum at Timbarra. Tungsten is
broadly associated with gold, but commonly earlier
None of these deposits constitutes a porphyry gold
paragenetically, and is reported to increase at the ex-
deposit in a strict sense, although the term ``plutonic
pense of gold with depth in the veins at Mokrsko
porphyry gold deposit'' was employed by Hollister
(Moravek 1995), Fort Knox (Bakke 1995), and Va-
(1992) to describe Fort Knox and Mokrsko. The hall-
silkovskoe (Spiridinov 1996). Antimony is also a com-
marks of true porphyry systems, multidirectional
monly associated metal, and tin is present locally. Silver
quartz-veinlet stockworks generated in zones of perva-
contents are highest in the shallowest deposit, Kori
sive K-silicate alteration as a result of hydraulic frac-
Kollo, and decrease markedly in the deeper deposits.
turing, are absent. Rather, the styles of mineralization
Base metals are relatively low (typically <500 ppm of
are reminiscent of those displayed by granite-hosted
combined copper, zinc and lead). In zoned systems like
stockwork and vein tungsten and tin deposits (e.g.
Kidston, however, base metals are more abundant and
Taylor 1979). Such deposits seem to have formed during
occur with gold above the molybdenum-tungsten zone.
relatively passive ascent of magmatic uid through
fracture systems related to district-wide stress regimes.
Gold mineralization also occurs in other styles
including quartz veins, structures and disseminated in Discussion
sills, metasediments and calcarous sediments. Mineral-
ization of these types may occur adjacent to intrusions A distinctive class of intrusion-related gold deposits can
or more distally (0.53 km) from intrusions. Even be recognized with a characteristic metal signature
in distal cases, a spatial, temporal and geochemical consisting of bismuth, tungsten, arsenic, tin, molybde-
association can be made with intrusions (e.g. Brewery num, tellurium and antimony. This metal association, in
Creek; Poulsen 1996). part consisting of lithophile elements, is a dening
characteristic that dierentiates this class of gold min-
eralization from the more widely recognized and better
Alteration and uid characteristics described copper-gold association. These dierent metal
assemblages are illustrated schematically with reference
The character and mineralogy of alteration vary with the to degree of fractionation and oxidation state for metal-
style of intrusion-related gold mineralization described bearing magmas in Fig. 5. While not fully quantied,
in this study. Alteration associated with sheeted quartz this diagram illustrates the probable distinctive compo-
veins is characterized by muscovite, K-feldspar and/or sition and oxidation state where gold may be concen-
albite, commonly accompanied by carbonate, and is trated with lithophile elements, particularly tungsten.
generally restricted to narrow envelopes around indi- Although the most important deposits of the type dis-
vidual veins. However, more pervasive sericitization cussed are intrusion-hosted, most commonly in the form
occurs in many deposits where it may be associated with of sheeted veins/veinlets, a variety of other styles occurs,
mineralization (e.g. Salave, Kori Kollo, Kidston). including breccia deposits, disseminated deposits in
Two major types of uid inclusion are described from calcareous clastic rocks and veins. Disseminated and
gold mineralization in the Tombstone plutonic suite in vein deposits may occur outside contact aureoles, up to
the Yukon (Baker et al. 1997; Baker et al. 1998) and 3 km from the intrusive centres. Veins adjacent to in-
Alaska (McCoy et al. 1997): impure carbonic inclusions trusions are typically rich in arsenopyrite and gold,
with salinities of 012 wt.% NaCl equivalent and halite- whereas more distal veins are dominated by silver, lead
bearing inclusions with salinities of 3065 wt.% NaCl and zinc. The style of gold mineralization and its at-
equivalent. The relative importance of these two types tendant alteration are thought to be inuenced greatly
may reect depth, with carbonic inclusions being more by formational palaeodepth (Fig. 6).

