In Situ: Upgrading of Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen Using Thai

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# 2006 Institution of Chemical Engineers Trans IChemE, Part A, September 2006
doi: 10.1205/cherd.04192 Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84(A9): 856 864



IOR Research Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, UK

ownhole upgrading of virgin Athabasca Tar Sand bitumen has been investigated in a
series of 3-D experiments using THAIToe-to-Heel Air Injection. The THAI
process uses combinations of vertical injection wells and horizontal producer
wells, arranged in a direct, or staggered line drive. 3-D experiments were performed to inves-
tigate THAI as a primary recovery method, and also as a secondary recovery method. The
latter followed a prior THSFToe-to-Heel Steam Flood. Oil recovery efficiencies for
THAI, using primary and secondary operation modes, were respectively, 80% and 67%
OOIP. The THSF recovery was much lower, only 23% OOIP, owing to the low steam temp-
erature in the sandpack. Downhole upgrading of the Athabasca Tar Sand bitumen was very
significant, with the API gravity of the produced oil increasing by an average of 88 API,
compared to the original bitumen. The produced oil viscosity was also dramatically reduced,
to less than 200 mPa s, with a minimum value of 50 mPa s. SARA analysis was used to assess
the quality of the produced oil. The original bitumen contained only 15.5% saturates, but the
amount in the produced oil was increased to 72%. The high oil recovery factor and partial in
situ upgrading achieved by the THAI process could therefore have important economic
implications for the future of heavy oil and bitumen production. The first field pilot of the
THAI process is scheduled to take place at Christina Lake, Alberta, Canada, in 2006.

Keywords: in situ combustion; heavy oil; air injection; THAI; Athabasca Tar Sand bitumen;
in situ upgrading; EOR.

INTRODUCTION In situ combustion (ISC) is a thermal enhanced oil

recovery (EOR) process, in which a small fraction of the
Very large resources of heavy oil and bitumen exist around oil in the reservoir is burned in order to enable flow of
the world, mainly in Venezuela and Canada There are also the unburned fraction. It has been extensively studied for
about 10 billion barrels of heavy oil in-place in the UKCS, many years as a method of heavy oil recovery (Sarathi,
that remain undeveloped. Heavy oil presents many techni- 1998; Lake, 1989; Burger et al., 1985). Compared with
cal challenges at all stages of oil recovery and processing. other methods of thermal heavy oil recovery, ISC has cer-
During the oil production phase, heavy oils are much more tain potential advantages, such as high thermal efficiency,
difficult to recover from the reservoir than conventional high oil recovery, reduced environmental impact and
light oil. Cold production of heavy oil recovers less than lower costs (Sarathi, 1998). The conventional ISC process,
20% OOIP (original oil in place), but this is only achiev- which uses a vertical injection well-vertical producer well
able if the reservoir temperature is sufficiently high to arrangement, suffered from serious operational problems,
lower the oil viscosity, or else the viscosity is lowered by with gas overriding and channelling being especially pro-
dissolved gas. Thermal methods are generally thought of blematic. Consequently, this process has not achieved the
as a secondary production technique, as a follow-up to universal success that theory predicts. Many of the failures
cold production. However, in situ thermal methods are of the conventional ISC process can be attributed to the
now used for primary recovery, when the oil is immobile poor choice of reservoir but, as Moore et al. (1997) have
at reservoir conditions, e.g., Athabasca Tar Sand bitumen. remarked, there were also some significant successes.

Correspondence to: Professor M. Greaves, IOR Research Group, Depart- THAIToe-to-Heel Air Injection
ment of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK.
E-mail: THAI is a new EOR (enhanced oil recovery) process,

Now with TOTAL E&P UK Plc. which integrates in situ combustion and horizontal well


(c) Oxidation of heavy residue:

Heavy residue Oxygen ! CO CO2 H2 O (3)

