Yogesh Gandhi 0570-02 (Boucher) Feb 16, 2017

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0570-02 (Boucher)
Feb 16, 2017
WAR means a state of armed conflict between two or more countries or between societies.

It is usually characterized, demolition and morality using military forces. In the story War

written by Luigi Pirandello, a couple board a small train in a city of Italy, they are going to

meet their son, who is in military force and he has to go for the war. After boarding the train,

the couple finds a seat with 5 peoples already sitting on it and the couple joined them. One of

those 5 peoples is started adjusting himself and giving the space to the couple. As he woman

is outsized and deep mourning and the man is tiny, thin and weakly. Somehow, they adjusted


The husband asks his wife whether she is all right or not. But his wife does not reply to him.

Then his husband starts describing to the other passengers that their only son, who is 20 years

old is being sent to war in next three days and theyre going for his departure. The woman is

in big coat was twisting and wriggling (25) started expecting the sympathy from other

passengers. Instead of this, one of them, who has been listening them says his two sons and

three nephews are already in the war since beginning of the war. And you are worrying about

for your only son. Then the husband says but in our case it is our only son (35).

Similarly, another passenger who is an old man, breaks the silence with his speech. He

emphasises that their children do not belong to them. They have their own way of living life,

including nationalism (love for their country). They do not care about their tears because if

they shot or die in the war they would be happy as they are dying young. Suddenly, he stops

in middle and his lip trembling, his eyes started getting wet.

Everyone agrees with the old man except the woman. Her husband is trying to console her till

now. But she was listening carefully to the old man when he was giving details that how his
son died in the war. And all the passengers started congratulating the old man for his

impassiveness and bravery. Then the lady confirms it back that his son is really dead (116).

Everybody started looking at her, but the old man tried to answer her question, which he

could not. But his son was a hero because he died for the king and the country.

In conclusion, patriotism is in blood of every youth and they want to serve for the country. In

the train all the passengers have differing opinion over whose pain is greater, but they do

have strong patriotism feeling for their respected nation. No one has suggested that their sons

or nephews should not go for the fight in war.

Work cited

Luigi Pirandello, War 1918, Rpt in Stories About US. Geri Dasgupta and Jennifer Jian-hai

Mei, Nelson, 2005

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