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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Artifact Title:

Teaching Standard: 8

Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district

Standard Criteria: D

Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for all learners and staff

I choose this artifact to show:

_____ Growth in the standard

___x__ Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria: These are
two emails that I sent to staff members. In the first email, I am asking the 6th grade
math teacher if she can attend an IEP meeting. The second email is about possible test
corrections. These emails meet the criteria for this standard because they are written
with respect and understanding towards my coworkers. This is evident in my tone and
the way I ask instead of command.

Reflection on the artifact:

Communicating with coworkers is an important part of my job as a teacher. My students
have many teachers, and I need to monitor how my students are doing. I find that my
communication style works well in this setting. I seek out the opinions of my coworkers
and understand that their viewpoint may be different than my own. I communicate with
respect and thoughtfulness which enhance my collaborative relationship with the other

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