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aur ap ast rk ev rgaez Low men mene rec rev Po Po Rec se vot wee gram conydrogenase utenizing hormone lactated Ringer's mean corpuscular nemogtobin ‘mean corpus hhemogitin an corpuscular ructested red blood pharmacologic data second white blood cet) Contents ART ONE Formulary and Biologic/Medical information Fish Gregory A. Lewbart, MS, VMD, Diplomate ACZM LE 4 Antimirobal and antianga agents used in sh 2. Antiparasitc agents uses in fan LE 8 Chemical restraint/anestnetc agents use in fia | Miscellaneous agents used In fah APPEND A Momatologe and serum biochemical values of sh D1 2 Literature cede Amphibians. Kevin Wright, DVM. TABLE 8. Antimicrobial agents used in amphibians. Antitngal agents used in amphibians Antiarasitc agents used in amphibians Chemiealrestraint/anesthetic/ snalgese agents used In amphibians. Hormones used in amphibians 30 Miscetaneous agents used in amphibians. 3 Physologse and hematologie values of amphibians. 24 Diterenil dagnoses by predominant sign of amphibian... 5 Uterature elted-amphibions wi Reptiles Geraldine Diethelm, VerMed ABLEAL Antimirobi! agents used in option cess TABLE 12. Anthea agents used in repties. sis 4 TASLE 13. Antingal agents us In opt TABLE MA Anti tle agents used in eptios. TABLE 15 Chomialrestralnt/anesthetic/anaigesic agents use Iw rept TABLE 10 Hormones and sterols used in option TABLET. Nutitlonal/mineral/flé support used In reptiles - TABLE 8 Miscellaneous agents used in rept ..esscessseeneees APPENDIX 6 Hematologic and serum bachemiea! values of eptis APPENDIX 7 Environmental, dletary and reproductive characterises of rptis APPENDIX Udalyte values of chelonians APPENDIX ® Selected products and guidlines used in orcefooding anorectic or debated repos APPENDIX 10. Guidlines for tracheal/pulmonary and colole tage APPENDLI 41 Venlpunctute sites commonty used in reptiles APPENOIN 32 ‘THoatmont of dystocia in reptiles. APPENOIX 33. Treatment of In bguanas es eceese ry hyperparathyroiism APPENDIX AA. Selected sources of dats and other commercial products for ropteseseseseeesse APPENDIX AS. Lteratue clted-eptios Birds Cs Pollack, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Asian) James W, Carpenter, MS, DVM, Diplomate ACZM. ‘Natale Antinof, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Avian) TABLE 49. Antimicrobial agents used in birds... ABLE 20, Antitunga agents used In Birds snl and momo set dn a Kistner see nd ntenssisersec a7 4 23 Chemical restraint/anesthetic /anaigesi¢ agents used in birds, 199 a ‘as Hormones and steroids used in bids . aaa a 25 Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents used in birds: 220 a a 28 Nobullzaton agents used in birds see 233 21 Agents used nthe treatment of toleologle condition of birds ..226 ‘28 Peychotrople gents sed in bids. se 230 29 Nutitonal/mineal support used In rd... 235 30 Ophthalmologe agents used In birds .. 2a 1 Oncologle agents used i bids... 245 22 AntinicrobiaLimpregnated poymethyimethacryate (PMMA) ents used in bids. 5 seed 133 -Agents used inthe treatment of old brs .oceesssseeessn se 249 F 94 Agents use i rd omorgoneies..scesseee 250 ABLE 9 Euthanasla agents used in ds.. ABLE 36 Miscellaneous agents usd in binds asa FPENOIN a8 Homatologse and serum biochemical values of solectedpattacnos 208 117 Hematologic and sorum bochemiea values fr jventos Hematolagie and serum biochemical values of slected Passeriformes oo... an APPENOK, 39. Hematologe and serum biochemieal vai of selected Galiformes teen seen BTS Hematologic and serum biochemical values of selected Anseilrmes (waterfow) and Columbiformes....274 NDIs 21 Hematologic and serum biochemical values ‘of selected Pleformes and ratios. 22 Homatologse and sorum blochemieal values of solectod raptors s+ 216 vit APPENDIX 23 APPENDIX at Biologic and physiloge values of solctedavion spect 27 Biologic and physlloge values of selected Ansertormes (waterfowl species... Biolog and phystlose values of selected raptors Quick reference to abnormalities ofthe standard avian hematology sro Qulek reference to abnommalities ofthe standard! avon octemies! pose Anroximate resting respiratory rates of selected ‘avian species and by weight 7, values of selected avian specs Urinalysis value im pttacines Anpanation tonometry deta for selected raptors Chocks of supportive care procedures used in companion bird medicine Fuld therapy ecommendations for birds Routes of administration and maximum suggested volumes of fis to be administered to psitacines APPENDIX SL Dletary components for sugar elke In captty ‘Susgested intial to maximum volumes and frequency APPEVOUN 82 Suggested sugar gdor det. cee 88, of gavage fedingin anorectic bd, ‘Suggested fooding requirement of bid in twits body weight... Calculation of enteral feoding roqutomonts for bids... 296 Doxycycline recipes commonly use in pltacine Selected sources of formulated and medicated dts for companion and aviary bids Selected muttona recommendations for waterfowl, raptors, and hummingbirds Management of ex retention nbtds Protocols used in eating myeobactoross In birds ‘Suggested protocols for treating ymphosarcon Iamphecylc leukemia, and osteosarcoma in birds 55 Homotologe and sorum blochomesl values of hedgshogs 368 1x 46 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in birds i Disinfectants and antiseptic... seceeneese pprenor% 48 Vacelnes used n bie (nonpoutry) .... peenoii 47 Uteretureeted- bids, cesseeeennnseeen dS sugar Gliders Gea Pye, BVS, MSc, Diplomate ACZM 37 Atimlerobal ang antiungs! agents used In sugar glides ....347 AOL 38, Antlparasttc agonts used in sugar ders essen 38 Chemical restraint /anesthetle/analgesic agents sod In sugar gre». 349 40, Miscellaneous agents used in sugar ders, Blog and physiologic values of sear der... es eee... 95 . FPENDIN 48 Womatologle and serum biochemical valves of sug gaers senaset APPENDIX 80 Growth and development of gar ders ..seseceeeesen359 APPENOIK 63. Food estimates for ha ving sugar gliders 886 s APPENDNN 64 Uterature elted-tugar girs... a as Hedgehogs Stones W. Carpenter, MS, DVM, Diplomate ACZM. Antimicrobial agents used in hedgshogs. ssa Antitungal agents used in hedgohogs... Antiparaaite agents used In hedgehogs ...s.sesesveseeeees = 388 Chemical restraint /anosthetle/analgosle agents sed In hedgehogs consesevve 1208 £45. Miscotneous agents used in hodgohoes 367 — APPENDIX 87 Suggested dts for hedgehogs ..... el ; ir abs ores 7 ae [ibis mei ox elena wisn. a Rodents Rober D, Nes, YM appenp/k 72, Udnasts values a rabite ceeteneeeee ABLE 46. Antimerobal and antiungal agents used In rodents. sooee8 Apreolk 72 Cerebrospinal Mul values in rabbits = TABLE 47 Antiparastc agents used In rodents sees a AprENOW 74 Electocardographe values in rabbits ey TABLE 48, Chemical rstalnt/anosthetlc aunts used in rodents APrEOUN 78. Determining the 20x Of mature FABER... 437 TABLE 49. Analgesics used in rodents ApPENDIN 78. Drugs reported tobe tox In rate 438 TABLE 80 Emergency drugs used in rodents APPENDIX 77 Medial treatment for gate stasis/ TABLE BL Mi lous and tchobezoar in rabbit. esecesse laneousayonts used In rodents ..e.eees+s £§DIX 60 Common and sclentii names of rodents APPEWODN 78 Uteratue elted-rabbits ceesennee@O APPENDIN €1 Hematologe and serum biochemical values of rodent. Ferrets (Cas Gas, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Avian) James K: Mowsey, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Avan) APPENDIN 62 Blologe and physlologe ata of rodents. APPENDIX €3- Blood volumes af rodents with safe bleeding ‘olume recommendations. TAOLE 87 Antimicrobial and antifungal agents used in enets er APPENDIX 64 Unnaljss reference values for gers, hamsters, ae ABLE $8 Antiparasite agents used In frets ..secsvessevene 80 ABLE 89. Chemical rstralnt/anosthetle agents used in fet 4 APPENOLK 68 Roproductve data for rodonts... ewe sete = 60 Analgese agente used In frets .sesseeee APPENDIX 68. Detormining the sox of mature rodents 455 TABLE 61 Cardiopulmonary agents used In feret®«.seseseeee APPENDIX @7 National dat for rodents an = I and is ots used in forets..cssccsseseeess AST APPENDIX @8 Zoonotedseares in rodents 4 ©3- Miscolancous agents used In ere APPENDIX 69 Literature ced-rodents soso Eee {NDI% 79 Hematologic values offre, scenic Rabbits * 80. Serum blochomica values of ets resis Stephen J, Hermandes-Divers, BVetMed, MRCVS, DZooMed, Diplomate ACT 51 Biologie and physologe data of frat ..ssseseeses eee TABLE 82. Antimicrobial and antungal agents used in obits a ©2 Unnatysis values of feet. ..esesvevee seen AGT TABLE 89. Antiparasitc agents used In rabbits nail APPENDIX 3, Proposed schodule of vaccinations and routine Propactc care tor fer 8g APPENDIX 6 Cel sen ane treatment of fret endocrine deeses...4gq APPENDIX 85. Chemotherapy protocals fr phoma in frets... APPENDIX 86 Litrature clted-tenets, Miniature Pigs Valaie V. Tynes, DVM, Diplomate ACVB TABLE 64. Antimicrobial agents used in miniature pgs... TABLE 68 Antiparasitic agents used in miniature pigs TABLE 66. Chemin! rstaint/anesthotle/ ‘nalgesle agents used in miniature pigs TABLE 67 Miscolneous agents used in miniature pigs APPENDIX 87 Hematologic and serum bochemica values of miniature pigs APPENDIX 88. Biologie and physloiogic data of miniature pigs APPENDIX 89 Blood collection ste In minature pigs. APPENDIX 80. Preventive medicine recommendations for miniature pigs. 408 APPENOIK 91 Literature cited-minature pigs ast Primates (Calis RVaberde, DVM, Diplomate ACVS TABLE 68. Antimicrobial and antungal agents uted in primates TABLE 69 Antparaste agents usd in primates... TABLE 70. Chemical restraint/anesthtle/ ‘analgesic agonts used In primates... ABLE TL. Miscellaneous agents used in primates. - APPENDIX 82, Hematologic and serum bachemicel values of primates ....649 APPENDIX 83 Blologe and physiologic data of primates... 