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JOHN MILNE The Black Cat Founding Er: Jn Mile The Macmillan Renders provide a choice of enjovable reading als for learners sf Enh The series published ats ele Starter, Beginner, Elementary, reintermedate, Intermedite sad Upper, Level contol Information structore and vocabulary ae controlled to suit the salen ably at each evel “The number of words at each levels Somer ahr 300 fase won Begianee shor €00 Fasc words Flew shout 100 be wo Preintermedinne [abou 400 baie won neermedioe about 1600 base work Upper aout 7200 base word Vocabulary Some dificult word an phrases inthis book are important for tuderstanding she story Some ofthese wont ze extn so the Story and some are shown in che pictues From Pre intermediate level upwards word are marked witha number like this. These swords are explained inthe Glosary a the end ofthe Book n 2 B ns 5 Contents Teroductory Nowe “The People in This Story Salahadin is Worried The Missing Box: ‘The Taxi Driver oat to Beirut The Black Cat In Beirut “The Road to Ba'albek Borkman’s Story Beirut to Athens ‘Salahadin finds Peterson Salahadin finds the Black Cat Death on The Syria Do Nor Disturb Return to Cairo ‘The End Points for Understanding 10 2 16 2 28 BL 34 7 39 2 6 51 55 8 3 a a i Introductory Note ‘The main character in this sory is called Salahaclin. He i fan inspector in the Egyptian police. His job isto protect Egyptian antiquities. An antiquity is something which is very old There are many antiquities in Egypt, Most of them are valuable. Many of them are in museums in. Caito oF in Europe. Bur there are many ethers which have not yet heen found. These antiquities are buried under the sands, in tombs oi pyramid ‘There are many archeologists working in Egypt. Archeo- they find re all these antiquities to the logists sty ancient cities and tombs. Sometin antiquities. They must Egyptian Goverment. But some archeologists try to keep them. Salahadin’s jb i to stop this happening Salahadin bas studied history at Caito University and at the Univesity of London, He has visited many muscu in (Cairo and in Europe The People in This Story ARCHEOLOGIST MURDERED Yesterday moming, an archeologist was found dead in a Cairo hotel. The archeologist was called Pearson. The police are making enquiries. Routes in this Story v reoon 7 L Salahadin is Worried alahadin was sitting in his office with his coat off. It was the month of May in Cairo and ie was very hot. Salahadin stood up and turned on the fan. He was a young man, only twenty-eight years ok, He was noc very tall and quite thin. His black haie was eut very shor. Salahadin’ office was i the centre of Cairo. It was in a large building behind the Nile Hotel. Ie was « smal of and Salahadin’s name was not on the doot. Not mat people knew that he was a detective. But he was not an ordinary detective. Inspector Salahadin protected all the antiquities of Egy. hadin was waiting for an archeologist called Mr Pearson. Pearson had been in Egype for six months. He had ‘been working ina valley in the south of Eaypr. Pearson had been looking for antiquities. He had come hack to Cairo a few days ago and was leaving Eeype soon, But Mr Pearson had not come to Salahadin's office Every archeologist had to see Salahadin before they left [Bgypt. Salahadin was worried. Pearson had not come yet Salahadin picked up the telephone and rang the number ‘of Pearson's hotel "Nile Hote, said a voice, ‘Can [help you? “Can I speak to the manager, please,’ said Salahadin. Salahadin waited fora few moments Then he heard the managers voice. "Can [help you said the manager. "Yes, replied Salahadin. ‘My name’ Salahadin EL Nur. 1m a police inspector. I want to speak to Me Pearson "Do you mean Mr Pearson, the archeologist? asked the replied Solabadin “Ym sorry. You can’t speak to Mr Pearson sit? said the manager. “Oh,’ said Salahadin in surprise. Why not” "Mr Pearson is dead replied the manager. ‘He was found ead in his oom this moming. Mr Pearson was murdered” 2 The Missing Box lahadin put on his coat and quickly left his office. It was much hotter outside in the street. A bot, dusty wind was owing between the tall buildings. Salahadin jumped inco a tax. The streets were full of cars and the taxi moved slowly. Te tooka long time to get to the Nile Hotel. A policeman was standing atthe door of the hotel "Pan sorry? said the police the hotel. Salahain showed the policeman his identity card an. ‘No one i allowed into ‘The policeman took Salahadin co his chief. Luckily Salahadin knew this officer. It was Inspector Ahmed, & school friend of Salahadin’ 2 Ahmed took Salahadin upstairs to Pearson's room. Pearson was lying on the hed. There was a knife in his chest ‘Why ate you interested in this man?” Ahmed asked Salahadin. ‘Do you know hisn” ‘His name is Pearson.’ replied Salahain. ‘Hes an archeologist. He was working in the south. He was leav Egypt soon and L wanted to see hit.” "Why was he murdered” Ahmed asked Salahadin. 1 don't know;' replied Salahadin, ‘There were some boxes standing against the wal. Salahadin pointed to them. "Perhaps theres something valuable in these boxes? sid Salshadin. “We must open ther Ames brought in two policemen and they started to open the boxes Salahadin looked carefully round the room. There were some papers on the table beside the bed. Saladin picked them up. There was a map under the papers. On the map. were the word, “Valley of Zar ‘These may be important, thought Salabadin, P'1 take them with me and look at them later. Salahadlin folded the papers and the map and put them carefully iis wallet By this time, the policemen had opened the boxes. There was nothing imporant in them. The boxes were full of spades and other things fr digging “There's nothing important or valuable in these box said Salahadin. "We must speak to all of the hotel staf Perhaps one of them noriced something unusual ‘The managee brought the staf to Ahmed and Salshackn ‘They asked each peron many questions, but they did not lean anything important, B Pearson's Map ‘Then Salahadin had an idea ‘Who carried these boxes to this room he asked the