The very heavy residue, or coke, which remains on

the reservoir matrix after displacement of lighter hydro-
carbon components is the result of thermal cracking of
heavy hydrocarbons. The latter comprises very high mol-
ecular weight compounds, mainly asphaltenes and resins.
According to the above reaction scheme, the produced
oil will be lighter than the original crude, due to thermal
upgrading. This upgrading was not an obvious feature of
the conventional ISC process, either in combustion tube
Figure 1. THAItoe-to-heel air injection process. tests (Moore et al., 1999), or in field operations. Essen-
tially, this was because unconverted oil was produced
technology (Greaves et al., 2000). It uses a horizontal pro- first, as a result of the horizontal displacement. THAI,
ducer well instead of a vertical producer well employed on the other hand, preserves the thermal upgrading (Xia
in conventional ISC. The vertical injection (VI) well and et al., 2003), due to the radically different flow behaviour
horizontal producer (HP) well are arranged in direct line ahead of the combustion front, which is completely differ-
drive (VIHP), or staggered line drive (2VIHP). In direct ent to that in conventional ISC. In conventional ISC,
line drive, a single vertical injection well is positioned on mobilized oil banks-up in the colder, downstream regions
the same horizontal axis as the producer well, but is of the oil-bearing formation ahead of the combustion
offset from the toe of the latter by a few metres. In stag- front, before it is produced. In THAI, a mobile oil zone
gered line drive, two injection wells are equally spaced, (MOZ) is created ahead of the combustion front
either side of the horizontal producer. In both arrange- (Figure 1). Thus, mobilized oil, including thermally
ments, the vertical well is placed towards the top of the cracked oil, is drawn downwards, directly into the
oil layer, and the horizontal well is positioned low in the exposed section of the horizontal producer well, directly
reservoir. After the combustion front becomes anchored below. The thermally upgraded oil is thus preserved and
onto the toe of the horizontal well, it then propagates in produced quickly, without banking-up, or mixing with
steady manner, along the horizontal well, from the toe the cold, unconverted oil. A further distinguishing feature
to the heel position (Figure 1). of THAI is that it is a short-distance oil displacement oil
It has been demonstrated in 3-D experiments, that THAI recovery process (Xia et al., 2003), like SAGD, whereas
can achieve very high oil recovery in heavy oil and tar sand conventional ISC is long-distance displacement (Singhal
bitumen reservoirs (Greaves and Xia, 1998; Xia et al., and Turta, 2000).
2003; Xia and Greaves, 2002). This is due to the efficient In the conventional ISC process, fluids (gas, steam, water
sweep of the reservoir by the combustion front and hot and mobilized oil) move through the formation horizon-
gas drive. A further important benefit of THAI for heavy tally, from the vertical injection well to the vertical produ-
oil and bitumen applications is that it produces partially cer well. The interwell distance may be 100 to 200 metres
upgraded oil. In 3-D combustion cell tests on Wolf Lake in a heavy oil reservoir. The difference in density between
heavy crude the produced oil had a viscosity of 50 to the gas and oil gives rise to gravity segregation. Thus, gas
500 mPa s at 158C and an API gravity of 188, compared overriding is inevitable in the conventional ISC process.
with the original crude oil viscosity of 48 000 mPa s at The scaled 3-D model tests of in situ combustion carried
158C, and API gravity of 10.58 (Xia et al., 2003). out by Binder et al. (1967) showed that gas overriding
The basic mechanism of THAI, as applied to heavy oil was more severe in the larger prototype than in the smaller
reservoirs, is the same as for the conventional ISC process; experimental model. Importantly, in THAI, the effect of gas
namely, burning of heavy residue, or a coke-like fraction, overriding is controlled. This is because the horizontal pro-
to generate heat, thereby increasing the temperature of ducer well, placed in the bottom of the oil layer, is the only
the oil-bearing formation. This leads to a reduction in the pathway for mobilised fluids to leave the formation. This
in situ oil viscosity, increasing its mobility. The fuel for occurs via a top-to-bottom flow, directly into the horizontal
combustion is coke, which is generated ahead of the com- production well. In 3-D combustion cell tests of THAI,
bustion front by thermal cracking of the heavy residue. using Wolf Lake heavy oil, a post-mortem analysis of the
When ISC is operated in a high temperature oxidation burned sandpacks showed that the most advanced part of
mode (HTO), the chemical reactions taking place are: the combustion front was in the top region of the oil
layer (Xia et al., 2003). This controlled gas overriding
(a) Thermal cracking (pyrolysis): effect was a stable feature throughout the experiment,
as evidenced by the invariant shape of the vertical plane
Heavy residue ! Light oil Coke (1) temperature profiles versus time. In this way, THAI
achieves very stable combustion front propagation, from
(b) Oxidation of coke: the toe to the heel of the horizontal producer well.
This contributes to a very efficient sweep of the reservoir,
with commensurately high oil recovery. The main benefits
Coke Oxygen ! CO CO2 H2 O (2)
of THAI are listed in Table 1.

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2006, 84(A9): 856 864

Table 1. Potential benefits of THAI for heavy oil recovery. Table 2. Properties of Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen.
Controlled gas override, results in a quasi-upright in situ combustion API gravity 8
front Density @ 258C (g cm23) 1.0077
High air flux maintain process in HTO mode, avoiding LTO reactions Elemental (wt%)
High sweep efficiency, related to the absence of any gas coning C 81 84
(channelling) in the producer well H 10 11.0
Process produces thermally upgraded oil, up to 8-10 8API higher than N 0.3 0.6
reservoir crude oil S 4.6 5.6
Significant environmental benefits due to in situ removal of sulphur and Viscosity @ 158C (mPa s) 1.8  104 1  106
heavy metals SARA composition (wt%)
Unique mobile oil zone (MOZ) ahead of the combustion front reduces Saturates 14.5
sensitivity to reservoir heterogeneity in the virgin zone (mainly for Aromatics 34.8
extra-heavy reservoirs) Resins 38.0
Fluid injectivity is increased due to higher permeability in the burned Asphaltenes 12.7
zone Porosity 34
Front tracking capability via toe-to-heel propagation Oil content (wt%) 13.615.3
For a commercial line drive operation, and a fixed well pattern, the Water content (wt%) 1.75
number of wells is reduced to almost half due to their use first as

producers and then as injectors Values from Strausz, (1989).

