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‘Texas ARM University-Commerce Lesson Evaluation Form his instrument heb to provide feedback to ncens/Rsent os they work wth invduak, asa grou or {he enti cls. Mentor ad Liisns wll le ti ntrument fr lesson evluton. The trn/Rendent poy so choose use as sth eyolaion tot a earn ghee ico Universtyaison: LYAAA Vedenis SCALE Improvement Needed Developing Proficient JDOMAN 2: PLANNING - Evidence is apparent inthe instructional lesson plan, classroom observations. foeveopine improvement cess vA eae [andards& Alene: The ten /Resaen dein orgataer and ipemenisa er we orgie sion Wat TEC DON FOCUCE [lanswithtndards and are appropiate for diverse ears [Lesion gala objectives alg to TERS 12 Hels students exe fearing inno Yr sucess ReH/RGIGE plan measures op two TAOS 1 [peivties, materia and assessment are relevant to ster por understanding andrea worl peat [acts materi and assessment prvi tine for lesson and lesson ose 15 [fetvtes, mater and assessment deepen he broader unitand course bles [pete materi ad assessment ae appropri for dase lens 1 7]ineaated ectnoigy sappiesbe when appropriate) bata & sessment: The ner/esient ues formal nd infrmal mths to manne aon reas Ten manages and aahes suet jst toifor instruction I I 1 ‘L8]Formal and informal assessments monitor progress of all students krowiedge of students Throuphkrowledae of sunt na proven proces te nTerTResldent ensures high aves enna sodoy emotional deeloment and achievement for al students [ston connects to tent prior nowiedge nd xpeancae v7 T10]essn vies onportntes for stents to uli thirindvalaring patios, abi and needs Petes Te interfer plans an engaging exible stn that encourage higher ove Thing person and ocoemaTE 1.1favstins encourage al students to ngage complex Higher order thinking arlnstactonal groups conged to mer sent needs 7:1] Stdens understand indhiual les within instructional groupe ses, reso, enon, and isrutional materials align io incruconal purposes ue ean ee a gputsctiDte. She tuila Wat 0 REINFORCEMENT AND REFINEMENT: Page ja Doman 2: STRUCTION . Evidence is apparent in nstruction and classroom. [Achieving Expectations: The Intern /Resident support al ears in he pursuit of Ngh levels OT academic apd socal SnGUONaTSUGOOT 2:i]sets academic expectations tat challenge alstudents Ali eee ae 22] Helps students establish sucess criteria for learning intentions (intern /Resident provides Tomales 23) Persss with lesson until theres eidenes that most students demonstrate mastery of cbjatve 24[ Adresses student mistakes and fellows through to ensure student mastery 25] Provides students opportunities to take Initiative of thelr wn learning [Content Knowledge & Expertise: The tntera/esident ues content and pedagogical expec Wo design and ca Toons aged WIN TSS standards, related content and student needs 2.6] Conveys accurate content knowiedge in muliple contows 2:7| niegrates learning objectives with other disciplines and reak worl epeience 2.8] Anticipates posible student misunderstandings 2:3) Accurately ceflets now lesson aligs within structure of ipine and Sate tandards TERS) Provides opportunities for student to use different types of thinking (eg analvial, praca, creatve & 20) esearch based) [Communication: the Intern/Resident clearly and accurately communicates to support perdatence, deeper Teaming and eave TOA Establishes classroom practices that provide fr most students to communieate effectively with their 2 1 heacher and thee peers 2| 7 lncopizes ose tent misunderstanding nd responds wih appropriate techniques to dary cess 72.3 Provides explanations that are clear 2.14[Uses verbal and writen communication thats dear and correc Asks questions athe creative, evaluative and/or analysis eels tat focus on he abject even an | 2 I provoke thought and discussion 2:6] Provides wait time when questioning students 2.17|Uses probing questions to ail elaborate leaving Differentiation: The Intern/Resdent differentiates instruction, aligning methods and echniques to verse Raden need 2.18]Adapts lesson to adress individual needs of al students = t Le 2.19 Regularly monitors quality af student participation and performance Recognizes when students become confused or disengaged and responds to Hudent leasing or Soca 220| emotional needs [Provides difterentiate instructional methods and content to ensure student have opportunity to master 221} whats beng tavaht [Monitor & Adjust: Te intern/Resident formally and informally cols, analyzes and uses student progress dala and maker needed eon adjustments 2.22) Consistently invites input from student inorder to monitor and adit nstruTon and actos 2.23|Monitors student Behavior and responses or engarement and understanding 324] Adjusts instruction and actives to maintain student engagement EVIDENCE: ( Tudo SOL