manager. ‘The manager brought back two porters, ‘Dad you carry these boxes into this room” Salahadin asked the porters “Yes they replied “How many boxes were there? asked Salahadin. ‘Six boxes" replied the first porter. ‘I eatried three and my fiend carted three.” Salahadin looked atthe boxes. There were six of them. No one had taken a box. "Wie a momen,’ said the second porter "You're wrong. ‘There were seven boxes. You caried three, I caered three 4 But char makes si boxes, not seven,’ said Abed, with a smile. ‘You can’ count? ‘T can count, replied the porter. “There were seven boxes: Mr Pearson cared one into the room himself. Ie was heavy box, bur it was smaller than the others” ‘That is the box which #8 missing, Salahadin said to Ahmed. ‘There's something valuable in that seventh box: When we find the seventh box, we'll find the murderee” 5 3 The Taxi Driver ‘Abhmed and Salahadin left Pearson's room and went down. stairs, They sat down and the manager brought them some cfc, “How can we find the seventh box? asked Ahmed. “Teed your help, replied Salahadin. “How can help your asked Ahmed. “The murderer took the box wit him, std Salahadin. Ie was heavy andl is hot today. The murderer did noe camry the box very far Perhaps he took a taxi” "Perhaps he had his own cary said Ahmed: We don't know; replied Salahadin. "But, peshaps he agreed Ahmed. “And you want to find that taxi. But, how can I help you! “You can send out a police message on Radio Cairo? ‘plied Salahodin. “That's true’ agreed Ahmed, ‘What shall Esay in the message” "When di Pearson die” asked Salahadin. “Abou half pas ten this morning, replied Ahmed. “Then here's the message,’ said Salzhadin, “The police want to speak toa taxi driver. This taxi driver was near the [Nile Hotel at about eleven e’elock this morning, A man got into his taxi. The man was carrying a heavy box, The police want 0 speak to the taxi driver as oom as posible” "Good,’ said Ahmed. ‘Til put out this message immediately” "Most taxis have radios’ said Salahadin. ‘Perhaps a tax 6 river will remember a man with a heavy box. “TL get back to my office,’ went on Salahadin. ‘When anything happens, let me know: “1 telephone you immediately,’ replied Ahmed Ic was now late afternoon, Outside on the steet it was still very hot. Salahadin go into a taxi. Luckily there were few cars and the streets were almost empey- He soon arrived ‘back in his office. Salahadlin tured on the radio. He heard the message. It was repeated after fifteen minutes. Salahadin waited. Suckdenly the telephone rang It was Ahmed. ‘We've boen lucky’ said Ahmed. ‘A taxi driver is herein my office, A man with a heavy box got into his taxi near the Nile Hotel? "Ac what time?” asked Salahadin. “Ac eleven o'clock this moming, replied Ahmed. ‘Do you want to speak to him! ‘Certainly, replied Salahadin, ‘TIL come round to your office immediately” ‘Ahmed’ office was quite near. Salahadin walked there. ‘The sun had gone down and ic was becoming cooler. “The taxi driver was waiting in Ahmed’ office. He was a fa, happy-looking man. He was also incelligent. Salahadin took out his notebook and asked the taxi driver some questions “At what time did this man get into your taxi” asked Solahadin "A few minutes before eleven o'clock’ replied the taxi driver. He gor in quite near the Nile Hore” "Was he carrying anything? Salzhadin asked, 1 "Yes! replied the taxi driver, ‘a heavy box" "And what di he look like?” asked Salahacin, “He was tll with broad shoulders replied the taxi driver. “He ha fair hait. He spoke Arabic, buthe was not an Arab Perhaps he was Sweaish.” Salahadin thought for afew moments Then he asked the taxi driver another question “This man spoke Arabic, did he?” asked Salshadin. "What kind of Arabic did he speak?” "What do you mean” asked the driver “Did he speak Arabic like an Exyptian? asked Salahadin, “Oh, no’ said the taxi driver "He spoke like a Lebanese “Where did you take this man? said Salahadin, continu ing his questions “Took him tothe railway tation,’ replied the driver. He wanted to get there before twelve o'clock.” “Twelve o'clock, midday’ said Salahadin quietly. ‘What train leaves Cairo at ewelve o'clock” “The expres train for Alexandria’ said the taxi driver immediately know all the trains. The express train leaves Cairo at twelve o'clock and arrives in Alexandria at half past ovo." Salahadin had been lucky. He had found out some important facts. He looked at the notes in his book. 4 Boat to Beirut Te was now after seven o'clock in the evening, The train from Cairo had arrived at Alexandria at half past two. Perhaps Pearson's murderer was already on a boat to Beirut. ‘We must phone Alexandea,’ said Solahadin to Ahmed. Solahadin picked up the telephone. He asked for the police atthe docks in Alexandria. After about cen minutes, the telephone rang. Ie was the call to Alexandria "This is Salahadin El Nur speaking. Pm a police inspector and I want to speak to your chef: The chief of the dock police came to the telephone. Salahadin asked some questions down in his notebook. Here are his nots. J wrote the answers Tivo boats had left Mexandria afer 4:30 pm. __| _||A boat left at halt past six for Beirut. ts mame - The, Sudan. | ___| Another boat lett for Athens al Zpm. | [Us name = The Syria. |e pes a Shi cig con the beat for Beirut. / Salahadin put down the telephone and looked at his ‘notes for some time. Then he spoke to Ahmed. "Pearson's munlerer has gone to Beirut! he said. ‘Tm sure of that." “Then we can send a message tothe boat, said Ahmed “No, we won't do that’ said Salahadin, ‘We're not really ‘certain. Many men have fui hair and many men carry heavy boxes must meet him. I must speak to him, “Bur how can you do that? asked Ahmed, ‘I's too late now: The boat has alzeady left. a 1 ean get to Beirut before him,’ replied Salahadin. “Tay Monday. The feat won' be i Bei ntl ‘morrow evening. can take an ae "And the plane takes only two hours, sail Amed. “That's righ,’ said Salahadin, TU take aplane tomorrow ‘moming ana ['l be in Beirut before midday” "Thar a good idea,’ said Ahmed. "You can meet this sma on the docks at Bein ‘And now I must go. I slot 40 do, said Salahadin."T ‘must book a seat on the aeroplane and get a ticker. I'l see you later. Thanks for your help. Goodbye.” 