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Enduring value

S hel l
Nut Management Rea
ding Ser vices


Issue: 08/HR/2016-17 November - 2016

Enduring value

The term personality is derived from the Latin word

Persona meaning a Mask.

The Chinese equivalent term for Personality (renge) is

a contemporary term that combines two Chinese
characters meaning Person (ren) and Quality

Personality is a complex blend of a constantly evolving and changing

pattern of ones unique behavior, emerged as a result of ones
interaction with ones environment and directed towards some specific

Personality is an
Characteristic Patterns of Thoughts,
Enduring value

Heredity :
It refers to factors pre-determined at birth. (Ht. Wt., Physical stature etc.)

Environment :
Socio-cultural factors such as early conditioning, norms of the family,
friends and social group and others play a critical role in shaping the
personality. (Norms, Attitudes and Values)

The situation influences the effects of heredity and environment on
personality. Certain situations are more relevant than others in influencing

Cultural Determinants Internalization of values, ideas, beliefs
Institutionalization: Religions, faiths and creeds with different religious
faiths ,beliefs, prayers and cultural programmes.
Enduring value

Personality is not related to bodily structure alone. It includes both
structure and dynamics.

Personality is an indivisible unit

Personality is neither good nor bad.

Every Personality is Unique

Personality refers to persistent qualities of the individual. It expresses

consistency and regularity.

Personality is Acquired.

Personality is influenced by social interaction. It is defined in terms of

Enduring value
How to Develop Good Personality Determinations

Remain Happy and

Try to see the joy in the world.
Laugh with others, but not at them.
Everyone appreciates someone who is
jolly and jovial.
Smiling and laughing a lot is a huge part
of having a good personality.

Try to Stay calm in tense situations

In a tense situation, try to remain

relaxed and see what you can do to
resolve the situation.

Keep your mind clear and start

developing a plan to solve the problem.
Enduring value
Keep an Open Mind
Listen to others
Always be willing to change your mind.
Dont pass judgment on other people
Keeping an open mind will allow you to
make many new friends and probably live
a much more interesting life.

Focus on the Good Parts of Your Personality

Pay attention to the parts of your

personality that you think appeals to other
people and try to showcase that.
Enduring value

Learn to Love other People

Many bad personalities develop

because people do not want to
forgive each other and find
themselves overwhelmed with hate
and anger.
Try to find love for everyone.
Ask Questions
Being an inquisitive person is part about
caring for other people, and it will also
make you a more interesting person in
Try to find out what others find interesting
and important.
Youll learn a lot and youll help them feel
Enduring value

Remain Loyal
Dont betray those who are close to you.
Your loved ones will appreciate you more and
more if you remain loyal.
Stick with the people you love through thick
and thin.
Offer Support & Guidance
Dont try to act like you know everything.
Always try to offer a helping hand to
people when possible.
This could be something as simple as
helping a friend support like life guidance.
Offer whatever insight you may have but
dont try to sway them too far in one
Enduring value
Think Positive Thoughts, Both about Yourself & Others

Having good thoughts about yourself gives you self-

Self-Respect: a hallmark of any good personality.
Once you become aware of your own thoughts the
process of guiding them in the right direction through
positive thoughts will become effortless.
Look deep inside yourself and think about who you
It's one of the most difficult things to do, but it is also
really important.
Try to sort out the difference between the ways you act
and your real personality.
Enduring value

Show Your True Self

Insert your own opinions and stories in a
respectful and engaging way.
Always act like yourself.
People are drawn to others who act real. If you
are putting on a front it will be easy to tell.

Developing Hobbies

Having hobbies is a big part of having a good

Try to throw yourself into the things that you enjoy
You dont even need to be good at them just
Enduring value

Have an Opinion

Having an opinion is an important part of having
a good personality.

Dont be afraid to ask others their views and

share your own.

Spend Time Doing Things Matter to U

If you enjoy it then its worth spending time doing.

The more time you spend doing things the more
knowledgeable youll become.
Do this for yourself, not so that other people think
it is cool.
Enduring value
Smile and be cheerful. People prefer to be around smiling faces.

You don't have to be serious all the time.

To be born with personality is an accident, but dying with a good

personality is an achievement.

Make simple changes wherever you feel needs improvement and enjoy it.

Relax. Making too much of trying to be nice may be interpreted as


Refresh and teach others how to do so. It's just for an active tomorrow.

Always look at what is good in others Instead of looking what is bad in


Don't try to hurt people for your own amusement.

Enduring value

Than k U
Compiled by
Team HR

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