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Elliptical Flow Regimes in Horizontal Wells with Multiple Hydraulic Fractures

S. S Apte, Chevetol; W. J Lee, Texas A&M University

Copyright 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition held in The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 24-26 January

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

The paper demonstrates that the transient flow regime in multi-fractured horizontal wells, often interpreted
as linear flow, is more likely elliptical flow. Elliptical flow often cannot be distinguished from linear flow at
earliest times, but the apparent transition between transient linear flow and boundary-dominated flow may,
in fact, be strongly affected by elliptical flow prior to being influenced by interference between adjacent
fractures. Taking the elliptical flow regime into account can often improve our interpretation of production
histories and our ability to forecast future production, thus improving economic evaluation and reserves
We verified elliptical flow regimes by comparing production forecasts from existing semi-analytical
and analytical solutions for multi-fractured horizontal wells. We then used asymptotic approximations to
elliptical flow solutions to identify important flow regimes and to validate our model.
On the basis of this work, we proposed new methods to determine reservoir properties and explored
the parameters influencing the productivity of a multi-fractured horizontal well in a tight shale formation.
Finally, we demonstrated, with a field example, the utility and applicability of our elliptical models and
work flows for data analysis based on them.
We emphasize our conclusion that transient linear models appear to be mere approximations of the more
complete elliptical models during early flow periods in multi-fractured horizontal wells and thus open a
question for debate: Is transient linear flow a myth (a mere approximation) or a real flow regime?

A multifractured horizontal well(MFHW) was thought to be constituted of two flow regimes, a primary
linear flow and a boundary domainted flow (arising from fracture intereference) until bilinear flow,
compound linear flow and late boundary dominated flow (arising due to actual reservoir boundary or from
competing neighbouring MFHWs) was theorized and observed for a MFHW (Clarkson and Pedersen, 2010;
Mattar and Anderson, 2003). Along with the above metioned regimes, other flow behaviors have been
observed which cannot be explained using presently know flow regimes. The most common among these
odd flow behaviours is the transition between transient linear flow and boundary dominated flow (Nobakht
et al., 2011; Liang et al., 2012).
2 SPE-184856-MS

MFHWs tend to exhibit long periods of transition stretching upto couple of years. If MFHWs indeed
followed linear flow model then there should not be long transition periods as confirmed from analytical
full linear flow model solutions or even a fully penetrating planar fracture simulation results. This deviation
from accepted linear flow model suggests that MFHWs might not be exhibiting linear flow at all.

Linear Flow
Full solution of linear flow (Lee, 1989) for a finite boundary case with different boundary co-ordinates and
infinite fracture conductivity (Apte, 2015) is




Taking logarithmic derivative of the numerical inversion of above pressure equation will yield figure 1

Figure 1 Numerical inversion of full solution for linear flow in laplace space

It can be observed in figure 1 no transition exists between linear flow regime and pseudo steady state(PSS)

Elliptical Flow
Full solution of elliptical flow (Kucuk and Brigham,1979; Hale and Evers, 1981; Liao and Lee, 1994) for a
finite boundary case with different boundary co-ordinates and infinite fracture condusvitivty is (Apte, 2015)
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The pressure derivative of the numerical inversion of the pressue solution will yield figure 2

Figure 2 Numerical inversion of full solution for elliptical flow in laplace space

It can be noted from figure 2 that multiple flow regimes exist between linear flow regime and PSS for
elliptical flow.

Linear Vs Elliptical Flow

Early time comparison
Linear flow model and elliptical flow models cannot be distinguished during early time for a MFHW. The
reason being both exibhit a linear flow regime.
4 SPE-184856-MS

Figure 3 shows comparison of a linear flow model and elliptical flow model. As can be observed from
figure 3, the early time region overlaps for both the models and thus its difficult to distinguish which flow
behavior does the well really exhibit. Thus an elliptical flow during early times can be mistaken for a linear
flow. Such an error can lead to inaccurate future rate forecasts as well as inaccurate reserves estimates.
Also the reservoir properties extracted from the data would lead to a completely wrong interpretation of
the reservoir.

Figure 3 Comparison of linear and elliptical flow solutions for a MFHW

Late time comparison

Figure 3 shows comparison of linear and elliptical flow in a MFHW. As it can be observed from figure 3
linear flow directly changes to boundary dominated flow/PSS in a linear flow model while elliptical flow
deviates from linear flow in the early life then exhibits a long period of what looks like a transition and then
changes to boundary dominated flow/PSS.
This behaviour of elliptical flow is very similar to what is observed in field data of MFHWs as would
be discussed further in the paper.

Asymptotic Solutions of Elliptical Flow Regimes

To identify and verify if transition constitutes elliptical flow regimes we can use asymptotic solutions of
elliptical flow namely sustained elliptical flow(SEF) and boundary influenced elliptical flow(BIEF) (Apte
and Lee, 2016).
The sustained elliptical flow solution in real space is


The boundary influenced elliptical flow solution is

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Analysis of MFHW simulation using asymptotic solutions for elliptical flow

As can be observed from figure 4, a full solution of elliptical flow with finite boundary and infinite
fracture conductivity will constitue of atleast 4 flow regimes given by their asymptotic solutions namely
linear flow, SEF, BIEF, PSS

Figure 4 Constituent flow regimes of elliptical flow

Also if the boundary is very far, SEF changes to Pseudo radial flow and no BIEF is observed as can be
seen in Figure 2, where black line indicates SEF and green line indicates Pseudo radial flow.

