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Control Charts for Nonconformities (Defects)

Why control charting for number of nonconformities?

A nonconforming item does not satisfy one or more of the
Each specific point at which a specification is not satisfied
Stones on a bottle
Defective welds on a car body
Typos on a paper
A unit may have several nonconformities, but it is not classified
as nonconforming

Nonconforming item ? Nonconformities

Control Charts for Nonconformities (Defects)
The occurrence of nonconformities in samples of constant size
is modeled by the Poisson distribution
The number of potential locations for nonconformities is infinitely
The probability of occurrence of a nonconformity at any location is
small and constant
Nonconformities occur randomly and independently
Identical area of opportunity for the occurrence of
nonconformities in each sample
Same number of inspection units in each sample

Types for Nonconformities Charts

c chart: Total number of nonconformities in a sample

u chart: Average number of nonconformities per inspection unit in
a sample

Statistics Basis for c and u Charts

X = Total # of defects in a sample

Y = X/n = Average # of defects per inspection unit in a sample
Given the average occurrence rate per sample, c, what is the distribution of
X? c x
e c
p ( x)
What are the mean and variance of X?

What are the mean and variance of Y?

For large c, using normal approximation to Poisson

Poisson Distribution
Occurrences are statistically independent
Occurrences are equally likely to occur within any unit of time/area
The average occurrence rate (per unit) is a known constant
The number of random events occurring during a specific time
period follows Poisson distribution
e x
p ( x) , x 0,1,...
, 2
When to use this model in quality control?
Number of defects on a unit
Number of random occurrences in a period of time

c Chart for Total # Nonconformities

What are the mean and standard deviation of total # of

nonconformities in a sample, X?
Control limits for the c chart when c is known
LCL c 3 c
CL c If LCL<0, set LCL=0
UCL c 3 c
Estimate c from preliminary samples when c is unknown

c i
total # of defects in all samples
c c i 1

m number of samples
The preliminary samples are examined by the control chart using the
trial control limits for checking out-of-control points

u Chart for Average # Nonconformities

What are the mean and standard deviation of average # of

nonconformities per inspection unit in a sample, Y?
Estimate u from preliminary samples when u is unknown

u i
u i 1
, where ui
m ni
Control limits for u chart

LCL u 3
CL u
UCL u 3

Comments on inspection units:

An inspection unit is an entity of a single unit or multiple

units of products (e.g. 100 yd2, 50 car bodies)
A sample may have n inspection units, why?
n is not necessarily integer, why?

INDE 7397: SPC 16

Charts for Variable Sample Size

If sample size varies, it is always to use u chart rather than c chart,

Three approaches:
Control limits vary with sample size, but the center line is constant
u u
LCL u 3 ; UCL u 3 ; CL u
ni ni
Use control limits based on an average sample size

n i
n i 1
Use a standardized control chart (this is a preferred option, why?), with
UCL=3, LCL=-3, Center line=0.
ui u
Samples of fabric from a textile mill, each 100m2, are selected, and
the number of occurrences of foreign matter are recorded. The total
nonconformities for 25 samples are 189. Construct a c-chart for the
number of nonconformities.

Example 7-3 (page 310) c chart

Example 7-4 (page 315) u chart

Example 7-5 (page 319) variable sample size

Further Analysis of Nonconformities

Different types of nonconformities (defects)

Identify assignable causes of different types of defects using Pareto
chart and cause-and-effect diagram
Nonconformity data are more informative than fraction nonconforming

Demerit Systems weighting defects according to a scale that

measures their seriousness.
Class A, B, C, and D defects (very serious, serious, major, minor)
Demerit weights: 100, 50, 10, 1, respectively.
Construct a U chart on the number of demerits (page 301)

Attribute or Variable Control Charts?

1. Depends on the quality characteristic (attributes or variables?).

2. Attribute charts can analyze numerous quality characteristics.
3. Attribute type data typically encountered at all levels of an
4. Attribute information indicates whether a certain quality
characteristic is within spec limits; it does not state the degree to
which specs are not met.
5. Attribute charts need larger sample sizes to ensure adequate
protection against level changes.

Attribute or Variable Control Charts?

6. Variable charts usually provide more information on the

performance of a process (process mean, variability, and
7. Variable control charts generally provide more information as to
the potential causes and make identifying potential causes easier.
8. Variable control charts can forewarn of an out-of-control process
without having actually produced any nonconforming parts. (OOC
but not out of spec)
9. Variable charts are preferred whenever possible.

Which control chart should be used?

1. A ceramic tile manufacturing company has just secured a contract

with NASA to supply the tiles for a new space shuttle. The
manufacturing process is long and detailed and only 20 to 25 tiles
can be manufactured per day. NASA requires that the tiles be
subjected to specific measured tests to prove that they are
capable of withstanding repeated exposure to extreme high temps.
The tests are destructive tests. Due to the tests and the low output,
the company decided to use a sample size of 1.

Which control chart should be used?

2. Mr. Fence runs a small alterations shop. Recently there has been
an increase in the number of complaints about the work done in
his shop. He has decided that at the end of each day, he will
inspect all the work completed that day for defects.

3. A computer manufacturer inspects all chips that are produced.

The number of chips produced in one day varies. Chips are
inspected on a good/bad basis. The good chips are sold; the bad
chips are unusable and thrown away. If the manufacturer wants to
keep track of the unusable chips produced per day, which chart
should he use?

Which control chart should be used?

4. A medical supplier specialized in IV needles. The outer diameter

of the needles is a critical parameter and it has very tight spec
limits. The supplier wants to set up a control chart to determine if
the process producing the needles is in-control. It produces 200
IV needles per hour. The process supervisor suggests inspecting
20 IV needles per hour.

5. A boot manufacturer wants to check a certain style of boot for

possible defects in the sole stitching. The defects include missed
stitches, loose threads, and other observed defects. The boot is
produced at a rate of 100 pairs per hour. The manager suggests
checking 10 pairs per hour.


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