28 APPENDIX 84 Proventive medicine recommendation for primates... «522 eo 95 Nonhuman primate Iboratores ons 98 Uteratue ted primates... part TWO 97 Checks forthe care of sek, Injured, or orphaned wildlife 598 DIK 88 Recommended dets and weaning considerations for orphaned wild mammals. . ON 99. Feeding requency and temperature recommendations forhandcearing orphaned, alice bids. 100, Suasested dets used In hand searing orphaned, till wid Bde esses 301 Suggested dets used in handrearng procock semiprecoctal, and semialrcal orphaned wil bids .....645 1. Carpenter, MS, DVM, Diplomate ACZM 302 Classitcation of select antibacterials used In exotic snimal medicines... i General ote acy of select antimicrobial agents ‘sed in exotic animals seen ee 849 Antimicrobial therapy used in exotic animals according {site of nfction ae ss 52 Antimicrobial combination therapos commonly used ‘mn exotic animals sen Selected laboratories conducting avian and reptile ‘lagrostic procedures. srssvsvrses 555 Determining th 559 ‘Allometie sealing of rugs used in animals 560 ‘Common abbreviations used in peserption wilting .....564 hv NOUN $34 Equlvalents of Claus (o temperature scales 019 142 System of ntematonal Units conversion factors a Exotic = ll Animal Formulary ro Formulary and Biologic/Medical Information gs nt tt ta Ray indicia st bom er ph it hobby ‘cic fags Peto) ‘pects und water qty hocampheniol ty, POM 2snpke ee 20-40 mg/g IM, ewPD™, change i, ayer Nate Seng Plough | 5-10 mg/g PO gah 10-14 by 5-10 mg/kg PO 92h 5-10 mg/kg IM, ICe gi 10 mg/kg ICe PO in eed 24h 50-100 mg/h PO ah 10, 00 mg/g PO, IM gg PO, IM, 1Ce 50-100 mg/L 3 ba PO gi 50 m/e IM, IC [Alldoss bad on x fonmaldchyde flowed by 308 hg yb ope 1-2 pV. bth, up t a (Oral or inca form eam a Adda slmon/PD =k restment for asc iy not ecommendd boca gf ainon/PD® Red pacu/PD* Saeta febwecr oha 69°72, decrened upaked hard way incre dove marine fh vrase PDH ven IM tot teat within 26 hr of a ing: ation: cesinogeni not wei highly oe white palma is on small umber fr nis Bh reapiratry dite and pale ps tc ot ming ons en noe not | ae 2 10 pL tak water for 5-35 mpg 24h in ed for hy 100 maf 424 in feed 15 day 100 g/t foe 10 si 5 mg qPah ne TOD g/L 5 Bath ng/g ICe 93x 5 [caters 25-10 (1.25 mg/L. 315 min gh (5 mL 1 heb 1 g/L 30-60 in bath ‘Nitofurany a drag inctvated in gh ght approved United States hited min the ‘Nepivotane wba ok jo geste fr which donee have not been determined Donor ase slusons combined with detergent (ex Betadine cab For dsinfestng eggs (avilable | Change 506-73 of war — tewoen treatments, aborted Tito vor fh imglig PO. IM, | Syemicmyeooe Frshvata vaya cd bores ply ane ope, pei pln ove Fins oot approved for we on fish ncn for ban Remove ssid chemical with Fr fungal contol on fh ge shar fish ns Use 2 my/L it pH is igh 8 REGIE ont sd aitenga gets enh" (com | Docage | comments Dug. 15 min ane | For fal conta on Vso ma/x 10-30 minh | Freshwater Sch et | 100 g/t topical skin Teng wank water 48, [Prevents infosions of | estates eggs oc 10 ving ace ts ‘Qaim gan-netve | Rainbow roo PD 13 mg/L x 8 rth ait Tommy was nk Come maken [Comment allarank, | 045-190 mgyg PO | Rieti, eon se eae in it water oh ll nd ations aget wed na (cont ) Dosage comments Ty 15 min bath 12h | Quinolone; gram-negative ceria deceared wpa in hard water beter uptake piles eet era water26 he | Up 10 30 mg/day in mfg PO a2 cower 10mg qth PO* Freshwater speciegPD in many specie 25.50 mg/agg2th PO" __| Marine species ° " Jellow: brown foam may Bevel in retreat water 00 mg/L tankwater* | Higher dows in had water, fe fil ick, erat on day 3 afer SO water change; ight senate; Kep an overed to prevent pi faction, dg tens dak brown when decomposing immediately pin 37 day berween weacmens 1g eed 24h x 10 dae” 55-83 mg/ly/ day i feed 10 20 mag PO oh" 50 mgkg PO mg/kg PO 4h x 10-14 P a. Produces high ech for sever dye when given IM 10 mg/kg IM 5 mag IM, ICeg24h x 7 mg/g IM «24 Red pacoPD' 3 gg TV ph Red paca/PD? 20 mgrky ICe"* i ng/kg IM Carp’ 5 mg/g PO Pain fed x Nous! 10 Actinicabia an antifungal agents ese nh con) permanganate oe Abbot) Sikersladine cream (Siadene | Manon Merl Dow! “Tulkcinetionne| (Rome, aRoche) Trinetho aulfueh 2rgllm amine S mg/L. x 30-60 min bath aye 10 gf PO g2h* Topical jain Rea dat Mediated bin bm gl aah xsdae™ oem cen te Se tee “Marine Adan atmon reppin bl cubsmerged 7 Available as a powder a vo fed and as madicsed Place tise simp nal Tar) in 3 mg/l sete 4, rinse in seawater wih | brine shrimp nt then fl | immediatly of; may all | wok with due rin seis | ndather ive ede™ ] Change 5016-739 oF wate | berween testes ml and atungal agar used in shen) External ster infet rep esiono sc afer application; keep gills creo! Dicud cote leteg ing eeceal ration of eee gene Wat coh the web in Appendix 2 complanens of R. Reinichuestl 2 (REBNEBE parasite agents ose in ah eet Acetic acid, Chioranine Chioeqaine ‘phosphate “Chaar BD sag) rncbendazsle (5 mem (Soparem, 2 mV» 30-45 sec bath TO mg/L. nk water, once TaD Le weeny ay ns Sex galt ny be tone ruler tropical fa ‘onion fo 21 days, retea use activated cao Femowe drug ifn rape T Very safe and fcc nal ted to be highly eal w hand medaka; wed i the United Kingdom til Sgencan trematodes of seep Copper sale Difbennaron | (Dimilin, Union Cabide 0.2 mgt Maintain fein level at 15-02 mg/L ta water wt therapeutic elec” “Maintain copper level a0 ng/L tank water x 4-21 ge | taints fee ion level at (0.25-1.0 mgilx 2448 he bah Pouor wag nie wer Ae qodee3 weutmean™ cat opr cones it and adjusted needed toc ogi soo, immenceuppresave emi tonic to invertcbats and eal Plants copper removed by Ecvaed carbon Prepae sos sohicon of 1 imginl(@ g CuSO, 5 H,0ia 2350 al tilled water Use higher dove in ard wate Citated copper sulfite; prepa Stock soliton oft mg/l hg Cus, 5 10 and 9g aie sid monoid in 750 ma Crasacean stoparaien inhibit chitin pes deg pent in ae long te toarketed Sor contol of ferential ince nay need EPA lceee for we 0 United States passe agents wad i ah * (cont'd) Dosage Ra 121 das 0 mg/kg feed gid 2 0 mg/kg PO qh 2 day rept in 18 day brine shrimp Pla | | PS off See trchlophon Carp/Bobrn trate 15-20 in immediately Tefore ing 0125025 ml pn min | When sing sina ds uth epeatgDAh 2-3 days | reat gi 04 mi, up 101 he bath g34, | Soe wae Comments + ie bine shri in 400 ferbendesle per 100 ml Fs feed 2 mene ony Papen recipies malice are fish ae tive txt on al purer cos ncreaved siya ‘cid water and at high tenk aero Feedwater Fipliogen [10-15 mg/L x20 in bah peroxide (9) Trermectin ase agents ase in fh. ** cont) Dosage Pai tank water onergncela “ hone pe sever premiced comer alae 3-15 nah, pent qT pon” | rine alVestopaaa ] Aan salve Tie [175 qu x<4Hominbath, | Bape monitor ds maybe harm to alle Do not se = gn death a therapeu ‘cosronmentl vertebrate Rainbow wou? al nematodes, expel 05 mah Ce 1-2mp/L x24 be 10 mg/kg PO 4rd 3 | 1 gg IM g7e2 sh Tne 50 mg/l x 2 be bath eg fend steal tremato “Wbendite mami 380 teratogenic; tonic to some ih speck (eg ters) and ered ecty at high terpersares and oes pl 0.8 mg/L tank water gb x3 50-60 mg/L x 10-30 see bath ‘elidal emia with sexta ‘bon ater lat tank eaten 1 mg. 30-60 enn at Tg xt bah Vg branchial mo ous feet Met | ose wag PO if tank wat” 5 mg/l. tank water gh 3 25 mg q2th in fed «5-10 10 g/g 24h inf 3 625-18 mg/g feed 5 days” 0 mpg PO gosh 5 day! Madicted bine sing TWmgiig Dah Fag 3-0 Tiago beta, sal PO 924h x3 (Gastontstinal nematodes de not adn to rood ih mbyoxic and tertogenic Freshwater Sah/ecoparse not recommended because of pants Sproncen (e intel gellar some ‘eral fagellates poo fol in water: dsl before tsddng to water or Ferd change via Equivalent 1 0.25% in feed | 230 rng 00 food) a BWWia Equivalent to 1% in fee (1 100g food 1% BWiay Pace ive brine engin 625. tg metroid per 100 tester 15-20 min immediatly Tere Reding t ahs fend dye” ‘Nonensted anneal | semoodes equivalent 100.1% BW Freshwater fish proon steam ecoparstes ic inate with high pls do tx with formalin ea be Sn gli in foodat P Monogenean wematade rates, cestode aera Aral some asi fh Monito losely fr inovondination, lve of et 16 Aire spent used eh.“ cont) Agent “Tinea imesh = 5 mg/kg PO infect 7 up 0 | 5 mg/g PO, ICe, repent ieitaaye 50 ma/kg PO once esos, some internal igencan trematodes coud bl ‘sininistered i eed Adult cestode, gage rl (58 in fed at 6 BW 165 g/l tank water 3g 10-30 g/L up to 30min bath™ >for 10 ia g/L x 45 min bah Frehoater fal provoaoa Bema etopaiey ‘Sawer orartiial xa pfs sexwater snl 50-35 ps uve noniodied “ableock sls some rcaling agen in ola al re igh to sy igh variable (some catch are sense Prop or treatment of With salt-senstive or weak sh, wie ower damage and Fish 100 g | ate forgo and oii TF agigin ed eparts | Ga nensiay sol 4 gre PO, once 05 mg/L gnk water snay be ecen (more severe at Figher does), generally ll whi 2a days sadn Genk orate wal wrale pei toe ola Fohand wera gid form 8 following ech gs er em et hot Dosnse Conmeats 0.25 mL ak water™ Freshwater fish/ase 0.5 mg/l tankwater 227 C (80 treat ghd 2 testients for Dicyigyres and other paras monogeneans eat G4 eaten for anchor roc singe eatment will Sepepel pubs 05-10 mg/L tank wnter* | Marine teat gd? monogenean wwe mg/L (10h reatments foe fublltians single weatment ‘wl usualy ufc for copepods (Cece sie), other rmonogeneat, pu, echer flaring ueammene dian! cafonfollonng ang remord. epee ae machine pot tse ae 8 humic estaint/anstet gets ven = coos estan anette gone used I fh.