5 The Black Cat Salahadin got home very late. Ie was nearly midnight and he was very cred. Bur his work was not yet finished. He rook some pices of paper out of his wallet. They were the pieces ‘of paper from Pearson's room, Salah sat down and looked at Pearson's notes. Salahadin read the notes again. He asked himself some «questions. Did Pearson find the tomb of Ankuten’ he asked Dimself. Did he find a black cat? And is the black cat made of gold? “There was a reason for Pearson's death. Was the Black Cat the reason? ‘There are too many questions, thought Salahadin. 1 must find some answers, The answers are in the mising box and its probably om is way to Beira. I'l be there tomorrow, 4 6 In Beirut Atha past ten the next morning, Salahadin ative at Beirut alnport. The airport lies to the south of the city and: the docks are in the north. One road from the aiport to the docks goes through the centre of the city. Another road pes beside the sea Salahadin got into a taxi. He told the driver to take the road beside the sea. The sun wat shining on the city and there wasa mist on the hills behind. The air was fesh and cool. Salahadin felt very happy in Beirut. It was nice and: ‘cool after the heat and dust of Cat ‘When he got to the docks, he asked about the boat frm Alexandria, The Sudan did not arrive at Beirut until half past six in the evening Salahadin had mone than six houts towait. He decided to visita friend called Fuad Fuad bad beer a student with Salahain at Caio Univer: sity. He now worked in the Lebanese Department of Antiquities in Beit. His office was in a large museum in, the north-east pat ofthe city Salahadin took a taxi to the Fund was suprised and pleased tose him. “We'll have lunch together’ said Fuad wife immediately.” “Ten minutes larr they were in Fuad’ car Fuad lived in a small village in the mountains above Beirut. The road was very steep. It ewisted and turned up the mountain "This road is dangerous, said Salahadin, “You're right, replied Fuad. ‘And it’ more dangercus higher up. People are often killed up there. Pe Il phone my ‘The road was very step. It twisted and turned up the “The car soon arrived at Fuad's howe. Fuad’ wife, Lela, slahadin sad Leila, 1s nice to see you again, ‘We've alot co talk about. But frst, we'll have lunch, Aicr lnc they sat out cn the verandah and drank coffe “They talked abcut Cairo and their friends there, From the verandah, they looked down towans the tall buillings of Beirut. Behind the buildings were the docks an the sea ‘Now sod Fuad, ‘why are you in Beirut” Salahadin told Fil about the death of Pearson. He told “Twant ro be a the docks at six o'clock,’ said Salahadin, 'm going to meer The Sudan. It artives at half past sx he hadin thanked Leila and stood up. ing cold he said. replied Fuad. "You're wearing summer clothes Ts cold here in the mountains. I col 1 in summer. I'l get you warm coat. You'll, A five o'clock, Salahasin and Fuad left che house. They said goodbye to Leila and drove down the steep road towards Bein. 7 The Road to Ba’albek At six o'lock, Salahadin and Fuad arrived at the docks in Beirut. They sa in the car and waited for the arrival of The Sudan ‘There was another eat on the docks 1 ee that black car over there” asked Fuad. with two men in the frome?” sid Fun, ‘and there’ fat man sitting inthe hack ow him. He's interested in antiquities. He often The Sudan soon appeared at the entrance to the docks. Ie reached the dockside just after half past six and the passengers came down the gangway. is! said Salahodin, ‘the man on the gangway! all. He has fair hair and broad shoulders. That's the “But, L know him said Fuad. He’ a Swede and his name is Borkman, Hes interested in antiquities, too. Pve often seem him in the museum.” “Where's the box” asked Salahadin. ‘He's not earying a box ‘Let’ walt and see,’ said Fuad. ‘Perhaps he's given the box to a porter, “Look std Salahadin, “The blac car s moving. “The black car moves bechind a shed. Fund and Si rman got off the boat and got carrying a heavy box. The taxi follow hia’ said Fuad, few metres and stopped again and waited. Bork taxi But he was not t0 move away 28 “There he is, said Solahadin, ‘the man on the gangway!” "Wait a moment,’ said Salahadin. ‘Watch the black ear” Salahadin was right: The black car pulled out slowly and followed Borkman’s taxi "We can go now; suid Salahadin. ‘We'l follow the black cat. There's something strange here.” ‘The thice ears drove out ofthe docks, one after the other ‘The taxi went quickly through the strcets of Beira Then it started to climb the steep road towards the mountains. The ‘lack ca followed the taxi. Fuad followed the black cat ‘Isn't the roa your village asked Salahadin. “Yes. replied Fuad. This toad goes higher up the moun- tains. It goes to a small rown called avalbek, ‘I've heard of Baalhek,’said Salahadin. “There are some famous ruins there "And there’ a gang of smugglers, to’ sad Fuad. “They smuggle anciquities out of Beirut” ‘The thrce eas drove up the steop road, They went past Fuad village. Fuad drove on in silence. The road became narrower and steeper and Fuad did not drive too close to the black eat “The road's more dangerous here, said Fund. There was ‘an accident a few weeks ago. Four people were killed.” Fora few moments nothing happened. Then the Back car ‘began to go faster. It had moved into the middle of the road and was trying to pass Borkaman’s taxi. The two cars were now side by side. They were almost touching each other. “There was sharp bend in dhe road i fone of chem. ‘They'll never gee round that bend shouted Fuad. Batic was alteady to0 late. There was aloud crashing noise. Fuad slowed down and drove carefully round the bend. The black car and the taxi had disappeared, In frone cof them, the road was empry. Everything was silent. 