Analysis by University of Salford.

THSFToe-to-Heel Steam Flood

Table 3. Experimental conditions of 3-D cell tests.
THSF is a new application of the toe-to-heel displace-
ment concept, in which the injected fluid is steam, instead Run 2000-01 2000-03 2000-04
Sandpack Virgin Athabasca Tar Sand
of air. The intended purpose of THSF, therefore, was to Oil content (wt%) 13.55 15.3 15.3
create a stable steam front propagation along the horizontal Initial temperature (8C) 20 15 100
producer well, in a similar fashion to that achieved by the Recovery method THAI THSF THAI
combustion front in THAI. The well configuration used (dry and wet (post-steam
combustion) flood)
for THSF was identical to that used for the secondary Air flux (Sm3 m22 h21) 1218 1222
production mode THAI experiment (Run 2000-04), which Steam injection rate 10
used a single vertical injection well and two horizontal (g min21)
producer wells, in a staggered line drive (VI2HP). This Estimated temperature 135141
well combination translates, in the field case, to a staggered of injected steam (8C)
Water air ratio 1.1
line drive, consisting of two injectors placed uppermost in (m3/1000 Sm3)
the oil layer, equally spaced, left and right of a centrally Well type HIHP VI2HP VI2HP
located horizontal well. In the experiment, however, it Well configuration Direct line Staggered Staggered
was used to create a narrower well spacing for the two hori- drive line drive line drive
Back pressure (psig) 10 to 20 15 to 30 15 to 20
zontal producers. THSF, like THAI, embodies the original
toe-to-heel concept (Greaves and Turta, 1997), which has
been the subject of extensive heavy oil recovery research
by the IOR Group at the University of Bath, for more maintain the sandpack in an approximately adiabatic con-
than 15 years. The experimental results for the novel dition. Each heating tape was controlled automatically by a
THSF process, and also the implementation of THAI in a computer in response to the measured temperatures. During
secondary production mode (post-steam flood), are pre- the combustion cell experiments, the produced gas was con-
sented. The paper presents the results of three, 3D physical tinuously monitored for oxygen, CO and CO2, using three
model experiments, carried out on virgin Athabasca Tar Servomex gas analysers. A special electrical steam generator
Sand bitumen, for the primary purpose of investigating was constructed for the THSF test, supplying a nominal 20 ml
the upgrading performance of the THAI process (primary of water (steam) per minute, at a pressure of 2 to 3 bar.
and secondary recovery) and THSF (primary recovery). Three experiments were performed using unconsolidated,
The basic 3-D combustion cell results and oil production virgin Athabasca Tar Sand, obtained from the Alberta
were reported in an earlier paper (Xia and Greaves, 2002). Research Council, successors to the AOSTRA Oil Sands
Sample Bank, Alberta, Canada. The Tar Sand bitumen had
a density of 1007.7 kg m23 and its viscosity was approxi-
mately 1 000 000 mPa s at 158C. The main physical proper-
ties of Athabasca Tar Sand are presented in Table 2. The
A rectangular stainless steel cell (0.6 m  0.4 m  0.1 m) experimental conditions used for the experiments are given
was used as the physical 3-D model for the investigation of in Table 3. Run 2000-01 was a THAI in situ combustion
the THAI and THSF processes. The cell was fitted with an experiment conducted using an HIHP well arrangement, con-
array of 85 thermocouples that were used to track the sisting of a single horizontal injection well and a single
movement of the combustion front and steam condensation horizontal producer well. A horizontal injector was used
front. Nine separate heating tapes were wound around the instead of vertical injector, simply because it was considered
combustion cell, to provide heat compensation and so to be a more efficient means of distributing the injection air in
reduce heat loss from the sandpack. In this way, by control- the experiments, thereby helping to ensure good ignition. Run
ling the temperature difference between the temperature in 2000-03 was a THSF steam flood test, which employed a
the sandpack and that at a corresponding cell wall position, single vertical injection well and two horizontal production
it was possible to minimize the heat loss, and thereby wells (VI2HP). Run 2000-04 was a post-steam flood THAI

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2006, 84(A9): 856 864

Table 4. Experimental results of 3-D cell tests.

Run 2000-01 2000-03 2000-04

Recovery method THAI THSF THAI
(primary) (primary) (post-steam
Overall period (h) 14.5 14 14.5
Pre-ignition period (h) 3.5 3.5
Dry combustion phase (h) 11 11
Peak temperature (8C) 600 750 600 700
Average composition of
produced gases (%)
CO2 17.0 15.4
CO 5.6 3.18
O2 1.38 2.54
CO/(CO2 CO) 0.248 0.171
H/C 0.0 0.401
O2 utilization (%) 93.4 87.9
Fuel consumption (% OOIP) 8.2 9.5
Injected air (Sm3) 5.37 8.28
Oil recovery (wt% OOIP) 81.5 23 63.9 (83.0 )
(vol% OOIP) 85.5 66.7 (86.6 )
AOR (Sm3 m23) 1080 1690
Combustion front 0.035 0.038
velocity (m/h21)
Residual oil (% OOIP) 11.0 8.2
Steam/oil ratio (m3 m23) 5 (2)
overall, (steady oil
production period)

Oil recovery is calculated from the weight of the initial oil in place.

