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Our body is designed to heal itself.

Energy is all that is.

1. Chakras clearing and energizing

Chakras embody wisdom and profound intelligence. Your life story is encoded there,
along with struggles, your losses and wins. The word chakra means disk, vortex or
wheel. While meridians are our energy transportation system, the chakras are energy
stations. They are centers of swirling energy, located on seven places on the body, from
the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each regulates specific organs, hormones
and aspects of your personality. Each chakra can be cleared and balanced it can be a
short process, it can be a long process, which always gives you a great deal of
information about the persons energy, vulnerabilities, illeneses
Root chakra governs survival issues, physical things, early issues in your life,
even ancestors things that might carry forth in your DNA, very base things,
sexuality and all things like that.
Womb chakra most of your dreams come out from your 2 nd chakra, which
means creativity, feeling, the early child inside of you, fun&joy, may be some
early times in your life when the life was good.
Solar plexus chakra deals with finding the balance between what you have to
do in the world and your instinctual nature, self esteem, identity, power when
this chakra is strong, it means a good sense of who you are
Heart chakra deals with the sense of love, compassion, ability to live with
contradictions, not beinf superjudgemental
Throat chakra governs speaking up, saying what you need to say, but it is also
a balance between your brain and your heart and your body, so all the
information has to go through your throat chakra, it is like a bridge between all
the other chakras; its like a cookie
Third eye/pituitary chakra your mind, the ability to know your future and plan;
when the third eye is strong, you are a good psychic and you are much stronger
than you even know
Crown chakra/pineal chakra - opens you to prayer and inspiration and channeling
and links you to a sense of the oneness of all things; it means connection to
other people
Chakras: 7 minute tune up

2. The five rhythm/elements refer to the processes in Nature not her static
forms (the literal translation from Chinese is the FIVE WALKS or THE FIVE
MOVEMENTS the dynamic and primary impulses of Nature water, wood,
fire, earth and metal) the Chinese found in the seasons of Nature
analogies for understanding the growth and cycles of all things under
Water absent flows
Wood birth forth from a siddling and glows
Fire flares and dances
Earth supports and nurtures
Metal bring structure and order

Each season has its own rhythm and each person energies vibrate to a unique rhythm,
it is a blend of the five rhythms.
Ex.: a winter or water element person energy will have a watery languid rolling quality
and this is manifesting in the way that person walks and talks.
Each rhythm has certain strengths and certain vulnerabilities that over the course of our
life there is a force within us that develops those rhythms that are not naturally strong.
Life moves us to our balance.
Five exercises for coming to a better balance with each of the rhythms
Winter emotion of fear and rhythm of flow - Blowing out the candle
Spring rhythm of stacato and emotion of anger - Expelling the Venom
Summer rhythm of chaos and emotion of histeria - Taking down the Flame
(Harmonize de fire)
Solstice/Equinox (indian Summer; portion of time between seasons) Earth
Element, lyricism emotion of sympathy for oneself, gratitude for yourself - Cradling
the baby

3. Temporal Tap Reprogramming your thoughts, Behaviour and Energy

Habits - this a very old ancient technique that has been forgotten in the
most cilivized cultures, but its been probably used for 5000 years China
and in many places around the world. Many dentists are using this even in
US as a pain technique.

The Temporal tap makes you more receptive to suggestion. Self suggestion can impact
not only your thinking and behaviour, it can influence your nervous system. It influences
your energies and even the activities in your cells. We all filter most of the information
that comes into our senses. The temporal tap inhibits that filtering system. So the self
suggestion pierces into your sacky like an arrow. And the temporal tap, the self
suggestions are warded differently when you are tapping the left side of your head than
when you are tapping the right side.

The left hemisphere of your brain tends to be more critical and its the judger in a
situation and can be more negative even, being thus more receptive to a suggestion
that is worded into the negative, while the right hemisphere tends to be more positive,
believing, trusting and its the YES in you. The left hemisphere is the NO in you. The
right hemisphere is more accepting and receptive to a suggestion that is worded
positively and with enthusiasm.

You can take advantage of the fact that you have both a left hemisphere and a right
hemisphere. They have different polarities of energy, so they affect you differently if you
divide them. The great work to change a habit (physical, smth. Internal inside your body,
some personality cork of yours or smth you simply want to change) is to work with them
individually and then you can pull them together.

Tapping negative statement on the left side and positive statement on the right side:
Ex. 1. My body no longer gets in conflict with candida.
2. My body is healthy, vibrant and allergy free

1.I no longer experience digestive problems

2.My body is functioning fine, I am slim and full of joy.

