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Name: Elise Specht

Directions: Using the template below, describe how students could use a blog, wiki, or other website-
creation tool to learn required learning standards in your content area: For an A grade provide an idea that
reaches a Level of Technology Implementation of 4 or above. Remember higher levels (4-6) require that
students assume adult/professional roles; engage in higher-order thinking; and use technology
create/publish original content for their classmates and/or others beyond their school/classroom. The
learning activities and products should be engaging and meaningful to the students and to others who will
view/use/benefit from students work. Review your handouts on Engaged Learning, Authenticity, and LoTi.
Grade Level: 5th grade
Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply):
Blog Wiki Other Website Creation Tool (list): Audacity
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:
SS5H1- The student will explain the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War.

b. Discuss how the issues of states rights and slavery increased tensions between north and south
Brief Description of Learning Experience:
The students are going to create their own podcast on Audacity and then post it to our classroom blog on
Edublog. When creating this podcast the students will research and explain the causes, major events, and
consequences of the Civil War. The students will also discuss how the issues of states rights and slavery
increased tensions between the North and South. This entire process will probably take about a week to
complete. I will be able to view the blogs and podcasts and the students will also be able to listen to each
others as they will be posted on the class blog for everyone to see.

Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Student Engagement/Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): This lesson would be either a level 3
because the students are researching about the Civil War and how the issues of states rights and slavery
increased tensions between the North and South. Then the students will be creating their own podcast and
share it on our classroom blog.

Importance of technology:
The technology is crucial to this project because the students are having to research on the computer, then
use Audacity to create their podcast and then they will have to upload it to the classroom blog on Edublog.
This entire project is based off of technology and you cant create any of it without technology.

Inspiration (optional): I came up with this idea on my own.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

I have to make sure that the students use the correct music files to insert them within their podcast that they
post to the blog because if they dont there will be copyright issues. I could minimize this from happening
by showing the students the correct website to get their music from for their podcast.

Describe your personal learning goal for this activity.
My goal is for the students to learn how to create a podcast and post it to Edublog for their peers and I to

Other comments about your proposed activity:

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