Oil recovery is based on the volume of the initial oil in place.

Calculated values are based on the residual oil after steam flooding.

experiment, which was operated after the completion of the

THSF experiment, with the same well arrangement as Run
2000-04. Further details of the 3D cell experiments are
given in an earlier paper (Xia and Greaves, 2002). SARA
analysis was used to analyse the virgin Athabasca Tar Sand
Bitumen and the produced oil from the 3D experiments. Figure 2. (a) Cumulative oil recovery and (b) air-to-oil ratioRun
The SARA analysis employed a MK-5 Iatroscan thin layer 2000-01 (primary THAI).
chromatograph (TLC) system equipped with flame ionisation
detection (FID). The analyses were performed by the IOR
Group at the University of Salford. This was due to the large amount of water that had
condensed in the sandpack, during the steam flood in Run
2000-04. Once the combustion front had stabilised, the
oil production rate increased to more than 10 ml min21,
Oil Recovery, Air-to-Oil Ratio (AOR) and higher than that achieved in 2000-01 (primary THAI).
Steam-to-Oil Ratio (SOR) During the initial oil production period (t 260 to
370 min), the AOR in Run 2000-04 was less than
Both THAI experiments, Run 2000-01 (primary pro-
1000 Sm3 m23. This value is very close to the AOR for
duction) and Run 2000-04 (secondary production) achieved
the wet combustion period in Run 2000-01. Overall, oil
stable propagation of a high temperature combustion front
recoveries in both tests were very high, 81.5 wt% OOIP
(.6008C). In the THSF experiment (Run 2000-03), a steam
for Run 2000-01 and 83 wt% ROIP (residual oil in place)
front was propagated along the producer well, in a toe-to-
for Run 2000-04 (secondary THAI).
heel manner. The main results of the tests are reported in
3-D experiments can provide an indicative estimate of
Table 4.
what the production rate would be in the field, assuming
that the reservoir pay is of good quality and there is also
THAI good conformity. For example, using a simple direct
Figures 2 and 3 show the oil production and AOR during scaling approach, which basically involves ratioing
the 3-D Cell THAI tests. The AOR is obtained from the the cross-sectional areas between field and experiment:
measured air injection and oil production rates. Oil taking 2000 m2 in the field case and 0.04 m2 for the exper-
production began 5 min before commencement of air imental combustion cell, and then multiplying this by
injection in Run 2000-01 (primary THAI), due the high the ratio of the air injection fluxes (lower in the field),
temperature of the hot gas (nitrogen) used to preheat the say, 2 Sm3 m2 h21 to 10 m3 m22 h21, gives a field oil pro-
entry section of the sandpack, prior to ignition. However, duction rate of nearly 86 m3/day. This is for a nominal
there was a long delay (180 min) before oil production experimental oil production rate of 6 ml min21. In practise,
commenced in Run 2000-04 (secondary THAI test). the reservoir will be much more complex, so this estimate

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2006, 84(A9): 856 864

Figure 3. (a) Cumulative oil recovery and (b) air-to-oil ratioRun 2000-
04 (post-steam flood THAI).
Figure 4. (a) Cumulative oil recovery and (b) steam-to-oil ratioRun
should be treated with caution. The only reliable way to 2000-03, THSF.
predict oil recovery is from a detailed reservoir simulation
analysis, validated against suitable characteristics from the
3-D experiments, or other reliable information, i.e., pilot. production commenced. The cumulative oil recovery was
AOR is also a very important indicator of the performance approximately 23 wt% OOIP. This was after steam flooding
of the in situ combustion process in heavy oil recovery oper- for 14 h, at a steam injection rate of 10.0 ml min21. During
ations. The average AOR is 50% higher during the secondary the oil production period (320 510 min), the SOR reduced
THAI test (post-steam flood), compared with that for the pri- down to about 2, which is a very good value. However, it
mary THAI experiment (Run 2000-01). This is most probably subsequently deteriorated, so that the overall value was
due to the large amount of heat required to vaporise the water around 4 (Figure 4). The oil recovery for this 3-D steam
that had condensed in the sandpack during the steam flood flood experiment is on the low side, and the overall SOR
operation. During the oil production period, starting at high, compared with SAGD (steam assisted gravity drai-
210 min, the AOR in Run 2000-04 averaged 1370 Sm3 m23 nage) laboratory tests, using two-dimensional physical
(7700 scf/bbl). This value is still very reasonable, compared models (Jiang et al., 2000). In the present experiment,
with typical values for conventional ISC operations (Nodwell virgin Athabasca Tar Sand was used, whereas glass beads
et al., 1997). Economic values of the AOR can range up to of 1 mm were used to simulate the reservoir matrix in the
3000 Sm3 m23, or more, depending on the particular reser- SAGD experiments. In the latter, when 20/30-mesh sand
voir application and previous operation. However, it is the was used in a three-layered model, a SOR of 2.8 times
cost of air compression, which sets the upper limit on this. that of the homogeneous glass bead model was obtained.
The high oil recoveries obtained in these experiments, with This was attributed to the high residual oil saturation
AORs in the range 10801690 Sm3 m23, indicate that remaining on the sand inside the steam chamber.
THAI is potentially a very promising process for use as a At higher experimental pressures, similar to those in the
primary, or secondary method of oil recovery in Tar Sands field, more realistic steam temperatures of 200 2508C
bitumen and heavy oil reservoirs. would be possible, leading to expected higher oil recoveries
for THSF, and lower SOR.
The pressure in the reservoir will be approximately
THSF 10 times that in the experiments (30 bar versus 2 3 bar).
In the THSF experiment (Run 2000-03), there was a long Thus, the thermodynamic properties for the steam and
production delay of more than 300 min before oil gas will need to be adjusted to scale the physical model