Attitude: Joy and gratitude tapping in the point between the eyes
Tracing nine hearts
Saying affirmations and zip up:
The more grateful I am the more reasons I find to be grateful.
I am filled with the love of the universal design truth.
I breath in peace, love and gratitude.
I radiate joy and gratitude and from this vibration everything else I desire flows easily
to me.
I am happy, healthy and whole in every cell of my being.
I have abunadant energy, vitality and well being.
I accept abundance, I am open and receptive to abundance.
I create abundance in all that I say and do.

I am always able to maintain my ideal weight.

I love and care for my body and it cares for me.

4. Tracing your meridians

Energy is a vital living moving force.

The Meridians are energy pathways moving though your body.
The meridians are your energy transporation system.
They are pathways in the body that connect the dots.
They link hundreds of tiny reservoirs of heat and electromagnetic energy along the
surface of the skin. In Chinese medicine they are known as acupuncture or acupressure
points. They are hot spots and these hot spots of energy can be stimulated with needles
or physical pressure to release or redistribute the bodys energies. Infrared photography
shows light being amidit along the meridians and it demonstrates the movement of
energy. The flow of the meridians is everchanging like a river that rises and falls.
Instruments can read the fluctuations of these energies and people can also learn to
detect them. A clogged meridian acts like a clogged orderly, keeping the organs from
getting the energy they need. The twelve (of the) meridians are actually one single long
meridian that surfaces twelve times. Each meridian segment is named after one of the
primary organs or body systems it serves. There are two additional meridians called
central and governing that serve the entire body, because central meridian nourishes
the brain and governing supports the spine. Meridians are electromagnetic and they
carry saddler energies as well. If you move your hands over the meridians pathway, you
will influence the flow. You can trace a meridian by keeping your hands in direct contact
with your body or a few inches away from it. The energy will follow your hands as if you
had a magnet in them. And the meridian will be strengthened.

You shake your hands periodically, because you are moving energies and your hands
tend to collect them after a while.

5. Your aura

It is as important to keep your aura healthy as it is to keep your body healthy, because
your aura is your bodys bodyguard. Your aura is a buffer zone and a bridge. Its a
multilayers sphere of energy that surrounds and protects you. It filters out toxic energies
and it provides a bridge between you and your world.Your aura also connects you with
other people. Some auras reach out and embrace you while others keep you out like an
electric fence.
Everyone has an aura and some of them pulse waives around and some stick close to
the body. Most people function best if its out beyond your arms linked.
The aura is like your blueprint. It gives information about your attitude, your spirit, your
personality, your soul. It tells everything, it gives information in colour and in a sort of
geometrical shapes, but one of the best thing you can do is to keep your aura pulse out
far and without holes in it, and then you are not so vulnerable.
Have you ever had the experience of being bigger than just your body so that when
walking down the street, you have so much energy and feeling so good Does
anybody know what I mean?... Then you can be sure that your aura is really pulsing
Recommended exercise: Celtic weave

6. Neuro vascular points stimulates a reflex in the circulatory system

Stress has an immediate impact on every system of your body.

When you are stressed, you can lose up to 80% of the blood in your forebrain. Thats a
lot of blood which travels immediately to your limbs for the fight or flight response our
primary responses to stress for wired millions of years ago when we had to react
instantly to threats. Today our bodies often react to the ongoing stresses of civilized life
as if they were more dangerous than life in the jungle. When the stresses responses are
continually triggered it is not only useless for your survival, it plays havoc with your
health and with your piece of mind. You can interrupt this loop. You can reprogram your
nervous system to no longer set off a crisis response in the face of daily stress. If you
train your nervous system to keep your blood in your forebrain, you will be able to think
more clearly, you will cope more effectively and you will prevent stress induced ilnesses.
Above your eyes on your forehead there are two of the most important points I can
show you. The are called neurovascular points because they impact the nervous
system and they are part of the vascular system. They affect the flow of your blood.
Holding these points literally brings your blood back to your forebrain when you are
stressed and it begins to retrain your body, so simple stresses do not activate the costly
fight or flight response.
When your emergency response system is in overdrive, your entire body is taxed. And
in this high paced life most of us are in overdrive in a good deal of the time. So leraning
to hold your neurovascular points right on the forehead when you feel stressed is one of
the simplest and most valuable self-care tools you will ever learn.

