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From Ewing to HollywoodGolden Globe Winning Director is Son of TCNJ Faculty, Dr. Celia Chazelle
By Kristen Borowski By Jonathan T. Sheridan
La La Land has taken Hollywood by As the typical 40-hour work week
storm. It is a modern-day reincarnation inches towards 50 to 60 hours, Ameri-
of the classic Hollywood musicalthink cans are sitting more than ever. This
Singin in the Rain. Sweeping the Golden excessive amount of sitting has been
Globes on January 8, the film has been linked to an array of health concerns
nominated for 14 Academy Awards. ranging from chronic back pain to dia-
We have much reason to be proud. La betes. Health-conscious Americas re-
La Lands director, Damien Chazelle, is a sponse? The standing desk.
Princeton native and his mother is Celia A standing desk is one that allows
Chazelle, a professor in the History De- the user to stand while working on a
partment here at The College of New computer. Advocates of the desk claim
Jersey. that the desk reduces back pain and
I sat down to speak with Dr. Chazelle improves energy. This summer while
about her award-winning son, his roots, many TCNJ students interned sitting
and his future. down, one was able to witness the
At three years of age and before he standing desk revolution first hand.
could write, Damien was creating and While analyzing financial state-
sharing his stories. He would draw pic- ments at a public accounting firm this
tures and show them to me, explaining past summer, Senior Accounting Major
his story to me, Dr. Chazelle says. They Matt Charne was able to conduct some
were like storyboards. Later he would of his work at a standing desk. I felt
expand on his vision, directing neighbor- much more alert when I used a stand-
hood kids and creating little films. ing desk at work. Being able to stand
Damien was always a hard worker keeps me from dozing off in my chair
tenacious, she says. He was always fo- and allowed me to stretch my legs and
cused on the visual and would take in- get my blood flowing better. Besides,
spiration from directorsAkira Kurosa- even if I got tired of standing, the desk
wa was his favorite as a teenager, he also Fields, referring to the renowned vau- i n Princeton High Schools jazz band. can always move down into a regular
loved Martin Scorsese films. devillian and comedian of the early The jazz story has culminated with La La sitting position.
His initial fascination started with twentieth century. Land and audiences are relishing the As more and more firms move to
Walt Disneys animated films. I would While studying at Harvard, Damien renaissance of this seemingly bygone open-floor layouts that encourage col-
rent or buy the filmsthey were VHS met Justin Hurwitz, who composed the style. laboration and community, the stand-
tapes at the timeor take Damien to the score of La La Land. They became good Damien Chazelles upcoming film First ing desk revolution may just be part of
theater to see them. He loved them. friends, both sharing a passion for Holly- Man is a biopic on Neil Armstrong, the that movement. Matt explains his pref-
Perhaps film-making and movies wood musicals. first man on the moon. It stars Ryan Gos- erence of the open space paired with
were in his blood. It skipped a genera- They collaborated on Damiens senior ling and has yet to begin production. standing desks over other arrange-
tion, Dr. Chazelle laughs. My father project at Harvard, a story about a jazz As for future musicals, I ask Dr. Cha-
was an extra in films during the trumpeter that became his first film, Guy zelle whether Damien will return to the A standing desk is one that al-
1930s. (One being the 1935 film David and Madeline on a Park Bench. The genre anytime soon. Damien wants to
Copperfield, directed by George Cukor.) recurring theme of jazz music continued work on different projects now, she lows the user to stand while work-
My grandfather was an executive at with Chazelles 2014 film Whiplash, the says, but its always a possibility to ing on a computer. Advocates of
Paramount pictures during the 1920s story of a jazz drummer. Much of this come back to. The 89th Academy the desk claim that the desk re-
she adds. One of his friends was W.C. s t o r y is b a s ed o n C h a z el l e s t i m e Awards will take place on February 26. duces back pain and improves
u.s. & world headlines: ments. The open office area was far
preferable since it encouraged collabo-
ration between co-workers and al-
January 2017 lowed me to feel more comfortable
Compiled by Kristen Borowski bringing questions to my supervisors,
rather than feel like I was bothering
Happy New year 2017 Donald J. Trump inaugurated as 45th president of the U.S.A. them. Standing desks were a great ad-
dition to this layout as well. Something
Congressional republicans attend a retreat in Philadelphia to discuss issues about them made people seem more
relaxed in the work place, rather than
womens march protests pop up worldwide day after trumps inauguration being curled up in a chair pushed tight
Prime minister Theresa May visits U.S.A.meets with president trump against a desk all day.
When asked if more offices should
Mexican President Enrique pea nieto cancels visit to u.s.a after president take the leap, Matt stated, [they]
should absolutely use standing desks
trumps executive order on border wall [standing desks] make employees feel
dow jones industrial average hits 20,000 mark for first time more relaxed and simultaneously
alert. No matter your major or career
snaps upcoming ipo seeking a valuation anywhere from $25 - $40 Billion choice, you just may cross paths with a
standing desk soon. This is beneficial
British parliament publishes draft bill invoking article 50 in continuing brexit to every firm, no matter the industry.

