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Top 10 Interesting Fun Facts about

January 10, 2015 Basketball, history, Top 10

Basketball is a popular game in the world. In Basketball there needs two teams of players. If you
wants play this game you will need a rectangular field, and a basket or hoop is available to put
the ball in the basket or hoop so try to shoot as many balls through the hoop through the game.

The game was invented by a physical teacher in 1891 Springfield College in Springfield,
Massachusetts which is situated in the United States. The creator was Dr. James Naismith, a
Canadian who is trying to create a game for students during the long winter to keep active.

Also Read: Top 10 best Basketball players in history

Top 20 interesting facts about Michael Jordan

A basket of peaches was the first basketball net to 1906 and the first ball was a football. The first
official game of basketball played in 1892 with nine players. It rose to five in the 1898th.

Interesting Fun Facts about Basketball

Basketball games have much information and the information is very important to learn basket
ball. We all know basketball is one of the famous games all over the world, so all people like to
play this game. Even people who are not a professional basketball player, but they like to make
this game as part of their lives.
Basketball facts ; image credit

Here are some facts about basketball, you can learn more about basketball and these are very

# Fact 1: Creation of Basketball

First fact about basketball is all about its creator. James Naismith is the inventor of basketball, he
is a Canadian and an American professor at a YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1891. The
reason of creation of basketball is to play this game in winter and spent the winter perfectly.

James Naismith dedicated little push to molding the advancement of the amusement he
imagined, in spite of the fact that he used 10 years as the University of Kansas establishing ball
mentor, losing a larger number of recreations than he won.

James Naismith ; image credit

Today the sports heading noteworthy association, the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of
Fame in Springfield, Mass., stands not a long way from where the first peach wicker container
were nailed up.

Interesting Point: The creator of Basketball lost more basketball games than he won!

Also Read: Top 10 best looking Basketball players in 2015

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# Fact 2: Idea of Throwing Balls

Generally the sport is playing in a well designed fiend and players put the ball on the floor in
front of them and throw it in a basket. And the idea of throwing the ball in the air came from the
director of the YMCA in Herkimer, New York and his name is Will G Lambert.

Lambert had sorted out the first group, the first alliance, and hed institutionalized the b-ball
court. He supplanted the prescription ball with a ricochet capable rugby ball, and players started
to immaculate the specialty of spilling.

The peach wicker container he supplanted with a metal loop fashioned by the Herkimer smithy,
however it was hard to tell whether a ball had really experienced the circle.

Interesting Point: The Bottom of the basket was cut by Will G Lambert and he is known as the
inventor of modern Basketball.

Also Read: Top scoring leaders in Basketball all time history

Top 10 famous NBA players of all time

# Fact 3: Basketball as National Game

Basketball is the national sport in Lithuania and Georgia.

Interesting Point: In Lithuania, was used as the national sport of ice hockey during the winter.

# Fact 4: Famous Areas of Playing Basketball

Springfield, Massachusetts is famous place to playing basketball.

Interesting Point: It is the birth place of James Naismith

# Fact 5: Color of Basketball

At first, the color of basketball was brown, but its color becomes Orange later. Stand out shade is
utilized at once, and, contingent upon the outline, numerous silk screenings may be expected to
color the six boards with all the colors on the ball.

Basketball ; image credit

Interesting Point: During the time of producing basketball. Only one color is used at a time!

Also read: Top 10 best Basketball movies in Hollywood

# Fact 6: First Basketball Game

Until World War II, ball got to be progressively prominent in the United States particularly at the
secondary school and school levels. After World War II, its prominence developed far and wide.
In the 1980s, enthusiasm toward the diversion really blasted as a result of TV presentation.

Interesting Point: The first modern game of basketball was held on January 20th in the year of
1982, the court was half as large as the court today and was scored during the match point.
Also Read: Top 10 most interesting facts about LeBron James

# Fact 7: The Loop of Basketball

B-ball fashioners are continually attempting to enhance the item and fabricate a finer b-ball.
Opening in-One ball is invented by Marvin Palmquist to enhance a players hold; the ball has
dimples, much like a golf ball, and can be effectively palmed Michael Jordan-style by the players
with littler than-Jordan hands.

Interesting Point: The first hoop was like a peach basket with a base, and all time a team wants
to do score and the referee can a ladder to climb to get to the ball.

Also Read: Top 10 most paid Basketball players in 2014-2015

# Fact 8: Popular Basketball Coach

Present Atlanta Hawks coach Lenny Wilkens has won many basketball games than any other
coach.This is of course one of the most interesting fun facts about Basketball.
Lenny Wilkens ; image credit

# Fact 9: Soccer ball as Basketball!

A soccer ball was utilized to play b-ball. The principal ball was fabricated in 1894. It was 32 in
(81 cm) in circuit, or around 4 in (10 cm) bigger than a soccer ball.

