1 6 Research Proposal G

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William Hall & Sam Baxter & Chris Haisell

Task 6: Research Proposal

Proposed Research:
The entire purpose of a television ident is to grab the
attention of viewers making them interested and wanting
to stay on the channel. This is done by the use of design
for example BBC One is a formal channel, which is aired in
order to inform, educate and entertain and the use of a
very formal, and clear design helps the target audiences
to identify this channel as formal and informative. Design
it extremely important for idents as it allows channel like
BBC One to directly aim their channel and programs at a
specific audience to draw them in. BBC Ones target
audience is extremely wide as the channel has programs
suitable for everyone, however the main audience is from
the age of 16+. Therefore when having an ident for BBC
One it is important that it is diverse and fitting for all walks
of life. BBC One uses bright bold red in their design, which
suggests formality and the clear understanding the
channel has. BBC One as a channel also uses a constant
theme (Circles), this is important to them as it symbolizes
unity and global airing which the BBC was the first to do.

My partner and I are going to be design an ident for BBC
One. This design will need to be very formal and
understandable whilst maintaining the constant theme of
the channel using circles. It is important that BBC One
maintain their theme as it becomes a identifier for the
viewers, so that they know which channel they are
watching. Therefore we plan to continue this design as it
will allow us keep the same target audience which for the
BBC is relevant as they aired globally and therefore we do
not want to cut out parts of the target audience by

The proposed research will aid in clearing up perspectives
as we might have given so that we can make the perfect
ident for BBC One which can be handed to focus groups to
watch so that we can improve. BBC One as a channel has
an identity for its formality and unbiased views that we
plan to maintain in our ident design. In order to maintain
the channels identity we have decided to keep the basic
theme and colour scheme of the previous idents and logos
by using the red circle and the simple but formal Sans
Serif font styles.
As a team my partner and I will spend a lot of time
researching the channels main target audiences and
possibly visiting the BBC in London to get a deeper insight
to how they work and approach their channel design.
These will allow us to identify what sort of things need to
be apparent in the ident hopefully making it more
successful and professional. We are also planning to speak
to random members of the public (almost like a focus
group) who will be surveyed and possible even
interviewed so that we can gather data/information about
the channels current state, this will allow us to determine
what features of the already exiting design are/arent
effective for the channel, allowing improvements to be
made. By doing this it will enable us as a group to identify
what the audience expects to see from the BBC One
logo/ident as well as how to target them directly.
Research is extremely important because without the
proper data or information design a successful ident would
be more difficult due to the target audience being nearly
impossible to target without information gathered on
them. Instantly by having research gathered you are given
a huge advantage when designing a new ident.

We will be giving surveys out to a large variety of
people within the public in order to make surveys as
practical and varied as possible giving us a wide view of
the public who BBC One is aimed upon.
Some believe Surveys are superior to interviews as they
are less time consuming provide simple answers which is
helpful as we will need to get a wide and huge number of
peoples views so that we can make the perfect design.
Without this research we may make a mistake and cut of
parts of the channels target audience.
Online research such as looking at previous idents and
design for the channel will allow us to select appropriate
fonts and colour schemes making it eye catching to the
target audiences, this can also be known as analyzing
existing idents where we will continue to take notes on
design and purpose which makes us more aware of how
each feature of design effects the purpose
Despite previous comments made about interviews
they have many good opportunities to gather valid
and detailed data/information, therefore will be
using interviews also. As a group we will split up and
select a random few members of the British public and ask
for a minute of their time to interviews and ask a couple of
questions. The reasoning behind this choice of method for
gathering information is that it will allow us to gather both
qualitative and quantitative data/information. Surveys also
allow for detailed and personal answers meaning that the
provided data may be more relevant.

Prepare the proposal by 11/11/2016
Complete fieldwork by 1/12/16
Complete analysis by 8/12/16
Pitch presentation on 15/12/16
Complete final report by 10/1/2017

There will be very little limitations but they may be some
to our research due to things such as copyright and other
Copyright limitations could occur when showing the public
content that belongs to the BBC. Copyright may limit the
detail/content that we can show to the public and will
affect all forms of research that we plan to take part in for
preparation of our work.
Gender and age may also be a limitation when
researching, as we will need to gather research from all
ages and genders so that our research is not biased.
When researching in London we maybe unable to find a
large variety of people and this will heavily affect our
research resulting in our research being limited and
possibly biased.
Our Final limitation may be equipment, as we do not work
for the BBC it could be hard to gather the equipment need
to fulfill our researching plans.

We will overcome these limitations by researching

with a wide variety of people from all ages, genders
and ethnicities to prevent our research from being
biased. We will find these people randomly and they
will not be part of any selection process to ensure

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