7. Neuro-Lymphatic reflex points stimulates the response in the lymphatic


Throughout your body are the neurolymphatic reflex points, which are part of your
lymph system. Massaging these points clears stagnant energy and makes space to
attract new and fresh energy and detoxifies your body. It gets the lymph going and
brings an inner clarirty that Ive heard some people literally compare to the height they
get when they fast.
You are already familiar with some of your neurolymphatics from the daily energy
Lymph fights illness and removes foreign invaders. Its the pale thick fluid you see when
you have a cut or a splinter.
It moves through a network of vessels fighting disease and removing toxins.
If you are feeling letargic, massage your neurolymphatic points it will energize you
its that simple.
Your lymph is like a snow plough or like a garbage truck if it is not clearing the roads,
your energies will be blocked. Sometines a person simply does not have the energy to
do exercises and cant be pushed to do them because of exhausture or illness. But if I
can convince that person to just lay there in bed and massage their own neurolymphatic
reflex points, he or she is going to notice how the energy begins to return
Your lymph system does not have a pump . It is unlike the heart. The heart pumps your
blood, but there is no pump for the lymph system. So the lymph moves when you move
or when you massage your neurolymphatic reflex points. If your energy becomes stuck,
massaging these points gets it flowing. These points are like circuit-breakers which get
switched-off when there are too many toxins in your body.
So when your lymph is not moving neither is your energy, you feel sluggish, tired and
you cant think as well.

8. Energy Tips

Heaven rushing in the vortex at the heart chakra (we are hyperlinks) you will
receive a response from the Universe that we are not alone
Tapping between your eyebrows when you are in a state of joy (30 seconds) so as to
imprint that state in your cells
5-minute daily energy routine
Hook-up (3 deep breaths) creates an energetic shield around you hook up to a
higher purpose
Cross-crawl (cross-over) to get out of the homolateral energy pattern, which
creates a negative mindset

Whats rubbing us of our vitality?

Part of it is the world we live in, there are so many artificial ingredints in our food, all of
our atmosphere is filled with man-made energies. We didnt evolve for that with that, so
we have to teach our bodies to adapt to the unnatural world we live in now and our
bodies do.
triple warmer stress reduction technique helping the fight or flight response to chillax
harmonize the fire (triple warmer is associated with fire element) a method for
destressing energies
triple warmer can take control of many parts of the body
-circulation sex
-heart and small intestine

Triple warmer is the most ancient of all the energies in our body. Triple warmer meridian
governs the habits habits of all cultures, mythology and fight or flight mechanism (or
freeze response a mechanism of survival), our stressor mechanism, our adrenals,
cortisol, thymus, our mechanisms involved in hormone function; it is governed by
hypotalamus, so its involved with regulating bodys temperature lots of functionality
with triple warmer; it governs parts of the body the functionality in the lower portion
between the pubic bone and the navel, in the mid portion between the navel and under
the breast ribcage (the digestive area), and in the upper ribcage lungs and heart area; it
governs all these organs functioning together; its involved with the metabolism of water,
regulating bodys temperature, but its the key mechanism that we have stress it sends
signals to the adrenals to release homones, to release steroids that give us the fight or
flight response

Energy medicine can affect Hormones since Hormones are energy.

Hormones are governing every aspect of human functioning. They rush from cell to cell
giving information constantly, instructions every second on what to do next.
All our hormones production is influenced by energy flowing well.

Kidneys govern fear.

The brain is not the only source of intelligence.
There is a brain in every cell of our body.
Every cell is a miniature battery that stores electricity which is energy
Hormones are chemical mesengers that keep our body adapting to the world we live in.

9. Energy Tips
Radiant Circuits serve as inner wells of joy, supporting a vibrancy and a harmony
throughout the entire energy system.

Charging the Radiant Circuits can change a persons future, orienting the psyche
towards happiness rather than despair.
When charged, they help us overcome self-sabotage and negative thinking. They
sustain us in a more constant state of happiness.

As a result, these energies attract to us uplifting circumstances and events that are

Here is an easy technique to recharge your Radiant Circuits:

Dancing to Figure Eights: Like the double helix of DNA, figure eights are one of
natures basic patterns. Weaving your energies in figure eights activates the radiant

Put on music and move your hips to a figure eight. Then your arms. Flow freely,
creating as many small and large figure eight patterns as your arms and torso can

Do this every morning as you sing your intentions to the Universe.

Triple warmer is the name of a meridian as well as a radiant circuit, that governs the
fight or flight response. Triple warmer also governs your adrenals (Adrenal fatigue). Your
adrenals can get spent, when nothing functions in your body and you get sick. Triple
warmer probably is the oldest energy on earth, because its survival its the energy
that governs our survival.
Triple warmer handles the stress and takes the energy from your whole body except
from the heart. The heart is protected, but every other organ in your body is not
protected, because the triple warmer has the mandate to be able to take energy from
wherever it needs to handle the stress which usually means in the ancient times to give
you the power and strength to fight off the danger.
When you are stressed you lose blood in your front brain, which goes into your body for
that fight or flight response white face=run away // red face=fight
The problem is that triple warmer also governs when you get a bacteria, virus
It governs your thyroid as well.
Triple warmer governs habits and addictions, but the opposite is a radiant circuit named
spleen meridian (Energy Medicine Triple warmer and the radiant circuits)

Lymph Cleanse

The lymphatic system and blood is involved collecting, transporting, and removing toxic
materials from the body specifically the connective tissues. The lymphatic system contains
lymph nodes where the toxins are delivered for the immune system to use and destroy invading
organisms and chemicals. If the lymphatic system and blood is not cleansed properly, the
immune system can be impaired, which leaves the body open to attach from invading organisms.