30 8 Borkman’s Story Fuad and Salahadin got out of the car and walked to the cede ofthe road. It was now getting dark and cold. The two cats lay below them. The black car had fallen about two hundred metres to the bottom. It was on fre. The taxi had not fallen so far It was Iving against a tree “Come on,’ std Salahadin, ‘Lees climb down quickly Pethaps Borkman’s sil alive. Fuad climbed down the steep path and Salahadin followed him. They found the taxi. The driver was inside, ‘but he was dead. One ofthe doors was open and Borkman hha fallen out onto some bushes. He was not dead, bue he was badly injured. Fund bent down and lifted the dying man. He laid im on 1 flac piece of ground. After a few moments, Borkman ‘opened his eyes and looked up. He tried to speak, but he did not speak very clearly. “The men in the black ‘What happened to them?” “They're dead,’ replied Salahadin quietly. “But who are you? asked Borkman "We were passing on the road’ replied Fuad, “We saw che accident! ‘There was silence fora ew moments. Berkman closed his ‘yes and lay till on the ground, Then he slowly opened his eyes again "Will you help me? he asked "es, replied Fuad. ‘Whar do you want?” "Go to BaTalbek,’ said Borkman. ‘Go to Jusets eafé. Ask ul he sid. ‘Where are they? for Jusef. Tell Jue Borkman was silent ag “What do I tell Jus asked Fuad “Tell him that Pearson's des 1” said Borkman. “And the asked Salahadin, Da’ safe said Borkman again, Salahadin ag sso has the Black Cat, said Borkman after afew moments. ‘I gave it to him at Alexandria, He took i with brim on the boat "Which boat" lahadin “The boat tc eplied Borkman, ‘Peterson rook at on the boat to Athens. was following you then?" asked Fu “The Red Hand Gang,’ replied Borkman. ‘They wanted the Black Cat. But the Black Cat is safe. TellJuse.. Tel Jusef Borkman closed his eyes forthe last time, Blood was the sunning out of his mouth and his hody shook strongly for a ‘moment. Then he lay still. He was dead. "Let's gee away quickly’ sid Solahadin, ‘don't want to wait for the police. They'll ake us with them to Batabek. 1 rnust leave Beirut immediately. Tm going t Athens. You the police shout this i the morning: Fuad and Salahadin elimbed back up to the road, Some cars had stopped and people were looking down at the Salahaclin drove off quickly >burming car. Fua “The black ca had fallen aboue two hundred metres to the a bottom. Te was on fire 9 Beirut to Athens ‘Salahadin and Fuad got back home before ten ofclock. Leila yas pleased to see them. She started to make some food, but ‘Salahadin was in a hurry “Can youphone Beirut aiport? he asked Fuad, Find out the time ofthe fist plane ro Athens. I want to get there a soon as possible: fond phoned the airport, Leila brought in some coffee and they sat down, Salahadin told her about Borkman’s death. He spoke about the Black Cat "Bue what isthe Black Cat? asked Leila Salahadin told her about the pharaoh Ankuten and about the tomb in the Valley of Za. know ow that Pearson found the comb,’ said Salahadin. ‘He found the cat in the tomb and broughe it. ‘Cairo. Pearson told Borkman about the cat, Bt Borkinan seas a member of the Ba‘albek Gang, Pearson didn't know that. Borkman murdered Pearson and took the cat’ "And where isthe cat now? asked Lela. Bockman had a plan,’ replied Salahadin. ‘He was not ‘taking the ca to Beirut. He gave the cat to another man on the docks at Alexandria. This other man is called Peterson. Peterson has taken the Black Cat with him ro Athens” ‘While Selahadin was talking, he was making some notes imhis book. This is what he wrote: 4 PEARSON found. Black Cat took it to Cairo PETERSON boat 1s called "The Syria!) Athens | 35 Fadl came back from the telephone. “Theresa plane in four hous’ time,’ he suid. ‘Tt leaves Beirut atone o'clock in the moraing and arrives in Athens ax five. “How long does the boat take from Alexania to ‘Athens? asked Salahadin. "Alimost two days, replied Leila. ‘Tonce went by beat on atholiday to Athens. "The Syria left Alexandria on Monday evening’ said Salahadin. ‘es Tuesday today. Ie won't arrive in. Athens ‘until tomorrow. Il bein Athens before the boat.” "We must leave soon,’ said Fuad, ‘le’ «Tong way to the airport” ‘Salahadin sid goodbye to Leila and drove off with Fuad. ‘They arrived at the airport just after midnight. It was already Wednesday. But Salahadin was only a few hours sway from Athens by si Salahadin thanked Fuad. “Take care,” said Fuad. ‘Six people have already died because ofthis Black Cat. Send usa telegram from Athens. "TTT send you a telegram from Athens tomorrow said Salahadin, Then he smiled. I mean today. Ie Wednesday already. You go to the police in the morning. Tell chem about juset's cae.” Salahadin said goodbye to Fuad and went to catch the plane for Athens. 36 10 Salahadin finds Peterson Salahadin’s plane flew over Athens carly in the morning. From the aeroplane he looked down on the ruins of the Actopolis. They looked! wonderful ia the eatly morning sunlight. But Salahadin was not a tourist: He was a detec tive and he had to find Peterson. Salahalin took a taxi from the sinport co Piraeus, the seaport of Athens. He got out of the taxi at Piraeus and went to an office at the dack gate. “What time dees The Syria artive from Alexandria” he asked "At midday" was the reply ‘And i leaves again for Venice at four oclock.” Te was only sx o'clock in the morning: Salahadin had a long time to wait. But Piraeus is full of small cafés and restaurants, Salahadin passed the time drinking coffee and slesping. ‘Ac eleven o'clock Salahadin walked back to the docks. He tried to walk through the gate, but a policeman stopped him, "You can go through the gate without a ticket! said the policeman, lahadin bad an idea. The man in the office had said that The Syvia was going to Venice. Salahadin went hack, to the office and bought a first class ticker to Venice. When he got into the docks, The Syria had not yet arrived. Salahadin sat down on a box and waited. teson is not an Egyptian name’ thought Saladin, “ies another Swedish mame, like Borkman, Perhaps m7 Perersom is Swedish also. I'l Look for 2 man with fair har. Hell be carrying a box.” “The Syria was bal aby half past ewelve. Salahadin watched the people getting off the boat. They were all Egyptian. There