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Drive Technology \ Drive Automation \ System Integration \ Services


MOVITOOLS MotionStudio

Edition 08/2009 16791215 / EN

SEW-EURODRIVEDriving the world

1 General Information ............................................................................................ 7
1.1 Structure of the safety notes ....................................................................... 7
1.2 Liability for defects ...................................................................................... 8
1.3 Exclusion of liability..................................................................................... 8
1.4 Copyright..................................................................................................... 8
2 Safety Notes ........................................................................................................ 9
2.1 General information .................................................................................... 9
2.2 Designated use ......................................................................................... 10
2.3 Target group ............................................................................................. 10
2.4 Bus systems.............................................................................................. 10
3 Documentation .................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Product name and trademarks.................................................................. 11
3.2 Additional documentation.......................................................................... 11
4 About MOVITOOLS MotionStudio ................................................................. 12
4.1 Tasks ........................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Functional principle ................................................................................... 12
4.2.1 Overview.................................................................................... 12
4.2.2 Engineering via interface adapters ........................................... 13
4.2.3 Establishing communication with other units ............................. 14
4.2.4 Executing functions with the units.............................................. 14
4.2.5 TCI call interface........................................................................ 15
4.3 Help........................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 Technical support ...................................................................... 15
4.3.2 Online help................................................................................. 15
5 Software Installation ......................................................................................... 16
5.1 Prerequisite............................................................................................... 16
5.1.1 Administrator rights.................................................................... 16
5.1.2 Own firewall ............................................................................... 16
5.1.3 Microsoft products ..................................................................... 16
5.1.4 Older versions of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio ......................... 16
5.2 Starting the installation from a CD ............................................................ 17
5.3 Downloading and installing the software package from the
SEW homepage........................................................................................ 18
5.4 Installing software (standard) .................................................................... 18
5.5 Adding exceptions to the firewall for software components (options) ....... 19
5.6 Installing software (user-defined) .............................................................. 20
5.6.1 Selecting software components (options).................................. 20
5.6.2 MOVIDRIVE units.................................................................... 21
5.6.3 MOVITRAC units ..................................................................... 22
5.6.4 MOVIAXIS units....................................................................... 23
5.6.5 MOVI-PLC and gateways ........................................................ 24
5.6.6 Decentralized drive technology.................................................. 25

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 3


6 Interface and Views........................................................................................... 26

6.1 Interface, toolbar and context menu ......................................................... 26
6.1.1 Structure of the interface ........................................................... 26
6.1.2 Structure of the toolbar .............................................................. 28
6.1.3 Structure of the context menu.................................................... 29
6.1.4 Structure of the tools homepage................................................ 30
6.2 Views and node types............................................................................... 31
6.2.1 Types of views ........................................................................... 31
6.2.2 Project view and node types...................................................... 32
6.2.3 Network view and node types.................................................... 33
7 Connection Mode .............................................................................................. 34
7.1 Overview ................................................................................................... 34
7.2 Selecting the communication mode (online or offline) .............................. 35
8 First Steps.......................................................................................................... 36
8.1 Workflow ................................................................................................... 36
8.2 Prerequisite............................................................................................... 37
8.3 Step 1: Creating a project and network..................................................... 38
8.4 Step 2: Configuring a communication channel ......................................... 39
8.4.1 Setting up a communication channel......................................... 39
8.4.2 Removing a communication channel......................................... 41
8.5 Step 3: Scanning the network (unit scan) ................................................. 42
8.6 Step 4: Setting the communication mode to "online" ................................ 42
8.7 Step 5: Configuring units using the tools .................................................. 43
8.7.1 Prerequisite................................................................................ 43
8.7.2 Calling a tool from the context menu ......................................... 43
8.7.3 Calling a tool via the tools homepage........................................ 44
8.7.4 Reading/changing unit parameters in the parameter tree ......... 45
8.8 Step 6: Saving unit parameters changed online ....................................... 46
8.8.1 Prerequisite................................................................................ 46
8.8.2 Saving unit parameters using project management .................. 46
8.8.3 Saving unit parameters using data management ...................... 49
9 Managing Projects ............................................................................................ 50
9.1 Overview ................................................................................................... 50
9.1.1 Purpose of project management................................................ 50
9.1.2 Advantages of project management .......................................... 50
9.1.3 Project directories and file storage ............................................ 51
9.1.4 Managed objects ....................................................................... 52
9.1.5 Cleaning a project...................................................................... 52
9.2 Managing unit parameters (phases) ......................................................... 53
9.3 Synchronizing unit parameters ................................................................. 54
9.4 Mini symbols for displaying the node status ............................................. 55
9.4.1 Mini symbols in the network view .............................................. 55
9.4.2 Mini symbols in the project view ................................................ 56

4 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60


10 Working with Units and Parameter Files ........................................................ 57

10.1 Configuring units ....................................................................................... 57
10.1.1 Configuring new units ................................................................ 57
10.1.2 Configuring existing units in the network ................................... 61
10.2 Editing the unit-independent parameter file (offline) ................................. 63
10.3 Using data management to transfer parameter files ................................. 65
10.3.1 Overview.................................................................................... 65
10.3.2 Using data management............................................................ 65
11 Working Locally and Remotely........................................................................ 66
11.1 Local ......................................................................................................... 66
11.1.1 Setting up communication for the
SEW Communication Server (SECOS) ..................................... 66
11.1.2 Setting up the cyclic accessibility test........................................ 67
11.2 Remote ..................................................................................................... 68
11.2.1 Overview.................................................................................... 68
11.2.2 Setting up communication settings for remote operation........... 69
12 Communication Channels in Detail ................................................................. 72
12.1 Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter .............................. 72
12.1.1 Engineering via interface adapter (serial) .................................. 72
12.1.2 Starting up the USB11A interface adapter................................. 72
12.1.3 Configuring the serial communication........................................ 76
12.1.4 Communication parameters, serial (RS-485) ............................ 78
12.2 Communication via USB (direct) .............................................................. 79
12.2.1 Connecting the unit with the PC via USB .................................. 79
12.2.2 Installing the driver..................................................................... 80
12.2.3 Configuring USB communication............................................... 80
12.2.4 USB communication parameters ............................................... 82
12.3 Communication SBus (CAN) via interface adapter .................................. 83
12.3.1 Engineering via interface adapter (SBus) .................................. 83
12.3.2 Starting up the USB-CAN interface ........................................... 83
12.3.3 Configuring the SBus communication........................................ 86
12.3.4 Communication parameters for SBus........................................ 88
12.4 Communication via Ethernet..................................................................... 89
12.4.1 Direct communication ................................................................ 89
12.4.2 Address Editor ........................................................................... 90
12.4.3 Configuring the communication channel via Ethernet ............... 94
12.4.4 Setting communication parameters for SMLP ........................... 96
12.4.5 Communication parameters for SMLP....................................... 97
12.4.6 Communication ports used ........................................................ 98
12.5 Communication via EtherCAT................................................................... 99
12.5.1 Overview ................................................................................... 99
12.5.2 Function .................................................................................. 100
12.5.3 Configuring the communication channel via EtherCAT ........... 101
12.6 Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1 ............................................ 105
12.6.1 Communication via C2 master ................................................ 105

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 5


12.6.2 Additionally required hardware and software........................... 106

12.6.3 Parameterizing the C2 master with SIMATIC NET.................. 107
12.6.4 Configuring communication via PROFIBUS ............................ 110
12.6.5 Communication parameters for PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1 .......... 112
12.7 Communication via MPI with SIMATIC S7.............................................. 113
12.7.1 Overview.................................................................................. 113
12.7.2 Function ................................................................................... 113
12.7.3 Configuring communication via S7-MPI................................... 114
12.7.4 Communication parameters for S7-MPI .................................. 117
12.8 Communication via Ethernet with SIMATIC S7 ...................................... 118
12.8.1 Prerequisites............................................................................ 118
12.8.2 Overview.................................................................................. 118
12.8.3 Function ................................................................................... 119
12.8.4 Configuring the communication channel via Ethernet ............. 120
13 Configuring Units Using Tools ...................................................................... 122
13.1 Functions and tools................................................................................. 122
13.2 Displaying supported unit types .............................................................. 122
13.3 Tools in detail.......................................................................................... 123
13.3.1 Startup wizard.......................................................................... 123
13.3.2 Parameter tree......................................................................... 124
13.3.3 PDO Editor............................................................................... 129
13.3.4 Manual operation ..................................................................... 130
13.3.5 Scope....................................................................................... 131
13.3.6 Application Builder ................................................................... 131
13.3.7 Shell......................................................................................... 131
13.3.8 Bus monitor.............................................................................. 132
13.3.9 Technology editors .................................................................. 133
13.3.10 Tools for programming............................................................. 134
13.3.11 Online unit status ..................................................................... 135
14 MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI.............................................................. 137
14.1 System requirements .............................................................................. 137
14.1.1 Hardware ................................................................................. 137
14.1.2 Software................................................................................... 137
14.2 Functional principle ................................................................................. 138
14.2.1 Overview.................................................................................. 138
14.2.2 Advantages.............................................................................. 139
14.2.3 Project directories and file storage .......................................... 139
14.3 Using MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI ........................................... 139
14.3.1 Overview.................................................................................. 139
14.3.2 Calling MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI........................... 140
15 Glossary........................................................................................................... 141
16 Address List .................................................................................................... 144
Index................................................................................................................. 154

6 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

General Information
Structure of the safety notes

1 General Information
1.1 Structure of the safety notes
The safety notes in these operating instructions are designed as follows:


Type and source of danger.
Possible consequence(s) if disregarded.
Measure(s) to prevent the danger.

Pictogram Signal word Meaning Consequences if

Example: DANGER Imminent danger Severe or fatal injuries

WARNING Possible dangerous situation Severe or fatal injuries

General danger

CAUTION Possible dangerous situation Minor injuries

Specific danger,
e.g. electric shock NOTICE Possible damage to property Damage to the drive system or its environ-

INFORMA- Useful information or tip.

TION Simplifies the handling of the
drive system.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 7

General Information
1 Liability for defects

1.2 Liability for defects

Compliance with this manual and the operating instructions of the units is prerequisite
for fault-free operation and fulfillment of any right to claim under warranty. You should
therefore read the manual and operating instructions of the units before you start work-
ing with the software and units.
Make sure that the operating instructions are available to persons responsible for the
machinery and its operation as well as to persons who work independently on the units.
You must also ensure that the operating instructions are legible.

1.3 Exclusion of liability

You must comply with the information contained in this manual and in the operating in-
structions of the units to ensure safe operation and to achieve the specified product
characteristics and performance requirements. SEW-EURODRIVE assumes no liability
for injury to persons or damage to equipment or property resulting from non-observance
of the operating instructions. In such cases, any liability for defects is excluded.

1.4 Copyright
2009 SEW-EURODRIVE. All rights reserved.
Copyright law prohibits the unauthorized duplication, modification, distribution, and use
of this document, in whole or in part.

8 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Safety Notes
General information

2 Safety Notes
The following basic safety notes must be read carefully to prevent injury to persons and
damage to property. The operator must ensure that the basic safety notes are read and
observed. Ensure that persons responsible for the system and its operation as well as
persons who work independently on the units have read through the manual carefully
and understood it. If you are unclear about any of the information in this documentation,
please contact SEW-EURODRIVE.
The following safety notes apply to MOVITOOLS MotionStudio. Also take into account
the supplementary safety notes in the individual sections of this documentation and in
the documentation of the units.

2.1 General information

Read through this manual carefully before you start working with MOVITOOLS Motion-
This document does not replace the detailed operating instructions for the units. This
manual assumes that the user has access to, and is familiar with, the documentation on
the units.
Never install damaged products and put them into operation. Submit a complaint to the
shipping company immediately in the event of damage. Only qualified personnel observ-
ing the applicable accident prevention regulations and operating instructions are al-
lowed to perform installation and startup tasks.
During operation, units with this type of enclosure may have live, uninsulated, and some-
times moving or rotating parts as well as hot surfaces.
Removing covers without authorization, improper use, as well as incorrect installation or
operation may result in severe injuries to persons or damage to machinery.
Consult the documentation for further information.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 9

Safety Notes
2 Designated use

2.2 Designated use

MOVITOOLS MotionStudio is a software package for engineering of the following
Frequency inverter
Drive inverter
Servo inverter

2.3 Target group

The MOVITOOLS MotionStudio user is a qualified person who has been trained ac-
SEW-EURODRIVE recommends that the user attends additional product training
courses for units and motors that are operated with MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
Any work related to installation, startup and maintenance of the devices as well as trou-
bleshooting may only be performed by qualified personnel. Observe IEC 60364 and
CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and IEC 60664 or DIN VDE 0110 as well as the
national accident prevention regulations.
Qualified personnel in the context of these basic safety notes are persons familiar with
installation, assembly, startup and operation of the product who possess the required
All work in further areas of transportation, storage, operation and waste disposal must
be carried out by qualified personnel who are appropriately trained.

2.4 Bus systems

A bus system makes it is possible to adapt frequency inverters and/or motor starters to
the particulars of the machinery. There is the risk that a change of parameters that can-
not be detected externally can result in unexpected, though not uncontrolled, system be-

10 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Product name and trademarks

3 Documentation
3.1 Product name and trademarks
The brands and product names mentioned in this documentation are trademarks or reg-
istered trademarks of the titleholders.

3.2 Additional documentation

In addition to this manual, SEW-EURODRIVE offers you extensive documentation cov-
ering the entire topic of electrical drive engineering. These are mainly the publications
of the "Drive Engineering - Practical Implementation" series as well as the manuals and
catalogs for electronically controlled drives.
You can download a wide selection of our documentation in a number of languages on
our homepage (www.sew-eurodrive.de). If required, you can also order printed and
bound copies of the documentation from SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 11

4 About MOVITOOLS MotionStudio

4 About MOVITOOLS MotionStudio

4.1 Tasks
The software package enables you to perform the following tasks with consistency:
Establishing communication with units
Executing functions with the units

4.2 Functional principle

4.2.1 Overview
The following figure illustrates the functional principle of the MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio software package

Machine control
Machine level PLC

System control
System level [1]

Functions Tools SEW-Communication-Server

SBus Profibus Ethernet
Parameter setting Serial S7-MPI


Visualization & diag.



Unit control
Field level
Firmware Firmware Firmware



[1] Communication channel for fieldbus or Industrial Ethernet

[2] MOVITOOLS MotionStudio software package with integrated SEW Communication Server
[3] Communication between fieldbus stations or Industrial Ethernet stations
[4] Communication channel to SBus (CAN) or serial via interface adapter

12 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

About MOVITOOLS MotionStudio 4
Functional principle

4.2.2 Engineering via interface adapters

If your unit supports the "SBus" or "Serial" communication options, you can use a suit-
able interface adapter for engineering.
The interface adapter is an additional hardware component available from SEW-
EURODRIVE. You can use it to connect your engineering PC with the respective com-
munication option of the unit.
The type of interface adapter you require depends on the communication options of the
respective unit.
Refer to the following chapters:
Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapters
Communication via SBus (CAN) via interface adapter

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 13

4 About MOVITOOLS MotionStudio
Functional principle

4.2.3 Establishing communication with other units

The SEW Communication Server is integrated into the MOVITOOLS MotionStudio
software package for establishing communication with the units.
The SEW Communication Server allows you to create communication channels.
Once the channels are established, the units communicate via these communication
channels using their communication options. You can operate up to four communication
channels at the same time.
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio supports the following types of communication channels:
Serial (RS-485) via interface adapters
System bus (SBus) via interface adapters
Fieldbus (PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1)
Tool Calling Interface
The available channels can vary depending on the units and its communication options.

4.2.4 Executing functions with the units

The software package offer uniformity in executing the following functions:
Parameterization (for example in the parameter tree of the unit)
Visualization and diagnostics
The following basic components are integrated into the MOVITOOLS MotionStudio
software package, allowing you to use the units to execute functions:
All functions communicate using tools. MOVITOOLS MotionStudio provides the right
tools for every unit type.

14 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

About MOVITOOLS MotionStudio 4

4.2.5 TCI call interface

TCI (Tool Calling Interface) is a standardized call interface based on the specification of
the PROFIBUS user organization (PNO).
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio (version 5.60 and higher) supports TCI for all units with the
following communication options:
These units must have been configured in the configuration software SIMATIC Manager
(from the STEP 7 software package of Siemens).
You can select the configured units in the tool "HW Config" and call
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio as a so-called "device tool".
For detailed information, refer to section "MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI" at the
end of this documentation.

4.3 Help
4.3.1 Technical support
SEW-EURODRIVE offers you a 24-hour service hotline.
Simply dial (+49) 0 18 05 and then enter the letters SEWHELP via the telephone key-
pad. Of course, you can also dial (+49) 0 18 05 - 7 39 43 57.

4.3.2 Online help

After installation, the following types of help are available to you:
This documentation is displayed in a help window after you start the software.
If the help window does not appear at the start, deactivate the "Display" control field,
in the menu under [Settings] / [Options] / [Help].
If the help window appears again, activate the "Display" control field, in the menu un-
der [Settings] / [Options] / [Help].
Context-sensitive help is available for the fields which require you to enter values.
For example, you can use the <F1> key to display the ranges of values for the unit

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 15

Software Installation
5 Prerequisite

5 Software Installation
5.1 Prerequisite
5.1.1 Administrator rights

You need local administrator rights to be able to install MOVITOOLS MotionStudio
on your PC.
Contact your system administrator if you do not have local administrator rights on
your PC.

5.1.2 Own firewall

If you are using your own firewall (not the Windows firewall), the software components
are not automatically authorized (registered).
Follow the instructions in section "Adding exceptions to the firewall for software
components (options)".
Contact your system administrator if you do not have access to your firewall.

5.1.3 Microsoft products

When you install MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, the following Microsoft products are in-
stalled on your PC:
Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0
Installer 3.1
J# Redistributable 2.0
Microsoft DirectX

If Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 has not already been installed on your PC, the
installation routine recognizes this and automatically selects the relevant control field.

