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TEST 6A (Unit 6)

NAME: ................................................................................................ DATE: .....................................

CLASS: ................................................................................................. MARK:
(Time: 45 minutes)


1 Fill in: drown, reduce, join, melt, install, raise, save, disappear, recycle, protect.

1 We must .. the rainforest 6 People should .. the

from people that cut down the trees. amount of water they use.
2 There arent many tigers left and they might 7 All the ice at the North Pole will
.. completely soon. .. unless global warming stops.
3 People should switch off their computers to 8 The technician is planning to
.. energy. .. an air conditioner.
4 You can .. all kinds of 9 You can .. a charity like
household waste. the WWF to help animals.
5 If you cant swim well, you may 10 Giraffes have to .. their
.. . heads to reach leaves from tall trees.

Marks: ____
100.5 5

2 Choose the correct word.

1 Because of the flood/drought many 4 Kim threw the milk container/carton into
animals have no drinking water. the recycling bin.
2 Sean donates/wastes a lot of water when 5 The town council/campaign decided to
he brushes his teeth. place bottle banks in every neighbourhood.
3 Can you buy me a jar/tin of jam from the
shop, please?
Marks: ____
50.5 2.5

Smart Time 2 1 Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

TEST 1 (Module 1)
TEST 6A (Unit 6)

3 Match the two columns.

1 public a species

2 air b change

3 exhaust c transport

4 endangered d fumes

5 climate e pollution
Marks: ____
50.5 2.5


4 Fill in the gaps with will, be going to or the present continuous.

1 Be careful! You 4 (you/study)

(drop) that box of newspapers! Environmental Science when you leave
2 Shelly (not/go) to school?
the beach clean-up later. 5 I think my parents
3 Its cold in here. I (give) their old fridge to charity.
(close) the windows.

Marks: ____
51 5

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 If I were you, I .............................................. 4 Thousands of animals .................................

(not/have) a bath every day. (lose) their homes unless we stop global
2 If we ............................................................. warming.
(protect) the environment, the world will 5 If you ...........................................................
become a better place to live in. (cycle) to work, you would help to reduce air
3 When ice melts, it ........................................ pollution.
(become) water.
Marks: ____
51 5

Smart Time 2 2 Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

TEST 1 (Module 1)
TEST 6A (Unit 6)

Everyday English

6 For each situation (1-3) choose the appropriate response. Circle A, B or C.

1 How do you invite your friend to a charity meeting youre going to?
A I think were invited to the meeting.
B You could come to the meeting with me.
C Id like to come to the meeting.

2 How do you ask your friend for his/her opinion?

A Can you help me think?
B Would you like my opinion?
C What do you think?

3 Your friend wants to help the environment. Offer them some advice.
A Thats a great idea!
B Ill tell you what I think.
C I suggest you save water.

Marks: ____
35 15

Smart Time 2 3 Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

TEST 1 (Module 1)
TEST 6A (Unit 6)


7 Read the texts below. For every paragraph (1-3) choose the right headline (A-D).
Write appropriate letters next to paragraph numbers. One headline is extra and
does not match any of the paragraphs.

A Shop local
B Stop air pollution
C A world in danger
D Cut down on waste


1 ________________
There are over 7 billion people on planet Earth and this number is growing all the time. Air pollution
is increasing, global temperatures are rising and rainforests are disappearing. Its a big world with big
problems, so what can we do to help?

2 ________________
There are a few simple steps that ordinary people can take to help the planet. Try saving water and
electricity in the home, recycling paper and glass and changing your light bulbs to energy-saving

3 ________________
In addition, buying food produced on farms close to your home helps the environment. It uses a lot
of fuel to move food around by road, sea and air, so if you can cut down on the distance your food
travels, youll reduce pollution. Youll also be helping the economy in your area and youll have the
added bonus of knowing exactly where your food came from.

Marks: ____
35 15

Smart Time 2 4 Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

TEST 1 (Module 1)
TEST 6A (Unit 6)


8 You are going to hear two texts twice. Questions 1-3 refer to text 1, while
questions 4-6 refer to text 2. Answer the questions according to what you hear
by circling the appropriate letter (A, B or C).

Text 1. You will hear a conversation between two people.

1 There arent many rhinos left because

A they are dying from disease.
B they are being hunted by people.
C they have nowhere to live.

2 The girl wants to give

A three pounds a month.
B five pounds a month.
C twenty pounds a month.

3 Abigail is speaking to the girl to

A teach her more about endangered animals.
B find out what she knows about rhinos.
C encourage her to donate some money.

Text 2. You will hear a student speaking.

4 The students were surprised because

A there were so many interesting animals.
B there werent many trees left.
C they saw a lot of loggers.

5 Next summer, the speaker will

A work as a Forest Warden.
B study for his exams.
C go to the Amazon Rainforest again.

6 The speaker is mainly talking about

A what hes doing to help the rainforest.
B what the rainforest is like.
C how other people can save the rainforest.
Marks: ____
36 30

Smart Time 2 5 Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

TEST 1 (Module 1)
TEST 6A (Unit 6)


9 Your teacher has asked you to write an article for the school magazine
(50-100 words) providing solutions on how to save electricity. In your article:
state the problem
explain why people should save electricity
suggest ways to save electricity
Write your article using the ideas below to help you.

only turn on lights when you need them

switch off electrical equipment when youre not using it
dry clothes outside, not in the tumble dryer


Marks: ____

Smart Time 2 6 Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

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