Effect on Production Profile

Misinterpretation of flow model during early time of a well, results in inaccurate rate forecasts. Figure 5
shows a comparison of rate forecasts for a well assumed to be in linear and elliptical flow during the early
time region. The early time is defined over the log cycle on a dimensionless time scale, it doesn't correspond
to time in real space. As early time on a dimensionless time scale in a laplace space typically can correspond
to multiple months in time in real space.
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Figure 5 comparison of linear and elliptical models on field data of a MFHW

It can be seen in figure 5 that linear flow assumption during early life leads to a completely incorrect
future model prediction. The linear flow model would tend to underpredict the performance while elliptical
model would yield accurate predictions.

Property Determination
Based on above mentioned asymptotic soltuions for elliptical flow, properties can be extracted from the
transition region (Apte and Lee, 2016).
As stated before, transition constitutes of elliptical flow regimes which includes SEF and BIEF, and in
a few cases could also include pseudo radial flow.
If SEF is identified in the data, it can be used to yield a relationship between permeability k and fracture
half length xf by the equation which is


If BIEF is identified in the data with SEF preceeding it then the intersection point of these two flow
regimes can be used to determine the elliptical boundary co-ordinate which can give information regarding
effective fracture spacing by using equations



Impact on Productivity
SEF and pseudo radial flow are transient flow regimes while BIEF is a transitional flow regime even though
all three together can constitute the transition period. Thus productivity would change with time during
the elliptical flow period. Also elliptical boundary coordinate would impact productivity during BIEF flow
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As can be seen in the figure 6, productivity index is impacted by time for SEF, pseudo radial and BIEF.
Also elliptical boundary co-ordinate 0 impacts productivity. Higher the elliptical boundary coordinate (for
a same time period), higher would be the dimensionless productivity.

Figure 6 Dimensionless productivity index in case of elliptical flow

Field Data Study

Figure 7 shows a PNR plot of a MFHW. The data exhibits multiple flow regimes and a long transition period
which constitutes of elliptical flow regimes.

Figure 7 PRN field data for a MFHW with identifiable constituent flow regimes

A rate vs MBT plot as shown in figure 8 is useful to identify the onset of boundary dominated flow, this
point of onset can then be used in other plots to demarcate boundary dominated flow
8 SPE-184856-MS

Figure 8 rate vs MBT for a MFHW field data

Linear and elliptical model projections on a field data clearly shows the constituent regimes and compares
the effectiveness of the models. As can be seen in figure 9, elliptical model clearly justifies the field data as
it can clearly explain the linear flow regime, the sef, bief and boundary dominated flow, while linear flow
model is unable to explain the regions of sef and bief (commonly known as transition).

Figure 9 Model behaviours for linear and elliptical flow on a MFHW field data

Thus taking into account elliptical flow while analyzing MFHWs can provide accurate rate forecasts
compared to models which only rely on linear flow. Thus empirical or analytical equations which use only
linear flow would not be able to provide accurate rate forecasts for a MFHW as can be seen in figure 10.
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Figure 10 Rate forecast using 30 days of production data and linear/elliptical flow models

Using Equation 1.7 on the above case we obtain a relationship between k and xf from the SEF region
which is


Using equations 1.8 and 1.9 the elliptical boundary co-ordinate 0 can be determined for the present case
which is 0.31614

Transient linear models appear to be mere approximations of more complete elliptical models
during early flow periods in MFHWs
MFHWs exhibit elliptical flow from beginning till the end which is misinterpreted as linear flow
due to existence of linear flow regime as part of the elliptical flow
Transitions constitue of combination of elliptical flow regimes

Elliptical flow can be distinguished from linear flow only after deviation from linear flow regime
Taking elliptical flow into account helps to improve intepretation of production histories,
production forecasts and reserves estimates
Reservoir properties such as permeability, fracture half length, elliptical boundary co-ordinate,
fracture spacing can be determined using elliptical flow regimes

A2r2n = Mathieu function Fourier coefficients
Ce2n = Radial Mathieu function
ce2n = -periodic Mathieu function
ct = Total compressibility, psi-1
Fek2n = Radial Mathieu function
h = Thickness of the reservoir, ft
10 SPE-184856-MS

k = Permeability, md
m(p) = Pseudo Pressure, psi2/cp
p = Pressure, psi
pD = Dimensionless pressure
pD- = Dimensionless pressure in laplace space
pwD = Dimensionless wellbore pressure
pwD- = Dimensionless wellbore pressure in laplace space
Q,q = Flow rate, bbl/D, Mscf/D
qD = Dimensionless flowrate
qD- = Dimensionless flowrate in laplace space
s = Laplace parameter
t = Time, hr
tDxf = Dimensionless time
xf = Half-length of fracture, ft
xe = Distance between two fractures, ft
yD = Dimensionless Cartesian co-ordinate
yeD = Dimensionless Cartesian co-ordinate for reservoir boundary
= Radial elliptical co-ordinate
0 = Elliptical co-ordinate for boundary
= Angular elliptical co-ordinate
= Viscosity, cp
= Porosity

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