5.1.4 Older versions of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio

Older versions of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio are uninstalled during the installation
routine but the project data is retained.

16 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Software Installation
Starting the installation from a CD

5.2 Starting the installation from a CD

For the following procedure, Internet Explorer must be the standard browser of your PC.
Proceed as follows to start the installation procedure from the CD:
1. Place the installation CD in your CD-ROM drive.
2. Wait until the installation CD starts and the Internet Explorer opens.
The "Start.htm" file is displayed in the Internet Explorer.

If the "Start.htm" file does NOT automatically open, start the file manually from the root
directory of the installation CD.

3. Click on the link "MOVITOOLS MotionStudio".

4. Click on the link "Start installation".
The setup wizard is launched.
5. Proceed as described in:
Installing software (standard) (page 18)
Installing software (user-defined) (page 20)

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 17

Software Installation
5 Downloading and installing the software package from the SEW homepage

5.3 Downloading and installing the software package from the SEW homepage
Perform the following steps to download the software package from the SEW homepage
and start the installation.
1. Go to the software search on the "Documentation / Software / CAD" page of the SEW
2. Select "MOVITOOLS MotionStudio" from the dropdown list and press the [Search]
3. Click on the link of the software package you need.
4. Fill out the contact form and press [Accept].
The "File download" window opens.
5. Save the compressed installation directory to your PC.
6. Open the installation directory and click on the "Start.htm" file.
The "Start.htm" file is displayed in the browser.
7. To start installing the software package, follow the steps, starting with step 2, de-
scribed in "Starting installation from a CD" (page 17).

5.4 Installing software (standard)

Proceed as follows to install the software (standard):
1. Select the language for installation.
2. Select one of the following installation options:
Standard (standard without control technology)
Complete (standard with control technology)
3. Follow the instructions of the Setup wizard.
4. Enter the target directory for the installation, or confirm the standard directory.

18 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Software Installation
Adding exceptions to the firewall for software components (options)

5.5 Adding exceptions to the firewall for software components (options)

Before starting MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, you must add exceptions to your firewall
for the installed software components.
If you are using a WINDOWS firewall, MOVITOOLS MotionStudio can automatically
activate the installed software components.
If you are using a firewall, follow the steps below:
1. At the end of the installation, pay attention to the window with the executable pro-
grams, which you must register in your firewall.


The example displays the executable programs for a complete installation (including
control technology).
These are:
Gateway.exe (for PLC Editor)
GatewayDDE.exe (for PLC Editor)
Usp.exe (for online updates)

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 19

Software Installation
5 Installing software (user-defined)

2. Perform the following step depending on the type of your firewall:

If you are using a Windows firewall, the "Activate programs automatically in the
firewall" radio button is already activated (default setting). Click [Close] to
complete the installation.
If you are using your own firewall, enter all programs listed in the window in your
firewall as soon as the installation is complete.
If you want to authorize or block individual communication ports, note the following:
Communication ports 300 to 307 are reserved for internal functions of
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
For details, refer to the table "Communication ports used" (page 98) in sub-chapter
"Communication via Ethernet".

5.6 Installing software (user-defined)

5.6.1 Selecting software components (options)
Proceed as follows to install the software (user-defined):
1. Select the installation option "user-defined".
2. Follow the instructions of the setup wizard.
3. Choose the software components (options) for your units by activating the appropri-
ate checkboxes.
Refer to the tables for selecting software components (options):
MOVIDRIVE units (page 21)
MOVITRAC units (page 22)
MOVIAXIS units (page 23)
MOVI-PLC and gateways (page 24)
Decentralized drive technology (page 25)
Also note the information on the scope of services found in the documentation for
each unit.
4. Confirm the selected software components.
5. Follow the instructions of the setup wizard.
6. Enter the target directory for the installation, or confirm the standard directory.

20 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Software Installation
Installing software (user-defined)

5.6.2 MOVIDRIVE units

Refer to the following table when selecting software components for the MOVIDRIVE
Units Software components

Designation Illustration MOVITOOLS Communication PLC Editor MOVITOOLS USB-CAN inter-
MotionStudio Server face
MOVIDRIVE B Required Required Not required Required Recommended

MOVIDRIVE B Required Required Required Required Recommended

MOVIDRIVE A Not required Not required Not required Required Not required


Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 21

Software Installation
5 Installing software (user-defined)

5.6.3 MOVITRAC units

Refer to the following table when selecting software components for the MOVITRAC
Units Software components

Designation Illustration MOVITOOLS Communication PLC Editor MOVITOOLS USB-CAN inter-
MotionStudio Server face
MOVITRAC B Required Required Not required Not required Not required
(without IPOS)
MOVITRAC B Required Required Not required Required Not required
(with IPOS)

MOVITRAC B Required Required Required Not required Not necessary,
with MOVI-PLC but recom-


MOVITRAC 07 Not required Not required Not required Required Not required


22 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Software Installation
Installing software (user-defined)

5.6.4 MOVIAXIS units

Refer to the following table when selecting software components for the MOVIAXIS
Units Software components

Designation Illustration MOVITOOLS Communication PLC Editor MOVITOOLS USB-CAN
MotionStudio Server interface
MOVIAXIS Required Required Not required Not required Required


MOVIAXIS with Required Required Required Not required Not required
master module
MOVIAXIS with Required Required Required Not required Not required
master module
MOVIAXIS with Required Required Required Not required Not required
master module 962316939
MOVIAXIS with Required Required Required Not required Recommended


Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 23

Software Installation
5 Installing software (user-defined)

5.6.5 MOVI-PLC and gateways

Refer to the following table for selecting software components for MOVI-PLC and gate-
Units Software components

Designation Illustration MOVITOOLS Communication PLC Editor MOVITOOLS USB-CAN inter-
MotionStudio Server face
MOVI-PLC Required Required Required Recommended Recommended

UFx11A fieldbus Not required Not required Not required Required Not required

DFx fieldbus Required Required Not required Not required Not required


24 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Software Installation
Installing software (user-defined)

5.6.6 Decentralized drive technology

Refer to the following table when selecting software components for decentralized drive
Units Software components

Designation Illustration MOVITOOLS Communication PLC Editor MOVITOOLS USB-CAN inter-
MotionStudio Server face
MOVIFIT func- Required Required Not required Required for Not required
tion level Classic MOVIFIT MC
MOVIFIT func- Required Required Required Required for Not required
tion level Tech- MOVIFIT MC

MOVIMOT Not required Not required Not required Required Not required

MFx/MQx field- Not required Not required Not required Required Not required
bus interface

MOVIGEAR Required Required Not required Not required Not required


Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 25

Interface and Views
6 Interface, toolbar and context menu

6 Interface and Views

6.1 Interface, toolbar and context menu
6.1.1 Structure of the interface
The MOVITOOLS MotionStudio user interface comprises a central framework and in-
dividual "tools". These are started as separate applications from the framework, or they
are integrated into the framework as "plug-ins".
The following figure shows the different areas within the framework:


26 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Interface and Views
Interface, toolbar and context menu

The following table describes the areas within the framework and their function:
Area Designation Function
[1] Area for plug-ins Here, the following two types of plug-ins are displayed:
The "tools" you call from the context menu.
In the example, the "parameter tree" tool has been selected for a
The "tools homepage" (see "Structure of the tool homepages") as
soon as you select a unit.
[2] Menu bar The main menu and toolbar contain all the important commands for
navigating the framework.
[3] Toolbar
[4] Area for views The information about the units in a project is visualized using the
following types of views:
Network view
Project view
You can also hide this area, if you choose.
[5] Online unit status You can display the status information for units that you can
area access online in the "online unit status" area.
You can also hide this area, if you choose.
[6] Status bar You can view the set communication mode in the status bar.
This is where progress information is displayed during a unit scan.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 27

Interface and Views
6 Interface, toolbar and context menu

6.1.2 Structure of the toolbar

The illustration shows the toolbar of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio:


Posi- Interface name Function

[1] New project Creates a new project
[2] Open project Opens an existing project
[3] Save project Saves the current project
[4] Show window Switches to window view
[5] Show tabs Switches to tab view
[6] Stack windows Arranges the windows so that they overlap (active only in window
view [4])
[7] Tile windows Arranges the windows so they are displayed next to one another
(active only in window view [4])
[8] Switch to online mode Switches to online mode
[9] Switch to offline mode Switches to offline mode
[10] Indent nodes Moves the nodes in the views (disengage/engage)
[11] Move nodes upwards Moves the nodes in the views (up/down)
Move nodes down-
[12] Delete node Deletes selected unit
[13] Start network scan Scans the network for units
[14] Continue network scan Cancels the unit scan for the current communication channel and con-
with the next medium tinues the unit scan with the next communication channel
[15] Cancel network scan Cancels the unit scan for all communication channels in the network.
[16] Configure communica- Opens the window for configuring the communication channels
tion connections

28 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Interface and Views
Interface, toolbar and context menu

6.1.3 Structure of the context menu

The illustration shows the 3areas in the context menu of the MOVITOOLS


Posi- Area in context menu

[1] In this area, the 5 tools that you used last are entered dynamically.
[2] This is where tools are located.
[3] In this area, you can find commands for project management and the command for displaying
the online unit status.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 29

Interface and Views
6 Interface, toolbar and context menu

6.1.4 Structure of the tools homepage

The tools homepage is displayed on the right side of the screen as soon as you select
a unit. It is an alternative for operation via the context menu. All functions and tools can
be accessed via tabs.
The illustration shows the tools homepage with the tabs:


Posi- Tab(s)
[1] Tabs with all functions for managing your projects and units
[2] Tab with thematically grouped tools for configuring your units (e.g. parameter tree)
[3] Tab with functions to adapt the tools homepage to the user's needs

30 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Interface and Views
Views and node types

6.2 Views and node types

6.2.1 Types of views
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio displays information on the units in views.
The following table explains the two types of views:
View Function
Project view Displays all configured units in a freely definable logical hierarchy.
In this view, you can visualize the way the units fit together within a
machine or a system component, for example.
Network view Displays all units with a communication link to the PC.
This view visualizes the topology of a network and its units.

A project has exactly one project view at all times. There can also be one or several net-
work views.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 31

Interface and Views
6 Views and node types

6.2.2 Project view and node types

The figure shows the structure of the "Project view" window and examples of node


Posi- Designation Function

[1] Pushpin "Pins" the window to the screen
[2] Project nodes Top node in the project view
Represents the project and is given the same name
[3] Structure nodes Combines several units in one partial tree to show how they fit
You can freely assign the name of the structure node.
[4] Mini symbol of a unit Displays the node status (page 56).
[5] Unit node Shows a configured unit: Separate unit parameters (parameter
files) in the project are managed for this unit.
In the example, the configured unit is also in the network (=
communication link), with matching parameters. In this case, NO
mini symbol is displayed (= standard).
[6] Parameter file node Represents a unit-independent parameter file
[7] "Project view" tab Tab for displaying the project view

32 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Interface and Views
Views and node types

6.2.3 Network view and node types

The figure shows the structure of the "Network view" window and examples of node


Posi- Designation Function

[1] Pushpin "Pins" the window to the screen
[2] Master node Top node in the network view
Represents the network and is given the same name
[3] Bus node Represents a communication link in the network
[4] Unit node with mini The unit node shows the unit in the network and its
symbol communication link.
In this example, the unit has not yet been configured. The mini
symbol displays this node status (page 55).
[5] "Network view" tab Tab for displaying the network view

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 33

Connection Mode
7 Overview

7 Connection Mode
7.1 Overview
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio differentiates between the "online" and "offline" communi-
cation mode. You can select the communication mode yourself. Depending on the se-
lected communication mode, you can choose offline or online tools specific to your unit.
The following figure illustrates the two types of tools:


[1] Hard drive of the engineering PC

[2] RAM of the engineering PC
[3] Engineering PC
[4] Unit

Tools Description
Offline Changes made using offline tools affect "ONLY" the RAM [2].
tools Save your project so that the changes can be stored on the hard disk [1] of your
engineering PC [3].
Perform the "Download (PC->unit)" function if you want to transfer the changes to your
unit [4] as well.
Online Changes made using online tools affect "ONLY" the unit [4].
tools Perform the "Upload (unit->PC)" function if you want to transfer the changes to your RAM.
Save your project so that the changes can be stored on the hard disk [1] of your
engineering PC [3].

34 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Connection Mode
Selecting the communication mode (online or offline)

The "online" communication mode is NOT a response message which informs
you that you are currently connected to the unit or that your unit is ready for com-
munication. Should you require this feedback, observe section "Setting the cycli-
cal accessibility test" in the online help (or the manual) of
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
Project management commands (such as download and upload), the online unit
status, and the unit scan work independent of the set communication mode.
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio starts up in the communication mode that you set
before you closed down.

7.2 Selecting the communication mode (online or offline)

Proceed as follows to select the communication mode:
1. Select the communication mode:
"Switch to online mode" [1] for functions (online tools) that should directly
influence the unit.
"Switch to offline mode" [2] for functions (offline tools) that should influence your


[1] "Switch to online mode" symbol

[2] "Switch to offline mode" symbol

2. Select the unit node.

3. Right-click to open the context menu and display the tools for configuring the unit.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 35

First Steps
8 Workflow

8 First Steps
8.1 Workflow
The following figure illustrates the steps for configuring your units using the tools in
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.

Step 1:

Creating a project
and network

Step 2:

Configuring the
communication channel

Step 3:

Scanning the network

(unit scan)

Step 4:

Setting the connection

mode to "Online"

Step 5:
Call via tools homepage
Configuring the units
Call via context menu
using tools

Step 6:

Saving unit parameters

changed online

Via Via
project management data management


You can find detailed information about each step in the sections below.

36 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

First Steps

8.2 Prerequisite

Before starting MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, you might have to add exceptions to your
firewall for the installed software components (options) (page 19).
In your firewall, enter all the executable programs that belong to the software com-
ponents you have installed.
Check your firewall settings. It is possible that the firewall would prevent the
execution of a program in the background. In other words, the user would not
receive a message.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 37

First Steps
8 Step 1: Creating a project and network

8.3 Step 1: Creating a project and network

The "Welcome" window launches when you start MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, and
prompts you to create a project.
1. Make sure that "New project" is selected and confirm.
This opens the "New project" window.


2. Enter a name and save directory for the new project. Confirm.
This will open the main screen.
3. Go to step 2 to configure a communication channel.

38 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

First Steps
Step 2: Configuring a communication channel

8.4 Step 2: Configuring a communication channel

The following section describes a sample procedure for configuring a serial communi-
cation channel.
You can configure other communication channels in the same way. Refer to section
"Communication channels in detail" for more information.

8.4.1 Setting up a communication channel

Proceed as follows to set up a communication channel:
1. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit] button

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 39

First Steps
8 Step 2: Configuring a communication channel

2. Select a communication type from the list [1].

In the example, "Serial" is activated as the communication type for the first commu-
nication channel [2].
3. Press the [Edit] button [3] on the right side of the "Configure communication plugs"
This will display the settings for the "serial" communication type.


4. It might be necessary to change the preset parameters on the tab pages [Basic set-
tings] and [Extended settings]. When doing so, refer to the detailed description of the
parameters (page 78).
5. Go to step 3 to scan the network (unit scan)

40 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

First Steps
Step 2: Configuring a communication channel

8.4.2 Removing a communication channel

1. Select the menu items [Network] / [Communication plugs].
This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox

2. From the list [1], select "---" to remove the current communication channel.
This will gray out the "Activate" control field [2] on the right side of the window.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 41

First Steps
8 Step 3: Scanning the network (unit scan)

8.5 Step 3: Scanning the network (unit scan)

Proceed as follows to scan the network (unit scan):
1. Click "Start network scan" [1] in the toolbar (page 28).


[1] "Start network scan" symbol

Then, your computer will recognize all units that are physically connected and acces-
sible online.
2. If the scan does not run correctly, change the communication settings for the SEW
Communication Server (page 66).
3. Go to step 4 to set the communication mode to "online".

8.6 Step 4: Setting the communication mode to "online"

Proceed as follows to set the communication mode to "online":
1. Click on "Switch to online mode" [1] in the toolbar (page 28).


[1] "Switch to online mode" symbol

[2] "Switch to offline mode" symbol

2. Go to step 5 to configure the units using the tools.

42 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

First Steps
Step 5: Configuring units using the tools

8.7 Step 5: Configuring units using the tools

8.7.1 Prerequisite
You can call the tools for configuring the units in two different ways:
Calling a tool from the context menu
Calling a tool via the tools homepage
Both ways are described below.
Then the procedure for reading/changing the unit parameters online using the
"Parameter tree" tool is described.

8.7.2 Calling a tool from the context menu

Proceed as follows to call a tool from the context menu:
1. Select the unit you want to configure in the network view.
2. Right-click to open the context menu and display the tools for configuring the unit.


The example shows the context menu with the tools for a MOVIDRIVE unit. The
communication mode is set to "online" and the unit is scanned in the network view
(step 3).

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 43

First Steps
8 Step 5: Configuring units using the tools

3. Select a tool (e.g. the parameter tree) to configure the unit.

4. To work with the parameter tree, go to section "Reading/changing unit parameters in
the parameter tree".

8.7.3 Calling a tool via the tools homepage

Proceed as follows to call a tool via the tools homepage:
1. Select the unit you want to configure in the network view.
On the right side of the screen, the "tools homepage" opens. It contains the tools for
configuring the respective unit grouped in tab pages.
2. Select the "Working with the unit" tab.


3. Click the button for the tools (e.g. the parameter tree) to configure the unit.
4. To work with the parameter tree, go to section "Reading/changing unit parameters in
the parameter tree".

44 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

First Steps
Step 5: Configuring units using the tools

8.7.4 Reading/changing unit parameters in the parameter tree

Make sure that all changes are directly transferred to the unit in the online mode.