Lymph nodes are filled with a clear liquid called lymph. This fluid is comprised of proteins,
waste, and other nutrients to feed cells and remove waste. This fluid surrounds every cell in the
body and travels in the lymphatic vessels and or blood vessels and is vital for elimination of
waste material. Lucky for us there are herbs that can be used to help cleanse both the lymphatic
and blood system.

Red clover has been used for years as a lymphatic and blood cleanser. Traditionally, red clover
has been used as a liver, nerve, and lung detox as well. Many herbalists recommend red clover
when doing a whole body cleanse. Cleansing the blood is important because the blood transports
oxygen and nutrients to the vital organs and tissue of the body.

Red Root has also been traditionally used as a cleansing herb by herbalists. This herb can
stimulate lymph function and aid in the transport of waste material from the lymph to the liver.
Red root has also shown to boost the liver and its vital functions.

Echinacea is another herb research has discovered to be an effective lymphatic and blood
purifier. Echinacea extracts can boost the production of interferon and has interferon properties
which help fight vital infections. Echinacea is also known to equalize white blood cell count and
boost the activity of leukocytes (white blood cells) helping the body fight and destroy toxic
invaders in the body. It has shown to boost red blood cell count which helps the body detox and
it has antiseptic properties which help cleanse and reduce pain in the body from injury.

Yellow dock is considered a blood purifier by herbalists. Yellow dock can also aid in boosting
skin health and can be useful with leprosy, psoriasis, and cancer of the skin. Yellow dock is
recommended by herbalists if a person is experiencing anemia, liver problems, skin problems,
toxemia, infections, lymph congestion, ulcers, or have wounds that need healing. Some say
yellow dock is the best blood builder in the herbal kingdom.

When we think of circulation, we commonly think of our blood, the veins

and arteries that carry it and the heart that beats to move it about our
bodies. There is another circulatory system that exists in our bodies that
is often forgotten.

It is called the lymphatic system and it has it's own fluid called lymph
fluid, and it's own vesselscalled lymphatic vessels and it's own pumping

Whereas the blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells, the lymph is responsible for
removing waste products and dealing with infections.
If your body were a small city, then the lymph would be the garbage men, the sewer system and
the police force all in one.

When the lymphatic system is working well, wastes are removed from the cells and infections are
dealt with quickly and efficiently, often without you ever knowing that you were even exposed to
an infection.

When the lymphatic system is not working well, wastes build up, toxins accumulate and infections
become chronic. Fatigue, depression and ill health are the result!

How The Lymphatic System Removes Wastes

Let's look first at how the lymphatic system removes wastes:

As we said, Lymph fluid bathes all the cells of the body.

Think of it as a slow moving river washing away the waste products of

the cells.

After cleansing the tissue, the lymph fluid is transported through a

series of tubes called lymphatic vessels and through specialized glands
glands called lymph nodes and other lymph organs before it finally
rejoins the rest of the blood in the chest.

While you cannot see a lymph vessel like you can see the blue veins on
the insides of your arms or feel the flow of lymphatic fluid like you can
feel the blood move through the arteries of your wrists, they are there.

This means that we have nearly 3 times as much lymph fluid in our
body as blood.

We all have an estimated 100,000 lymph nodes and approximately 45

pints of lymph fluid in our body as blood.

Let's first look at the lymph nodes. They are found throughout the body,
with clusters of them in the Groin, Neck and Armpits.
Inside the lymph nodes special white blood vessels called lymphocytes
that produce antibodies. Antibodies are molecules that are attached to
infectious microorganism and foreign debris.

Tonsils & Bacteria

These antibodies are signals to the rest of the white blood cells in the immune system that whatever
they are attached to must be destroyed and removed from the body. These antibodies are critical to
our Immune System.

Without them, our Immune System is blind and does not know what to attack.

While most of the 100,000 lymph nodes in the body are general nodes, there are a few that have
special functions.

The first special lymph nodes we talk about are the Tonsils. When you get a sore throat, and you feel
swollen glands in your neck, these are your Tonsils.

Tonsils are lymph nodes and you are born with three pairs of them. As late as the 1970's 1/3rd of all
operations performed in the USA under General Anesthesia were for the removal of Tonsils. It is now
recognized that rather than cut out swollen lymph nodes.

It is better to improve one's health so that they do not swell up in the first place.

Swollen Tonsils are simply tonsils that are working overtime trying to produce antibodies and clean the
throat. Tonsils keep the throat healthy and balance the Immune System. This is an important and
difficult job.