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2006, 84(A9): 856 864

experiments to reservoir pressure. Primarily, it means that, be significantly lower, typically around 30%. This is princi-
at reservoir pressure, gas volumes, including superheated pally due to gas overriding, if it is not otherwise controlled.
steam, will be reduced by a similar factor. Reduced gas Fuel consumption is the amount of fuel actually burned
volumes and pore velocities should be beneficial as regards per unit volume and it determines the combustion tempera-
pressure drop and flow in the horizontal well. This will aid ture, for a given air injection rate, oxygen utilization and
well productivity, but oil production is determined (primar- rock properties. Scaled-model tests of the conventional
ily) by how fast the combustion front advances (combus- ISC process, using unconsolidated sand, showed that the
tion front velocity) through the reservoir, and also, to combustion front temperature in a larger prototype model
some extent, by the width of the mobile oil zone (MOZ). was lower than that in the smaller experimental model,
The latter is not known exactly, but the experiments indi- because of the reduced volumetric sweep efficiency
cate that it is of the order of a few centimeters, which (Binder et al., 1967). Maintaining a high combustion front
could translate to a few metres in the field. temperature (450 6008C) is the key factor to achieving a
As far as operating THAI in a wet combustion mode is successful field ISC project for heavy oil recovery
concerned, this may only be advantageous for short-term (Moore et al., 1998). The volumetric sweep of the combus-
productivity gains. This is because the injected water tion front is therefore a very major design parameter for
(steam) causes a direct temperature shock on the combus- any ISC operation, since it sets the bounds on what oil
tion front, leading to a continuous fall-off in temperature. recovery efficiency is achieved by the hot gas displacement.
This can be seen during the wet combustion period in One dimensional combustion tube tests cannot provide this
Figure 2(a). This effect is very different to that found in important information.
conventional forward ISC, when operated in a normal 3-D combustion cell experiments are extremely useful
wet combustion mode. The benefit in this case, is that, for determining the volumetric sweep of the combustion
water injection transfers heat from the burned upstream front in ISC. The sweep was estimated from post-mortem
zone, into the downstream colder oil zone. In THAI, analysis of the sandpack (Figure 5). At the injection end
water injection should be stopped, however, before the of the cell, the combustion front sweep is artificially high
combustion front temperature has fallen by a certain (.95%), due to the effect of inlet preheating of the sand-
amount, say 508C, in order to maintain a stable combustion pack, prior to ignition. As shown in Figure 5, the sweep
front temperature of about 5508C. Operating THAI in efficiency then decreases progressively towards the produ-
an intermittent wet combustion mode (as in Run 2000-01) cer end of the sandpack. The volumetric sweep efficiency
can be beneficial us as a control mechanism, to control of the combustion front, for primary and secondary THAI
the temperature in the reservoir, or near the horizontal pro- experiments (Runs 2000-01 and 2000-04), was 52% and
duction wellif either of thesis is tending to increase 50%, respectively. This is significantly higher than that
beyond acceptable limits. achieved in the conventional 3-D ISC experiments by
Binder et al. (1967) Samples were also taken from the
sandpack to determine the residual oil concentration in
Fuel Laydown, Fuel Consumption and
the burned and unburned parts of the sandpack. The oil
Combustion Temperature
recovery was determined from mass balance, as follows:
Fuel laydown, or fuel availability, of an oil-bearing
formation is a critical factor affecting the amount of reac-
tion energy (heat) released per unit volume of the reservoir Oil recovery OOIP  Fuel consumption
matrix. Fuel consumption, as % OOIP, is the ratio of the  Residual oil (4)
fuel actually consumed during the combustion process
and the initial oil in place. Fuel availability is determined
primarily by the properties of the oil-bearing formation, where OOIP is the original oil in place (%).
the physical and chemical properties of the oil, and the Fuel consumption during the THAI experiments was also
temperature in the coke zone ahead of the combustion calculated from the produced gas composition, which
front. Thus, fuel consumption is determined by fuel lay- involves calculating values of the following parameters:
down, initial oil in place, the combustion front velocity apparent H/C ratio, CO/(CO CO2), oxygen utilization
and sweep efficiency. and air injection rate. These results are given in Table 5.
Due to the complexity of the ISC process, one- The values obtained basically agree with those calculated
dimensional combustion tube experiments have tradition- from equation (4), differing by only 0.7% in Run
ally been employed in order to measure fuel laydown and 2000-01, and 5.6% in Run 2000-04. The difference in the
fuel consumption, as well as other important variables, latter case may be due to some error in estimating the oil
such as peak combustion temperature and combustion recovery for the THSF experiment (Run 2000-03).
front velocity. The volumetric sweep efficiency of the Fuel lay down is the sum of the fuel consumption and
combustion front obtained from vertically-positioned com- residual oil, i.e., 19.2% OOIP and 17.3% OOIP for Runs
bustion tube tests, with the gas flow from top to bottom is, 2000-01 and 2000-04, respectively. These values represent
as one would expect from a gravity stabilized process, very a fuel availability of about 55 kg m23. A comparison with
high. Correspondingly, the residual oil saturation in the 3-D cell THAI tests using Wolf Lake Oil (Xia et al., 2003),
burned zone is very low, and close to zero. This means shows that virgin Athabasca Tar Sand produces 2 3%
that all of the fuel laid down during a combustion tube OOIP more fuel on the reservoir matrix. A likely reason
test is consumed by the oxidation reactions. However, the for this is that Athabasca Tar Sand bitumen contains
volumetric sweep efficiency achieved in an actual reservoir, more heavy-end components (5208C), and these are the
or a three-dimensional, conventional ISC experiment, will main source of fuel for the process.