New Jersey Education & PoliticsFrom Where Does the Money Come?
By Matt Gallello

While New Jersey has a quality edu- bott Districts were created after a State with a few exceptions. It is important nation, state officials have begun to
cation system, a high gross state prod- Supreme Court ruling determined that to note that the cap applies to the col- explore ways to improve education
uct, and prime location between New poorer districts in the state were enti- lective tax levy of a government entity while reducing property tax bills. State
York City and Philadelphia, the states tled to school funding equal to their and not individual property tax bills. Senate President Steve Sweeney be-
financial footing has not been solid in wealthier neighbors. Given the limited For example, if a school districts total lieves state education funding should
recent years. The Great Recession exac- tax bases in many property tax revenues increase by $500 million and that each
erbated and exposed a multitude of of these communi- were $100 million this district should be getting an appropri-
fiscal problems our state currently fac- ties, state aid was year, the amount the ate amount of funding in accordance
es, including high foreclosure rates, an drastically in- district could collect with the current state funding formula.
underfunded pension system, and a creased. Aid that from property taxes Recently, shifts in student population
transportation trust fund that nearly once went to mid- next year would be size have led some towns to receive
became depleted. Perhaps the most dle- and upper-class capped at $102 million, much more or much less state aid than
significant problems though are the suburban towns 2% of the current levy. they are allocated under the current
current method of funding public began to shift to- Increases in individual formula. Governor Chris Christie has
school districts and high property tax- ward poorer dis- property taxes would proposed giving every district in the
es, and how growing obligations will tricts. Towns that then be based on prop- state $6,599 per pupil in aid, regardless
only continue to hamper efforts to lost aid had to fill erty values. This law of factors such as the number of stu-
make positive strides in both areas. the gap by dramati- was intended to keep dents who are economically disadvan-
New Jerseys FY 2017 budget is cally increasing property tax increases taged or have special needs. Under this
roughly $35 billion, with about $13.3 property taxes. to a minimum and plan, increases in aid would be re-
billion going toward education fund- Today, many force county govern- quired to go toward property tax relief.
ing. State income taxes make up the New Jerseyans see ments, municipalities, The issues of school funding and
majority of school aid. State aid is de- about 50% of their and school boards to high property taxes are sure to be sig-
termined by various factors including property tax bills go allocate their spending nificant issues in this Novembers elec-
each districts number of special needs toward funding their local school dis- in more efficient ways. tion as voters will elect a new governor
students and English as a Second Lan- tricts. In 2010, Governor Christie As Abbott Districts have continued and all 120 seats in the state legislature
guage (ESL) students and whether or signed a bipartisan law capping local to struggle and NJs property taxes have are up for re-election.
not a district is an Abbott District. Ab- property tax levy increases at 102%, remained among the highest in the

Contact us: bbl@tcnj.edu Bloomberg Businessweek 2016 Ranks TCNJ School of Business #1 in NJ, #35 in Nation, Undergraduate Business School Programs www.bbltcnj.weebly.com