“ (cot) got Dosage Comments et Dosage Caen: Acipamcsoke —[O2 mg/kg IM" | Revers agen (cs antag - Ketamine cabinaton flows {fase medetriine 66-88 mgfkg IMI | Immobilization fr shore procedres Fanci Novos ih areca TRF malig +N | nmobiton ene OT wi Secs eelale from chemical ail FIAT” |aupamence (02 ny 1M) ek odie atte ral pa wock elena ean Toeal aneithets; useeautouly in sal fh; donot eseed 1-2 gg ta doe 5-40 mg/Lbath!™ | Transport sedation a Tor curently avaiable Orivd soepoiegit bait? |Aanskode “ Seen ii: 097 fr pray Large fish/anesthesia spray onto gill ery da eanienty, gouramis may be ith an aeesol pap ayer ite; contrainte in eich Brechaml [BOE 0R0 malig | Arla pegs water of pH 10 min ea 25-50 mg/L water? | Heney sedation ee 5-10 mg/L buh®? | Ancsthesi some species eq Tio TaD mg/L bal | Stock saton: 100 malin 10°30 mgr bath (eagen by ding 1 part cove 25-50my/l.bath | Marine fshanethesia preparation (ure) avaiable wt /l maintenance Pharmacie contains appointee 1-40 mg/L ba Freshwater fish/anestheia euencl pe nl cove ol covery duction; 1-10 fay be prlooged; we lower cod mg/L. ainesance thi ang to tart ny bony Shall a 5 realy anesthetized with 25-50 maf See tleine mesbanel Aqui-S,a compound miscue of uge Tato tan plyuorbate 80 (fr sli Eu Tower doses (6 mq/L) wil proce —— _,—| station withor gener anes Canpaurgey = a ding aafare | 50-100 mg/L bath | Anesthesia; not sold wx fish anesthetic renin in vere nee rooney Reseach | intone 15-40. [in United Stats stock soluson: 10 Te inantenance™ | gL, bur dhe acidity by ning Fut bieatonate to eturation sore stock in dark container, shel eof Sock extended hy rfigeration 0 I [See dove oil freezing; aerate water to prevent hyp Thbohase [05-20 aL ath or [Anetetc | exemia drug sot metabolized, ex “Bromine [1-4 mg/L [Lower doses should peer tel pce Bagenol aporizs then buble | reulting in rerdoe; nt ‘etal unchanged: eathanasa ke Toflorne [05-20 mU/L bah or | lz wahsic locked 20 EDIE ces restsns/anestee ans wed in eh con) ‘pina sulfite (Coment Resear Laboratories) sont) | with lrgemouth bass not recommended Tor long surgi Euchanasig genera =e eerily nok econ ot an AVMACapproved mel athansia ir Frakjes! 05-101) Euthanasia, generics CO wa bah tablets (Ala tes A ion >10 min te espiatign Ti feck wa Si-100 mg/L bath ‘ng/L. msimenan 10-200 mg/L bat ination; 30-100 ng/L muintenance rmethenesulfnate mite Gis 222, carbonate 10 g/L o 10 a Stock extended by rfjgeraton Film shoul! be dacante to prevent hyporemi "magn of safety in young fh and os pian 15-0 mgit-water® | Sedation Large fab/anesthei: spray oat with an aerowl pump sprayer For sedation of visit of speci om other gente naval; keep tock tha develo a sof warm water; euhanasn: kegp seatanenve agents sed in fh ig other agent naval; Kep = 10 og 3 sii by add soa 25.2.0 mg/kg IM —) Rajunet tn reatment Ha 20 Lg IM, repeat vodka reznn inves, general siposchard intunostimulane | Tested with rainbow tre with ERH-A Dove when combined with arp pititary eas mg) jven in? dose 2c doe doable valve Hic agen se naa rl 2 MERI Wcctoncus oprts sen anc) svntosos aot ei (ea) eon Dosage | goat | wae Comments ar 100 IU _ a el f icity Huan chorionic [80-1000 1g tat | Can Xa core Tr site ona sh Kents 61 rs wr) | aunt of reed (ng) fee ed) | lent IN, inva) rn Pend] oa [ta | Act eronmestal yp cHorine/ chloramine neti calor omercal produc Aakd marci active bolo | and heathy ho tank ovine and ch a hormone analog: timate mg/L tank wet? | itr sapin lease of eng docs not etme 10 gacurlize chlorine | ammonia natured no a (sp02 mg/l) fiom | deteificaton of chloramine es ve: inspec | shard pond to FRE mes adn with alg ‘oc reserpine wth rhe ia ia RECA 1000 Eat Ton-exchange ein that | Seed or improve develope |blog ltation wo deta | preparations; de not expose Products to extreme eoperatl the Before epirstion date prevent amn Ogee Filpavtebag wah, men pa we rubberband: kg ee repr bear Reserpine SOimg/lg IN | Dopamine Hocking agent we with LRH-A to smite ewe Tatton Tp ank water — | Free Si prsenton chien [355 gf tank water stestinduced mortality, seat | ovaraficial eu ale prefered ne oniodized able ock salts some ancicaking agents in solar als ae | ihn hy vara | cies sensiicyr sl (ome coh A 4 DIEEIIES osine n se vctoi alts an sos sc cams | Dement hat ocr | ccmmtromenr | (onary Pelee cheer ler HEMaTovocy | a ; CreMisrates | — | paseo Catsummgay | | s7csn» BUN iets eeaseie ‘Cholesterol (n/a = | — Shenae * 7 235) ine (02 Poe ort - | 3 0 wit) | a am eesD Protein, total gia | i on 2902-43) Atumia ra Albarn gl 09 (05-10) 0403-05) AG (ati } - cont = 2101-02 F ls RINE ven se cet i hn) spe sh Pout Bass pus . Measurement (Moron saratis)2* Nc 1. Bow F homson & Joseph Led, Norwich, England, HEMATOLOGY 196521, Huirnga HW. Patho PCV (9 2 (34-28) 2. Bs ie sh, Ca wratus. J Fish Dis 9:163-167, 1986 MCH ( a “i a. Apuacaltare 86.139-153, 1950. se st cs 1A, Nog EJ. Tricaine dramatically reduces the ability to diagnose peice c DG, Hursey PA. Chloramine-T for the control of yobehirius mul “Monocytes (% =< a) Dir 10:789-798, 1973. Eosinophil 6) fed pac “Aypom lowing different routes of administration GHEMIsTaES | ig Dive Ifcion dene gig IM G7 hg IM Cola tempera 3 meg IM 7F Lexpand Theat 2th | Baste a Vocus 2 min 50 Aneta Anaera 60 gg aly 24h x Species Comments BulliogyPD May be used fr ln Nigsobactroas TI mented with PD" VED: mote free be needed i mreoPCOB2F) fiogs/PD" a higher dermatoses ca 4 EDIE Perot aget eet Neomcn, Apply 1 pennin ain (Nempoi Prine Nifupi 0 (Puranace Daispece Nivofirsone [10-20 Oarenge 50-100 Dosage I meee SC, IM Goa 50 mg/kg PO al ng IMgish!” | akg feed 7 day 0 meg SC IMT in amphbians"* (conte) ‘Species/Conmoats cup 30 day Traces nay hed ombinaion vat alae oo eet vitae in apna oot ig Ce 8 ingle 140000 ba sprig POG ‘nin bath q2sh x 11 dye mg/g PO ep 10-20 mg/kg PO gas” Lx 72 be bath? ‘Spwcies/Comment Tatra ynct Sapelepise el | opal ou bere choice seat hytidiomycoi Teg PO pane rica route best choice to tree chytdiomnyonk™ ptaly ete Tin 3 mg aan? | Potentially ese for (Siradine Cres Tah Tapa sslfadan Fiimethopein’ | 1S mali OsW or 15 “Tamethoprim 50 mg/kg PO 2h Bacterial dermatorepiemil al nike fs ath daly Tirbath Pah 1 bath 24h | Smgike Ie qhihx 12 “Topical ream nowy hatched dpe Saplegiasie Comeau mye | Cutaneous come 36 HREDRERE Ar paresiic agens used in cent Activin aimee hl Coppersaine | “Dini water “Fenbendaasle ween) “Fable retonid Fomain coy] Temea Dose 9% bath x5 day 500 mg/L > 30min bah PmelL x Thrbah pew | Protas teeter he bal 30-50 mg/kg PO! 50 my/kg PO qlth «3-5 day epeatin 4-21 de 50-100 mg/g PO, 100 mag PO,™ repeat in 7) 10) mw hen (1) 03 ng bye 2,11 PO on day PO or 7) 100 mk FO, rope 10-18 aye + (M0) 10 gg PO gla for S days 15 aM.x 10.59% 10 min batho [Oa-O4 mpg PO, SC 2 meg topically pet in 23K ‘Speces/Comment Some prot =e vosome phil Resi Most Gastrintsinal nematode sie gstintsi nematodes, evil nema 1 sematode infect agents se nampa cont) Dosage "Nematodes, includ in P20 subvutaneoss nematodes in near ompent 100 mg/l 272 heb Resin nematodes DiSme Thebaih ah | Pots ton: mages rs togni potently toc = Se fenendaaale combination omy 10 | Proton for uni edad Species/Commets rare spply nevi nematode Pro He v4 | ciate 0 gfe PO aa 00-150 g/g PO, repeat in 2-3 cep cite paling) [Donor | Nemarodes,incading Tago Especial Best ans ay be toxic i trematodes al moe aml fy mf for sal tnd Rene pe Omg. 24 bath 00 yalkg SC gts Tmgig PO” B mpg SC IM gaa Nem ex 10 g/L 6 i baths = DaghePOwpan? |e spe gidd ps : Taaials Nay om pale 7 Fall XS win bang | Espa 10 ly IM, ie postin Jet 12 mg/L bath x Aca 3421 Javed fog can wate walkg opal, PO, | Trematnda, oe repeat qh 1 myL%3h ae nssinse The afer trestmen esl in pan of 23 mg/kg) BW Aquatic amphitian/yo 2 IERIE spi te opin et ao NA a Salt (sodium 4-6 g/L bath? _ ‘ctopar protoan chloride) ‘. tsi “— Salfmethaine [gba | Coes change i Teaagycine [SO malig PO giah™ | Presoror 50-100 mgikg PO pear | in 2k pe 100me/. bath, rpeatin? | Vern oe ' ws dermatitis Simp PO, SC, IM Ban | Concidis oo =m =a Fou Dod Cheat col estlt/anstel/ nage ages wen ampians ase imate wo eect. 50 g/L bath to efec! 200-300 mg/L. batho fl 200-500 g/L bath! 3 mpg SO™ Viale COTE mL) Secis/Corments Antagonist for ‘dexmedetomidine “nesting not fab anesthetic in the United States avlale fom chemical soppy compasies: donot wee topical anehesc proce marketed ramon prepare stock ‘olson in ethan (poody tellin water) tren ‘hk bot a room temperture Larveldisove in ethanol Frog, salamander nse in than fi Dissolve in acetone fist Analgesia >i; EDy in leopard rog™ Rralgesasdonage oot Serine bar need tobe mie otha in Seabee aE fraps nS cpa ao Aeris dcp anc ied O08 of oper Siendes TaghgSC™ [05120 mari SC™ 0 magig SC Analg, 24 be ED gia leopard frog” Analgesia, >4 hg EDs leopard