EUR Can Draghi Be Responsibly Irresponsible

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EUR: Can Draghi be responsibly Global Markets Research

irresponsible? 21 March 2017

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Time inconsistency problem arises
Rate hikes before QE ends, unlike the current forward guidance, would push up EUR
Research analysts
more aggressively. The historical relationship suggests EUR tends to react to the short-
end of the curve more than the long-end. Moreover, earlier rate hikes could erode the Global FX Strategy
ECBs credibility as a deflation fighter in the medium term, which could cause EUR to
strengthen more significantly. We currently expect the ECBs next policy normalisation Yujiro Goto - NIplc
step to be communication of tapering, but EUR upside risks could be more significant if +44 20 7103 2936
ECB members continue to suggest weaker commitment to the current forward guidance.
Yoshitaka Suda - NSC
Rate hike or tapering first? +81 3 6703 3884
The recovery of the euro area economy increases expectations for early monetary policy
normalisation by the ECB. Our economists expect the ECB to start communicating
tapering at its September meeting and expect tapering to start at the beginning of next
year (see ECB Review: Not as dovish, 9 March 2017). Withdrawal of monetary easing
by the ECB should be an important theme in the FX market after the French elections
(see EUR: Can inflation drive EUR higher?, 18 January 2017). We expect the
combination of diminishing political risk premium and steps toward ECB policy
normalisation to strengthen EUR broadly into H2 this year (see G10 FX Forecast
update, 6 March 2017).
At the same time, we think market expectations for policy normalisation have already
risen. Thus, the magnitude of EUR appreciation should depend on the pace of
normalisation. In addition, the withdrawal process of the two unconventional tools, QE
and negative rate, is also likely to be crucial.

Fig. 1: Estimated impact of 1% rise in EUR and USD yields on Fig. 2: Estimated impact of EUR yield rise on EUR/USD
7 6.6
5 4.7 6
4 3.6
3.3 5


0 2
Difference 0
-3 Parallel rise Flattening (ECB rate Steepening (ECB
3m 6m 2y 3y 5y 10y 30y hike) tapering)

Note: Regression also includes risk sentiment proxies (equity price, peripheral spread, Note: Parallel shift scenario: 25bp rise from 3m to 30y. Flattening scenario: 45bp rise
and EUR/USD implied volatility). Source: Nomura, Bloomberg in 3-6m, 25bp rise in 2-5y, and 5bp rise in 10-30y. Steepening scenario: 10bp rise in
3m-3y, 45bp rise in 5-30y. Source: Nomura, Bloomberg

Earlier rate hikes would be more EUR positive

Our previous estimate showed that EUR/USD tends to react more to differences in the
shorter end of the rate curve than the longer end (see EUR: reactions to political risks Production Complete: 2017-03-21 10:14 UTC

See Appendix A-1 for analyst certification, important disclosures and the status of non-US analysts.
Nomura | FX Insights 21 March 2017

and ECB, 23 November 2016). Thus, earlier rate hikes by the ECB could be more EUR-
positive than tapering.
We examine the impact of ECB policy normalisation on EUR based on different
normalisation processes. We used the sensitivity estimated from mid-November 2014 to
mid-November 2015 when the FX market was highly focused on ECB policy while
political concerns were relatively muted (Figure 1). When then-Fed Chair Bernanke
suggested a possibility of tapering in May 2013 the US yield curve steepened, and the
ECBs step toward tapering will likely have a similar impact on the curve (see EUR:
Broken transmission mechanism, 8 February 2017). In fact, we had experienced bear
steepening when Bunds sold aggressively from April to June 2015, when the ECB QE
trade was partially unwound. In contrast, when the ECB was in a proper rate-hiking cycle
from end-2005, the EUR yield curve bear flattened. Thus, even if the yield curve shifts
upwards at the same magnitude, the shape of the yield curve would be different if the
ECB chooses rate hikes over tapering. The FX impact would also differ.
For the simple scenario analysis, we assumed a 25bp upward parallel shift of the EUR
yield curve, while assuming bear steepening in the case of ECB tapering and bear
flattening in the case of a rate hike (Figure 2). We estimate a 25bp parallel shift in EUR
yield curve would push up EUR/USD by 5.4%, while bear flattening would push it up
EUR/USD by 6.6%. In contrast, bear steepening scenario, which is more likely if the ECB
tapers before raising rates, would strengthen EUR/USD by only 3.9%.
Our estimates also show that EUR/USD is more sensitive to EUR rates than to USD
rates. To offset EUR appreciation pressures from a 25bp parallel upward shift in EUR
rates, we estimate that USD rates would need to rise by 63bp (Figure 3). USD rates
would need to rise by 77bp in the event of EUR rates flattening, while a 45bp USD rate
rise can offset the impact of bear steepening. If the ECB chooses rate hikes and EUR
yield curve bear flattening, not bear steepening, one additional rate hike (a 25bp rise in
USD yields) by the Fed would be necessary to offset the impact on EUR/USD.

