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INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 3
TASK 1.1................................................................................................................ 3
I. Identify project background & objectives.....................................................3
Project background of project management.........................................................................3
To finding and managing high-payoff projects and developing strong metrics to
measure project performance and benefits to the organization after the project is
Objectives of project management.........................................................................................3
II. Write a project charter................................................................................. 5
TASK 1.2................................................................................................................ 7
TASK 1.3................................................................................................................ 8
Initiating processes............................................................................................. 8
Project Planning.................................................................................................. 8
Monitoring and controlling the project................................................................9
Closeout a project............................................................................................... 9
TASK 1.4................................................................................................................ 9
I. Identify the key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting
post-project appraisals....................................................................................... 9
Terminating projects........................................................................................... 9
II. Develop a lessons-learned report for this project.......................................10
TASK 2.1.............................................................................................................. 10
Individual tasks details..........................................................................................................11
TASK 2.2.............................................................................................................. 12
TASK 2.3.............................................................................................................. 12
Project leadership requirements and quatities.................................................12
(Anon., n.d.)...................................................................................................... 12
INSPIRES A SHARED VISION...........................................................................................12
A GOOD COMMUNICATOR..............................................................................................13
ABILITY TO DELEGATE TASKS......................................................................................14
COOL UNDER PRESSURE.................................................................................................14
TEAM-BUILDING SKILLS.................................................................................................14
PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS...........................................................................................14
TASK 2.4.............................................................................................................. 14

Conclusion........................................................................................................ 15
REFERENCES....................................................................................................... 16

My company is JWD (Stand for Job Well Done) is a small company with
more than 200 fulltime consultants and even more part-time consultants. We
provides a variety of consulting services to assist organizations in selecting and
managing information technology project with very high effective, an edge over
many competitors.
Joe Fleming is the CEO who wanted his company to become a world-class
consulting organization. Because he realize that the importance of project
management. And I have been appointed to be an assistant for Ms. Jones as a
project manager of this project to help her build relationships with current and
clients. This report is the prove that the project will opens on time within budget

Task 1.1

Describe the background and principles of project

I. Identify project background & objectives
Project background of project management
A Projects Background is a formal document containing a common
description of what is expected to be done within the project, what prerequisites
for the project are, and how to produce the expected amount of work.

In this case, the project background has been develop by those information
Primary focus
To finding and managing high-payoff projects and developing strong
metrics to measure project performance and benefits to the organization
after the project is implemented.
To continue to grow and become a world-class consulting organization.

A list of prerequisites and key reasons for launch

It would make sense to make some of the information available to the
firms clients
It was crucial for JWD consulting to have an exemplary process for
managing its own projects
A very common description of how to perform the project
Develop several intranet site applications that would allow them to share
their project management knowledge
A plain explanation of the desired outcome
Success to build the customer network
Earn massive money from being expand the JWD company
Complete project in time within limited budget

Designing a background document for a project is a duty of the project manager.
And it is the one to working on what they needs to develop to the market and
create the strategy for ours company.

Objectives of project management

Effective objectives in project management are specific. A specific objective
increases the chances of leading to a specific outcome. In this project the
objectives can be set under three headings:
Performance and Quality
Our project is to provide the application software on website for create a
relationships, and build the information network. Factors affecting application
performance include the demand for a specific action and the systems response
to the demand. The key issues for performance are:

Increased client response time, reduced throughput, and server resource over
utilization. Ensure that you structure the application in an appropriate way and
deploy it onto a system or systems that provide sufficient resources. When
communication must cross process or tier boundaries, consider using coarse-
grained interfaces that require the minimum number of calls (preferably just one)
to execute a specific task, and consider using asynchronous communication.

Increased memory consumption, resulting in reduced performance, excessive

cache misses (the inability to find the required data in the cache), and increased
data store access. Ensure that you design an efficient and appropriate caching

Increased database server processing, resulting in reduced throughput. Ensure

that you choose effective types of transactions, locks, threading, and queuing
approaches. Use efficient queries to minimize performance impact, and avoid
fetching all of the data when only a portion is displayed. Failure to design for
efficient database processing may incur unnecessary load on the database server,
failure to meet performance objectives, and costs in excess of budget allocations.

Increased network bandwidth consumption, resulting in delayed response times

and increased load for client and server systems. Design high performance
communication between tiers using the appropriate remote communication
mechanism. Try to reduce the number of transitions across boundaries, and
minimize the amount of data sent over the network. Batch work to reduce calls
over the network.