og [Sse Ketamine combination | Analgsia >4 hr ED gi | chamber ee a Chemis etint/aesthet/ nage agents va namin penis esti note gts wed a amphibians (et) ent age Soeces/ Comments oo | Dosage Sec /Conmants alot ebb ito waer Aap pei —- 2510 ia Kcr Indsion ni, pel font sfc ron oe seta 5 Prolonged expo fo Tee A — ee team of porential of amber ital of 4 iB i TaD wssnge apne leopard foe -” 2 EDIE cea resvantsnestee/aniesic agents used in ampians sent | Dosage | _Spee/ comments orem bes | seces/comments p kg SC, 1M, Tacuction of orlatin in ‘ona expen those nonesponsive to PMSG or eG: administer to females £12 hi bet Trisine Anesthesia ul the al methanesulfonare | ding sod scale | by ating sodium bcs preven hyper; etal an cally Oa ditional 20 jg after ‘tomato frog (Dysenphus | pare pio 2 : ? | | ampli on ol Bb Sg SC co male” une) | nduced at couch lower GaRH in 8-24 hr fencoaations th 150-400 IU $C, IM’ African clawed frogs, axolotls, a : 1 g/L bath tof gil es ale je sil ig | seed ny large induction ‘Pregnant m O1U SC, IM" | African clawed frogs, axolotl, |iso . ‘gonadoteo administer 600 1U hCG IM, PMSG oe KCC I 2 slamandern di 2-3 g/L bathe fc Toudsindastiony takes 15:30 | iM ets pret |1-scomprzice” — | ate 10 pL. batt | Euthanasia; can be ‘mtu Keon al ve es | dexmedetomidine er “ ew Amphibian Ringe’ solu ARS) EEIERET scotaneusogets edn ampitons= Dosage int Lwater" 6.6 ¢ NaCl, 0.15 « KCI, 015 jon [CHCl and.02 g NaHCO, | suo scares agent sed ampibans* cen) Species/ Comments Tops om wounds Protest " name; anttes at be imcorported ito the For weting tyronoeogg me dem ‘sil nhl ARR onl sabe (23a ee replace wih el ion day: ay nei no | ‘Oniwe | Beal sneshecc such wean animal ff ARS by temzncine placing iin gradual a 7 =o late sautona' yp - Oi Torap oA Adjunct neater or lucon erated by ag 950 ml water instead of and may he rove effet sone cites of yeroco Shock Fahione [STO mah TH Awopine Og 3G Mpa Organophoaphate ra Cucim bonate sug a = Bond, 3M) Ug PO 100-200 gyig SC 2.3% continuous bath 2°3 1V/al vitamin D, ‘Nouional secondary hyperparahyeodien Hiypoeakemic any Nutciona secondary Iyperpanthynoiis Vaanin, Ural sess bath | Nuttona ith 220 mary seal for aqua nl semiaguatic species Desamethisone Fai Cue Liquid Perdg Fania Hilf Feline A/D] PO? —_ (Ha Caxaone, Er 146 50 g PO a7 70" rogie ain E30 tip ont) | ig PO ieee Wa Sao a co [oct fect Nar eetog Final ubcitancou edna lg sbied (2 ‘epic with fesh diy ay ned 0 wean anal of dexuoe by itin gradaly more de solitons 7.5108 sol ‘may be moce fete foe ome cases ot hy deocoelo | Doses approximate al hemor appropri wall Jager volume hee equal ily sessed tial i adjunct wean foc tepecsia’ [Nevrona suppor, mice with water generally age Taste, 2 gl bath eee 48 Dern agnoses by predominant sg of amphibian (cnt) Cammon Cases Suggested Diagnostic Flacranr |The agents bates) | Blog view of psi try re), porno yt |e, water ua ter ol cpcaporcans, ents | pH, tenperte), ie sleedeleccimens [fue cs isma we peosstomes | digraph forsee deal ‘Nosinfcioes ons Ippha tum and phoepha 1 chemin | land evi; ag pith: ears cate Neninftious cease ea, plasm chokes Ue wer qual tet sal HL, trperatce,neropey cad specimens; pial ll 5 cagemates (nce CHG las bochemitis, Bl nite, fal parse Coal sonia, howschold tice, chlorine peter ms pt vio, faglateor ate "|, water quality text a wesw, ics pH seperti in al im CHC sna Flood eure, psn sla phoophons hk Sige metal cots ee, copper emia wai fe sschlorine, say pH et Foe nappa husbandry (eg enronmencal temperate thigh, cgeme | Posbemis aggression, ocular disease with oth SSIS ren cae mn so aphin ott) common Causes Suggest Diagnoses” agent iukdovies, | Biology view of species in sherpenins other vis, | questo, husband ree bacteria mjeobaceia, chy | et, water quality fess mycosis, chromoblatomyeosi, | pH, temperature) sin serapes (et mount and sine kin ronporean, micrpordal, and Mod elrar,fealpaaite ‘mith, Bylarse, penta exams plasma choleeol and rch tts, tick trig cries radiograph for skecel dems, plasma ein and phosphorus CHC and other planta biochemisies | Noniafectious cme: nap | tsar, temperature, ami | ration photoperiod, hum | ecko fits and hiding | spots eapprepeies ce rnb pene in ad (czy wrong kindof fod pe wrong ae of fo ry, ed Frequent handing or age ary hyperparthyoidem, | ibemaion cue “Woxig Bia Tre inay aie nea ri, mycone, question; hurbundry ren ri, gettin it, water quality fst sl mate PH, temperature) fea pars ‘sams pln clium and Phosphorus radogaph ‘lite, plasms biochemical nays Tensonogrephys ‘ography ein nd Blood sales CHC | Es hypocalcemia (erpesily in I frogs ooo srorhigh tempera!) 50 (EREEEREIBIEN oven sags ypedomien sgn of amphibian“ can) sien commen Coes SeuestedDlgrostes? Tafeeious agen vin, bacteria, | Biology review of species in rmycove, mycobacter, | question; husbandy revi vecminnus granuloma, laid, | det, water quality ts al ther helen pH. termperatre; ptt mount, tained, clu) fea parse ears pls rch! enya ulestonographys egg shin and blood caltre, CBG eg heaty metal, chlorine, anion, ineciide, died epateflice,renal kr hypoclcemis,xanthoratoc renga (pect arian pte or eval) ce to ovipoit meal eg Tarnenes | Tesious agent vin, acters | Husbands evcw (it Wa rnysohactenn pcos, ality ts ol pl roeszoa mynoeporeass, Fempectatel; ado Imicrospori, bein Tas alin and poor Alylanae,pentartomes, mite | pasa cholesterol and ighceries fc passe CBC snl other plata ‘hemisses | Noninfetons cause: hoperpacthyrodiny ruma, saints IypovitaninosisB), Diet maton peta cea reclined) pind lg | aston agen ins, Belg review of pacer question: hushendry ve rubeutancous neratdes Grater uit tet, temperature, die Gnepeet sca food item and | tial eendes or rematode ontsnes);aceoyy of ea ‘nalts ( pecimens physic! exam ypowtaminoss poten deine, iodine dfiieny tee inca deficiency, dst of prvit, outdated od ce itn spplement), toxics ammonia chlorine, ite), vrter quay (pt, hades, che or gre A pase dite fa prea ck 1 tad 51 SEETTTID n teaians MR, Pond CL. 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Pharmanterapestis. be Weight KM, Wil ch). dmplbion Satine and Caprice Hhubrnty, Keeper Pub, Malabar, F200 pp 308-330 = tire aso used i rept." eet Dosage eames Poet ihe repent ada poate ect Sighamesseeas — | seuenripntecpeae negara howe tight sng tod pos sa Swine ce gg g72h C180 | Pow PD Cal pythons Sg Mthen25 | Line oplegae |smetemtaast® —— ries |smarkemgisi® —— | chelouansD gopher SmygiMyshen2s | Chelona ottin | 25-30 meg IM 72h {Sera 225 mpgiM gran — | CoeadtaweD igor) totter nnn tebe bel cles Preereris Se eens |i a nt 50-15 mg/I0 el saline x 30 rin nebulization 124" 5 mg/7S ml DMSO gi2- | For deep local penetration htpica 3 21-28 diye" | abcess nwo bone Dmgig IM qak™™ | Tee with an aminoyjeonde 22 mghig PO g12-24h" | Use with an aminoglycoside May we with an 3-6 mg/kg PO, SC.IM | Mowe pies qe 10mg SC, IM 12h" | Mor pce, nding Oingeesc- IM | Shanes ane | 56 Annee agents usd in rept. (contd) LESEREES coi agers ed npn (xt) gent Ampiilin cont) Dosage 6 mgr IM a2 20 mg/kg IM g24h 50 mg/g IM g2h Sones Comments CCielonian/ukeratve shell Toroise/prelninary sud at Dosnge 50 mg/g IM gah? 10 mg/g IM gaa ice ee Wale Speces/Conmonts Most species Mot species, isting snakes! we with 3 arom TWing/ig PO go Ball ythonw PD, ox ingle doe study oe mal semi Milam, piped, Card nd other suscep reaiems octon dictate Abosage feogueny kin, respon oc 95s eel ieeyn Cabesicllin “Caltaatime Taxdime, Lil Tome par ig IM gash!" 400 mg/h SC, IM 4h 00 gg IM A 200-400 g/g IM ae [ogg haa | 100 mg/t0 et satne x 30 min nebuliation 12h 20 mg/kg IM,IV | 5 mg/g SC, IM g2sh 2.2 mg/g IM 42a Dmgigscin I —] SeakewPD Carper pythons Landay se with a dei at fren ne of day) Cheon ‘Chelotiana/ney ae wil ae ainoglyconde ny ese Maye with a aminoglycoside Mort specie/pneuronig suktion of hyaluronidae yas) to nlulzation folion (100-150 0/100 ta ads in breablwa of [Mos peciev PD (wae special fictive aginst rmnegative hater Shin chameleons Linas Turtles Bal nag PO GaN TOmg/kg SC, IM qh Tree Sc TW mig I 125 ge IM 2th 40 mgkg PO, SC, IM 42th, oF 20 my/ig PO, SC, Sea ES, 40 gag $C g24h™ ig SC gl2 Topical ophthalmic ial OTS aque volition or ointment 0 aqueous slution®™ | 0 aun, soak he lah igi gi | Mow specs [Bow species ow pecies LinardvPD (tegus) Mont pei psc Fels ‘ange in chatdcons when gen I ray ener bone ster ake cae imied usefunes in reptiles Mor specie/20 m/l may bergen gash inp SnakevPD (gopher aes) SrakeVPD; 12h indigo, fa and King nae 2 orth neem g726 bod wae tls Alspeceopia ‘isinfeeons infectious Most speci/topical omar mide car infection Bush nb tute Lind peiodontal diese Gerigation f ging poste) Tizard, snakes conjunction with antibiotic therapy soak 27 C Clr Fs Torts 58 Autnkobaageats sad nope ** cont) gent Cipro “Chltiromrca Dosage 10 mg/kg PO gat 11 gg PO 8-7 |S mgig PO a Soties/Conmants Mont species PythonsPD, Tortoned PD (ec a totes opp spat tract dese (yeep eat Clade ISSO age POGH 5 mpg PO gpa Nox seven il tectent and ancl Diigo Fagg IM qi Dagarline (Vibramyin, Pen) TEnrflowin (Gay, Bayes) FiO malg PO ane | 50 gag IM, then 25 snag 2h mmalkg qth PO, SC ce (6.6 marke IM go 011 mg/kg IM 4s8h 0 gg IM gh 10 mgr IM, hen $ mg/h S ug/g PO, IM hth 10 mg/kg IM 5 mark IM 24-48 [ Mor pecieve pig infection (eg. mycoplag reves Mowe NT oon a | Pythons PD (tiated | SnakevPD (urmeve | SnakewPD (Buccs phone) rand PD hike IM mor tite in ically