Interesting Point: From 1891 through 1893, there was nothing like modern basketball!

# Fact 10: Injuries in Basketball

In 2011, there were 249.650 basketball player injuries 12-17 years in the United States, that they
are treated in hospital emergency rooms.

Interesting Point: After Basketball, Football is the only sport with more damage.

Also Read: Top 10 highest paid soccer players in history

Top 10 most rich soccer clubs in the world

Top earning athletes in the world 2014-2015

Bottom Line: Basketball deals have raised significantly with the sports notoriety. Figures from
1998 demonstrate that 3.6 million balls were sold in the United States alone for an aggregate of
about $60 million.

Given the record number of TV viewers for the 1999-2000 NBA Championships, numerous folks
and youngsters are prone to buy balls to test their own particular hammer dunking aptitudes.
Support in the game and offer of the hints of Basketball will grow day by day.

Teaching America's Kids a Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds

Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United State. In 2004, more
than 9 million children and adolescents ages six to 19 were considered overweight. The
Department of Health and Human Services estimates that by 2010, 20% of children in the
U.S. will be obese. Some experts claim that by 2015, as these children are growing up,
75% of adults will be overweight with 41% obese. The estimated annual cost of overweight
and obesity in 2002 was $117 billion. These health care costs cannot be sustained.

A decline in physical activity has contributed to the unprecedented epidemic of childhood

obesity. One important way to address this decline is through strong physical education
programs in our nation's schools. To arrest the rise in obesity, children must be physically
active during the school day and learn about keeping healthy through exercise and eating a
balanced diet.
Research shows that healthy children learn more effectively and achieve more
academically. If the lessons of lifetime physical activity and healthy food and beverage
choices are modeled at home and reinforced in school, children will have the optimal
foundation for healthy living.


Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, diabetes, and early
death. However, children are currently not getting enough physical activity to counter the
obesity epidemic.

In 2005, the Government Accountability Office released a report discussing key

strategies to include in programs designed to target childhood obesity. Experts
agreed "increasing physical activity" was the most important component of any such

National recommendations are that children engage in at least 60 minutes of physical

activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Because half their day is spent in
school, they should get 30 minutes of exercise time during the school day.

There is strong public support for more physical education in schools: 81% of adults
believe daily physical education should be mandatory. However, a recent report
revealed that physical education time has declined across many school districts since
the No Child Left Behind Act took effect in 2002.

Only 3.8% of elementary, 7.9% of middle, and 2.1% of high schools provide daily
physical education or its equivalent for the entire school year. Twenty-two percent of
schools do not require students to take any physical education at all.

Only 27% of schools require health education in grade six, 10% in grade nine,
and 2% in grade 12. Children are not receiving comprehensive education on living a
healthy life.

A comprehensive community-based intervention that increased opportunities for

physical activity before during, and after school successfully reversed obesity in

Normal-weight adolescents have a significantly lower risk than overweight

adolescents of developing and dying from coronary heart disease in adulthood.


Physically active and educated children are more likely to thrive academically and socially.
Through effective physical education, children learn how to incorporate safe and healthy
activities into their lives. Physical education is an integral part of developing the "whole"
child in social settings and the learning environment.

Evidence suggests that physical activity has a positive impact on cognitive ability,
tobacco use, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Normal-weight children also have
lower rates of school absenteeism than obese children.
Recent studies have found a strong correlation between aerobic fitness and academic
performance as measured by grades in core subjects and standardized test scores.

Several large-scale studies found improvements in students' academic performance

with increased time spent in physical education. Children who spent time in physical
education in place of a classroom activity performed no worse academically than
students not enrolled in physical education

Research suggests that exercise may help brain cells regenerate in adults.


The quality of a school's physical education classes is as important as their frequency if

children are to reap the full benefits of regular physical activity. Quality programs based on
national and state standards that provide professional development, adequate resources,
and sufficient space for physical education and activities are key to this effort.

Principals and physical education teachers need adequate resources to do their jobs
at a high level. Just as reading, math, and science teachers get the professional
development they need, physical education teachers require support.

Schools need adequate space and facilities to conduct supervised, structured physical
activity and physical education.


AHA strongly advocates for daily, quality physical education in our nation's schools, together
with other healthy lifestyle choices. It is an important part of a student's educational
program and a way to improve lifelong health, well-being, and academic success. AHA
supports the Fitness Integrated with Teaching Kids Act (FIT Kids Act), which would:

Hold schools accountable for providing students with high quality physical education
and activity every day.

Involve parents in keeping children healthy and active.

Provide physical education teachers with the professional development and support
they need to boost their students' abilities to learn.