Heist By Bruce Patton, Roger Fisher, and William Ury
By The Silent Critic Review by Alyssa J Freitas
The Silent Critic has been criticized thug enforcer, disguised as one of the Every single one of us engages in ple, interests, options, and criteria. The
by some (likely those who have not good guys). negotiations every day. Which room- authors stress that focusing on the
done well in SCs courses) for foisting The chase sequence that follows the mate is going to get the bathroom first? problem at hand, rather than becoming
financially-themed and intellectually- robbery features a hijacked city bus, What restaurant are you going to go personal, is essential to moving a nego-
rewarding movies (The Big Short, Mar- terrified riders, a desperate psychopath to? And how about the movie youre tiation forward. They also point out
gin Call) on his readers. So in the spirit with a gun (Cox), SWAT teams and going to see beforehand? Whether we that getting to the deeper interests of
of fairness and a New Year, SC departs black-clad motorcycle riders...the usual realize it or not, we are aiming to reach someone is far better than getting hung
from the genre from which one may suspects in other words. To round out agreements and influence those around up on a position, or thinking that
actually learn something and strays into the improbable cast of characters, Gina us constantly. With negotiation being there is only one way to get your needs
escapist entertainment. What to watch Carano plays a police detective who such an integral part of our relation- met. In that same vein, inventing many
instead? Cops and robbers, chase while conducting negotiations with the ships, it only makes sense that the art creative options is a great strategy to
scenes, and the triumph of good over fugitive bus hijackers develops a rela- be studied and evaluated so we can all ensuring that you and the other party
evil are the obvious answers! tionship with Morgan (I kid you not), learn how to improve and to get to yes are moving forward together. Lastly,
The movie Heist is the type of film schemes with him to save both the bus in our daily and business lives. when evaluating and measuring ideas it
from which one can learn precisely riders and Morgans daughter, and ends In Getting to Yes the authors, who is important to use objective criteria so
nothing but which can entertain for an up looking the other way at exactly the are all master negotiators in their own both you and the other party feel
hour and a half. Of course if one reads right moment at the hospital. The Pope right and Harvard alumni, take the equally invested.
the reviews of professional critics, one (De Niro, not the real one) has a change reader through understanding the What makes this book standout as a
will stay far, far away from this movie. of heart at the end and all turns out problems of negotiation, the most ef- helpful resource is the variety and
But if we have learned anything from well, as it surely must. Are you familiar fective methods, and give practical ex- depth of examples. From international
the recent political season it is how with the phrase, suspension of amples and solutions for dealing with crisis negotiations, all the way to a rent
little the professional critics know disbelief?! the toughest and most challenging ne- agreement, Getting to Yes teaches
about, well, almost everything, so bear Consider watching this movie gotiators. The main goal of the book is widely applicable principles and gives
with me. (whats an hour and a half spread over to show readers that relying on the reader practical ways to use them.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan (who?) plays the next 60-80 years of your lives?!) for principled negotiation is the only In personal and professional life, nego-
Vaughn, an Alabama river boat casino the rapacious-capitalist-finally-does- way to have a productive and mutually tiation is a powerful skill to have and
dealer unable to pay for his daughters the-right-thing, the-evil-thug-gets- beneficial negotiation. anyone can benefit from reading and
life-saving operation. Robert De Niro his, and the tear-jerker-ending The idea of principled negotiation utilizing this advice.
(who must have needed the money that moments. The OHenry twist(s) at the comes down to four key factors: peo-
this film didnt make) plays the casino conclusion make this an almost
owner (Frank Pope) who, in an un- memorable film. (You will need to look
Pope-like response turns down Vaugh- up what an OHenry ending is...thats Tips & quotes
ns appeal for a loan for said life-saving the intellectually-rewarding part I Edited by Kristen Borowski
operation. Vaughns co-worker Cox said would be absent from this review.)
(Dave Bautista) suggests robbing the Is this great cinema? No, it is not. Is this ADAPTED FROM THE HBR MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY:
impregnable casino and the stage is set an entertaining way to spend time
for another in a long line of good-guys- away from books, papers and exams? Establish Trust before Delegating Big Decisions
chasing-bad-guys movies (Morris Yes, it is. JANUARY 16, 2017
Chestnut plays Dog, Popes maniacal Build trustwork one-on-one, deliver feedback, and observe them.
Accept failure as a possible outcome.
Understand strengths and weaknessesmatch people to the best fit.

True intuitive expertise is learned from prolonged experience with good feedback on mistakes.
Daniel Kahneman (b. 1934), Israeli-American psychologist


The U.N. Security Council & Israel Will Indonesias Economy Grow?
By Paul Mulholland & Kristen Borowski By Kristen Townend

