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Investigation on Russian Election Interference

For the past couple of months politicians have squabbled over the idea of possible
Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election. This interference does not refer to ballot
hacking or counterfeiting rather to a defamation campaign by the Russians to sway the American
public against Hillary Clinton who lost the presidential election to Donald J. Trump last
November. The situation recently picked up traction once Intelligence agencies and Democrats
stated that Donald J. trump and some of his cabinet
picks could have been involved.

According to Schmidt, Mazzetti, and Appuza from

The New York Times phone records and intercepted
calls reveal that top aides from president Trumps team
had contact with senior russian intelligence agents.
Due to the previous Democrats believe that Trumps
team could have coordinated with the Russians and,
their defamation campaign. The most noteworthy
being the wikileak of private DNC emails which could
have cost the race for democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The writer Rothman states that the
reason this issue is so prevalent is that foreign interference in U.S. elections can undermine U.S.
Democracy. A sentiment shared by former President Barack Obama and runner up candidate
Hillary Clinton.

At the moment U.S. officials and security agencies are looking into the matter for proof
of meddling between president Trump and Russian agents. If proven to be true it could lead to
even greater instability in our nation.

Rothman, Lily . "Russian Hacks in US Election Not First Foreign Interference." Time. Time, n.d.
Web. 13 Mar. 2017.

Schmidt, Michael, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo. "Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated
Contacts With Russian Intelligence." The New York Times. The New York Times, 14 Feb. 2017.
Web. 13 Mar. 2017.

Kelly, Erin. "Senate panel to investigate Russian election interference." USA Today. Gannett
Satellite Information Network, 02 Feb. 2017. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.

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