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Texas A&M University—Commerce Lesson Evaluation Form ‘This instrument eps to provide feedback to Inters/Resident or they work with nda o sol group or the entie css. Mentor nd Lions wil tie istrument for kszon evaluations. The Itrn/Resient may ts choose tus tos selfevolucion tok incemmnesiien: A\\UROWS own QO\\44 ET oate:_2/: A ait ee : ‘sehool:_V\J ake Districts, A Grade Level: segin time: \\". 10) tnd time: |Z ae ‘Mentor: R slo He Ya ‘University Liaison: Yr A O Me Le, Vis SCALE: Improvement Needed Developing Proficient JDOMAIN 1: PLANNING. Evidence is apparent inthe instructional lesson plan classroom observations. Proicent hoevetoping jmprovement loded Ia [Standards & Algnvent The inter Resient Gens organs and mnplements a clear, wall organized lason tat reflec best practice, [signs with standards and are appropriate fr svers learners 1iftesson goals ad objectives gn toTEXS 1.7[Reosstodenis establish learning intentions for success (nie /Resident plan measures To help Sudan aan SEES] 1.3|Acivites, materalsand assessments re relevant to students! prir understanding and real-vrid appa {.Activtes, materials and assessments provide time for lesson and lesson closure 1.5 Actes, materials and assessments deepen the broader unit and couse objectives 1.6|Activtes, materials and assessments are appropriate fr diverse learners 1.fntegrated technology is applicable (when appropriate) [Data & Assessment: The ntern/Resident uses formal and informal methods to measure deat progress, then manages and analyzes student data to informinstruction SS 1.8] Formal and informol assessments monitor progress ofa studenis Rnowledge of Students: Through knowledge of students and proven practices, the Inern/Resdent ensues high evel of leaning, soc lemotionl development and achievement oral students 15]Leson connects to student prior knowledge and experiences .1olteson provides opportunities for students to ute their oivdualearaing pattems, habits and needs [ctvties: The ner/Resident plans an engaging, lexble lesson that encourage higher-order thinking persistence and achievement 1.11] Questions encourage al students to engage in complex, Higher order thinking £2 nstruional groups configure to meet student needs v7 1.13[Studens understand individual roles within instructional groups Lape, resoures, technology, and instructional materials align to nstTuctional purposes EKERR EvIDENce: \ ee te 5 faba JLUETON oy 4 elicits hil ae pour eno does \your answer Matce . Hose YEU tosbieed 08 (eater Can you Liglactn se fs 4o Shore fino yeu: ste rin tan oon : Basatiey stun ciate tat he opetlaring Bo Su Ng ate doy colder Studer He VonTows yunup oy | 2.]E | oonam:msmuction-cvidenceis ppaentininstrucon and cassroom. ila ley Bleed s [AcNewng ©xpoctatons: The Intern Resident supports al earners inthe pusul oT high levels of acadenic and sola ernotional cee 2ifses academe expectations that challenge all students 722] Helps students establsh success criteria for learning intentions (ntera/Restdent provides ame), 23] Perssts with lesson until there evidence that most students demonstrate mastery of obecive 2.) Adaresses student mistakes and follows through to ensure student mastery 2:[Provides students opportuities to take intiative oftheir own learning [Content knowledge & Expertise: The ntern/Resident uses content and pedagogical expense to design and execs Tesons algnea with Hate standards, related content and student needs. [conveys accurate content knowledge in ulipiecontets inegrates learning objectives with other disciplines and real word experience 23] anticipates possible student misunderstandings 2, Accurately reflects how lesson alls within structure of discipline and State standards (TERS) o ao|P0vdes opportunities for student to use diferent types of thinking (e,anaHtica, racial, creative & research-based) [Gammunicston: The intrn/Residont Gear and accurately communicates to suppor peraisienes, deeper earing ad effective for. establishes classroom practices that provide for most students to communieate effectively with thelr Ixacher and thee peers NW NH SS 2.22 pecogntas poste sudent misunderstanding nd responds with poroprit techniques to clan concepts Ts)Provdes explanations that ae clear 2.14|Uses verbal and written eommuniaton atk lear and cored 7 123s] ¢84* avertions a the creative, evaluative and/or analysis lvls that focus onthe objective ofthe lesson and provoke though and zuson Ly 26) Provides wat time when questioning students 2.17] Uses probing question o cal, elaborate learing Diferentiation: The intern/Resident diferentes instruction, aging methods and techniques to diverse student needs 2.1] Adapts lesson to address individual needs ofall students 2:19[Regulary monitors quality of student partlpation and performance + ao] Peoerneshen sient Become confsed or diengnged and responds To Her enang 6 aI gv eae WE [2 oes erenteedinstruionl methods and conten io ensure student Have opportunity t2 Maner ati being tae Monitor & just The intem/ Resident Tormalyandinformaly ales, analysand wes tude progress data and mates neaded ston adusments a 2.27 conse isnt am Rodent inorder To manor nd aut truion and sees 723 | Monitors student behavior and responses for engagement and unde standing Z 72 Aajss instruction and activites to maintain student engagement evence: AIYSN poy ed Oround Hue rou whi stades Wonk independently on word prebienu? Sn “0 back + reinfercencent : “We. Ohychits fn Wuio MOR (Wino fn punt world applicatTon - LTIRC TOO YPN Guy GUA on vials no _ ors dasbina shan jos) > Vist QUO hose whe Guu nibh jraiing jase “Ths ene +0 adr 10 powticrpilt ; ; een rupee puoacok Yeaching. ere a ban eaciu, Wait fine chat be Scany, and we aunt 70 “sale” ow ane “WOK O dtudlUre fwd on Quiernadt Satin You pray wile to ANoUii THA SMU buen if iF nay Wor be corrects Tis Sonata Cor muscurderster iy ) Vy Vee Hus in CU. Page2 DOMAIN 3: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT - Evidence Is apparent inthe classroom, oping bee ua [Classroom Environment Rowlnes & Procedures The iter Resident orgariesa safe, occesdble and efficent Gassroom. 31 Procedures, routines and vansitions are dear and ofient HE 3 2|seets ately paréipate in groups, manege supplies nd equipment ith very nied eocherdretion 3 [classroom ic ete ad organied to suppor learning objectives and is accessible 10 most students Managing Student Behavior: The Intern/Resident establishes, communistes and maintains clear expectations fo student behawor, [consistenty monitors behavior sty, enforces posve behaviors appropriately and intercepts v misbehavior fd [ost students knw ndartnd and reaped drm bhava Standards [stom Culture: the nem/ eset lends mutually especflandcolabortve das of analy ange ame Lz 3. Sudens monitor ter socess sed on cera establed ter/ Resident roves opportunites to sel sSe5) ie 3:ngagesl tentsin eleva, rearing leoring CZ 3 lees work eapecty dvs nine EVIDEN EVIDENCE: a a Unluutend upectotiony tn Yun bepawion picause 0 LUCK, HON Ancona Cppropriate Choiee. oe upon pay? QuUNUAA fuujuinity 4 Huruncige off table bbehuurtow? Po 4a yor Conidured On lention g +o gain Niwa adentfont Such as a een ee bo ie edge 0. stolen 4 fia) wr rreubat ¢ gfemr CKnpoledge te d ; inp am wide & ee eae ee cee La tyne You: voor “rer Specific. in your feedbace) ark NavUcHA studint to an dhohen Haat Neseahee. impact tory [students wil turn na one-page double spaced summary (250 words}:

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