Proceed as follows to read/change unit parameters in the parameter tree:

1. Select the required unit in the network view.
2. Call the "Parameter tree" tool. You can go through the context menu or the tools
homepage for this purpose, as described above.
Then, the "Parameter tree" view opens on the right section of the screen.
3. Expand the "Parameter tree" up to the node you require.


4. Double-click to display a particular group of unit parameters.

5. Press the enter key to finalize any changes you make to numerical values in the input
6. Go to step 6 if you want to save the unit parameters that you have changed online.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 45

First Steps
8 Step 6: Saving unit parameters changed online

8.8 Step 6: Saving unit parameters changed online

8.8.1 Prerequisite
You can save the unit parameters changed online in two different ways:
Saving unit parameters using project management
Saving unit parameters using data management
We recommend saving the data using project management. Only project management
ensures structured storage of the data and enables subsequent editing of the unit pa-
rameters in offline mode.

8.8.2 Saving unit parameters using project management

Prerequisites Perform the next two steps one after the other to save our unit parameters changed on-
line using project management:
1. Configuring existing units in the network.
2. Saving unit parameters using project management.
You only have to perform the first step once to integrate the scanned units in your
After this, it is sufficient to upload the unit parameters changed online from the unit to
the PC and save them.

46 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

First Steps
Step 6: Saving unit parameters changed online

Configuring exist- Proceed as follows to configure existing units in the network:

ing units in the
1. Switch on both views. Select [View] / [Views] / [Combine Views].
2. Select the unit that you want to configure in the network view.
3. Drag the scanned unit from the network view into the project view (drag and drop) or
select the [Project unit] command from the context menu.


This opens the "Project unit" window.

4. Use the name (signature) of the unit that is accessible online.

Proceed as follows if you do NOT want to transfer the name (signature) from the unit
that is available online:
Enter a new signature.
Activate the "Accept signature in online unit" control field.
Doing so ensures that the unit can be clearly identified in the future.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 47

First Steps
8 Step 6: Saving unit parameters changed online

5. Press [Finish].
Then the parameter is transferred from the unit, which can be accessed online, to the
working memory.


6. Confirm with [OK].

The mini symbol on the unit node will then disappear in the network view.
7. Save your project.
The parameter is then transferred from the working memory to the parameter file
where it is permanently saved.

48 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

First Steps
Step 6: Saving unit parameters changed online

Saving unit para- Proceed as follows to save unit parameters in the project management:
meters using proj-
1. Select the unit you changed online.
ect management
2. Transfer the unit parameters to the working memory. In the context menu, select the
command [Manage unit parameter set] / [Upload (unit -> PC)].


You will then see a mini symbol, informing you that the unit parameters in the working
memory have been changed since the last save.
3. Save your project.
Then you will see the following status:
The asterisk following the project name in the title bar disappears.
The mini symbol disappears.

8.8.3 Saving unit parameters using data management

Proceed as follows to save unit parameters using data management:
1. Select the unit for which you want to save the parameters in the network view.
2. In the context menu, select the command [Manage unit parameter set] / [Upload (unit
-> PC)].
A dialog box opens in Windows Explorer
3. Enter the file name and the directory in which you want to save the unit parameters.
4. Confirm by clicking [Save].
The dialog box displays a progress bar that informs you about the status of the data
5. Acknowledge the completion of the data transfer by clicking on [OK].

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 49

Managing Projects
9 Overview

9 Managing Projects
9.1 Overview
9.1.1 Purpose of project management
Project management gives you the possibility to structure the units in such a way that
they map the function in your machine/system. You can structure the units independent
of the communication link.

9.1.2 Advantages of project management

Structuring the units according to the function in your machine/system
Storing data in an organized manner
Configuring a machine/system in the offline mode
Easily comparing data of the units that are physically connected and accessible on-
line with data of the configured units
Using the same (configured) units with different communication links

50 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Managing Projects

9.1.3 Project directories and file storage

MOVITOOLS MotionStudio creates a directory structure for every project. This struc-
ture stores the following files.
Files containing all parameters and configuration data of the units
Files containing information from both views (page 31)
The following figure shows you the directory structure and the corresponding image of
the units in the project view. A high-bay warehouse was configured as an example.


Posi- Description
[1] Directory structure from the Internet Explorer view
[2] Units in the project view of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 51

Managing Projects
9 Overview

9.1.4 Managed objects

Project management manages the following three data objects for each unit:
A Basic data on the unit:
Unit type (e.g. MOVIDRIVE)
B Unit parameter
C Communication link for the unit:
Medium (e.g. SBus)
Unit address

9.1.5 Cleaning a project

When you select a unit in your project and execute the "Delete" command in the context
menu, the unit is only removed from the project view and the communication link to the
network is interrupted.
However, the parameter set of the unit remains stored in the project directory on your
PC as a precaution.
If you want to delete the parameter sets of all units that no longer belong to the project,
select [Project / [Clean] from the menu.

52 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Managing Projects
Managing unit parameters (phases)

9.2 Managing unit parameters (phases)

Before starting the following process, make sure that the configured units are also phys-
ically connected and available online.
The figure illustrates the phases in which the project management of MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio manages the unit parameters.


Position Designation Description

[3] Load For every unit [8] that you configure, MOVITOOLS MotionStudio creates a
parameter file based on the standard parameters for this unit type.
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio stores this parameter file on the hard disk [1] in
the project directory.
When you open the project, MOVITOOLS MotionStudio loads [3] the unit
parameters from the parameter file on the hard disk. The content of this
parameter file is transferred by MOVITOOLS MotionStudio to the RAM [4]
of the PC.
[6] Upload Changes made using online tools affect "ONLY" the unit.
Perform the "Upload (unit->PC)" function [6] to transfer these changes to
your RAM [4].
[7] Download Changes made using offline tools affect "ONLY" the RAM [4].
Perform the "Download (PC->unit)" function [7] to transfer these
changes to the unit [4].
[2] Save The change to the working memory [4] compared to the parameter file is dis-
played by a mini symbol.
Save your project [2].
Result: Your changes are continuously saved in the parameter files of
the modified units. The mini symbol disappears.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 53

Managing Projects
9 Synchronizing unit parameters

9.3 Synchronizing unit parameters

The "Synchronization" function can be used for individual units or all units belonging to
one node. "Synchronizing" combines the functions "Download" and "Upload".
Use the "Synchronizing" function after updating firmware or replacing units.
The unit parameters are transferred from the parameter file to the unit that can be ac-
cessed online ("download"). Next, all information is transferred from the unit that can be
accessed online back to the parameter file ("upload").
The upload makes sure that the information stored in the unit is also recognized by the
project through the new firmware.
If you want to synchronize all units belonging to a node, proceed as follows:
1. Select the respective node in the network view or in the project view.
2. In the context menu, select the menu item [Synchronized parameter sets (PC -> all
units -> PC)].
If you want to synchronize an individual unit in the project, proceed as follows:
1. Select the unit.
2. In the context menu, select the menu item [Manage unit parameter set] / [Synchro-
nize (PC -> unit -> PC)].

54 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Managing Projects
Mini symbols for displaying the node status

9.4 Mini symbols for displaying the node status

Mini symbols are displayed at the unit nodes showing the status of the node. The follow-
ing two tables show the mini symbols depending on the view (network or project view)
and the node status they indicate.
You will also receive a recommendation on how to proceed, independent of the node

9.4.1 Mini symbols in the network view

The following table shows all mini symbols that can be displayed in the network view:
Mini symbol Node status Recommendation on how to
Unit scan active: Wait until the unit scan is
Indicates that the unit under this media node is complete.
currently being scanned.

Node is not configured: If you need to configure a
This indicates that the unit is available in the cur- node for your task, follow the
rent network but is not yet configured. instructions described in sec-
tion "Configuring existing
1784547851 units in the network"
(page 61).
Result: The mini symbol dis-
Several communication links available: If you need to change the
This indicates that the unit can be accessed standard communication link,
through several communication channels. do so in the context menu
The mini symbol appears for the unit which is under [Set as standard
1784564875 NOT configured as the "standard communication link].
communication link".
Unit parameters have been changed: Save your project.
This indicates that the unit parameters in the work- Result: The mini symbol dis-
ing memory are different from the content of the appears.
parameter files stored on the hard disk.
The reasons for this are as follows:
You changed your project offline since you last
Or you have uploaded the unit parameters.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 55

Managing Projects
9 Mini symbols for displaying the node status

9.4.2 Mini symbols in the project view

The following table shows all mini symbols that can be displayed in the project view:
Mini symbol Node status Recommendation on how to
Unit parameters have been changed: Save your project.
This indicates that the unit parameters in the work- Result: The mini symbol dis-
ing memory are different from the content of the appears.
parameter files stored on the hard disk.
The reasons for this are as follows:
You changed your project offline since you last
Or you have uploaded the unit parameters.
No communication link available: If you need a communication
This indicates that the unit was configured but is link for your task, follow the
not yet available in the current network. instructions described in sec-
1784542859 tion "Step 2: Adding config-
ured units to the network
(page 59)".
Result: The mini symbol dis-
Unit-independent parameter file has been Save your project.
changed: Result: The mini symbol dis-
This indicates that the unit parameters in the work- appears.
1784573323 ing memory are different from the content of the
parameter files stored on the hard disk.
The reason for this is the following:
You changed your parameter file offline since
you last saved.
Unit-independent parameter file included as Important:
link: In this case, the program does
This indicates that you have included the parame- not create a copy of the parame-
1784577547 ter file as a link in the project. ter file in the project. This means
that you overwrite the original file
(in the original directory) when
you change the parameter file.
Unit-independent parameter file not found: Make sure that the original
This indicates that the parameter file included file has not been deleted or
in the link was not found at the location that moved.
was referred to.

56 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Working with Units and Parameter Files
Configuring units

10 Working with Units and Parameter Files

10.1 Configuring units
10.1.1 Configuring new units
Step 1: Adding Proceed as follows to configure new units:
new units to the
1. Switch to the project view using the "Project view" tab.
project view
2. Use structure nodes to arrange a logical structure that represents your system.
3. Add a new unit. Select the [New unit] command in the context menu.


This opens the "Create new unit" wizard.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 57

Working with Units and Parameter Files
10 Configuring units

4. Click the "Configure a unit offline" button.


If you have already parameterized units and would like to transfer them to the new
project, proceed as follows:
Click the [Create unit using parameter file] button.
5. Follow the wizard instructions.
The new unit is then added under the configured structure node. The configured unit
does not yet have a communication link in the network. This is displayed by a mini
6. Perform the following steps to add the configured unit to the network.

58 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Working with Units and Parameter Files
Configuring units

Step 2: Adding a Proceed as follows to add the configured unit to the network:
configured unit to
1. Switch on both views. Select [View] / [Views] / [Combine Views].
the network
2. Drag the configured unit from the project view into a media node in the network view
(drag and drop).


There is also another way to perform this step.
Select the affected media nodes (e.g., serial) in the network view.
In the context menu, select the [Add configured unit] command.
3. Assign a valid address in the network to the newly configured unit.


The configured unit will now have a communication link in the network. For this rea-
son, the mini symbol on the unit node disappears in the project view.
4. Install the configured units in the network.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 59

Working with Units and Parameter Files
10 Configuring units

Step 3: Transfer- Proceed as follows to transfer the parameters modified online to the unit:
ring parameters
changed offline to
the unit

Observe the following if you modified parameters offline:
The modified parameters are now stored ONLY in the RAM of the PC running
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
1. Save your project to permanently save the modified parameters in the parameter file.
Then you will see the following status:
The asterisk following the project name in the title bar disappears.
The mini symbol disappears.
2. Select the unit.
3. Transfer the parameters you modified offline to the installed unit. In the context
menu, select the command [Manage unit parameter set] / [Download (PC -> unit)].
The parameter file is then transferred to the installed unit.

If you would like to transfer the parameter files from ALL or several units, proceed as
Select the corresponding node in the project view:
Project node for all units
Structure node (under project node) for all units it contains
Transfer the parameter files you modified offline to the unit. In the context menu,
select the command [Download parameter sets (PC -> all units)].

60 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Working with Units and Parameter Files
Configuring units

10.1.2 Configuring existing units in the network

Proceed as follows to configure existing units in the network:
1. Switch to the network view using the "Network view" tab.
2. Perform a unit scan.
This will display all units that are physically connected and accessible online.
3. Select the unit you want to configure.
4. Drag the scanned unit from the network view into project view (drag and drop) or se-
lect the [Project unit] command from the context menu.


This opens the "Project unit" window.

5. Use the name (signature) of the unit that is accessible online.

Proceed as follows if you do NOT want to transfer the name (signature) from the unit
that is available online:
Enter a new signature.
Activate the "Accept signature in online unit" control field.
Doing so ensures that the unit can be clearly identified in the future.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 61

Working with Units and Parameter Files
10 Configuring units

6. Press [Finish].
Then the parameter is transferred from the unit, which can be accessed online, to the
working memory.


7. Confirm with [OK].

The mini symbol on the unit node will then disappear in the network view.
8. Save your project.
The parameter is then transferred from the working memory to the parameter file
where it is permanently saved.

62 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Working with Units and Parameter Files
Editing the unit-independent parameter file (offline)

10.2 Editing the unit-independent parameter file (offline)

Proceed as follows to edit a unit-independent parameter file:
1. Open an existing project using [Project] / [Open] or create a new project with [Project]
/ [New].
2. Proceed as described in section "Creating a project and network" (page 38).
3. Select the structure node [1].


[1] Structure nodes

4. In the context menu, select the [New parameter file] command.

This opens the "New parameter file" window.
5. Press the [Browse] button.]


[1] Radio button

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 63

Working with Units and Parameter Files
10 Editing the unit-independent parameter file (offline)

6. Change the file type for the unit selection in the dropdown menu, if necessary.
7. Select your parameter file.
8. Select one of the two options [1]:
Copy parameter file to project directory (default setting) or
Create a link to the original parameter file
9. Confirm with [OK].
This will copy the selected parameter file to the project directory or create a link to
the original parameter file.

The tools for editing the parameter file are offline tools.
Switch to offline mode.

10.Select the parameter file you would like to edit and, from the context menu, the tool
you wish to use.

64 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Working with Units and Parameter Files
Using data management to transfer parameter files

10.3 Using data management to transfer parameter files

10.3.1 Overview
Using data management, you can transfer an entire parameter set independent of proj-
ect management.
There are two ways in which you can transfer the parameter set:
Transfer an existing parameter file to a unit available online
Or transfer the entire parameter set of a unit that is accessible online to a parameter
file on the hard disk of your engineering PC.

10.3.2 Using data management

The following steps illustrate how you can use data management to transfer an existing
parameter file to a unit available online.

If you use data management, you are responsible for organizing the file storage.
Transfer the parameter sets within the project management, as far as is possible.

1. Select the communication mode "online".

2. Select the unit.
3. In the context menu, select the command [Startup] / [Data management].
4. Select the parameter file.
5. Transfer the parameter file to the unit. Click on the [Download] button.
This will display information in the status window about the progress of the data

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 65

Working Locally and Remotely
11 Local

11 Working Locally and Remotely

11.1 Local
11.1.1 Setting up communication for the SEW Communication Server (SECOS)
Proceed as follows to set up communication for the SEW Communication Server
1. Select the menu item [Settings] / [Options].
2. Press the [Communication] button.
3. Determine the communication for the SEW Communication Server. Refer to the fol-
lowing table:
Communication setting Description Note
Scan range level 1 The unit is scanned up to this high- By entering values here, you
est address. can limit the scan range and
thereby shorten the length of
Scan range level 2 The unit is scanned up to this hier-
time it takes to scan the unit.
archy level within the network.
Communication timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the client Default setting: 5000 ms
waits for a reply from the server
after it has made a request
Client = MOVITOOLS Motion-
Server = SEW Communication
Automatic baud rate detec- If, under [Network] / [Communi- Set the starting value for auto-
tion (serial) cation plugs] / [Serial], you matic baud rate detection.
have set "AUTO", the units are
scanned in succession with
both baud rates.
The unit scan begins with the
baud rate that you set under
starting value.

Make sure that the communication timeout for the SEW Communication Server is set
higher than the timeout for the communication channel (e.g. Ethernet timeout).

66 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Working Locally and Remotely

11.1.2 Setting up the cyclic accessibility test

In the default setting, the cyclic availability test does not run automatically. If you activate
the cyclic availability test, the units are permanently triggered. If for any reason the com-
munication to a unit is broken, you will be notified. The color of the affected unit node
changes from green to red.
Proceed as follows to set up the cyclic availability test.
1. Select the menu item [Settings] / [Options].
2. Press the [Online mode] button.
3. Set up the cyclic availability test for the SEW Communication Server. Refer to the fol-
lowing table:
Communication setting Description Note
Cyclic accessibility test Execute automatically All network units are cyclically
scanned if they are still avail-
Default setting for the request
interval: 100 ms
Do not execute automatically The cyclic accessibility test is
switched off (default setting).

The shorter the time interval you choose for the cyclic availability test, the more you
increase the bus load.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 67

Working Locally and Remotely
11 Remote

11.2 Remote
11.2.1 Overview
The following figure shows remote operation between a server [1] and a client [2]:


[1] Server in remote operation connected to the

[2] Client in remote operation connected to the
server via Ethernet

Remote operation allows several clients [2] to direct queries to a server [1] via Ethernet.
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio must be installed on the clients [2] to use this feature. On
the server [1], only SEW Communication Server must be installed.
To be able to use remote operation, you must make communication settings on the
server [1] and client [2].

68 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Working Locally and Remotely

11.2.2 Setting up communication settings for remote operation

Step 1: Setting up Proceed as follows to set up communication on the server:
communication 1. Launch the SEW Communication Server.
on the server
You can do this by double-clicking the icon on the task bar of the PC..


2. Enter "default" as the password.

3. Determine which clients are allowed access. Open the tap page [Options] / [Settings]
/ [Remote Access].
You have the following options:
Allow all clients access
Allow certain clients access
4. If only certain clients are allowed access, enter the IP addresses. Open the context
menu in the free field and select the command [Add station].
5. Allow the available communication types to be displayed. You can do so by selecting
[Tools] / [Plug configuration] from the menu.