were some men with their srives and children, and many students, There was no one who looked Swedish, ‘At that moment, someone appeared on the top deck of “The Syria, He was a all man with fir hai. ‘That's Peterson, thought Salahadin. So, he’s decided to stay on the boat. Perhaps he’ going ro Ve the boat and go to Venice, too. But Selahadin was careful. Perhaps it was a trick and Pererson was going to got off the boat at the last moment. Salahadin waited, but no one else got off, At five o'clock, Salahalin got on the boat. The gangway was taken dovwn and The Syria was ready to out late Ie arived in the docks at ice. I'l get on alahadin went to the ticket office on the boat and shored his ticket co the officer. ve just got on the bea," said Salahadin. ‘Can | havea cabin, please?” "You'te traveling first class sn’ the officer said. “Youcan, 0 ino cabin 22 e's just under dhe top deck. The officer turned to get the key for cabin 22. it a moment, sig? said che officer. ‘Tm sory. Pve rade a miscake, Cabin 22 isn’t empty. Mr Peterson's in cabin 22. He's decided to go on to Venice. Bat eabin 23 is empty, You can go there.” Salahadin took the key from the ofices, went to cabin 23 den, He had found Peterson, i Salahadin finds the Black Cat Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door of Salah’ in, Te was the steward ‘Do you wane to ea in the dining-toom or in your cabin, sie? asked the steward “Where do pecple usually ea asked Salahadin, “In the dining-room, replied the stew have your dinner in your cabin, if you want “Thats an idea,’ said Salahadin. ‘Tl eat here." “TIL bring you dinner at eight o'clock then,’ said the steward, and walked down the corridor. Salahaalin watched the steward cateflly, The stewant walked to a small room nd the stairs. Salahadin rook out his notebook and drew a plan of the cotridor and the cabins. Here is the plan: “Bur you can Alter afew moments, the steward came out of his oom and walked down the corridor. Salahadin waited for five minutes. Everything was quiet in the corridor. Sslahadin lefe his cabin and walked quietly to the steward’s room under the sta ‘The steward had not locked the doot-Salahadin opened it carefolly and looked in. The room was small, with brushes and cleaning things in it. There were some hooks on the wall, A key hung from every hook and there was a number ahve each one, Salahadin took the key of cabin 22 and went tothe door Suldenly he heard a noise. Peterson had come hack. He was standing atthe door of his cabin. Salahadin waited in the stewards room, Peterson went ito his cabin and closed the door Salahadin quictly went back to is own cabin, sat down and listened. There was the noise of music. Peterson had tied on a radio. Then these was the noise of running water. Peterson was having a shower. Salahaclin had a shower, too, got dressed and waited: A few minutes later there was a knock at his door. The steward had brought Salahadin’s dinner. Ac che same time, Peterson came out of his cabin. He locked the daoe and walked down the corridor. Peterson was going t0 the dining-0omn. ‘The steward went away and Salahadin was left alone, He looked out into the corridor. Everything was quiet ‘Salahadn left his cabin and erssed the corse. He pt the kkey in the lock of eabin 22 and quietly opened the door. ‘Then he went into the cabin and shut the door carefully behind hi. ‘Salahadin looked round the cabin. There was a case on 0 top of the cupboard and some clothes on the bed. But he uid not see box: He looked inside the shower-room, Ie was expe “The Black Cat must be here, thought Salahacin, Where thas he hidden i? ‘Then he had an idea. The shower-mom was very high. Salahadin looked up. There was a box placed above the shower ‘Salahadin lifted the box down on the bed and started to ‘open it. But something had gone wrong, Thete was a noise and the door of cabin 22 suddenly opened. There was a ‘an inthe doorvay. It was Peterson and he had a gun in his ‘hand. The gun was pointing at Salahain. 4 12 Death on The Syria "Don't move, said Petersin. Peterson’ came into the cabin and shut the door Salahadin stood sil in front of the bed “Who are you? asked Peterson. And what are you doing in my cabin” Salahadin thought quickly. He had to say something, “Borkman sent me,’ he said. T have a message for you" "You're telling les, said Peterson. There's something on the bed. Stand back." Saladin moved back and Peterson saw the open box: “So, you've found the Black Cat) seid Peterson. ‘You're member of the Red Hand Gang” Peterson opened the door and looked out into the corridor. Ie was empty “Put your hands behind your back and come out of the ‘cabin ssid Peterson. Then walk slowly up the sais to the top deck.” Salahadin came our ofthe eabin and Peterson followed bhi, Salahadin walked slowly up the sais. ‘When they reached the top deck, Pererson spoke again. “Walk over tothe ral.” “There was a ail round the side of the ship. Over the rail ‘was the sea. The Soria had now passed through the Corinth, Canal and the ship was rolling from side side. ‘Salahadin walked slowly forward towards the funnel. ‘Stop’ said Peterson. Turn round.” Salahaaintumed and looked at Peterson "Now, tell me the tuth,’said Peterson. Who are you?” 2 Salahsalin decided to tell some truth and some lies "Borkman’s dead’ said Salahadin. ‘Anal Juse is caught. ‘The Patalhek Gang is finished. The police ate waiting for you ac Venice’ "I dont believe you, said Peterson. ‘How do you know this! Who are you” ‘Pm an inspector in the Egyptian police,” replied Salahadin. ‘Tve followed you from Beirut. The Italian police are waiting for you at Venice” "oui telling lies again,’ said Peterson. “Why didn’t you bring the police onto the boat at Athens!” ‘Salahadin die not reply and Peterson starced to laugh, ‘You didn’t tell anyone at Athens,” he sid. “There's no ‘one waiting for this boat a Venice. Now I'm going to shoot you: Ill crow your body into the sea and no one will ever know.” ‘Suiklenly Peterson lifted his gun. Ar the same moment, @ lame wave shook the side ofthe ship. Peterson was thrown, against the ral and the gun fell onto the