On Manifesting

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Set a Strong Specific Intention:

The first secret to manifesting any desire is to have absolute clarity on

what it exactly is that you want to manifest. The more specific your
intention is, the easier it is for the Universe to know what it is you
really want and answer your request. Specific desires create specific
results, while vague or unclear goals create wishy-washy results. A
powerful intention is also one that is a true desire, which stems from
deep inside the heart. This desire is one which is totally free from any
shoulds, need tos and have tos. It is important that your
intention feels empowering and freeing anytime you focus on it, and
that the outcome you are projecting is something you can have fun
visualizing happening for you. Yet, perhaps the essential key to setting
a strong intention is making a declaration to the Universe out loud
about what you want to manifest. Speak it as if the entire Universe can
hear you, and then know it has been fully received.
Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the
Universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put a clear enough
request, and everything your heart desires must come to
you. Shakti Gawain

Create and Hold Onto a High Vibrational Feeling State:

Right now, imagine that you have already manifested your desired
outcome. How does it feel to have manifested this into your life? The
deeper and more authentically you can actually FEEL the excitement
and joy of having already manifested your desired object or
experience, the easier and faster this manifestation can become a
reality. The positive feelings that come from visualizing that your
desire has already happened are the fuel that propels this
manifestation into physical form. Therefore, keep focusing and holding
onto the exciting and empowering feeling of having already
manifested what you want for as many consecutive seconds in a row
that you can! The longer the timeframe is where you can hold onto the
feeling, the faster it will show up in your life. This is truly where
miracles will manifest instantly. The game of life is the game of
boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds, and words return to us
sooner or later, with astounding accuracy. Florence Shinn
Detach from the Outcome:
How do you focus on what you want without getting attached to
results and trying to make it happen? The secret is in learning how to
release expectations (which are fear-based projections of the mind)
and trusting the Universe has already provided the perfect avenue for
its manifestation. Detaching from the outcome means you are allowing
yourself to receive exactly what you want or something better.
Detaching is basically setting the needy demanding Ego aside and
trusting the Universe completely. The real magic often happens when
you least expect it. The very moment you consciously forget about
your desire, yet subconsciously are holding the intention firmly, you
are giving the Universe full permission to manifest your desire for you!
The manifesting process just happens when you are simply being a
living breathing ball of trust. This opens you up to being the receiver
so that the desired outcome or experience comes directly to you!
Vision is not enough. It must be combined with venture. It is
not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the
stairs. Vaclav Havel

Take Inspired Actions:

Until your manifesting vibration is skyrocketing beyond the moon, it is
important to take physical actions in the world towards creating what
you want. The most effective kind of actions are those that come from
an inspired place which make everyone naturally feel excited and
motivated. The simplest way to determine if you are inspired to do
something is to check inside your heart. If doing this specific activity
expands your heart and seems to add energy, pizzazz, or joy to it, you
are operating from an inspired place. If, on the other hand, your heart
feels tight, contracted or you sense it is your duty to do it, this action is
coming from a place of fear or a more ego-based way of perceiving the
world. Simply choose to start taking one or two new inspired actions
everyday. Soon you will feel your vibration soaring and synchronicity
will suddenly start to appear. The process of consciously manifesting
your dreams is indeed much easier than you have ever imagined. All it
takes is a little courage to try out something new, and an open mind
that doesnt know how to close
1. Fully Acknowledge, Accept, and Embrace Your
Abundant Nature.
The secret to feeling your abundant nature is to open your heart, and fully
embrace the abundance that has already blessed your life. Let your armor melt
away. Remove any shielding around your heart and imagine throwing it into a big
fire. Breathe deeply and physically open your arms wide, inviting this abundant
Universe into your heart. With each in-breath, imagine that EVERYTHING in the
entire Universe is pouring into your heart; all the stars, planets, Earth, and all its
people. Feel how truly abundant life already is. Let your heart welcome it all!

It is not only my right and my privilege to walk in the abundance God has
for me, it is my responsibilityjust as it is my responsibility to live the rest
of my truth. ~ Jan Denise

2. Welcome with Gratitude the Abundance that is all

Around You.
There is an abundance of people on the planet to create things for you, grow food
for you, and supply water to drink. Let in the abundance of joy, pleasure,
opportunities, and laughter into your heart. Feel this abundance of support at
your very core. You have already been and will always be blessed by the
abundance of the Universe. You may have partially closed the door to feeling this
abundance due to past conditioning or scarcity thinking. Consciously open the
door now, and proclaim the truth to the Universe by stating, I am a truly
abundant being! Say this message over and over until you feel that it has
penetrated deeply into your soul.

When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears.

~Anthony Robbins

3. Reprogram your Body-mind for Financial Success

The words you say to yourself are the most powerful manifesting vehicles. Each
message that you think internally and say externally carries a certain vibrational
energy that programs the cells in your body. The words you use actually create
chemicals in your brain that bring you experiences of inner peace, love,
abundance, or struggle. If you are struggling in your life and youd like to program
your body-mind for financial success, start by using affirmations daily. State what
you want as if its already here now. Say to yourself I easily attract all the
abundance, love and joy that I need. I am a powerful being who manifests any
amount of money I desire. Notice how you feel inside just thinking these
thoughts. You can use our guided Money Mantra Meditation to lead you through
a powerful set of 38 money mantras that are proven to dramatically boost your
ability to attract abundance to you. You can check it out at the link at the bottom
of this e-mail.

4. Take Massive Inspired Action

The Law of Attraction applies to your physical actions as well as to your
emotional and mental state of being. Every action you take sends out an
energetic frequency into the world. The movement of your body shifts the
molecules inside you and around you on a physical level. This energetic
movement is directly linked to the types of things you manifest or dont manifest
into your life. When you take actions from an inspired expanded heart, you send
out positive expansive energy which magnetizes even more of what you desire.
Engaging in consistent inspired actions throughout your day will create a
momentum of powerful manifesting energy, which will quickly materialize into the
financial abundance you desire. So today, take a moment to tune into your heart
and find out what it is really excited and inspired to do! Start with that first action
step that truly inspire s you (it may be small), and then add on another one. You
will soon see an inspired momentum of energy take over you which will catapult
you forwarded into the financial abundance you are seeking.

Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less,
and stop watching ourselves live. ~ Nicolas de Chamfort
5. Let go of Attachment to the Outcome of your
The golden secret to manifesting financial success is gently holding your
attention on the FEELING of receiving financial abundance while at the same
time not demanding it shows up. You can do this only when you can find inner
peace with where youre at and what youve got. The idea of needing financial
abundance means that its not available here now and implies a big
disconnection with this all pervasive Universe. When you take actions from an
inspired place AND are detached from any outcome, you allow the Universe to
completely and utterly support your manifestation. You stop hoping that your
inspired actions create future outcomes and truly enjoy your life here now. This
makes you into a Manifesting Magnet! Detachment enables you to be fully
open and receptive, which in turn attracts new opportunities and people to
you. So just have fun taking inspired actions, and see what amazing surprises
the Universe will send your way!

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