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1. Deliberate practice (Ericsson)

The nature of practices activities engaged in plays a decisive role in the development of expertise

Practice activity contribute to develop performance aspects if they allow feedback and repetition

Require motivation to improve performance and engaged in sustained efforts

Require time and energy

Require access to teachers, coaches, training material and facilities

Research mostly done in competitive domain such as music, chess and sports

Domain specify the training design

Deliberate practice vs experience

Deliberate practice: skilled performance and experience are not enough to acquire superiority in a

domain and automaticity should be counteracted by achieving high-level control of performance that allows

further improvements to be made

2. The workplace curriculum

Certain sequences where learner engage, a course to be run

Set of experiences that are organized and are the result of deliberation involving a
range of stakeholders and consideration of perspectives about what should be
learned and through what means that learning should be proceed.
B. Categorization of workplace learning theories based on basic theories on how human learn
Theories Explanation and characteristics

Cognitive Cognitive theory is an approach to psychology that attempts to explain human behaviour by understand
Based on the thought process behind the behaviour. Changes in behaviour are observed, and used as i
happening inside the learner's mind.
"Cognitive theorists recognize that much learning involves associations established through contiguity a
acknowledge the importance of reinforcement, although they stress its role in providing feedback about
over its role as a motivator. However, even while accepting such behaviouristic concepts, cognitive theo
the acquisition or reorganization of the cognitive structures through which humans process and store inf
1990, pp. 187).
Emphasize cognition over effect
Based on the though process behind behaviour
Changes in behaviour are observed, and used as indicator what is happening inside the learners mind
Learners construct mental models to understand the world around him
Behavioural Behaviourism (or behaviourism) is a systematic approach to the understanding of human and animal be
behaviours are either reflexes produced by a response to certain stimuli in the environment, or a conseq
history, including especially reinforcement and punishment, together with the individual's current motivat
stimuli. Thus, although behaviourists generally accept the important role of inheritance in determining be
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environmental factors.
Based on observable changes in behaviour. Behaviourism focuses on a new behavioural pattern being r
Deny any role for subjective experience in the learning process
Based on observable changes in behaviour. Focus on a new behavioural pattern being repeated until be
All things that humans do: acting, thinking, feeling should be regarded as behaviours
Learning happens when a correct response is demonstrated following the presentation of a specific env
Constructive Constructivism is a learning theory found in psychology which explains how people might acquire knowle
direct application to education. The theory suggest that human construct knowledge and meaning from t
Based on the premise that we all construct our own perspective of the world, through individual experien
Constructivism focuses on preparing the learner to problem solve in ambiguous situations.
Based on that we all construct our own perspective of the world through individual experiences and sche
Knowledge is constructed by the learner

Theories Cognitive Behavioural
The cognitive mechanism that mediate
1 expert performance have been
described as complex integrated system
of mental representation
Deliberate From the description of deliberate
practice practice, the cognitive mechanism by
which expert performance is developed
(Ericsson) and the resources required to engage in
deliberate practice, recommendation can
be deduced for designing learning
environments that promote the
acquisition of expertise
2 socia
The Both
workplace cons
curriculum proce
(Billett) Cast
The entire process of TL is about change
3 change that is growth enhancing and
Transformat developmental. Individual development is
ional both inherent in and an outcome of TL
TL is consist of three phases, the last

phase is action in which people act, using
the new perspectives and the new
perspectives are internalised and
integrated with other perspectives
Experiential Expe
4 learning learn
of an
(Kolb/Boud) succe
the w

the c
that c
The l
is a n
The t
5 resul
its ina
new a
of so
Situated Learn
cognition intera
and wher
The a
or practice

(Lave/Wang When
er) newc
with o
It is th
The Professional know more than they can
6 reflective put into words
practitioner We do not think what we are doing, our
knowing is in our action
(Schon) Professional also recognizes a
phenomenon but often cannot give an
exact description of it. They depend on
tacit knowing in-action.
Skilful action is knowing more than we
can say
Knowing in action refers to our mental
action. We reveal it through spontaneous
execution of performance but unable to
make it verbally explicit.
Reflection in action; much of our
reflection depends on we experience
surprise, when something fails to meet
our expectation.
Two ways of responding by reflection:
reflection on action and reflection in
Construct new theory out of a unique
Reflective practitioner does not separate
thinking from doing
Two kind of reflection may shape future
It may consolidate our new
understanding of the problem or invent
more general solution of it
PDP is a tool to stimulate reflection
They are directed to reflect upon the
learning that is going on, not on trying to
stimulate the meaning-making of their
7 thinking
Cognitive change for learning

Organizatio Members of the organization respond to
8 nal learning The more experienced employees changes in the internal and external
develop a kind of company blindness, environments of the organization by
(Argyrys) due to monotonous nature of their detecting errors which they correct so as to
routine jobs maintain the central features of
When someone is asked how he would organizational theory in use
behave under certain circumstances, the In order for organizational learning to
answer he usually gives his espoused occur, learning agents discoveries
theory of action for that situation. inventions and evaluations must be
However, the theory that actually embedded in organizational memory.
governs his actions is his theory in-use. They must be encoded in the individual
There are two model of assumption images and the shared maps of
(what works on human brain) to explain organizational theory in use from which
certain behaviour: model 1 and model 2 individual members will subsequently act
People must develop internal Individual response to procedure but
assumption that different from model 1 sometimes it stems from an intuitive
Organization reaction
Every member construct his own The more experienced employee will use
representation of the theory in use of the his experience and his implicit knowledge
organization of circumstances in the company
Public representation of organizational New employees however make the wrong
theory is use must present; jointly intuitive decision
constructed by individuals When people doing something else in in
Organization members bring about reality than what they had assumed, there
changes in organization theory in use is possibility to influence those assumption
and develop more efficient behaviour
Cognitivist action and cognitivist task One of the underlying causes of this was
social pressure, arising in a team when co-
worker would join in and learn the ropes,
wanting to conform as quickly as possible
to the existing habits within the team. The
habits illustrate theory in use. Cause a
limitation for the newcomer in assertively
It was soon obvious that people react
differently in an emergency than what they
imagine in a controlled environment
When faced with crisis, people no longer
react in a cognitive way. This cause
behaviour to be driven by intuition rather
than by logical factors
In order to react appropriately in such
situation people need to have sufficient
self-knowledge based on personal
AN autonomous employee was envisaged
who would join in the thinking process, take
initiatives to minimise damage and who
would event want, and be allowed, to play
a preventing role in his or her working
An important aspects is that participants
are given chance to discover through
multiple repeats in the safe learning
environment how to keep improving their
9 organization


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