Fund research to support effective ways to combat childhood obesity and improve
the overall health and well being of children.

10 facts about physical activity - World Health Organization

1. Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality,

2. Regular physical activity helps to maintain a healthy body,

3. Physical activity should not be mistaken for sport,

4. Both moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity bring health benefits,

5. People aged 5-17 years old should exercice 60min per day at least,

6. People aged 18-64 years old should exercice at least 150 min per week at least, each of the
session lasting 10 min as a minimum,

7. People aged 65 and beyond should exercice at least 150 min per week and specifically work
on balance and preventing falls. The more can be done, the better,

8. These recommendations are relevant to all healthy adults,

9. Doing some physical activity is better than doing none,

10. Supportive environments and communities may help people to be more physically active.

In the opening procession of the Olympics, the team representing the host nation always marches

Arnold Palmer was the first player to win $1 million on the PGA Tour.

The name of the popular sports drink Gatorade was named for the University of Florida Gators
where it was developed.
The ancient Greeks awarded celery to winners of sports events.

On average, 42,000 balls are used and 650 matches are played at the annual Wimbledon tennis

In the game of craps, the slang term "Little Phoebe" refers to a roll of 5 on the dice.

Left-handed people are better at sports that require good spatial judgment and fast reaction,
compared to right-handed individuals.

Soccer legend Pele's real name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento.

No high jumper has ever been able to stay off the ground for more than one second.

The national sport of Japan is sumo wrestling.

Racecar driver Lee Petty once left a pitstop and did a full lap with a pit crew member still on the

Soccer gave us the term "melee." It means a "confused mass".

Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, once pinned an opponent using only a single finger.

Tiger Woods is the first athlete to have been named "Sportsman of the Year" by magazine Sports
Illustrated two times.

According to manufacturer Spalding, the average lifespan of an NBA basketball is 10,000


The average height of an NBA basketball player is 6 feet 7 inches.

A pro volleyball player can spike the ball at 80 miles per hour.

Three consecutive strikes in bowling is called a turkey.

Sharunas Marchulenis was the first Soviet basketball player to join the NBA.

Unusual, unique, and uncommon facts about

a diversity of subjects:
Trivia about games and sports

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(56 facts)
A perfect game in baseball is one in which the same player
pitches the entire game without allowing any player of the
opposing team to reach first base -- by any means.

At Jack Russell Stadium in Clearwater, Florida, on June 26,

1985, organist Wilbur Snapp played "Three Blind Mice"
following a call by umpire Keith O'Connor. The umpire was
not amused, and saw to it that Mr. Snapp was ejected from the

Babe Ruth hit his first major-league home run on May 6,

1915. He was playing for the Boston Red Sox at the time.
'The Sultan of Swat' went on to smash 714 round-trippers
before he retired, from the Boston Braves, in 1935.

Baseball rules were codified in 1846 by Alexander Cartwright

of the Knickerbocker Baseball Club.

Baseball's National League was born in 1876. Eight

competing baseball teams met in New York City's Grand
Central Hotel. The first president of the new league was
Morgan Gardner Bulkeley, who later became a US Senator.
The eight original cities with teams were: Boston, Chicago,
Cincinnati, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Louisville and
Hartford. Two of the original teams are now in the American
League (Boston and New York) while Louisville and Hartford
are now minor-league baseball towns.

Baseball's home plate is 17 inches wide.

Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith. He set

out to invent a game to occupy students between the football
and baseball seasons.

Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king

from history: Spades - King David, Clubs - Alexander the
Great, Hearts - Charlemagne, Diamonds - Julius Caesar.

Eddie Arcaro, one of the greatest jockeys in horse race

history, rode 250 losers before he won his first race.
Ultimately, Arcaro won 4,779 races - including five Derby
winners, six in the Preakness, and six in the Belmont Stakes,
on such famous horses as Whirlaway, Citation, and Kelso.

Golfers use an estimated $800 million worth of golf balls


In 1905, 18 men died from injuries sustained on the football

field. President Theodore Roosevelt stepped in and instituted
safety measures to make the game safer.

In 1970, 127 runners ran the NY Marathon. In 1998, 32,000


In a typical season major league baseball will require 4,800

ash trees worth of Louisville sluggers.

In playing poker, there is one chance in 500 of drawing a


Olympic badminton rules say that the bird has to have exactly
fourteen feathers.

On February 6, 1971 the first golf ball was hit on the moon by
Alan Shepard.

Parker Brothers was founded by George Swinerton Parker,

18, in 1885. The first game produced was 'Banking,' in which
the player who amasses the most wealth is the winner.

