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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Artifact Title: PLC Agendas

Teaching Standard: 8

Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district

Standard Criteria: C

Contributes to efforts to achieve district and building goals

I choose this artifact to show:

_____ Growth in the standard

___x__ Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria: This artifact
is a series of agendas from the special education PLC. It is a building goal that
teachers reflect and improve as a PLC group. The middle school strives to improve
teaching through collaboration, and these agendas show my contributions to meet this

Reflection on the artifact:

Looking back through the agendas from our PLC time, I can see my own contributions to our
department. I strive to be a valuable part of collaboration by voicing my ideas, listening to the
ideas of others, and being an active member of our PLC team. This is part of my efforts to help
our building achieve our goals.

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