What Is Indian Dec09 Homeschooling

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God wants us to be dependent on Him and on

What is homeschooling [Or others?

discipleship] Why?
You don’t send your children to school? No one can survive alone. Children, who are
taught to be independent and made to feel they
No, we don’t. Thank God!
can do things on their own, think they do not
What is Homeschooling? need others. They are even taught that if they
don’t look after themselves nobody else will,
When children are taught mainly at home, it is and that God helps those who help themselves!
called homeschooling. We call it discipling. The The present situation in the world is directly the
Hebrew [Biblical] or Eastern method of result of such indoctrination going on since the
education involved the disciples becoming like last many years. When we realize that we are
their master, similar to the guru-shikshya interdependent, we have the attitude of
method but much more involving because the gratitude, to God and others.
parents are the gurus for their own children. The
Greek system of classroom education in schools
How do you remedy this situation?
is simply imparting knowledge, in bits and
pieces, to the student. Fathers have been given the divine order to train
up children. Eph 6:4 Fathers, do not provoke
What is the problem with school? your children to anger, but bring them up in the
It is a totally different world view that makes us discipline and instruction of the Lord.
disciple our children at home. Some of the main The mother is the father’s helper in this
differences are related to the basic nature of man wonderful task that God has entrusted parents
and God, and fulfilling the purpose of life with with.
an attitude of gratefulness and interdependence. Parents know exactly how each of their children
are different from other children and can
Is man’s basic nature bad or good? personally train up their children, building
The Bible and our own experience clearly relationships with their children at the same
teaches us, that all of us have a tendency to be time. Children in turn give their hearts to their
selfish, even if it means breaking the law to get parents and want to lovingly honor and obey
what we desire. This is called the fallen nature their parents. This ensures that the children are
of man. in turn blessed according to the promise of God.
Of course many philosophies and religions Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and your
believe that man is basically ‘good’ and all that mother; so that your days may be long upon the
a man needs is knowledge. Such belief systems land which the Lord your God gives you.
believe that the cure for the fallen or sinful
nature of man is to give him or her knowledge.
How do you do it?
The present schooling education system is also
built upon such an assumption. The Living God has ordained a definite order in
which we are to bring up our children.2 Peter
Won’t knowledge make a man do good? 1:5 “add to your faith virtue; and to virtue
Unfortunately, all that knowledge does is puff knowledge;”
up the ego. (1 Corinthians 8:1 We know that we First we are called to teach our children faith, in
all have knowledge. Knowledge makes people Jesus Christ, who was the perfect sacrifice for
proud. But love builds them up.) our Sins.
We know that we must not do certain things but
Are we all sinners?
we do them anyway.
Yes, we all are guilty of breaking some or the
Should children be independent? other law. We all feel guilty when we do certain
The present education system teaches children things. This is because in our hearts we know
to be independent, but have you wondered why that we have broken some law. There are laws
written in our hearts, and laws in scripture. All
humans have a fear of death because they know What is the aim?
that after death they will have to stand before The aim is to produce children who will know
the Creator who will judge them according to what is the real purpose of life, to please God
their sins. Some people think that if they do and seek His will first.
more good deeds than bad their account will be Jesus said: Mathew 6:33-34 “But seek first the
favourable, but for God who is 100% Holy even kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all
one little sin is enough to send you to Hell. And these things will be added to you.
God knew that all men would perish. Yet he Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow,
desires that we repent and be saved by faith. for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
How can we be saved?
If you are genuinely sorry for having sinned, How will the children cope with the
there is hope. That is why it says in John 3:16- real world?
18 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his Is the school a real world? A class room is a
only Son, that whoever believes in Him should highly artificial environment where you are
not perish but have eternal life. sheltered from the real world and learn to
For God did not send Jesus into the world to interact with only your own age group. The
condemn the world, but in order that the world Bible clearly states that we all are sinners.
might be saved through Him. Children who know this reality can anticipate
Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but what the world is going to be, how people can
whoever does not believe is condemned already, deceive them or cause them to stumble and fall.
because he has not believed in the name of the They understand what is selfishness and have a
only Son of God, Jesus Christ.” realistic view of life.
We believe that Jesus took the wrath of God Also when we disciple our own children at
which would have fallen on us, on Himself, on home, they are interacting with different age
the cross, so that we may not perish in Hell, for groups since childhood, and they are much more
there is no one who has not sinned and deserves capable of relating to the real world.
Hell. We also believe that Jesus came alive on
the third day, thus defeating Sin and Death. That What about socialization with other
is the faith we believe in. When we genuinely people?
repent and believe, God gives us a new heart Of course! There are two types of socialization.
and gives us His Holy Spirit. Then we become a Good socialization is where children interact
new Creation. with others and can learn the true virtues of
love, generosity, sacrifice, patience and honesty.
That sounds logical, what comes next? These virtues can be best taught by interacting
Yes it is. To this faith, we are called to add with people [usually adults] who have these
virtue. We are grateful to God for His love for virtues. There is also bad socialization, where
us. children just increase their natural foolishness.
Without virtue, we cannot do God’s work. The Bible says, “The fool has said in his heart,
After virtue, then we are called to add there is no God!”
knowledge, of God’s Word and then of this It also says in Proverbs 22:15 “Foolishness is
world. bound up in the heart of a child;” and
We know that knowledge without the preceding Proverbs 13:20 “Whoever walks with the wise
two foundations is most dangerous, for the becomes wise, but the companion of fools will
person and for the world, as we have seen the suffer harm.”
increase in problems globally due to the When many children are together, it is just
increase in knowledge. foolishness that increases, unless the parents are
Global warming, the epidemic of life-style around to supervise. Why would any parent
diseases and AIDS are just a few examples. wish their children to become more foolish by
So we don’t primarily aim for academic sending them to school or any place where their
excellence but on the more important things. children run such a great spiritual risk?
So we see to it that our kids are properly
socialized by being with them and taking them
around wherever we go to visit older people.
Values are caught, not taught.

What about their future and careers?

God has said: “I honor anyone who honors me,
but I put a curse on anyone who hates me. “
When we honor Gods word and train up our
children in the way God wants us to, we are sure
God will honor us. He will take care of the
future. We know not what the future holds, but
we know Him who holds the future.
It is not material success that we are looking
forward to, because we know that this life is
very short and a preparation for eternity. So we
are not worried about their future, rather we
glorify God through our faith in His promises.
We know that God will take care of their future
much better than any so-called expert!

How can children learn subjects without

How did your child learn talking? By talking to
you! In the same way, the children themselves
learn the most important subjects, without
unnecessary stress on them or us.

Can you tell us about yourselves?

Dr. S. P. Mathew after doing M.D. Medicine is
managing Ashok Hospital in Dahisar East,
Mumbai. Dr. Vinita Mathew, the homemaker,
after completing MBBS has done courses in
counseling and hospital administration.
God has given us three healthy children, Grace
10 yrs, Mark 7 yrs and Nancy 3 1/2 yr old.

You can call us in Mumbai at 28935971
Thank you!
 Life school Sep 2009 AD

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