Jim Porter Letter To Bobby Timmons

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PORTER, PORTER & HASSINGER, PC. March 10, 2017 raceme ‘Mr. Robert D. “Bobby” Timmons Executive Director Alabama Sheriff's Association ‘514 Washington Street Montgomery, AL 36104-4385 Dear Bobby: was forwarded your March 2% email alert on Senate Bill 24 (Allen-R) and your ‘opposition to the measure. In this email, you suggest that asa former NRA President, I should not have testified in favor of the bill and NRA “should have kept their nose out of it” ‘As you know, lama lifelong resident of Alabama and a long-serving member ofthe NRA Board of Directors. Iwill never shirk my duty in both ofthese capacities to support the right of law-abiding citizens to exercise ther Second Amendment righ to keep and best ams. ‘Anyone who believes in our God-given right to self-defense should support this bill, and should do so strongly. ‘The NRA, which includes myself, will always be thereto defend our firearms freedom in Alabama and throughout our great nation. I simply cennot agree that NRA should not engage in the legislative process on behalf of our members and supporters in Alabama, Senate Bill 24 will advance freedom and I was proud to speak in favor ofthe bill uring the hearing. ‘Your email also suggests thatthe right to keep and bear arms is just a voluntary privilege provided by the state and, like other privileges, should come with a monetary fee. I could not Gisagree more. The rights secured inthe U.S. and Alabama Constitutions are jus that, igh that every law-abiding citizen enjoys. To suggest otherwise isto fil to understand te distinction between the two, | remind you that not too long ago, during the November election of 2014, the people of ‘Alabama spoke ioud and clear on this point, with more than 70-pereent voting to affirm the right ‘bear arms in the Alabama Constitution. The good people of Alabama understand what's at stake, and solidly support the right to keep and beat arms, lean assure you that NRA’s support of Senate Bill 24 will not waiver as this session proceeds. On this and other points we may disagree but our disagreement should not detract from the long working relationship that we have enjoyed over the years. [would simply ask that Bobby Timmons March 10, 2017 Page Two wwe keep things respectful and courteous. Ifthere's anything I can do for you, or if you have any specific questions about Senate Bill 24, by all means lt me know, Regards, 16 W. Porter, IL IWPlde ce: Sheriff Mike Hale Senator Del Marsh

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