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What are the components of a formative/summative assessments?

There are two components of formative and summative assessment:

Behaviors observed (data)
Observers interpretation

Formative Assessment Summative

Formative Assessment Strategy
Learning Outcome Strategy/strategies Assessment
English -Teacher observation. Teacher use a variety of questioning -Independent
Sunday/Monday: To -Assessing students work during explanation time to asses reading and writing
retrieve information -Effective questioning. students understanding. During group test.
from the text. -Peer assessment or independent work, teacher walk
Tuesday/Wednesday: -Self assessment around the classroom to see students
To use an work, furthermore, she ask students to
information text to assess their self or their peers. Teacher
carry out resources will also look at students book to mark
on an animal. there worksheet.
Math Teacher let students use white board -Spring 2017 mental
Sunday to -Carpet time assessment during carpet area and she ask students math test.
Wednesday: (Students using white to solve problems. And she look around -Math written
To use the grid board) to see their answers. She ask students paper.
method for -Questioning to do thumbs up/down to know they
multiplication -Marking are feeling confident about the topic or
question/to solve -Thumbs up/down. not. She let them do self-assessment,
multiplication word -Self assessment peer assessment or she mark their book
problems. -Peer assessment by walking around while students are
Science -Questioning. Teacher ask a variety of question during
Sunday to -Students using white carpet centre and let students talk with
Wednesday: board. their partner to discuss about the
-Thumbs up/down. answers, they also use their white
board to write the answers. Teacher
To sort animals -Self and peer ask students to use thumbs to tell their
based on their assessment. understanding of the topic. Students do
skeleton. their assessment by their self or with
their pears.

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