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LEONOR JUNE 30, 2015

BSED IV Reflection Paper #8

1. What is the meaning of the word CONTRIVED?

According to Oxford dictionary, the adjective CONTRIVED means deliberately created

rather than arising naturally or spontaneously or created or arranged in a way that
seems artificial and unrealistic.

e.g. the ending of the novel is too pat and contrived.

2. In chapter 5, The Cone of Experience, you learned that the bands of experience
should not be taken literally. In the concrete, literal use of the Cone of Experience
means that if you are using contrived experiences, you have to stick to the contrived
experiences alone. This is a misinterpretation of this Cone. Dale cautions us not to use
each band of experience in isolation. Which other instructional experiences in the cone
can be combined with each of the combined experiences to make an intended lesson
more concrete? Here is an example. I can combine field trip with objects or exhibits or
displays in the band of contrived experience. Give your own example.

The lines that separate the learning experience should not be taken to mean that
the learning experiences are strictly delineated. The Cone of Experience should not be
taken literally. Come to think of it, even from the base of the Cone, which is direct
purposeful experiences, we already use words verbal symbols which are the most
abstract. In fact, we use words which are verbal symbols, the pinnacle of the cone,
across the cone from top to bottom. Or many times our verbal symbols are
accompanied by visual symbols, still pictures. (from lesson 5).
Given this scenario, lessons with verbal symbols can be accompanied by visual
symbols. For example, using quiz bee or games to integrate science and math subjects.

3. Your teacher in education course requires simulations. Which subjects or

requirements of your course are forms of simulations? Explain your answer.

According to Orlich et al. (1994) simulation is a representation of a manageable

real event in which the learner is an active participant engaged in learning a behavior or
in applying previously acquired skills or knowledge.

Most of the subjects use simulations. It can range from elections of class officers
or in science classed doing earthquake and fire drills. Organizers of earthquake and fire
drills create a situation highly similar to the real situation when a building is on fire or
when an earthquake happens.

3. Is practice teaching a form of simulation or more of a direct experience?

Yes, simulations like practice teaching can be rich learning environments for
students. Simulations enable students to solve real-world problems in a safe
environment and enjoy themselves while doing so. By exposing the students into the
field (classroom for practice teaching) will expose the students on how the dynamics of
a classroom and how it is run by the teacher. In doing so, the students can have an
opportunity to observe the applications of the theories the have learned in class.
4. Children are often asked to bring objects to class for the show-and-tell experience.
Suggest how these objects can be combined with other band of experience in the Cone
for more effective teaching.

Show and tell is a common expression about showing an audience something

and telling them about it. It is a common classroom activity at early elementary school. It
is used to teach young children the skills of public speaking. For example, a child will
bring an item from home and will explain to the class why they chose that particular
item, where they got it, and other relevant information.
The students can bring an object in school and share to the class their
experience through demonstrations or make an exhibit to a particular topic in class. By
using the objects, she/he must actually perform not just by showing his/her classmates
the object.

5. Are contrived experiences visual or audio? Or are they multi-sensory?

Audios (recordings, radio) and still pictures are one-way stimulations that
communicate through either sound or image while visuals (film and televisions) that
engage the ear and the eye are multisensory.

6. Our students are avid users of computer games. Find out how you can use these
computer games in your lesson.

Games are used to practice and/or refine knowledge/skills already acquired; to

identify gaps or weakness in knowledge or skills; to serve as a summation or review;
and to develop new relationships among concepts and principles.

Interactive games can be used in lessons such as quiz bee, listing and
performing facts in class and etc.

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