Cybercrime Is A Criminal Activity

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Cybercrime is a criminal activity which is carried on by the use of computers and the Internet.

Some of common
cyber crimes are hacking, cyber stalkingdenial of service attack, virus dissemination, software piracy , credit card
fraud & phising.

To tackle the issue of cybercrimes, CIDs (Criminal Investigation Departments) of various cities opened up Cyber
Crime Cells in different cities. The Information Technology Act of India states clearly that when a cybercrime has
been committed, it has a global jurisdiction. and hence a complaint can be filed at any cyber cell.

Step 1 -One may need to provide name, mailing address & telephone number along with an application letter
addressing the head of a cyber crime investigation cell when filing a complaint.

Step 2-One must provide certain documents in order to register a complaint. List of documents varies with the type
of cyber crime.

In case of hacking the following information should be provided:

1) Server Logs

2) A copy of the defaced web page in soft copy as well as hard copy format, if victims website is defaced If data
are compromised on the victims server or computer or any other network equipment, soft copy of original data and
soft copy of compromised data.

3) Access control mechanism details i.e.- Who had the access to the computer or email of the victim?

4) List of suspects if the victim is having any suspicion on anyone.

5) All relevant information leading to the answers to following questions.

What is compromised?

Who might have compromised the system?

When was the system compromised?

Why might have been the system compromised)

Where is the impact of the attack-identifying the target system from the network?

How many systems have been compromised by the attack)

In case of e-mail abuse, vulgar e-mail, etc. the following information should be provided:

The extended headers of offending e-mail and

The offending e-mail from

Cyber Crime Police Station
Crime Investigation Department,
3rd Floor, D.G.P. office
Hyderabad 500004Contact Details:
+91-40-2324 0663
+91-40-2785 2274

+91-40-2785 2040
+91-40-2329 7474 (Fax)

Web site:
E-mail id:,

Cyber Crime Complaint Registration Online

in India
Increasing consumer base of Internet in India and technologys increasing pan india presence is
good for countrys development however, with rise of internet driven systems and services, it has
also caused cyber crime rate to increase at a rapid speed in recent past. There are Cyber Crime
police station in every city that deals with cases of cyber crime. You can approach them if you
feel you are a victim of cyber crime. However, being educated with latest technology trends and
how online fraudulent people and company cheat people should be your priority in order to
prevent crime happening in first place.

These days consumers in india also have the ease of registering their Cyber Crime Complaints by
approaching the cyber cells of their respective cities. You will have to write a complaint letter to
the head of the cyber crime investigation cell which should include your name, email address,
home address and phone number. In the letter you can describe how you have been victimized by
a cyber criminal and provide all the details of the case in the complaint letter. If you have proof
documents such as server logs, ip address of the attacker, etc then it would be a lot more helpful
for the cyber police to trace the attacker down.

This page is just an information guide how you can approach the local cyber cell officers,
therefore you must approach your citys cyber cell office to get more insightful information and
help for your case.

The Inspector General of Police, 22nd July,2013

Louis Edit House,





This is to bring to the attention of your good office the above subject matter for possible
investigation and further necessary action, should my claims be confirmed to be within the limit
of law and fundamental human rights.

The onslaught against my person and my paper, DESERT HERALD by Senator Bala
Muhammad and his Director of Treasury, Ibrahim Bomoi started when we promoted yet to be
published book entitled FTC Administration: The Rot Within!; and invited the general public
to forward contributions for the last chapter of the book. We relied on the Freedom of
Information Act which has now become a law and the freedom of speech and expression in
gathering all the materials used in compiling the book. It was initiated as part of our contribution
to the present administration of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and future administrations in
the war against a corrupt free society and holding accountable those appointed to hold public
office with huge responsibilities like that of the Ministry of the Federal Capital Territory.

But our efforts ever since Nigerians contributed massively to compliment our plan by way of
freely giving useful contributions to the book was visited by several attempts of blackmail,
threats to my life, intrigues to compromise some of our colleagues in the media to take up the
fight and desperate efforts to use the security agencies, instead of the due process of law.

