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The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol. -, No. -, pp.

15, 2016
2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0736-4679/$ - see front matter

Communications: Pediatric



Matthew D. Thornton, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York
Reprint Address: Matthew D. Thornton, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 550 East Genesee Street,
Suite 103, Syracuse, NY 13202

, AbstractBackground: Thyrotoxic hypokalemic paral- potential harmful testing in the emergency department
ysis is the hallmark of thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP). setting. 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
TPP is a potentially deadly complication of hyperthyroidism
that occurs because of rapid and dramatic intracellular shift , Keywordsthyrotoxic hypokalemic paralysis; thyro-
of potassium. This transference results in severe hypokale- toxic periodic paralysis; hypokalemia; hyperthyroidism;
mia and clinically manifests itself as muscle weakness or pa- Graves disease; paralysis; weakness
ralysis. This condition predominantly affects males of Asian
descent, and its presentation can range from mild to severe, INTRODUCTION
as seen in our case. Case Report: We present the case of a
15-year-old Asian-American male who presented to a
Thyrotoxic hypokalemic paralysis is the hallmark of thy-
tertiary-care pediatric emergency department complaining
of generalized weakness and flaccid paralysis of his lower ex- rotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP). TPP is a potentially
tremities. The differential for such a complaint is extremely deadly complication of hyperthyroidism that occurs
broad, and the symptoms can result from etiologies arising because of rapid and dramatic intracellular shift of potas-
from the cerebral cortex, the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, sium. This transference results in severe hypokalemia and
the neuromuscular junction, or even the muscles themselves. clinically manifests itself as muscle weakness or paraly-
Our patient was found to have an extremely low serum po- sis. This condition predominantly affects males of Asian
tassium concentration, as well as an electrocardiogram descent, and its presentation can range from mild to se-
that revealed a prolonged QT interval and right bundle vere. We present the case of a teenager who presented
branch block. The etiology of these abnormalities and the with acute-onset flaccid paralysis of his lower extremities
patients symptoms was found to be undiagnosed and uncon-
that was the result of TTP from previously undiagnosed
trolled hyperthyroidism from Graves disease, which re-
Graves disease and severe hypokalemia.
sulted in this dramatic presentation of thyrotoxic
hypokalemic paralysis. Why Should an Emergency Physi-
cian Be Aware of This?: This entity is common in Asia but CASE REPORT
still somewhat rare in the United States and other Western
countries. Our case illustrates that careful history taking A 15-year-old Chinese-American boy presented to a
and a focused diagnostic evaluation, in conjunction with tertiary-care pediatric emergency department (PED) with
having an awareness of this disease, can help expedite diag- complaint of weakness, more pronounced in the lower ex-
nosis and management, as well as avoid unnecessary and tremities than the upper extremities. The patient stated that

RECEIVED: 28 October 2016;

