Us History 1

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Peoria Accelerated High School


Course Title: US History 1 Course Credit: 1/2 credit

Instructor: Ms. Henning Classroom: 121
E-Mail: Voice-Mail: 623-979-0031
Office Hours: During Flex Hours Website:

Course Description - American History is a required course for graduation. The focus of this course is
to cover a variety of eras spanning from 1492-1877 including: Early Americas, American Revolution, A
New Nation, Westward Expansion, Civil War and Reconstruction. We will review and continue to look
deeper into each one of these important eras. Additionally, we will develop skills to improve and succeed
in essay writing.

Course Grade: The course grade will be weighted according to the following activities and assignments:
Summative Assessments (Tests and Final Exam) =40% A 100-90%

Formative Assessments (Quizzes, Projects, Essays etc.) = 30% B 89-80%

Student Activity (Daily Assignments and Participation) = 20% C 79-70%

Bell work = 9% D 69-60%

Attendance = 1% F 59-0%

Materials: Pen/pencil, Paper (lots of paper you will write everyday), and a folder to keep work in.

Classroom Rules- In addition to the Student Handbook containing school rules, below is a list of rules of
particular significance in my classroom. Failure to follow these expectations will result in a referral to
the office.
Be respectful
Be on time
Stay in your assigned seat unless teacher gives you permission
Be prepared to work and participate daily

Attendance Policy- I will take role at the beginning of class when the bell rings, students will need to be
in their assign seats to be accounted for, or they will be marked absent. It is imperative that you come to
school daily; however, in the event of an absence you must attend school on Friday of that same week.
Students must flex in order to earn credit for a class. Failure to flex will result in failure of that class,
regardless of your grade in the class; this is school policy. All classwork for weeks 1-4 MUST be turned
in prior to the Midterm Exam. I will not collect late work past the due date. All classwork for weeks 5-8
MUST be turned in the Friday before the Final Exam. I will not collect any late work of any kind after
that date. You can retrieve your missing work online at or on Google
Classroom- the code is titb3z

Technology Agreement: The use of technology resources is a privilege, not a right. Students are
responsible for:
Using computers in a responsible and ethical manner.
Obeying general school rules concerning behavior and communication that apply to Chromebook
use. Games, Facebook, Twitter, etc. shall not be accessed on the computers.
Other prohibited activities include: installing inappropriate screensavers; illegal installation of
copyrighted materials; viewing, disbursing, sharing, downloading, or accessing offensive,
threatening, profane, obscene, pornographic or malicious; and/or vandalism including creating or
downloading viruses

* I reserved the right to change this Syllabus at any time.

Bell work will be due every Thursday!

Important dates:
3/27 Block 3 Begins

4/3 Research Topic Due

4/6 Quiz #1
4/11 Exam 1
4/18 Quiz #2
4/20 Parent Teacher Conference
4/24 Midterm Exam/Research Project Thesis Due

5/4 Quiz #3
5/ 8 Body Paragraphs Outline Due
5/9 Exam 3
5/15 Rough Draft Due/Peer Editing
5/23 Class Final
5/24 Bibliography and In-text Citations Due
5/25 Final Draft due (last day of Block 4)
5/30 Graduation

CHEATING, COPYING AND PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism, like cheating and copying, results in serious
consequences. If students or family members have questions about this, please talk to Ms. Henning or
refer to the Student Handbook.

My classroom is a safe and free environment. I want my students to feel free to share their own thoughts,
however, you must respect your fellow students and their thoughts. Our classroom will be like its own
society, and therefore we must work together. It is our job as future citizens of America to become a great
nation, greater than the one we are today. I am not here to make life more difficult for you. I am here to
educate you as much as I can on the history of the United States. This Course will not be easy, but I
promise you, I will try to make it as fun as I possibly can. My goal is to successfully equip you with all
the knowledge of US History in a short amount of time. In order for me to do this I need your help, your
focus and especially your participation. I need to know that you are grasping the information on a daily
basis. Let me know if you do not understand, if you do not want to raise your hand in class, write your
question on your exit ticket. Success in my classroom starts with you! It is a partnership, and I am in it
with you. I am here for you when you need me. Do not let anyone get in the way of your future. You are
in control and I will help you reach your goals and be successful. I cannot wait to see all of you grow
academically, as well as become the citizens I know you all can be.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

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