Then a window will open that contains the available communication types.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 69

Working Locally and Remotely
11 Remote

6. Use the mouse to drag a communication type (Ethernet in this example) [1] to a free
communication channel [2] (drag and drop).


[1] Communication type (e.g. Ethernet)

[2] Free communication channel

This will open a window that contains the input fields for the parameters.
7. Change the existing parameters if necessary. When doing so, refer to the detailed
description of the parameters in section "Communication channels in detail".

Note the following information if you are working locally after remote operation:
Any change to the communication settings in MOVITOOLS MotionStudio (locally)
overwrites the communication settings that you made in the SEW Communication
Server for remote operation.
Check the communication settings in the SEW Communication Server before you
switch from local operation to remote operation.

70 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Working Locally and Remotely

Notes on settings in MOVITOOLS MotionStudio

If you close MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, the SEW Communication Server also shuts
down (default setting). As a result, clients will not be able to establish a connection to
the server or will lose their existing connection.
Proceed as follows if you want the SEW Communication Server to stay open when you
close MOVITOOLS MotionStudio:
Deactivate the control field "Always exit with MOVITOOLS MotionStudio" in the
menu under [Settings] / [Options] / [Other].

Step 2: Setting up Proceed as follows to set up communication on the client:

communication on
1. Select [Network] / [Remote operation] from the menu bar.
the client
2. Activate the "Connect remote" radio button.
3. Enter the IP address of the PC on which the SEW Communication Server is installed
in the input field [1].


[1] "IP address" input field

4. Confirm.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 71

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter

12 Communication Channels in Detail

12.1 Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter
12.1.1 Engineering via interface adapter (serial)
As your unit supports "Serial" communication, you can use a suitable interface adapter
for engineering.
The interface adapter is additional hardware that you can obtain from SEW-EURO-
DRIVE. You can use it to connect your engineering PC with the respective communica-
tion option of the unit.
The following table shows you the different types of interface adapters available, and for
which units they are suitable.
Type of interface Order no. Scope of delivery Units
adapter (option)
USB11A 08248311 2 connection cables: MOVIDRIVE B
(USB to RS-485) TAE connection cable MOVITRAC 07A
with 2 RJ10 plugs MOVITRAC B
USB connection cable MOVIFIT-MC/FC/SC
with USB-A plug and MOVIGEAR
USB-B plug UFx11A fieldbus gateways
DFx fieldbus gateways
UWS21B 18204562 2 connection cables: DHx MOVI-PLC controller
(RS-232 to RS-485) TAE connection cable MFx/MQx fieldbus interfaces
with 2 RJ10 plugs for MOVIMOT
Connection cable with 9-
pin D-sub plug
UWS11A 822689X None
(RS-232 to RS-485)
for mounting rail

As the majority of PCs come equipped with USB interfaces instead of RS-232 interfaces,
the following section only focuses on the USB11A interface.

12.1.2 Starting up the USB11A interface adapter

Overview The USB11A interface adapter uses a COM redirector. It assigns the interface adapter
to the first free COM port.
The following section describes how to connect the USB11A interface adapter and, if
required, install the respective drivers.

72 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter

Connecting the The following figure shows how the USB11A interface adapter [2] is connected with the
USB11A interface unit [4] and with the PC [1] via the diagnostic socket [3].






[1] PC
[2] USB11A with two connection cables (included in the scope of delivery)
[3] Diagnostic socket of the unit
[4] Unit (MOVIDRIVE in this example)

To connect the USB11A interface adapter with the PC and your unit, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the USB11A interface adapter [2] with the two connection cables provided.
2. Plug the RJ10 connector of the first connector cable into the diagnostics socket [3]
of the unit [4].
3. Plug the USB-A connector of the second connection cable into a free USB port on
your PC [1].
4. If you are operating the interface adapter with MOVITOOLS MotionStudio for the
first time, you will have to install the required driver.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 73

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter

Installing the The drivers for the USB11A interface adapter are copied to your PC during the installa-
drivers tion of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
To install the driver for the USB11A interface adapter, proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that you have local administrator rights on your PC.
2. Connect the USB11A interface adapter to a free USB port on your PC.
Your PC will detect the new hardware and launch the hardware wizard.
The next steps depend on the installed version of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio:
As of version 5.60, the hardware wizard automatically installs the drivers. With
this, the driver installation is complete and the interface adapter is ready for
For version 5.50 and earlier, follow the instructions of the hardware wizard
(step 3).
3. Click on [Browse] and go to the MOVITOOLS MotionStudio installation folder.
4. Enter the following path:
"..\Program Files\SEW\MotionStudio\Driver\FTDI_V2_XXYY"
5. Click the [Next] button to install the driver and assign the first free COM port of the
PC to the interface adapter.

74 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter

Check the COM Proceed as follows to check which virtual COM port has been assigned to the USB11A
port of the USB11A interface adapter on the PC:
on the PC
1. Select the following item from the Windows start menu:
[Start] / [Setup] / [Control panel] / [System]
2. Open the "Hardware" tab.
3. Click the [Device manager] button.
4. Open the "Connections (COM and LPT)" folder.
You will see which virtual COM port has been assigned to the interface adapter, e.g.:
"USB serial port (COM3)".

Change the COM port of the USB11A to prevent a conflict with another COM port.
It is possible that another device (e.g. an internal modem) uses the same COM port
as the USB11A interface adapter.
Select the COM port of USB11A in the device manager.
In the context menu, click the [Properties] button and assign the USB11A another
COM port.
Restart your system for the changes to become effective.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 75

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter

12.1.3 Configuring the serial communication

You must have a serial connection between your PC and the units you want to configure.
You can establish one, for example, using the USB11A interface adapter.
Proceed as follows to configure serial communication:
1. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit] button

76 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter

2. From the list [1], select "Serial" as the communication type.

In the example, "Serial" is activated as the communication type for the first commu-
nication channel [2].
3. Press the [Edit] button [3] on the right side of the "Configure communication plugs"
This will display the settings for the "serial" communication type.


4. It might be necessary to change the preset communication parameters on the tab

pages [Basic settings] and [Extended settings]. When doing so, refer to the detailed
description of the communication parameters (page 78).

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 77

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Serial (RS-485) communication via interface adapter

12.1.4 Communication parameters, serial (RS-485)

The following table describes the [basic setting] for the serial (RS-485) communication
Communication parameters Description Note
COM port Serial port connected to the inter- If there is no value entered
face adapter here, the SEW
Communication Server uses
the first available port.
A USB interface adapter is
indicated by the addition of
Baud rate Transmission speed with which Possible values:
the connected PC communicates 9.6 kBit/s
with the unit in the network via the 57.6 kBit/s
communication channel AUTO (default setting)
Find the correct value for the
connected unit in the docu-
If you set "AUTO", the units
are scanned with both baud
rates in succession.
Set the starting value for
automatic baud rate detection
under [Settings] / [Options] /

The following table describes the [extended setting] for the serial (RS-485) communica-
tion channel:
Communication parameters Description Note
Parameter telegrams Telegram with a single parameter Used for transferring a single
parameter of a unit.
Multibyte telegrams Telegram with several parameters Used for transferring the com-
plete parameter set of a unit.
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the mas- Default setting:
ter waits for a reply from a slave 100 ms (parameter
after it has sent a request. telegram)
350 ms (multibyte
Increase the value if not all
units are detected during a
network scan.
Retries Number of request retries after Default setting: 3
the timeout is exceeded

78 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via USB (direct)

12.2 Communication via USB (direct)

12.2.1 Connecting the unit with the PC via USB
The illustration shows how the unit (in the example a gateway [3]) is connected with the
PC [1] using a USB connection cable [2]. It also shows how the gateway [3] is connected
with the lower-level unit [5] via SBus (CAN).






[1] PC with USB interface

[2] USB connection cable
[3] Gateway (UFx41 in the example)
[4] SBus connection (CAN based) between the gateway and the lower-level unit
[5] Lower-level unit (MOVIAXIS in this example)

Proceed as follows to connect the gateway with the PC and the lower-level unit:
1. Insert the USB-A connector of the USB cable [2] into a free USB port on your PC [1].
2. Insert the USB-B connector of the USB cable [2] into the USB port on your
gateway [3].
3. Connect the SBus interface of the gateway [3] with the SBus interface of the lower-
level unit [5].

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 79

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via USB (direct)

12.2.2 Installing the driver

Before you can communicate with the unit via USB (direct), you have to install the re-
quired driver file from the installation path of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
Follow the instructions below to install the driver for USB communication:
1. Connect the unit to a free USB port on your PC.
Your PC will detect the new hardware and launch the hardware wizard.
2. Follow the instructions of the hardware wizard.
3. Click on [Browse] and go to the MOVITOOLS MotionStudio installation folder.
4. Enter the following path:
"..\Program Files\SEW\MotionStudio\Driver\SEW_USBWIN32_051120"
5. Click the [Next] button to install the driver.

12.2.3 Configuring USB communication

You need a USB connection between your PC and the unit you want to configure.
Proceed as follows to configure USB communication:
1. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

80 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via USB (direct)

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit] button

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 81

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via USB (direct)

2. From selection field [1], choose the communication type "USB (direct)".
In the example, "USB" is activated as the communication type for the first communi-
cation channel [2].
3. Press the [Edit] button [3] on the right side of the "Configure communication plugs"
This will display the settings for the "USB" communication type.


4. Change the set communication parameters if necessary. When doing so, refer to the
detailed description of the communication parameters (page 82).

12.2.4 USB communication parameters

The following table describes the communication parameters for the USB communica-
tion channel:
Communication parameters Description Note
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the mas- Default setting: 350 ms
ter waits for a response from a
slave after it has sent a request.

82 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication SBus (CAN) via interface adapter

12.3 Communication SBus (CAN) via interface adapter

12.3.1 Engineering via interface adapter (SBus)
Since your unit supports the "SBus" communication option, you can use a suitable inter-
face adapter for engineering.
The interface adapter is an additional hardware component available from SEW-EURO-
DRIVE. You can use it to connect your engineering PC with the respective communica-
tion option of the unit.
The following table shows the different types of interface adapters (options) available,
and for which units they are suitable:
Interface adapter type Order no. Scope of delivery Units
PC-CAN interface from 18210597 Prefabricated cable with MOVIAXIS
SEW (incl. prefabricated 9-pin sub-D connector MOVIDRIVE B
connection cable with inte- for connection to the MOVITRAC B
grated terminating resistor) unit, length 2 m MOVI-PLC (basic and
A 120 ohm terminating advanced)
resistor is fitted to one
end of the prefabricated
cable (between CAN_H
and CAN_L).
PCAN-USB ISO from Peak IPEH Without connection
002022 cable
Without terminating

To connect the PC CAN interface to the unit, you need an additional connection cable
with terminating resistor. The scope of delivery of the PC CAN interface from SEW in-
cludes a prefabricated connection cable on the unit with terminating resistor. Therefore,
only this PC-CAN interface is described in the following chapter.

12.3.2 Starting up the USB-CAN interface

Overview This section describes how to connect the PC-CAN interface from SEW to the SBus in-
terface or your units and what must be considered for this.

CAN pin assign- The figure below shows the pin assignment of the 9-pin D-sub connector of the PC-CAN
ment interface from SEW (view from top):


Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 83

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication SBus (CAN) via interface adapter

Connecting the
USB-CAN inter-
face to the unit

Faulty data transmission
Use only shielded cables suitable (approved) for CAN networks.

The figure shows how the USB-CAN interface adapter [2] from SEW is connected with
the unit [4] and the PC [1] via the SBus interface [3], in this example the unit is a






[1] PC
[2] USB-CAN interface with prefabricated connection cable with terminating resistor (included in the scope of
[3] SBus interface of the unit (terminal X30 on DFC11B)
[4] Unit (MOVIDRIVE with connection option DFC11B in this example)

84 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication SBus (CAN) via interface adapter

To connect the USB-CAN interface with the PC and your unit, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the 9-pin D-sub connector of the USB-CAN interface with the prefabricated
connection cable. Make sure that the cable end with the terminating resistor leads to
the USB-CAN interface.
2. Connect the second cable end (without terminating resistor) with the SBus interface
[3] of the unit [4].
If MOVIDRIVE is equipped with the DFC11B connection option, you can connect
the D-sub plug of the prefabricated cable directly with terminal X30.
Without the connection option, connect the cores of the prefabricated cable to the
X12 terminal of MOVIDRIVE as follows:
Signal Terminal on CAN pin assignment Core
MOVIDRIVE (9-pin D-sub connector) (Deviations are pos-
CAN_H X12:2 PIN 7 Brown
CAN_L X12:3 PIN 2 White
CAN_GND X12:1 PIN 3 Shielding

3. If the unit is operated within a CAN network, connect the terminating resistor at the
last unit.
4. Plug the USB-A connector of the USB cable into a free USB interface on your PC [1].
For detailed information about the startup of a USB-CAN interface in connection with a
MOVIAXIS unit, refer to the "MOVIAXIS MX Multi-Axis Servo Inverter" operating in-

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 85

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication SBus (CAN) via interface adapter

12.3.3 Configuring the SBus communication

You need an SBus connection between your PC and the units you want to configure.
You can use a USB-CAN interface for this purpose.
Proceed as follows to configure SBus communication:
1. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit] button

86 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication SBus (CAN) via interface adapter

2. From the list [1], select "SBus" as the communication type.

In the example, "SBus" is activated as the communication type for the first commu-
nication channel [2].
3. Press the [Edit] button [3] on the right side of the "Configure communication plugs"


This will display the settings for the "SBus" communication type.
4. It might be necessary to change the preset communication parameters on the tab
pages [Basic settings] and [Advanced settings]. When doing so, refer to the detailed
description of the communication parameters (page 88).

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 87

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication SBus (CAN) via interface adapter

12.3.4 Communication parameters for SBus

The following table describes the [Basic setting] for the SBus communication channel:
Communication parameters Description Note
Baud rate Transmission speed with which Adjustable values (permitted
the connected PC communicates total cable length):
with the unit in the network via the 125 kBaud (500 m)
communication channel. 250 kBaud (250 m)
500 kBaud (100 m)
1 MBaud (25 m)
All connected units must
support the same baud rate.

The following table describes the [Advanced setting] for the SBus communication chan-
Communication parameters Description Note
Parameter telegrams Telegram with a single parameter Used for transmitting a single
parameter of a unit.
Multibyte telegrams Telegram with several parameters Used for transmitting the com-
plete parameter set of a unit.
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the mas- Default setting:
ter waits for a response from a 100 ms (parameter
slave after it has sent a request. telegram)
350 ms (multibyte
Increase the value if not all
units are detected during a
network scan.
Retries Number of request retries after Default setting: 3
the timeout is exceeded

88 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via Ethernet

12.4 Communication via Ethernet

12.4.1 Direct communication
Overview The figure shows the network with direct communication using Ethernet:







[1] PC with Ethernet TCP/IP interface

[2] Ethernet TCP/IP connection
[3] Switch
[4] Units (examples) with Ethernet interfaces

Function Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS MotionStudio are transferred via Ethernet [2]
from a PC [1] to a switch [3] using the Ethernet TCP/IP interface.
The parameter requests are then passed directly on to the Ethernet interface of the units
[4] from the switch [3].

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 89

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via Ethernet

12.4.2 Address Editor

Overview The Address Editor is a freeware tool by SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG.
It is available once the "MOVITOOLS MotionStudio" engineering software is installed.
However, it is used separately.
You can use the Address Editor to establish a communication for your units via Ethernet
and to address the units.
If you use a patch cable to connect the Ethernet interface of your engineering PC to the
Ethernet, the Address Editor detects all Ethernet stations in the connected network seg-
ment (local network).
Unlike with "MOVITOOLS MotionStudio", you will not have to adjust the IP address of
the engineering PC to the local network.
This means that the Address Editor is a useful addition to
"MOVITOOLS MotionStudio".
Proceed as follows if you have added other Ethernet stations to an existing network:
Start the Address Editor
Search for Ethernet stations
Once you have found the added Ethernet stations, you have two options:
Adjust detected Ethernet stations to the network (address)
Adjust the engineering PC to the network (address)

Starting the You can use the Address Editor once MOVITOOLS MotionStudio has been installed.
Address Editor
Proceed as follows to start the Address Editor:
1. Close MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
2. Start the Address Editor from the Windows start menu via:
[Start] / [Programs] / [SEW] / MOVITOOLS MotionStudio] / [Address Editor
(Address Tool)]

90 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via Ethernet

Searching for You can use the Address Editor to find Ethernet stations in a network. This is especially
Ethernet stations useful for finding recently added Ethernet stations. The Address Editor also helps you
to locate the Ethernet interface of the Ethernet stations that were found.
Proceed as follows to search for Ethernet stations and localize the hardware:
1. Select "Ethernet" as the interface for PC and unit. To do so, click on the correspond-
ing option field in the lower part of the window.
2. Click [Next] to confirm your selection and proceed to the next dialog.
3. Wait for the network scan to start automatically. The default setting for the waiting
time (scan timeout) is 3 s [2]
Note: If you no units are found during the network scan, the wiring might be inade-
quate, or you have several network cards installed (activated) in your PC.
In this case, proceed as follows:
Select the desired card. To do so, click "Select network card" [3] in the toolbar.
Start the network scan manually. To do so, click "Start network scan" [1] in the


[1] "Start network scan" symbol

[2] "Scan timeout" input field
[3] "Select network card" symbol
[4] "Localize" checkbox

As a result, the current addresses of all Ethernet stations in the connected network
will be displayed.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 91

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via Ethernet

4. Mark the "Localize" checkbox [4] to localize an Ethernet station.

The link/act LED of the first Ethernet interface of the respective Ethernet station will
flash green.

