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Revenge and Justice are two separate concept though they have been used very

similarly in the past; although the differences between them are growing, there are still some
similarities between them that make finding exact differences more difficult. Since the gap
between revenge and justice is widening we are able to find some differences like, revenge is
disproportionate, personal and emotional while justice is proportionate, impersonal, and rational.
The definition of revenge from the dictionary is, t o exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on
behalf of, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit. In other words it is hurting someone who
hurt you. Revenge is really all about emotions, expressing rage, hatred, or spite and because
of these negative feeling feelings of revenge and hatred become self harming(Seltzer par. 27).
James Mace also said that, Only remember seek revenge out of hatred is something
that will devour your very soul as someone seeks out to destroy another's happiness just as
theirs was destroyed, they become no happier with their own life and may regret it the rest of
their lives(Seltzer par. 19). As an example in the book The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre
Dumas, the count is thrown into jail and when he escapes he declares a vendetta on those who
sentenced him. He spends ten years to arrange his revenge before he actually goes to claim it.
Ten years is a long time to prepare for revenge, but that was his only thought, goal and
aspiration for that ten years and many avengers are like that, revenge being their only thought
until they feel that they have received full justice and revenge. Leon F. Seltzer also makes this
point by saying, their retaliatory goal has been achieved-the other side vanquished, or brought
to its knees. Just or not, the avenger feels justified. Avengers have been wronged in some way
and the only way they believe that can be fixed is by getting revenge on the ones who hurt
them. And they will go to whatever extent to feel they have successfully avenged themselves
and brought justice to the enemy, but in doing so the avengers may become the perpetrator and
wish for more revenge and destruction on people who have wronged them. Though there are all
the negative aspects of revenge, there are some cases in which the outcomes are not negative.
Revenge-depending on its underlying conditions, motivations, and execution-might be
either just or unjust If revenge is brought about perfectly there are cases in which it is a just
revenge; but it is still true not all revenge is just(Seltzer par. 3). Just is defined as based on or
behaving according to what is morally right and fair. So it is true that not all revenge is just
because, justice is based upon laws, evidence, and rules that are fair, virtuous, honorable, and
that are widely supported by the community. Justice is a smarter way of dealing with problems,
as justice is, designed to offer a resolution far more likely to eventuate in closure-especially if,
in fact, it is just(Seltzer par. 22) Because justice provides a real, rational solution that is
accepted and agreed upon, because it is just, the conflict is much more easily resolved. Justice
is brought about through the laws and rules of the community. Martin Luther said, Peace is
more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for
the sake of peace if we did not have justice there would be no peace but just people going
around fighting all the time seeking revenge(Seltzer par. 14).
Differences between revenge and justice are, disproportion/proportion,
personal/impersonal, and emotional/rational. Justice, centers on proportion as it equates to
fairness the consequences of justice are proportionate to what wrong was done(Seltzer par.
29). While on the other hand, revenge tends to get out of control, the punishment may fit the
crime, but it is often an exaggerated response(Seltzer par. 28). In their rage the avengers may
become carried away and overreact. Revenge is also very personal and the only goal is, to
carry out a private vendetta(Seltzer par. 9). Justice is the opposite, it is impersonal, impartial,
and the only goal is to create a better society and punish the wrong doers. Revenge again is all
about the emotion, avengers are full of negative emotion and the desire for bloodshed(Seltzer
par. 5). Justice is purely rational, it is based on logic and ethics and only desires fairness and
equity(Seltzer par. 6). With all these differences it is hard to see revenge and justice used so
similarly, but as a last thought, There are instances when revenge can legitimately be
understood as a type of justice, and justice a kind of revenge(Seltzer par. 4)

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