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UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB 2016 Examination: B.A/B.Sce Subject:English({for B-Sc. Condidates) Paper:Compulsory Time:3 hrs Marks: 100 Section -A Select any two questions. Q1.a) Mark Twain has made a true analysis of human nature in his essay "The Damned Human Race" Do youagree? 15 b) Write two merits of science as described by Russel in the place of science in a liberal education 10 Q2.a) What is the acutal secret of Mitty's life? 15 b) How do creative thinkers grasp great ideas as discussed in Where do these bright ideas come from? 10 ‘Q3.a) Discuss in your words the writer's spirtitual approach to life as you understands from His essay "End of the Road"15 by Describe the condition of the public ward of the French Hospital. 10 Q4.a) Write a note on the function and importance of sea.15 b) Write a note on the youth and old age of Mrs. Baker.10 Section -B QS. ~ Read the passage and answer the questions in your own words. 15 In the area of crime detection, control and law enforcement, we are still relying on outmoded and worn out techniques and technology while the criminals have graduated to state-of-the art electronics and sophisticated weaponry to combat the growing menace of modern crime, a countrywide computer network is indispensable. It can dig out criminals buried deep under the moth-caten filling debris, analyses the incoming data and detect identical patterns of crime leading to a common origin. Computer can prepare lists of criminals on the basis of age group, methods of operation, nature of crime, number of convictions, and so on. A proving gang of criminals striking every time in a different city with a consistent pattern cannot only be detecte: its next possible target can be predicted and dealt accordingly. Computerization will improve the efficiency of the police force by allocating lesser number of people more strategically instead of everyone roaming about on a wild goose-chase. Computerization can also rescue the central Board of Revenue from the nightmarish chaos it has accepted as its fate. Bureaucracy is a major hurdle in modernizing the system partly because of its in-built lethargy and partly because computerization would certainly lesson its exploitative control that it currently enjoys, Hitherto, computer in most of the government departments is used as a sophisticated typewriter or an impressive ornament to grace the executive table. A number of international organizations are willing to extend technical and financial assistance for the computerization of the public and private sector and we must not let such opportunities lapse through our legendary lethargy and administrative red tape. Questions: 1. Why cannot we detect crime and enforce law easily?2 2. How can computerization be helpful in checking crime and in improving the efficiency of the police? 2 3. Why is the bureaucracy not interested in computerization?2 4.Suggest a suitable title and write a précis of the above passage. 9 Q6. Write a report to the Secretary of Education on insufficient security measures taken by the Education al institutes of your ciy? 10 Q7. Write an essay on one of the following topics. 15 1.Religious Extremism 2.How to combat Terrorism 3.Internet Addiction QE. Translate into English. 10 wb Seb Our ASeiuing re SPIO a PRL Ue Sole Oe Lo we te IL PN ale aati et Leh Z bes Sabet mr de dE Ue tg Le tL - Ut Zee ist OR Write a dialogue between two friends on violence in video games (for foreign students only.) UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB 2016 Examination: B.A/B.Sc Group -T Subject:English Language Paper:A Time:3:30 brs Marks:100 Note: Affempi ail parts of a question to gether. Be relevant and QL. precise. Over-attempts deserve no credit. Explain with reference to the context any Three of the followings. C(7+7+6) Twill drain Long draughts of quite As a purgation. Fall gently, snow flakes Cover me with white Could icy kisses and Let me rest me tonight lL lost two cities, lovely ones. And «=ster, Some realms | owned, two rivers, a continent, T miss them but it wasn't disaster. But I was well Upon my way to sleep before, it fell, And I could tell. ii Instead of talking like that you ought to go and have a walk in the garden, or else order Toby or Gaint to be harnessed, and then drive out to see some of the neighbors. Q2. Attempt any Two of the following questions. (200-225 wrods Q3. Q4. each) (10+10) 1. How does Hemingway create suspense in the story The Killers? 