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Case Number:

County Sheriffs Office #123456789

Offense/Incident Report Date of Report:

March 20, 2017

Report Status: If this is an OFFENSE:
(Check one) OFFENSE or INCIDENT (Check one) Felony or Misdemeanor or Petty Offense

Reporting Officer: Date & TIme of Offense/Incident:

(Your name goes here)
Uno Ak March 3, 2017
Name of Person who Reported the Offense/Incident:
For all people on report, use the following codes:
Huck V = Victim
Address and/or Location of Offense/Incident: W = Witness Sam Smith (V) reported that...
S = Suspect
Raft of the boat
Reporting Officers Summary of Offense/Incident:

There names are Duke(s) and Dophine(s). They were the one who Jim(w) and Finn(w) saved.

Instead of thanking Huck and Finn for saving them they lied to Jim and Finn about being the king.

These two people are making a crime by lying about their identity being the king. This crime

is actually very bad because if the police or officials found out about the fake identity they

They could be stuck in jails for years. Faking identity to be the king symbolizes disrespect to the

which means that they are breaking the law.

I hereby attest that the following report is an accurate representation of witness accounts reported to me and my own personal
observations of the offense/incident scene.

:D :3 :)
Signature of Reporting Officer

Suspect Information
Name, if known: Gender: Age: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes:
Duke and Dophine Male lol lol lol lol lol
Was an arrest made? (Check one) If no, the suspects last known location:
St. Petersberg
On the reverse side of this paper, Reporting Office must draw a sketch of the crime scene/incident layout. Be sure to label any important details.

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