Adjust detected Proceed as follows to adjust (address) the localized Ethernet stations to the network:
Ethernet stations
1. Double-click on the "Communication parameters" window of the respective unit [1] to
to the network
adjust the IP parameters of an Ethernet station to the network.


[1] "Communication parameters" window

[2] "Download" button

The following fields can be edited:

IP address of the Ethernet station
IP address of the subnet mask
IP address of the standard gateway
DHCP startup configuration (if supported by the unit)
2. Transmit the address changes to the Ethernet station. Click on [Download] [2].
3. Switch the unit off and on again in order to apply the changes.

92 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via Ethernet

Adjusting the engi- Proceed as follows to adjust (address) the engineering PC to the network:
neering PC to the
1. Select the following item from the Windows start menu:
network (address)
[Start] / [Setup] / [Network connections]
2. Select the corresponding PC interface.
3. Select "Properties" from the context menu.
4. Activate the checkbox with the entry "Internet protocol (TCP/IP)".
5. Click on "Properties".
6. Activate the "Use the following IP address" checkbox.
7. Enter the same IP addresses for the subnet mask and the standard gateway as for
the other Ethernet stations in this local network.
8. For the engineering PC, enter an IP address that meets the following conditions:
In the blocks that define the network, the address segment for the engineering
PC must correspond to the other Ethernet stations.
In the blocks that define the station, the address segment for the engineering PC
must differ from the other stations.
The last block must not contain the values "0", "4", "127" or "255".

In the IP address of the subnet mask (e.g., the values in the blocks
have the following meaning:
"255", defines the address of the network where the stations are located.
"0", defines the address of the actual station to distinguish it from other stations.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 93

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via Ethernet

12.4.3 Configuring the communication channel via Ethernet

Proceed as follows to configure a communication channel for Ethernet:
1. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit...] button

2. From the list [1], select "Ethernet" as the communication type.

In the example, "ETHERNET" is activated as the communication type for the first
communication channel [2].
3. Click [Edit] [3] in the right section of the window.
This will display the settings for the "Ethernet" communication type.
4. Set up the SMLP protocol. To do so, select the "SMLP settings" tab.
5. Set the parameters. Follow the instructions described in the section "Setting commu-
nication parameters for SMLP".

94 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via Ethernet

SMLP stands for Simple MOVILINK Protocol. It is the SEW-EURODRIVE unit proto-
col and is transmitted directly via TCP/IP.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 95

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via Ethernet

12.4.4 Setting communication parameters for SMLP

Proceed as follows to set the Ethernet communication parameters:
1. Change the set communication parameters if necessary. Refer to the detailed de-
scription of the communication parameters for SMLP.

During a unit scan, the system recognizes only units that are in the same (local) net-
work segment as the PC that is running on MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
If you have units that are OUTSIDE the local network segment, add the IP
addresses of these units to the list of SMLP servers.
2. Add an IP address by opening the context menu and selecting [Add IP address] [1].


[1] [Add IP address] button

[2] "IP address" input field

3. Enter the IP address in the input field [2] and click the [OK] button.

96 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via Ethernet

12.4.5 Communication parameters for SMLP

The following table describes the communication parameters for SMLP:
Communication parameters Description Note
Timeout Waiting time in ms that the client Default setting: 1000 ms
waits for a response from the Increase the value as
server after it has made a required if a delay in
request. communication is causing
Broadcast IP address IP address of the local network In the default setting, the unit
segment within which the unit scan only detects units that are in
scan is carried out. the local network segment.
IP address of SMLP server IP address of the SMLP server or Enter the IP address of units
of other units that are to be that are to be included in the
included in the unit scan but are unit scan but are outside the
outside the local network seg- local network segment.
ment. Enter the IP address of the
SIMATIC S7 control, if you
are operating an indirect
Ethernet to PROFIBUS
communication via SIMATIC
Excluded IP address IP addresses of units that should Enter the IP address of units that
not be included in the unit scan should not be included in the unit
scan. This can be units that are
not ready for communication (for
example because they have not
been started up yet)

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 97

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via Ethernet

12.4.6 Communication ports used

The following table describes the communication ports that
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio uses:
Application No. of the communica- Description
tion port
ETH server 300 For using a PC as Ethernet gateway with
the program "ETHServer.exe"
SEW communication server 301 For communication between
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio and the
SEW Communication Server
Offline data server 302 For communication of
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio in offline
MOVIVISION server 303 For communication with a PC with active
MOVI-PLC visualization 304 For communication between MOVI-PLC
and the 3D simulation of
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio
TCI server 305 For communication via TCI
EcEngineeringServer remote 306 For direct communication (without master)
control (in preparation) with SEW EtherCAT slaves
EcEngineeringServer mailbox 307 For direct communication (without master)
gateway (in preparation) with SEW EtherCAT slaves

98 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via EtherCAT

12.5 Communication via EtherCAT

12.5.1 Overview
The figure shows the network with communication using EtherCAT:








[1] PC with Ethernet TCP/IP interface

[2] Ethernet TCP/IP connection
[3] Switch
[4] EtherCAT master with additional engineering interface (TCP/IP) and integrated mailbox gateway
[5] Units (examples) with EtherCAT interfaces

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 99

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via EtherCAT

12.5.2 Function
Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS MotionStudio are transferred via Ethernet [2]
from a PC [1] to a switch [3] using the Ethernet TCP/IP interface.
Parameter requests are transferred from the switch [3] to the EtherCAT interfaces of the
units [5] via a the mailbox gateway in the EtherCAT master [4].

Engineering interface
You may not use non-assigned Ethernet interfaces on units with EtherCAT interfaces
for Engineering.
Use only the EtherCAT master interface intended for engineering.

100 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via EtherCAT

12.5.3 Configuring the communication channel via EtherCAT

Proceed as follows to configure a communication channel for EtherCAT:
1. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit] button

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 101

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via EtherCAT

2. From the dropdown menu [1], select "Ethernet" as the communication type.
In the example, "ETHERNET" is activated as the communication type for the first
communication channel [2].
3. Click [Edit] [3] in the right section of the window.
This will display the settings for the "Ethernet" communication type.
4. Set the communication parameters. Follow the instructions described in the section
"Setting communication parameters for EtherCAT".

EtherCAT is a protocol that is transferred via a mailbox gateway.

Setting communi- Proceed as follows to set the EtherCAT communication parameters:

cation parameters
1. Set up the EtherCAT protocol. To do so, select the "EtherCAT settings" tab.
for EtherCAT
2. Tick the "Activate EtherCAT" checkbox.
3. Change the set communication parameters if necessary. Refer to the detailed de-
scription of the communication parameters for EtherCAT.

During a unit scan, the system recognizes only units that are in the same (local) net-
work segment as the PC that is running MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
If you have units that are OUTSIDE the local network segment, add the IP
addresses of these units to the list of EtherCAT masters.

102 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via EtherCAT

4. To add an IP address, open the context menu and select [Add IP address] [1].


[1] [Add IP address] button

[2] "IP address" input field

1. Enter the IP address in the input field [2] and click the [OK] button.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 103

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via EtherCAT

Communication The following table describes the communication parameters for EtherCAT:
parameters for
Communication parameters Description Note
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the client Default setting: 1000 ms
waits for a response from the Increase the value as
server after it has made a required if a delay in
request. communication is causing
Scan range of: Start address for the EtherCAT By entering values here, you can
scan range limit the EtherCAT scan range
and thereby shorten the length of
Scan range end: Stop address for the EtherCAT
time it takes to scan the unit.
scan range
IP address EtherCAT master IP address of the mailbox gate- -
way in the EtherCAT master

104 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

12.6 Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

12.6.1 Communication via C2 master
Overview The figure shows a network with PROFIBUS communication via C2 master:






[1] C2 master (as PC with installed softnet DP driver and installed PROFIBUS master card)
[2] C1 master
[3] Units (examples) with DP-V1 capable PROFIBUS interfaces

C2 master C2 master [1] can be a PC, for example, which you can use as diagnostic and visualiza-
tion PC.
For this purpose, the PC has to be equipped with additional hardware and software as
described in the next section.

Function The C2 master [1] sends parameter requests from MOVITOOLS MotionStudio to the
PROFIBUS interfaces in the units [3] via PROFIBUS (acyclic C2 services). In this case,
SIMATIC S7 [2] does not perform any routing.

Advantage The C2 master works independently of the C1 master. This means you can establish a
communication with your units even when the C1 master fails.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 105

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

12.6.2 Additionally required hardware and software


If you startup and configure PROFIBUS stations in your network, you need additional
hardware and software from Siemens.
Note the prerequisites regarding license rights for Siemens software products
Observe the documentation provided by Siemens for the hardware and software
products used.

Required hardware The following table shows the PROFIBUS master cards available from Siemens:
Designation of the PROFIBUS Order number Type of PROFIBUS master card
master card
SIMATIC NET CP5611 6GK1561-1AA00 PCI card for PCs
SIMATIC NET CP5512 6GK1561-2AA00 PCMCIA card (32-bit card bus) for

Required software The following table shows the software available from Siemens:
Designation of the software Order number Type of software
SIMATIC NET PB Softnet-DP 6GK1704-5DW00-3AE1 Driver package
Edition 2007

Starting up hard- Proceed as follows to install the additionally required hardware and software:
ware and software
1. Observe the documentation provided by Siemens for the hardware and software
products used.
2. Install the PROFIBUS master card.
3. Install the software.

106 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

12.6.3 Parameterizing the C2 master with SIMATIC NET

Starting SIMATIC Do the following to start SIMATIC NET:
NET and setting 1. From the Start menu of Windows, start the program "Set PG/PC Interface" under the
the PG/PC inter- following menu item:
[Start] / [Control panel]
The "Set PG/PC interface" window opens:


2. Set the access path of the application as shown in the figure.

If you cannot set the access path because the "Access point of the application" selec-
tion field is disabled, the reason is the following:
You have opened the "Set PG/PC interface" program from SIMATIC STEP 7 and have
therefore occupied the access path.
Start the "Set PG/PC Interface" program from the Windows Start menu.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 107

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

Parameterizing the Proceed as follows to configure a C2 master:

C2 master
1. In the "Set PG/PC interface" window, click on the [Properties] button.
This opens the "Properties" window.


2. If a C1 master is active, disable the "PG/PC is the only master on the bus" checkbox.
3. Assign the PC a free address that is not yet reserved by other stations (masters or
4. Set the baud rate (transmission speed) matching your PROFIBUS network. If you op-
erate a C1 master, set the baud rate of the C1 master.
5. Select "DP" as the profile or set the bus timing according to the existing PROFIBUS

108 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

Checking the Do the following to check the parameters of the PROFIBUS stations:
parameters of the
1. Close the "Properties" window to return to the "Set PG/PC interface" window.
tions 2. Click the [Diagnostics] button.
This opens the "SIMATIC NET diagnostics" window.


3. Check the parameters you have set. To do so, click on [Test].

If your parameter setting is valid, "OK" will be displayed.
4. To have all bus stations displayed, click on [Read].
5. Make sure that all bus stations were parameterized correctly.
6. Open the MOVITOOLS MotionStudio engineering software.
7. Set the communication parameters in MOVITOOLS MotionStudio. Refer to the fol-
lowing section "Configuring communication via PROFIBUS".

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 109

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

12.6.4 Configuring communication via PROFIBUS


The following steps describe only how you configure PROFIBUS communication in
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
First make all the required settings in the project planning software. Refer to the
previous section "Configuring C2 master with SIMATIC NET".

Configuring the Proceed as follows to configure a communication via PROFIBUS:

1. Make sure that all the required settings have been made in the project planning soft-
channel via
2. Start MOVITOOLS MotionStudio and create a project following the instructions de-
scribed in the section "First Steps".
3. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

110 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit] button

4. From the dropdown menu [1], select "PROFIBUS" as communication type.

In the example, "PROFIBUS" is activated as the communication type for the first
communication channel [2].

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 111

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

5. Click [Edit] [3] in the right section of the window.


6. Select the "Start automatically" control field if you want to launch the PROFIBUS
server every time the SEW Communication Server is started.
7. Click the [Restart server] button to start the PROFIBUS server.
Windows displays the activated PROFIBUS server using the following ICON in the
status bar:


12.6.5 Communication parameters for PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1

The following table describes the communication parameters for the PROFIBUS DP/
DP-V1 communication channel:
Communication parameters Description Note
PROFIBUS server Select the "Start automati- The Windows status bar displays
cally" control field if you want the active PROFIBUS server
to launch the PROFIBUS
server every time the SEW
Communication Server is

112 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via MPI with SIMATIC S7

12.7 Communication via MPI with SIMATIC S7

12.7.1 Overview
The figure shows the network with indirect S7-MPI to PROFIBUS communication via SI-







[1] PC with S7-MPI interface

[2] S7-MPI connection
[3] SIMATIC S7 with the FC_MoviTools function
[4] Units with PROFIBUS interfaces

12.7.2 Function
Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS MotionStudio are passed on from a PC [1] with
an S7-MPI interface to SIMATIC S7 [3] via the S7-MPI connection [2].
The SEW FC_MoviTools function directs the parameter request to the PROFIBUS inter-
faces in the units via the PROFIBUS. The SIMATIC S7 acts as a gateway from S7-MPI
to PROFIBUS. The units are PROFIBUS stations.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 113

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via MPI with SIMATIC S7

12.7.3 Configuring communication via S7-MPI


If you run and configure S7-MPI stations in your network, you need additional hard-
ware and software from Siemens.
Note the prerequisites regarding license rights for additional Siemens software

The following steps describe only how you can configure S7-MPI communication in
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio.
First make all the required settings in the project planning software. Refer to the
Siemens documentation and the "MOVITOOLS - Connection to SIMATIC S7 via
S7-MPI interface" manual for help.

Configuring the Proceed as follows to configure a communication via S7-MPI:

communication 1. Make sure that all the required settings have been made in the project planning soft-
channel via S7- ware.
2. Start MOVITOOLS MotionStudio and create a project following the instructions de-
scribed in the section "First Steps".
3. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

114 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via MPI with SIMATIC S7

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit] button

4. From the dropdown menu [1], select "S7MPI" as the communication type.
In the example, "S7-MPI" is activated as the communication type for the first commu-
nication channel [2].

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 115

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via MPI with SIMATIC S7

5. Click [Edit] [3] in the right section of the window.


This will display the settings for the "S7-MPI" communication type.
6. It might be necessary to change the preset communication parameters on the tab
pages [Addressing] and [Extended settings]. When doing so, refer to the detailed de-
scription of the communication parameters (page 117).

116 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via MPI with SIMATIC S7

12.7.4 Communication parameters for S7-MPI

The following table describes the [basic setting] for the S7-MPI communication channel:
Communication parameters Description Note
Name Name of the S7-MPI station If you communicate with several
stations, you can give the stations
self-explanatory names to help
you differentiate between them.
MPI address S7 MPI address for the SIMATIC -
Segment ID Segment ID for the SIMATIC S7 Default setting: 0
Slot Number of the slot in the compo- If required, count the modules to
nent rack, where the SIMATIC S7 determine the number
CPU installs the S7-MPI inter-
Rack Number of component rack Default setting: 0
Manual DB entry Select "Create entry" if you want If you enter the numbers manu-
to manually enter the numbers of ally, only these are taken into
the communication data block account in the unit scan.
(CDB) and the hardware data
block (HDB).
Communication DB number Number of the communication
data block (CDB)
Hardware DB number Number of the hardware data
block (HDB)

The following table describes the [Extended setting] for the S7-MPI communication
Communication parameters Description Note
Parameter telegrams Telegram with a single parameter -
Multibyte telegrams Telegram with several parameters -
Timeout Waiting time in [ms] that the mas- Default setting: 1000 ms
ter waits for a response from a (3000 ms)
slave after it has sent a request. Increase the value as
required if a delay in
communication is causing
Retries Number of request retries after Default setting: 3
the timeout is exceeded

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 117

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via Ethernet with SIMATIC S7

12.8 Communication via Ethernet with SIMATIC S7

12.8.1 Prerequisites

If you startup and configure an Ethernet connection to SIMATIC S7 in your network,
you need additional hardware and software from Siemens.
Note the prerequisites regarding license rights for additional Siemens software

The following steps describe only how you can configure the Ethernet connection to
First make all the required settings in the project planning software. Refer to the
Siemens documentation and the "MOVITOOLS - Connection to SIMATIC S7 via
Ethernet" manual for help.

12.8.2 Overview
The figure shows the network with indirect (lower-level) Ethernet to PROFIBUS commu-
nication via SIMATIC S7:







[1] PC with Ethernet TCP/IP interface

[2] Ethernet TCP/IP connection
[3] SIMATIC S7 with "SMLP Server" function block
[4] Units (examples) with PROFIBUS interfaces

118 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via Ethernet with SIMATIC S7

12.8.3 Function
Parameter requests from MOVITOOLS MotionStudio are transferred via Ethernet [2]
from a PC [1] with Ethernet TCP/IP interface to a SIMATIC S7 [3].
The SEW function module "SMLP Server" directs these parameter requests to the units
via the lower-level PROFIBUS DP/DP-V1. The SIMATIC S7 acts as a gateway from
Ethernet TCP/IP to PROFIBUS. The units [4] are PROFIBUS stations.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 119

Communication Channels in Detail
12 Communication via Ethernet with SIMATIC S7

12.8.4 Configuring the communication channel via Ethernet

Proceed as follows to configure a communication channel for Ethernet:
1. Click on "Configure communication plugs" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Configure communication plugs" symbol

This will open the "Configure communication plugs" window.


[1] "Type of communication" selection list

[2] "Activate" checkbox
[3] [Edit...] button

2. From the list [1], select "Ethernet" as the communication type.

In the example, "ETHERNET" is activated as the communication type for the first
communication channel [2].
3. Click [Edit] [3] in the right section of the window.
This will display the settings for the "Ethernet" communication type.
4. Set up the SMLP protocol. To do so, select the "SMLP settings" tab.
5. Set the parameters. Follow the instructions described in the section "Setting commu-
nication parameters for SMLP".