deck. Fora second, both men looked at the gun, then at each other. The wind presed hard against them. Neither of them moved forward Pererson was the fist ro move. He tried to pick up the gun and Salahadin ran straight at him. He held Peterson round the neck and pushed hirm over the ral. Peterson fell backwards over the rail and disappeared inca the angry sea below There was a seream. Then there wa silence Salahadin walked slowly away from the rail and sat down, fon the deck. No one came. Everyone was busy cating dinner. No one haa heard the nose #8 ie held Peterson round the neck an pushed hm over the al B Do Not Disturb ‘The comor outside cabin 22 was sill empty. Bventhing ‘vas silent. Salahadin went into the cabin and picked up the tee carefully. Then he caried i across the cotdor to is own cabin He went back across the comrdor once more. In every cabin there was a notice with the words "Do Not Disturb” writen on ic i lage lerters. Salahadin rook this notice and hung ton the door of eabin 22. DONOT DISTURB “The steward will se this cm the door, thought Salahadin ro himself, Hell think that Peterson i sick: No one will go invo cabin 22 until Venice He locked the door of cabin 22 and pur the key on is hook in the steward’s room, Then Selahadin wene back to his own cabin, The food was still om the tal not hungry. He threw it out ofthe window: Salalin looked at his watch. He was surprised. Ie was only a quarter to nine. Alot had happened in ashore time. After afew minutes there was a knock at the door. It was the steward “L hope that you enjoyed your dinner, sir? he said to Salahadkn “Thank you? replied Salahadin. ‘enjoyed it very much. ‘Me Peterson's put the "Do Not Disturb” notice on his door? said the steward, ‘Perhaps he's sick. I'l not disturb him until Venice. but he was #6 "Yes, said Salahadin. ‘I met him half an hour ago. He said that he fele sick. Hell not want anyching until “When do you want breakfast, sit" asked the steward, “Lfel tired’ replied Salahadin. ‘Don't wake me in the ‘morning. When I want breakfast, Il call you. ‘Goodnight, then,’ said the steward Salahadin said goodnighe and locked his door. He had ‘not slept on a bed for many bouts and he was very teed. He tundressed and got into bed. AC fist, the movement of the boat kept him awake. Bur he was soon asleep and slepe deeply all night. ‘When Salahadin woke up the next morning, the bright sun was shining into his cabin. He looked at his watch, It ‘was nearly cleven o'clock. He rang the bell for the steward "When do we arrive in Venice? asked Salahacin "We'te early today,’ replied the steward. ‘Well be there fn evo hours. But you don’t need to get off the boat ‘immediatly. You can have lunch first “No thank you said Salahadin, ‘I want to get off the boat as soon as possible. What about Mr Peterson’ Is he better?” "Heetill has the notice on his door! replied the steward “TM not discurb hitm until afer lunch. “Thats a good idea, said Salahadin. "Now, ean you bring sme some coffee, please.” Salahadin drank his coffee slowly and got dressed. He heard a lot of noise. The ship was arriving at Venice. Salahadin looked out into the corridor. It was empty The steward had gone to the dining-room. Salahadin picked up the heavy box and left che cabin. From the side ofthe boat, Salahadin saw the al buildings 46 ‘of Venice. They were passing in front of St Mark's Cathedral They were now near the docks After half an hour, the boat was beside the dock: Salahadlin left The Syria while the other passengers were having hinch. “What's in that box? asked a policeman, ‘Some hooks replied Salahadin. He did not want any trouble ‘The policeman did noe ask Saladin eo open the box: In a few minutes, Salahadin was ina water taxi on his way t0 the railway sation, Safe at last, thought Salahadin. When they open cabin 22, hey'l find it empey. They'll he very surprised. 4 Return to Cairo Salahadin took the fist train from Venice to Rome. The next moming he was on a plane for Caio. The plane was late and he did not arrive until after ten o'clock in the moming. ‘The sun was high in the sky and it was getting hotter and hotter: Salshadin fele better. He preferred the heat of Cairo ro the cold deck of The Syria He took a tax to his lat. There was suprise waiting for him. Leila and Fuad were there. Fuad explained. “We arrived this morning ftom Beiru, he sad. ‘We were worried about you. You didn't send a telegram. We thought that something had happened.” “OF course, the telegram!” said Salabadin, ‘I forgoe to send you a telegram. I'm really sorry. “We phoned the police here in Cairo, said Fuad, ‘No one knew anything about you. We were very worried ‘Te’ my foul said Salahadin, He told them what had happened. They were happy that Fhe was safe ack in Cairo. "And this is the box,' suid Leila, “The Black Cat isi this box. Lets open it? ‘Salahadin opened the box and lifted out the Black Cat. *Tedoesn't look very valuable, sai Leila‘ don like it at all "We don't now its value’ said Salahadin. Well take it tothe Cairo Museum tomortoss! ‘Then you can have a holiday’ sod Leila. ‘You need a rest. Pethaps you'll show us round Cairo” 8 “That won't bea es, replied Salahadin, ‘But its a good idea” “Tm going to make coffee suid Leila. Dp you both want "Yes, please replied Salahadin. ‘I want some coffee and | want sour story, Fuad. What happened at Balallek” And uaa tld his story “L went to the Beirut police,’ Fuad began, ‘and cold chem bout Borkman’s death. They asked alot of questions” ‘Police always ask a lot of questions,’ said Saladin. "Teoldl them about Peterson, continued Fuad. ‘And [said that you had gone to Athens.” "Did they believe you” "Not at fits’ replied Fuad. ‘Then I old them about the Black Cat. I gave them Borkman’s message. I told chem about the café in Ba’abek and about Jusef. Then they believed me.” "And what happened next? asked Salahadin. “The police asked me to help them’ replied Fund, ‘It wasn't possible for a policeman 10 go into Juss café. The people there knew all the policemen. Jusef was a clever ‘man. The police had to trick him and they asked me to go to avalbek. They wanted me to go