Monitor/PD (savannah monitor) peli da CCheloniaas and most oh | septevPD Geonher reported ina Galapagos et 5 agets sed in eples** (ean) osete 5 mg/g IM 22 IMaish 0 g/g LM 4h 5 mayg IV g36h™" 15 el (50 mg/250 on eile wate) aaa now 24-48 114 mg/7.5 ml DMSO topical g12-24h 21-28 [are | 25 meg EM g72h 25-30 mg/g IM, then 15 3 mgr IM @296h! 5 meg IM 72h!" mg/g IM g7 10-20 m5 rl ine 30 nin nebiation gl2h™* Specles/Commuts CheloniansPD (tar tor tose) 2h for Pome tas and Cobain ah ther bate, Sea tur Chelonians/PD Hermanns Crocoiany/PD (ligaton) 5eo/ig PO inhibitory values for Upper respiratory infstions we un ao dicharge; we sos or dep bal pertcton absence involting bo ‘Nephroxaiciy has Ben sport, eel monly ed ith penilin or cepalosporin Snakes/PD (gopher snakes) Snaes/PD (bad pythons) Tunles/PD (enter box ser dove may be Chelonians | sider Crocodilias/PD lige “Mot spcie/pneumonis aivon of hyluronidave ‘elton (100-150 U1 ta aids in breaks Provsnaceons debris Gentamicin (cont) ophthalmic drops (Genroia Duce, Schering-Plough ETIEREEY seri gets used rept: Dosage (comes) Spocies/ Command ebulzation 124 vali Topical 50 mg/9 ml saline x 30 min 40 mg/1 ml DMSOVS mt ebiliation Ti dep gga Most specix/sinophi 2125 mg lof wel Sane a nebulizer bef Bronco Tortoises Most spciew/superfi ‘cul infin; onal orl evn ina infutons ey also be asa reese natal fs 2h or itranaealgL2 24h [Sewig IM gina 10 mg/h PO aps 10-15 mpg IN TV gaan TW mgig PO aR Mow specievavoid ig dehydration oral ge aintain hyation| —] Most =pevound a tion; potently nephron tox: maintin ydeatom Mont species Bal pythons FD ody 20 mg/g PO git 0 mg PO gh [To maak PO aaa cline [6-10 mg/g PO, TM, | Mow Wie 5-10 mg/g EM 24h Bangg PO q2ah x 50 mg/kg PO ath x 20 mg/h PO gh Mot species mee Mort spcic/may be aministered concent withahaci oe broad | potemcial side effects a hil those, a ewer dose ay be SoakevD (yellow rt sues) Comm suakevPD Iguanas PD; ase q24h or sista anaerobic Mosrapecien ost specievnay pda a ialmation st 1 mg PO gah 10sny/Ig IM, LV 45d | Toon aa pHOTUTg SC Adri g0ets wed repent’) Spectes/Conments Alig Most speciedruenay depends on emperat shame | Snakes PD (blood python Mort specie/pneumon dion of hyshrondase (Wine) nebulization lation (1007150 U0) ral aden redown of proteinaceous debi Alspesies ancibacerial fr sin (eg iy dresing i generally oentaly oop snsintsin hin, aid in cues of dehyation or Posenially nephaotoiy maintain hyation Most peiewselion ond iniqucay — renal or hepatic dysfunction 2 EEIEREES iri! gars used i reptien* (con) Agent ‘Teas (Tia SnithKline-Beecha Tobamein (Neb Lily Trimethoprny sulfaizine "Frimathopaad Dosage 0-100 mg IM «2h 5 mg/kg IM 472 10 g/kg IM op 20-30 mg/h PO, SC, IM 0 mg/h IM 9248 «2 ayn then gh 10-30 mpg POG | spale/ Co hydeton Poca nyo povetated by 6 al Most pces cdnincencons hel icone Chelosisns/an be gil (48h in ora a parenteral orm mua be Mont species Mont epics | stow peiewcan admister PO, SC x coro ¥ Dosage got at — 0 aig PO oth > 10 day Aaylos tei wal 21 (5% Spaces/Comments herpes vis Sermati ebulvaton my belp™ inument) 412?” | Toroisesantivial (ex herpes vir desman 4 EERE dorm! anos esd in pts. sont | Dosage Amphtercin-B [05-10 mg/g IV, 1Ceq2 | 72h 1438 dy O mpeg TT q24hx 14-28 | Most spcievsepiratony - infecon ite with wee orsine Mont spec tetcoman 0.5 gig V 998-72 nepheoral 1 mg/kg intrapulmonary | Greck tortoise ah» 28d Clonimazote [Me (Wali | bate Harer Lockhart roma with betamethasone, Schering-Plough 21 mg/kg SC oncethen | 10 mg/g SC goth su riled PD ilk PO aan 5 ected cael cee [ Panther cameos Liaard/PD (pny arial ster s Say eaten therapeutic plasms condi Ts 5 | 235 mg/kg PO gaat “Keroconle = ton Intel acengrnth ny o ith eos Mouse De Ox We Fanaa gam (Tact Sherng 25 mgr PO q2ahx 21 | 15-30 muy PO gaan x 50 mgs PO gah x 14-28 hye [ous meh wart heath | [Toop Tg: PO ga TO] Shakes, urn Cheloniaw/PD (gopher (Crocs Derma Mont specie ena may bathe qh with ute ganic indin belie we Mon specieveten yout infesons ited sien Most specie Sermatiig may bathe 12h wth dite oxganic iodine before we MEINE pret goats ued reps aan Albendazcle Cilorogine Dimenidazte | (Emeyt Rie Poulenc, Cana Emetne Dosage ag PO" Topical q7d pet Fugly PO giah xs ] 200 mgrikg PO, repeat in days of 40 mg/g PO qos 8 das 40 agg PO, repeat in 14 fos malig SC, Eig 10 da nipaase agent wed in ropes (on) est Dosage Mont specie carl Tost specis, prt ate nine Sol Sparing: may Fe aig etc, cp ‘cage for 24h, chen Bl Soaks (epee mocha, ot saa in the nied States | a and | Bost specie amoebal | sears higher dou kg have dese Mera) 25 mg/kg PO gd for up 10 | 50-100 gre PO, repeat | 50 mgrkg PO g2sh x Spray oc wipe on a7 5-10 mg/L wate topical ip to 28 day All specie ta ythons| All speic/nchamelea foc gels nematae and gaia (Chamelcons/nematadal = Taal SC 1 ds clonian specie nites a ware of reactions Alcohol care use wi Speies/ Comments ocodlans (may have rand sinks igo Saks (excep indigog lard (excep kinks) sematade ‘led amas may ave Lin discoloration atin onsite rly, adverse ef {es have been obser in chameleon, possibly aoc ated with breakdown oF parases; do aot we within TO dae of iazeparm and ‘letamine!zlarepams dite with propylene eal rower ange of fey than Fenbendarle ere deaths cn thay, ona frien have ees pot (Copecialyn Bards ‘Sarpethaone 0.2 mg S20)" sural eemoval may Sra Snakes (xcept indigo, Tears (excep tks) ites speayom kin and Inter, others fet some recommend pea forthe a rethceid oe larval bie nvancge that itean be cater trod concurent me with ‘tocampheni in debited animal low west depres ‘an be used TM, 68 HEBIREDY rsa agents sd pes (on) Agent Dosage Specie /c Levamnisok 20 mg/k SC, Mo species, Cevaole 134566, | 1Ce™ nen Matinee) m Meenza 20-00 mal PO, repeat earch Tevonidial rtoaoan el redo 25-0 mtg PO: Most species or gli for up Mort species ° 10-14 dae 00 mg/kg PO gBdx 14-28 | Most pein 100 mg/g PO, repent in 14 | days Most qecesong amoebae) ovtgrowt rei fo small rinistred POg ea coking, nd ing Mos spe pew eco ps eet Dated Benes Ft Dose (Hua, Pare Ds) ina dae cing ower endo dae 40mg PO, peat 4 | Uracoa rate, ill 5 by lrg ag Tecnae | makes Ing 50 mg PO gi ‘Com sakes Pron Pts ProPrdce ng/kg PO g7-148 50 mg/h PO 42h x Chare | athen by Tridomena So mg/kg PO qainx3-s | doy ae Chelonians the lower dosage ate panied by incre Gechowocular lesions (4 ng/kg) and sean (200 mg/h) revises ag paste ems sed ents, (cn) Dasge (025-05 mg/kg SC pen™ (05-10 mg PO pw ing PO, pein 14-28 ds pen TO magi PO 10800 mg/kg PO q24h Speies/Conmats purer foo nt ommersilly viable a the United Seite enbendazole Chek rend Most peie onc clio wed ——— de sess anal with id soap Cad dime well) the next dy Mort specievarnocbae Sak reed nical signs and oe syptospri Geckowaaypeosporids reduced deal ot limite th Nase Eine soliton snd tool lihely wth sey ite ina welbreited ‘Sond or 24h Hoe pepcion wth stnthn topically on forties treatment of subsite air veoval of | Most pecie/aemaroas — 70 HEGIIRETY Apart ogsns ues nro. con) eet Dosage Piperazine (cont) species Crocoiians 50 mg PO, epeatin [8 my7ig PO, SC, IM, rear (Dron obay) ° in Uh day Mostspecovan trematodes doves hve shown pote resting pentston ight meee sdministred POS (Chameleon /Aakag he lett untested ing using problem PO gist! asmetgPOghx | Searunde/PD Trae pamoate | mglkgPO, pear in 1 | Most pc (Nemex-2, Pfizer) | days! " ° Pyrehinpry | Topal 2-3 | Mone spi on coon pact pay bea tite tad pop svih cdots a Se, wach out ee ug an ll caiton: peel (cepemci Chimacine [9-100 aglig PO GRIN | Mow civ Winthrop “™ eee ine nls | age FOGHAT | None since gl Sony a Tesmetn pay | Topica per pn gB 10H | Mow specie nie er pyre ae a Dara, DVM rethns we wth ‘prey (0.39%) ort ie antl then i immesiatyin ual tepid water poet thet than sakes ral i py environ in5-10 ain Sprays TO ggg PO Bane I) — | Srakeenyppol Ghirsa, ye sue intel gna Muy and Bal ete shel; doe li SDimq/lg PO GPR da | Most cea Ti of dehyition vernal prot srt used a rete, cot) oct et a e 5 mg PO, then $5 Rapin, | St ee mig PO g2shx Siben B= 50 mafhg PO gin 3-5 syaien dp 30 PO IM, TV hen Berets “Saigiatine Tong king wate x10 Bienen - 5-06 mllkg PO g2ahx 10 Fiestas [make PO gins aam, ng PO, TM 1V then ‘omg get? 25 mig PO, IM g2thx ara Gamat tarne| W maha SCN GE mig abah ct dye Salspimoalne | 7 mglkg FO, tr geah Tiel 50-100 gag PO, repeat in “Timthopia/als [30 meg IM qeih Xda, |B hen 15 mgs hx 5-14 ogi PO oth 7 das, Tog, PO gl2h x7 30 mghkg PO g24h x2 ds, he ah 21 da 30-60 mpg PO grt x2 n Species/Commets Most peiev/oein Sakes, ard svi in cae of dedration forrenaldsfusction Cove ao More ipece Mot species Mon opeceveocclia Most spsielosis demas, 03-06 rik, then 15-00 lg 24h x20 days ‘Mow specie coon Mort speciosa Snakessoocid T Now specie oscdia | Mowe specew sonia | Mos spaevnomato Fenbendaole prefered Mon spsic/oesia Saket in treatment of eyproporia is of justonale value ry Etonic at thi doeage - EERE) snot sens nino ot) ton | ts svat Vapors No-Pex (6 or inn sO (0 3-5 das; | Mon iene Sup ea of i pera pla : ; nee i seh anal eal trp shove ag a Spectral 0.5 angi IM dacunged al Wer Bah x20 ia Seales, lara likewarm ester not veered El mites on head 9 mg/g, nrc” | 15 me/hg I" Jeena e cal Seqelewnidine de TM, | (Girne, Pee |1¥ [061-0 arg SIN “Topemonphine [0005-007 maiig IM {Bipene Re ash ins) (ot mfg IM __lortamangne ForDocgs) | Thiop 0141.0 mg SC IM” 05-20 mg/kg IM or 02-05 resi amet anle gt sedi reps, a