The attributes in four specific areas linked to those element below:
Dessign Qualities
- Conceptual Integrity
- Maintainability
- Reusability
Run-time Qualities
- Availability

- Interoperability
- Manageability
- Performance
- Reliability
- Scalability
- Security
System Qualities
- Supportability
- Testability
User Qualities
- Usability
This project must be completed without exceeding the authorized
expenditure. Financial sources are not always inexhaustible so make sure that to
pay proper attention to the cost budgets, and financial management remains
Time to Completion
Actual progress has to match or meat planned progress. We could using
budgets to make the project done before deadline with the exact calculation to
make sure the budgets using is not over the original budgets. The time scale
objective is extremely important because late completion of a project
Project management has developed over the years, and involves various
activities before a project is completed. Objectives is specific, measurable, and
although there may be one major project objective, there may be minor
objectives throughout the project.

II. Write a project charter

Project Charter
A. General Information


Project Build relationships with current and future clients.
Assistant of Ms. Betty Jones, Project manager
Date: 24/12/2014 Version: 1.0

B. Project Objective:

The value that this project add to the organization is the relationships of
customer (or user) with massive benefit from the application that the company
provide. However the company will have a customer network and expand the
relationship with those customer. The priorities of the organization is to focuses
on finding and managing high-payoff focuses on finding and managing high-
payoff projects and developing strong metrics to measure project performance
and benefits to the organization. This project has a huge effect with strategy of
the company that if the project has succeeded we will have a lots of information
from those customer to measure project performance and benefits of each to the
organization. And the final results that the company expected will be the success
of the project will bring huge profit for the company. Many problem will be
resolved like salary, information source, human resource, etc and what the
employee has earned after the project
C. Assumptions
List and describe the assumptions made in the decision to charter this project. Please
note that all assumptions must be validated to ensure that the project stays on schedule
and on budget.

This is a project to develop an application in 1 years to create a relationship with customer.

There are some factors that affect to activity is the delay during the process is testing and
fixing. Not just that but also the human effect. It could make the deadline of the project
extend for at least 3 month.

D. Project Scope
Describe the scope of the project. The project scope establishes the boundaries of the
project. It identifies the limits of the project and defines the deliverables.

The project will be start at 1st January 2015 and close in the end of 2015. After
the project has completed, it would attraction more people to work for the

E. Roles and Responsibilities

Describe the roles and responsibilities of project team members followed by the
names and contact information for those filling the roles. The table below gives some
generic descriptions. Modify, overwrite, and add to these examples to accurately
describe the roles and responsibilities for this project.

Sponsor: Provides overall direction on the project. Responsibilities include: approve the
project charter and plan; secure resources for the project; confirm the projects goals and
objectives; keep abreast of major project activities; make decisions on escalated issues;
and assist in the resolution of roadblocks.
Name Email / Phone

Joe Fleming

Project Manager: Leads in the planning and development of the project; manages the
project to scope. Responsibilities include: develop the project plan; identify project
deliverables; identify risks and develop risk management plan; direct the project resources
(team members); scope control and change management; oversee quality assurance of
the project management process; maintain all documentation including the project plan;
report and forecast project status; resolve conflicts within the project or between cross-
functional teams; ensure that the projects product meets the business objectives; and
communicate project status to stakeholders.
Name Email / Phone

Betty Jones
Nguyen Minh Dang (Assistant)

F. Resources
Identify the initial funding, personnel, and other resources committed to this project by
the project sponsor.

Resource Constraints
Project Budget 100,000$
Engineering Designers 5 people
Testers 10 people
Editors 5 people
Group manager 4 people

G. Project Risks
Identify the high-level project risks and the strategies to mitigate them.

Risk Mitigation Strategy

Outdated product - Provide an update for the application
Getting error when using - Taking advice from the expert
the application - Set up a team for fixing those errors
The application was faked - Report for the government to
eliminate all fake application.
The server is interrupt by - Prepare the backup server (generator)
hackers, viruses, overload, to for temporary remain the sever
Data loss - Back up the data weekly

H. Success Measurements
Identify metric and target you are trying to achieve as a result of this project.

The main success of this project is to reduce the cost and time by 10-25%

Task 1.2

The success of company should have those elements below:

- The time to get the project done is within 1 year from 1 st January, 2015 to
31th September, 2015. It will be on the market in 2016.
- About the employees, It must have 24 people working in 3 group:
Engineering designers with 5 people, Testers with 10 people, Editors with 5
people, and 4 group manager to management (each one manage 5
- The cost that we estimated is 100,000$. It including:
+ Payroll: 50,000 $
+ Advertising cost: 20,000 $
+ License cost (information):30,000$
The project will be completed in 1 year so we need to make a clear and
specific plan to process it through budget and risk carefully
The period of time that required to recover the cost of investment will be
(assume as the annual cash inflows =25,000 $):