120 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Communication Channels in Detail
Communication via Ethernet with SIMATIC S7

SMLP stands for Simple MOVILINK Protocol. It is the SEW-EURODRIVE unit proto-
col and is transmitted directly via TCP/IP.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 121

Configuring Units Using Tools
13 Functions and tools

13 Configuring Units Using Tools

13.1 Functions and tools
Every function that you can perform with the MOVITOOLS MotionStudio software
package has a corresponding tool. The tools are provided in the context menu, and de-
pend on the unit.
The following table shows which functions are assigned to which tool.
The technology editors are cross-functional.
Function Tool
Startup Startup wizard (page 123) Technology Editors
Manual operation (page 130) (page 133)

Parameterization Parameter tree (page 124)
PDO Editor (page 129)
Shell (page 131)
Gateway configurator

Diagnostics and visualiza- Application Builder (page 131)
tion Bus monitor (page 132)
Scope (page 131)
Status (page 135)

Programming Programming tools (page 134)


13.2 Displaying supported unit types

Proceed as follows to display the supported unit types:
1. Select [Help] / [Installed components] from the menu.
2. Select the appropriate tool in the "Plug-ins" category.
In the upper right corner of the window, you will then see a list of unit types that are
supported by these tools.

122 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Configuring Units Using Tools
Tools in detail

13.3 Tools in detail

13.3.1 Startup wizard
Description of the The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
startup wizard
Tool Description Supported unit types
Startup wizard Used to adjust the unit to the See "Displaying supported unit
motors and encoders that are types" (page 122).
Used for optimizing the current,
speed and position controller
Use of the tools varies
according to the unit type

Starting up units Proceed as follows to start up the units (online):

1. Switch to the network view.
2. Click on "Switch to online mode" [1] in the toolbar.


[1] "Switch to online mode" symbol

3. Select the unit you want to startup.

4. Open the context menu and select the following command:
Then, the Startup wizard opens.
5. Follow the instructions of the startup wizard and then load the startup data onto your

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 123

Configuring Units Using Tools
13 Tools in detail

13.3.2 Parameter tree

Description of the The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
parameter tree
Tool Description Supported unit types
Parameter tree The parameter tree is a view. All See "Displaying supported unit
unit parameters are grouped into types" (page 122).
folders in this view.
You can open the folders and read/
change individual unit parameters
(page 126).
Using either the context menu or
toolbar, you can manage the unit
parameters as follows:
Comparing unit parameters
(page 127)
Searching for unit parameters
Creating and printing unit
parameter documents
(page 127)
Grouping unit parameters into a
new parameter tree (page 128)
to create individual views

124 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Configuring Units Using Tools
Tools in detail

Parameter tree The following figure shows the toolbar for managing unit parameters:


Posi- Interface name Function

[1] New tree Creates a new tree
[2] Save parameter tree Saves an individually created parameter tree
[3] Open parameter tree Opens an individually created parameter tree
[4] Open standard param- Opens a SEW standard parameter tree
eter tree
[5] Search Searches the parameter tree
[6] Add empty tree Adds an empty tree
[7] Add node Adds an empty node
[8] Delete node Deletes a node
[9] Add line Adds lines
[10] Delete line Delete lines
[11] Close all windows Closes all windows
[12] Show window Displays all windows
[13] Edit mode Switches to edit mode

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 125

Configuring Units Using Tools
13 Tools in detail

Reading/changing Proceed as follows to read/change unit parameters:

unit parameters
1. Switch to the required view (project view or network view).
2. Select the communication mode:
Click the "Switch to online mode" button [1] if you want to read or change
parameters directly on the unit.
Click the "Switch to offline mode" button [2] if you want to read or change
parameters in the project.


[1] "Switch to online mode" symbol

[2] "Switch to offline mode" symbol

3. Select the unit you want to set parameters for.

4. Open the context menu and select the [Parameter tree] command.
Then, the "Parameter tree" view opens on the right section of the screen.
5. Expand the "Parameter tree" up to the node you require.


6. Double-click to display a particular group of unit parameters.

7. Press the enter key to finalize any changes you make to numerical values in the input

Refer to the parameter list in the unit documentation for detailed information on
the unit parameters.

126 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Configuring Units Using Tools
Tools in detail

Comparing unit Proceed as follows to compare unit parameters:

1. Open the context menu in the "Parameter tree" view.
2. Select the [Compare] command.
3. For "Source 2", choose one of the following types:
File (a backup file, for example)
Project data
4. Press the [Compare] button.
The parameters from "Source 2" are then compared with the unit parameters. Any
parameter differences are listed.

Printing unit Proceed as follows to print unit parameters:

1. Open the context menu in the "Parameter tree" view.

If you want to print particular unit parameters, select the corresponding node.

2. Select the [Create document] command.

3. Enter a name for the HTML file. Confirm.
4. Choose one of the following options:
Document the complete parameter tree.
Document unit parameters of the selected node
Document unit parameters of the current window
The unit parameters are displayed as an HTML file in a browser window, which you
can then print.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 127

Configuring Units Using Tools
13 Tools in detail

Grouping unit When you open the parameter tree, you have the SEW standard parameter tree as the
parameters into a view for your unit parameters.
new parameter
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio allows you to create your own parameter tree. Having your
own tree is helpful if you frequently use certain unit parameters and would like them
grouped together. Once you have created and saved a parameter tree, you can always
use the respective unit type to open it.
Proceed as follows to group unit parameters into a new parameter tree.
1. Open the context menu in the "Parameter tree" view or use the toolbar (page 125).
2. Press the [Edit mode] button.
3. Specify the tree structure of the new parameter tree. Use the following commands to
do so:
[Add empty tree]
[Add tree]
[Add standard tree]
[Add node].
4. Drag your required unit parameters into the newly created tree structure (drag and
5. Open the context menu to save the new parameter tree. Select the [Save as] com-
6. Enter a name for the backup file. Confirm.
The newly arranged unit parameters are saved with their values as an individual pa-
rameter tree.

128 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Configuring Units Using Tools
Tools in detail

13.3.3 PDO Editor

Description of the The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
PDO Editor
Tool Description Supported unit types
Process Data Object Editor Used for setting parameters of MOVIAXIS
(PDO Editor) input/output terminals on the
servo inverter
Used for configuring process
data graphically
Used to set parameters for the
MOVIAXIS Function Control
Blocks (FCBs).

Using the PDO For detailed information about parameter setting, refer to the "MOVIAXIS MS Multi-
Editor Axis Servo Inverter" project planning manual.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 129

Configuring Units Using Tools
13 Tools in detail

13.3.4 Manual operation

Description of The following table describes the tool and shows the units that are supported:
manual operation
Tool Description Supported units
Manual operation Used to manually control the unit See "Displaying supported unit
from your PC types" (page 122).

Manual operation Proceed as follows to use the units in the manual operation mode:

You can only run manual operation using the serial interface.
MOVIGEAR units are the only exception. For these units, you can also run manual
operation using SBus.
1. Switch to online mode.
2. Select the device you want to control from your PC.
3. Open the context menu and select the [Manual operation] command.
This opens the "New project" window.
4. Activate manual operation by clicking the [Activate manual operation] button
5. Enter a setpoint for the speed. When doing so, take into account the desired operat-
ing mode (right/left).
6. Select one of the following operating modes:
Rapid speed
Creep speed or
7. Begin manual operation by pressing [Start].
In the right section of the window, the actual values for the following parameters are
Binary inputs and outputs
Output current

130 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Configuring Units Using Tools
Tools in detail

13.3.5 Scope
Description of The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
Tool Description Supported unit types
Scope Used to run diagnostics on process See "Displaying supported unit
values by recording in real time types" (page 122).
(oscilloscope program)

Using Scope For detailed information about how to use the Scope function, refer to the MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio online help.

13.3.6 Application Builder

Description of the The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
Application Builder
Tool Description Supported unit types
Application Builder Editor for creating the following Supported for all units
User-specific visualizations
Application-specific diagnostics

Using the Applica- For detailed information about using the Application Builder, refer to online help, which
tion Builder you can call in the tool.

13.3.7 Shell
Description of the The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
Tool Description Supported unit types
Shell Higher-level tool that contains the See "Displaying supported unit
following functions on one inter- types" (page 122).

Using the Shell Proceed as follows to use the Shell:

1. Select the unit for which you want to run the Shell.
2. Start the Shell from the context menu using the [Shell] command.
3. Select the required function.
For detailed information about the unit parameters, refer to online help, which you can
call in the Shell.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 131

Configuring Units Using Tools
13 Tools in detail

13.3.8 Bus Monitor

Description of Bus The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
Tool Description Supported unit types
Bus monitor Tool for running diagnostics on Supported for all units for which you
the communication between run diagnostics using
the field bus and the unit (moni- MOVITOOLS
tor mode)
Tool for specifying setpoints for
the unit independently from the
controller (control mode)
A prerequisite for the tool is a
serial communication between
your PC and the unit.

Using Bus Monitor For detailed information about using Bus Monitor, refer to online help, which you can call
in the tool.

132 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Configuring Units Using Tools
Tools in detail

13.3.9 Technology editors

Description of the The following table describes the tools and shows which unit types are supported:
technology editors
Tool Description Supported unit types
Motion technology editor Editor with the following functions: Supported for MOVIAXIS and
Startup MOVIDRIVE units
Technology function
Technology functions (applica-
tions) for MOVIAXIS:
Electronic gear unit
Electronic cam
Touch probe
Result control
Virtual encoder
Technology functions (applica-
tions) for MOVIDRIVE:
Internal synchronous operation
Electronic cam
MOVIDRIVE application
Single-axis positioning for Editor with the following functions:
Control and
Visualization of single-axis
positioning for MOVIAXIS.

Using technology Proceed as follows to use the technology editors:

editors 1. Select the unit for which you want to run a technology editor.
2. Start the tool from the context menu using the [Technology Editors] command.
3. Follow the wizard instructions.
For detailed information about technology functions (applications) and using the motion
technology editor, refer to the following documents:
The "MOVIAXIS MX Multi-Axis Servo Inverter Technology Editor for Single-Axis
Positioning" manual
The application manuals for MOVIDRIVE units and the online help, which you can
call in the tool.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 133

Configuring Units Using Tools
13 Tools in detail

13.3.10 Tools for programming

Programming For users who wish to program the IPOS Positioning and Sequence Control System
experience using MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, familiarity with programming languages C or As-
sembler is required.
For users who wish to program the MOVI-PLC controller using MOVITOOLS Motion-
Studio, familiarity with programming languages as defined in IEC 61131-3 is required.

Description of the The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
PLC Editor
Tool Description Supported unit types
PLC Editor The PLC-Editor is an IEC 61131-3- Supported in combination with the
compliant programming editor with following units for MOVI-PLC:
comprehensive libraries compris- MOVIDRIVE B
Function modules MOVIAXIS
Technology functions MOVIFIT

Using the PLC For detailed information about PLC programming and using the PLC Editor, refer to the
Editor following documents:
The "MOVI-PLC Programming in the PLC Editor" system manual
Online help, which you can call in the tool

Description of the The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
IPOS assembler
Tool Description Supported unit types
and compiler

IPOS assembler Tool for IPOS programming in Supported for all units that are pro-
assembler grammed using MOVITOOLS.
IPOS compiler Tool for editing and compiling
IPOS programs

Using the IPOS For detailed information about IPOS programming and use of the tools, refer to the fol-
assembler and lowing documents:
"IPOSplus Positioning and Sequence Control" manual
Online help, which you can call in the tool

134 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Configuring Units Using Tools
Tools in detail

13.3.11 Online unit status

Description of the The following table describes this tool and shows which unit types are supported:
online unit status
Tool Description Supported unit types
Online unit status The online unit status gives you a Supported for all units
simple diagnostics method.
The online unit status also gives
you the following information about
the unit:
Address of the station
Bus used for communication by
the station
Designation of the unit type
Unit signature
Online unit status (e.g. enable,

Show online unit Proceed as follows to display the online unit status:
1. Switch to online mode.
2. Select the unit for which the online unit status is to be displayed.


[1] "Online unit status" area

[2] [Reset] button

3. Open the context menu and select the [Display online unit status] command, or use
the mouse to drag the unit into the "Online unit status" area [1] (drag and drop).
The status information for the unit is then displayed.

Resetting a unit In the "online unit status" area [1] next to the status information for the unit, there is a
button [2] for you to reset the unit.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 135

Configuring Units Using Tools
13 Tools in detail

Removing the unit Proceed as follows to remove the unit from the online unit status area:
from the online unit
status area

Too many units in the "Online unit status" area increase the bus load.
If you need to, remove units from the "online unit status" area.

1. Select the unit you want to remove.

2. Open the context menu and select the command [Remove] or [Remove all].

136 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI 14
System requirements

14 MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI

14.1 System requirements
14.1.1 Hardware
To use MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI, you need units with one of the following
communication options:
PROFIBUS DP-V1 (DP-V0 is not supported)
The following table shows the components of Siemens that support TCI:
Controller Part number Firmware
IE/PB Link 6GK1411-5AB00, 6GK1411-5AA00 -
CPU 414-3 PN/DP 6ES7414-3EM05-0AB0 FW V5.1 and higher
CPU 416-3 PN/DP 6ES7416-3ER05-0AB0 FW V5.1 and higher
CPU 416F-3 PN/DP 6ES7416-3FR05-0AB0 FW V5.1 and higher
CP443-5 Extended 6GK7443-5DX04-0XE0 FW V3.0 and higher
CPU 319-3 PN/DP 6ES7318-3EL00-0AB0 FW V2.7 and higher
CPU 319F-3 PN/DP 6ES7318-3FL00-0AB0 FW V2.7 and higher
IM151-8 PN/DP with 6ES7151-8AB00-0AB0 FW V2.7 and higher
DP master module 6ES7138-4HA00-0AB0 -
IM151-8F PN/DP with 6ES7151-8FB00-0AB0 FW V2.7
DP master module 6ES7138-4HA00-0AB0 -

This information was taken from the FAQs of Siemens and was current at the time of
printing of this document.
Subject to change .
If in doubt, contact Siemens.

14.1.2 Software
To use MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI, you need the following software:
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio version 5.60 and higher.
STEP 7 version 5.40 SP4 (HF 3) and higher

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 137

14 MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI
Functional principle

14.2 Functional principle

14.2.1 Overview
The figure shows the programs that are called in connection with the TCI call and the
files to transfer the communication parameters:


[1] Files from SEW to integrate in HW Config

[2] Exe file to execute
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio

The numbered arrows show the phases for the following two sub-processes:
Integrating units in HW Config:
Phase Description
1 First, you have to integrate the unit in HW Config using the pertaining GSD unit master file
(description file):

Call device tool and transfer communication parameters:

Phase Description
2 HW Config reads the data of the unit from the PID (program interface description)
(After the installation of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, the PID is already in the right directory).
3 HW Config creates a TPF (temporary parameter file) with the communication parameters to
be transferred.
4 HW Config calls the device tool "MOVITOOLS MotionStudio" (SEWManager.exe).
5 MOVITOOLS MotionStudio reads the TPF and starts
6 MOVITOOLS MotionStudio deletes the TPF after the start

138 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI 14
Using MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI

14.2.2 Advantages
TCI offers the following advantages:
Various manufacturer-specific engineering tools can be called from HW Config in the
same way.
Data management for all engineering tools is performed centrally in the project path
of HW Config.
Communication to the units is established by HW Config. Multiple configuration is not
For the following communication channels, SEW function modules are no longer re-
quired for routing:
Communication via MPI with SIMATIC to PROFIBUS
Communication via Ethernet with SIMATIC to PROFIBUS

14.2.3 Project directories and file storage

When you are using TCI, the project directory and the file storage of
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio are maintained. However, the project of
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio is subordinated to the HW Config project.
Your project is saved here:
"C:\Program Files\Siemens\Step7\s7proj\my_STEP 7_project\Global\SEW-
EURODRIVE\MOVITOOLS MotionStudio\my_MOVITOOLS MotionStudio_project"
Replace the parts of the path in italics/bold with your own, project-specific names.

14.3 Using MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI

14.3.1 Overview
When you call MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI, the handling is slightly different.
The following functions are not necessary and therefore inactive:
Manual scan of the network (unit scan) is not possible.
The communication settings cannot be changed, as the communication parameters
are transferred from HW Config.

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 139

14 MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI
Using MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI

14.3.2 Calling MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI

Proceed as follows to call MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI:
1. Start the configuration software "SIMATIC Manager" (part of the STEP 7 software
package from Siemens) in the Windows Start menu under:
[Start] / [SIMATIC Manager]
2. Open the relevant project.
3. Select the master assembly with the respective PROFIBUS/PROFINET network.
4. Start the tool "HW Config".
5. Select the respective unit in the PROFIBUS/PROFINET network.


6. Open the context menu and select the following menu item:
[Start device tool] / [MOVITOOLS MotionStudio]
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio starts and the network is scanned. Now, all SEW units
accessible online are displayed in the network view. The unit from which the TCI call
was executed is highlighted in color.