Fig. 3: Estimated necessary USD rate rises (parallel) to offset Fig. 4: Real 10yr yield difference and USD/JPY
EUR rates rise (25bp) (%)
140 Rate hike Rate hike Negative rate 3.0
(Parallel rise in US yields to fully offset the EUR appreciation, bp)
ended expansion 2.5
80 77 QQE
70 120 Comprehensive
63 easing
60 1.5
50 45 1.0
40 100
20 0.0

10 80
USDJPY (lhs)
Real yield difference (US-JP, rhs)
Parallel rise Flattening (ECB rate Steepening (ECB 70 -1.0
hike) tapering) 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017

Note: Estimated parallel shift in USD yields to offset the impact of EUR rate rises in Source: Nomura, Nikkei-QUICK, Bloomberg
three different scenario. Parallel shift scenario: 25bp rise from 3m to 30y. Flattening
scenario: 45bp rise in 3-6m, 25bp rise in 2-5y, and 5bp rise in 10-30y. Steepening
scenario: 10bp rise in 3m-3y, 45bp rise in 5-30y. Source: Nomura, Bloomberg

ECB credibility could be at risk in the medium term

Negative rates likely have side effects, especially on the banking sector (as officially
admitted by the BOJ last year, see BOJ shift for prolonged inflation fight and JPY, 23
September 2016). In addition, tapering of QE could have a more negative impact on
peripheral economies than on core economies, although the ECB may want to check the
overheating risks in core economies, especially the German economy, not peripheral
economies. This possible asymmetric impact of tapering may also be viewed as a risk of
tapering first. As the macro-economic recovery continues in the euro area at an uneven
pace, it may be reasonable for the ECB to consider earlier withdrawal of negative rates.
However, an earlier rate hike than initially committed could erode its credibility as a
deflation fighter. QE has a few channels through which it influences the economy:
portfolio rebalancing, supply-demand impact of asset prices (credit easing type impact if

Nomura | FX Insights 21 March 2017

asset purchases include risker assets), and strengthening forward guidance (policy
duration effects). Hence, the forward guidance on ECB policy rates has been linked to
asset purchases, which aims at strengthening the policy effects of low rates. In the
statement released at the January 2015 meeting when the ECB announced QE, the
Bank stated that todays decisions will support our forward guidance on the key ECB
interest rates. In its latest statement, the ECB kept its forward guidance on policy rates,
we continue to expect them to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period
of time, and well past the horizon of our net asset purchases. The forward guidance still
suggests the normalisation of policy rates is more likely to come after the end of QE, as
the Fed has done.
Nonetheless, President Draghi said its an expectation; we expect them to remain at
present or lower levels, and the probability of an expectation that will actually
materialise into lower levels has gone down. The ECB governing council is also
reported to have discussed whether rates can rise before QE ends (Bloomberg,
unconfirmed). The ECBs Ewald Nowotny said the ECB deposit rate may rise earlier,
while Ignazio Visco said the Bank could shorten the break between the QE exit and rate
hikes. These comments suggest the ECB forward guidance or commitment to low rates
could have weakened recently as the economy has shown further strength.
Time inconsistency problem arises
This is a typical time inconsistency problem central banks face. Central banks which are
struggling with deflation risks are frequently recommended to be responsibly
irresponsible to raise inflation expectations via unconventional policies. However, it is
tempting to be responsible quickly as a tail risk of deflation is diminished considerably.
In the case of the BOJ exit from QE in the 2000s, the BOJ started hiking rates quickly in
July 2006, after ending its QE programme in March 2006. It took only four months to
start hiking after deciding to end its QE. The real yield difference between the US and
Japan stopped widening then, and USD/JPY peaked as the BOJ quickly became more
hawkish (Figure 4). The BOJs rapid hawkish shift likely had a persistent impact on
market views of the BOJs policy stance, and a bolder regime change under Governor
Kuroda was needed to change investor sentiment.
Some ECB Governing Council members may have already regretted extending the QE
programme to end-December 2017, while the longer extension than the market expected
(end-September 2017) successfully weakened the currency while supporting the equity
market. Nonetheless, in the medium term, rate hikes before QE ends could erode the
credibility of the ECB, as the reliability of forward guidance could be called into question.
This could be a serious problem in the medium term, especially when the ECB needs to
ease again at the next slowdown/recession cycle of the economy.
We still expect the next step of policy normalisation to be communication of tapering (see
How loose is ECB policy?, 16 March 2017). Nevertheless, discussions (as reported by
Bloomberg) about the possibility of rate hikes before QE ends may suggest stronger
willingness to normalise monetary policy more quickly, or at least suggest the Bank is
much closer to starting its exit. These communications could harm the ECBs credibility
as a deflation fighter, which could strengthen EUR more significantly.
ECB policy normalisation is likely to be an important theme in the FX market into H2 this
year. Rate hikes before QE ends, unlike the current forward guidance, would especially
strengthen EUR more aggressively. The historical relationship suggests EUR tends to
react to the short-end of curve more than the long-end, while earlier rate hikes could
erode ECBs credibility in the medium term, which could strengthen EUR more
significantly. We currently expect the ECBs next policy normalisation step to be
communication of tapering, but EUR upside risks could be more significant if ECB
members continue to suggest a weaker commitment to the current forward guidance. In
the short term, French political uncertainty should still cap upside risks for EUR, but mid-
term EUR appreciation pressures are clearly building.

Nomura | FX Insights 21 March 2017

Appendix A-1
Analyst Certification
We, Yujiro Goto and Yoshitaka Suda, hereby certify (1) that the views expressed in this Research report accurately reflect our
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