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qxd 6/1/06 10:46 AM Page 446

Chapter Review
To prepare for the test, check to
see if you . . .
know the new vocabulary and
jcd-0989 grammar

Vocabulario y gramtica can perform the tasks on p. 447

to talk about television shows to ask and tell about movies or programs
el canal channel el actor actor
el programa game show la actriz actress
de concursos dar to show
el programa deportivo sports show durar to last
el programa cartoon show empezar (e ie) to begin
de dibujos animados
terminar to end
el programa interview program
ms / menos de more / less than
de entrevistas
medio, -a half
el programa reality program
de la vida real Qu clase de . . . ? What kind of . . . ?
el programa de noticias news program to talk about what has just happened
el programa educativo educational acabar de + infinitive to have just . . .
verbs similar to gustar
el programa musical musical program
aburrir to bore
la telenovela soap opera
doler (o ue) to hurt, to ache
to talk about movies encantar to please very
la comedia comedy much, to love
el drama drama faltar to be missing
la pelcula science fiction interesar to interest
de ciencia ficcin movie quedar to fit
la pelcula de horror horror movie
other useful expressions
la pelcula policaca crime movie,
mystery antes de before
la pelcula romntica romantic movie casi almost
De veras? Really?
to give your opinion of a movie or program
especialmente especially
cmico, -a funny
por eso therefore,
emocionante touching for that reason
fascinante fascinating sobre about
infantil for children; childish ya already
realista realistic
tonto, -a silly, stupid
violento, -a violent
me aburre(n) it bores me
(they bore me)
me interesa(n) it interests me
(they interest me)
For Vocabulario adicional, see pp. 472473.

446 cuatrocientos cuarenta y seis

Tema 9 Medios de comunicacin

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