The Spleen & Lymphatic System

The spleen is another specialized lymph node and one of it's jobs
is to filter the blood of foreign substances and the 500 billion worn
out blood cells that die every hour. The spleen also stores red
blood cells and releases blood to the body in case of extreme
blood loss.

Many people believe that it is the Liver that filters the blood.
Rather than filter the blood,
the Liver instead creates substances that combine with toxins that
helps them get removed from the body.

The word "filter" is more appropriately given to the Spleen than to

the Liver.

Thymus, Appendix and Lymph System

The Thymus gland is another organ of the lymph system and it is located behind your breastbone in
the center of your chest. The Thymus is where T Cells come from and as such, play a very important
role in immunity. Unfortunately, the Thymus typically shrinks to a fraction of its size by adulthood.

The Appendix is another part of the lymph system. There are on average 500.000 Appendixes
surgically cut out of Americans every years. For a long time we thought that the Appendix
was a useless organ left over from evolution that served no purpose.

We now know that to be incorrect.

It turns out that the Appendix is a reserve for good colonic flora. In the event of an infection,
or in modern times antibiotics, destroy the good bacteria in the colon, all is not lost.

The good bacteria held in the appendix can come out and repopulate the colon.

In the same way that the tonsils keep the throat healthy, the appendix keeps the colon healthy.
Unlike the tonsils, when the appendix needs to be removed, it is a life-threatening event and
surgery must be quickly performed, but one must still ask, what can we do to keep the
appendix healthier so that it might not require surgery in the first place? Maybe --- More fiber in the

Now that we know what the lymph system does, the question remains, how does the lymph fluid
move through the body? The circulatory system has the heart to push the blood along.

The Lymphatic system relies almost entirely on the movement of our muscles to get from place
to place. While the lymph does get a little boost from the back pressure of the blood supply
and the movement of the diaphragm as we breathe, without exercise, the lymphatic decreases by

Working Exercise & Lymphatic System

For thousands of years, humans had to exercise. Before cars,

we had to walk.
Before gas stoves, we had to chop wood. Before plumbing, we had
to carry water.
Before grocery stores we had to grow crops.

Even if we were not in a physically demanding job like being a

farmer or a mason or a carpenter,
just day to day living made you move about.

Nowadays, many people spend more than half their lives without
getting any exercise at all.

We already spend 8 hours a day sleeping in a bed. If you work

from a desk, add another 8 hours of inactivity.

Add to that our daily commute and it becomes apparent, the

average American now spends a vast majority of his or her time in
a state of physical inactivity.

While being relieved of the backbreaking manual labor that made

up much of pre-industrial existence has certainly been a blessing in
many ways, it has also had a negative effect on our bodies.

We are meant to move, and without movement, the fluids of our

bodies become stagnant,and specifically our lymph fluids.

Exercise, Children and Lymplex

This is one of the many reasons that exercise is important for our health. When you see small
children locking their legs in a chair, this is because they instinctively want to move their
lymph.Unfortunately, this behavior is not encouraged in most schools.

If you have a sedentary desk job, get up every few minutes and move about. It is good for you!
Try to get at least 5 minutes of movement every hour of your waking day.

There is another way in which we can support our lymphatic system and that is with bitter foods.

If you taste nearly any medical herb, you will notice that it is bitter. Bitter flavors stimulate the
Immune System in the same way sweet flavors suppress it.

Fruits and vegetables 5,000 years ago were more bitter and less sweet than they are today. An
example of this is a crabapple. Thousands of years ago, all apples tasted like crabapples. You
never had one? They are small, bitter apples that you'd rather spit out than swallow.

Over thousands of years, farmers picked the biggest and sweetest crab apples to grow and in
thismanner bred what are now known as the modern apple. While these sweet apples taste good,
They have been stripped of their medicinal lymphatic stimulating qualities and their excessive
sweetness encourages infections by increasing our blood sugar levels as well as directly
suppressing our Immune Systems.

For all these reasons, we have developed LYMPLEX.

LYMPLEX contains 10 herbs specifically chosen for their lymphatic cleansing and for their
rejuvenating properties. They include Echinacea, Ginger, Astragalus, Cleavers, Calendula, Red
Root, Lobelia, Mullein and Burdock.

You can take Lymplex anytime you are feeling sluggish, have an infection or if are doing a general

When you take Lymplex you may notice physical sensations in the lymph nodes around your
These are signs that the sluggish nodes are getting a good cleanse. It is also possible for a
person to feel tired or a "little under the weather" the first time they take Lymplex.

This is natural and is to be expected as years of accumulated debris is now being flushed out of
the body.

Lymplex is 3 caps per serving. Total 90 veg caps per bottle = 30 servings.
Proprietary Blend = 690 mg"
ingredients: Ginger, Echinacea Augustiflolia, Echinacea Purpura, Astragalus, Cleavers,
Calandula, Red Root, Lobelia, Mullein, Burdock Other Ingredients: Silicon Dioxide.

