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The Price

The price is purposely big and bold with a bright background color
yellow and black bold letters to make it stand out to attract there
target audience to buy the magazine for such a low price.


The denotation of the masthead is that its big and bold with white
letters also with a pink background the connotation is show
femininity also the word reveal is inviting the reader to look inside
and unravel something
Main Image

The main image is of Cheryl Cole a very inspirational woman that

young girls look up to this is a long shot image and represents
women in a odd way and that they want their target audience to
read about celebrities also it appeals to women they also want to
increase the financial profit


The connotation of the tagline is that it makes the audience think

that this magazine is the best for celeb gossip something that
would typically attract a women as their target audience


They types of words they use on the magazine is straight forward

there’s no twist to it like “RICH, THIN& DESPERATE” there not
scared to tell how it is how its seen in the general public because
it means the target audience wants the truth and nothing less they
want to read about exciting real life stories and the writes want to
provide them with that information they want to single out celebs
and get there view on life wats new and wats not

On this magazine the price is small but the price is big because
there is a load full of information init I think they make the price
and so small that it could be invisable is because they don’t want
there target audience to get put off magazine

Heat is in big letters its in read so it stands out in the bunh its
standerd font but its aslo informal language and its not clearly
aimed at a higher class audience but aimed at young adults the
denotatiom is that its plain and simple font red letters and the
connotation is that it shows masculintiny and attract a female

Website Address

This website allows the reader to go beyond the magazine to find

out even more about exclusive celeb life this is site is acceslible to
different people around the world.


The denotation of this is a picture of cheryl cole and her x hubby

ashely cole the writer wants the reader to explore the magazine
to see what went on in cheryl birthday bash they what to talk
about womanly things the connotation is that for many young girls
that look up to her many wanna follow in her foots steps in the
picture her name is highlited in a light pink colour that stands out
from the rest of the text

Main Image

The main subject of the main article on the front cover is about
weight loss its about how u looked before and after and maybe if
you looked “bloated” or “too skinny” they say that “MISCHA” “out
of control” its big and bold in a bright pink colour it stands out
from the rest of the text I think there trying to tell there female
audience that you should take care of uself be healthy and try not
to be to skinny or to fat but on the other hand its kinda of a
sterotyping because most of these magazines with famous lady
celebs bang on about how skinny they are or how wrong she looks
just because she is over weight in my opinion every person in this
world looks good big small tall fat skinny.


This links the image to the the text mischa out of control its eye
catching the coverline is mainly about being stressted out and
turning to drugs for comfort.

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