Cost of project
Annual cash flows
=4 years
This is what we expect in 4 years

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019

Annual cash in 32,000 45,000 37,000 58,000

NPV and IRR calculation for project (assume the discount rate = 15 %):
32,000 45,000 37,000 58,000
Total of 4 years= + + +
( 1+ 0.15 ) ( 1+0.15 ) ( 1+0.15 ) ( 1+0.15 ) 4
1 2 3


NPV =Total of 4 yearsCost of project

119,341100,00=19,341 $>0

Task 1.3
The project consists of 4 main steps: Initiating processes, planning
processes, executing processes, and closing processes.

Figure 1.3a: Project life cycle

Initiating processes
As an assistant of project manager I have to manage this to produce a new
application for the company for the market. Firstly, we have to define all project
requirements, time, cost, human resources, budgetsetc.

Project Planning
All steps in project planning must be plan carefully. Because of that we
have to execute the project: promotion product, recruitment, and licenseetc.
We have a list of specific goals to implement for the project:
- Create WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
- Identify each target
- Quality assessment
- Anticipated costs
- Project evaluation platform
- Develop schedule
- Develop project management plan
- Implement each objective

Monitoring and controlling the project

The Monitoring and Controlling process oversees all the tasks and metrics
necessary to ensure that the approved and authorized project is within scope, on
time, and on budget so that the project proceeds with minimal risk.
This process involves comparing actual performance with planned
performance and taking corrective action to yield the desired outcome when
significant differences exist. Monitoring and Controlling process is continuously
performed throughout the life of the project.

Closeout a project
Closeout the project properly create significant benefits for our company,
their organization and for better success prospects for future projects, increased
employee motivation, better customer relations, improved attractiveness to
repeat and new business and so on...

Task 1.4
I. Identify the key elements involved in terminating projects and
conducting post-project appraisals
Terminating projects
The key element of terminating project is including:
- Technical reasons
- Requirements or specifications of the project result are not clear or
- Requirements or specifications change fundamentally so that the
underlying contract cannot be changed accordingly
- Lack of project planning, especially risk management
- The intended result or product of the project becomes obsolete, is not any
longer needed
- Adequate human resources, tools, or material are not available
- The project profit becomes significantly lower than expected, due to too
high project cost or too low project revenue
- The parent organization does not longer exist
- The parent organization changes its strategy, and the project does not
support the new strategy
- Force majeure (e.g. earthquake, flooding, etc.)

- Necessary conditions disappear
- Lack of management support
- Lack of customer support
Whenever along the life cycle of a project it becomes clear that we have to
terminate it, there will be achievements we need to document. The least
achievement is new knowledge and experience about what does not work. We
need to document this so that the organization does not run into a similar
situation again. Therefore, we emphasize again that it is vital to run the regular
project closure procedures for a project we have to terminate. As such, adequate
project termination marks successful project management.

II. Develop a lessons-learned report for this project

- The project give me the experience in controlling and managing the
project. As an assistant of project manager I feel that I have to keep
learning from other to keep myself always up-to-date from all the
knowledge of project management
- Avoid the same old mistakes after doing this project
- Learning from project failures
- Paperwork and documentation are necessary for reporting purposes but
when making decisions, we should not placing too much on data which
could be changed within surprisingly
- Use modern technology an team tested management skills as my

Task 2.1



Design Recruitmen Marketing Design Finance

Departmen t Manager Supervisor Departmen
t t
Figure 2.1a: Organizational structure
The organizational structure provide a good vision for dividing work for each
department to improve quality and reduced the time. For that we will have a
table of team member responsibilities:

Activity Project Assista Recruitm Design Marketi Finance Design
manag nt ent Supervi ng departm departmen
er Manag Manager sor ent t
Define A A I I I I I
Develop A R C I C C C
Advertise C C I I R I R
Recruitment C C R I I I I
Financial C C I I I R C
Test C C I R I I R

Note for this table:

R Responsibility
A Accountable
C Consulted
I Informed

Individual tasks details

Project manager
Betty Jones is the project manager who have the main responsibility for
this project. She will have to dealing with problem on the project. And she will
have to optimize the project to reduce time and save money.
Assistant Manager
My duty is supporting Ms. Betty Jones (Project manager) for entire project
work. This role can be replace for project manger
Recruitment manager
The recruitment manager is responsible for the development of the
recruitment team in Human Resources, develops successors and increases the
value added by the team members.
Design Supervisor
Design supervisors are uniquely positioned through direct daily employee
contact to respond to employee needs, problems, and satisfaction. Design
supervisors are the direct link between management and the work force and can
be most effective in developing job training, safety attitudes, safe working
methods and identifying unsafe acts and conditions.
Marketing is the most important activity in a business because it has a
direct effect on profitability and sales. Larger businesses will dedicate specific
staff and departments for the purpose of marketing.
Finance department

Prepare and create financial accounts such as Trading, Profit and

Loss Account and the Balance Sheet.