el ee pos0.25 mg/kg IM | Most speciex/cn be wed “Most species prance : a "| Most spsievaralgesa 3 a premenhenic with rece by 0M fused with DMSO eresemen not allele in the United Ses Seakedindustio, 5 in good mel relaxation ‘rable uly iim fest ifasministered IM Lizards, chelonaes/induction, 35-40 mi, duration 15-35 im: od muscle relation variable rete Celine (eed-ared Sideroug anesthesia with good relation Medomiine reveal eases teres hon gion ‘Most specie preanesati beady rely oad seoealy sc only in profound prolonged radar ro noe work at thi dose ‘Most epeie/anagesia Most spese/anagesia Bororphanol combination feos se Ketan fs shinaions Most specievanalgsa; setaton: preanetieic 02 mg’kg IM wed Most speci preanestetc mg Vs1O" 1% " EIESIESY cena restani/aestte anaes agus wed in reps. (on) p50 oe rs mt et stm npn eet Dosage Spacle/Comments eal ester Speces/commerts Botorphanal | 1-2 mg/g IM™ Srakea/aalgesia ; 03-05 mg/kg IMI" Crooiaschosary Gales «|r te Aimanae oie vase | trem Feet; [aos gb goth 23 | Lids mami poets 10-15 mpg SC.IM" | Lird/administe 30 mig loins aon 10-20 leave infra sll smi; dation, 40-120 min, hot very effective i epi aa T ee Scher un align poor Baroephanal (HY) |) Omagh +) Daag | Panes ada eraiewipbamel smidarolam (M) | TM™ 20 min before induction imobiieation and minor “Carprofen 1-4 mglkg PO, SC, IM, IV] Analgesia nonsteroidal procedure gure iad, Pfizer) | 4248, fallow wit half the | antinlamtry Socom oe ose eran ecane of expeme ad leg “Ciapaate UFOS gig nF aw aioe oon ol ae ms Tapa mg Crowns dani mon 1% | ever of eolaepam 10 mg/g IM Chconiansreanesteie rosspam IM IV Diazepam Diazzpam combination lle sx betaine a ls - TE cbaations DIOS agieIM fost pec/aalg jqi2-24 fon mama of 3 days Man lentions eal Tama/tg Minx | Linas nae cat sce Table 18 otal ceverible will 2 ee eS Parmar Ta 25 mgikg NP Crocodiles flaccid partys but no halen anger aia 2 08 mpg IEP Sahes/acein conjunc 0.7 mg/g IM" teate the lowes suze; wi keine for anata ah ight revere with neostigine with muscle elation fader (Se inaligatore questionable; 25 mg/kg PO™ Iguana/reduces aniery a Soles fn lds fo oars 5 mg/kg IM, IV Most specieesmes (06-40 mgfkg IM a ST mahg SOP TMI | Mom specie pranetete 0:2-1.0 mg/h INE” Chebonian/aein gyda [POTTS ITT | Mon nscale Conjunction with ketamine Robina ee Reteorteleeit ool « tener an only profound Dinspan Dy —]DyO2 OG apie IM, | Alligator te prefer to atropine: sceciplchline (8) | followed in 20a by (3) thes not work at dhs dose in (0:1460.37 malig IME the geen iguana _ Disopriel STimeig Wn tae” [gecesi eso propofol not avalabl a til Ute Sees Doapan | Sgt IN IV alta | Respintoy ina “Teron — [BST So | Crosodianscombie wi far revere of ie rs oases SC FE Riinkaion 15 | Mosespecesoiane Dove imantenance?" | preferred nari farce lowest, Sneatation needed eorpion 412 mgfkg IMI” | Respiratory stimant 8 AMENIEREE eis rxtraoncstat/ ange agents sed oops. ( Agent Dosnge Inofurane 38-59% induction," 19-3 maintenance" snes tla inaction, 6-20 unica esr anestbte/anlgsle agent used ropes (ont) ‘Mos specie/nhalation 30-50-mgrkg SC, IME cof oie in ‘reo, 30-6 me [oe owe ne ‘roth in eps com wih other anal nei dn interment pose fore eatltion al preaches owl Df prepofl ketamine Ketanine Figher Soc, lager ‘may be permanently anesthesia generally rsurgl anethesia 10 mg/kg SC, IM g30min 200 me/igiM.or5.15 | Mon ypecia/mun maha , ee f diazepam 2-5 mg/kg? DstmggSC, 1M | Noe spcisedaina S58 mfg SCLIN" | Mor peeve ar 5-10 mg/g Lizareldetetses the ‘Ketan combination Muscle elation and sualgsa maybe ang frolenged recovery wth rogue lower dose; peal uertionable ia debilitated Paint; avoid we in ese ‘With renal dfn aggressive afer ketamine 20-0 mgkg SC, IM, 1Ce recommend ue only as Prenesthese bei Mort speciw/nintenanea anesthesia: recovery, he ener Ol relation improved with K) 10-30 mg/kg + (8) 05 [See tH) dosages (D102 induction, 10-90) ry, 298 he 20-60 mgfkg SC, IM?” | Sakes/edationsinducsiony 30 in; recovery, 28 he 60-80 mag IM Seakevight anesthesia inveicene postive pres sentation sy be needed a8 (Dy 02-10 melee INF (K) 10 ngs + (6 01-03, ZK) 5-10 ma/hg IM + (MD 10.015 mpg IM, LV (38 mpg (M) 0.025 incidence of eth holding during chamber indtion (K) malig «(M008 20-30 mg/kg 1M Liar edtion eg, fil * i) 5 mgr + (M) Speles/Conments Tinadsedations variable rere Chelonians/edation ind potently dangerous in dey Arve ad debated tories Sea turke/sedationy wed at Pgh 50-70 mg ng an unpredictable nf ketamine and asepromarine gives amore fapld induction and recovery Green sen tles/aesthess induction, 2-10 rin durcon, 210 mi ecvery, <30 in ‘Chelonianligh anesesa; nducion, <3 ine econ, hours to days equrs higher over than mont oer reptiles Crocoiinainduction, 30-60 min: recovery, Hous todas in anger animal, 12-15 mg/g ay permit Shake anesthesia with lroprne mule relation Chelonianeminor src proses gel eps) ‘Suakevancsthesa with improved rst rlari (Cheloninneanerbesa muscle relation [Revers medetomidine with Misi aie Lands gua) Giant vroies (Aldara) geben se ture feton of enethesia or ination 78 EEIEREE comet rca settee at tne | owes sent Ketamine (K) medetomiine (M) Ketamine midazalarn (M) K) 5 agg + EM) O05 mag IM spects/ Forose (gopher igh anenhers tchea i K) 5-10 mgr IM + (Mt ss (snal- med 010.015 gig IM (4) 10-20 mg/g IM = 0 he IM, IV" K) 75 mag +(M) 0.075 015-030 meee IM, 1” (6) 5-10 mig O15 eng IME 1K) 10-15 meg + (M) 015-025 mg/kg IM 1K) 20-40 mg/h + 1M mg/h (Kk) 60-80 mg/h (M) £2 gag Keanine | (R253 peopl Reropraien “Mederomidine (Doin, Phe) Meta Ingeheis Vermed 135-30 melhg PYF gag V 0.10.05 mg/g 0.5 mg/kg IM? | 0.2 mg/kg IM, 1V Mo. Tea] Tories (gopheeane rracheal ntation Ture (shat) Alligators Alliguorsjuverile Chelona eo | Chelonine/anestesn, mile elaation | Chstonianvadinier propofol =70-80 in ag fethmine se propofal Mora ls fc (cp, OO Tucan wed fl TO catheter placement in iguanas! ted in conjuncsion wih ‘henial meobiliation Produce ort no meno alone; evel wil smezole Specie Crocs, dese tortill dation incomplete nme Inti; general produces lt ea di aad bane Most specie aes pa | tizads (geen iguanas) PDS parenteral dove lasts ape eae 35 hr shor soe Teg PO lth maybe ne Dosage mgikg IM 412-248" Nene pee TR induction, LR [iO mari I Nased, Roche 0.05+0.25 mg/kg IM 214 mg/g IM —h TST meE J 05-15 mg/kg iM _foss0r 79 anette ase agents wedi ropes. (on) Spuces/Comments Mort spcis/anagesia no noticeable fect in aks, Nie croeodilesfangesia Sr pecieindoon, 530 ining reovey, 15 | 0.12590 5% concentration Aecrease doe 2094-30 for jetted animals Cohbsidinduton, 222 Joe pce tie barbiturates may need afer Seale proud sedation wot aval inthe United States See batorhanal, ketamine Tor Combination; potently severe by amaze | Mow spesierpreanesth amin lfcive in Sapping tres not | painted ters | ts reared sides uration, 82 min; recovery, $0 min, much india oda Tegallamine wera | nay ete emei and Tasiaton ast 24-48 he efor use fects enhanced | combined with 73 Miminered CIM Tome spedevanagerin 0 in caer with hep or renal effect in enkes oven at 1S (TERRE cena restraint aesthetic anlgse agent use in pts gent Dosage 0.05-0.2 mg/g SC, IM 12-4 Pentazocne (CTatwin Upjohn) 25 mgrkg I Pentabarial Promega | “Propareane (Ophhaine, Fort Dae) 15-30 mg Ta 10-18 magi IC™ 75-150 mgrkgICe,or8 rmgikg IM" Tagihg PO. Salevinaion 8 or, 3 hr pra pinecone Celine rages not wale United Stare ‘rages (Coo al ee Inallec in nial With spectacle Propofol (Rapinoret, Pianan-Moore Deprivan, Zena) 5-10 myyhg IV inne See kewnne for combi Anesthesiol indecton my gre 1s Tentniniced TV oui perraclay; ay eal Sera 0, dongs mae ced ys ach a 90 remediatd ge bradycardia inaton a ssid vetitio encall sail conser by Saakes ieads (eg iguanas dlagnostic procedures; ma ced to give an atonal increment in 3-5 min eal Cardiopulmonary depressog ‘han occurs with higher a uns restra/anenthate/ anatase agents used i rps (on) ioe ere (tapi ont Reco (Zee Omron) Dosage 10 mg/kg 1V, 10” 10 mglkg 1V, 10" 2 meg TV 12-15 gig IV" 0-15 mgfeg Species/ Comments Tguanahigher doses reeommense fo ndction foe shore duration procedures or ination Litany sakes0.25 mg/h min maybe given for Giant tries CCheloians/tower dosages (5-20 mg/kg IV") may be ced 1 mg/g may sien for maintenance” Crocodillans/duration, {Sg maintain on 8 snestheie experimental IM vith hyaluronase™ oascoir Bocing agent; no alge for intubation only and sal, ronainfl procedures Ane 025-10 mg/g IM 01-10 grag EM" 0751.0 mg/kg IB (0.25-1.5 mg/kg IM™ 05-10 mgfkg IM" 04-10 mp/eg I* gM Most specesanesthe rid Sndacion and veovery when inmbaed No analgetar marrow margin of aey interment postive ee vetaon gras pays curs in 530 ming avoid exposed to ‘nganophonphate parities ‘minimal amount required 0 pf procedse see {Tazepan for eombinasons Moat pies [Chameleons Large are Celoniansinducti ‘tte intbaton Box turevinduction, 20-30 Aigarorfrapie onset, 3-5 gf in sal aoa have trend! Crocoiany/ariale ind ton andrecevey periods EEIRET cea rxtrit/aeenti Awa Thiopental Teamine aolzepur (Tete Fort Dogs) Dosage 19-31 mg/h V2" 45 mig SC, IM’ 10 g/g IM Neg IM 10-30 mg/g IM, 20-40 gg IM ‘generally 8 g/kg) 10 greg EM, TV 2-10 mgyag IP” 5-10 mg/l SC, IM, 1Ce sedation) 10-40 mag (anesthesia 8 semis estraat/ anesthe anaes agents used i ropes. (on) i Dosage Speces/Commonts 15 ma/hg IM Alligatorvinduction >20 induction, 5-10 ming tring deat foe nor