LEFT RIGHT Over the past five years, Indonesias aspects for investors. The country has
The U.S. decision to abstain on the The U.S. decision to abstain from economy saw a constant decline. Ex- low inflation, and while inflation was
resolution was indeed wrong. It should voting on U.N. Resolution 2334 was ports fell, infrastructure spending was above seven percent in mid-2015, in
have voted with the rest of the Security wrong. The Obama administration has low, and the rising cost of imported 2016 it has declined from around 4.5%
Council. Resolution 2334 was pushed been particularly unsupportive of Israel materials made it difficult to boost to about 3.05%. Indonesia also has a
primarily by New Zealand, a country and Prime Minister Netanyahu in a competitive prices. Amid the record high life expectancy and a growing
with a closer military relationship to time of high tension and insecurity in lows, many labeled China population in which the
the U.S. than Israel. New Zealand is a the Middle East. Defense of our ally, and Singapore the best pro- average age is under 30.
member of the five eyes alliance, and is Israel, should be among Americas top spects for future growth. Future growth will be sup-
currently training Iraqi troops to fight priorites in the Middle East. However, Indonesias ported by the innovative
ISIS; Israel is not. If this is simply an This abstention does not act in a growth rate for the second youth of the country, and
issue of siding with allies at any cost, it vacuum of recent events. The Iran nu- quarter of 2016 exceeded this youth factor is espe-
should be easy to vote with states such clear deal is another example of the expectations, and was its cially notable when com-
as France, Great Britain and New Zea- Obama Administrations neglect to- highest rate in ten quarters. pared to the aging popula-
land rather than Israel. wards Israel. American-Israeli influence The 5.18% economic tions of many other coun-
Accusing Obama of being unsup- is being reduced to nothing where Ira- growth figure surprised tries. The government has
portive of Israel is unusual, in light of nian and ISIS influence are steadily experts, who had predicted also approved tax reforms,
the $3.8 billion in aid per year he rising. 5%. The ascent is forecast- bringing sizeable revenue
agreed to give them, without condi- In his speech following the U.N. ed to continue, allowing from overseas through tax
tions. Resolution 2334 is almost exactly Resolution, Mr. Kerry spoke at length, Indonesia to rival other amnesty. Indonesia also
the same as resolution 446 and is strik- propagating a two-state solution, chas- Asian economies. Indone- appointed a new finance
ingly similar to several others permitted tising Israel urging them to choose be- sia is growing increasingly minister, who worked at
by past presidents. 2334 simply restates, tween being a Jewish state or a Demo- stable despite the difficul- the International Mone-
again, that Israels illegal settlements on cratic state, as he pontificated, they ties of other world econo- tary Fund (IMF).
the occupied territories are in fact ille- have a choice...Israel can either be Jew- mies. Loose monetary poli- Analysts still stress the
gal settlements, and that annexing land ish or Democraticit cannot be both. cies employed by major economies are need for increased private investment
from a future Palestinian state harms The recent Paris Middle East Con- not yielding expected results, and many in Indonesia, as well as the mainte-
the potential existence of that state. ference echoed the two-state solution developing countries are experiencing nance of high household consumption.
The hysteria over the issue is primarily supported by Mr. Kerry. Israel was not difficulties in breaking onto the inter- Though factors such as low commodity
due to Israeli fear of becoming a pariah represented at the conference. national scene. prices could keep growth at 5%, many
state and a sense from Netanyahus coa- Instead of protecting Israel, our one Along with its turnaround growth are optimistic about Indonesias growth
lition that they have a divine right to real ally in the Middle East, the out- rate, Indonesia boasts various valuable potential in Asia.
the land in question. going Obama administration chose to
Secretary Kerry said following the abandon them and abstain from voting.
vote that if Israel preferred a single The incoming Trump Administration THE BULL, BEAR & LION
state solution then it must choose be- will have to clean up even more after THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF TCNJS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
tween being a Jewish state and being a the latest Obama/Kerry gaffe. Instead of Volume III, Number v
January/February, 2017
democracy. If Israel annexed the entire being so harsh towards Israel, Mr. Ker-
West Bank it would have a very large ry ought to have been as persistent to- STAFF: CONTACT:
non-Jewish population. How could it
remain a Jewish state and allow them
wards Iran during the nuclear deal ne-
Kristen Borowski, 17
Jonathan Sheridan, 17 Matthew Gallello, 17
Assistant Editor Evans Saso, 18 Vivian Louie, 20 No t e: Th e o pi ni o ns e x-
all to vote? The only serious route for With a new administration comes a Sean Lange, 19 JoAnna DiCicco, 17 pr es s ed i n T h e B ul l, B ea r &
Alyssa J Freitas, 17 Lion a r e t h o s e o f t h e wr i t er s
Israel is to permit a second state in Pal- new strategy of foreign policy in the Paul Mulholland, 18 Carolyn Previti, 18 a nd d o no t i m pl y end o r s e -
Copy Editor
estine, and that means doing what 2334 Middle East. Time will tell what that Kristen Townend, 19
Sarah Wallin, 17 Emily Johnson, 17 m ent by t h e ne ws pa p er .
says. The real disgrace is that Obama strategy will be.
Brenda E. Ghitulescu, Ph.D. Roger Moore, Ph.D.


Karl Peterson, Adjunct Professor, Management Susan Hume, Ph.D. David W. Letcher, Ph.D.
Jean Brechman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Marketing MARKETING INNOVATION & ETHICS
Jean Brechman, Ph.D. Kevin H. Michels, J.D.
Thank you to our Advisors and Faculty Advisory Panel for topic ideas, fact-checking, and guidance.

Contact us: bbl@tcnj.edu Bloomberg Businessweek 2016 Ranks TCNJ School of Business #1 in NJ, #35 in Nation, Undergraduate Business School Programs www.bbltcnj.weebly.com

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