Keep and maintain financial records sales figures and records of
expenditure would be held by the Finance department and used by other
departments also.

Prepare and plan internal financial information this would mainly

be performed in the case of a budget, which is a financial plan and can help
managers take corrective action.

Analyze current financial performance how the firm has done in

trading or expenses would be analyzed primarily using ratio analysis tools.

Pay creditors Finance Department would ensure that bills are paid to
people the firm owes money to.

Pay employees wages and salaries running the payroll system is

another important task for Finance to undertake.

Task 2.2
Project success requires the creation of a suitable project execution and
schedule plan, communication of that plan to all participants and stakeholders
and ensuring the plan is executed. This plan is owned by the project manager
and prepared in conjunction with project participants and in consultation with
This project execution plan must include reports of project status and key
indicators as well as good allocation of time/budget to the various activities in
the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It must also ensure at all times availability
of necessary resources
In our project we following the project cycle to easily identify the purpose
and limitations, and to foster a plan. The project manager will be easily to control
the project through indicators and reports of the team member. Those element
could be to decide the success and profitability of the project. In our project, the
things that should have to control and coordinate is the licenses to avoid the risk
of being sued for did the copyright purchase
Another things that is very important in managing the project is time
management. For the time management will reduce the budget effectively. Finish
the project early could bring a lot of profit and benefits for our company and
client. Time management could be established by a lots of skill, tools and
techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks project and
goal complying with a due date or could be earlier. We used all those element to
manage our project including techniques, methods and processes.
In the other hand, to running the project smoothly, the risk must be
minimize as much as possible. List out all kind of risk can threat the entire
process of the project then carefully create a backup plan to reduce the risk. This
will relate to all department to keep the project running.
And finally, to control and keep the project running perfectly we need to
have a report from each department. Not only the group leader but also the
team member has to give a detail report about their work. It will include quality,

time, cost, risk of each work. When something changed the assistant of project
manager and the project manager will give the decision depended on the data
collected and the current situation.

Task 2.3
Project leadership requirements and quantities
(Anon., n.d.)
An effective project leader is often described as having a vision of where to go
and the ability to articulate it. Visionaries thrive on change and being able to
draw new boundaries. It was once said that a leader is someone who "lifts us up,
gives us a reason for being and gives the vision and spirit to change." Visionary
leaders enable people to feel they have a real stake in the project. They
empower people to experience the vision on their own. According to Bennis
"They offer people opportunities to create their own vision, to explore what the
vision will mean to their jobs and lives, and to envision their future as part of the
vision for the organization." (Bennis, 1997)

The ability to communicate with people at all levels is almost always named as
the second most important skill by project managers and team members. Project
leadership calls for clear communication about goals, responsibility,
performance, expectations and feedback.
There is a great deal of value placed on openness and directness. The project
leader is also the team's link to the larger organization. The leader must have the
ability to effectively negotiate and use persuasion when necessary to ensure the
success of the team and project. Through effective communication, project
leaders support individual and team achievements by creating explicit guidelines
for accomplishing results and for the career advancement of team members.

One of the most important things a project leader must remember is that his or
her actions, and not words, set the modus operandi for the team. Good
leadership demands commitment to, and demonstration of, ethical practices.
Creating standards for ethical behavior for oneself and living by these standards,
as well as rewarding those who exemplify these practices, are responsibilities of
project leaders. Leadership motivated by self-interest does not serve the well-
being of the team. Leadership based on integrity represents nothing less than a
set of values others share, behavior consistent with values and dedication to
honesty with self and team members. In other words the leader "walks the talk"
and in the process earns trust.

Plain and simple, we don't like leaders who are negative - they bring us down. We
want leaders with enthusiasm, with a bounce in their step, with a can-do
attitude. We want to believe that we are part of an invigorating journey - we want
to feel alive. We tend to follow people with a can-do attitude, not those who give
us 200 reasons why something can't be done. Enthusiastic leaders are
committed to their goals and express this commitment through optimism.
Leadership emerges as someone expresses such confident commitment to a

project that others want to share his or her optimistic expectations. Enthusiasm
is contagious and effective leaders know it.