2. What kind of a character Rappaccini it? 3. What role does Bishop play in Some Thing to Talk About? Attempt any Two of the following questions. (200-225 words each) = 10+10 E. Do you find any element of humour and satire in the poem The Rebel? 2. Does the poem Patriot into Traitor reflect the mood , of frustration and disillusionment? 3. Discuss the role of fate in the poem The Huntsman. Attempt any Two of the following questions. (200-225 words each) 10+10 1, Describe the scene of eclipse I the essay The Eclipse. 2.1s the essay Nagasaki still relevant to day’? 3.What is Liaquat Ali Khan's plea in Pakistan and the Modern world? Attempt any Two of the following questions. (200-2 wrods each) (10+18) 1. What message do you get from the novel The Old Man and the Sea? 2. Do you think that the sea is also a character in the novel The Old Man and the Sea? 3 Write a note the Old Man. 5 UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB 2016 Examination: B.A/B.Se Group -I Subject:English Language Paper:B Time:3 hrs Marks: 100 Important Note: Over affernpted idioms/ correction of sentences Qi. ‘Q2. will not be marked. Ony the First FIVE will be marked. Don't write your mares, Phi or identity in any answer. ‘Write an essay with outline of 300-350 words on one of the following topics: 20+5 1. Sweet are the uses of adversity 2.Overseas Pakistanis: Our informal ambassadors. 3.Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 4.Role of women in Nation building 5.Folk tales of the Punjab Read the following passage and answer the questions at the end. The answer must be in your own words.i0+i5 It has become a national habit to curse the state for anything that happens in our lives. If there is a breakdown of elecwicity or traffic jam on the road, it is our favorite pastime to start finding fault with the state. We do not realize how danger is this. By casting doubts on the existence or efficacy of state in solving daily life problems, we are playing in the hands of terrorists. Because their main objective is to make people realize that the state has become a failure. Our media also sometimes cannot maintain the fine balance between criticism and despondency. Pakistan is not a failed state. The people of Pakistan are aware that they have a political, cultural and social issues that ae have to sort out. But nobody should think that the people of Pakistan are not capacitated to do the job. With the help of our strong faith in Allah, our capacities and by building our institutions, we would steer Pakistan out of these hard times. The best example of this resolve can be seen in the operation Zarb-e-Azab when the valiant armed forces of Pakistan, backed by the civilian support, reduced the number of terroristattacks in Pakistan. And Pakistan is on the way to progress and prosperity. Questions: 1Q3. OR Q5. Q6. OR 1. What is our favourite pastime in an unusual situation? 2. What is the inherent danger in cursing the state? 3. What is the narrative of the terrorists? 4.How would Pakistan come out of these hard times? 5. Suggest some other ways to make Pakistan strong. 6.Make a précis Write a letter to editor of the newspaper about the need for a massive campaign for tree plantation in the country. 15 Write an application to the Health minister of the Punjab for the provision of medical facilities in Government Hospitals of your district. Correct any five of the followings. (No extra attempt will be marked) . 1.He is a coward. 2 He persisted to do it. 3. There are lying ten furniture's in your room. 4.After all, he had to confide on somebody. 5.The girl who was promoted, she was my fiancée 6.His all hopes were dashed to the ground. aa 7.He was failed in B.A. 8. The pizza and the sandwich looks good. 9.The decreasing number of birth have been attributed to family planning. 10. He is not capable to do it. Use any five of the following phrases in sentences. (No extra attempt will be marked). a) Bear up b) Go about ce) On the horns of dilemma d) Blue stocking ¢) Throw to the dogs f) A brown study g) A hard nut to crack hy Blue blood i) At daggers drawn i) Cast a slur Write a dialogue between two friends on the harms of child labour. 15 Translate the following paragraph into English. SL Ue tee SOLS On PI cat Lo LU if F ite ee C6 bE AU hee Se ZG So SE gd A ALTE Te UT be Ge UP UE EE TIF Cato

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