into the eaé and give Jel the message fom Borkman. "Lene to Balak in the evening” continued Fuad. ‘1 found Juse’s café. Ir was near the ruins of the old city. sat down and asked for coffee. Then I asked for Juse- 1 told Jusef about Borkman’s death “The police were waiting ouside,’ Fuad continued. “They were hiding in a eat [tod Jue about the Black Cat and he ” thanked me, Then he hunted out of the cal “And the police saw him? asked Salahadin. ‘es, said Fuad. "They watched him carefully” ‘Where did Jusef go? “He gor into a car, replied Fuad, ‘and drove to farm in the mountains, The police followed him. Then they hid in the hills round the farm and waite. “How many men were at the farm” Salahadin asked. “The police didn't know: replied Fuad. “They waited for ore police. Then they shouted tothe men atthe farm and told them to come out Did’ the men at the farm shoot atthe police” 'No, they did replied Fuad, “There were only three of cher at dhe frm, Borkman was dead andl Pererson as on The Syria. The thre police took them away. They'e now in prison. "Did they catch the leader ofthe gang?” asked Jusef ws the leader” replied Fuad. He now in prison with the others” ‘men came out without shooting. The hadi, ‘use’ in prison,’ said Salahadin.“Borkman's dead and so is Peterson, That's the end of the Baalbek Gang And three of the Red Hand Gang were killed in the black “That's true said Salahadin, ‘We'll have no more trouble for some time. 15 The End The next moming Salhadin went with Lella and Fuad to the Cairo Meseumn. They took the Black Cat with them. They a frend called Faisal who worked inthe museum, Salshadin gave the Black Cat to Faisal and old him the “Te looks olf? sid Fabs, ‘and perhaps i valuable, Bu 1 don't know about the gold and diamonds. 1 ave to look ati areal Salahadin, Leila and Bund went and had some coffe. They ‘Wall, whats che answer? asked Fi & very old) replied Faisal But i¢S not made of gold ack to the museum about two hours later and there are no diamonds. The eyes and collar are mae of stone. The cats made of a heavy kind of wood “So, it isn't valuable’ sid Leila, Sever men have died for a piece of wood” No, you're wrong,” said Faisal, “es very, very valuable Tes more than cwo thousand years old. The gold and diamonds aren’ important” "Perhaps there really was a gold cat, said Salahadin. “Pethaps tomb robbers stole the real cat thousands of years ago. Then they put this wooden cat into the tomb.” ‘Weill never know’ stl Fuad. "But we're lucky to have this one.” "Yes, we are lucky’ sad Fas. *Can we have it for our "Of eourse you can’ replied Salahadin, “This isthe right place for it! "Come back in November! sid Faisl. "Then you'll see the Black Cat in is right place.” ‘And welll come hack, ton, said Leila. ‘Faads been working to hard. He needs a real holiday. Well come back to Cairo fortwo weeks in November” "That's 2 good idea,’ sid Faisal.‘ see you all then.” Six months lacet, Salahadin was sitting in his office. Summer was over and the weather was geting cool. The telephone rang. "You remember your prom "My promise? "To come to the museum,’ continued Faisal. “The new room is going to be opened tomorrow at ten o'clock" ‘Oh ~ of course’ said Salahadin. Tl be there” ‘The next morning, there was «crowd of people in the ‘museum. Faisal met Salahadin and took him ro the new room. There was a lage notice outside the door. 32 don’t you asked Faisal ‘THE TREASURES OF ANKUTEN Archeologist had found the tomb of Ankuten, Pearson's ‘map had helped them. They had brought many things from the tomb co Cairo. They were al in this room, Abed was standing in the middle ofthe oom, He was talking to Fuad and Leila. The taxi driver who had taken, orkman to Cairo station was there aso. Salahadin went cover to say hello, "Do you see whar’s behind me! asked Ahmed ‘There, inthe centre ofthe room, was a lage glass case. ‘The Black Cat wa inside. Underneath, there was notice ‘The Black Cat of Ankuten sven by Salahadin El Nur 33 POINTS FOR UNDERSTANDING Points for Understanding 1 ‘What wis Salahadin’s jbt ‘What had Mr Pearson Been doing in Exypt Why was Silahadin word ‘Why was Sulhadin nt able wo speak wo Me Pearson? 2 ‘What did Saladin find on te able esd the be? How many boxes were inthe rom? ‘Which box was missing? 3 Did the man in the tan speak Arabic ike an Eeypian? ‘Where di the man want tg? ‘Whats fe Caio at twelve o'clock, mi? 4 ‘Who bal rived a Alexia docks at ix o'clock? ‘Why di the pice not open the box! ‘Whac boats left Alexandia between 430 pm. and 8C0 How was Salabadin going wo rave to Beit? 5 ‘Which lees of paper di Slahadin ake out of his walle? ‘What tomb was Pearson loking foe? ‘What we possibly bred in tha fon ‘Was ievaluble? 37 6 ‘What wa the name of the baat which anived at Beit at bal pst six? Where was Fu’ village? War it an ery road fom Beira to Fan village? 7 What was the name ofthe man who go off the hoa! ‘War dhe man eating the box? What happened when dhe tox left the docks? Which mad did the cars eke! \Whachappened to dhe black car and the tai? 8 ‘Where did Borkman ack and and Sslshadin to go? Who was following Borkman and why? ‘Where was the Black Cat! ‘Why dl Saladin noe want to wi forthe pice? 9 Who murdered Pearson? How as Sahin gong to wavel to Athens! Why was Salahadin going Adens? \Whae dit Fund ak Salahadin wo doin Athens! 10 ‘Why dd Saladin ger on to The Syria? Who wat incahin 221 Whac was the number of Saladin cabin? u ‘Why dl Salahadin go into the wards rom? Where di Saahadin ind the mising bon? ‘What went weong? 58 12 ‘Di Salahatin tel Ferenon the ruth! ‘What happened to Peeson? Where war the Black Cat nou? 13 Wy dl Sahai pte Noe Dit ai onthe theron" ‘Why hd Sahin the pocoman hat he bad soe Saint! 