The first step in cleansing the lymphatic system is to cleanse the colon so that the excess mucoid
material backed up in the lymphatic system can be drained up.
The second step in cleansing the lymphatic system is to practice skin brushing. This is a highly
effective technique for stimulating the expulsion of fresh mucoid material, hardened particulate
or impacted mucoid matter, and other obstructions of the lymphatic system and for correcting
inflammations of the lymph nodes. Like the colon, the lymphatic system can contain stagnant
accumulations of old waste matter.

If the skin becomes inactive with its pores chocked with millions of dead cells, then impurities
will remain in the body. The other eliminative organs, mainly the kidneys and liver, will have to
increase their labour and will eventually become overworked

If toxins and wastes begin to build up in the tissues because the kidneys and the liver cannot cope
with their job, then sooner or later disease will follow. Such is the responsibility to keep a
healthy and well functioning skin.

We do need to wash, perhaps even more than we realised. But does that ritual with the soap and
water actually do the job? Of course its still fun to jump into the tub, but once you start to skin
brush, you wont need to use all that harmful soap. Skin brushing itself, will make a lot of
difference to the quality of your skin.

The skin-brushing itself dry of course, not in the bath will change the health of your whole
body. Circulation, skin softness and quality, skin infections and irritations, whole body freshness,
your level of stimulation, the prevention of colds, and you personal rejuvenation are all areas of
improvement you can look for, when you make it to a regular habit.

To brush the skin: Start at the soles of the feet and work your way up your legs, your front and
your back, brushing as vigorously as you feel able. Then do your hands and up your arms. Focus
the brush strokes, when doing your chest and upper back, towards your heart. Dont do your
face, but give the back of your neck and your scalp a good go. For hygiene reasons you need a
separate brush for each member of the family, and of course, you need to wash the brush itself
every couple of weeks

Lymphatic cleansing is essential for good health, because the human lymphatic system plays a
key role in the wellbeing of the body. It forms a core part of the bodys immune system, and is
also responsible for bringing nutrients to as well as wastes away from cells.

Diet and Nutrition

Food that we consume can sometimes help in the smooth flow and functioning of the lymph or
hamper the flow of lymph in the human body. In order to cleanse the lymph system, one should
avoid food that contain chemicals, artificial flavoring agents, artificial colors, preservatives, and
stabilizing agents; these are found in processed food to increase shelf life. The more one
consumes food that is not fresh, the more one will congest or block the lymphatic fluid from
flowing freely in the human lymphatic system.

It is also advisable to stay away from food that is not easy to digest, and this includes food
containing too much fat, animal protein, sugars and carbohydrates. Food that is sweet to taste and
is white, food produced using white flour, such as white bread, white pasta, and white rice
consume a lot of energy to digest, energy which could have helped clean up the lymphatic
system. These food items also wreak havoc with ones blood sugar levels.

As you can see, lymphatic cleansing is not just about what we can do, but also about what we
should not do, or, in this case, what we should not eat.

In addition to the above, one must try and drink up to 2 liters of water everyday. If possible, one
could drink warm water, for this can help dissolve certain stubborn waste products accumulated
across various body parts. Indeed, drinking a lot of water is probably the most basic form of
bodily and lymphatic detox.

Besides ones diet and nutrition, there are several other lymphatic cleansing and detoxification


This is the best form of detoxification as far as the lymphatic system is concerned. The lymphatic
system is responsible for fighting infections and it is important to keep the lymphatic system
healthy at all times. Exercise helps keep the movement of lymphatic fluid at its maximum and
ensures a lot of toxins are flushed out by sweating. Exercise also improves blood circulation,
strengthens the heart and oxygenates cells. Exercise is indeed the best and most natural form of
lymphatic cleansing.

Astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot, wild indigo root, burdock, and red clover are
excellent herbs that will help cleanse the lymphatic system and flush out toxins accumulated in
the lymph. All herbal products should be taken in conjunction with an organic food diet or food
which is free of any and all chemical products and substances. Another important point to note is
to continue to exercise while using such lymphatic detox herbs, in order to reap the maximum

Skin Brushing

This is another natural lymphatic cleansing and detoxification method which helps clean the
lymph system. The lymph system contains a number of minute vessels that have one-way valves
(upwards) which help release the waste products from various tissues. These waste products are
then released from the lymphatic system into the bloodstream.

Skin brushing will help move the various waste products efficiently and speedily upwards along
the lymphatic system and into the blood stream, thereby cleansing the lymphatic system quickly.
All you require is a regular soft bristle brush with a longish handle which will help you reach
various parts of your body without straining yourself too much. It is best to do skin brushing
after youve had your bath with longish strokes, moving upwards towards your heart region.

