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BS ECE 5-1 is grateful for a wonderful experience at the Occupational Safety

and Health Center (OSHC) in providing valuable information which will greatly
contribute in our knowledge as future engineers and also to our professor, Engr.
Jerwin Quiambao who encouraged us to visit the OSH Center.
The BS ECE 5-1 visited the OSHC to learn about the development and
implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards, the establishment
and operations of the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), the benefit
programs for workers and OSH activities around the Philippines and their practices
in different industries.
A lecture was conducted by the Supervising Officer pertaining their relation to
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the examples of hazards that
workers are exposed to, the benefits workers can get when they are involved in an
accident, the laws in the government that supports their center and other work
related safety and health standards that they wish to implement.
A tour of the OSHC facilities was done after the lecture. The tour started with
the demonstration of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Testing such as safety
shoes, eye and face protective equipment, hard hats, and fall protection equipment.
After that is the Chemical testing laboratory where they inspect toxic chemicals that
can be acquired by the workers in the environment. And lastly the Hematology
Laboratory led by medical technologists that study bacteria and conducts blood test
for workers.
The Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) visit was educational and
has imparted a great learning to the students of BS ECE 5-1.

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