ACCEPTED: 1 November 2016

2 M. D. Thornton

he started having minor muscle aches and weakness 0.6 mg/L (0.13.0 mg/L). Creatine kinase was 172 U/L
approximately 2 weeks before presentation. On the day (24 195 U/L), and creatine kinase MB was 2.7 ng/mL
of presentation, the patient stated that his joints felt (<5 ng/mL). Urine and serum toxicology screens were
sore at 1 AM. Upon waking in the late morning, he was un- negative. Results of negative inspiratory force testing per-
able to move his legs, and had to ask his father to reposition formed in the PED were normal.
his legs in bed. Due to this drastic change from the pa- Serum chemistries showed sodium of 139 mmol/L,
tients baseline, he was brought to the PED. potassium of 1.7 mmol/L (3.55.0 mmol/L), chloride of
On review of systems, the patient complained of weak- 104 mmol/L, bicarbonate of 23.0 mmol/L, blood urea ni-
ness and fatigue, and stated that he was having intermit- trogen of 12 mg/dL, creatinine of 0.7 mg/dL, and a
tent difficulty breathing. He also endorsed nausea and glucose of 118 mg/dL (70 100 mg/dL). Calcium was
mild abdominal pain, which he attributed to not eating. 9.4 mg/dL (8.810.2 mg/dL), magnesium was 1.6 mg/
He denied any recent travel, vomiting, diarrhea, fevers, dL (1.72.6 mg/dL), and phosphorus was 1.5 mg/dL
chills, weight or appetite changes, cough, headaches, (3.14.7 mg/dL). Liver enzymes were normal, other
vision changes, palpitations, or rashes. than an alanine aminotransferase of 66 U/L (0 34 U/
The patient had a history of asthma, which was well L). An electrocardiogram was performed due to the se-
controlled and for which he used only albuterol as needed. vere hypokalemia and it revealed a rate of 84 beats/min
After detailed probing for previous neurologic issues, the with prolonged QT interval and right bundle branch
patient stated that he had a resting tremor, which he block, but no T wave changes.
described as mild, longstanding, and unchanged. Careful questioning about the patients family history
The patients social history revealed that he lives at revealed thyroid issues. His mother had radioablation
home with his mother and father. He attends a technical of a thyroid nodule, although she was uncertain why it
high school. He has never been sexually active. He does was ablated. His father stated that he believes he had hy-
not smoke cigarettes or marijuana. He does admit to perthyroidism, but that he is not currently on any medica-
drinking approximately one beer per week and states tions and did not have any ablation or other procedures.
that he used Ritalin recreationally approximately He did report one episode similar to his sons presenta-
1 week before presentation. He denied other drug use. tion, for which he received potassium supplementation.
On physical examination the patient was unable to Given the patients hypokalemia, strong family history
ambulate on his own. He was brought by wheelchair to of hyperthyroidism, and Chinese nationality, we had a
the treatment room and helped onto the stretcher. He high suspicion for thyrotoxic hypokalemic paralysis.
was awake and alert, in no apparent distress. Vital signs Thyroid studies confirmed our suspicion, revealing a
revealed a temperature of 36.9 C, pulse of 96 beats/ thyroid stimulating hormone level of 0.008 uIU/mL
min, respiratory rate of 22 breaths/min, blood pressure (normal range 0.34.3 uIU/mL), total thyroxine level of
of 130/60 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation 100% on 12.6 mg/dL (normal range 5.010.6 mg/dL), free
room air. His head, eyes, ears, throat, and neck examina- thyroxine level of 2.8 ng/dL (normal range 1.02.2 ng/
tions were normal, with no obvious facial asymmetry or dL), thyroxine binding capacity of 20.7 mg/dL (normal
neck masses. His heart and lung examinations were unre- range 19.028.0 mg/dL), and total triiodothyronine level
markable. The patients neurologic examination revealed of 240 ng/dL (normal range 79 149 ng/dL).
normal cranial nerve function. Strength in the upper ex- For his severe hypokalemia, the patient was given 40
tremities was 4/5 bilaterally, and he had normal biceps mEq potassium chloride (KCl) orally, and was started
and brachioradialis reflexes. Upper-extremity sensation on maintenance i.v. fluids with 20 mEq/L KCl. He was
was intact. Examination of his lower extremities showed admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit for electrolyte
that he was able to wiggle his toes and could move his feet repletion and careful cardiac monitoring. Repeated nega-
against gravity. Strength was 0/5 in both legs, and he was tive inspiratory force testing was normal. Three hours af-
unable to move either leg. He refused to attempt to bear ter oral KCl, the patients potassium level was found to be
weight. He had 1+ ankle reflexes but absent patellar re- 1.5 mmol/L, so he was given an i.v. run of 20 mEq KCl. A
flexes. He had normal sensation to pain and light touch, repeat potassium level 2 h later was 2.5 mmol/L, so he
as well as normal proprioception. His back was not tender received a second 20 mEq KCl. Follow-up levels 2 and
to palpation. 6 h later revealed serum potassium of 4.3 and
Complete blood count showed white blood cell count 4.8 mmol/L, respectively. Physical examination returned
8.9  1,000/mL (76% neutrophils, 17% lymphocytes, 4% to baseline, with normal lower-extremity strength and re-
monocytes, 2% eosinophils), hemoglobin 15.4 g/dL flexes by the time his serum potassium was 4.3 mmol/L.
(11.214.8 g/dL), hematocrit 45.3% (34%43.9%), plate- The maintenance fluids with KCl were discontinued at
lets 315  1,000/mL. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate that point and the patient was transitioned to a
was 9 mm/h (0 20 mm/h) and C-reactive protein was high-potassium diet.
Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis 3