Lymphatic Cleansing & Stimulation

Lymphatic congestion is a big problem with most cancer patients. Undigested food, infectious
material, dead cells, and other debris have to be carried off by the lymphatic system. Thickened
and sluggish lymph results in swelling and discomfort.

Very few people understand the humble working of the lymphatic system. Many patients
suffered from congestion or conditions such as mastitis before developing cancer. Dietary
improvement and lymphatic stimulation combined with herbs that aid lymphatic purification
enable the lymph to carry off debris.

As a general rule, there will be only minimal improvement in places such as the axilla or groin
until the abdominal region is freed of stagnation.

Lymph Nodes

Fresh blood travels through the arteries to all parts of the bodyincluding your breasts
bringing oxygen and other nutrients. Used blood leaves the breasts through the veins and is
pumped back to the heart and lungs to be refreshed. Then the cycle starts over again.
Lymph node areas adjacent to breast area

A pectoralis major muscle

B axillary lymph nodes: levels I
C axillary lymph nodes: levels II
D axillary lymph nodes: levels III
E supraclavicular lymph nodes
F internal mammary lymph nodes

Clear fluid called lymph also arrives via the arteries, but it leaves the blood to circulate through
your tissues to cleanse the tissues and keep them firm. Lymph must also be refreshed and
recycled. It drains back into the bodys central drainage system through the lymphatic channels,
like pipes.

The arteries are like a two-lane highway bringing nutrients, oxygen and fluid to the breast. The
vein is a one-lane highway taking away the used blood, and the lymphatic channels are the other
one-lane highway draining away the lymph fluid. Two lanes in together, but two separate lanes
out. Marisa Weiss, M.D.

Cancer and the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is critical to the bodys surveillance against cancer. The lymphatic system
is one of the most common avenues for the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. Science
and medicine will immeasurably add to our ability to conquer cancer when we learn more about
how cancer cells influence the development of new lymphatic vessels and pathways, establishing
the route for these cells to spread to other parts of the body. This process known as
lymphangiogenesis is an emerging focus within the scientific cancer research community.

Infection/HIV and the Lymphatic System

HIV and AIDS are directly connected to the lymphatic system. The ability to effectively control
HIV requires increased knowledge of the lymphatics. Continued research will lead to an
understanding of how infectious organisms invade the lymphatic system and overcome its
normal protective role. Greater understanding of the pathways and physiology of the lymphatics,
will also increase our ability to deliver antibiotic and anti-viral medication to infected tissues and

Inflammation, Auto-immunity and the Lymphatic System

Inflammatory and auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus
erythematosis (SLE), scleroderma, Wegeners granulomatosis, and others are impacted by the
lymphatic system. All of these diseases are believed to be connected to an inflammatory process
initiated by the bodys immune response. The lymphatic system governs the bodys immune
system that normally makes the proteins, called antibodies, to protect the body against viruses,
bacteria, and other foreign materials.

These foreign materials are called antigens. In an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, or arthritis
the immune system looses its ability to tell the difference between foreign substances (antigens)
and its own cells and tissues. The immune system then makes antibodies directed against self.
These antibodies, called auto-antibodies, react with the self antigens to form immune
complexes. The immune complexes build up in the tissues and can cause inflammation, injury to
tissues, and pain. A better understanding of how the system works will greatly increase the
possibility of discovering treatments and cures for these diseases as well.

Digestion, Pulmonary Function and the Lymphatic System

Lymphatic insufficiency of the internal organs is a particularly common problem among children
who are born with inherited or developmental disorders of the lymphatics. Impairment of
lymphatic development in the intestines, for example, leads to malabsorption, ascites (collections
of fat-laden lymph within the abdominal cavity), underdevelopment from malnutrion, immune
malfunction, and premature death.

Disturbed development of lymphatic channels can also exist elsewhere in the body causing
serious bodily malfunction, as is the case with pulmonary lymphangiectasia, cystic hygromas and
lymphangiomas. Impaired vision, swallowing and breathing difficulties are often complications
resulting from these disorders.
Scientific investigation of the lymphatic system will provide preventive and therapeutic benefits
for hundreds of millions of people. The Lymphatic Research Foundation fosters and supports
research to discover the links between lymphatic function, diseases, and levels of wellness.

As blood moves through the arteries and veins, 10% of the fluid filtered by the capillaries, along
with vital proteins, becomes trapped in the tissues of the body. This loss of this fluid
(approximately 1-2 liters/day) would rapidly become life threatening if the lymphatic system did
not properly function. The lymphatic system collects this fluid and returns it to the circulatory

Immunity and Spread of Infection

The lymphatic system plays an integral role in the immune functions of the body. It is the first
line of defense against disease. This network of vessels and nodes transports and filters lymph
fluid containing antibodies and lymphocytes (good) and bacteria (bad). The bodys first contact
with these invaders signals the lymphatics, calling upon this system to orchestrate the way the
infection-fighting cells prevent illness and diseases from invading microorganisms.
Lymph vessels in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract absorb fats from food. A malfunction of
this part of the lymphatic system can result in serious malnutrition. The lymphatic system also
impacts diseases such as excessive obesity caused by abnormal fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

The biology of the lymphatic system is positioned at a unique locus where the working of the
immune system, its pivotal role in defending against cancer and infectious diseases, and its
potential role in the treatment of autoimmunity uniquely align themselves. Many diseases will
benefit from the advancement of lymphatic research.