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2006, 84(A9): 856 864

Figure 5. Post-mortem analysis of sandpack. (a) Ratio of unburned vertical

area to total area versus horizontal distance. (b) Post-mortem photograph
of a mid-vertical section (THAI, Run 2000-01).
Figure 6. Thermal upgrading versus time for Athabasca Tar Sand Bitumen
THAI primary production (Run 2000-01) and THAI secondary production
(Run 2000-04). (a) API gravity versus time, (b) produced oil viscosity
Table 5. Oil mass balance during THAI tests.
versus time.
Run 2000-01 2000-04
Oil in place (OOIP), % 100 77
Fuel consumption (%OOIP) 8.2 9.5 than the original bitumen. Thereafter, it increases to 16 to
Residual oil (%OOIP) 11 8.2 188 API during the stable operating period of oil pro-
Fuel laydown (OOIP) 19.2 17.7
Oil recovery (%OOIP), equation (4) 80.8 59.3 duction. Oil samples collected during the wet combustion
Oil recovery (%OOIP), 3-D-cell test 81.5 63.9 period have a similar API gravity to those obtained
Error (%OOIP) 0.7 5.6 during the stable dry combustion period. The oil produced
in the secondary THAI experiment (Run 2000-4), during
the first 180 min of operation, was insufficient to measure
its oil density. The degree of upgrading of the produced
oil during the stable combustion period is the same as
Thermal Upgrading of Produced Oil (THAI)
that obtained in Run 2000-01 (THAI primary). Together,
A significant advantage of the THAI process is its ability Runs 2000-01 and 2000-04 achieved averaged upgrading
to produce a lighter, or partially upgraded oil from heavy of 8 9 API points above the original bitumen value.
oil and bitumen, without the use of a catalyst (Xia et al., This, therefore, represents a very substantial level of
2003; Xia and Greaves, 2002). This is because thermally upgrading, sufficient almost to dispense with the need to
cracked oil, which is mobilized ahead of the combustion use diluent for pipeline transportation. It is also very sig-
front, is produced directly into the exposed section of the nificant because no other in situ heavy recovery process,
horizontal producer well. However, in conventional ISC including SAGD (steam assisted gravity drainage) is
operation, the mobilised oil first has to bank-up in the capable of achieving any significant level of in situ upgrad-
colder, downstream regions of the reservoir. Generally, ing. VAPEX, a solvent counterpart to SAGD, can achieve
the oil produced by conventional ISC is only slightly lighter some in situ upgrading, via asphaltene rejection in the
(about 0.05 g cm23) than the original crude oil, as observed reservoir, but there has not been any reported success for
during the later stages of combustion tube tests conducted the process in the field. Produced oil viscosity is another
by Freitag and Exelby (1998). important upgrading measure, particularly for pipeline
Figure 6(a) shows the thermal upgrading trend for the oil transportation. The viscosity of the produced oil from pri-
produced from virgin Athabasca Tar Sand bitumen oil. In mary and secondary THAI experiments was 50 and
Run 2000-01, THAI produces thermally upgraded oil 1000 mPa s at 208C, respectively [Figure 6(b)], compared
from the start of oil production, which is 38 API higher to virgin Athabasca Tar Sand bitumen, which has a

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2006, 84(A9): 856 864

Table 6. SARA analysis of produced oil from run 2000-01 (primary THAI).

