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Name: Keziah Silva


Statement of Purpose

Our classroom is a positive learning environment that encourages academic excellence and
personal achievement. Our goal is to learn about each others differences and backgrounds
while maintaining respect. We strive to encourage one anothers personal and academic


1. Listen and follow directions

2. Raise your hand before speaking and leaving your seat
3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
4. Be thoughtful to others
5. Respect yourself and others
6. Do your best


1. Checking out classroom material: Each student must sign the log sheet for the
materials that they are checking out. They must put their name and class number along
with the day that they will return the material. The teacher will follow up with the
student if the item has not been returned on its due date.
2. Cleaning the room at the end of the day: The academic school day will be over ten
minutes before the class is dismissed. At that moment, the students will go to their
rotated classroom duties and complete them. (i.e. clean desk area, all classroom
stations are clean and all classroom materials are put away.) The students will then line
up in order by their number, waiting for the teacher to dismiss them for the day.
3. Turning in homework: Each of the students will have their own homework binder
that will collect their homework during the week. The students will then turn in their
homework binder by Friday. All late homework goes in a specific bin and homework
that is incomplete will go in another bin. Every Monday, the students will collect their
completed homework and take home the new homework binder for the week.
4. Dismissal: The whole class is only dismissed after they have completed their student
jobs at the end of the day during clean up time. Each table is assigned a cleanup duty
and only when they are completely done with their job can they line up in order by
their classroom number to be dismissed for the day
5. Sudden Illness: The first thing to make sure is done is that all students not involved
with the sudden illness remains seated and calm. Once everyone is calm, then the
teacher can assess and move students who need to be moved and figure out what to do
next. The student who is sick would be walked to the nurse by a buddy in the class
while another students leaves to go call a janitor. Depending on the severity of the
situation, students will either move to another side of the room so that a janitor can
clean up whatever needs to be cleaned up or will be removed from the classroom.
Consequences Positive Behavior (In order)
Thumbs up
Notes home
Special Privileges (e.g. teachers helper for the day)
Student of the week
Honor Roll
Consequences Negative Behavior (In order)
Teacher look
Class reminder
Individual reminder
Parent Contact
Principles office

Action Plan:
Objective: How it will be completed: Completion Date:
Post Rules and procedures Make a list of rules Prior to start of school
Post them in a visual
place in the class.

Select Transition songs Create a file with Prior to start of school

Assign certain songs
to different transitions
that happen during the
class time.

Teach rules to students Slowly introduce the First week of school

rules by assigning one
or two rules a day to
talk about.
Present the Rules to the Send copy of student First day of school, Open
parents. signed rules home to House, as new students join
the parent. the class
Have parents sign one
of their own.
Present the rules at the
Open House
Create Assigned Seating and Organize classroom Prior to start of school
table set ups by dividing out the
desks into tables and
create table numbers.
Label desk groups for
easier organization of
For example, lining
up, classroom jobs,
rotations, etc.

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