Initially, despite the fact that the FCT Minister said and publicize through newspapers and radio
stations that he has sufficient evidence of extortion, blackmail and intimidation against me
attempted desperately to involve the Abuja Command of the State Security Service (SSS) to
violate the law and persecute me, using his influence and position instead of using his evidence
to file a case in court of law. When the SSS eventually insisted on professionalism, due process
of law and refused to be drag into politics of impunity, Bala Muhammad decided to use the
option of using the police to do his bidding even though in his petition to your good office he
claimed he had sufficient evidence to prosecute me, yet refused to go to court insisting the police
to do the dirty job for him.

While he is desperately pursuing the option of my arrest and incarceration by the police, he
sponsored a proxy, one Uzoka Chukwuemeka to file a suit against me in High Court No.7,
Maitama Abuja in a suit No.CV/3277/13 with the same evidences he wants the police to arrest,
investigate and prosecute me on. By implication and out of his desperation he wants the police to
investigate part of a case that is already before a court of law.

And at a time Senator Bala Muhammad and Ibrahim Bomoi are pursuing the option of using the
police for possible persecution, going to court and using the leadership of the Nigeria Union of
Journalists (NUJ) both at the national and local level in Abuja as option 1,2 & 3, after the suit
instituted through a proxy they wrote to me through their counsel Joe Kyari Gadzama SAN on
17th, June, 2013 demanding a retraction and apology of the promotion of our book or they
would initiate criminal proceedings against me within 7 days. We replied them the following day
(18th June, 2013) and challenged them to go to court but as at the time of writing this letter (22nd
July, 2013) and despite the overwhelming evidences they said they have against me, they
couldnt go to court, waiting for the police to do the dirty job for them. I have attached herewith
the copies of the letter they sent through their counsel.

As it is so far, the police under your leadership must be commended by following the path of the
SSS to adhere strictly to due process of law and to resist the power of anybody in government no
matter how influential to use agents of law against law and due process. The minister must be
encouraged since he indicated that he had documented evidences against me to go to court
directly and respect the fact that an issue that has already gone to court (through Uzoka
Chukwuemeka) must be exhausted by the court and therefore needs no police intervention.

The letter that was allegedly forwarded to you through the national President of the NUJ,
Mohammed Garba Balogun and the National Secretary, Shuibu Usman Leman is part of the
hatchet job being sponsored by the FCT Minister to ensure my persecution by the police by all
means. Even by its own constitution and notwithstanding the fact that the matter is before a
competent court of jurisdiction, the NUJ doesnt have the powers to investigate me or
recommend to the police my prosecution based on their phantom and one sided investigation.

It is on record that I have never been a member of the NUJ and I am a publisher of a duly
registered paper not a reporter or a correspondent. Article 3 No. 1a of the NUJ constitution says
A person shall not be a member of the union, except if registered by the National Secretariat of
the Union on the recommendation of the state council. Throughout the constitution of the NUJ
(attached herewith) and the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria there is NO section or
provision that gave the leadership or the Union powers to investigate the conduct of a none
member or to recommend to the security agencies disciplinary action. No law authorizes them to
investigate even their member on an issue before the court.
As media executives and citizens of democratic nation our freedom of speech and expression is
not only incontestable but uncompromising; therefore the minister has no power to stop the
release of a book whose content is not even known to him.

I also want to bring to the notice of your good office the persistent threat to my life by agents of
Senator Bala Muhammad and Ibrahim Bomoi, since the crisis begun. On several occasions since
the onslaught begun and almost on a daily basis unknown voices will hide their GSM number
threatening that if I didnt abandon the project of the book they will kill me. Specifically the
callers insist I apologize to Sen. Bala Muhammad and Ibrahim Bomoi otherwise my days and
that of my company are numbered. One of the caller who identified himself as Ahmadu and said
he is a junior brother to Ibrahim Bomoi promises to organize thugs against me anytime I go to
my home town of Potiskum. In view of the desperation of the FCT Minister, Ibrahim Bomoi and
the series of blackmail they have been sponsoring against me on the pages of newspapers and
radio stations lately, I have strong reasons to believe that their threats is indeed real and one that
needs the attention of your good office to investigate.

It is also on record in one of the publications the FCT Minister reportedly sponsored that he will
continue to use his powers as a minister and closeness with the presidency to deal with me by all
means instead of following the due process of law. It is indeed an abuse of office and gross
attempt to subject the exalted office of our president to public disrepute.