During the patients hospital admission, the pediatric ished or absent reflexes are frequently associated with
endocrine team diagnosed him with Graves disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome. Unless the disease process is
and confirmed the diagnosis of thyrotoxic hypokalemic severe, reflexes are generally preserved in muscle dis-
paralysis. He was started on methimazole and atenolol ease. Neuromuscular junction disorders do not follow a
for treatment of his underlying thyroid condition and clear pattern. In myasthenia gravis, reflexes are generally
symptomatology, and was discharged home the next normal, although they might be diminished (5). In
day with subsequent subspecialty follow-up. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, reflexes are
reduced or absent (5). Peripheral neuropathy, the causes
DISCUSSION of which were discussed here, is currently the most com-
mon cause of absent reflexes (5).
Before eliciting the history of familial thyroid issues, our Our patient also exhibited concerning electrocardio-
patient had five main concerning problems: hypokalemia, gram changes of QT prolongation and right bundle branch
flaccid paralysis, lower-extremity areflexia, prolonged block. Long QT syndrome can be either genetic or ac-
QT interval, and right bundle branch block. This makes quired. Genetic causes of long QT include Jervell and
for a broad differential diagnosis. Lange-Nielsen syndrome and Romano-Ward syndrome.
Hypokalemia can result from myriad different causes. It can also be idiopathic (6). Acquired long QT usually re-
In general terms, hypokalemia can result from decreased sults from medications, hypokalemia, or hypomagnese-
potassium intake, increased potassium influx into cells, mia (6). The most common causes of right bundle
dialysis, plasmaphoresis, or increased losses of potassium branch block include myocarditis, hypertension, pulmo-
from the gastrointestinal tract (upper or lower), urinary nary embolus, myocardial infarction, scar tissue from
system, or sweat (1). heart surgery, or a congenital heart abnormality, such as
Flaccid paralysis can be a frightening and striking pre- an atrial septal defect (7). In addition, right bundle branch
sentation, and can result from injury or insult to many block can rarely occur in an otherwise normal heart (7).
different anatomical sites. Acute paralysis can stem There was clearly a very broad differential diagnosis
from the cerebral cortex as a result of intracranial hemor- for our patients symptoms, but one entity can be a
rhage, stroke, brain tumor, seizure, hemiplegic migraine, possible cause of each of these complaintshypokale-
or alternating hemiplegia of childhood (2). Lower- mia. Without knowledge of thyrotoxic hypokalemic pa-
extremity paralysis can result from pathology at the level ralysis, a very extensive, costly, and potentially invasive
of the spinal cord as well. This would include trauma, tu- work-up could have ensued. The multiple organ systems
mor, transverse myelitis, paraspinal infection or inflam- affected by the patients underlying condition illustrate
mation, or poliomyelitis (2). In children, flaccid the importance of not only correcting the potentially
paralysis that originates at the level of the peripheral causative electrolyte disturbance, but also determining
nerves can result from many different causes. Infections why a previously healthy teenager could become so
such as Lyme disease, Chagas disease, and rabies can acutely hypokalemic and symptomatic.
cause peripheral neuropathy (3). Inflammatory condi- Thyrotoxic hypokalemic paralysis is the hallmark of
tions, particularly Guillain-Barre syndrome, and rheuma- thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP). TPP is a potentially
tologic conditions, including inflammatory bowel deadly complication of hyperthyroidism that occurs
disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and systemic lupus because of rapid and dramatic intracellular shift of potas-
erythematosus, among others, can result in peripheral sium. This transference results in severe hypokalemia and
neuropathy as well (3). Other disorders that can result clinically manifests itself as muscle weakness or paraly-
in this condition include diabetes mellitus, hypothyroid- sis. This condition predominantly affects males of Asian
ism, celiac disease, malignancy, deficiency or excess of descent, including Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Fili-
many different vitamins, and heavy metal toxicity (3). pino, and Korean (8). Despite a much higher incidence
At the level of the neuromuscular junction, botulism, of thyrotoxicosis in women, > 95% of TPP cases occur
myasthenia gravis, snake envenomation, or tick paralysis in men (9). In thyrotoxic Chinese patients, it was found
could lead to flaccid paralysis (2). Familial or hypokale- that TPP occurred in approximately 13% of males and
mic periodic paralysis could result in paralysis, as could only 0.17% of females (10). TPP has been seen in non-
electrolyte disturbances of hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, Asian races as well, including Caucasians, Hispanics, Af-
and hypermagnesemia (4). Lastly, it is important to rican Americans, and Native Americans. Although males
remember that psychiatric conditions, such as conversion with TPP generally range from 20 to 40 years of age, it
or factitious disorder, can result in flaccid paralysis (2). has also been reported in adolescents, as was seen in
Another important clinical feature seen in our patient our case (11).
was areflexia. Loss of reflexes suggests a neuropathic TPP only occurs in the presence of hyperthyroidism,
lesion, which can affect sensory or motor fibers. Dimin- and once the patient has normal thyroid levels they, by
4 M. D. Thornton

