FF VII Any% Aka Slots: Legend: Menu

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FF VII any% aka

By: GocuComeBack Kappa //
Soo for slots you need one thing... Kappa <---- Isn't it a
great emote Kappa You need to know how to execute
slots that tutorial will help you a lot:
Sooo let's go Kappa

Right after jumping off the train:
Menu: Camera Angle:Fix, All
speeds at FAST, ATB Active,
Cursor: Memory
After the fight with two guards get 2
potions for dead guard on the right
Stepcount: Walk as soon as you enter
the second screen (hold up right, then up
Renames etc. You can get a fast elevator
by mashing really fast this saves around 5
Stepcount: Do 24 steps after this battle,

You can't walk less/more it will =

encounter and riperoni stepcount
Guard Scorpion:
He has 800 HP the best way is to
count the damage, since you can get
limits and crits.
Hold "down" key for fast Bolt if good
Attack with Barret If limit use it and
twice bolt on Laser form.

Stepcount: Do 3 steps right after this

You should be more ahead than on that

Random encounter n3

Jessie Skip: Kappa

Menu: Barret--> Equip Gun--
>Press Triangle-->Switch to Cloud
and unequip the ice materia-->
Order if barret has limit switch him
to backrow
Random encounter n4 (preemptive)

Stepcount: Do 13 steps right after

this battle (They can be done at the
beginning of the next screen)
Random encounter n5 (back attack)
To be ahead of the stepcount if you are
that behind use 1st ladder, if you will
experienced with the game use 2nd
If more behind less steps on
Random encounter n6
If you are getting fight here go to next
screen and right after jumping off the
ladder take 8 steps
Random encounter n7
Random encounter n8
And again if behind you do 18steps if
enc in that spot 20-21~ steps
After leaving elevator just press "UP"
and run you wont lose ur steps by doing
that way and pick up the ether
Air Buster:
Simply hold "O" Kappa
Random encounter n9
Get ether and cover materia from
aerith's garden
After getting off the bed "Hold UP and
LEFT" and spam O to get potion and
pheonix down.
First Shoping:
You sell everything and buy 68 grenades.

Bolt with Cloud (once)
Grens with Aerith and Tifa after it also
with Cloud
Random encounter n10

Do 3-4 steps after the fight (you can do

it near steal materia if you get enc in
that spot)
Random encounter n11

(Do not take the ladder until the battle

has happened)
11 steps (dropping enc rate-> the more
behind the more walking, you do the
steps right after picking up the potion on
train) You might even do like 15 steps. It
depends if u are behind or ahead if
ahead 12steps if behind even 15
Random encounter n12 (preemptive)
Random encounter n13

"UP and O" for fast grens GRENS
Random encounter n14
This is a preemp enc you should get
that right after jumping off the falling
Random encounter n15
Force a fight on that screen at the very
end of area
Second shopping: You sell both ethers
and buy 2 more covers
Random encounter n16 (side attack)
You should be more ahead than that.
On stairs pick Elixir and switch ATB to
Mighty Grunts: Reset their ATB by hitting
every single of each once: " Barret
throws on A" "Tifa throws at B" "Cloud
Throws on C" then just hold "O"
Sample fight:
Spam grens on Sample
After Sample fight take enemy skill and
set ATB to Active.
Random encounter N X i stopped
counting Kappa //
Just walk 4 steps after it
2 fights - 4 steps (rising enc rate, 0 steps
if battle is aroubd blood hand or sooner)
Menu Cloud : Mythril armlet ICE
LIGHTNING Buster Sword : Restore Bio
1 fight - 15 steps (FLASHBACK)

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