Reflection 3 Essay 1 Reflectionandselfevaluation

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Banessa Rivera

Susie Huerta

English 242B

Reflection 3: Essay 1 Reflection and Self Evaluation

1. What specific part(s) of the rubric do you think you addressed well? Explain.

I believe that my introduction is well thought out. I give Martin Luther King Jr.

credibility and explain why he is in jail and why he is writing the letter. I make

sure that the intended audience and his purpose is also clear to the readers. My

thesis states the rhetorical devices I will be explaining and how it impacts the


2. What specific part(s) of the rubric do you feel the least confident in? Explain.

My conclusion is the part I feel least confident because I didnt thoroughly explain

the audience impact and I could have expanded on my analysis on Kings ideas.

3. What grade would you give yourself in EFFORT for this essay? Explain.

I would give myself an A. I followed through my plan of editing my rough draft. I

had Zaida look over it as well as my manager. I myself proofread it a couple

times I put thought into my essay and its fluency.

4. What grade would you give yourself on the essay itself? Explain.

I would give it an A. I felt my essay hit most of the elements required on the


5. Write about an idea that most impacted, changed, or challenged your thinking from

MLK's Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Specifically, consider the following topics as

possible ideas you can comment on:

5.1.Growing up in schools, teachers dont really go into details when learning

about Martin Luther King Jr. I just knew he fought for justice and equality.

This letter made me realize how great of a person he really was. Just the

idea about him being in jail and writing this letter in scratch paper just to

try to get the clergymen to understand the importance of justice. All the

beatings and trouble he underwent to change peoples perspective about

the African American community really shows the kind of men he was.

6. How will you use your understanding of rhetorical appeals to help you develop your

own essay and argument writing? Explain.

Rhetorical appeals will help me know how to reach to the audience in the

a way that makes them feel the emotions Im trying to convey. It will help

me develop claims for my argument that appeal to Ethos, Pathos, Logos,

this way my arguments will be more persuasion.

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