definition, cannot get TPP (8). In many patients, clinical Electrocardiogram changes consistent with hypokale-
features of hyperthyroidism can precede the onset of TPP mia are seen commonly in TPP. These include ST
by months or years. This might have been the case with depression, sinus tachycardia, U waves, abnormal PR
our patients longstanding, unchanged resting tremor. intervals, a pseudo-prolonged QT interval (which is
Patients with TPP present with muscle complaints that actually a QU interval with an absent T wave), and
can range from aches to mild weakness to complete first-degree heart block (18). Other severe dysrhythmias,
flaccid paralysis. Our patient had initially complained such as sinus arrest, second-degree heart block, ventric-
of sore joints late at night, but by the morning he had ular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation are rare, but
flaccid paralysis, which may illustrate progression of have been described.
symptoms. Interestingly, a high frequency of TPP attacks Acute treatment of TPP consists of cardiac stabiliza-
occur at night or in the early morning, with more than tion and potassium repletion. There may be a delayed
two-thirds of patients presenting to emergency depart- response of a few hours after potassium administration,
ments between 9 PM and 9 AM (8,12). and an initial drop in serum potassium was seen in
As was seen with our patient, attacks generally affect approximately 25% of patients in one case series (19).
lower limbs first and then progress to girdle muscles and This was seen in our patient, as his level dropped from
upper limbs. Sensory dysfunction is not seen (8). Prox- 1.7 to 1.5 mmol/L in the initial 3 h of treatment. Any-
imal muscles are more affected than distal muscles, where from 40%59% of patients can experience
which might explain why our patient could move his rebound hyperkalemia after treatment (12,19). As a
feet and had 1+ ankle reflexes, but could not move his result, unless there is evidence of cardiac instability, it
legs at all and had absent patellar reflexes (13). Deep is recommended that potassium replacement occur at a
tendon reflexes are diminished or absent in most patients, slow rate, as was done with our patient.
though they may be normal even in the setting of paraly- In patients for whom potassium replacement alone is
sis (14). Bowel and bladder function are never affected insufficient to resolve a TPP attack, both i.v. and oral pro-
(8). Paralysis of respiratory muscles is rare, but respira- pranolol have been shown to be effective in reversing
tory failure in the setting of TPP has been described (15). weakness and hypokalemia (8). Propranolol presumably
The pathogenesis of thyrotoxic hypokalemic paralysis reverses the b-adrenergic stimulation of the sodium-
is not completely understood, but TPP attacks tend to occur potassium ATPase and shifts potassium out of the cells
after stress, high-carbohydrate load, or strenuous physical and into the extracellular space.
activity. Thyroid hormone increases tissue responsiveness Because TPP does not occur with normal thyroid hor-
to b-adrenergic stimulation, which, in conjunction with the mone levels, the definitive treatment is restoration of a
thyroid hormone, increases sodium-potassium ATPase ac- euthyroid state. Potassium supplementation alone is inef-
tivity on the skeletal muscle membrane (16). As a result, fective in preventing TPP attacks. The use of b-blockers,
there is massive shift of potassium from the extracellular however, has been shown to decrease the severity and fre-
compartment into the cells. Additionally, exercise releases quency of attacks and may be used as a temporizing mea-
potassium from skeletal muscle cells, whereas rest pro- sure until a euthyroid state is achieved (8,16,20).
motes influx of potassium, which might explain why
TPP occurs after, but not during, exercise (8). Insulin resis- WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE
tance with compensatory hyperinsulinemia is also sus- AWARE OF THIS?
pected to have a role in TPP (17). Insulin activates the
sodium-potassium ATPase pump and can also act with thy- This case is illustrious of thyrotoxic hypokalemic paral-
roid hormone to drive potassium into cells. This explains ysis from Graves diseasea rare and potentially fatal
why carbohydrate-heavy meals can be a precipitant for complication of a rather common illness. Our patients
TPP attacks. When questioned during hospitalization, the symptomatology shows some of the dangerous compli-
patient and his father did state that the patient had a high cations that can result from hypokalemia, a condition
carbohydrate load the evening before presentation. with which emergency clinicians must be familiar.
Other laboratory findings that are often found in the With increased global population mobility, TPP is
setting of TPP include hypomagnesemia and hypophos- becoming more common in the United States and West-
phatemia, both of which were found in our patient. ern countries. A thorough history, physical examination,
Both of these derangements spontaneously return to and basic laboratory tests can lead to an accurate diag-
normal without supplementation when the patient re- nosis. Being aware of this entity and its potential dan-
covers from the paralytic attack (12). Creatine kinase gers can help manage the condition safely and
levels may be normal, as was seen with our patient, but efficiently, and eliminate the need for invasive proced-
they are elevated in two-thirds of patients, and rhabdo- ures and diagnostic testing in the emergency department
myolysis has been reported (12). setting.
Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis 5

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