While I urge your good office to carefully investigate the official intrigues against my person, my
company DESERT HERALD, the threat to my life and allow due process of law to prevail in the
unfolding scenario and to preserve my fundamental human rights, I want to assure you that I and
my company are ready and have already commenced full participation in the case that was
instituted against us through Uzoka Chukwuemeka and wish to encourage the FCT Minister and
Ibrahim Bomoi to desist from making desperate efforts through agents like the NUJ leadership to
involve the security agencies in their own war against us. We are ready to defend ourselves
from all their allegations in a court of law since they have already admitted they have evidences
in that regard.

May God bless the federal republic of Nigeria and your efforts at repositioning the Nigeria

Your sincerely,

Regional Office, CID, Adiseshaiah street, S.N.Puram Vijayawada-11,

Krishna District, A.P.

7 Most Common Facebook Crimes
May 3, 2012 By Pierluigi Paganini

Its a pleasure for me to propose to my readers an article of my colleagues

of TheBestDegrees Group on social networking and related crimes. Several times I
highlighted the importance of social networking and of all related form of
communication. Of course with the rapid diffusion of technology the number of crimes is
increased dramatically. Here a good summary of the main crimes on social networks.

Theres no doubt that Facebook has completely revolutionized the way people interact.
But theres a dark side to the worlds love affair with social media. Criminals are finding
new ways to utilize Facebook to commit new and disturbing crimes that authorities
dont necessarily know how to police. Thats why if you want to continue to enjoy social
media, you should be aware of the common crimes committed on Facebook so that you
can avoid becoming a victim. Here are the seven most common Facebook crimes.

1. Scams
Criminals have been utilizing the scam for centuries. In the Facebook world, scams
are particularly effective at drawing people in by simply enticing an individual to click
on a link that would interest almost anyone, such as an innocent-looking notification
that youve won a free prize like a gift card. Then, in order to claim the prize,
scammers require you to submit some information, such as a credit card number or
Social Security number. This description may make it seem like scams are easy to
spot, but even the most savvy social media user has to be on the lookout for
illegitimate requests for information.

2. Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is a common occurrence among teenagers on Facebook and one that
can result in serious criminal charges if it goes far enough. Cyberbullying on
Facebook has contributed to the deaths of several teens who either committed
suicide or were killed by a peer. Cyberbullying that involves hacking or password and
identity theft may be punishable under state and federal law. When adults engage in
this kind of online behavior it is called cyber-harassment or cyberstalking.

3. Stalking
The term stalking is thrown around a lot on Facebook, and it is often meant as a
joke for regularly looking at someones profile. However, the actual act of
cyberstalking is a common crime on the social networking site and can result in a
serious offense. Cyberstalking typically involves harassing a person with messages,
written threats, and other persistent online behavior that endangers a persons
safety. Although cyberstalking may seem like nothing more than annoying behavior,
it is a legitimate cause for concern in many cases and can even lead to in-person
stalking or endangerment if not treated seriously.

4. Robbery
It doesnt take much for a thief to find out where you live, go to school, work, or hang
out if you make that information readily available on Facebook. If you use Facebooks
check-in or Google Maps feature, then you could be in a heap of trouble if a robber is
paying attention. This person isnt always a complete stranger either; they may be
an old acquaintance or someone else youd never expect to come rob you.

5. Identity theft
With the large amount of personal information swarming around Facebook these
days, it has become fairly easy for criminals to steal users identities. Hackers often
break into users e-mails and make fake Facebook accounts. From there they can
access personal and bank information and cause havoc to your sense of security.
Protect yourself from identity theft on Facebook by keeping your profile very secure
and free of personal information that a criminal would love to have.

6. Defamation
An individual commits the crime of defamation when they communicate a false
statement to a third party that paints another individual or entity in a negative light.
Facebook makes communicating defamatory statements frighteningly easy, and the
exposure Facebook provides makes it more likely that businesses or individuals will
be harmed by the defamatory statement, and thus more likely to pursue legal
remedies. Be careful what you say on Facebook; you may be committing a crime
without even knowing it.

7. Harassment
Harassment happens all the time on Facebook. From sexual harassment to assault
threats, there has been a significant increase in the number of harassment cases
happening on Facebook. Its not uncommon for sex offenders and sexual predators to
prey on unsuspecting victims on Facebook and even pose as a teen or college student.
Harassing messages, inappropriate comments, and other persistent behaviors should be
reported to Facebook and your local police station.


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