140 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60


15 Glossary
The following table explains the most important terms related to the handling of
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio that are used in this documentation.
Term Meaning
Address Editor The Address Editor is a freeware tool by SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG.
It is available once the "MOVITOOLS MotionStudio" engineering software is
installed. However, it is used separately.
You can use Address Editor to establish communication with your units via Ethernet
and to address the units.
Bus node Represents a communication connection via a communication medium (bus
system) in a network.
Clean project Command that removes all parameter files on the PC that no longer belong to the
Communication A communication channel is a communication medium (serial, fieldbus, or Industrial
channel Ethernet) that was activated in the communication settings of MOVITOOLS Motion-
Communication A unit can have several communication links if it is addressed via different communi-
link cation media. One of these communication links can be defined as standard commu-
nication link.
Communication Any bus system through which units communicate with each other or with higher-
medium level stations. This includes point-to-point connections.
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio supports the following communication media:
Serial (RS485)
SBus (CAN)
Communication Each communication medium has specific communication parameters. Examples:
parameters Timeout for Ethernet, baud rate for serial, etc. The communication settings of the
SEW Communication Server are also called communication parameters.
Configuration- Software from third party suppliers for configuring controllers and integrating SEW
software units (e.g. SIMATIC Manager form the software package STEP 7 of Siemens); see
Connection mode The pre-selected connection mode determines whether the tools refer directly to the
unit (online tools) or to the project (offline tools)
Cyclic accessibility If you activate the cyclic availability test, the units are permanently triggered. If for
test any reason the communication to a unit is broken, the color of the affected unit node
changes from "green" to "red".
Device tool See TCI
Download Transfer of unit parameters from a PC to the unit
Framework Term for the basic structure of the software interface from where the tools are called.
Function The functions of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio are:
Visualization and diagnostics
Mini symbol Graphical symbol that indicates the status of a node

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 141


Term Meaning
Network scan Search for units within a network
Network view View that displays all unit with their communication links, in this way visualizing the
topology of the network.
Nodes On the software interface of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, a node represents an
object in the respective view (project view, network view). Each unit, for example,
is represented by a unit node; see also bus node.
Offline mode See Connection mode
Online mode See Connection mode
Online tools See Connection mode
Online unit status Diagnostic option to display the status of a unit that is accessible online. The
online unit status is displayed for each unit that is moved by drag-and-drop to the
respective bar (above the status bar). For this purpose, the connection mode must
be set to "online".
The online unit status gives you the following information about units accessible
Address of the station
Bus used for communication by the station
Unit type
Signature of the unit
Status of the unit (e.g. error, enabled, etc.)
Parameter file File with the parameter set of a unit (unit parameters) saved on the PC. Example:
For MOVIDRIVE, the parameter file name ends in "vd0".
Parameter set Sum of all parameters of a unit
Parameter tree Term for a tree structure of folders to group and display the unit parameters in a
clear arrangement. The parameter tree belongs to the tools that are assigned to the
"Startup" function.
Parameters See unit parameters and communication parameters
Project configura- Designates the structuring of the units according to their function or physical location
tion / configuring in your machine/system. The units are structured independently of the communica-
tion link via project management. Configured units are available offline and can
always be synchronized with the units accessible online. Structure nodes are used
as a means for structuring.
Project view View that displays all configured units in a freely definable logical hierarchy. In this
view, you can visualize how units are grouped within a machine or a system compo-
nent, for example.
Remote operation Remote operation allows several clients to direct queries to a server. The clients
need to have MOVITOOLS MotionStudio installed to use this feature. Only the SEW
Communication Server needs to be installed on the server. To be able to use remote
operation, you must make communication settings on the server and client.
SEW communica- One of several software components included in the software package of
tion server MOVITOOLS MotionStudio. The SEW communication server allows you to create
and configure communication channels.
Signature A name that can be freely assigned to a unit to distinguish it from other units.
Synchronize "Synchronize" combines the functions "Download" and "Upload"."Synchronize" is
project used after a firmware update or unit replacement. The unit parameters are trans-
ferred from the parameter file to the unit that can be accessed online ("Down-
load"). Next, all information is transferred from the unit that can be accessed
online back to the parameter file ("Upload"). The upload makes sure that the infor-
mation stored in the unit is also recognized by the project through the new firmware.

142 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60


Term Meaning
TCI Tool Calling Interface is a standardized call interface based on the specification of
the PROFIBUS user organization (PNO). The calling software is the project config-
uration software and the called software is the device tool (in this case
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio)
Tool Can be called unit-specifically, are assigned to functions
Unit General designation for the following electronic products from SEW:
Frequency inverter, drive inverter and servo inverter
Communication options (gateways, fieldbus option cards, MOVI-PLC)
Unit accessible A unit accessible online is a ready-for-operation unit with a communication link.
online After a network scan, the unit is displayed in the network view.
Unit node See Nodes
Unit parameters Term for unit-specific parameters that are displayed in the parameter tree in groups;
compare with communication parameters
Unit scan See Network scan
Upload Transfer of unit parameters from the unit to the PC
View The software interface of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio has two views:
Window view
Tab page view
Views The software interface of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio offers two views:
Network view
Project view

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 143

Address List

16 Address List

Headquarters Bruchsal SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Production Ernst-Blickle-Strae 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1970
Sales D-76646 Bruchsal http://www.sew-eurodrive.de
P.O. Box sew@sew-eurodrive.de
Postfach 3023 D-76642 Bruchsal
Service Compe- Central SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1710
tence Center Ernst-Blickle-Strae 1 Fax +49 7251 75-1711
D-76676 Graben-Neudorf sc-mitte@sew-eurodrive.de
North SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 5137 8798-30
Alte Ricklinger Strae 40-42 Fax +49 5137 8798-55
D-30823 Garbsen (near Hannover) sc-nord@sew-eurodrive.de
East SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 3764 7606-0
Dnkritzer Weg 1 Fax +49 3764 7606-30
D-08393 Meerane (near Zwickau) sc-ost@sew-eurodrive.de
South SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 89 909552-10
Domagkstrae 5 Fax +49 89 909552-50
D-85551 Kirchheim (near Mnchen) sc-sued@sew-eurodrive.de
West SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 2173 8507-30
Siemensstrae 1 Fax +49 2173 8507-55
D-40764 Langenfeld (near Dsseldorf) sc-west@sew-eurodrive.de
Electronics SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1780
Ernst-Blickle-Strae 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1769
D-76646 Bruchsal sc-elektronik@sew-eurodrive.de
Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service +49 180 5 SEWHELP
+49 180 5 7394357
Additional addresses for service in Germany provided on request!

Production Haguenau SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 88 73 67 00
Sales 48-54 route de Soufflenheim Fax +33 3 88 73 66 00
Service B. P. 20185 http://www.usocome.com
F-67506 Haguenau Cedex sew@usocome.com
Production Forbach SEW-EUROCOME Tel. +33 3 87 29 38 00
Zone Industrielle
Technople Forbach Sud
B. P. 30269
F-57604 Forbach Cedex
Assembly Bordeaux SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 5 57 26 39 00
Sales Parc d'activits de Magellan Fax +33 5 57 26 39 09
Service 62 avenue de Magellan - B. P. 182
F-33607 Pessac Cedex
Lyon SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 4 72 15 37 00
Parc d'Affaires Roosevelt Fax +33 4 72 15 37 15
Rue Jacques Tati
F-69120 Vaulx en Velin
Paris SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 1 64 42 40 80
Zone industrielle Fax +33 1 64 42 40 88
2 rue Denis Papin
F-77390 Verneuil I'Etang
Additional addresses for service in France provided on request!

144 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Address List

Sales Alger Rducom Tel. +213 21 8222-84
16, rue des Frres Zaghnoun Fax +213 21 8222-84
Bellevue El-Harrach reducom_sew@yahoo.fr
16200 Alger

Assembly Buenos Aires SEW EURODRIVE ARGENTINA S.A. Tel. +54 3327 4572-84
Sales Centro Industrial Garin, Lote 35 Fax +54 3327 4572-21
Service Ruta Panamericana Km 37,5 sewar@sew-eurodrive.com.ar
1619 Garin http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.ar

Assembly Melbourne SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 3 9933-1000
Sales 27 Beverage Drive Fax +61 3 9933-1003
Service Tullamarine, Victoria 3043 http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.au
Sydney SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 2 9725-9900
9, Sleigh Place, Wetherill Park Fax +61 2 9725-9905
New South Wales, 2164 enquires@sew-eurodrive.com.au

Assembly Wien SEW-EURODRIVE Ges.m.b.H. Tel. +43 1 617 55 00-0
Sales Richard-Strauss-Strasse 24 Fax +43 1 617 55 00-30
Service A-1230 Wien http://www.sew-eurodrive.at

Sales Minsk SEW-EURODRIVE BY Tel.+375 (17) 298 38 50
RybalkoStr. 26 Fax +375 (17) 29838 50
BY-220033 Minsk sales@sew.by

Assembly Brssel SEW Caron-Vector Tel. +32 10 231-311
Sales Avenue Eiffel 5 Fax +32 10 231-336
Service B-1300 Wavre http://www.sew-eurodrive.be
Service Compe- Industrial Gears SEW Caron-Vector Tel. +32 84 219-878
tence Center Rue de Parc Industriel, 31 Fax +32 84 219-879
BE-6900 Marche-en-Famenne http://www.sew-eurodrive.be
Antwerp SEW Caron-Vector Tel. +32 3 64 19 333
Glasstraat, 19 Fax +32 3 64 19 336
BE-2170 Merksem http://www.sew-eurodrive.be

Production Sao Paulo SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 11 2489-9133
Sales Avenida Amncio Gaiolli, 152 - Rodovia Presi- Fax +55 11 2480-3328
Service dente Dutra Km 208 http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.br
Guarulhos - 07251-250 - SP sew@sew.com.br
SAT - SEW ATENDE - 0800 7700496

Sales Sofia BEVER-DRIVE GmbH Tel. +359 2 9151160
Bogdanovetz Str.1 Fax +359 2 9151166
BG-1606 Sofia bever@fastbg.net

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 145

Address List

Sales Douala Electro-Services Tel. +237 33 431137
Rue Drouot Akwa Fax +237 33 431137
B.P. 2024

Assembly Toronto SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 905 791-1553
Sales 210 Walker Drive Fax +1 905 791-2999
Service Bramalea, ON L6T 3W1 http://www.sew-eurodrive.ca
l.watson@sew- eurodrive.ca
Vancouver SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 604 946-5535
Tilbury Industrial Park Fax +1 604 946-2513
7188 Honeyman Street b.wake@sew- eurodrive.ca
Delta, BC V4G 1G1
Montreal SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 514 367-1124
2555 Rue Leger Fax +1 514 367-3677
Lasalle, PQ H8N 2V9 a.peluso@sew- eurodrive.ca
Additional addresses for service in Canada provided on request!

Assembly Santiago de SEW-EURODRIVE CHILE LTDA. Tel. +56 2 75770-00
Sales Chile Las Encinas 1295 Fax +56 2 75770-01
Service Parque Industrial Valle Grande http://www.sew-eurodrive.cl
LAMPA ventas@sew-eurodrive.cl
RCH-Santiago de Chile
P.O. Box
Casilla 23 Correo Quilicura - Santiago - Chile

Production Tianjin SEW-EURODRIVE (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 22 25322612
Assembly No. 46, 7th Avenue, TEDA Fax +86 22 25322611
Sales Tianjin 300457 info@sew-eurodrive.cn
Service http://www.sew-eurodrive.cn
Assembly Suzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 512 62581781
Sales 333, Suhong Middle Road Fax +86 512 62581783
Service Suzhou Industrial Park suzhou@sew-eurodrive.cn
Jiangsu Province, 215021
Guangzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 20 82267890
No. 9, JunDa Road Fax +86 20 82267891
East Section of GETDD guangzhou@sew-eurodrive.cn
Guangzhou 510530
Shenyang SEW-EURODRIVE (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 24 25382538
10A-2, 6th Road Fax +86 24 25382580
Shenyang Economic Technological Develop- shenyang@sew-eurodrive.cn
ment Area
Shenyang, 110141
Wuhan SEW-EURODRIVE (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 27 84478398
10A-2, 6th Road Fax +86 27 84478388
No. 59, the 4th Quanli Road, WEDA
430056 Wuhan
Xi'An SEW-EURODRIVE (Xi'An) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 29 88241718
No. 12 Jinye 2nd Road Fax +86 29 68686296
Xi'An High-Technology Industrial Development logistic-xa@sew-eurodrive.cn
Xi'An 710065
Additional addresses for service in China provided on request!

146 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Address List

Assembly Bogot SEW-EURODRIVE COLOMBIA LTDA. Tel. +57 1 54750-50
Sales Calle 22 No. 132-60 Fax +57 1 54750-44
Service Bodega 6, Manzana B http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.co
Santaf de Bogot sewcol@sew-eurodrive.com.co

Sales Zagreb KOMPEKS d. o. o. Tel. +385 1 4613-158
Service PIT Erddy 4 II Fax +385 1 4613-158
HR 10 000 Zagreb kompeks@inet.hr

Czech Republic
Sales Praha SEW-EURODRIVE CZ S.R.O. Tel. +420 255 709 601
Business Centrum Praha Fax +420 220 121 237
Lun 591 http://www.sew-eurodrive.cz
CZ-16000 Praha 6 - Vokovice sew@sew-eurodrive.cz

Assembly Kopenhagen SEW-EURODRIVEA/S Tel. +45 43 9585-00
Sales Geminivej 28-30 Fax +45 43 9585-09
Service DK-2670 Greve http://www.sew-eurodrive.dk

Sales Cairo Copam Egypt Tel. +20 2 22566-299 + 1 23143088
Service for Engineering & Agencies Fax +20 2 22594-757
33 EI Hegaz ST, Heliopolis, Cairo http://www.copam-egypt.com/
Service Sharjah Copam Middle East (FZC) Tel. +971 6 5578-488
Sharjah Airport International Free Zone Fax +971 6 5578-499
P.O. Box 120709 copam_me@eim.ae
United Arabian Emirates

Sales Tallin ALAS-KUUL AS Tel. +372 6593230
Reti tee 4 Fax +372 6593231
EE-75301 Peetri kla, Rae vald, Harjumaa veiko.soots@alas-kuul.ee

Assembly Lahti SEW-EURODRIVE OY Tel. +358 201 589-300
Sales Vesimentie 4 Fax +358 3 780-6211
Service FIN-15860 Hollola 2 sew@sew.fi
Production Karkkila SEW Industrial Gears Oy Tel. +358 201 589-300
Assembly Valurinkatu 6, PL 8 Fax +358 201 589-310
FI-03600 Karkkila, 03601 Karkkila sew@sew.fi

Sales Libreville ESG Electro Services Gabun Tel. +241 741059
Feu Rouge Lalala Fax +241 741059
1889 Libreville

Great Britain
Assembly Normanton SEW-EURODRIVE Ltd. Tel. +44 1924 893-855
Sales Beckbridge Industrial Estate Fax +44 1924 893-702
Service P.O. Box No.1 http://www.sew-eurodrive.co.uk
GB-Normanton, West- Yorkshire WF6 1QR info@sew-eurodrive.co.uk

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 147

Address List

Sales Athen Christ. Boznos & Son S.A. Tel. +30 2 1042 251-34
Service 12, Mavromichali Street Fax +30 2 1042 251-59
P.O. Box 80136, GR-18545 Piraeus http://www.boznos.gr

Hong Kong
Assembly Hong Kong SEW-EURODRIVE LTD. Tel. +852 36902200
Sales Unit No. 801-806, 8th Floor Fax +852 36902211
Service Hong Leong Industrial Complex contact@sew-eurodrive.hk
No. 4, Wang Kwong Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Sales Budapest SEW-EURODRIVE Kft. Tel. +36 1 437 06-58
Service H-1037 Budapest Fax +36 1 437 06-50
Kunigunda u. 18 office@sew-eurodrive.hu

Registered Office Vadodara SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 265 3045200, +91 265
Assembly Plot No. 4, GIDC 2831086
Sales POR Ramangamdi Vadodara - 391 243 Fax +91 265 3045300, +91 265
Service Gujarat
Assembly Chennai SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 44 37188888
Sales Plot No. K3/1, Sipcot Industrial Park Phase II Fax +91 44 37188811
Service Mambakkam Village c.v.shivkumar@seweurodriveindia.com
Sriperumbudur - 602105
Kancheepuram Dist, Tamil Nadu

Sales Dublin Alperton Engineering Ltd. Tel. +353 1 830-6277
Service 48 Moyle Road Fax +353 1 830-6458
Dublin Industrial Estate info@alperton.ie
Glasnevin, Dublin 11 http://www.alperton.ie

Sales Tel-Aviv Liraz Handasa Ltd. Tel. +972 3 5599511
Ahofer Str 34B / 228 Fax +972 3 5599512
58858 Holon http://www.liraz-handasa.co.il

Assembly Milano SEW-EURODRIVE di R. Blickle & Co.s.a.s. Tel. +39 02 96 9801
Sales Via Bernini,14 Fax +39 02 96 799781
Service I-20020 Solaro (Milano) http://www.sew-eurodrive.it

Ivory Coast
Sales Abidjan SICA Tel. +225 2579-44
Ste industrielle et commerciale pour l'Afrique Fax +225 2584-36
165, Bld de Marseille
B.P. 2323, Abidjan 08

Assembly Iwata SEW-EURODRIVE JAPAN CO., LTD Tel. +81 538 373811
Sales 250-1, Shimoman-no, Fax +81 538 373814
Service Iwata http://www.sew-eurodrive.co.jp
Shizuoka 438-0818 sewjapan@sew-eurodrive.co.jp

148 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Address List

Assembly Ansan-City SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA CO., LTD. Tel. +82 31 492-8051
Sales B 601-4, Banweol Industrial Estate Fax +82 31 492-8056
Service 1048-4, Shingil-Dong http://www.sew-korea.co.kr
Ansan 425-120 master@sew-korea.co.kr
Busan SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA Co., Ltd. Tel. +82 51 832-0204
No. 1720 - 11, Songjeong - dong Fax +82 51 832-0230
Gangseo-ku master@sew-korea.co.kr
Busan 618-270

Sales Riga SIA Alas-Kuul Tel. +371 7139253
Katlakalna 11C Fax +371 7139386
LV-1073 Riga http://www.alas-kuul.com

Sales Beirut Gabriel Acar & Fils sarl Tel. +961 1 4947-86
B. P. 80484 +961 1 4982-72
Bourj Hammoud, Beirut +961 3 2745-39
Fax +961 1 4949-71
Beirut Middle East Drives S.A.L. (offshore) Tel. +961 1 494 786
Sin El Fil. Fax +961 1 494 971
B. P. 55-378 philipppe.acar@medrives.com