Pitcher Joe Nuxhall of the Cincinnati Reds hurled his first

major-league game in 1944. Nuxhall, the youngest pitcher in
major league baseball, was only 15 years, 10 months and 11
days old when he pitched that game against the St. Louis

Poland's Stella Walsh (Stanislawa Walasiewicz)-won the

women's 100-meter race at the 1932 Olympics in Los
Angeles, becoming the first woman to break the 12-second
barrier. When she was killed in 1980 as an innocent victim in
a robbery attempt, an autopsy declared her to be a male.

Sir Barton won the Belmont Stakes in New York in 1919, to

become the first horse to capture the Triple Crown. This was
the first time that the Belmont Stakes had been run as part of
thoroughbred racing's most prestigious trio of events. Sir
Barton had already won the first two jewels of the Triple
Crown -- the Kentucky Derby in Louisville, Kentucky and the
Preakness Stakes in Maryland.

The 'huddle' in football was formed due to a deaf football

player who used sign language to communicate and his team
didn't want the opposition to see the signals he used and in
turn huddled around him.

The annual White House Easter egg-roll was started by

President Hayes in 1878.

The dimensions of a regulation football field are: 360 feet

long and 160 feet wide.

The distance between the pitcher's rubber and home plate in

baseball is 60 feet, 6 inches.

The first Rose Bowl game was held in 1902 in Pasadena,

California. The University of Michigan beat Sanford 49-0.

The first black player in the American League was Larry

Doby with the Cleveland Indians in 1947.

The first cover of "Sports Illustrated," in 1954, showed

National League umpire, Augie Donatelli, behind the plate
with two major-league stars: catcher Wes Westrum, and batter
Eddie Matthews.

First Instant Replay was used during Army Navy Football

Game at Municipal Stadium Philadelphia on December 7,
1963, invented by Tony Verna (CBS Director.)

The first Kentucky Derby was run at Churchill Downs in

1875 with Aristides as winner.

The first NBA player to score 38,000 points was Kareem

Abdul-Jabar in 1989.

The first pick (by Eagles) in the first NFL draft in 1935, was
Jay Berwanger from the University of Chicago. He never
played in the league
The first players elected to Baseball Hall of Fame were Ty
Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson &
Walter Johnson in 1936.

The first professional football team to sport an insignia on

their helmets was the Los Angeles Rams in 1950, who hand
painted yellow horns on their blue leather helmets.

The first Soccer World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930 and
attracted 13 competing countries.

The first triple jump in figure skating competition was

performed by Dick Button in 1952.

The first Wimbledon Tennis Competition took place in 1877

solely as an amateur competition. Men's singles was the only
event that took place. There were 22 competitors and the
championship was won by Spencer Gore.

The Four Horsemen of the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame

played together for the last time in 1925, as the Irish downed
Stanford in the Rose Bowl, 27-10. The Four Horsemen were
Jim Crowley, Elmer Layden, Don Miller and Harry

The game of volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G.


The high jump method of jumping head first and landing on

the back is called the Fosbury Flop.

The largest baseball card collection, 200,000 cards, is in the

Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The modern Olympic Games were held in the first time in

1896 at Athens and were then followed by the 1900 Paris
games. The winter games were added in 1924.

The oiuja board was invented by Isaac and William Fuld, and
was patented July 1, 1892.

The Olympic Games were held in St. Louis, MO. In 1904, the
first time that the games were held in the United States.

The only father and son to hit back-to-back home runs in a

major league baseball game: Ken Griffey, Jr., and his father,
Ken Griffey, Sr., both of the Seattle Mariners in a game
against the California Angels on September 14th, 1990.

The Ouija board is named for the French and German words
for yes - oui and ja.

The world's first roller coaster opened in 1884 at Coney

Island, New York. It was designed by Lemarcus Thompson, a
former Sunday school teacher.

There are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different color

combinations possible on a Rubik's Cube.

The World Rubik Cube championship was held in Budapest

on June 5, 1982. Nineteen National Champions took part.
Minh Thai, the US Champion, won by solving the Cube in of
22.95 seconds. The world record, in competitive conditions,
grew progressively lower and now stands at 16.5 seconds.

There are 100 tiles in a 'Scrabble' crossword game.

There are 2,598,960 five-card hands possible in a 52-card

deck of cards.

There are nine rooms on a 'Clue' game board. A forfeited

baseball game is recorded as a 9-0 score.

Until 1967 it wasn't illegal for Olympic athletes to use drugs

to enhance their performance during competition.

Until the 1870s, baseball was played without the use of


When Henry Aaron hit his 715th Home Run, breaking Babe
Ruth's record, the pitcher who served it up was Al Downing
of the Los Angeles Dodgers. They were both wearing number

Wild Bill Hickok was killed playing poker, holding two pairs
- aces and eights, which has become known as 'Dead Man's

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