The presence of intrusion-related gold mineralization saline uid is liberated early in the dierentiation of a
with a bismuth-tungsten-arsenic signature in several re- magma suite, leaving only carbonic uid for release from
gions worldwide suggests that a common set of genetic late-stage fractionated phases. Baker et al. (1998) also
processes was operative. The concentration of metals in report carbonic and saline uid inclusions from many
magmas reects some combination of source region, mineralized systems associated with the Tombstone suite
fractionation and oxidation state (e.g. Blevin and intrusions in the Yukon, but the saline inclusions are
Chappell 1992). There is evidence for the involvement of dominantly secondary, and therefore later than primary
the continental crust in magmas from all the areas de- carbonic inclusions. At Mike Lake in the Yukon, saline
scribed here. However, the role of the crust as a distinct uid inclusions co-exist with CO2-only inclusions sug-
source of metals, particularly for gold, is not clear. In gesting that immiscibility occurred.
Alaska and the Yukon, for example, the Tombstone Experimental studies on rhyolitic melts have shown
suite represents a temporally restricted magmatic epi- that H2O is ten times more soluble than CO2 (Fogel and
sode associated with gold mineralization. The 750-km Rutherford 1990; Blank et al. 1993), leading Nablek and
length of the narrow (50 km) Tombstone plutonic belt Ternes (1997) to suggest that when such melts contain-
traverses a variety of host rocks, ranging from conti- ing CO2 and H2O attain uid saturation, the initial uid
nental-margin clastic sequences to high-grade meta- released must be CO2-rich. Subsequent uid evolved
morphic belts, and therefore it is unlikely that a special from the magma will become H2O-rich and will be more
gold-rich crustal source was tapped. Furthermore, older saline due to higher chloride solubility in aqueous than
Cretaceous (11295 Ma) intrusive suites emplaced in carbonic uid. These results support the inferred para-
some of the same host rock sequences in this region lack genesis in the Yukon systems.
similar gold mineralization (Mortensen et al. 1996), The emphasis in this discussion is on a magmatic-
suggesting that distinctive mineralizing processes oper- hydrothermal origin for CO2-rich uid in these intrusion-
ated in conjunction with the Tombstone suite. related systems. CO2-rich uid occurs in other types of
Although a range of intrusive compositions is pres- gold systems, for example lode gold deposits, where a
ent in the areas described, gold mineralization occurs metamorphogenic origin is commonly proposed for the
with a relatively restricted range of compositions, uid (e.g. Phillips and Powell 1993). Based on this asso-
granodiorite-granite, with mineralization commonly ciation, the predominance of carbonic uid was used as
hosted by more fractionated bodies (Newberry et al. evidence for the existence of metamorphic mineralizing
1995; McCoy et al. 1997). Fractionation of felsic uids at Fort Knox (Goldfarb et al. 1997), Mokrsko
magma may concentrate gold so long as it behaves (Moravek et al. 1989; Moravek 1995) and Vasilkovskoe
incompatibly. Gold may be removed from magmas by (Spiridinov 1996). We prefer a magmatic origin for CO2-
the crystallization of sulphides, particularly iss (inter- rich uids in the intrusion-related deposits described
mediate solid solution) and, to a lesser extent, magne- herein because of the spatial relationship to intrusions,
tite (Cygan and Candela 1995). Compatible behaviour evidence for similar uids in related pegmatities in some
and removal of gold may be limited by low sulphur areas (McCoy et al. 1997) and the association with
contents, low iron contents or high oxidation states moderate- to high-salinity uids in some deposits (e.g.
leading to sulphate stability. Within this framework, the Tombstone suite; Baker et al. 1998). In addition,
magmatic-hydrothermal processes operated to concen- evidence for magmatic concentration of gold, the metal
trate and deposit gold with bismuth, tungsten and ar- association including high bismuth (>100 ppm and in
senic. These processes operated extensively throughout many cases >1000 ppm), the common bismuth-gold
the Tombstone suite, but in contrast, only operated correlation and vertical and lateral zoning of metals in
eciently in one occurrence, Kori Kollo, in the Boliv- and around intrusions all contrast with lode gold de-
ian tin-polymetallic belt at least at the current level of posits and support a magmatic-hydrothermal origin for
erosion. the mineralization and therefore the CO2-rich uids.