- Robert Burns, PhD, Director, Office of Technology Licensing

Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research

The well-being of every individual depends on the health of the lymphatic system. Just imagine
what that can mean in fighting a broad array of diseases. With more awareness from the medical
and scientific communities and individuals like you, we can help conquer lymphedema and
related lymphatic disorders, cancer, AIDS, and other illnesses. There are millions of people
worldwide who currently suffer with a disorder or disease of the lymphatic system.

There are also millions of others who are at risk for lymphatic malfunction such as individuals
who have had surgery, injury, infection, or some other insult to their lymphatics. This list does
not even include the hundreds of millions suffering from other diseases that would benefit from
advances in lymphatic research and insight.

The transformation of primitive or immature lymphocytes into T-lymphocytes and their

proliferation in the lymph nodes is promoted by a thymic hormone called thymosin. Ocassionally
the thymus persists and may become cancerous after puberty and and the continued secretion of
thymosin and the production of abnormal T-cells may contribute to some autoimmune disorders.

Conversely, lack of thymosin may also allow inadequate immunologic surveillance and thymosin
has been used experimentally to stimulate T-lymphocyte proliferation to fight lymphoma and
other cancers.

4. The spleen: The spleen filters the blood and reacts immunologically to blood-borne antigens.
This is both a morphologic (physical) and physiologic process. In addition to large numbers of
lymphocytes the spleen contains specialized vascular spaces, a meshwork of reticular cells and
fibers, and a rich supply of macrophages which monitor the blood. Connective tissue forms a
capsule and trabeculae which contain myofibroblasts, which are contractile.
The human spleen holds relatively little blood compared to other mammals, but it has the
capacity for contraction to release this blood into the circulation during anoxic stress. White pulp
in the spleen contains lymphocytes and is equivalent to other lymph tissue, while red pulp
contains large numbers of red blood cells that it filters and degrades.

The spleen functions in both immune and hematopoietic systems. Immune functions include:
proliferation of lymphocytes, production of antibodies, removal of antigens from the blood.
Hematopoietic functions include: formation of blood cells during fetal life, removal and
destruction of aged, damaged and abnormal red cells and platelets, retrieval of iron from
hemoglobin degradation, storage of red blood cells.

Lymphokinetic motion (flow of the lymph) due to:

1) Lymph flows down the pressure gradient.

2) Muscular and respiratory pumps push lymph forward due to function of the semilunar valves.

Other lymphoid tissue:

1. Lymph nodes: Lymph nodes are small encapsulated organs located along the pathway of
lymphatic vessels. They vary from about 1 mm to 1 to 2 cm in diameter and are widely
distributed throughout the body, with large concentrations occurring in the areas of convergence
of lymph vessels. They serve as filters through which lymph percolates on its way to the blood.
Antigen-activated lymphocytes differentiate and proliferate by cloning in the lymph nodes.

2. Diffuse Lymphatic Tissue and Lymphatic nodules: The alimentary canal, respiratory passages,
and genitourinary tract are guarded by accumulations of lymphatic tissue that are not enclosed by
a capsule (i.e. they are diffuse) and are found in connective tissue beneath the epithelial mucosa.
These cells intercept foreign antigens and then travel to lymph nodes to undergo differentiation
and proliferation.

Local concentrations of lymphocytes in these systems and other areas are called lymphatic
nodules. In general these are single and random but are more concentrated in the GI tract in the
ileum, appendix, cecum, and tonsils. These are collectively called the Gut Associated Lymphatic
Tissue (GALT). MALT (Mucosa Associated Lymphatic Tissue) includes these plus the diffuse
lymph tissue in the respiratory tract.

3. The thymus: The thymus is where immature lymphocytes differentiate into T-lymphocytes.
The thymus is fully formed and functional at birth. Characteristic features of thymic structure
persist until about puberty, when lymphocyte processing and proliferation are dramatically
reduced and eventually eliminated and the thymic tissue is largely replaced by adipose tissue.

The lymphocytes released by the thymus are carried to lymph nodes, spleen, and other lymphatic
tissue where they form colonies. These colonies form the basis of T-lymphocyte proliferation in
the specific immune response. T-lymphocytes survive for long periods and recirculate through
lymphatic tissues.

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