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Standing Barbell Shoulder Press

2. Dumbell Reverse Lunges(Back Lunges w Dumbell)
3. Dumbell Farmers Carry(walk with a kettlebell)
4. Pull Ups
5. Burpees
6. Run
7. Medicine Ball Sit Ups
8. Decline Push Ups
9. Flexed Arm Hang

o promote hypertrophy, follow a program that requires 8-12 repetitions with 3-5 sets. Rest
breaks should be between 1-2 minutes and the weight selected should leave you feeling
fatigued at the end of the 12th rep. Most people will adopt a split program for hypertrophy
training, focussing on only one or two muscle groups during each session. This has the great
benefit of allowing one muscle group to have sufficient recovery, whilst still being able to
train other muscle groups. An example of a split program would be:

Rest (between
Training Type Reps Sets sets)

Endurance >12 3 30-60 secs

Hypertrophy 8-12 3-5 1-2 mins

Strength <6 3-5 3+ mins

Keep in mind, that each type of training can contradict the other. If you do a lot of
strength training, you wont have as much endurance; likewise, if you focus on
endurance training, your strength wont be as developed. Determine which type is
most beneficial for you and your lifestyle, and focus on that. If youre unsure, start
with endurance training and progress to hypertrophy.

Work planks into your routine 1-2 days per week for 3-4
sets of maximum holds.

Be sure to work squats into your routine 1-2 days per

week for 3-5 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

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