Hydrothermal uids related to intrusion-hosted gold Where isotopic data exists, low-salinity uids also have
deposits of the type described herein range from high to magmatic signatures, for example at Kidston (Baker and
low salinity, the latter being vapour-rich in some cases. Andrew 1993), but in the absence of similar data from all
Carbonic uid, with variable CO2 contents (<1 to >99 deposits, an external, possibly meteoric, origin for low-
mol% CO2), is present in the deeper systems, which salinity uids in some deposits cannot be ruled out.
emphasizes further the frequent association with tung- The types of aqueous complexes responsible for metal
sten mineralization (see Newberry et al. 1995); carbonic transport are uncertain due to the presence of high-sali-
uid is reported widely from tungsten and tungsten- nity, low-salinity and CO2-rich uids in the intrusion-
molybdenum deposits (Roedder 1984). Although it is related gold deposits. It seems reasonable to suppose that
tempting to conclude that emplacement depth is a major gold in the shallow deposits, like Kori Kollo, containing
control on whether saline or carbonic uid predominates saline uid, was transported as a chloride complex,
in these gold deposits, as stated already the inuence of whereas bisulphide gold transport seems to have been
magma composition, degree of fractionation and oxi- more likely in the deeper sheeted vein and disseminated
dation state on the generation of carbonic uid is un- deposits that lack a detected saline uid component.
certain. For example, McCoy et al. (1997) proposed that However, carbonate complexes have been suggested as

possible transport species for tungsten (Higgins 1980), ve of the examples described already contain in excess
and may also be able to transport gold (Boyle et al. 1975). of 100 tonnes (>3 million oz) of gold (Table 1). The
largest deposits currently known are of the sheeted vein
type. However, major gold concentrations may occur in
Implications for exploration skarns, wallrock disseminations or replacements and
veins more distal (up to 3 km) with respect to the min-
Essentially all exploration for intrusion-related gold eralizing intrusion. Given the initial exploration em-
deposits is conducted in arc and back-arc terranes where phasis on the intrusions themselves, it is thought likely
oxidized calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatic rocks are that more distal styles of mineralization will be found in
targeted, whether explicitly or not. We propose that gold the future, and such targets should not be ignored. As
exploration should be extended to cover widespread exploration continues, it seems likely that mineralization
felsic magmatic provinces in which intrusions are char- will be discovered in the full range of proximal and distal
acterized by lower oxidation states that broadly span the environments that characterize the better-explored por-
boundary between Ishihara's (1977) magnetite- and il- phyry copper-gold systems.
menite-series (Fig. 5). Siliciclastic (meta)sedimentary
Acknowledgements JFHT, JRL, TB and JKM acknowledge the
sequences seem to provide particularly favorable sites nancial support of 19 mining companies and NSERC to the
for generation of such magmatic provinces, which range MDRU ``Magmatic-hydrothermal'' project, through which work
in age from Precambrian to Tertiary (Table 1) and on the Tombstone suite was accomplished. JFHT and JRL also
where documented, include continental innermost arc, acknowledge Corriente Resources, which supported their work in
back-arc and collisional settings. Potentially favourable the Bolivin tin belt. JFHT thanks Carlos Inverno for introducing
him to gold-lithophile metal occurrences in Portugal, and RHS
magmatic systems range in exposure level from high- thanks Carl Swensson for drawing attention to the Timbarra gold
level domes and stocks, locally with preservation of deposit. The manuscript was reviewed by Rod Kirkham, Bernd
volcanic products, through to deep equigranular granitic Lehmann and Peter Pollard, and was improved further by com-
plutons. ments from two Mineralium Deposita reviewers.
Magmatic provinces known to contain tungsten and/
or tin mineralization are considered to be particularly References
prospective because the presence of these lithophile metals
shows that magmatic and post-magmatic processes con- Anderson RG (1988) An overview of some Mesozoic and Tertiary
ducive to metal concentration were active at the present plutonic suites and their associated mineralization in the
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