4 Where ws Slain rng tak the Black Ct? Tho wor helene the Bek Gan What bat ppc he ne pet 15 Wis the Black Ca valle? \Whot was inside the new rom in the museum! Exercises Making Sentences Pt the words on the right inthe correct order wo complete the CT wep aa as [oe ore ‘pero Sno a prc ease Et. 7 Me Fase ws mares [othe hate ek atx 3 tornan i evan ad [0 ack Ct wo te Aen “Z__Twostipr let Alnndrn [ont art west an en on +a femareren © Brno wos ed [nates a conc 7 Shade tw tom hu wane an grt scone ip Petron ode lak Gt Yn he Spa rbd ber 3 Shon ak ene at Ege an path Muse inn Words From the Story jumble she letters ind words from the story: The meanings te sven whip you. 1 lshagercot Meming: ——apeton who sul eyo ulin and bce tha ae ound in them 2 snonanit Meming: avery bih ill 3 lovey “Meaning: Low ln fin wie, eter ills oe munis ‘ hhoragah Meaning: aking efancen Eaypt Meaning oli balding that ae hally damaged 6 babes Meaning: worth a le ef money 7 donadin Meaning: ahard stone tht looks ike clears andi vale 5 eda Meaning: penn who serve fd and dink on a ship oe plane “a Story Outline 1 Compete the pap: Ure ach word Saladin wa a on pole ipectr He wort the Department Anges Many archelois ‘0 By. They sue she See ad tomb da Bay These rns were ‘han tw thous yours oi All archeologits had. 020 Deparment of Atiqites. They had Inspecior Sahai about thet wok, They uk on take Egyptian sige ef thecounry. Many argues wore very able ‘There wat "nn nernationl ack rk in olen anit The Blick Caf Anke very Valuable, People hough it was 7 of gold and amor. Peanon Won Bea He found the Black Cat tok tt the Nile Hate Peano wat sd the Black Cat was ten a Story Outline 2 As fit Inpeto Sabha enn at Ke en PAO WB8 MEE HE ne to the howl ell. Too pore " ‘hat Peano i am ten beet Bat Slab cya borin Pet oss oo Aa shad picked pari ‘ the he The ir wt . seat enn Bo. The adie took hem tothe ray = rr He ad that the foreigner pce wih Lebanese accent Sulthadin hough ha the ere had une to lexan. Beat, called The Sud, eX Bee that evening Ascind alld The Sy saa to ‘Athens. Saladin" ‘w gow Bent He flew t Leben, ‘What wa in the xt Pear ef notes shot the ‘of Parach Ankuten, Ankten bad loved lac cts. Salhalin thought that hee 7 ‘satu ofa cat Iwata pharaohs eae. ewe ery ae “The foreigner called Bork, went to Birth the " of the ack at went to Athens. Shain Monroe he atta Groce, Then be sale on The Syria fom Athens to Venice 6 Choose the Verb ‘Comet the gaps withthe correct ve form from the beackts. “The conidor ont cabin 2 iat wee) sal my Everthing wae were) len Sslhadin ‘as going went) eo the abn and (picked up | picking op) the bo carly. Then he ‘ears cated) oon 8 the cedar his owe, sbi He(oee | went). bck act the cod once mor. In every cabin hee (a Were) nnn a6 Wi the ‘wos Do Noc Disa (rate wit) nme 8 Inge lees Slain "takes tok) this neice and hanged | ang) on covnennnes tame doe of ebin 22. ‘The sem (il 0 eg) sn thio the dr, is thinking thou) ne Salahadin to himslé He il hk thinking) tha Pater w|i) 7 sek, No one "wll go / as goe) nn cai 2 tl he ship Mil each caches) nae Venice. He "ocd / was locking). nthe dor of akin 22 a puting pat) the key om is hook in he steward oom. Then Salahalin "anes / went. ck {© his oan cabin. The food "was | wee salon ‘he table, bur he "was / were) ne ot hangy He (ras throwing / thre). Wau the wind Aer ew minutes the steward "Iocked/ bas knocked) nen the doo." have been oping hope) se YOU "ey (FE) nn YE he he "si | wil ay) to Saad “ ‘Truc or False? ‘Read the sentence. Then write T (True) oF (Fase) next tothe sarees flow 1 Bachman spoke Lebanese Ambic ba he ad a Swedh paper. He spoke Anise ikea man fo Lebanon, He sounded like an Egyptian, Ho monly war Lebanese He di nor have a Letanes: paso 2 Allarcheolygts had to reper to Salada ofc eine hey ee Eye ut Fearon did noe come. Saladin though there igh be problem. He lla the Nie Hote + [L] Peon wast a acho & [Dy satin ws wing fr Pann «EJ Stain i ot now whee Feinon war ying 4 [F] Seated ws wos stor Penn, 5 Sihatin uke tothe etl oer. They id Peron ha ven wer wher he cameo the heel, bu Sasha ound enya the deat mans wom +L] Ther wen sc toe in Parone 6 (OTe sever tor we nisin Seb aed Peano abot he ming bo 4 [Dy Teper Bent ere bo 4 eat wt med ot abut en thin he mong He wt satel ith ana dy woud i stl om aL] Pesan vasshoe dead + [E] Hewarot home when be wa kil & [Ly Hedi in the econ [5] Mewar saying at aha! when he de 6 5c diver tok a forego to thera tation fom the Nile Hoel. The foreimer was crying heavy box. The cai iver od Sasha ako the man, (L] Theses poly cat atin. Salada ke wala der rosea iesa ra eet Ey Theta ey it 6 You nnd pers elo anche county Salat we 82 Lekman Gree by plane ant aly yh Ly Sathadin had a passport. [He went to aby ae. [] He ies Gree fm Lebanon. 0 Het tLebenen, Word Focus: inspector ‘An pcr a peun whos jo to make witht thing a done covet ‘Read the description blow. Then complete the gps using the ‘wor inte bos aban sakes ste tha xe are Investigated. He ok frei He's pce inp 2 This person wots at an prt or seaport HefSe makes ue sat ‘one bring illegal things into the county Hehe looks for gs ad ane HeiShev 3. This penn works on hes asc ras: Hee makes sate thar everyone hus thet HelShe loos for pole who do aoe fave» cht, Hebe 2 4 The ponon works fr dhe Minty of Eseaion. Hehe oe to schon ro make sure they are doing things pope. H Tsk for had acer. Heishes 5. Ths pence works forthe Minty of Fiance. HeSbe makes sure that everyone pay ther tes HelSe eck or pole suho do nx py thet tse HeiShes 1 This penon wots forthe Minsty of ble Heath He/She mas ste da hospitals and restaurants ate clean HelSte loos fr dy public places HelSheh a Dictionary: - spect - ‘Weiteech werd fom the bo ent to the core meaning 1 Meaning? wonder ramaring sce specacur 2 Meaning: ses you wear over your eyes 0 hep you to ee 5) Meaning: a penon who watches something that shape @ 4 Meming —acafilor offical check 5) Meaning: tolook st mething cacy 6 Neming: big show that people watch or enteranment ‘The oot’ of these mods spc What do you think it means? Look in your dictionary think of ther woes withthe ra she What Happened Next? [Number the tenes in the correct nde ogve th in ofthe sory [tian ited Peon, [Ll] anon tsk th lack Cat fo Cai [Cte od he Black Ct mite dhe thf Ante [Cte ud he tomb of Parc Askin (statin the Black Cat inthe shower in Petenet abi [Pen wee ding inthe ily fa [)rstenon ied Athens an on twa Vnicn. Lekman ete Blick Cate Peon. (te sok the Blk Ct Alec staat bt ca.

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