What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Although the words are
similar, they are, in fact, mutually exclusive. According to Norman Paul, in
sympathy the subject is principally absorbed in his or her own feelings as they
are projected into the object and has little concern for the reality and validity of
the object's special experience. Empathy, on the other hand, presupposes the
existence of the object as a separate individual, entitled to his or her own
feelings, ideas and emotional history (Paul, 1970). As one student so eloquently
put it, "It's nice when a project leader acknowledges that we all have a life
outside of work."

Simply put, to enlist in another's cause, we must believe that that person knows
what he or she is doing. Leadership competence does not however necessarily
refer to the project leader's technical abilities in the core technology of the
business. As project management continues to be recognized as a field in and of
itself, project leaders will be chosen based on their ability to successfully lead
others rather than on technical expertise, as in the past. Having a winning track
record is the surest way to be considered competent. Expertise in leadership
skills is another dimension in competence. The ability to challenge, inspire,
enable, model and encourage must be demonstrated if leaders are to be seen as
capable and competent.


Trust is an essential element in the relationship of a project leader and his or her
team. You demonstrate your trust in others through your actions - how much you
check and control their work, how much you delegate and how much you allow
people to participate. Individuals who are unable to trust other people often fail
as leaders and forever remain little more that micro-managers, or end up doing
all of the work themselves. As one project management student put it, "A good
leader is a little lazy." An interesting perspective!


In a perfect world, projects would be delivered on time, under budget and with
no major problems or obstacles to overcome. But we don't live in a perfect world
- projects have problems. A leader with a hardy attitude will take these problems
in stride. When leaders encounter a stressful event, they consider it interesting,
they feel they can influence the outcome and they see it as an opportunity. "Out
of the uncertainty and chaos of change, leaders rise up and articulate a new
image of the future that pulls the project together." (Bennis 1997) And remember
- never let them see you sweat.

A team builder can best be defined as a strong person who provides the
substance that holds the team together in common purpose toward the right
objective. In order for a team to progress from a group of strangers to a single
cohesive unit, the leader must understand the process and dynamics required for
this transformation. He or she must also know the appropriate leadership style to
use during each stage of team development. The leader must also have an

understanding of the different team players styles and how to capitalize on each
at the proper time, for the problem at hand.


Although an effective leader is said to share problem-solving responsibilities with
the team, we expect our project leaders to have excellent problem-solving skills
themselves. They have a "fresh, creative response to here-and-now
opportunities," and not much concern with how others have performed them.
(Kouzes 1987)

Task 2.4
Plan and specify human resources and requirements for this major project
is a necessary step to important to keep the project running on the right track.
This project to provide the new application for the market we need to doing
everything step-by-steps. Because of that we must apply the WBS for each
department. And this project need those department to start: Project manager,
assistant manager, recruitment manager, design supervisor, design department,
marketing, and finance department.
I already have a vision for this so I choose 4 group manager to manage
each group have 5 staff. And the group manager will be choose by assistant of
project manager. All staff has been recruited must be select from the resource
inside the company. And clarify from those have high experience to make raise
the success of the project.
Then I choose 5 designers to design the application, 10 tester for checking
any errors may appears from the design process, and finally I recruit 5 editors to
help the designer fixing the problem.
To manage with such a huge project the project manager will need an
assistant to help to controlling, planning, and manage the entire project. The
assistant could be lack of experience but have to cleaver to handle some
complicate situation.
Marketing and advertising is the one decide the future after the project
finished. So the element that the marketing department much have: quick, smart
creative. Besides, they much have a relationship with the advertising companies
and could be better if they could negotiate with the broadcaster.
The design supervisor will responsible for monitoring, controlling, and
timing adjustments for the design process of designer and editor. Then report for
assistant or project manager.
The finance department is controlling the money of budget flow in or flow
out. They will be the expert in calculation. Then be able to analyze the flow and
predict to avoid the risk for company.
And finally, all the staff in the group and they must understand the roles of
each department plays. So that they could know each other more clearly for
them to work as a team, decrease the conflict to complete this project perfectly.

This report is based on those elements of cost, time, and profit of the
application. The main purpose which is the main goal of this project is to
complete it with successful and on time. Moreover, if I can make this project
reducing time and budget to 10 25%, minimize the risk that will be the huge
successful for me and for the JWD company.

Anon., n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 September 2014].


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