Sample Time (min) 0 75 210 420 570

Oil Gravity (API) 12.7 15.3 17.9 17.1 18.6
Saturates (wt%) 49.0 62.0 69.7 61.0 69.7
Aromatics (wt%) 9.0 9.2 7.5 9.7 7.3
Resins (wt%) 38 26.4 21.0 26.0 21.4
Asphaltenes (wt%) 4.0 2.2 1.8 3.3 1.6

Table 7. SARA analysis of produced oil from Run 2000-04 (post-steam

flood THAI).

Sample time (min) 270 330 480 610 760

Oil gravity (API) 14.1 15.6 17.4 16.4 17.7
Saturates (wt%) 49.7 64.3 72.3 68.6 68.6
Aromatics (wt%) 7.5 8.3 7.5 9 7.2
Resins (wt%) 27.4 18.5 18.2 20.4 23
Asphaltenes (wt%) 15.4 8.9 2 2 1.2

viscosity of approximately 1 000 000 mPa s at 158C. Thus,

thermal in situ upgrading by the THAI process achieves a
permanent viscosity reduction of 1000 10 000 times.

SARA Fractions
The SARA analyses of produced oil from the two THAI
experiments (Runs 2000-01, 2000-04) are an average of
five to seven separate scans on the same samples. The
results from are shown in Tables 6 and 7, and also
Figure 7. During Run 2000-01 (primary THAI), the satu-
rates fraction of the produced oil shows a very large
increase, from 14.5% for the original Athabasca bitumen,
Figure 7. SARA analysis of Athabasca Tar Sand and produced oil.
up to 49%. This occurs right from the start of oil pro- (a) Primary THAI (Run 2000-01) and (b) secondary THAI (Run 2000-04).
duction. The aromatics and asphaltenes fractions are corre-
spondingly reduced by more than three times, compared
with the bitumen values, but the resins fraction is
unchanged. Asphaltene molecules consist of high-molecu- that aromatics, which are also large molecules (like asphalt-
lar-weight polyaromatic or polycyclic nuclei with heteroa- enes), play a major role in in situ upgrading by THAI. Since
tom linkages, such as N, O and S. Due to their polar nature, asphaltenes appear to be mainly consumed as fuel, then
asphaltenes tend to agglomerate into larger aggregates. At resins may also contribute to the upgrading effect.
high temperature, these agglomerates tend to form the fuel Based on the above observations, the following scheme
(coke) for combustion. It is speculated, therefore, that the for thermal cracking (upgrading) of Athabasca Tar Sand
increase in the saturates fraction could be due, in large bitumen, using the THAI process, is suggested:
part, to transformation of the aromatic components, by (a) Aromatics (Ar) cracking:
way of transalkylation (aromatic conversion into alkanes).
The saturates fraction of the produced oil increases to
nearly 70 wt% during the stable combustion period, whereas Ar ! As light oil (5)
aromatics and asphaltenes remain more or less constant
during Run 2000-01. Since the resins fraction in the same (b) Resins (Re) cracking:
experiment is also reduced by a significant amount, from
38 wt% to 21 wt%, they may also contribute to the upgrad-
ing process, i.e., increase in saturates. Re ! As light oil (6)
For the post-steam flood, secondary THAI experiment
(Run 2000-04), the SARA analysis shows some differences
(c) Asphaltenes (As) cracking:
compared with Run 2000-01. Although the saturates frac-
tion in the produced oil is the same initially, the asphaltenes
content actually increases. The change in aromatics is not As ! Coke light oil (7)
very significant, but is, overall, tending to slightly lower
values. Resins, on the other hand, are significantly lower,
except towards the end of the experiment. However, the However, since each SARA fraction contributes differently
main conversion trend to higher levels of saturates, is to the upgrading effect in THAI, further research is required
more than maintained, increasing to over 70% at one to understand more precisely the details of the thermal
stage during the experiment. It is concluded, therefore, upgrading mechanism.