Sales Alytus UAB Irseva Tel. +370 315 79204
Naujoji 19 Fax +370 315 56175
LT-62175 Alytus info@irseva.lt

Assembly Brssel CARON-VECTOR S.A. Tel. +32 10 231-311
Sales Avenue Eiffel 5 Fax +32 10 231-336
Service B-1300 Wavre http://www.sew-eurodrive.lu

Assembly Johore SEW-EURODRIVE SDN BHD Tel. +60 7 3549409
Sales No. 95, Jalan Seroja 39, Taman Johor Jaya Fax +60 7 3541404
Service 81000 Johor Bahru, Johor sales@sew-eurodrive.com.my
West Malaysia

Assembly Quretaro SEW-EURODRIVE MEXICO SA DE CV Tel. +52 442 1030-300
Sales SEM-981118-M93 Fax +52 442 1030-301
Service Tequisquiapan No. 102 http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.mx
Parque Industrial Quretaro scmexico@seweurodrive.com.mx
C.P. 76220
Quretaro, Mxico

Sales Casablanca Afit Tel. +212 522618372
5, rue Emir Abdelkader Fax +212 522618351
MA 20300 Casablanca ali.alami@premium.net.ma

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 149

Address List

Assembly Rotterdam VECTOR Aandrijftechniek B.V. Tel. +31 10 4463-700
Sales Industrieweg 175 Fax +31 10 4155-552
Service NL-3044 AS Rotterdam http://www.vector.nu
Postbus 10085 info@vector.nu
NL-3004 AB Rotterdam
VECTOR Aandrijftechniek B.V. Tel. +31 575 57 44 94
Gelderhorst 10 Fax +31 575 57 24 43
NL-7207 BH Zutphen oost@vector.nu
Industrieterrein de Revelhorst
VECTOR Aandrijftechniek B.V. Tel. +31 77 36 61 873
Mercuriusweg 8A Fax +31 77 36 62 109
NL-5971 LX Grubbenvorst zuid@vector.nu
VECTOR Aandrijftechniek B.V. Tel. +31 299 66 63 38
Weberstraat 74 Fax +31 299 47 60 55
NL-1446 VV Purmerend noordwest@vector.nu
Industrieterrein "De Baanstee"

New Zealand
Assembly Auckland SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 9 2745627
Sales P.O. Box 58-428 Fax +64 9 2740165
Service 82 Greenmount drive http://www.sew-eurodrive.co.nz
East Tamaki Auckland sales@sew-eurodrive.co.nz
Christchurch SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 3 384-6251
10 Settlers Crescent, Ferrymead Fax +64 3 384-6455
Christchurch sales@sew-eurodrive.co.nz

Assembly Moss SEW-EURODRIVE A/S Tel. +47 69 24 10 20
Sales Solgaard skog 71 Fax +47 69 24 10 40
Service N-1599 Moss http://www.sew-eurodrive.no

Assembly Lima SEW DEL PERU MOTORES REDUCTORES Tel. +51 1 3495280
Sales S.A.C. Fax +51 1 3493002
Service Los Calderos, 120-124 http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.pe
Urbanizacion Industrial Vulcano, ATE, Lima sewperu@sew-eurodrive.com.pe

Assembly Lodz SEW-EURODRIVE Polska Sp.z.o.o. Tel. +48 42 676 53 00
Sales ul. Techniczna 5 Fax +48 42 676 53 45
Service PL-92-518 d http://www.sew-eurodrive.pl
24 Hour Service Tel. +48 602 739 739
(+48 602 SEW SEW)

Assembly Coimbra SEW-EURODRIVE, LDA. Tel. +351 231 20 9670
Sales Apartado 15 Fax +351 231 20 3685
Service P-3050-901 Mealhada http://www.sew-eurodrive.pt

Sales Bucureti Sialco Trading SRL Tel. +40 21 230-1328
Service str. Madrid nr.4 Fax +40 21 230-7170
011785 Bucuresti sialco@sialco.ro

150 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Address List

Assembly St. Petersburg ZAO SEW-EURODRIVE Tel. +7 812 3332522 +7 812 5357142
Sales P.O. Box 36 Fax +7 812 3332523
Service 195220 St. Petersburg Russia http://www.sew-eurodrive.ru

Sales Dakar SENEMECA Tel. +221 338 494 770
Mcanique Gnrale Fax +221 338 494 771
Km 8, Route de Rufisque senemeca@sentoo.sn
B.P. 3251, Dakar

Sales Beograd DIPAR d.o.o. Tel. +381 11 347 3244 / +381 11 288
Ustanicka 128a 0393
PC Koum, IV floor Fax +381 11 347 1337
SCG-11000 Beograd office@dipar.co.yu

Assembly Singapore SEW-EURODRIVE PTE. LTD. Tel. +65 68621701
Sales No 9, Tuas Drive 2 Fax +65 68612827
Service Jurong Industrial Estate http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.sg
Singapore 638644 sewsingapore@sew-eurodrive.com

Sales Bratislava SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 2 33595 202
Rybnin 40 Fax +421 2 33595 200
SK-831 06 Bratislava sew@sew-eurodrive.sk
ilina SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 41 700 2513
Industry Park - PChZ Fax +421 41 700 2514
ulica M.R.tefnika 71 sew@sew-eurodrive.sk
SK-010 01 ilina
Bansk Bystrica SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 48 414 6564
Rudlovsk cesta 85 Fax +421 48 414 6566
SK-974 11 Bansk Bystrica sew@sew-eurodrive.sk
Koice SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 55 671 2245
Slovensk ulica 26 Fax +421 55 671 2254
SK-040 01 Koice sew@sew-eurodrive.sk

Sales Celje Pakman - Pogonska Tehnika d.o.o. Tel. +386 3 490 83-20
Service UI. XIV. divizije 14 Fax +386 3 490 83-21
SLO - 3000 Celje pakman@siol.net

South Africa
Assembly Johannesburg SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 11 248-7000
Sales Eurodrive House Fax +27 11 494-3104
Service Cnr. Adcock Ingram and Aerodrome Roads http://www.sew.co.za
Aeroton Ext. 2 info@sew.co.za
Johannesburg 2013
P.O.Box 90004
Bertsham 2013

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 151

Address List

South Africa
Cape Town SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 21 552-9820
Rainbow Park Fax +27 21 552-9830
Cnr. Racecourse & Omuramba Road Telex 576 062
Montague Gardens cfoster@sew.co.za
Cape Town
P.O.Box 36556
Chempet 7442
Cape Town
2 Monaco Place Fax +27 31 700-3847
Pinetown cdejager@sew.co.za
P.O. Box 10433, Ashwood 3605

Assembly Bilbao SEW-EURODRIVE ESPAA, S.L. Tel. +34 94 43184-70
Sales Parque Tecnolgico, Edificio, 302 Fax +34 94 43184-71
Service E-48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya) http://www.sew-eurodrive.es

Assembly Jnkping SEW-EURODRIVE AB Tel. +46 36 3442 00
Sales Gnejsvgen 6-8 Fax +46 36 3442 80
Service S-55303 Jnkping http://www.sew-eurodrive.se
Box 3100 S-55003 Jnkping jonkoping@sew.se

Assembly Basel Alfred lmhof A.G. Tel. +41 61 417 1717
Sales Jurastrasse 10 Fax +41 61 417 1700
Service CH-4142 Mnchenstein bei Basel http://www.imhof-sew.ch

Assembly Chonburi SEW-EURODRIVE (Thailand) Ltd. Tel. +66 38 454281
Sales 700/456, Moo.7, Donhuaroh Fax +66 38 454288
Service Muang sewthailand@sew-eurodrive.com
Chonburi 20000

Sales Tunis T. M.S. Technic Marketing Service Tel. +216 71 4340-64 + 71 4320-29
Zone Industrielle Mghira 2 Fax +216 71 4329-76
Lot No. 39 tms@tms.com.tn
2082 Fouchana

Assembly Istanbul SEW-EURODRIVE Tel. +90 216 4419163 / 4419164
Sales Hareket Sistemleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Fax +90 216 3055867
Service Bagdat Cad. Koruma Cikmazi No. 3 http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.tr
TR-34846 Maltepe ISTANBUL sew@sew-eurodrive.com.tr

Sales Dnepropetrovsk SEW-EURODRIVE Tel. +380 56 370 3211
Service Str. Rabochaja 23-B, Office 409 Fax +380 56 372 2078
49008 Dnepropetrovsk http://www.sew-eurodrive.ua

152 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60

Address List

Production Southeast SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 864 439-7537
Assembly Region 1295 Old Spartanburg Highway Fax Sales +1 864 439-7830
Sales P.O. Box 518 Fax Manufacturing +1 864 439-9948
Service Lyman, S.C. 29365 Fax Assembly +1 864 439-0566
Corporate Offices Fax Confidential/HR +1 864 949-5557
Assembly Northeast SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 856 467-2277
Sales Region Pureland Ind. Complex Fax +1 856 845-3179
Service 2107 High Hill Road, P.O. Box 481 csbridgeport@seweurodrive.com
Bridgeport, New Jersey 08014
Midwest Region SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 937 335-0036
2001 West Main Street Fax +1 937 440-3799
Troy, Ohio 45373 cstroy@seweurodrive.com
Southwest SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 214 330-4824
Region 3950 Platinum Way Fax +1 214 330-4724
Dallas, Texas 75237 csdallas@seweurodrive.com
Western Region SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 510 487-3560
30599 San Antonio St. Fax +1 510 487-6433
Hayward, CA 94544 cshayward@seweurodrive.com
Additional addresses for service in the USA provided on request!

Assembly Valencia SEW-EURODRIVE Venezuela S.A. Tel. +58 241 832-9804
Sales Av. Norte Sur No. 3, Galpon 84-319 Fax +58 241 838-6275
Service Zona Industrial Municipal Norte http://www.sew-eurodrive.com.ve
Valencia, Estado Carabobo ventas@sew-eurodrive.com.ve

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 153



A Communication connections
Accessibility test setup ...........................................67 Configuring the communication channel....94, 120
Adapter Configuring the communication
Starting up the USB-CAN interface....................83 channel via PROFIBUS ................................... 110
Additional documentation.......................................11 Configuring the communication
channel via S7-MPI.......................................... 114
Address Editor .......................................................90
Configuring the SBus communication................86
Application Builder ...............................................131
Configuring the serial communication................76
Communication ports
Basic information about handling, interface .......26
Configuring serial communication......................39
Configuring USB communication.......................80
Communication Server
Baud rate
Setting up communication for the SEW
Parameters for SBus..........................................88 Communication Server (SECOS) ......................66
USB communication parameters .......................82 Communication settings for remote operation
Bus monitor ..........................................................132 Setting up communication on the client .............71
Bus systems...........................................................10 Setting up communication on the server ...........69
Communication type
C Configuring serial communication......................39
CAN Configuring the communication channel....94, 120
Starting up the USB-CAN interface....................83 Configuring the communication
Cleaning a project ..................................................52 channel via PROFIBUS ................................... 110
Communication Configuring the communication
Additional hardware and software....................106 channel via S7-MPI.......................................... 114
Communication via C2 master.........................105 Configuring SBus communication......................86
Communication with EtherCAT........................101 Configuring USB communication.......................80
Direct communication ........................................89 Communication types
Setting up communication for the SEW Functional principle............................................12
Communication Server (SECOS) ......................66 Configuration
Communication channel Adding a configured unit to the network ............59
Configuration..............................................94, 120 Adding new units to the project view .................57
Configuring serial communication......................39 Communication channel ............................94, 120
Configuring the communication Configuring existing units in the network .....47, 61
channel via PROFIBUS ...................................110 Configuring new units ........................................57
Configuring the communication Configuring serial communication......................39
channel via S7-MPI..........................................114 Configuring the communication
Configuring the SBus communication................86 channel via PROFIBUS ................................... 110
Configuring the serial communication................76 Configuring the communication
Configuring USB communication .......................80 channel via S7-MPI.......................................... 114
Functional principle ............................................12 Configuring the SBus communication................86
Parameters for PROFIBUS DP/DPV1 .............112 Configuring the serial communication................76
Parameters for SBus..........................................88 Removing a communication channel.................41
Parameters for S7-MPI ....................................117
Removing a communication channel .................41
2. Configuring a communication channel...........39

154 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60


Transferring parameters changed offline L

to the unit ..........................................................60 Liability for defects ...................................................8
Workflow for configuring the units......................36
1. Creating a project and network ......................38 M
2. Configuring a communication channel...........39
Manual operation .................................................130
3. Scanning the network (unit scan)...................42
Tools ................................................................ 130
5. Configuring units using tools (online).............43
Master node
6. Saving unit parameters changed online.........46
Views and node types........................................31
Context menu
Media node
Structure of the context menu............................29
Views and node types........................................31
Cyclic accessibility test setup.................................67
Basic information about handling, interface.......26
Mini symbol
Additional hardware and software....................106
Mini symbols for displaying the node status ......55
Communication via C2 master.........................105
Views and node types........................................31
D Workflow for configuring the units......................36
Designated use ................................................10, 12 Motion technology editor (Tec Editor) ..................133
Diagnostics MOVIAXIS
Functions and tools..........................................122 Starting up the USB-CAN interface ...................83
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio installation
E Decentralized drive systems..............................25
Editing the unit-independent MOVIDRIVE units ...........................................21
parameter file (offline) ............................................63 MOVI-PLC and gateways................................24
Establishing communication with other units .........14 MOVITRAC units.............................................22
Communication with EtherCAT........................101 Parameters for S7-MPI .................................... 117
Exclusion of liability ..................................................8
Executing functions with the units ..........................14 N
F Communication via C2 master......................... 105
Firewall...................................................................19 Communication with EtherCAT........................101
Framework Direct communication ........................................89
Basic information about handling, interface .......26 Functional principle............................................12
Functions 3. Scanning the network (unit scan) ..................42
Functional principle ............................................12 Network view
Functions and tools..........................................122 Basic information about handling, interface.......26
Views and node types........................................31
I Workflow for configuring the units......................36
IEC 61131-3 .........................................................134 Node types
Installation of MOVITOOLS MotionStudio Views and node types........................................31
MOVI-PLC and gateways................................24
Interface adapter O
USB11A, startup ..........................................16, 72 Online accessibility ................................................67
IPOS assembler and compiler...........................134 Online help.............................................................15
Online unit status .................................................135

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 155


Parameter file node Reset (button)
Views and node types........................................31 Basic information about handling, interface.......26
Parameter tree .....................................................124 Routing
Description .......................................................124 Additional hardware and software ................... 106
Toolbar.............................................................125 Communication via C2 master......................... 105
Functions and tools..........................................122 S
Parameters Safety Notes ............................................................9
Configuring serial communication......................39 Safety notes.............................................................7
Configuring the communication channel....94, 120 Scan
Configuring the communication Setting up communication for the SEW
channel via PROFIBUS ...................................110 Communication Server (SECOS) ......................66
Configuring the communication Structure of the toolbar ......................................28
channel via S7-MPI..........................................114 3. Scanning the network (unit scan) ..................42
Configuring SBus communication......................86
Scope................................................................... 131
Configuring USB communication .......................80 Tools ................................................................ 131
Description of the parameter tree ....................124 SEW Communication Server
For EtherCAT...................................................104
Setting up communication for the SEW
For PROFIBUS DP/DPV1................................112 Communication Server (SECOS) ......................66
For SBus ............................................................88 Shell.....................................................................131
For SMLP...........................................................97 Tools ................................................................ 131
For S7-MPI.......................................................117 Siemens
Reading/changing unit parameters ............45, 126 Additional hardware and software ................... 106
USB communication ..........................................82 Communication via C2 master......................... 105
PDO Editor ...........................................................129 Parameterizing the C2 master with
Tools ................................................................129 SIMATIC NET ..................................................107
Starting up the USB-CAN interface....................83 Additional hardware and software ................... 106
PLC Editor............................................................134 Parameterizing the C2 master with
Printing SIMATIC NET ..................................................107
Unit parameters ...............................................127 Single-axis positioning ......................................... 133
Product name and trademarks...............................11 Functions and tools.......................................... 122
PROFIBUS Starting up USB11A.........................................16, 72
Additional hardware and software....................106 Startup
Communication via C2 master.........................105 Functions and tools.......................................... 122
Programming Starting up the unit...........................................123
Functions and tools..........................................122 Startup wizard...................................................... 123
Project nodes Status................................................................... 135
Views and node types........................................31 Status bar
Project view Basic information about handling, interface.......26
Basic information about handling, interface .......26 Structure nodes
Views and node types........................................31 Views and node types........................................31
Structure of the safety notes....................................7
Q Switch
Qualified person .....................................................10 Direct communication ........................................89
Synchronizing unit parameters ..............................54

156 Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60


System overview Tools

Functional principle ............................................12 Functional principle............................................12
S7 Functions and tools.......................................... 122
Additional hardware and software....................106 Tools in detail................................................... 123
Communication via C2 master.........................105 5. Configuring units using tools (online).............43
Parameters for S7-MPI ....................................117 TwinCAT
Communication with EtherCAT........................101
Target group ..........................................................10 U
TCI Unit node
Functional principle ............................................12 Views and node types........................................31
MOVITOOLS MotionStudio via TCI...............137 Unit parameter synchronization .............................54
Communication with EtherCAT........................101 Communication parameters...............................82
Direct communication ........................................89 USB-CAN interface
Tec Editor (motion technology editor) ..................133 Startup ...............................................................83
Technical support...................................................15 Using data management........................................65
Technology editor
Functions and tools..........................................122 V
Tool bar Views
Basic information about handling, interface .......26 Basic information about handling, interface.......26
Tool homepage Views and node types........................................31
Structure of the tools homepage........................30 Visualization
Toolbar Functions and tools.......................................... 122
Structure of the toolbar ......................................28
Basic information about handling, interface.......26

Manual MOVITOOLS MotionStudio V. 5.60 157

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Driving the world


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Phone +49 7251 75-0
Fax +49 7251 75-1970

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