Provide ambien eamperaur (wit temperate rent) of 295° C320" C {G5 90" F dvig they and 240" C-26.5 © (5 F-8F) a sight oc hor spor shoul apreach237.5°C (00°F) linge det gua ne becivore tore, an eau igh-Ca food) Foes isting ee ecyration) ee Append 9 *20 mig gl 24 eset baby foods: Ceca Cae (Oxbow Pet Products); Blended iguana WER eles aan hand eding formals; shor-tenn we of Emer ial Care (Lafebe) trative orev formla consisting san igud-mea placement dink (Ense re 1 Cena stan tablet (Lederle) blended ened gana chow can be soaked in wer and oF can strawberry o vaila 1 Each, Ron) banana wien pele ry hand ed especially by owe) plementation opon sce Table 17) Pu os Cadminitered in conjunction with parenteral therapy) + Caujusante (Neo-Calgoeon Sandor, Calciquid Breckesidge Phatmacctfas Caleonate, Raghy), 10 mg/kg PO q12-24h ua ents gaining weight and comuming adequate Ca (generally 1-3 «+ SNe on fd (Cx carbonate; Rep-Cal, Rep-Cal Research Labs re SmithKline Beecham) 18 (ERNE) 1st often secondary pensation Wigueeessstmensco are ay Th caves of hypocalcemia, exteme weakness, oF when Ca absorption the gstontestinal fact maybe poor paremteraladinstaion of Gy nated * CalactateCaghcerphosphate (Calphosan, Glenwood) 5 mg ‘ach 10 ong stk SCy IM, ICe 24h 1-7 days + Ca gnconate 100 ng/kg IM, Ie gBh pm Maintain bydeation * "Phd therapy as neded {Soak in warm wats allow) for 10-20 min g12-24h to encourage tkking and defeation (euton: head may need tbe supported leave umttended) Viunin Dy "100" 1000 Tg (generally 200 Tk) IM (repeat in 3 wk) 200 U/kg PO a7 Best soure is UV radii Catstonin (Mincalein, Sandor; Calcimar, Rhone-Poulens Rows) further tansier of Ca om bone wo blood (hormone therapies should ‘be performed eaous) SO Tig IM 7d 3 rate * Casuppementation shouldbe give before and dung calcitonin {Serum Ce shouldbe within arma ints before caleitonin therapy Teves cant be determined, administer Ca spplement fo 7 da sicivean + Other Handle gem Remove climbing branches to prevent injuries us Jot sures ofits and thr comma pode for eties"* 0747-0557 800-735-8537 fo0-40-1160 fons7-4331 $00.33 5623, fon-az7-9si fn 3o0-8000 408-356-089 sey Brand St0-792-7200, sity 8496-638 ee! 00-35-4767 LIVE FOODS FORINSECTIVORES Aico 800-827-2847 Ceckets, meahworm wacwor fies Baers 800-634-265 Coches, meatworms Dresphil 800-545-2903 Frutes Par Far Bo0-735-8537 Crickets, melworms ut is GGhan’sCovket Farm 8M0-A75-2248 Ceiskets, mesons Graco 300-222.3963 Crickets, meahworms,8y rae, ‘waco sper Dutrck Csicker Fam S00-654-3506 Crickets, mealvorms Rainbow Mceworms,—$O0-777-9676 Clicker, mealorrs Riel Crcha: Fas So0-224568 Cake [Sohne Meare, $00-322-1100 Crickets, mealworms Top Hat Cricket 800-638-2555 Crickets, means, waswerms Topline Wheel Dis, Co, 888-922-0464 Worms roaches ices Cheometax 800-788-5781 candescent eat 5 ney SivrsUntmited 310-851-8999 UV cal lamp Pak Fe 300-735-8537 Incandescent eat ener ie 300-689-5826 Fhorecent Vite Lite, incandescent, basking, heat Ris Sale USA s00-s21-ssi9 UV ging Neswe' 7 800-782-3766 UV heat mp Rex Pe pes Pro 800-991-TREX UV heat lamp 320 ERESIDINIED sete sare of sits a tr come protesfo icone) TIGHTS net) wild oid Tssm0s2 UW het inp Zoo Met 866-096-6633 Foren Repti or 805-512-9988 guna Ligh ah HEATING DEVICES Faker arms sn0-735-4597 Underage eaters Helix Controls 619-566-8335 a Theoret frp tape Tempesti ool The Bean Farm 425-861-7968 Zoo Med 58-96-6655, Day pl al em dept oy Nata fans weed eye Se a oy ll aa —az! cpuccofsbe AVMA panel on ethan, JA Ft Mol Aone 22283 bin 209.19 cohuon ER, Raskin RE. 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Proc ec Rep fee An Zoo Vet 7A ets vad a bles * Dosage psi 7 mala IV 92a 7 mg/g IM a" 10 mg/kg IM g12n* 10 mg/kg SC, IM gBh x 10-15 mg/g IM gaa” 10-15 mg/kg IM gt2h”?* 1015 mg/g IM IV ae iaee 10-20 mg/kg IM, 1V 92 5 mg/g IM 2H? 5 mg/h V gh 2 fy de 20 mg/h SCAM LV 5-20 g/kg IM ees 15-30 mpg IM | | 20 mg/kg IM qi2h! | 20 mgaag IM gah's* | 8 gy inking water ‘Least nephrotic of the smninoghcosides™ active une gram-negative bacteria including Prendomonay, and am- postive bacteria inclading Staplccuand Sepa, ‘maintain hydeaton ring wee Ema/PD, mean sera levels declined below a uret wough tA gf at 24 he Ostrichev PD, ii nfl injetion Coes Ring-necked pheasantuPD teal caiomis spear ic acid levee abnoemal Amnon parrots, cckatily ‘cockatoPD. ‘Mos pies incuding pstadne Alcan grey paot/PD Bhse-fronted Amazon parotwPD. Blve-ffonted Amazon parow/PD Red-iledhawka/PD; we low cof dove range forsale Passerines pigeons days | CocatietwPD Most species, ncading psserines/sein combination with other agente for Myrhacriao see Appendix 2 Osriches(hicke/adminiter ‘concurrent with pperclin 10 maf 4128). (Chicken PD Rastesgs dip 136 EEIERETY nit gots sin cot) agents vd a (cn) got aaa = pe a2 wk with i effcs™™ monitor Liney and ver with fong-ferm sea wells fr Yeast overgrowth Ostiches | reat homed owis/ekin gratis renin conjunction with fneofiomacn Pritcines, raptors Mort species, 7-10 day course recommended for rps with Mest species inching sitacines, passerines raptors, Pigeons, ul Cheeridiam Painacnes 46 EERE) soir agro (cont) Agent Clindamyin (Antirobe, Upjaha Gone) (Lamprene, Ciba Geneva) 150 mgykg PO gash 200 mg/L. inking T5 malig PO, pix inenno 6 mg/g PO 12h | 6-12 mgkg PO qoah'** Piece pond Myre in combination with othe Gee Appendie 42) Mort specie My in combination with (Gee Appendix 42) Gloaaiia (Closagen, Sethe Beecham, epipen, Bristol Otbesin, Beecham) 100-200 mg/kg IM. aaa 250 mg/kg PO g2ah™* 250 mg/kg PO 41h x T0 da gram-positive npn ‘ommended nde te OF podoermatie Most species, Mort species Raptors ‘Cyanine Seromyein, Lilly) Danoflwin mewlate (A180, ize) Dawatne | (Vibearmycin, Piser) Snag PO. gia Tah 3Dmat™ 5 mg/l PO, IM fatale 50 min dining ater 3 dye TO Rapior’ Riya combination with other (Gee Appendix 42) Fhoorepincone: ool for une nfo prodicing inthe United Stares™ Hyacinth mica, chi (chickens) higher thet cay of water medical Seetieacts opel Sinolowacin can be soem given 3 g/g Chicken chica Mp 1 Drag of choice for Cilamg hits Mysto produc Foods containing Al, Ca Feredace o aes absorp though domeline haa ‘ek ain for ea Winding” pepo 5 PO qi? 24h resied ine fons in AST and ser bil aswel as hepatcelaars inlokect™® sages eda Bs con) aS mg PO aa” wee0 mfg FO 5-25 mg/g PO 42h | 25 gig PO gt2h™ 50 mig PO, ompgro wa?" |soimpng PO 12 ‘omg ing 150 mg/L drinking 200 mg sinking 250 mg/L dining 265-525 mg/L denking 280 mg/l inking Sin mg/L inking deinking 800 me. daking seater (ie dhe contents OF 16-100 mg cpmaes | with 21 water make Veh di Specles/Conments atts Pasernes nectar Feder, pigeon PI, administer without Waterfowl Pigeon Pigeons/PD Pains sptorlome gram gate bata nfetons and pity Lewacizson Most spies ncading parts (Acme pas, Aaron frutoocoatoot macaw) nd pigeons nay se eg ange for maces coskaoon™ Pigeons PD: 5. oes Waterton Chickens/PD Peinaines Pigeons Poutry/ Mopar, Hrarmoptils cane Combination with sos Cockatiels see Append 38 for recipe Prinacies, pigeons/PD Soo Frit dove PD erate drug concentrations (although most Find cached or exceeded herpetic drug evel some bide dd no) |Acan grey patots, Gis corktoow PD protect ‘Shion fom exposure wo Hight 148 EDIRRET tioicrotit agents vse n vids." (om 4) At Dogan (Vibramyn, Pree (contd) Daogeine | (Vibravens, Phe Dapeng — (Pharmacie compounded micronined ogeyetne hye) omge 500 mg/g fod wot weg eed" 1000 mg/g fea*204 25-50 kg IM 95-74 60-100 mg/kg SC, IM =78 mgfke IM q7dc-6 wi 100 mg SC, IM 95-74 x7 dove ]75-100 mgiig IM g™ 250-300 mg ced Waterfowl, bodega Cockatiel PD, see A farecipe Lange peitasines on seed PD) acai og ‘rae, lange pati ‘eed CO mg/l orp 25% kidney beann 20% ‘com, 29% cooked dee urea cee) Not walabiein Unie vrithout writen pe Food and Dig Adi Pitan Piracins, pigeons/PD Macaw, waterfowl Preis incoding budgerigar Hubs busta; Chomp oskatoos/anetotal sudden death with comp produc: madeqnate diag ‘hieved in cocktele a smal IM god Donotine yas Injection, ize) Dagaeline (Donirobe Gel Pharmacia) Enolioain | (Bayer, Bayo) 25-50 mg/g soe bus WV quihsed dae 75-100 mg/kg IM, SC 7s" Cardinale alpen ned withthe propylene Pairacnes PigconsPD Mor specievappy wo bale or podoermatts ions tein conjuction with, Aetidement antibiotic i ‘compounds comtarning C4 Mg, Ze inertee with abort sed ison) Dosage g/g V gh 5 ml SC, IM gla" 5 m/kg PO, IM qi2-24h 5 mg/kg IM ai2hx 2daye™ 5 mg/kglday POXS 5-10) my/4g SC, IM Senet? 