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2006, 84(A9): 856 864

CONCLUSIONS Proc. 7th UNITAR International Conference on Heavy Oil and Tar
Sands, Beijing, China, 2730 October, 18371842.
1. THAI is potentially a very efficient thermal technique Greaves, M., El-Sakr, A., Xia, T.X., Ayasse, A. and Turta, A.T., 2000,
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OOIP. Similar levels of oil recovery were also achieved methods, Paper 2000-51, presented at the Petroleum Societys Canadian
during secondary production, after a prior-steam flood of International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Canada, 48 June.
the same sandpack, using a novel Toe-to-Heel Steam Lake, L.W., 1989, Enhanced Oil Recovery (Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, USA).
Flood process, THSF. Moore, R.G., Laureshen, C.J., Belgrave, J.D.M., Ursenbach, M.G. and
2. The oil produced by THAI, via primary or secondary Mehta, S.A., 1997, In-situ combustion heavy-oil reservoirs: problems
production (post-steam flood) was substantially upgraded, and perspectives, IN SITU, 21(1): 126.
on average by more than 88 API. The produced oil Moore, R.G., Mehta, S.A., Ursenbach, M.G. and Laureshen, C.J., 1998,
Strategies for successful air injection-based ior processes, Paper
viscosity was also permanently reduced by over four 1998.235, presented at the 7th UNITAR International Conference on
orders of magnitude, compared with the virgin bitumen. Heavy Oil and Tar Sands, Beijing, China, 2730 October.
No upgrading effect was observe during THSF. Moore, R.G., Laureshen, C.J., Mehta, S.A., Ursenbach, M.G., Belgrave,
3. For Athabasca Tar Sand bitumen, the fuel lay down dur- J.D.M., Weissman, J.G. and Kessler, R.V., 1999b, A downhole catalytic
ing THAI is about 17 19% OOIP, or 53 57 kg m23. upgrading process for heavy oil using in situ combustion, Journal of
Canadian Petroleum Technology, 38(13): 96 73.
The volumetric sweep of the combustion front Nodwell, J., Moore, R.G., Ursenbach, M.G., Laureshen, C.J. and Mehta,
approached 50% of the sandpack volume, which is S.A., 1997, Economic considerations for the design of in situ combus-
about 66% more than for a conventional ISC experiment tion projects, Paper 97-165, presented at the 7th Petroleum Conference
in a 3-D combustion cell. of the South Saskatchewan Section, the Petroleum Society of CIM,
1922, October.
4. The upgraded oil produced by THAI contains nearly Sarathi, P.S., 1998, Nine decades of combustion oil recoverya
70% saturates, compared with only 14.5% for the orig- review of in situ combustion history and assessment of geologic
inal Athabasca bitumen. Aromatics, resins and asphalt- environments on project outcome, Proc. 7th UNITAR International
enes were all substantially reduced, especially the Conference on Heavy Oil and Tar Sand, Beijing, China, 2730 October,
aromatics and asphaltenes. 11891200.
Singhal, A.K. and Turta, A.T., 2000, Overview of horizontal well assisted
5. It appears that asphaltenes are the main donor com- short-distance oil displacement technologies, Paper SPE 66791/PS
pounds for the formation of the fuel needed to sustain 2000-184, presented at 4th International Conference and Exhibition
stable combustion front propagation. Thermal cracking on Horizontal Well Technology, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 6 8
of aromatics is considered to play a major role in the November.
Strausz, O.P., 1989, Bitumen and heavy oil chemistry, in Hepler, L.G. and
in situ upgrading process, leading to the large increase His, C. (ed.). AOSTRA Technical Handbook on Oil Sand, Bitumens and
in saturates fraction. The latter increased to nearly Heavy Oils (Edmonton, Alberta).
70%, which represents almost a four-fold increase Xia, T.X. and Greaves, M., 2002, Upgrading Athabasca Tar Sand using
over the original bitumen value. It is possible that con- toe-to-heel air injection, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology,
version of resin compounds may also make an important 41(8): 5158.
Xia, T.X., Greaves, M., Turta, A. and Ayasse, C., 2003, THAIa short-
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Binder, G.G., Elzinga, E.R., Tarmy, B.L. and Willman, B.T., 1967, Scaled-
model tests of in-situ combustion in massive unconsolidated sands, The authors are grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Paper PD-12 (4), presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, Research Council (EPSRC), United Kingdom, for supporting the THAI
Mexico City, USA, Vol. 3, 477485. Process research via Research Grant No. GR/M93017. We would like to
Burger, J.G., Sourieau, P. and Combarnous, M., 1985, Thermal Methods of thank the Alberta Research Council, Oil Sands Sample Bank, for supplying
Oil Recovery (Insitut Francais du Petrole, Paris, France). the Athabasca Tar Sand. We acknowledge the assistance of Dr Hider Al-
Freitag, N.R. and Exelby, D.R., 1998, Heavy oil production by in situ Saffar and Professor R Hughes of the University of Salford, in providing
combustiondistinguishing the effects of the steam and fire front, the SARA analyses. Thanks are also due to Mr Adrian Tuddenham
Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 37(4): 25 32. (Research Technician) for the design and construction of the steam injec-
Greaves, M. and Turta, A.T., 1997, Oil field in situ combustion process, tion system.
US Patent No. 5,626,191.
Greaves, M. and Xia, T.X., 1998, Preserving downhole thermal upgrading The manuscript was received 16 July 2004 and accepted for publication
using toe-to-heel ISChorizontal wells process, paper 1998-197, after revision 20 February 2006.

Trans IChemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2006, 84(A9): 856 864

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