Ratwo Sentencehorrorstory

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Sentence #1

Living in a low-income area with poorly staffed schools, most of what I learned was self-taught.
Becoming a Pediatric Surgeon took dedicated work and practice, even if it meant enduring my
younger siblings screams.

The first sentence addresses the hardships the speaker went through in his past. By
mentioning that he lived in a poor area, the reader not only sympathizes with him, but also
admires him for being independent. By stating the speakers background first, the tone shifts to
a more positive note, and the reader views the speaker in a favorable light.
The second sentence extends these feelings as the speaker begins talking about his
earnest dedication towards becoming a surgeon, which is a difficult field to be in. However, at
enduring, the mood shifts as it focuses on a suggested, bothersome problem. Rather than it be
a common annoyance, it is the siblings screams. The readers perception of the speaker
changes as they refer back to Pediatric Surgeon, triggering a gory image of the speaker
practicing surgeries on his siblings.

Sentence #2

My older sister loved skincare so much, she encouraged me to try it. I didnt really like it
though, especially the face masks -- they were too bloody for me.

The sentence begins with a loving, sibling bonding moment. By specifically mentioning
skincare, the reader foresees imagery of two sisters who plan on engaging in the usual
avocado-on-the-eyes-and-green-pasty-face. The tone is warm and refreshing.
The second sentence creates a juxtaposition, smoothly transitioning the mood from
happy to dismissive. Once the reader reaches especially, the sentence implies that there is
something specifically wrong. This feeling of admonition would not have been as effective if the
speaker outright said, I didnt really like the face masks. The comma after though gives a
slight pause and creates build up. Finally, upon reaching bloody in the last statement, the
reader reaches a completely different realization: the possibility that the speaker used human
faces as masks.

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