5-10 mg/kg PO gsi 5-15 mgr PO, SC; IM SABER 5-20 mg/kg PO gl2-24h x5-10 dae 10 mg/kg PO a2” 10 mg/kg BO q2h Saige 10-15 mpg PQ, IM gdh 7 day Speles/ Comments ‘Administrgjon may be associated fxith emenis= given cally the TM formation produces thea pest plasma concention IM formulation i enema a alin (pin) an should not be ven sepeately in gener, oid Haein bids sin deformities reported ‘qu chondeoyres with 200-800, mg/L. drinking water": howeve “hoflonacin has ber eomponly ‘ed atthe reornmende dosages vrthout eport of a Fees yo detcted fect on cartlage in day-old chic Acdsninrtion ofthe total daily done to chickens over 2-4 he {pale doing) bas been eommended by sme Rastes Ennu/PD; based on rests of the stay, enrflanacin could be administered parenterally q12 Cockatiel Afican rey pao Rates CChickensPD accumulates in Aan grey pao Pasernes, pigeons (PD) Raptors, ptacnes, pigeons! ‘phineriam | Figcons Cockati Chickeow PDs high enc for intestinal salmonellos Rapes, watering Muncy, Pekin dings! Rimerls Pacers) 150 tino agents wud incon) Agent “Enroflowcin Baye, Baye?) (cont) Dosnee 10-20,mgkg PO quate 15 mg/g PO quth® 15 egg PO gt2h™* 15 mglsg PO, IM, IV quan 15 mg PO, SC ane 15.30g/ke PO, IM an ggagPO. scm 20:30 mee PO aaa 25 my PO, SC er 30 mg/g PO, IM eae 1 mg/g PO go 50 gfe ay 1 ANvthn25 gig Thalys a 25-50 mg/L drinking 50-10) mg/L inking 100-200 mg/L. inking 20 gl ig 190-750 mg/L dink [amg tiie 2 mg/L dining watee™ spate Pasetnes,paittacins pageons PD) Pian Ostrich hk, pigeons (adiiniseton oad led to therapeutic levels ig op mill) Raptor/PD; 1V ads int ay elt in tachneudi,eocont Most species Aican grey parrow/PD Pgoon/adisiter pare folomes by orl eaten Figsons Exponent Pairacines Pigeons ‘Musso, Pekin duckling Riemer (Pacer) Czas (andl i no salient plasms levels Galiornes Chicken, stkay/PD Garebirds Psieacne,pigcons/PD ced up 30 g/L. ‘ecutence of infection it Psivacnes PD, main concenetions adeqtate Highly suscep baste Afican grey pacr/PD Canaies — agents eed ns (am) Dosage Spaie/Commnts aot Fess foes ‘ous (epih, Ao Exyycin 100, Bene 500 mg/L dnking | 200 mg/g fea 250 me fe 250-1000 maf fet pa | 500 mg/kg fee! 1000 mg/h feed (12 mgt sling ash ah 10 days 5-10 mg/l PO gf 10-20 mg/kg IM 2a 10-20 mg/kg PO a 28° 50-100 grkg PO ein 55-110 mel PO gl 60 greg PO gi 7 ng/g PO 2th" 100 agrkg PO" 25 mg/L inking 125 agg PO gS 10 mg/L drinking 132 m/l inking water 10 day on 5 day off 10days on™ 0-500 mg/L. drinking 00 mg/L drinking Paicines Canaries Badgerigar/PD Pacines, pase sian, ncading Patagonian comute/PD) mix int steamed ‘om diet Senegal parots/PD; mix into steamed earn det Raptorvnaa ash Macaca pave spectmamy sme act agaist Myopia" IM injection ay ‘severe mule neon Rattes Prinasnes Poultry Myeoplaom, Hlaemepier Mort species Pigeon/PD;$. bovis PigeonsPDS lw plasma lees Tout higher ng and trace eels anaes Chisks/PD Mort species, inhuding canaries Pigeons/PD: 8 bre plana eel low on study reported that hung and ache levels were Vebherpe 12 TENURED serbia gets use nda (eant) ent Engthromyeia (Enthvocn, Abbott, Enynysi 100, Bites) ont) roflonain development) esaen 1500 mg/L inking 200 mg/kg sof fed aD mae Mont species, Peis —Poul/anstacera Fiharbutl yam Ledele) Fiodowlia (humo, Robs Fluide, Aone) Prague Bioek, Amac 10 mg/kg PO gi2h"* 15-30 mg/kg PO gion 20 mg PO, IM ene 15-20 mgfkg PO gl2hx 0 mage PO paket Montspeseih in combination with oth (Gee Appendix 42) Most pie Piacines, raptor! My Pasetine Mycobacterium Dosage 25 mg IM gS" 10 mgr IM 128 5 me/lg IM gh?" 5 ogg IM gt2h*™ 5-10 mg/kg IM g8-12b" 5-10 mg/g IM gh* 10 mg IM goh?™™ 40 gg PO 48-246" | 2-3 dope ophthalmic ‘chution ineanaal gS tio agents wedi irs. (cont) Sreles/Commots Reptons/PD Paseines PPheasans mus (PD), cranes (D) Osrches,emu/PD; aly laminated small volume of Alston (Corkaiel/PD Pigeon/PDs uae Passerne/intestinl infections renclla ‘Most specier Toad (oni Danses) Most pees Myeohateriam Penling active aga tram: posiive bacteria: m0 Seale in the Unite ror muscloskletal Quinolone; nor aval ng/kg PO Sits 30 mgfig PO 42h owe pee Macriam wih other dg ce Append [Dh peace ai en develope reer Most species, inciading Mo United Snes may cae — (Kanes, Passerines, pigeons (PD) ee INFI80, Hes and Ch) Ssherng) 15-20 mg/g PO 4p 100-200 mg/L. desking 200 gag foe 908 mg/g fod 220-440 ang fee 1-2 mg/g IM gBh™ Nivefiran de in food-producing birds wear 5 dag! Aminogheosde Mest ses inching ppaesines ome fection ‘Mot apeicw/mk eth daily fie carcinogen prope thereat acon the gstointeinl act Tiong incon Upjo) Canaries anaes Pigeon/Sahmonlls Wate Seton TRninog onde; aoe recomended ay nephrons ad ‘should! oe wel raed Rastes (exch em ony as ast est 25-50 mg/kg PO gh2h™ 35-50 mg/kg PO 50-75 mpg PO, IM lah x 7d day 100 gig PO gzah™ 100 mg/kg TM gh2h"* arn hx 100-200 mg/L. drinking 2000 mg/l. drnking Gram posi spectra id cated for pododermatti, chronic emai, and myeoplannose Peiacnes, peor! poder, tomy Rapeors Pigeons Waerinl/ Paster, | rycopitma enorynoviis 154 EERE ceticroitagonte usd i eae’) amt Lincomyein (Licocin, Usha) one) TTincomei | GS-50 Wate Soluble Linco Spectn 100 Soluble Poder, Upjohn) Dosage (0.25-05 mi inte arcu 2th 7-0 day Topical 50 mg PO qpah"™ 528 mg/L deinking water Fat 5 day fe ( me/. drinking water 3-7 day Yeap inking wate x i0-14 da” 25.5.0 mglchick IP” {socio Rapeors Misture of incompen ( ri and obramyein tendon shew iletve aint grams ctl MB q | Mow species Turkeys/PD: Mop Wore Mon speies/ing sl powder 16.7 gleam 583g apecinomyin powder " Chicken chicks PD: ay Elf Sapa infection: nec abe fo crab in United Stata Murbotloacn (Muboo, Univer Zeniqui, Prize) TMeropenen (Mere, Abo Mesoniaeale (Pag, Seale) 2 gig PO gra 25-5.0 mg/kg PO 24h" S mg/g PO 24h 10 mg/kg IM g24h x 2adaye 10-30 mg/g PO 92h for ase in fod produ inthe United States versely aflest malt BoserchickenvPD Blue and gold macaw/PD, Mortspeces peor, busta tee mprotend duu _ iNeoeven ene agent unr 08) Donne gO AST 15 mg/kg PO gl2h*™ 10 mg es | 100 mgke Ret ap pt Speces/Comments ‘Mos pees, inclading rap, Amazon parts, ockatoo anaerbie and hemoxehagic [Pandit fod conmaning Cay Ai, Mg, Fe reduce or al shuoption; outdated tact ienephormse Reprors/some anaerobes Pacakeew/ase a antiotie impeegnated ile | Pouly/macoide; wer develop ments ake eepartion fies day —Frinngheoide/aot absorbed Sapte AG. | 5.20 g/g IM a2 Scent Salle Po Agila eos 525 Newtian (Nrofor, Pharn ¢ zat Kets Nias Aspe 25 | 10 merg PO gash? ee, | 10 mg PO gS-12h 80-100 mL dnking, 80-264 mall inking Sale Powe Prenat 126 aL dking water® tarde Topical é-124° 26 mL drinking water day 50-200 mg feed x 5-7 an p ftom astrointestinal text Rapeorstore if ovedoned Pastesincs Mort species Goalermes ‘Waterfowl, gliformes Garis, norozing ener Mot speciewnuperfcial wounds over ith bande: may Be ab fonbed satel nd may ease Semi and wpa ee banned in pouley wed fe human onsunption because of 8s ‘secinogenic properties Galitoemes Galfrmes Chri, Suimeneia Sytem wa tanned a fod prodacing birds because of ca nogeni proper" may be eputotonsy aod eo edace dnage in hot weather donot we Vin inches or pigeone™=>™ 156 EEIUREE tii gets wot re cnt) iii agents use es con Jo eine (NEZ92, Hes Cla Nitrafuraone, Aspe) (contd) ‘Norfloacia (Noworn, Merck Verna 20% (Oral Solution, Liver Led) 06 mg/L dking water 35 mg/lg PO «lh 8 mg/kg FO gph” 10 mgfkg PO gah?” 10 mg/kg PO g6-8h” 15 mglg inv aah 20-40 meg PO aaah x Saye £00 mg/L drinking water 125 mg/l inking water xs day Lae eeu al Mest spesics, Taoroqulnolone; 003 Fore in feal prodcing United State adi ing) has ben fecomme Rates CChickens/PD Chickens, geesePD Turkeys/PD Tutkey/PD; once-peray losing wat roe fi ‘omtous ong ihe Chickens Chickens PD Chickens Nowiiorn | 1550 mal PO AN Tum Camis, | 299,305 ng feo™™* Pharmacia Se Upjohn) Pasley Poultry, waterfowl ‘Oleandomyae thou Matra, [25 mg/g IM gah" Romi Pier e 50 greg PO a2 Ormeroptn Sulfate (Prince, Plier Rofenaid 0, Hotrman-La Roche) 6 mghhg PO gt2h 475-951 mall. dining svar 7-10 days 200-800 mg feed acaide cok alae ied Sea Pasernes Pacers Sex sulfonamides Pigeons Waterfall Oxpcmacelne (iguana, A200, Teermyin Soluble Powder, Phze) Penis = Preaine (Bere Pe Ti aiinsuaion may Ae ition neo {bell etn Cl fowl cholera produc Containing A, Ce, Me, Fe emacs tte eater absorptions VSetne sephora Dosage S mete SC, IM aay 5 mg/h IM gah 10 mg/g IM giat™ 1)" | 15.50 mg/kg $C, IM 1a-aahe 16 mfg IM gaa” 23 mag 1V go 55-7 dye" $3 gag IM gph 48 mg IM gi8e™ 50 mg/kg IM 4248 x5-7 50 mg/g PO 50-100 me uae 50-200 mg/kg IM gS 58 mg/g IM qh" 0g IM gh 130-409 mg inking 200 agg IM gt 300 gh sft feed x 650-2000 mel inking seater 5-18 days™ 0 og/L- drinking water, nd 2500 agin" sonora | 200 mg/h IM gash SO mg/kg PO, IM gh Species/Commets Chicken cick/PD atts Rattes Great homed owl/PD Phexant/PD Raptors PhessantyPD Paeacines Pigeons Gof’ cockatoos, bv and god ato (PD), passerines | Rape Amazon pcrotsPD Pigeons 100 g Pigeons Mos esis ncn sw Pastures (Chickens (PD), srkeys (PD), vetefoub simultaneous medica ‘Sono es and woter required reach therapeu level | Water Bria, new duck Anecdotal reports wage procaine penn should not be thd in det eg BW becouse ‘fp toc ee Mort species 158 ETNRET ftir! agents used in birt (et ast ca raise, Pesiilin procaine Trenctia Prossne Swithkline) Pipenilin | (perc Lee) a 6 mg/kg" 100 mg/kg IM g2- sah"? 25 mgleg MO 100 mg/kg IM gece 100 rig IM 12h" 100 gg IM 2h" 100 gg IM IY 100 mg/g IM ah 100-200 mg/g IM, 1V eed 200 mg/kg IM gst 200 mg/g MTV asa (0.02 ma (4 ma) in mace fey 0.01 a mg) 8 nll ge Specie Ostriches,emas/PD a ttiminted all volume gt Alston | Roesioal spe al poctine pein dei Tose in bid kg BE sper rx (oe fcr) cme hal ‘anus e caw Tarkey/PD Tnendal pon fe ethbad Sper 2 geameaceve ni So Snack pall irclaling PesoenaP rei an commensal ‘abl in ned Si linac Tied sealable” Rates Chik < m0 of Amazon parrots PainacnesPD Onis chick) oncurent amas G mgvke IM 42h) Pigeons ptr cranes Red-aled hawks, great one Most species inlding pitacine Badgesigars (PD), rapt Ment species inlading panerines Egelinjct 200 mg/m into air all on days 14 and 2 siynin B Sule, Roerig) Poipepiide anaiions agin most game ceri; potently sii dye eects on the rel reurologc eters" gg it es tn oc |
30 days) Most speci, icing pritacnes,eopony/ Sars ret fora ast 6 wy coca MEA PO gtd hen Raptors watertosciia Canaries Poplar ge

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